
Jay-Z's movie Book of Clarence will be about mocking Jesus

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10 months ago

I’m black and I’m so sick of this s**t 🥴

10 months ago
Reply to  WowjustWow

I’m white and I am too.

10 months ago
Reply to  WowjustWow

I love it, nice way to open eyes on the biggest scam in human history: Jeus. Why not a black prophet with miracles? This idea of a white Jeus is the backbone of white supremacy and racism. Thank you Jayz

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

His name Jay-Z is a play on words of “G-Zues.” As “YA Z” the lord Illuminator. Just as Kan YEezy, or again “Lord Z(eus).”

As Jessie was the sacrifice lamb of breaking bad. It is “G-Zues,” the antiXristos which relaxes Yeshua עשוע

They’ve been doing this for a long while, but are now trying to repackage their indoctrination corruptions to inculcate the last remnants of society not dazed and confused by exoteric mind kontrol of Luciferian mysteries.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The antiXristos which replaces Yeshua ישוע * with the Illuminator. G-Zeus.. Jay Z, Jessie, Yeezy…

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yeshua the Jew or Jesus the catholic or Mohamed the Arab or whatever, all these historic religious personalities are just fake biographies created by their populations to claim superiority among other ethnicities, races, civilizations and mentally dominate them, and it worked! Not to forget the curse of Ham!
The biggest indoctrination is in fact every goddam religion! Jayz is just opening eyes on how absurd the whole Religion’s narrative is!
I remember a black comedian about colonization: “When whites came we had the land and they had their Bible, after colonization we had the Bible, and they took the land”,That joke wraps it all up!

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

Alexander the Great once confided:

“All of the deities were men who once lived.”

The Luciferian mythologizarion of the characters, as a form of Ka-Ren Statue is absolutely a fact, as you posit here. However, Yeshua is historical my friend; check the writings of Josephus, within a few decades of contemporary, which discuss the historical figure.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Equally Religion is the curse of Ham:

Re = Sun
Legion = troops, or simply legions

The solar mass religion of the age of Pisces (the beast out of the sea) are there to harvest Ki for the legions of the Re (The sun.)

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

So what does the sun actually do with energies pushed to it?

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

And there’ll be dogs and cats sleeping together! It’ll be anarchy!

10 months ago
Reply to  Bueller


Not sure I get the reference

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

Jayz is just opening eyes on how absurd the whole Religion’s narrative is!”

If that’s true then why does he participate at a lodge? You can’t join a lodge without believing in a higher power. Jachin and Boaz are taken directly out of the Bible, and they are twisted into a symbol of the entrance to enlightenment.

Why are there so many examples of him showing the illuminist pyramid with his hands?

Do you really believe that he has no religious belief?

10 months ago
Reply to  eightynine

He’s in the club, he’s just the good cop for some people but still working for the state of s**t

10 months ago
Reply to  eightynine

Jay Z is indeed part of the most widely practiced Re-Legion in the world: Luciferianism

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

South Park had an episode in the 2010s with Kan-Ye West and his gay love (referencing the initiation by a**l rape) for the beast out of the sea Dagon… the fish man. The Solar Piscean religions of Luciferianism.

Kain = Kain the spearer/possessor/murderer
Ye = Lord
West = The setting Sun, where Khnum, said “Kain-um” the potter deity of Egypt was said to reside at the door to the underworld. See Matthew 27 and the field of the potter.

Kanye West = “Lord Kain the Potter of the setting Sun.”

His name read right to left, as Hebrew, is “Stew Eynak” which in Hebrew is צו אנח “Tsu Enoch”

צו = “Tsu” = Order, and is also Zu of Sumeria the lightning bird (the Ba of Lucifer, the Fanax)
אנח = “Enoch” the descendant of Kain

Meaning “The Order of the child of Kain”

His name is literally:

“Lord Kain the Potter of Setting sun”
“The Order of The children of Kain”

Hence why K. West is found on a Bowie album back in the day… Khnum of the West leads to a QUEST for illumination.

Hollow Logs
Hollow Logs
10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

tell us e’rything you know bout kanye west!;)
true about that bowie album cover.. stardust.. starseed.. starboy. starfools!;)

are they all possessed by the same curséd dæ?

seriously even the ‘good’ music is no longer good.
808s & heartbreaks breaks my heart now.. can barely play kanye anymore..

jadakiss said: ‘..they on their 6th or 7th kanye now. ‘… which was certainly chilling to hear…
believe it or not…Make no Mistake…

10 months ago
Reply to  eightynine

@eightynine, you raised a good point: “everything comes from the Bible”!
@444gem don’t you see how both YHWH and Baal do share the same lust for Blood sacrifice? Why does YHWH absolutely need Yeshua’s sacrifice in order to forgive? The concept of sacrifice clearly shows that YHWN and Baal are in fact the same entity! Why we have both? because it takes 2 opposite sides to confuse humanity and entertain it with endless conflicts and wars!
The world didn’t start with Yeshua and YHWH! Before Yeshua it was Paganism up until Roman Empire’s End, the change however didn’t start with Yeshua, it started centuries ago with Moses migration and was slowly prepared, the same way in was the last century with World wars and internet!
Whether Paganism, Holly Books, or NWO upcoming religion it’s all about mental enslavement! All based on astrology!
We are now witnessing the deconstruction and mocking of Holly Books because we are at pivotal times where they will be made obsolete the same way Paganism was in Yeshua’s time. And again all based on Astrological movements! What’s next? UFOs! Go have a look at Mexico’s parliament to see your future son of God! That’s your new crucified Yeshua! I’m waiting for the new scriptures about his sacrifice!

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda


“… ‘everything comes from the Bible’!”

-That statement isn’t compatible with what you said in your first post:

“all these historic religious personalities are just fake biographies created by their populations to claim superiority among other ethnicities, races, civilizations …”

-It can’t be both ways. Does everything come from the Bible, or does it come from different civilizations, ethnicities, etc.?

10 months ago
Reply to  eightynine

I mean everything twisted, misleading like racism, satanism, child molestation, canadian mass genocide … Has origins in the testaments.

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

What are the “testaments” that you’re referring to?

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

Demons disguised as aliens.

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

@444gem, can you answer that demon troll, please explain him the difference between Yeshua’s crucifixion and Baal rituals?

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

John 15:13:

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

The sacrifice was necessary because he laid down his life for yours. It is the greatest gift one can give God in this world, to sacrifice your life for your friends or loved ones.

10 months ago
Reply to  rick

@rick This is the nicely marketed christian way to interpret a sacrifice, but why can’t we also say the same thing for Baal sacrifices? Your logic of good for me bad for the others is not adding up! You also didn’t adress why Yeshua’s life was layed down? What’s the point? What woud happen if not?
When you see big mouth @444gem cowarding away it means it’s hard to find arguments!
@444gem, @rick,
My question is simple why was Yeshua’s sacrifice a necessity for YHWH in order to forgive? Why this lust of blood from YHWH?

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

Many are fake but apparently there were a few characters with that name and Yeshua appearing in official documents that you can view in museums etc.

10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

It’s racism you need a black Yeshua/Jesus. Why would he be black when everyone there had light skin? That’s not even logical. I mean the skin isn’t the most important thing but changing him to suit your appearance is wrong.

10 months ago

I heard Clarence lives at home with both parents. And Clarence parents have a real good marriage.

10 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

What’s the matter dog, you embarrased? This guy’s a gangsta? His real name is clarence 🎤

9 months ago
Reply to  Yxxy


Last edited 9 months ago by ryan
10 months ago

Yeshua walking “on the water” has completely different meaning than this always repeated.

Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple
10 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

Care to elaborate?

10 months ago
Reply to  Shirley Temple

Not really. This place is full of religious maniacs, allah followers and many other soldiers of faith. I see how people react on duscussion here and i simply don’t give a crap to waste my time on the online hate battles. Fool will not take pleasure from understanding, only from expressing his opinion.

10 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

You need to learn the difference between understandung and believing! A lot of discussions here are religuous confrontations, and it’s like boxing.
You are right, this website is brutal for uncultivated ones, if you don’t have balls to defend your ideas better shut up

10 months ago
Reply to  Moskva

Right on the nose.

10 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

Yet you’re still wasting your time cowardly commenting, and passively reading comments from these religious maniacs you’re afraid of.

10 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

We are all here to learn and cut through the bullshit. With time, Gods word is bursting through the wall of lies Satan has put up. Believe it or not, a very evil entity exists, you call that thing what you want, but evil exists and there is a powerful being embodies it and projects it in this world.

If there is evil, there is good, spiritual warefare.

Expand your mind. -Morpheus

10 months ago

Why wouldn’t he? Jay-Z is a known Satanist, an Illuminati kingpin (as much of a kingpin as an African-American can be; as the top dogs in the Illuminati are always J_WS) and one of Lucifer’s favorite puppets. In these end times, as the veil has lifted, they’re not trying to hide their allegiance anymore – they’re embracing it!

10 months ago
Reply to  Jay

Is Lakeith part of it? Why would he star in something like this?

10 months ago

Duh duh Jay Z is a big duh-dummy. So eVil…so edgy…🤣

10 months ago

Jay Z has always been consistently blasphemous. Heavy with the false prophet vibes…

9 months ago

The whole thing seems kind of racist if you think about it. The white dude is out there performing miracles while the black man is just running a hustle. And he’s leading a lot of black people astray in the process. But I can see why JayZ would like a story like this. He’s probably contractually obligated to hustle to deliver souls in that deal he made with Satan.