
Eerie 'witch bottles' found along Gulf of Mexico, and even researchers are creeped out (

Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies researcher Jace Tunnell has found “witch bottles” – occult talismans meant to trap malevolent spirits – along the coast.

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9 months ago

Anything that can be used as a container can be filled with healthful or unhealthful ingredients.

Let’s say a sealed bottle, as described in the linked video, is considered a suitable container for many things. Some people will create sealed bottles that contain what is called “spirits,” or hard liquor, which, when uncorked, release whatever sensorial elements intended.

Let’s extrapolate that to the “black screen boxes” as “containers” which are filled/encoded with all kinds of messages that can be “bottled” and even “aged” and then disseminated or “disgorged” as with Champagne to produce what the sender believes to be a specially charged message.

Just some interesting thoughts tonight about the wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping creepy career clowns.

They know exactly what they are doing. The challenge is that the vast majority of people don’t know that and they’re so vested in “specially charged messages” that they do not want to know. Knowing would shatter their deeply invested fake lives.

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Trans rights are human rights

9 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy Jam

Interesting @Jimmy Jam, why interject this here? May we see your correlation, please?

9 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy Jam

Trans rights are incel rights. Troons don’t want human rights (they already have them). Troons want the privilege to destroy women’s rights. They can f right off with that. Decent people don’t need to force others to lie so they can live a delusion. If the truth makes you want to unalive yourself, you need serious mental help — not “affirmation” from peeing in the ladies’ room.

9 months ago
Reply to  scars

Insane people don’t know what they want, although they’re always asking for something. They’re just insane

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Great comparison!

9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Can you elaborate? I do not follow.

9 months ago

Shall we ask now: What happens when a spell backfires in witchcraft/black magic? Dark magic involves using negative energies in complex rituals, so it’s a risky path to follow. When someone casts a harmful spell, they can upset the natural balance of things.These backfired spells can might bring physical pain or mysterious illnesses that torment you; bring death to your loved ones. Can also cause mental suffering, filling the nights w/ nightmares and making feel paranoid during the day. ~Anne

9 months ago

Wiccans pollute. What about Gaia? It hurts mother nature. Hypocrisy!

Take a huge bolder, create a bon fire, say a the Lords prayer and smash them on the burning rock and these pigs will go back to where they came from!