
Paedophiles using AI to turn singers and film stars into kids (

Charity finds dark web forums sharing thousands of new abuse images made with bespoke AI software.

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10 months ago

Not gonna see this. Ai, or not.

10 months ago

Blaming AI is like blaming a gun for killing someone.

10 months ago
Reply to  Yxxy

Needing AI or a gun is a weakness not a strength.

BTW this site ever gonna do an article about the America citizens obsessions with guns?…I know it’s usually the government, but this time I fear it’s the people that are fear mongers and weak minded.
First thing that comes to their mind after a mass shooting isn’t prayers and sadness..but anger that their precious gospel of the 2nd amendment will be changed. Or to go watch CNN the channel they “don’t watch” so they can find “actors” to try and prove their theories that the mass shootings in America are fake. Pathetic really…

But I suppose that doesn’t further the Republican agenda of this site. Mix a few stories in touching on the truth and things that need to be exposed so you can plant your seeds of division and distraction. Pathetic is.

10 months ago
Reply to  TruthBeingTold

First off, stop injecting politics into discussions that have NOTHING to do with politics. It’s pathetic. Post about the topic, not your agenda. Second, you are using the dead to sell slavery to the living. The Second Amendment protects the rights of the people from the tyranny of government. I hope you wake up.

10 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous7

In the UK we don’t have the right to bear arms against tyranny. I never understood why Americans valued it so much until 2020. Then it became crystal clear.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
10 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

I always heard that Maine folks carry guns everywhere they go but I guess not in this case…

10 months ago

We typically do. Anyone can concealed carry in Maine, which may be partly why we have the lowest crime rate per capital of all states in the U.S. However, both public establishments where the recent mass shootings took place, the restaurant and bowling alley, have “no guns” signs posted, as they both sell alcohol, as is their right.

Last edited 10 months ago by vievie
10 months ago
Reply to  Vievie

Now that is very interesting.

10 months ago

trying hard to provoke the coming of the moshiach, those zionists are like a child whos inheritance was annuled but they still persist and never stop coming – but you promised us the whole world! We would be kingz! yeah, try to bargain with satan lol, unfortunately for you he has no power over the free will of the people, he cannot promise them to you! they are not his cattle but rather HIS flock, his sheeple!
hate to see my anglo saxon people dominated by this dark terrorist cult masquerading as religion, we need to look up to people like Henry Ford who saw this dark cloud coming and stood against it valiantly, anglo-saxon titan!

slavic power
slavic power
10 months ago

lost souls downvoting you brother/sister, although you’re spitting straight facts. the khazarian zionists are prevailing in the anglosaxon world.

10 months ago

Your Anglo-Saxon ancestors would laugh at you and disown you as you stand in your keyboard bunker doing nothing but spouting out bigot speech.

10 months ago


10 months ago
Reply to  Bob

If you can’t force people to change their opinions, discredit them by associating them with unacceptable opinions. The powers that be will use every twisted strategy to discredit those that see the truth (and those powers do not represent religions, regions, heritages, skin colors, etc. They represent evil.)

10 months ago


10 months ago

Our worst nightmares have come true”

Ah yes. The worst possible thing imaginable is a computer drawing of a naked body not approved by the government. About as many people die from that every year as climate change. The horror!

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

It’s still not right Steven. But then all inventions get misused by bad people.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

If this character were drawn naked, would the people who enjoyed the image be considered “bad people”? Whether she was a couple years younger or ten years older, she’d still be beautiful. Western culture is disingenuous about the nature of attraction.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

It isn’t a factor of the beauty of a child; it’s a question of lust and domination by abusers. That is why young people, teens included, ought to be well-protected from predators.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

You are totally missing or ignoring facts. It is about CHILDREN! using made-up photosor real photos of children in sexual, pornografic context is … I cannot even find a suitable word for it, that’s how evil it is and you find it acceptable? It’s the same thing with that proposal – allow pedos use dolls that look like children so that they are friendly around our kids. No, they won’t!
Are you in your senses, Steven?

Last edited 10 months ago by crisspf
10 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Okay, what about the gory brutality of Mortal Kombat, or DOOM, or Grand Theft Auto? If you enjoy blowing up the heads of NPCs, does that mean you will go on a mass shooting spree?

These conversations are going to become more prevalent as the opensource generative AI tools that you can run without censorship get cheaper and better.

Why is a 12 year old or 15 year old butt evil, but not an 18 year old butt?

Spell it out instead of just reeeeing like the left does.

This is your chance to duke it out and sharpen your argument before the topic hits the main stream.

Where are you basing your understanding of morality surrounding age? Really articulate it.

10 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Okay, what about the g-o-r-y brutality of Mortal Kombat, or DOOM, or Grand Theft Auto? If you enjoy blowing up the heads of NPCs, does that mean you will go on a mass s-h-o-o-t-i-n-g s-p-r-e-e?

These conversations are going to become more prevalent as the opensource generative Al tools that you can run without censorship get cheaper and better.

Why is a 12 year old or 15 year old butt evil, but not an 18 year old butt?

Spell it out instead of just reeeeing like the left does.

This is your chance to duke it out and sharpen your argument before the topic hits the main stream.

Where are you basing your understanding of morality surrounding age? Really articulate it.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

1. All p*********y should be abolished. I don’t care how old someone is, they shouldn’t be in it. I base that off of my both my Christian beliefs.

2. Statistically, after someone firsts looks at child p**n and then acts on it to abuse a child, it’s only a matter of weeks.

Child p**n stimulates desire for sex with children. Anyone who denies this is denying basic human nature. We are not computers, distantly analyzing, and then compartmentalizing our thoughts when we are done. We are souls with desires that cannot be compartmentalized and that must be trained, or they become out of control.

3. If you believe consent is important, children are not able to give consent in any meaningful way. Even teens, they aren’t going to understand the implications. That wouldn’t be so bad if it were a 19 year old and a 17 year old, but let’s face it, it’s usually a teen girl and a lecher who is 40+.

10 months ago
Reply to  breaker

Absolutely agree! I also state and I take full responsability for my words that Steven’s rhetoric here about an 18, 15, 12 years olds (oh, yes, he goes there- 12!!!) makes him a potential pedo. If not yet, he is definitely about to. It’s already in the way he addresses this issue like “ what is such a big deal? It’s still a b*tt, right?” That is how evil it is. And the language… children as b*tts! No comment!

10 months ago
Reply to  breaker

DOOM and Mortal Kombat stimulate desire for mass murder. Anyone who denies this is denying basic human nature.

Abolished? So you believe in a government that uses violence against anyone who does something you feel is icky.

THAT is immoral. Every individual is free to put whatever they want in their body, and you don’t get to be a tyrant and bully others. I own my body, not you, and not the government. I can drink bleach if I want to. I can’t a force a child OR YOU to drink bleach.

The topic here is looking at drawings, not doing violence against children.

Jewish kids got married around 12 or 13, so where is it in the Bible that says 18 is the limit?

What about king David and all his concubines? God loved that dude basically more than anyone else but you could pick and choose Bible verses to say that was bad. Literally one of God’s top ten favorite dudes.

And of course, neither you or crisspf could articulate a reason other than “I’m a fundamentalist Christian and want to force everyone to behave the way I want them to”.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Steven, do you have a specific religion or ideology you believe? Libertarian?

Do you set any limits on age of consent?

Could you actually live it? As in, would you personally pursue a child for a romantic or sexual relationship if you were attracted to a child?

10 months ago
Reply to  breaker

I don’t attribute the label of any religious beliefs to myself. Same goes for government stuff. I believe it is important to tell the truth and not do violence against others.

There isn’t a hard line in the sand when an individual becomes able to consent to important decisions. Kids are much more competent than they’re given credit for. Regarding sex, I would have definitely loved to have had those kinds of experiences in Middle School instead of being untouched until college. Our culture is terrified of touch. What happens to the baby monkey that only has a metal wireframe mother monkey to touch? It dies. The data is not clear that minors are incapable of positive experiences in this area.

The bigger question is whether ANYBODY having sex outside of wedlock is acceptable. That isn’t clear either. Sex is a powerful thing, but I think the nuance of the topic has been purposefully obfuscated by the One Eye club. Use religion to induce extreme shame on the topic, but also glorify it in every other medium. It creates cognitive dissonance and lashing out.

There is a never ending supply of 18+ young ladies out there. It would be incredibly dumb to pursue younger than that because of both the government and shame filled individuals who would do violence against you, so no I wouldn’t.

My point has always been that there are women in their twenties with the body of a 12-14 year old. Like that tiny blonde corn chick who is in the meme where she is on a couch with like 10 black guys standing behind her. Being aware of something is not bad. Calling a spade a spade isn’t allowed in our Orwellian society. Just trust the priest-class. Don’t trust your eyes or feelings or intuition or hard evidence to the contrary.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

F*****g pedo trash

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

“ Regarding sex, I would have definitely loved to have had those kinds of experiences in Middle School instead of being untouched until college.”

My guess is you were a cringey nerd that no girl wanted to go near.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

I articulated on other occasions, Steven, and so did Breaker and many others. You just don’t care because this child abusing potential is in you!

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

AI AND Pedophilia. We all anticipated Steven Casteel’s two cents on this. And he didn’t fail to deliver.

10 months ago

Reading the comments on this post, I can help but wonder if one guy has multiple user names and replies to himself with opinions that generally frustrate the other users.

Steven, I don’t include you in that. You are at odds with a lot of people here, but you’ve at least been around here for a while.

10 months ago
Reply to  breaker

You know Steven is a self professed p*do right?

10 months ago
Reply to  GoodChristian

He’s a turd you just can’t flush.

10 months ago
Reply to  breaker

Is that true Steven? Are you contrarian or do you really support pedophilia?

10 months ago
Reply to  breaker

You shouldn’t be asking this, breaker! “18, 15, 12 years old B*TT”, “14 years old curvey shapes”. “Peak value” from 15, but I suppose it’s ok from 12 for dear Steve-O here. Someone that thinks that way makes you wonder. Would you trust this guy around your, let’s say, 10, 12 years old daughters ir even smaller?

10 months ago
Reply to  breaker

I only have one account and I tell the truth under my real name. All that the name calling does is inoculate me against it, just like being called all the names that the left threw around the last 7 years.

“You are killing grandma if you don’t get injected and wear a mask.”

“You are literally r—ing someone if you think they have a nice butt.”

Keep it up fundies, you’re just making me stronger in my convictions since you can’t articulate a solid argument challenging it.

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
10 months ago

Evil has used these same “art” arguments to usher in all kinds of perversion.
This is just the latest extreme example of it.
Art is about beauty and stimulating the imagination. An overly simple definition.

What evil creates is about corruption of the soul and stimulating evil in man.

It is a moral judgement and why these “art” arguments are difficult to defeat.

As morality declines so does art. The world is in a moral free fall and so is just about everything else in the world including art. In such a world everything representing God is a bright light pointing to him.

It is only going to get much worse and then they will be gone forever.

10 months ago

Art also brings a decline in morality. The two are intertwined. Beauty is intertwined with good; repulsion is intertwined with evil.

10 months ago

I heard an art student talk about his experience at art school. He said that the kids that go in there with sensitive souls pursuing beauty, and walk out of there making demonic, repulsive, or even just bland art. And that is what sells in the world now anyway.

Don't trust mainstream media
Don't trust mainstream media
10 months ago

With AI we are summoning the demon