
Russel Brand – Is this a public death for a 33 degree rebirth? Has he played both sides for the final initiation? Please discuss…

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10 months ago

Image from his interview with Jordan Peterson showing hand of Baphomet. That explains a lot

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10 months ago

As in, “in our actor-based [fake] reality, RB will “die” and then re-emerge in another role to further the dark occultists’ agenda”? I have no doubt this is possible, as I see it’s been done before, over and over and over.

10 months ago

The Phoenix rises

Caramella Marbles
Caramella Marbles
10 months ago

He is part of it all. Wasn’t he the handler of Miss Katy Perry?

He is probably sat with the higher ups having a tea party.

With all his conspiracy theories, he knew what would happen if he opened his mouth.

Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
10 months ago

I’m glad I found this. I was saying this. They are all in on it. 💯. Thanks!

10 months ago

Russell was once married to Katy Perry, but was NEVER her handler.

Hollow Logs
Hollow Logs
10 months ago

mirth is king- a fool jester.

Tim Willwerth
Tim Willwerth
10 months ago

Until he talks about the Planetary Hierarchy, or Henry T. Laurency’s books he’s not helping anyone but himself.

10 months ago

Curious to hear @444gem thoughts on Russell, I believe he said He had some connections to the Jeddah?

10 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

Indeed, for everything he has to say, he has been silent on this topic, which I find interesting

10 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv


The rest of my responses from that thread:

“I don’t think that they think he’s changed sides. My viewpoint is that likely he is just self-interested and self-loyal; which they use to great effect to manipulate people.”

For clarity: it has long appeared that he was tabbed to play the role of a false leader; the wolf who plays shepherd and leads then to sheep into their den.

That he showed up with the story he did, when he did and how he did, doesn’t mean he has changed sides; it just as likely could be a ploy, or that he was truly scared and then went back.

This is why he is sent packing and told to do sincerely what he was likely already supposed to be doing with insincere motives. I have no confidence in him nor trust his motives.“

10 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19


I covered this in comments on a previous post about Brand fairly recently.

Currently, it is clear he is being washed through the cyclical construction and deconstruction of public persona that always occurs within the Luciferian Media’s mind kontrol; (see chapter IX and the Harry Styles butterfly cycle relating to Monarch Mind Kontrol.) They inflate the persona as a leader, whom everyone knows has a deeply luciferian history, and then tear them down with ghosts of accusations past. It keeps the masses jumping from wheel to wheel on an endless downward spiral and demoralizes them into following the road to their own demise via cognitive dissonance and inaction.

I will copy and paste my previous response on him from a few weeks ago.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


You can find the fuller discussion here:

Below is what I wrote in that post. I’m not want to give any more of my energy and time to writing on the endless media persona cycles of construction deconstruction.

“Your recollection is accurate. This was the intel I was passed, not my personal experience. Kati Perri has the name which is the word for the “fruit” in Berashid מפרי “MiPERI,” which also means womb, a reference to the great mother’s womb and consuming the fruit after temptation by Lucifer. Apparently she’s highly involved in child blood rituals, and Brand lost his nerve when he was supposed to kill, eat and “mate” with a baby on a boat.

I nor any of the others, have any trust in him beyond telling him to prattle on in the media and do good. He constantly uses their symbols, although that can be as much him playing the part, as it is an actual sign. Either way, watch anything by him with discernment.”

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

444Gem. You mentioned on a previous thread that RB is an Aryeh Yehuda, but that he discovered it too late.

9 months ago
Reply to  Micha-El

@444gem – tagging so he sees your
In my memory, this is not what he said.
He said that Russell was part Aryeh and he came to them, afraid, and was given a task he essentially couldnt mess up, he couldnt hurt anyone, but could do good.
They didnt trust him. They gave him a task where any damage would be minimal for anyone really seeking.

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you for putting it in context.

9 months ago
Reply to  Micha-El

He does have descendancy through his father. It doesn’t mean he is a good guy; the scriptures are full of reproaches to Aryeh Yehudah who fall to Luciferianism.

10 months ago

He married Katy Perry. That alone should set off alarm bells.

I like him but don’t trust him. He’s very intelligent and well spoken.

When it comes to famous people I like but don’t trust, I’d rank them

1. Trump
2. Musk
3. Brand

I'm right
I'm right
10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

And Biden along with all other politiciand

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Well that’s sucks…
Shut your tellavision off at this very instant!

10 months ago

If anyone has another explanation for this statue, I would love to hear it.

10 months ago

Guy is intelligent and can play a perfect double agent. Is bad but pretends to be good.

Isn’t he a new ager? He might be introducing spiritism and the worship of the self through his podcast. That is his new found role. He’s doing the devils work by pretending to be a source of self-freedom.

Last edited 10 months ago by rick
10 months ago

If everyone would stop and use logic for a moment, think about THIS….
What Russell Brand is going through this late in 2023 is somewhat like what Michael Jackson & Prince went through in a sense that Russell did “played the game” to get success. But as soon as Russell decided that he was not going to “play the game” anymore and started speaking the ugly truth in recent years about the elite ruling class within politics & entertainment, now Russell is a target. If Russell, with Rumble as his only remain access to social media, continues to speak out, he may be Marked For Death.

9 months ago

There is a very interesting article titled BRAND and the X branding on the website