
Def Leppard's "Hysteria" (circa 1987)

One eye sign, pyramid and the merging of man and machine.

Not so subtle now.

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9 months ago

Hey That’s a classic album.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago
Reply to  Sherry

Boom tish💪

9 months ago


Take the measure of the triangle in radians. It’s one of the greatest secrets hiding in plain sight.

Matthew 27, the field of the potter and 272.72 miles.

9 months ago
Reply to  rick


Figure out what angle the top is of the isosceles in radians. Then let me know what you find and I can elaborate further.

This can be done by using an online unit circle, or more crudely a protractor, and then multiplying the degrees answer by π/180

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I tried my hand at the calculation and arrived at a 50-degree vertex angle, or approximately 0.873 radians. Now sensing myself descend into a labyrinth of thoughts…what word in Scripture sums to these numbers, how does this connect to all of the importance around 272 you’ve taught us, including physical constants (euler’s number), megalithic yards, volumetric mean radius, lunar cycles, intertomb distances, matthew 27, etc. Navigating interwoven connections is not for the faint of heart. What I do know is that the value of this teaching surpasses that of any material wealth.

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


You roughly approximated the measure with a digital protractor. Nice work!

More accurate would be to use a digital unit circle overlaying the image, and adjusting until you come to the exact measure. However, the digits are already given:

It is a Triangle of 2π/7 – 3π/7 – 3π/7 radians, which is closer to 51.4285714 degrees. These are the 3-2-2 of Skull and Bones, it is the ratio of the isosceles angles pictured here. Recall that masonry uses a square angle and compass symbol (for measuring and constructing Euclidean shapes) and it is “Pythagorean” theorem from which they claim their lineage. The name “Pythagoras” is a cross linguistic:

Ptah – The Architect of the Universe in Kemetian (Egyptian) mythology. It is said “Pitah,” like the leaven bread… the loaves of living bread multiplied
Agora – The Gathering

“The architects gathering,” which is now called “the masons,” who represent the builders that rejected the CHIEF CORNERSTONE. The top of an isosceles triangle.

The ratio of the Lunar to Earth volumetric mean radius is 1: 0.27272 and 1 Lunar Draconitic month is 27.2 days. “And the DRACON gave the beast its power.” It is the draconitic nodes (north node is dragons head and south node is the dragons tail) that control the eclipse cycle, when it was said in antiquity the dragon would swallow the sun and then be slain by the unconquered sun aka Sol Invictus Dominus. This is for instance, where St. “Ge-orge” and the dragon myth comes from

Ge =Earth as GEb in Egyptian and Ge of Greek
Orge = Energy in Greek

“The Earth’s Energy,” it’s orbital motion and gravitational field causes the moon to continue to orbit and the eclipse to be only transitory.

These two metrics of the volumetric radius ratio and orbital period, along with Eulers number (2.72 in three decimals) give usthe raw tools necessary to relate space and time and calculate gravitational harmonics respective the this isosceles triangle; to calculate the number of the beast, albeit it’s much more simply said than done.

Matthew 27 is the 2/7 of 2π/7 and discusses the field of the potter and “tombs for foreigners.” Using linguistics, where might these tombs of a potter be located?

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Skull and bones 3-2-2 the symbol also includes slightly offset isosceles triangles

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


This is truly amazing. I’m eager to delve into this and carefully analyze the information. Initially, I noticed a linguistic and phonetic resemblance between “foreigners” and “four corners,” similar to the concept of the four horsemen and hourglass (chiral triangles). Considering the sun as the potter, is it possible that the four temples of the horsemen might be the tombs of the potter? At the very least, the offset bones triangles of 322 have a visual resemblance to the hourglass. Additionally, I detect an aspect of electromagnetic energy and radiation given the connection to foreign foreigners in 2 Chronicles 2.

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


You are correct that the angles of skull and bones are essentially identical to the hourglass formed by the four horseman which connects of the palace of Gnossis. X madks the spot… and X is the mark of Osiris, the first letter of the mark of the beast. It indeed a represents cross sections of interaction in electromagnetic theory.

You have also correctly guessed the field of the potter is related to the sun through English. However, where might we find a potter and the sun as deities connected in ancient tongue and the tombs that could represent?

The Consider what is the original word for “foreigners,” in Greek, and it’s equivalent in Hebrew.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The potter deity Khnum in ancient Egypt had a strong connection to Ra, the sun god, and was associated with the Great Pyramid of Giza (representative tomb.. In Hebrew, the word for “foreigners” is Hanas הָאֲנָשִׁ֤, which translates to “serpent” and has a wavelike (lambda) sound when spoken. The prefix Ha means “the,” so Hanas can be interpreted as “the NASir” for underworld. In Greek, the word for “foreigners” is Xenos ξένος, pronounced similarly to Hanas and with a phonetic resemblance to Gehenna, the valley of tombs.

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


Excellent understanding. I will give you the mssing piece they’ve ripped from the text books and public sources, but which I am aware of because I have seen it written in Egyptian with my own eyes, and it is detailed in all of the Pre-wwII scholarly texts on the subject:

The Great Pyramid bears the inscription of the name of Pharoah Khufu, whose full name is Khnum (KAIN-um) Khufu. What is the distance between the Pyramid of Khnum Khufu and the Valley of Hinnom?

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


A distance of 272.72 miles that seems to be a highly unlikely coincidence.

(Encountering some difficulties attempting to upload a screen capture of the distance measurement from a digital map).

Last edited 9 months ago by ttsc
9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


Now you have successfully deciphered the passage, to its first order. It is of course no coincidence that we find this information in Matthew 27, discussing the most famous tombs that are 272.72 miles apart, in reference to the thirty pieces of the silver moon, whose draconitic month is 27.2 days and relative radius to earth is .27272. Look up Matthew equations and their role in modern physics and harmonic motion.

The passage is unveiling the profound Mathematical wisdom of space and time, and the fractal mechanics of the universe, which the foreigners, the children of Kainum, have hidden in plain sight, and thus the fire priests we have given knowledge of The Truth, have instead turned it into 30 silver coins (30 Moons per synodic month, that they have made MENI aka MONEY, Lucifer’s name as deity of fortune as given in Isiah 65:11 and how they control the world) and chucked it all in building elaborate tombs for foreigners aka glorifying themselves. Murdering The Truth to preserve the lie that they may be as gad on earth.

There is one more word you are missing; which is foreigners as used in all other passages outside the electron volts equation in chronicles where frankly “foreigners,” is a mistranslation, though revealing in itself. The word is נכר Neckar which is 50-20-200, summing to 270 not coincidentally, as the 27 total heads horns and crowns of the first beast in revelations. It appears throughout scriptures.

Look in Kemet for the importance of A name of a place very similar to Neckar, and complete the triangle. This place is associated with the Leopard King, just as this album cover is the FEDeral Leopard, what this king is known for doing.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

So many connections… As time passes on I am getting better at dissecting names and the things a name could potentially mean. Other languages and phonetic simmilarities play into this a lot. So I would like to add one more thing to gad, in my language the word gad means b*****d. I wonder how my people’s language got to that.

9 months ago
Reply to  sempervigilans


I was aware that in Shakespearean English (Middle English) the term “gad” meant a b@stard quite literally, as an illegitimate child. But I was not aware it meant this in any language in modernity. Can I ask what language this is still in common use?

In proto-slavic, the term gad meant serpent. as now we see in

Polish = “gad” means reptile
Serbian = “gad” means serpent, as well as repulsive, and a jerk/a-hole
Lower Sorbian = “gad” means venemous serpent, a viper

The term is certainly very old as it is as far afield as in the Finnish related (non PIE) Veps language as “gad” and also means serpent.

And here we find it in Isiah 65:11 as גד “gad” in Hebrew, in reference to the deity of fortune (often as Baal-gad), being the same near history root to the arabic “Jadd” which still means good fortune/good luck.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

My language is Croatian. It is very closely related to Serbian and other Southern Slavic languages. Here the word gad is a derogratory name for illegitimate children, but it is more commonly used in the context of calling someone a jerk/a-hole, as you said.
There is a simmilar word used to refer to pests and repulsive animals such as snakes, spiders, locusts, rats, cockroaches, flies and other repulsive animals, that word is gamad. It can also be used to refer to people of poor moral character (thieves, murderers, etc.), likening them to pests.
The word for reptile is gmaz.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem I’m thinking it’s Nekhen, which trail follows to Maahes, but there is also mention of a famously obscure Pharoah, Sobeknakht II, from Nehkeb, which is on the other side of the Nile, and those two cities later joined and formed the modern El Kab.
Wikipedia lists him as a “local governor”, but then notes, “Elkab, the Tomb of Sobeknakht II is known as Tomb 66. It is one of the best preserved and most richly decorated tombs of the Egyptian Second Intermediate Period.”
The tomb itself chronicles an invasion by Kushites, against which Sobeknakht impressively defended and counterattacked.
Wiki recounts that he gained his office through a debt owed by a relative to his father, but, while another source corroborates this, it also states he was son of a king and his wife’s name literally signified her elite status,, “heriditary princess”.

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya, your thoughts are excellent. I was also contemplating the El Kab/Nekeb tombs. I couldn’t help but ponder if the reference to MENI/Isaiah 65:11 by gem also relates to menas/narmer נָמֵר (leopard).  

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

You mentioned something @ttsc about the triangle mirroring I didn’t quite follow – I only have my cell right now so images are difficult to impossible to see. But I wonder if it is related to these two cities, now one, flanking the Nile? The way you’re tying this into scripture is helpful to me. Gem, of course, does this constantly, but sometimes his info is overwhelming, lol. I feel like I’ve got puzzle pieces scattered everywhere and only a few actually starting to reveal the image.

Last edited 9 months ago by lgageharleya
9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Imagine the digit 7 is combined with its reflection on the left side, creating an inverted triangle. The idea of utilizing the Nile River as a reflective medium is quite ingenious. Two implied 7s in the chapter number 27 appear to carry potential importance.

Your contributions to this platform from the very beginning btw have played a significant role in shaping my journey, along with gem’s unwavering dedication to teaching. It’s been instrumental in helping me achieve the limited level of understanding I possess today. I am grateful for this opportunity to express my gratitude as well.

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


Thanks for your kind words. I’m glad I could contribute in some way. I’ve been a kid learning a foreign alphabet, slowly chugging my way through early readers and messing those up, but I figured I’d never understand if I didn’t ask, so embarrassment didn’t factor.

Your patient, bird’s eye absorption of the material shows a deep comprehension. Maybe my trying more of that would help.

Gem is a treasure. I’m really looking forward more to people like you and Sempervigilans (and anyone else following) putting more of your insights out there. Have you noticed how sometimes, one person can say the same thing, essentially, someone else has been trying to convey and somehow another delivery seems to click in that moment?

Anyway, I follow several, you included, and am hopeful to continue to benefit from what others are putting together and are willing to share. So, thank you as well.

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I am looking out for something to analyse, so I could maybe contribute something more than just comments to this site.

As for people saying the same thing in different words, yes, I have also noticed that. It seems that there truly is an absolute truth about everything, only people come to understand it and then express it in different ways. Some of us respond better to one way of expression than to another, but no explaination fits all, we must all do our best to experience the truth ourselves. We are all unique, even though some of us may be eerily simmilar to each other. The laws of physics do not allow for the existence of 2 equal things at the same time. We are born one way, but our experiences can change us for better or worse, if we allow them to do so.
There are some people that have met others so simmilar to them, that the only differences between them are tiny variations in temperament and the choices they made. This is a powerful moment that has the ability to tip the scales of one’s life and offers much reflection on your own character. I think this is a miraculous way this law expresses itself in our lives. This law is, I think, one of the many tools God uses to teach us.

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


You are correct regarding the modern form of the numeral 7; it is specifically designed to incorporate a triangle to anyone that has a mirror. Take the standard 7 of “Times New Roman,” or the script on this font, mirror it, and tell me the unique angle of the isosceles formed.

The mark of Kain is 7. The mark of Lamech his descendant is 77, that’s 7*11, like the American convenience store.

Lamech is spelled למך L-M-K being a one letter inversion of M-L-K the Malek which means King in Hebrew but which also refers to Moloch the blood thirsty golden bull of the Kain-anites as MLK (Martin Luther King) the man who was a sacrificial bull.

L = 30
M = 40
K = 50

The sum is 120 (the 12 of the zodiac and 12 Solar months, being 1/3 of a circle) and the product is 60,000… 6+60 and 60000.

Tar-Shish is “Seeker of the Six” which is why they brought metals from Tarshish and built the temple of SOL – Amon the sun king. SOL of Tarshish (The Sun of the Six Seeker.)

The great goddess wife, Queen of Zeus the Malek (king) of the 12 Olympians is Hera, hence why they burned HERAtics as their blood sacrifice to feed their Queen of heaven.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


This is four sevens flipped in all quadrants of the unit circle, in the standard font Georgia, the Ge-Orge (Earth Energy.) The measure of the triangle is not 2pi over 7.

I will tell you that it is the mark of Lamech doubled, and it contains the key to the most important measure of all the universe’s geometrical construction.

If you have an email we can discuss further.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem



It would be a privilege beyond measure.

time_to_say_ciao at protonmail dot com

Last edited 9 months ago by ttsc
9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


R = 0.911

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya @ttsc

You are correct that it is Nekhen, which was formerly known as Hierakonapolis; the city of the iron falcon. The city of horus risen, the foriegn gad. Nekhen was indeed highly important to the manufacture of sacred oils for anointing the antiXristos, and performing kemetian luciferian rites. In Tetis Tomb, which contains the oldest egyptian funerary texts in existence, we find inscription lines 72-77, where the recite anointing of the dead to Osiris, and the 7 sacred oils, Nekhen is mentioned specifically in recitation as oil number 5 of 7 (being 7-2, and 7+5 being the split of the 12 of the zodiac):

“Osiris Unis, accept Horus’ eye which he rejoined. “REJOINING” , which is written literally “Nekhen” the name of the oil of The Eye of Horus

This is why they refer to G-Zeus as the “anointed one,” within the Greek Xristos. It is a corruption of the Qof-Resh-Shin-Tav of Aryeh Yehudah, the four letters that finish the Alef Bet, said “Qrisht” and which sums to 1000, the letters meaning “The Truth enters the head and with the tooth forms the word.” Yeshua is Truth, and in his place theybe put the Eye of Horus; the antiXristos.

You now need to complete the triangle as Hinnom-Giza-Nekhen, and measure the triangle formed and its properties. When you have the distance and angles, come back and tell me what you have found and what ideas you may have relating to its importance.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


You are also correct regarding Narmer the “leopard,” the one who unified a FEDeral Kemet, and who had his capitol at Nekhen, Hierakonapolis. That is why the Narmer “pallette” was found there. and it is also why the band name is “Def Leppard” it is an anagram for Federal PPD.

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Yeah man. St paul couldnt stop talking about the def leppard album!

9 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

That’s quite funny. I understand that some may view this level of critical analysis as excessive, but I do appreciate it. However, the idea of Saul of Tarshish enjoying Def Leppard with lyre accompaniment did bring a smile to my face!

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


There is a mistake in the 3-2-2 distribution I made here. As a unique angle (chief cornerstone) as shown here, it is a triangle of:

2π/7 – 5π/14 – 5π/14

This ratio is 5/4 of the unique top angle to one of the lower angles.

However if this unique angle of 2π/7 pictured in the album cover is placed as two of itself into an isosceles, it then becomes 3π/7 – 2π/7 – 2π/7 which is the 3-2-2 of skull and bones and has very significant applications to theoretical physics.

Apologies for the confusion and error in the previous message.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@ttsc @rick

Since you have placed this here, I will offer you the basic keys to this cryptographic system, which I had intended for chapter Xi of 13 Monkeys. I had not seen, much less measured this specific album cover before, but was 100% certain of the measurements here, because I have seen this system all over the world from predynastic chinese pottery to the first Egyptian hieroglyphs, to the cypher coding of Berashit 1:1, to the murals in Cattle churches. There are 7 words in Berashit that sum to 2700+1.

Here below I used a simple triangle calculator with the measurement of 2pi/7 radians, ~.89759 radians which you can see is equivalent to .898 rounded to three decimal places as marked in the image and overlayed it with semi-transparency. It is exactly the same.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@ttsc @rick

Now here you can see that the measurements are identical to the internal angles of the Skull and Bones crossings.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@ttsc @rick

Both of the acute (smaller) angles are 2pi/7. This means that the two exterior angles are 5pi/7(being 2pi radians of a circle minus 4pi/7). And we see that the D in Def Leapard’s name gives the exact angle corresponding to 5pi/7 that is complementary in Skull and Bones.

As per usual the entire cover is a form of mathematical cypher for the geometrical construction of the universe the “Ptah Agora,” the gathering of the architect.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

When I look at the inverted triangle, I notice two 7s that appear as mirror images (Mt. two 7). Furthermore, I can now see how the rejection of the chief cornerstone (semi-transparent area), leaves Ptah’s trapezoid in its wake.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

idk if those musicians were smart enough to figure that out

9 months ago
Reply to  toni


The musicians didn’t make the album cover. It was released by Phonogram Records, a subsidiary of Polygram Records, a major international record label, whom created the album cover.

Phonogram was (now its called mercury) a joint venture of Phillips and Siemens, both central northern European (Germany and Holland) multi-billion multinational corporations with substantial ties to the Luciferian power structure since they were founded in the 19th century as electric and infrastructure companies.

9 months ago
Reply to  toni

Finally someone with common sense! Im sure the guys who wrote “Pour Some Sugar On Me” were deep occult numerologists smh

9 months ago
Reply to  Bueller


The band didn’t make or even choose the album art. It was an artist that went by the name Andie Airfix, who also did the album art for many of the other openly Luciferian big label bands like Led Zeppelin through the 1970s and 1980s.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

How about just deciding if you like the sound or not? Have a job or do you just obsess all day in your moms basement?

9 months ago
Reply to  Bueller


The sound is awful; it is buried with harmonic equations in the production designed to induce Dionysusian states of madness that were common for orgiadfic rites to the great goddess

The song “put some sugar on me,” is lyrically filled with references such as “Mirror Queen,” and “crazy woman in a one man show,” all which are references to Melia, the nymph (see: sex) goddess(es) of honey and sweets, the same nymphs that raised Zeus the illuminator while hiding from Saturn/Chronos.

The honey of Melia were added to the wine in the Dionysus rites of gnostic sexual rituals; hence why in revelations the scroll with the wisdom of the corrupted mysteries are described as “sweet in the mouth, sour in the stomach.” A reference to sweet wine that induces madness in search of Gno-Sis, to know the six.

9 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

Its their job to do this, they try to get people involved in their cult.

9 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Sour guacamole to the rescue

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Ouch no personal attack !
PS : you admitted you looked for like-minded people on this site so it is straight from the horse’s mouth.

9 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

This is again the sixth or seventh time you’ve falsely accused me of saying some I haven’t said… your anger blinds you.

I offer free information, without asking anything in return. If you disagree prove me wrong, that we may search for The Truth together.

Is the distance between Hinnom and Giza not 272.72 miles? Is the measure of the triangle on Hysteria not 2π/7? Is the Lunar Draconitic month not 27.2 days? Is Eulers number not 2.72? Does the first beast of revelations not have 27 heads horns and crowns in total? Is this information not found in Matthew 27?

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

if i remember correctly you claimed that pyramids were built by aryen jews? lol wasnt lunar month 29 days or is this some other wisdom from donkeys arse which was used in carthage? if i draw a circumference from pyramid of giza with a radius of whatever miles, I will get some valleys though, maybe jewish ones too i give you that lol

9 months ago

The mean lunar synodic month; which measures observed phases of the moon for an observer from earth is 29.53 days.

The mean DRAGONic month, which measures the period for the moon to pass over the ecliptic plane, is 27.2 days. This controls the periodicity of Solar eclipses; the 666 full and annular solar eclipses per 325 year Saros cycle is the number of the beast whom the DRAGON gives its power.

You cannot understand anything in the “New Testament” if you do not learn basic astronomy.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

i am not denying that there might be some truth to the germatric significance of 27, at the end of the day it is 9*3 which is basically 6*3, but what im getting is, how are you going to apply this knowledge? there are high level writings on this art, yours feel like amateur stuff no offence, i dont see any significance of your “knowledge” here other than mislead people into dark arts

9 months ago

You have not once asked a substantive question in any of our interactions, or discussed the content of the writing I offered here. Instead, for several months you’ve basically just pointed fingers at me with low level anger and made veiled threats tinged with obnoxious bigoted trolling. Yet no questions regarding a single aspect about the substance of what I say…. Now you claim I’m “low level,” and no substantive response or question asked.

So havinf failed to ask me a single question in six months, do you really believe that what I am offering here to people is the most advanced of my research and writings from the outset? What I offer them the basic building blocks to understanding the scriptures, as well as how the Luciferians operate to manipulate the world, so then they can advance more quickly in their own learning on their own time.

Would you pull out Tolstoi to teach somebody Russian who can’t even read the Cyrillic alphabet nor speaks a single word of Russian? Would you try and teach a kindergartener Calculus, or would you start with counting, and then basic operations like addition and subtraction, and then work up to calculus so that they have strong fundamental understanding first?

Those who show a greater interest in a substantive manner, which thus far you have not at all, I offer deeper explanations based on the questions they ask. Some who have enquired and have the technical capability, I have shown how to obtain the equations of quantum mechanics from the scriptures and the methods for uniting relativity with quantum mechanics based on them. Is this really so basic and useless?

Moreover you now brandish me a teacher of “dark arts,” yet you don’t offer a single example of how my writings lead to dark arts. Can you do so and show me a substantive example of these dark arts I’m teaching?

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

i am disappointed to read this my little jew brother, that you would harbor such feelings towards me, after everything that we have been through lol, you are gonna get a heart attack stop being so angry.

the work speaks for itself, if its good my word wouldnt bring it down in any way shape or form, but it is low level, amateur stuff, hit and miss, falsifications mixed with jew fantasies. you think every word has deeper meaning with your zeus schtick? im pretty sure in a thousand years if mankind is still going there will be some fools searching for some deep meaning in modern street slang. i didnt ask a question because there is none to ask in your alice in wonderland fantasies, if i read i read some serious authors like bruce springmeyer not this quasi spiritual half pretentios new age crap that you be pushing, there are some shining points though that you borrowed, i give you that, but in reality you dont even know what you are dealing with boy.

“I have shown how to obtain the equations of quantum mechanics from
the scriptures and the methods for uniting relativity with quantum
mechanics” – are you trying to embarass yourself? you think you invented this or you are the first one to even venture here? leave the physics to serious scientists my boy, i remember you claimed in your monkey series that you worked out the secret of creation LOL, delusions of grandeur. funny i remember how you was writing in one of the articles about bill cooper, lecturing about what he did and what he researched, duhhh, we know bill cooper, he was a saxon warrior and he went out like one, we dont need your introduction lol or did you really think that you were discovering America to us? Ha Ha Ha.

you write this long love letter to me and cant even answer the question, ok 27, how are you going to apply it? you say giza was built by aryen jews and it also has relation with number 27, how are you going to apply that? whats the profound truth here? need some time to meditate? did you even go to giza once or you are researching straight from your kitchen? most importantly, why didnt you answer my post below? you will not because you cant, you are a false follower of Jesus Christ (Yeshua in your rambling), you are lying to people without any shame, you are a fake pretender, a shill. and still, i got love for you my little jew brother. you just display the same old beaten jew qualities, with the same old burning hatred for Jesus Christ, undermining the christian society – knowing full well that is being substituted by new age crap, but then again that same civilization had enough mercy to ALLOW the creation of judea in its modern form, what happens if the west isnt or not willing to help out anymore did you even think? no, in your hatred for Jesus Christ you just cant help yourselves hey, you will just bite the hand that feeds you, lucky your big saxon brothers have big hearts, but how many times your lot has been put down rather violently? did God say that not one stone will remain of the temple? and none was left, God did what he promised, you dont even know where it was located, Al aksa is where the Legio X Fretensis was quartered.

moving forward you better be on your best behaviour, your stuff isnt gonna fly anymore, you might be able to dupe couple of simple minded, but not your Big Saxon Brother, i see right through you, repent and beg for mercy from God, stop with the conniving and scheming, or else.

9 months ago

I’m extremely sorry for the internal pain that you are living; whatever it is that stokes such hatred and anger in your heart; it must be profoundly difficult to bear. I hope for your healing my friend. Speak with YHWH about this, that you can relinquish such deep seeded internal loathing.

However, I draw a line when someone sets up a straw man version of me, and beats it, by lying and falsely attributing words and ideas to me which I have never said, nor even thought:

Never have I claimed to originate or be the first with The Truth, for that only belongs to YHWH. Nor have I ever claimed to have the secret of creation, for that rests with YHWH. Never did I say “Aryan Jews” built the pyramids; they designed them based on The Word of YHWH.

On that note, let’s start with the name of my tribe “Aryeh Yehudah.” You clearly have a problem with it. Look to Berashid 49:9 אַרְיֵה֙ יְהוּדָ֔ה “Aryeh Yehudha,” is given by Jacob to his 4th son. It means:

Ari-a = Male Lion (the a being the masucline suffix like Buddh-a)

This scripture, the same that you falsely claim to revere as your bible but have never once read even a single word, is 3500 years old. The term you known as “Aryan” is Ari-Yan is:

Ari = Lion
Yon = Fish

A reference to the civilizing fish man, the name “Jon/Yan” is the Egyptian form (Check Gardiner’s sign list for Nile Tilapia Fish) of Oannes, as is referenced by Berossus, and in Babylonian mythology as the half man half fish that came and taught the arts of civilization. Yeshua also references this in Matthew. The term Ari-Yan also the origin of the name of the country “Iran.” Do you yell racist junk at Iranians too because of their country’s thousands of years old name?

Also, all this junk about Isis-Ra-El. You are clearly very confused, as the country of modern Isis-Ra-El was started by H1tl3R and the Nasis under the Haavara agreement. Hitler was a CAINanite… That is why he chose the name Nasi, because the head of the San Hedron in ancient Isis Ra El under the second temple period (when what you call “judaism” began in 191 BCE), was known as a N@si; to this very day the president of this abonimable government of murderers is called “ha-NASI.” So please, don’t ask me to give thanks for this great dead of a nation created and led by the Children of KAIN such as the rothschilds (The Red Child) and H1tl3r.

Regardless, Yeshua is The Son of Man. This is what the scriptures state very clearly. It is through him which the entirety of humanity has found its salvation.

You call me brother (and then “boy,” when you again threaten me with harm). Have you read the even the (mis)translations of the scriptures? Yeshua Said:

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?  How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

I urge you to speak with YHWH and remove the planck, before you spew false allegations, hatred, and lies against anyone, much less someone you consider a brother. Blessings along your path

9 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Triangle, dual image of a person who seems possessed, yeah to me this seems like an evil image. So whats all this pompous talk, decyphering stuff that is going on? We know that God Almighty and Satan have a little bet going on for the souls of humanity, so in order for Satan to be able to test and tempt his subjects, God let the minions of evil have some low level of knowledge to rule this carnal world. Faggy masons have even lower levels of this “knowledge”, angle this, angle that, whats the profound truth here, i just cant see it? Can they surmise in short and concise words all their blabbering talk? I bet they cant.

So whats the purpose here, or do they think in their silly pride that they will be able to decypher everything and in the end will be able to apply this knowledge and rule the world themselves? Ha ha ha. Yeah, Satan and his army will scoot over lol. There aint no truths exposed here, just some imagery which’s purpose is mind control, control of the people and trapping their souls. Ordinary soldier of Jesus Christ need not be concerned with this time consuming crap, we know where the real profound truths are – in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

But these are not fools though. There have been numerous revelations about the power structure of the faggy lunatimati (illuminati). They have 5 or 6 branches, one of them being religion/spirituality. So they have a whole branch dedicated to waging warfare on the minds of Christendom, whole institutions, think tanks which come up with this “knowledge”, “truths”. Do not be deceived my brothers, put on the armor of God, increase the praying time and read even more scripture.

Let me throw a couple of real gems though:

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of
God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites.

For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own
belly, and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the

Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us, and they please not God, and are contrary to all men.

9 months ago

We agree that this image is purely Luciferian, and the product designed to inculcate and indoctrinate the masses. There is no question of this from either of us.

What you may not realize is that the branch of Re Legions and mind kontrol of Luciferianism, owns and operates the largest organizations on the planet: Maha Amutism, antiXristianity, and Talmudic Judaism, and Masonry. All are the Re Legions that destroy The Truth, deceiving the masses. They have come and hoarded the knowledge, and deceived even the elect throughout the piscean age.

Is there any doubt that these are the wealthiest organizations on the planet?

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

“talmudic judaism”, you trying to be slick here my jew brother? i made you say that though and you look mighty silly saying that lol. Would that be a comedy to hear that in a circle of small jewish hats.
People are imperfect, but New Testament scripture is truth.
Should we cancel scripture and instead opt for some “keys from the domain of the kosmos” from your lot? ha ha ha. Thanks but keep it.
You enjoy perks of Christian civilization and dont even acknowledge it, stubborn jew, caricature jew, as always

9 months ago

All the prophets whom wrote the scriptures are Aryeh Yehudah. Why would I want to cancel them if I openly teach what’s in them?

Such is the level of ignorance and loathing that you claim to revere G-Zeus and then mock and diminish the words of Yeshua, whom offered you The Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos.

Τες κλείδας τον Βασίλειος ουρανός

You must read scriptures if you are going to understand them, rather than the lies they have fed you to make you so ignorant and full of hatred.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I refer to you as a brother, but i poke and prod at you to size you up, and you immediately go into womanly emotional mode and turtle up into jew victim position, one good slap and you might as well even burst into tears no offence, you are my brother though, a jew brother, i cant hate a brother because that is the way Jesus Christ taught us.
Why would you? Because thats what jews historically did, rejected their prophets and lost the covenant and the special place, and we all know what happened in the year 70 AD, God punished the Judaea using Romans as a tool, temple was wiped out along with one million jews, you think it was a coincidence? There are no coincidences my jew brother.
So okay, lets get this elephant out of the room, lets pretend you really acknowledge Jesus Christ in your own jew way. That would mean 99% of jews and 99% of rabbis would consider you an outcast, an apostate, a traitor, an idol worshipper. And that would mean that you are from a very small sector of jews called messianic jews, and/or ebionites. And even then, who is Jesus Christ to you, a god? I dont think so, no no. A messiah? A prophet? Most likely answer is obvious, to you he must be a false prophet, or politically correct way of saying it would be failed messiah, is that right or am i wrong? I am thinking you are deceiving people, because from your words its obvious you are feeling “special”, the “aryen jews” this, “aryen jews” that. That would point to you still clinging to that idea of jewish exclusiveness, and that would mean you are an ordinary jew who thinks he is special lol. How can i blame you though, pride was the downfall of the most exalted angel, God will judge you and your lot, being born a jew is a great test it seems, most men wouldnt have the courage to shake off the shackles of judaistic deception and become apostate to their own people

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Or ya know it could just be a triangle, but obsess if you must

9 months ago

Wow good spot Rick

Scary looking face, as you said the merge with man and machine.
It’s all moving pretty fast now!

9 months ago
Reply to  DC

Now? This album is from 1987

9 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!

Yeah true that.
It’s still a really scary looking face.
The merge with man and machine, would of been in planning for a long time though.
What I meant with things are moving pretty fast now, is the blurring between genders, and they are starting to merge man with machines.
Elon Musk brain chip, and many other examples

9 months ago

When I had this album, I couldn’t see it the way I do today. Becoming educated about all this is what opens our eyes to see!

9 months ago
Reply to  cajungirl

Or maybe its Just ugly.

9 months ago
Reply to  cajungirl

I share the same viewpoint @cajungirl.To foster my personal development, I have found it crucial to let go of binary thinking. Instead of categorizing things as either good or bad, or as simple shapes or not, I have come to appreciate the multidimensional nature of information. It resembles a constantly shifting kaleidoscope; one single element can never fully encompass the Truth. I try to steer clear of prior futile endeavors of mine, like insisting that the tail is the elephant instead of the trunk and that it must be one or the other. Such discussions have only impeded my advancement and growth. Speaking solely from my own point of view here. YHWH bless you, and may your learning endeavors bring you joy!

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Spoken like a true new ager, in short he said:

-Reject the Christian definition of good and evil.
-Accept new concepts and information in your life to ‘evolve’ (Preferably the New Age ones).
-You must find the truth that is hidden (Mystic people twist themselves in knot to find truth where there was nothing hidden – see upper the comments of 666gem about a simple triangle).

9 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


My personal account of how dualistic thinking was clouding my thoughts is being wrongly associated with moral relativism. My reference was to pathological splitting, where individuals or things are treated as either all good or all bad. Interestingly, this is the behavior that you exhibit most frequently on this forum. I would have appreciated if you had asked me questions to clarify instead of jumping to conclusions and misrepresenting me. Your behavior demonstrates a deficiency in intellectual integrity; however, I empathize as I have also exhibited similar tendencies in the past, which were rooted in personal trauma. I do find your passion and involvement on this site commendable and notice some similarities between us, but I hope that doesn’t make you feel uneasy.

It appears that you may be facing more challenges than you are willing to admit. I genuinely care about you and wish you would be more honest about your own personal development and that of others. I am not directly labeling you as toxic, but the way you conduct yourself sometimes is problematic and has negative consequences. I apologize if I am mistaken and genuinely wish the best for you and everyone. .

I have given considerable thought to my response because of my concern for you. Otherwise, I would have disregarded this as a waste of time. Let’s strive to support and listen to each other instead of resorting to harmful defense mechanisms that only harm us. Let me know if there is any way I can be of help to you. I am willing to assist without hesitation, irrespective of your apparent aversion towards me. Feel free to inquire honestly about anything you’d like to know about me. There’s no need for any tricks or games; we’re working together towards the same goal, and I assure you, I don’t consider you as my adversary. We are but two drops in the same ocean, God’s ocean. If we were in each other’s presence, I believe we would exhibit greater empathy and consideration towards each other. May we both live in God’s Truth and YHWH bless you.

9 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


What you describe is a necessary consequence of what modern mathematics calls “Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem.” Your description as a shifting Kaleidescope is fundamentally very sound.

8 months ago

Steve Clark didn’t die. Some say he morphed into Anderson Cooper. Death date 1/8/91…18 is chai.