
Joe Rogan’s interesting shirt choice

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1 year ago

Who the F is it and what hznd signs is he making?

1 year ago
Reply to  David

It’s Richard Pryor

1 year ago

Yeah it would help if you took ten seconds to explain the image. Just a thought

1 year ago

The man on his shirt is making devil horns with his fingers.

1 year ago

Some guy doing devil horns, Joe Rogan is “controlled opposition” anyway…

1 year ago
Reply to  ItsTheWizard

Exactly. That he is.

1 year ago

It’s Richard Pryor making a devil horn gesture.

1 year ago

He’s a doped out weirdo sob

Old Nick is at it again..
Old Nick is at it again..
1 year ago

for those asking, it’s comedian-actor Richard Pryor, honking his horn..was he a Satanist ?

there is no indication that he was.
but like many celebrities who do one-eyed photoshoots without necessarily knowing the meaning, it could be done on their part out of ignorance, or in a playful way, many people today make the symbol of the horn with their hands, in imitating rock singers… but what is certain is that Joe Rogan is not his first photo, or encounter with Satanism…

  Richard Pryor was a heavy drug user, and not long ago it was revealed that he was also bi.

this is what it says in wiki;

  • “Nine years after Pryor’s death, in 2014, the biographical book Becoming Richard Pryor by Scott Saul stated that Pryor “acknowledged his bisexuality” and, in 2018, Quincy Jones and Pryor’s widow Jennifer Lee stated that Pryor had a sexual relationship with actor Marlon Brando, and that Pryor was open with his friends about his bisexuality and the fact that he slept with men. Pryor’s daughter Rain later disputed the claim, to which Lee stated that Rain was in denial about her father’s bisexuality.

Lee later told the Hollywood entertainment television series TMZ on TV that, “it was the ’70s! Drugs were still good… If you did enough cocaine, you’d f**k a radiator and send it flowers in the morning.”
In his autobiography Pryor Convictions, Pryor talked about having a two-week relationship with Mitrasha, a trans woman, which he called “two weeks of being gay“.
In his first special, Live & Smokin’, Pryor discusses performing f******o, and in 1977, he said at a gay rights show at the Hollywood Bowl, “I have sucked a dick.”
Substance abuse.Some sources (including Pryor himself) say that late in the evening of June 9, 1980, Pryor poured 151-proof rum all over himself and lit himself on fire.Other sources (including the Los Angeles police) say that what burned him that night was an explosion that happened while he was freebasing cocaine.While he was still burning, he ran down Parthenia Street from his Los Angeles home until he was subdued by police. He was taken to a hospital, where he was treated for second- and third-degree burns covering more than half of his body.Pryor spent six weeks in recovery at the Grossman Burn Center at Sherman Oaks Hospital in Los Angeles.His daughter Rain stated that the incident happened as a result of a bout of drug-induced psychosis.

Pryor met actress Pam Grier through comedian Freddie Prinze. They began dating when they were both cast in Greased Lightning (1977). Grier helped Pryor learn to read and tried to help him with his drug addiction. Pryor married another woman while dating Grier. ”

what is confirmed is Pryor’s friend Sammy Davis Jr of the famous ratpack

here’s how his path to satanism starts (from wiki) :

Davis nearly died in an automobile accident on November 19, 1954, in San Bernardino, California, as he was making a return trip from Las Vegas to Los Angeles.During the previous year, he had started a friendship with comedian and host Eddie Cantor, who had given him a mezuzah. Instead of putting it by his door as a traditional blessing, Davis wore it around his neck for good luck. The only time he forgot it was the night of the accident. The accident occurred at a fork in U.S. Route 66 . Sammy consequently lost his left eye .

In the hospital, Eddie Cantor described to Sammy the similarities between Jewish and Black cultures. Davis, born to a Catholic mother and Baptist father, began studying Jewish history, converting to Judaism several years later in 1961. The accident marked a turning point in Davis’s career, taking him from a well-known entertainer to a national celebrity.

In 1957, Davis was involved with actress Kim Novak, who was under contract with Columbia Pictures. Because Novak was white, Harry Cohn, the president of Columbia, gave in to his worries that backlash against the relationship could hurt the studio. There are several accounts of what happened, but they agree that Davis was threatened by organized crime figures close to Cohn. According to one account, Cohn called racketeer John Roselli, who was told to inform Davis that he must stop seeing Novak. To try to scare Davis, Roselli had him kidnapped for a few hours. Another account relates that the threat was conveyed to Davis’s father by mobster Mickey Cohen. Davis was threatened with the loss of his other eye or a broken leg if he did not marry a black woman within two days. Davis sought the protection of Chicago mobster Sam Giancana, who said that he could protect him in Chicago and Las Vegas but not California.

Davis briefly married black dancer Loray White in 1958 to protect himself from mob violence; Davis had previously dated White. Davis became inebriated at the wedding and attempted to strangle White en route to their wedding suite. Checking on him later, Davis’s personal assistant Arthur Silber Jr. found Davis with a gun to his head. 
In 1960, there was another racially charged public controversy when Davis married white, Swedish-born actress May Britt in a ceremony officiated by Rabbi William M. Kramer at Temple Israel of Hollywood. 

revealed in a 2014 book that the marriage to Britt also resulted in President Kennedy refusing to allow Davis to perform at his inauguration. The snub was confirmed by director Sam Pollard, who revealed in a 2017 American Masters documentary that Davis’s invitation to perform at his inauguration was abruptly cancelled on the night of his inaugural party.

They divorced in 1968 after Davis admitted to having had an affair with singer Lola Falana. After his marriage imploded, Davis turned to alcohol and “found solace in drugs, particularly cocaine and amyl nitrite, and experimented briefly with Satanism and p*********y”.

yet, on Davis’s grave, theres no christian symbols..??

 the show “Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee ” with jerry seinfeld, In this episode, Eddie Murphy doing an impression of Sammy Davis Jr and speaking on how he told him early in his career that he worships the devil!

He starts out by saying Sammy’s mother was from doing cocaine. “Sammy was like this with that Cocaine mouth” then saying, “Sammy told me he worshipped the devil. We were in Dan Tanners and Sammy was like ‘You know Satan is as powerful as God.’ Then he saw my reaction to it so he sort of lightened up on it.

The way Eddie tells it, it comes off as a joke, but when you search Sammy Davis Jr & Devil, a lot of stuff pop up. According to an article from the San Fran Gate, “Sammy Davis Jr. was introduced to the Church of Satan at an orgy party, which he later described as “dungeons and dragons and debauchery.” The Rat Pack member would also go on to try to bring the devil to the small screen in a tv pilot called “Poor Devil”

that the Church of Satan awarded Sammy Davis the title of Warlock II, which may be akin to Angel Second Class.

According to a 2008 article on VICE, they say Sammy regularly took part in satanic orgies were all attendees were wearing hoods. There was a naked woman chained spread-eagle on a red-velvet-covered alter in the center of the coven. Davis is quoted as saying “That chick was happy,” he wrote, “and wasn’t really going to get anything sharper than a d***o stuck in her.”

the connection with Joe Rogan ?

-Anton LaVey.

the two celebrities were, are friends with the priest of darkness, several photos between them, on different occasions.

for Joe Rogan, there are too many photos with him with satanic pictures, images, symbolism out there to ignore his association with satanism

perhaps one day it will be revealed that Richard Pryor was also one of the disciples of the prince of darkness, time will tell.

Thoughts on Joe Rogan? – Vigilant Links

Joe Rogan FREAKS OUT to Learn NASA Connections with SATANISM – YouTube

a commenter under the clip, doesn’t buy it and says it well:

” Joe knows all of it, he either hung out with them or is one of them and he tries to acts like it’s news to him. He needs acting lessons. ”

Joe Rogan SHOCKED by Satanic Ritual Site Uncovered by Florida Snake Hunter (CRAZY STORY!) – YouTube

The Late Great Planet Earth
The Late Great Planet Earth
1 year ago

Who cares what Joe Rogaine is ever doing?