
Letter Written By Freemason Albert Pike In 1871 Reveals The Illuminati Plan For World War 3

A letter which is said to have been written in 1871 predicted both the First and Second World Wars and claims that there will be a third global conflict.

The predictions are said to have been penned by Confederate officer and Freemason Albert Pike over 150 years ago in his correspondence to Italian Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian revolutionary. 

Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary leader during the mid 1800s and was also the Director of the Illuminati.

Albert Pike was a 33rd degree, Freemason Occultist Grand Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order as well as a satanist.

His letter to Mazzini was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977. It has been claimed that the letter reside in the British Library in London. The British library however denies that the letter exists.

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1 year ago

So he even coined the term the Germans would use to refer to National Socialism, neither existed when he ‘wrote’ this as well?

Talk about not passing the smell test.

1 year ago
Reply to  imtrash

The word Ha-Nasi was used as the title for the role of the head of the San Hedrin, the SANturn HexaHEDRON, of the Phoenicians/Fanaxians/Enochians since it was instituted in 191 BCE as imposters. it comes from NASIr m, the lowest point in the celestial plane, the opposite of Zenith.

The swatstik is now known to be at a least 20000 years old, found in artifacts in the Black Sea region, relating to Solar worship. As the German NASIs eagle standard, in its exact form down to the feather count, is found used identically dating back at least to 7000 YBP present in Sumeria.

Anyone who is well versed in Luciferianism knows these symbols are always used to signal their regimes of blood sacrifice, oppression and war.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hello, I have been seeing the numbers 3, 30, 33, 333 frequently at certain times. sometimes in games, sometimes on the clock. Do you think it has any meaning or is it just BS? As it is a number related to mystical things (mainly Freemasonry) I was thinking about…

1 year ago
Reply to  thinkaboutit


1 year ago
Reply to  thinkaboutit


1 year ago
Reply to  thinkaboutit

Thats numerology, another New Age practice. It is BS, you better not to dwell into this.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


Since you are in a period of awakening, you are going to begin to notice patterns and details in ways you had not previously; often this results in repeated “sign postings,” of numbers and words. It certainly is true that the symbolisms/numerical combinations/words are woven into the fabric of ours culture in such a way do as to affect us subconsciously; now you see the rabbit in the hat consciously, and the magic trick ceases to have the same power it once had.

As you become consciously aware of something’s prescience you only previously subconsciously perceived, it effects the outcomes of both your choices and thus reality; and these often combine in such a way to create repeating patterns in our lives that last for varying periods of time.

Take it as a sign that you are learning and growing.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

For someone that say he is not a New Ager, you sure sound like one.

Just like astrology or divination, numerology invent mystical relationship between a number or object and one or more coinciding events. All of those are forbidden in the Bible.

He is not learning anything, he just enter a slippery slope to occultism.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


Please explain what about I just wrote is “new age.” This is maybe the eighth time you’ve interjected yourself into conversations with highly vehement and negative condemnations (see: heresy accusations) based upon nothing of what is actually discussed, nor what is found in scriptures. Where is anything that I said indicative of “numerology,” in some magical divination?

We often times learn things and notice what wasn’t first noticed. What do you think the meaning of making the blind see, as mentioned in scriptures, means?

A couple of questions:

1) Can you define what exactly you mean by numerology? Where in scripture does it say mathematics and science is banned and where does mathematics begin and “numerology” begin? Without a solid definition of what you mean and define as “numerology”, the conversation is

2) Does the story of 1 Kings 10, and Chronicles not use tremendous quantities of enumerative combinatorics?

3) Does revelations not command to “calculate the number of the beast?” And use very specific symbols to enumerate and illustrate that number, which has a very profound scientific basis? Does it not also give very specific measurements for the city of YHWH which correspond to the earth, solar system and the galaxy?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Documentary on Jesus’ supposed missing years in India by Richard Bock

1 year ago
Reply to  BibleAnon


Yeshua’s “lost years,” from the age of about 3-24, were spent in Kemet, in the thirteenth gnome called Tel Yehudah.

The posited connections of the Indic spiritual orders and the teachings of Yeshua are apt; however they stem from the much more ancient root, and then a more modern one unconnected to Yeshua, rather than from his training amongst Yogis.

In fact the Rig Veda is written in SHEMskrit, or the writing of Shen, son of Noah and progenitor of the Aryeh Yehudah, and the parallels are extraordinary. Adam -> Abraham is as Atman -> (a)Brahman. The first word of the scriptures is בראשית “Berashit” which is identical to the sham skrit “Bra Cit” said “Berashit”, which means “Expansion of Conciousness.” It by no means says “in the beginning Elohim Created.” There are no temporal clauses in the text which delineate time.

The name of Shiva, who is the giver of wisdom, the destroyer, and represents Saturn in the Luciferian corrupted Indic traditions, means seven in Aryeh Yehudah (said Shiva identically) a reference to Saturn as the seventh major celestial body from the sun, as the seven candlesticks in the menorah. He appears in his transgender form in 2 Kings as “Queen Sheba” but which is written u equivocally as “Shiva Malika.” To test the wisdom of SOL-Amon, the sun king.

The parallels of the later Roman state run antiXristos Faith with Indic traditions is the result of openly infused Luciferianism; all of the earliest antiXristos temples were built as octagons on top of Mithraic temples, Shich were the Solar mysteries, the Myth of Ra… as the big papa wears a MIT RA… which in Greek totals to 666, the number of solar eclipses per Saros, the eclipse cycle whose name in Hebrew צר means beast… We were warned, and nobody listened as the prophecies were fulfilled.

The Octagon shape is found with nearly identical iconography to the earliest antiXristos religion in temples of the serpent worshipping Tokharions of the Himalayas, which were a store of Luciferian occultism for millennia. The antiXristos under the Solar worshippers and their Roman stage (Rome = Rama the Solar warrior of India = Rama-nu the Illuminator of Babylon) it is in reference to the swatstik and the turning of the equinoxes, and the Luciferian worship thereof. An easy way to determine where the state Solar religion death kult borrowed from Asian Luciferianism is by looking at where their dogmas align with the dogmatic birth story of Buddha, whose name is the same as Bodha/Bodhi an epithet of GANESa, the same as the serpent for whom they have named GENESis. There is significant evidence of the esoteric Luciferian priesthood from the time of Alexander’s conquests.

These similitudes have lead to these theories of Yeshua’s lost years in India:

The deeper teachings of the Aryeh Yehudah in the 3rd millenia BCE that became the corpus of the Rig Veda, combined then the much later overlaying by the antiXristos church which exotericized a lot of corrupt esoteric Solar Luciferianism highly present in Buddhism, has lead to this synchronetistic ideation.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

From wikipedia :

Numerology is the belief in an occult, divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. 

What he talked about was numerology and you pushed him in this direction.
Numerology is part of the common New Age practices. If you are not a New Ager, you are probably an occultist or a luciferian yourself.

Numerology is a pseudo-science, its not because there is numbers it is scientific. Nothing in the Bible invite us to do numerology, you clearly haven’t understood it.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


Using a one sentence definition of a term from Wikipedia to define your views is highly problematic, especially given Wikipedia’s founder has admitted it is largely edited and controlled by the C1@. Notwithstanding you failed to answer any questions that delineate a difference between “numerology” and mathematics.

For example, is a digital sum numerology? Many people believe adding numbers together such as: 432 = 4+3+2 = 9 is a purely useless numerological concept. However this has extremely important applications in fields level number theory, including modules operations and data encryption. So what would make it become numerology, and stop being valid fields medal level mathematics?

You also make false accusations against me; we are commanded by Moshe against bearing false witness!! You claim I “pushed” thinkabout it into numerology, when clearly I simply explained that he may be recognising embedded patterns in media, art, or our surroundings, which can include numerical patterns. Being on VL, you really do not believe they embed numerical patterns and symbols into their media?

You’ve also cut off the next sentence, because apparently going beyond the first sentence is more depth than you’ll go to when brandishing mr a heretic, I the numerology Wikipedia Athena states:

“It is also the study of the numerical value, via an alphanumeric system.”

Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Arabic all use alphanumeric systems, and have done so variously for up to three thousand years. So apparently, by your claim, the two Languages of scripture are bad-bad no-no poopy witchcraft, because they use alphanumerical systems as defined by Wikipedia?

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

not even pseudo-science, its b.s.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul


Wr all agree that numerology is a luciferian borne superstition; numerology is to mathematics as astrology is to astronomy.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I agree

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I agree. When I was a child, my best friend and her mother referred to numerology before making any decisions in their lives. Her and her mother were wildly popular and wealthy so I looked into it. I realized that groups of people who refer to the same sets of numerology will agree and work together to produce desired outcomes. However, like science, it is absolutely impossible to realize or include all the variables. Even when you know the variables, it is impossible to quantify them. On the other hand, you can predict and control what large groups of people will do if you know the values of their numerology, which is exactly what the one world government/religion wants to do.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

It’s interesting that after I asked this, I think about two hours later, I got sleepy and slept a little, when I woke up I was still drowsy and when I closed my eyes, I went into a dissociative state, something like astral travel, but without visuals, just feeling my body change direction in the room. I felt like I could delve deeper into the experience, but I didn’t feel comfortable. I noticed that sometimes when I read about spiritual subjects, I feel sleepy even though I’m really interested in continuing. That wasn’t the case this time, because I was really tired, but other times it was. It even occurred to me that I woke up seeing some geometric patterns (pentagons or hexagons)

1 year ago
Reply to  thinkaboutit


There is almost no way for me to know specifically what you experienced via internet, but there appears to be a fairly probability that you experienced altered perceptions from reduced material barriers in your mental processing due to sleep cycle interruptions.

When we awaken in the middle of a REM cycle, there are a myriad of effects which can heavily effect nuero cognitive processing of the prefrontal cortex, that is the “conscious mind.”

This is why people who frequently experience hypnogogia, awakening from a REM cycle directly into alpha brain wave patterns while still physically paralyzed, often report vivid hallucinations and high incidences of lucid dreaming while still in the state. It is possible that this is why you experienced something akin to “astral travel.” I personally experienced this type of stuff when awakening with sleep paralysis (hypnogogia) when I was in my late teens and early twenties.

The Geometric patterns you saw are again indicative of reduced mental perception control. People that ingest psychedelics often perceive wildly vivid geometric patterns, and tons of research shows that these perceptions are already there in our brains, but that we filter them out of our concious perceptions when in a fully awakened state.

Would you like some tecommendationa on altered perceptions related to sleep patterns?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, i would like to know what do you think about recent events, the world is boiling right now! Yom kippur wars, Friday 13th, and today’s Annular Solar Eclipse in Texas. What’s going on? on astronomical, calendar, and political level? What can we expect on 10.31? Internet and electricity shutdown? where are we now at the NWO journey?

1 year ago
Reply to  olivetree


Sacrifice events are frequently tied to the days surrounding solar eclipses.

Just as COVert IDentification 19 began with a devil horns eclipse on Saturnalia aka Day of Horus Risen aka Returb of the Sun aka Xmas, over Babylon on December 26th, 2019 the current mass blood letting in the Isis Ra Eli and Phillistine territory straddles the current solar eclipse. The word “Palestine” is the same as “Phillistine” and comes from the term “Phili Estim,” meaning “Children of the East.” Or Chikdren of Hestia, the great mother.

You are seeing the second phase of the Great Re-Set (in Egyptian mythology, Re = Sun deity and Set = the deity of darkness and chaos) which is about transitioning from the global tagging and bagging of the worlds populace, into flash bang tensions that destabilize the world order in such a way so as facilitate the NW0s rise by the 2000th anniversary of Yeshua’s sacrifice.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, when will be the 2000th anniversary of Yeshua’s sacrifice? is it around 2030? and where are we in the Saros cycle calendar? how far are we from the 666th one? will the 666th eclipse match the 2000th anniversary of Yeshua’s sacrifice?

1 year ago
Reply to  olivetree

2030-2033 is the period of the double millenia.

You can find an exact description of where we are in the Saros in Chapter IX of Monkeys through the videos of Ben Heath, which I highly recommend for a slowly paced, yet highly accurate introduction into this cycle and it’s use in scriptures.

1 year ago
Reply to  olivetree


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I have never used psychedelics. I have used dxm twice in my life, but never in a visual way. The first time I had sleep paralysis was when I slept after drinking strong wine. I noticed that when paralysis occurs, I wake up feeling a kind of “static”, brain tingling. Now about yesterday, I had a high level of control over waking up and returning to the dissociative state. When I went into a dissociative state, I heard squeaks and buzzing noises similar to old analog TVs being turned on. Anyway, I would be grateful if you could help me with more information.

1 year ago
Reply to  thinkaboutit

If your first bout of sleep paralysis was induced by alcohol, then it is quite likely that your system has hypothalamus disconnects-reworks occurring during REM, and that you are still quite young and pairing away extraneous connections. Typical among “ADD” nuero cognitives (more capable of branched fractal thinking) under 25-27 or so.

What you describe as a “disassociation” may not at all be what that term is used for with regards to trauma experiences where individuals “go over the rainbow,” so as to emotionally shut down and be in another head spade during abuse (resulting in multiple compartmentalised personalities); this is usually trauma induced and a coping mechanism of the amygdala.

In your case it appears that your hypothalamus may often remain disconnected from the motor cortex when you awake in the middle of REM cycles, hence the paralysis, and that in this case, you felt the body movement due to a partial connection which was not functioning. It is typical to also feel some level of panic and discomfort in this state; I certainly did during the episodes I had during this phase of my cognitive development.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes, I don’t mean an effect of a traumatic experience. I refer to the clinical terms for these cases of out-of-body experience and projection of consciousness. Something I realized is that this is probably related to the position I sleep in. Sometimes the way I feel most comfortable sleeping is when I sleep holding my other arm while one hand is under my head. I believe this accidentally causes sensory deprivation and leads to these out-of-body experiences. Sensory deprivation techniques involve isolating the tactile senses with thick fabrics, like gloves. However, I have read that it is possible to confuse the senses by intertwining or overlapping limbs, similar to the lotus position in meditation. for some reason this thing about limbs touching each other reminds me of the Ouroboros. the serpent/Dragon that bites its own tail

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

What purpose do lucid dreams serve? I was always able to wake up from my dreams at will, but in the last few years I have become pretty good at lucid dreaming. I can fly, phase through walls and create objects out of thin air among other things – the dreams last pretty long for me.

I also see sequences of images – moments from the future in my dreams sometimes, for example I see a moment that will happen a few months later and then I can judge if what I did until then bears good fruit. I can’t recall what I saw consciously, but when the moment comes I remember that I saw it in a dream a few months ago. I also have deja vu pretty often. Time seems strange to me because of this, it feels like it’s not linear but cyclical with slight variations.

Is there a way to improve these abilities? How do I get better at fishing for the truth?

1 year ago
Reply to  SemperVigilans


I missed this before, I didn’t mean to leave you hanging on such a deep question. I will answer you with the proper depth soon.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I understand you need time, so no worries there. This topic is pretty important to me since I’ve had these things happen to me intensely for as long as I can remember.

I didn’t manage to find much information on lucid dreaming, except for some guides on how to do it.
The trick is in developing and retaining the awareness that you are asleep (which I had already, so 1 step less) and in remaining calm throughout the experience. I’ve found that you must not let your heartrate increase beyond the resting level (around 60 BPM) – you will wake up if your heart starts to beat faster.

And there is even less information on prophetic dreams, ie. dreaming about the future and it coming true. I’ve read that some consider it a sign of psychic ability and something about it’s relation to the third eye and remote viewing, but not much beyond that.

I personally consider these abilities to be something innate to all humans, but some have an easier time with them than others. There have been recorded instances of these experiences in the Bible ( the pharaoh’s dreams of cows come to mind). I think that God, our Father made some of us more sensitive to these things by default so that we can understand and help each other better. I think people like this could live to become priests or prophets in Biblical times.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I would be very grateful for any sources you could provide. What you’re describing with hypnagogia is exactly what I’ve been experiencing over the past ~month. Age range and all. Is there any direct correlation between our age and this experience? Anything you know that either triggers it, or inhibits it? Thanks in advance for anything you have on this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Channah


1 year ago
Reply to  Channah


You can start for a very scientific review of the involvement of the lambic system in hypnogogia here:

1 year ago
Reply to  Channah


Yes there is a definitive coorelarion with the age range I’ve described and the experiences of hypnogogia; it is typical in those that also are now classed as “ADD,” during this period, because they have a thought pattern which creates lots of branching connections in the synapses; there is now a substantial reorganization of the synaptic connections occurring in the brain during sleep, which frequently causes a disconnect of the hypothalamus and the sleep cycle, resulting in these experiences. It will likely get better as you approach and pass 30.

Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
1 year ago
Reply to  thinkaboutit

The number 3 can relate to the Holy Trinity. When I see 333 on the clock, I think of it as God reminding me He is here.
33 degree Freemason, but don’t forget, Jesus was 33 years old at the time of His death and resurrection according to early Christian traditions.
It is also said that he died at 3 pm.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cajun Mom

Yes. In the days I spent seeing this pattern of numbers, ideas came to my mind, my studies began. I was reading about ozymandias (watchmen) and how this fictional character went on a type of spiritual journey, walking through the desert (like Jesus?) where he found his purpose in life. I saw that this type of spiritual journey is common in many religions, including Native American peoples, where a fasting individual isolates themselves while learning about their spiritual purpose

1 year ago

While he has apt descriptions of ww1 and ww2 he fails to take into account God almighties plan. I am sure at this point in time and his current address he realizes his mistake and will ponder it for all eternity.

1 year ago
Reply to  randall


1 year ago
Reply to  randall

They do not mention that because they think they will win at the end, but they will not. And that’s the great news. Haha love the fact that no matter what they do, they will fail and will be destroyed at the end haha :* 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Will

They destroy themselves when they reap what they sow. This is how we know that the one world government, that is being built on deception and death, will crumble.

1 year ago

Picture Taken from a brief video about Albert Pike monument 13 blocks from the white house promoting zohar/kabbalah Jewish mysticism

Screenshot_20210621-210929_Samsung Internet.jpg
Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
1 year ago
Reply to  BibleAnon

They love to take anything related to God and twist it to something evil.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago

The third war excerpt makes no sense when it states that christiandom and atheists will be destroyed or broken and then Lucifer will……. What? Magically show up?
Atheists don’t believe in Lucifer.
Other people don’t believe in anything.
However, Pike is stating that Lucifer will appear.

Is Lucifer a metaphor for something else?
If not, Pike was brainwashed by religion.
Beliefs are the opposite of knowing.
Pike didn’t know.

1 year ago

Atheists don’t believe in anything. One that believes there is smth else except this life is definitely not an atheist. While atheists reject the notion of God (as being a fabrication), they also reject satan’s existence. Good and evil as entities don’t exist – so they say. Satanists DON’T! They believe! So the question here is: Was Pike a satanist? Yes, he was! All freemasons are! It’s their agenda that speaks for them.

Many times believing is knowing. Some people strongly believe when they have a confirmation of that “thing” ‘s ( evil or good) existence because it manifested in their lives in a way that cannot pass as an illusion, dream, fabulation.

So, luciferians know (something). The bad part for them is that they chose the wrong team. Their “master” tricked them into believing they will win.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Judging by how bad things are right now, a 3rd WW is not a wild guess anymore. Both christians and satanists know it for sure.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

It’s not as simple as picking “the wining team”…Simon Magis wanted to win powers and ended up in a bad way. Your heart has to be in the right place. You have to love God with all your heart mind and soul and love your neighbour. If a person just wants to be in the winning side they will learn this hard lesson the hard way.

1 year ago
Reply to  jatziTatzi

That was rather a figure of speech. Of course “the picking” has to do with one’s intention and engagement in a certain direction (that is mostly through actions). We talk about free will, choices, actions. …repent for the bad things, never give up hope and fight to do better each day, every single day.
As for Simon and those like Pike, whoever wants to win “powers” for his own bennefit already engages himself in the wrong direction. I’d say humility is a good start in one’s engagement in the right direction.

There is a permanent fight for every single soul. And there is this personal fight each one of us must fight. The right path is narrow, full of hardships, struggles and pain.

1 year ago

Although atheists claim to not believe in God, they set themselves up as their own gods as in they do what they will. Also, we see a lot of communists/liberals claim to not believe in God but yet worship the state as god. Furthermore, people who claim that there is no God will nevertheless worship money, power, cars, houses, rocks, trees, etc.

Everyone either worships the Creator or worships something that was created. If you worship something created then you are the same as Lucifer since he was created but yet worshipped himself. He claimed to be equal or superior to God and actually claims that he will make it to heaven and defeat God. That’s what Satanists believe that they can defeat God as if the created can defeat the Creator. The Creator laughs at them though and will simply allow them to reap the death that they sow unless they repent. Unless Albert Pike repented, he is reaping spiritual death which is the lack of the Creator and everything good at this very moment. He is simply reaping the spiritual death that he sowed over and over again throughout eternity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

in another article, it was police and liberals, now its communists and liberals, tomorrow would be christians and liberal, the things you make up is staggering

1 year ago

Major bs

1 year ago

Just finished to read one of the book freemasons ‘forbid’ : ‘The Devil in the 19th Century’.

It’s related to the Taxil Hoax which is another masonic scam as the book was written mostly by Charles Hacks and I would say from my own perspective and knowledge of the subject that 99% of it is true. (I have read it in French, it’s a must read if you can).

Charles Hacks knew Albert Pike personally as he infiltrated the Palladium lodge that Pike created. The Palladium lodge is the Luciferian upper lodge that control all other masonic lodges (The same one that John Todd and Bill Schnoebelen refer to). Pike was in direct contact with Satan himself and it was said that the devil visited the Charleston Palladium lodge every week in order to discuss his plan.
Pike didn’t take any important actions before consulting his demons. This letter to Mazini is not just Pike’s plan, it was probably Satan’s plan at the time it was redacted (1871). The plan might have changed as Satan is not in full control of when or how the end-times happen (they originally planned the end-times by 2000 but it didn’t happen).

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Indeed. The end will come when the time is ready, not according to the Freemasons’ plan, but God’s plan. Read up on Bible prophesy – Revelation (new testament) but first, read Daniel (old testament), which is the key to the symbolism of Revelation. There will be a war, Armageddon (the physical place Har-Meggido in Israel). So be on the lookout when Russia joins Iran and others to take on Israel (Gog war). Though the “end of days” started when Jesus came 2000 years ago, that will truly be the beginning of the “end of end of days”…

1 year ago
Reply to  FollowChrist

Prophecy of Saint Malachy plays into today as well

1 year ago
Reply to  BibleAnon

Yes, and Luciferian have their own end-time prophecies written in the Book of Apadno. A bit similar to the Revelations except they see themselves as winners.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You make the arguments so are Nostradamus prophecies as well. Prophecies are fulfilled through deed and satanism is all about inversion of truth. It’s why evangelicals believe or brainwashed into thinking war and destruction is good(allowing evil to thrive) so Christ can return when it clearly states in Revelations humanity is judged guilty before innocent. That’s inverted ideology.

1 year ago
Reply to  BibleAnon

Some of Nostradamus prophecies were true but he was wrong in predicting the end-times in 1666 (There was just the Great Fire of London). By scrying he channeled a demon for divination. In the end, only God know then the end-times will come.

I agree many evangelicals are only Christian in name and are closer to satanism.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

And God is defined as both spirit and consciousness with perspective being the key to understanding the knowledge of good and evil. Which is why in an evil world a good man is the enemy or negative the same way in a good world a evil man is the enemy or negative. So whatever society deems as morally ‘right/positve’ is what is worshiped as God. For God to speak, like in genesis, you need energy frequency and vibration which all matter/ado(a)ms consists and why Jesus spokein parable because there is an esoteric and exoteric meaning.

Last edited 1 year ago by BibleAnon
1 year ago
Reply to  BibleAnon

And you go into New Age stuffs…
Please talk about this with someone else, there are 1000s of bots ready to talk New Age with you on this site.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Exactly! like these “curious” pop-ups that appear out of nowhere, sooo “curious” and thirsty for “information” from 444 gems. It looks like a sham charade..

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

Agreed, the NWO bot army is on the move. They need to convert anyone to their new religion, specially Conspiracists and Christians. The masses will follow like sheep but not people that can think for themselves.

It reminds of this French general (not sure) that said recently that people that refused the Covid vaccines are the greatest and are ‘people of light’. All upper level staff in the French army are freemasons and part of the plot. They will do their best to bring people away from the truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

They do this to try to downplay what Jesus did for us on the cross and to lure us into their satanic ways. But there are some basic simmilarities in all religions, all of them try to entice people to do good, at least on the surface level. But only Jesus redeemed us all on the cross. So in the end there can only be one.

I looked at many religious and some occult teachings and some of them have some wisdom in them (found amidst a lot of deceptions, it was very hard to pull out the good parts out of the mostly rotten stuff, especially in occult texts – which I have only read and never practiced the described techniques), but it all falls short of the Bible. The Bible explains things in terms that anyone can understand. I personally reread it many times in the threefold way taught to the Rabbis: first you look at the literal meaning, then look at the passage as an allegory and finally you look for the spiritual message in the allegorical meaning. This is why Jesus spoke in parables, they hold so much truth and wisdom. I will try to look into the original Hebrew and Greek Scriptures as well, but that will take me some time.

Last edited 1 year ago by sempervigilans
1 year ago
Reply to  sempervigilans

Another bot spotted ! You have the New Age lingo.

All religions hold some values : check.
Need to read between the lines of the Bible to understand its true meaning : check. (Occulist and cabalist think the same way as you)

Don’t try to respond, I will ignore you like I ignore the responses of 666gem.
Go play on reddit, you will have a better audience.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Why do you think the sentence those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear is written in the Bible? Only the wish to understand, to want to see and hear God’s word and understand it is needed, if you have that wish you will look into every single detail of the Bible. For example the stories of the Old Testament show how turing away from God inevitably leads to destruction, that is the deeper meaning and common theme of every story in it, even in Genesis. Time and time again, people would turn away from God and they would be punished, but those who truly repented would be forgiven. When Jesus came, he was the one who gave justice and forgiveness to those who truly repent and taught us to do the same. He even died on the cross so we may be redeemed. Trusting God and respecting his law, being righteous, forgiveness and repentance – are these not the deeper meanings of the whole Bible, shown through the history of His chosen people?

Is it not written that even the nations of the world who were not physically given the 10 commandments by Moses still know God’s law in their hearts? His love and forgiveness know no barriers, especially if people are willing to repent for their mistakes, He will guide people to righteousness and some people might have shared what they learned with others. Those experiences could have easily become parts of other religions.

What Jesus did for us on the cross was to redeem us all of our mistakes and to show us the way. All we need to do is to ask and God will show us everything. Is searching for the truth and combing through everything you see really such a bad thing?

I leave you with this.

1 year ago
Reply to  FollowChrist

Thank you!

RM 1
RM 1
1 year ago

There is no proof that Pike ever wrote a letter to Mazzini. There is no proof that the British Museum ever possessed the letter let alone had the letter on display. The letter never existed, this story is fraudulent.

RM 1
RM 1
1 year ago
Reply to  RM 1

Here’s the well researched proof that the Pike letter to Mazzini was a complete fabrication: The Greatest Hoax of All Time:

1 year ago

Did anyone open the link and read what Pike said about WWIII? Do you think he is talking about the Israeli-Hamas War? Be prepared people.