
It's just a matter of time. All huge YT Channels will Have One

I had just re-read some of the commentary from my old post about Linus Tech Tips. I mentioned that even the linux guy, who’s name (at least for now) is Anthony, (already now Emily). I just blocked the channel using extension, and tried searching for it to test it. I found this little video in my results from another channel. 

Mr Beast First, Linus Tech Tips Next. The world soon following…

For anyone going through these types of feelings, don’t give in. It is literally demonic in origin. You aren’t a mistake. You are fallen and need Christ alone to give you what you are missing. He loves you, and will give you what you need, not what you want. 

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10 months ago

I dont understsnd one word of what youre talking about with this guy.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

Trying so hard to understand lmao

10 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

Yeah, it was difficult to parse. He or she Left out too many words that could have made it understandable. He meant every major YouTube channel will have a transgender member.

10 months ago

Instead of doing the hard work of losing weight and getting fit, he has chosen what he thinks is a cheat code.

“Soy Boy” is a meme for a reason. All the poison he’s put in his body probably did feminize his consciousness.

But leaning into your feminine nature does not make you a female.

Someone pointed out like 6 months ago that Linus Tech Tips did an all seeing eye pyramid case, expensive PC build. That’s something.

Also they are in Canada, which is like CA or Portland / Seattle / Austin.

10 months ago

What did Mr. Beast do?

10 months ago

The Corridor Digital team has one that only shows their face once every couple months. They might be gone now. There was a trans flag on the wall of their computer work station area for like a month but I only saw it once. I’m curious whether it was from comments internally from their crew or the general public that got them to remove it?

10 months ago

blah random blah random blah random.. Then bathe yourself innocent blood, JUST LIKE THE ELITES DO

10 months ago


youll own nothing and be happy .png
10 months ago
Reply to  papazhan

They are building the Antichrist.
What i think is that the Antichrist is not a the legend of one eye person coming at end times but rather a whole system, the Antichrist is the full deployment of AI, that’s when they will be able to cover the sun, and control every bit of space with satellites, drones,… You name it technology. If there is a person, it will just be a hologram, a fake…

10 months ago
Reply to  papazhan

Thank you for this great website, Europe is going through the exact same path like the USA, and indeed one of the biggest upcoming events is the replacement of Muslim buildings in Jerusalem with the third temple.
This will mark the defeat of Islam in the holly land.
I would love to have the perspective of Jews or any one with knowlege about when they think this is going to happen?

10 months ago
Reply to  Papaya

Where AI comes in is the Image of the Beast. I believe the Antichrist will be a flesh and blood person, but possibly not fully human. Possibly part demon, a son of Satan. Maybe. I base that on Gen 3:15: “I will put enmity between your [the Serpent’s] seed and hers.” So it makes sense that Satan would give rise to the Antichrist. VC has an article about a Roman Polanski movie about a woman who was chosen as the mother of the antichrist and the Devil impregnates her. Since they’re telling us that’s what happens, I’m inclined to give the idea some credence. As for covering the sun, I’m not sure how that’s actually going to happen. God may just dim the whole sun, or there’ll be so many wildfires or volcanoes that the sky will darken. I firmly believe that the supernatural will be in full effect for a huge amount of the Tribulation.

10 months ago
Reply to  paul

That movie “Rosemary’s baby” is one of the ugliest movies ever made!
What i noticed is that the brainwashing depends on what generation you are:
In the city where is live, they erected a huge inflatable tent in the form of a UFO space shuttle, and inside was an exhibition reserved only for children and teenagers under the age of 14 entitled: Martians are soon coming!
Old generations up to millennials have had some kind of religious education, The young and upcoming ones have a totally different vision of life, where “Science” totally replaces religion. This will certainly create a religious war between generations, and at the end when the Antichrist comes, nobody will see him as dangerous because of that perfectly crafted generational brainwashing!

10 months ago

Talks like a man. Gestures like a man. Presence of a man.
Women, even gay women, do not speak like that, hold their heads like that, gesture like that.

10 months ago

Normalization. What a great world it will be!