
Tom Hanks’ Instagram Flooded With People Demanding His Arrest For P3doph1l1a.

Hollywood A-lister Tom Hanks has disabled comments on his popular Instagram page after tens of thousands of people called him out for alleged child sex crimes and demanded an urgent investigation into his crimes against children.

According to the commentors, Hanks is a prolific pedophile who has been “hiding in plain sight” in the public eye for decades, while flaunting his depraved lifestyle through the use of signs and symbols.

Numerous Hollywood insiders have gone on the record admitting that child sexual abuse is rife in the entertainment industry. Many celebrities, including Anne HecheChris CornellAvicii and Kirstie Alley, all of whom vowed to expose the rotten Hollywood system, were found dead in suspicious circumstances before they could finish their work.

The claims against Tom Hanks came after Sarah Ruth Ashcraft announced that she was sold for sex by her father at age 13 years and raped by Hollywood star Tom Hanks.

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Tim Willwerth
Tim Willwerth
1 year ago

These guys want you to know they rape kids, so that it becomes accepted. I mean, he got his start on Bosom Buddies, and was in The Burbs..

Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
11 months ago
Reply to  Tim Willwerth

Don’t forget Big…

1 year ago

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, I salute you. And huge shout out to Isaac Kappy. May he dance with God

Ann Marie Barry
Ann Marie Barry
1 year ago

He and his beard were vacaying w/ Obama, and Spielberg just this past week. Nothing will happen to him or any of them until they die.

11 months ago

Our Fathers Word tells us satan is the prince of this world. The more this EVIL reveals itself , the MORE I am ABSOLUTELY surer about my faith and praying for Yeshua’s return.

11 months ago

Nobody gets away with anything….there is either repentance and payment of a sort in our earthly life or there will be a payment in the next life. Correct me if I’m wrong…and I often am!

1 year ago

He is about to see the other face of the coin. He had his days of glory, did all he wanted and got away with it, now it’s time he saw he is not invincible, untouchable, immune. The hurt, the crimes he is guilty of will be paid for in this life and the other.
And this obsession for gloves, especially children’s gloves… I don’t want to know what he did to the people they belonged to. It looks to me like he is a serial murderer; he leaves his signature on the asphalt, takes photos for his special “collection” and brags about on social media. Who can possibly buy that there is nothing to the “gloves thing” other than lost objects when it’s becoming obvious he is a pedophile?

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I haven’t heard about the glove thing. What do you mean please? I never see him wearing gloves.

Awakened citizen
Awakened citizen
11 months ago
Reply to  Amy

If you check some of his Instagram posts (you’ll have to scroll back to maybe 2020, 2021). He has some very weird photos of random objects on the tarmac/asphalt one of them I think was a glove and then a sock and some other stuff it’s creepy but definitely symbolic for those in the know. Isaac Kappy called him out and ended up dead…

11 months ago
Reply to  Amy

Just check his instagram & check out Isaac Cappy’s videos on bit chute.

1 year ago

Innocent till proven guilty. True or not, God will not allow criminals and false accusers escape His justice

1 year ago
Reply to  john

With these guys the things are the other way around. Let’s just say that when somebody like Kappy makes this kind of allegations and ends up “suicided” soon after and then you see happy Hanx make photos of gloves on Route 66 it’s a bit naive to think he is innocent. Hollywood is full of pedophiles. You even see it in their movies. Lately more than ever. And then you have Kevin Spacey who says with demonic arrogance “kill them with kindness” when 3 of his accusers die in a single year. One got “suicided”, another was a victim of “hit-and-run” and no.3 died from “cancer”. 3 in a year! You surely understand victims will think twice before pressing charges. In the meanwhile mr.Spacey goes on with his career, free like a bird. And so does Polansky (“ it was not a rape -rape” Whoopi Goldberg said when he sodomized a 13 years old girl”).
Innocent till proven guilty – it’s a cheesy movie cliche when we talk about these guys. Fortunately, every once in a while we get to see victims stand up, prosecutors, judges and cops that believe in justice.
As for HanX justice is already being served, bit by bit, starting with his falling into disgrace. That is huge for someone so narcisistic. as he is. His glamorous life falls apart as people begin to see.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

It’s logic, it’s obvious. It’s all out there to see.

You are right, and I think that there should be no other way to look at what is happening (not just in Hollywood) but in general – around, on daily basis living, when comes to people who are giving us clues who they truly are but we are refusing to acknowledge it – due to: fear, lack of courage, confidence, due to lack of moral backbone, conformity…

It’s not just hanx and his arrogant deceptive behavior and other celebrities, smh kevin “ killing them with kindness” (just mind blowing statement if you are aware of the context – indeed “ diabolical arrogance” like you said, never liked him, always sensed something evil about him ) but also, it’s about snakes we are dealing with on daily basis.

All hidden in plain sight, but they are telling on themselves, (we all do) but when comes to evildoers – if non psycho, cluster b’s (meaning – normal decent person) is able to see it but refuse to acknowledge it means in practice – this person / people are AGREEING with it!

So sticking around ( watching movies, listening music when comes to celebs, liking them ) and when comes to “daily life people”, including family and friends who displays the same very characteristics – sticking around them means that we are operating on their “field” therefore – we are reaping what they sow, some might say “ collecting” their karma, paying for their sins, carrying all that heavy burden eventually, we become so overwhelmed, crushed, broken, suicidal, angry and disconnected from God, while THEY ARE THRIVING, laughing, and very often – playing victims. And that’s what is all about. Imho.

Last edited 1 year ago by SlavicGirl
11 months ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

Lot of good points here but I think you need another edit.

1 year ago

The gloves, the gloves, the gloves! If charges are pressed it’s because he’s pissed someone powerful off or he is serving a bigger agenda. A normalisation psyop.

1 year ago

Tom Hanks will never be canceled. They will cover this up to the largest degree. People love his movies too much so he will be saved in society. I was going to say that if it was something like he dated a 16 or 17 year old it wouldn’t be such a big deal but it is sounding pretty bad but I don’t see him ever getting into trouble for it because he’s such a big name and well liked person.

1 year ago

This has to be old because he disabled his comments after being called out A LONG time ago

1 year ago

Sarah Ashcraft isn’t telling truth. She is an extremely ill schizophrenic who believes she is married to Jesus who is also John Mayer.

1 year ago

This means nothing.

11 months ago

Does Greece have an extradition agreement with USA. It’s got me thinking maybe he’s going to flee to Greece as he recently got his citizenship there. His wife is Greek.

11 months ago
Reply to  jatziTatzi

It’s not that. In greece, paedophilia is considered a psych disorder & not something that is criminally prosecuted. That’s why he got the passport.

11 months ago


11 months ago

He even starred in a movie called “The Red Shoes”…