What has come to be known as the “deep state” is pushing for the launch of “smart ePants,” which the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) claims “could revolutionize the Internet of Things by collecting data to help intelligence, medical and sports communities.” Computerized clothing is the latest effort by the United States intelligence […]
in News
That scares the pants off of me.
“Deep state” isn’t the right way of thinking about the problem. That would imply that the entity pulling the strings in the US government is comprised of a limited group of people. What’s really going on is that the ‘intelligence’ apparatus has become the ruling entity of the country.
When it came to light after several audits that the Pentagon couldn’t account for over $2 trillion, that should have been a wake up call to the public.
Any money that the government can spend without accountability is money used to enslave the public.