
Brad Pitt's adopted son Pax (now 19 years old) posted this on father's day three years ago

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8 months ago

Angelina has succeeded in destroying her kids via brainwashing and not only. They are pushed by her to hate Brad, lets get real!

Willie Jones Jr
Willie Jones Jr
8 months ago
Reply to  xyz

Yeah, this is grain of salt stuff.

Knowing how she controls the kids sex lives, etc, I can only imagine what she tells them about Brad.

Remember this woman had her breasts removed bc there’s a chance of a chance of a chance that she could get cancer.

7 months ago

Having her breasts removed was an occult ritual. It had nothing to do with cancer.

Sarah Duhay
Sarah Duhay
7 months ago

Why do you believe that what Angelina is saying if false and Pax and Co are being manipulated? I just wanted to know out of curiosity. I’m not a fan of neither of them and I find Angelina a bit strange herself although she apparently has cleaned up her act now.

8 months ago
Reply to  xyz

Why are you pretending Brad, of all people, is GOOD? Get it together, xyz, it is ALL OF THEM.

8 months ago
Reply to  xyz

I don,t know which one of them is worse, really. They,re both part of the club and Brad has more than once declared he is into satanism. The math is simple. These kids, if ever have this chance, better run, run, run. from both of them.

7 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Is there a link or some other source where Brad declared satanism? I’m genuinely curious. I believe most of Hollywood is satanic, but never heard of this before. Thank you. 🙂

7 months ago
Reply to  Netty
7 months ago
Reply to  Netty

…and the movies, netty, the movies. I see their hand gestures and eye-signs in almost all their movies. Many years back I wasn’t aware of this satanic symbolism; now I see it everywhere. They confessed long ago whom they belong I just didn’t realise this back then.

8 months ago
Reply to  xyz

Words from a 15-year-old controlled a mother that has Cluster B Narcisstic personality that is a multi-generation Holy-Wood bloodline

8 months ago
Reply to  xyz

Angelina is MAN Brad is WOMAN open your eyes Jesus Christ!

8 months ago

The first rule of fight club….there is no fight club.

L. Wilkenson
L. Wilkenson
8 months ago

They should have left him in Saigon.

8 months ago

Ms. Jolie certainly could have turned their kids against him. It happens all the time in average, non celebrity, families. But let’s be real. For this child (16 at the time) to go out of his way to write and post this to me proves he had given it thought and meant what he said. He said “they tremble in fear” when Mr. Pitt is around. He wasn’t just repeating bad things he was told about his adopted father. He was speaking of his own personal experience and that of his siblings. I obviously don’t know them personally, but I would be willing to bet that neither Mr. Pitt or Ms. Jolie would win parent of the year. I agree with what others have commented. They are both Freemasons. They both worship Lucifer. Mr. Pitt openly admits this. Those kids would do well to get as far away from that life as possible, as soon as possible.

Ground-hog day
Ground-hog day
8 months ago
Reply to  SaltnLight

If this post doesn’t turn people off BP once and for all, the requisite SA accusations will be coming in 3, 2, 1….

8 months ago

………..I still think Brad looks handsome 🤷😭

Ground-hog day
Ground-hog day
8 months ago

Remember those pics of Shiloh all done up and looking like the stunning young lady she was born to be? Well, mommy can’t be dethroned so she demoralized her into buzzing her locks and back into baggy boy clothes so mommy can remain the fairest of them all.
Those raised by narc moms know exactly how this is going to play out. Pax’s character assassination of his father is par for the course.
Doesn’t AJ remind you of Mia Farrow who mind f-Ed her adopted kids to be her flying monkeys?

7 months ago
Reply to  Ground-hog day

Um, you mean, Ms. Mia Farrow… who’s ex husband or whatever, MARRIED…his OWN/THEIR OWN/HER OWN…DAUGHTER…whom he/they’d raised since she was a little bitty child?!?!? You mean…Ms. Mia Farrow…who’s OTHER DAUGHTER…in FULL BLOWN ADULThood, came out, not unlike at least ONE Hollywood daughter og ONE Mamas and the Papas adult male singer, and accused HER (deceased by then) adult father of unconscionable perversion too, but was embraced…whereas, Hollywood –ESPECIALLY the arm-in-arm, linked together Ms. Diane Keaton, not only defaced Mr. Woody Allen’s OTHER destroyed daughter, but came out in STRONG hatred toward her–not only denying her #MeToo hashtag cry, but LOUDLY, and PROUDLY supporting the OPENLY incestuous to the point of ridiculousness, Mr. Woody Allen? Or do you mean, Ms. Mia Farrow, who’s VERY handsome, and VERY intelligent, and VERY OIT in his homosexuality, and Liberal enough to seemingly –if not unenthusiastically right the required hit-piece on the (UNLIKE Mr. similarity in world’s (KNOWN) richest, and tech-famous, Bill Gates–HATED by the press, most rich guy, list?) ….
But yes, do you mean the same Ms. Mia Farrow whose son went to bat for the sister of his (the one who HADN’T been destroyed into marrying…her FATHER!!!?), SUPPORTING her claims of childhood sexual abuse?!?
You mean…the SAME hasn’t had not ONE movie boycotted or taken off the airways, you know like self admitted, little girl and little girl’s mom DECEIVING, little girl DRUGGING…then little girl RAPPING…LAUDED, and EQUALLY… OPENLY SUPPORTED, Director who ADMITTED to HIS crimes, then fled the country because he didn’t want to serve anymore time, and didn’t he direct and WIN NUMEROUS awards FOR his Jewish Holocaust film, entitled, “The Pianist,” WHILE living FREELY, PUNISHMENT, ostracization, and seemingly 109% consequence -free overseas (somewhere in Europe)?

I mean…I wasn’t there and all…but this disgusting and reprehensible cretin actually MARRIED…his ex-wife or former partner in romantically OFFICIAL, living together AS IF husband and wife, female “partner?”…

I mean… AGAIN…but …context clues kind of slap you in the face with Mr. Woody Allen being DISGUSTING, incestuous, child sexual abuser….

But, I mean…maybe Ms. Mia Farrow is the BAD GUY, and Mr. Woody “I married my OWN DAUGHTER,” Allen, and Me. Woody “two MORE of my ADULT CHILDREN accuse me of being a pervert who ALSO sexually abused my OTHER daughter…” but I mean…you know…blah blah blah…the other two adult children COULD be lying…along with my lying eyes and ears…blah blah blah, this POOR “victim” of Ms. Mia Farrow.

Also, thanks for his ACCUSERS…mind “bleeped,” “flying monkeys!” Surely, that woman could melt, had she a pot o’ water thrown on her by her flying mon–I mean… children! Then again…her skin’s NOT GREEN. I’ve never known her to use a broom as a piece of airborne transportation. Not quite sure if she has a sister or sisters…however, if she does…it IS quite possible, that they could be inherently evil, while simultaneously having REMARKABLE TASTE in footwear (…and victims of little girls who steal shoes while unconscious…(?))….

But, I mean, who knows!

I’d be snarky and bid you a Merry (EARLY) Christmas, but I’m not petty (ENOUGH)…so won’t… due to being unable to [thanks to moral grounds and fears of GOD’s FURTHER (assumed by me) displeasure to my lack of speaking with required Christ-commanded love in ALL of this sentiment to you] finish the snarky sentence… won’t!

Yay! The end!

*Grumbles something inaudible regarding Mr. Bill Cosby…Mr. Roman Polanski, Hollywood, child molesters, child rapists, oh yeah…and Mr. Woody “My! What a VICTIM of that evil-incarnate, [implied narcissist] witch, ex-whatever of his, Ms. Mia “used to be loved by Hollywood…I think?” FARROW!*

*Blah blah blah*


7 months ago


I dont think Brad is a good guy to begin with. He’s a weasel.

Mike Tyson told a story about how he confronted his then wife, Robin Givens, performing oral sex on Brad in a car.

Last edited 7 months ago by rick
Sarah Duhay
Sarah Duhay
7 months ago

Well I say!

7 months ago

They weren’t his kids though. Just some hollywood accessories that Angelina wanted for virtue signalling.