
When a chaos organization warns us of looming chaos …

The soul assassins are warning us of impending doom.  The architects of chaos are bringing karma into balance once more.


JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon warns this is ‘the most dangerous time’ for the world in decades

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11 months ago

Soul assassins, I’ve never heard that before. Very apropos.

11 months ago

It was clearly stated in W3F conferences that on 2025 cash will be abolished , so yeah brutal events coming between now and then to make it happen !

11 months ago
Reply to  rick

I am not sure there will be 7 years, but it’s crystal clear, at least to me, that we are the last generation. Many will die before they see it all happen. These are indeed the last years. I pray we have the strength to do whatever it takes to save our souls. Redemption is at stake.
I write this with great sadness for the families that will be divided, mothers and children on the run and hope that God in His mercy will use the little that we have to offer Him and do the rest. May God have mercy on us all!

Last edited 11 months ago by crisspf
11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I think the timeline will be pushed back by God if society rejects the evil agenda. The fast moving evil are pushing towards 2030, whereas the gradual evil are pushing for 2050. It’s going to happen at some point, but it will be based on what society accepts. The difference between Sodom/Gomorrah and every other city/state in history is that their society approved of every evil and called it good. That’s why the evil cabal keeps trying to invert good and evil worldwide.

11 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous7

I agree your opinion about the timeline. What I fear is that society is too anemic to push back the proposals. I never dreamed I would get to see evil promoted and accepted in such a way as it happens in our days. And when I say that I mean legalized, normalised evil. That is what I really find grotesque – good people giving up pushing back. This is what will shorten the timeline.

Last edited 11 months ago by crisspf
11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Ursula von der Leyen said that digitalization in Europe must occur until 2035. It’ s a deadline! We know what’s the thing with this digitalization – it’s about total control on every single citizen. Europe still has a few very conservative countries. Where I live they still have a problem with pushing down our throats the gay marriages, abbortions, sexualizing the children. It’s still not there where they want it and this, in itself, is a problem. Of course big events will take place until 2035, but that means they still stumble, mostly because of the conservative and old people (the conservatives are in a big percentage consisting of the mature, dare I say old population still “stuck” on religious identity, nationalism, tradition) and they need to remove them by any means. How is that realisable? By pushing the vaccine agenda ( “the old ones and the vulnerable need it”) poisoning the food and by removing the medicines they depend on from pharmacies ( yes! the medical system was meant as a trap and pushed things so far that made everybody depend on it). … They need to “clean” the area first before they install chaos and crown their “saviour”.

11 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous7

You are right, anonymous! You are right!

Last edited 11 months ago by crisspf
11 months ago

Problem, reaction, solution.

11 months ago
Reply to  computers

Hegel’s Dialectic. Right on.

11 months ago

Thanks, Rick. I would say, though, that the soul assassins are working to bring THEIR OWN KARMA INTO BALANCE by getting unconscious people to follow along with their same-old same-old playbook BS!