
Proof Hillary Clinton is tied to Nimrod/Gilgamesh. Is Nimrod the antichrist?


“Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants.”

If you follow the following steps in the video above, you will see that Hillary Clinton is tied to a document talking about the body of Gilgamesh in a resurrection chamber, and the bodies of buried Nephilim. Anyone who knows history knows that Nimrod is Gilgamesh. But why Gilgamesh’s body? Is he the antichrist? Is the modern day church lying to us to keep his identity concealed? After all, it is the book of Revelation, not concealation, right? Pastors will say this isn’t relevant for salvation, but doesn’t everything that Jesus said matter?

Many will think that the antichrist will be born. But when we read revelation 17:8 (New Living Translation), it states “The beast (Nimrod) you saw was once alive (before Revelation was written) but isn’t now. And yet he (Nimrod) will soon come up out of the bottomless pit and go to eternal destruction (Satan never went to the bottomless pit, he was casted to earth). And the people who belong to this world, whose names were not written in the Book of Life before the world was made, will be amazed at the reappearance (resurrects by way of CERN) of this beast (Nimrod) who had died.” 

When we look at Revelation 17:11 (New King James Version), it says “The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven (one of the seven), and is going to perdition.” These two verses obviously mean clear as day that the antichrist, the beast of Revelation, was alive before John wrote Revelation back in 96 A.D., & was dead while he was writing Revelation, but is one of the 7 Kings who died and went to Hell and will one day ascend out of the bottomless pit. 

But I know what some of you are thinking. Isn’t the antichrist supposed to be Jewish? If it’s Nimrod, this isn’t true because Nimrod forsook the God of his fathers. Daniel 11:37 (New King James Version) says “He (Nimrod) shall regard neither the God of his fathers (Cush, Ham, and Noah), nor the desire of women (under Nimrod’s alias, Gilgamesh, his boyfriend was Endiku), nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all.” 

But will the world accept Nimrod? Let’s examine the facts. The Muslim Mahdi is prophesied to kill all unbelievers. Who will Nimrod be after. According to Revelation 12, after the second war in Heaven (we know this is a second war because verse 10 states “For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth—the one who accuses them before our God day and night” (New Living Translation)). Satan will no longer be allowed to accuse us to God anymore like he did in the book of Job, so this is obviously a second war in Heaven. So what happens after Heaven War Two? When we read verses 13-17, it sounds like the woman is Israel, the child is the church of Christ, and the woman who escapes for 3½ years is actually the 144,000 Jews. So if Satan uses Nimrod to conquer (Revelation 6:2) after Jesus opens the first seal, removing the first of the Seven Spirits of God (2nd Thessalonians 2:7, Revelation 6:1), then that would mean that the prophecy of the Muslim Mahdi is actually about Nimrod. 

What about other faiths? With Israel destroyed, 144,000 Jews in Jesus’s protection on the planet, and Christians who don’t “fall away” to Nimrod’s side being beheaded, then the rest of the world might actually think Jesus is Nimrod. The Zeitgeist documentary tries to say that the story of Jesus was actually a copy of other past false gods. While Zeitgeist was debunked and proven false, wouldn’t it make sense that the world would embrace Nimrod since all these false gods are based on him, and that Jesus’s story was indeed a rip off (when it wasn’t)? Revelation 17:8 says that the people who embrace him are those not written in the book of life and will be amazed at his reappearance. This is quite the end times deception? Think about it. 

Another point I’d like to add is that Nimrod was beheaded when he died. This is why he beheads us in Revelation. We have all this technology for death penalties, but the beast of Revelation goes old school and beheads us? Why? Well, if Nimrod is the beast, then the answer is quite clear. It’s because he was beheaded. 

How will Nimrod return? Why haven’t the elites resurrected him yet if his body is in a resurrection chamber? When we look at 2nd Thessalonians 2:7, it says a restrainer is taken out of the way. Who is restraining this evil from happening? Many will say the Holy Spirit. I agree. But Revelation mentions seven spirits of God & seven seals. We, too, as believers, are sealed with the Holy Spirit. This means that the elites can’t bring back Nimrod until Jesus opens the first seal in Revelation 6:1, and that won’t happen until after Heaven War Two. 

I leave you with this last thought. Ask yourself, why do all churches preach the same milk, but preach different meat? Why do they say that the meat of the Gospel isn’t relevant for salvation? DOESN’T EVERYTHING THAT JESUS SAID MATTER? IS THE CURRENT 501C3 CHURCH SYSTEM REALLY RAN BY ELITES AND CONCEALING NIMROD’S IDENTIFY AS THE ANTICHRIST AND ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD US ON PURPOSE? What does the Holy Bible really say? How many of you commit idolatry with your pastors or worship leaders and call them first before getting on your knees to God and reading your Bibles. Last time I checked, the power that once killed seventy men & Uzzah exist inside of us now & is no longer inside the ark of the covenant. He who is in you is indeed greater than your Bible College, Bible teacher, pastors, and worship leaders. My love in Christ Jesus be with you all, amen. 

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9 months ago

Yeah you need to chill n take ur meds my guy.

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
8 months ago

When the random shill pops up to discredit you, wear it as a badge of honor. They’re all negatively triggered by truth.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy Jam

Says a random shill…

my guy is obsessed with Hillary Clinton. And you probably are too.

spend you time on positive stuff, not researching stuff that does nothing to help or further humanity.

out here obsessed over the end times when God specifically told you not too…

24 days ago

Says the elites satanic bot farm. Why are you here demon troll. Go back to your fiery home.

9 months ago

I actually find your argument about Nimrod compelling. Doesn’t hurt me at all to consider what you’ve said.

8 months ago

Then, let’s test the spirit who gave you this, and see.

9 months ago

I don’t disagree with you. After reading your post, I did some digging and found this article which gives a compelling argument that talks about how the enemy is trying to revive Nimrod/Gilgamesh as the antichrist spirit.

Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple
8 months ago

Nimrod was dead before there was even talk of the Christ, much less Antichrist.

The historical, contemporaneous Antichrist of the New Testament seems to be Emperor Nero, who martyred Christians and had St. Peter crucified upside-down.

Whether the Antichrist has or will come again in other forms, that is up for discussion…

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
8 months ago

While plausible, I still find Obama the more likely candidate. The same verses apply to him plus a whole lot more convincing evidence is available.

8 months ago

God is outside space and time.
There are lots of things in revelation that were not possible or knowable in John’s day.

8 months ago

Actually written by John in space and time yes. Where did he get absolutely accurate information about 2000 years in the future? God is the author of the Bible and this is yet more proof.

8 months ago

Child? Silly attempt to win an argument.
Whether God is or is not the author is not a foolish argument. It is foundational to the faith.
Jesus is the word/logos!
By denying God wrote the book it is you whose is hidden from its truth and caught in the devils trap.
You have rendered Jesus meaningless.

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
8 months ago

You stick with the surface level argument and ignore believing a huge heresy.
You know Jesus wrote the bible? and yet your previous posts called this into doubt. “I actually read my bible” and “fix your walk with Christ” are childish accusations made without any knowledge whatsoever that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. ad hominem attacks make for poor arguments.

Malachi Elias
Malachi Elias
8 months ago

Yes as a seer who has seen over 300 dreams come to pass all glory to God, I have seen Obama is the son of perdition man of sin the antichrist. Another accurate prophetess has seen the same plus many more. Check out my channel on YouTube if you’re interested in real prophecy that will surely come to pass in these last days – Malachi Elias

8 months ago

Don’t waste your time in such speculation. The good parts of the Bible religion is just repackaged Roman elitist religion like stoicism. They’re attached to their sentiments. It’s questionable if Jesus even lived. The whole idea of Adam and Eve causing all suffering is North Korean Justice—namely punishing innocent people (North Korea punishes three generations for your crime—Yahweh punishes every generation—and the animals and plants too), either for the sins of Adam & Eve, or killing Jesus. If a kid of 15-20 years born in the ghetto or a communist hellhole renounces God, for those few seasons he will burn forever? You have to be a real coward to surrender to such an evil paradigm. Then again these are the people who believe the earth is flat and 6,000 years old, created in seven days.

And the biblical explanation for evil? Jesus’ followers asked him why a man was born blind—was it due to sins of the parents or his own (implying past lives or reincarnation, a popular belief in the ancient classical world). Jesus said no, it’s to glorify God. Their god made a man born blind so Jesus could show off healing him. That’s your all-good merciful god? What about blind people who are never healed all their life? Sounds like a masochist. Would you do that to your own kids? Apparently Yahweh/Allah needed to “show off.” Swell guy. Sounds like he isn’t complete within himself. He has self-esteem issues. Maybe needs a shrink. Anyone worshipping such a god sure needs one. Abrahamic followers just don’t like the alternatives ie Buddhism/Hinduism since they couldn’t torture animals anymore or steal their embryos and cook their menstruation (eggs). If that sounds gross well, you’re the one eating it. It works out for them since the biblical god loves blood and gore—he can’t get enough of it, whether man or animal—it makes him feel better. Take Sodom and Gomorrah: Yahweh (likely a Semitic war god) tells lot to find him 10 innocent men or he’ll destroy the cities. Were the children not innocent? I guess Yahweh sorted them out in heaven (that’s what the crusaders and jihadis always said). Some dark age bishops decided Jesus got nailed so they could keep sinning—he “paid” for it, all you need to do is say a few magic words about Jesus or Mohammed and you’re scot free. Oh and eat Jesus’ body. If you don’t eat his blood and guts you’ll buuuurn—forever muahaha!

The proof is in the pudding: just compare how peaceful and nonviolent Abrahamic religions are versus Hindus/Buddhists.

And the ark? Did the koalas and kangaroos swim over? Four guys built a boat in thirty days that fit two million animals? Who cleaned their feces? Maybe like TV god sped up the tape (que the Benny Hill theme music). No intelligent person can make sense of it all. And what if you never heard of Jesus or Mohammed? Is salvation based on zip code? They will say the Bible says God’s work and message is apparent in nature, but then what’s the point of Jesus’ murder or the Bible for that matter? It’s based on threats and blackmail.

We do not even know this man’s full name. Yehoshuah, which means Joshua in English, was gradually isolated from his Judaic background by theologians anxious to make him acceptable to the gentile population. The earliest codices were written in Greek rather than Aramaic, the language of Mesopotamia, which had been adopted by the Jews. The Greek rendering of Joshua is Jesus. Jesus was known as Yehoshuah during his lifetime, and the Greek version did not come into usage until about A.D.100, nearly two generations after his death.

The term Christ or the Christ was not formally added to he name Jesus until about A.D. 400. Yehoshuah himself did not claim to be the Messiah. According to the biblical texts, he repeatedly referred to himself as ‘the son of man’.

In plain sight
In plain sight
8 months ago

Maybe this NimROD angle explains her alleged surname RODham. Also, HAM was a son of Noah in the Bible. NIMROD & HAM. Plenty of clues built into her name. She claimed she was named after the climber Edmund Hillary, but he didn’t become famous until she was 3 years old. And of course he, one of the most famous climbers of hills / mountains, had “Hill” built right into his name. The elites are always mocking us, right down to the names of their leading actors.

The page 470 thing immediately struck me, since she was born in ‘47 (which also saw the debuts of the CIA, Mitt Romney, the Roswell psyop, & many other disinformation entities. 47 is the Freemasons’ #2 (some say #1) favorite number to use to encode their rituals. This is due to the FMs’ admiration for Euclid’s 47th problem a.k.a. the Pythagorean theorem.
The word “Clintons” has gematria of 47. The U.S.’s birthday is on 4/7 (how most of the world writes July 4), and that’s why it’s pronounced “The 4th of July,” to keep the 4 in front of the 7. The AK-47 began its Russian military testing in ‘47, before going on to be the leading gun of communists & terrorists all the way up to today. Syria’s ruling party, the socialist Ba’ath Party, was hilariously founded on 4/7/47, which lets us know the FMs were the muscle behind it. Trump famously taunted Biden by saying “I’ve done more in 47 months than you’ve done in 47 years.” “Orwell” died at 46, meaning in his 47th year of life. Too many more examples to mention. But now you see why page 470 (zeroes are disregarded in gematria) caught my attention.

And since Revelation was brought up, here’s an easy way to remember which Bible verse reveals that the number of the beast is 666:
Simply start with 1984 (the dystopian year that was the setting of the famous novel & film) and subtract 666. You get 1318. Just convert that to 13:18. You have to remember that it’s in Revelation, but that’s pretty easy.
This tells me the year 1984 was not chosen by “Orwell” randomly, but rather to signify that he knew about Rev. 13:18 and wanted to set his book 666 years after 13:18, if the latter were converted to a year.
(“Orwell” was an ardent lifelong socialist, who absolutely did not want us to be free of our gov’ts. He wrote his books to simply mock us in advance & get us mentally ready for our future enslavement. Thus he is the most misunderstood author / thinker in history. Look up the group known as Plus Ultra to understand this more. It’s in the Satanists’ / elites’ code of honor to warn us before doing what they’re setting out to do (“Satan always knocks first”), & he was perhaps their chief warner. Look at the name of arguably the biggest media company in American history: Warner Bros.)

I wonder if warmonger & philanderer Nimarata “Nikki” Haley’s first name is related to Nimrod as well. She’s basically an agent provocateur who exists only to attack Republicans & play the race card, while not accomplishing any sort of conservative victories.

Confused 2
Confused 2
8 months ago

Thank you to both ‘nobody listens to me’ & ‘In plain sight’ for your insights. Very interesting.

Jefferson Temple
Jefferson Temple
8 months ago

Well I am simply floored by the fact if a FOIA request to DoS regarding Gilgamesh and Nephilim. What?! But my question is, since you searched the word Clinton, how do you know for sure that it’s Hillary? Could there be another Clinton associated with State? Seems nitpicky but important.

8 months ago

Another point I’d like to add is that Nimrod was beheaded when he died. This is why he beheads us in Revelation. We have all this technology for death penalties, but the beast of Revelation goes old school and beheads us??

30’000 guillotines bought by!!!

27 days ago

This kind of dismal speculation is what happens when you imbibe a Jesuit eschatology (futurism) and forsake the Reformation’s historicist model. The Antichrist is an office, not any one man; and it is an office that has existed in the city of Rome since Damasus I became the first bishop of that city to be called “papa”, that is, Pope. You are chasing shadows with futurism and this is why the modern church transcendent is eschatologically blind and is one reason (among several) why it is about to be hit by a freight train of chastening in 2025, when it will be gagged from speaking against LGBT under “hate speech” laws, fulfilling Rev 11’s slaying of the 2 witnesses.

18 days ago

The beast, the image of the beast, the woman who rode on the beast, the kings who are horns of the beast, the false prophet etc one description describes the kingdoms and the kings who are all part of the beast system manipulated by a harlot (a nation) who will be destroyed by the other kings of the modern day beast system.. One description talks directly about the beast himself. There are distinctions between them yet are all of the beast. A perversion of the Trinity. Devil, unholy body, devil possessing a human body whose former soul is gone. Its why its called the abomination who is in opposition to the Son.