
[Warning: Graphic] It looks like NHL player Adam Johnson was MURDERED on the ice by an opposing player. Is the NHL covering it up?

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8 months ago

Video is gone, can you explain why? It could have been personal I suppose. That game is violent! What a horrible way to go.

8 months ago
Reply to  rick

The fact that the video is gone says a lot imho

8 months ago
Reply to  heinz57

I saw it. It certainly looks like the opposing player raises his leg right into Adams face. Who knows. Was there bad blood between them? Only time will tell.

8 months ago
Reply to  rick

The video allegedly shows him doing a kick motion (think a karate kick) with his blade to the neck of the player who died. It would be very unusual to have that kind of kicking motion at that height in a normal game of hockey. When I first heard of it, I assumed that the guy had fallen and gotten struck with a blade somehow. I never imagined that he could be upright and take a blade to the neck.

I think it would be hard to prove that he was intentionally trying to kill, but it definitely seems like a case could be made for intentionally trying to cause injury. So that’s manslaughter at least.

This particular player has been in trouble in the past for bad behavior so it should be investigated. Some have speculated that they are reluctant to do so because the player who caused the fatality is black.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
8 months ago
Reply to  scars

Who have speculated this? I’ve not seen any mention of that anywhere.

8 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Not any mainstream experts or anything, but I think it is possibly a factor. There aren’t a lot of black players in hockey (because hockey is a very expensive sport) and — post George Floyd/BLM — accusing a black player of intentionally causing harm/murder without being absolutely 100% certain would risk looking like racism given the demographics of players currently.

They’ve opened a police inquiry which is supposed to take a long time to complete. If it was an absolute accident, it shouldn’t take that long to investigate it. And you’d want to clear the offending player of wrongdoing pretty quickly. If you know it wasn’t accidental but you don’t want to get accusations of racism, you might opt to investigate to appease those calling for it but drag it out long enough that people lose interest and you don’t really have to do anything about it.

8 months ago
Reply to  scars

Yep. It’s privilege they pretend doesn’t exist.

8 months ago

It was definitely intentionally done but I doubt he meant to kill.

As they are approaching each other to collide he lifts his skate up over waist high to hit him with it.

8 months ago
Reply to  imtrash3

Its grossly unprofessional to even motion like that even in a collision in Hockey. It would happen more often and it doesnt.

8 months ago
Reply to  rick

It was obviously meant to kill. He’s not stupid, there is a blade attached to his foot which he purposely kicked into the other guys neck. If someone blades someone in the neck by hand then it’s murder but not by foot? Hockey players skate so many hours a day, there is no way this was an accident or unlucky shot. This was calculated, it was aimed to kill. They are not amateurs.

8 months ago

He wasn’t playing for the NHL at the time and the police are currently investigating…

Reaching for stuff like this waters down real articles about real issues.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
8 months ago

He was an EIHL player – a former NHL player. This happened in the UK.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
8 months ago

Why would the NHL cover it up? It happened in the UK.