
Iranian President claimed that the world is waiting for a savior promised by the divine religions and that this person is alive


“Humanity is entering a new orbit. The old powers are declining. They are the ‘past’ and we are the ‘future’. I repeat that they are the ‘past’ and we are the ‘future’.

Our view of the future is hopeful. The world is waiting for the savior promised by the divine religions. This savior exists and is present. We firmly believe that based on God’s providence and will, as promised by God’s prophets, justice will become universal and the government of God’s righteous servants will rule all over the earth and humanity will be saved with the growth of awareness and the destruction of ignorance. The world is waiting for the day when failure will end.”

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10 months ago

The same cabal runs every country.

Dancin in the dark
Dancin in the dark
10 months ago
Reply to  Anon

interesting line in the film “The Recruit” with al Pacino;

“Husky Guy:

“Did you know that no country with a McDonald’s has ever attacked the US?”..

but I bet you once the divorce is settled, Al Pacino will mostly eat at McDonald’s.

10 months ago

He is not false. The savior will come but no one will believe.

10 months ago

O-oo! So the stage is being prepared!

The distinction is between “alive” and “The Life”. This being said I believe mr. president here is announcing the wrong mesia.

10 months ago

The messiah that Iranians believe in is what they call ALMAHDI and he is deep in the earth, they also believe Jesus is coming, but as a soldier under ALMAHDI that is responsible for killing DAJAL or Antichrist.
After DAJAL is killed, Jesus will go back and let Muslims conquer and dominate the whole planet.
This how Muslims expect Tribulation! Muslims see everybody else as KOUFAR or followers of the Antichrist!

10 months ago
Reply to  origami

@origami Christians also consider “everybody else as KOUFAR or followers of the Antichrist!”

10 months ago
Reply to  Dalai

How so? Correction: they are called Heathens!

Rock, scissors...
Rock, scissors...
10 months ago
Reply to  origami

I checked, none of this is found anywhere, firstly there are nuances here that you have completely ignored, and shot over, i.e. Iranians are of the Shiite branch, as opposed to the rest of the world Muslim from the Sunni branch, so many/some of their definitions in religious matters differ in details, such as Catholic and Protestant.

2 – when the final battle takes place, the apocalyptic battle, between Jesus and the Antichrist, there will not be much left of the world, then the tribes of Gog and Magog will wipe out the rest.

there will therefore be nothing more to conquer.

It took me a simple search, at wikipedia, and credible sources to find the real truth.
events therefore completely different from <>

only far-right sites (and some, the most radical among them) have been able to perpetuate false assertions.

it’s always the same rhetoric from right-wing extremists: all non-Europeans want to conquer us, or replace us, blah blah blah, always promoting fear and hatred of “the other”

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
10 months ago

Both sides fear monger bud.

Rock, scissors...
Rock, scissors...
10 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy Jam

This is incomprehensible, do you want to reformulate or expand?

10 months ago

Both Shia and Sunni Muslims perfectly agree on ALMAHDI, thay also believe the apocalypse war will be for Jerusalem.
Wikipedia is absolutely NOT a credible source! If it’s hard for you to read their Theology references start by looking for real Shia scholars in YouTube explaining this topic.

Rock, scissors...
Rock, scissors...
10 months ago
Reply to  Origami

Wikipedia is not credible but YouTube is… oookay

according to wiki, which has what are called references (something that credible sources do, taken directly from the philosophy of universities), checking references, easily verifiable credible sources.

Additionally, other search engine sources, ALL, give the same information, with minor differences in details.

and no, they differ on how and who the mahdi is. right there, this proves that you have not done any research, but that you have parroted far-right extremist sites of the same old tired rethoric, which perpetuate false claims.

and absolutely nothing you claim comes even close to a hint of truth.

it is an abomination to truth seekers and vigilant citizens.

comments like this are like flies on the wall of a sacred temple.

it’s always the same speech from right-wing extremists:

all non-Europeans want to conquer us, or replace us, by always promoting fear and hatred of “the other”

“Start by searching for real Shia scholars on YouTube explaining this topic.”

why be specific when you say it’s the same thing?!!
either will lead to the same conclusion, according to you above, supposedly.

Another contradiction

Everyone knows YouTube will take you in one direction or the other, and either one will make you feel they’re credible, just like Facebook feeds

how about this, why not mr. “Knowledgeable” theologian, cough up your sources, then compare them from Islamic religious sites, Quranic sites, whatever credible Muslim sites translated into English, the main antagonists, extract these passages and compare them.

this would undoubtedly prove your efficiency and professionalism in research.

since September 11th, there has been non-stop talking about Muslims and Islam, especially from the extreme-right. it’s been 22 years now since, that you should be proficient in this research, like child’s play, piece a cake!

I mean imagine the opposite, Muslims claim that ” Christians have hidden agendas and want to conquer us. ” any rational, reasonable Christian would surely ask for sources for this b.s. (although this has happened many times before, the Crusades, Jesuit missionaries with hidden agendas, European Christian imperialism, since the days of Catholic Rome under the reign of Constantine, genocides of indigenous peoples, the pacification of the “savages” with Bibles, slavery, for forced labor, and the plundering of their resources, because according to the Vatican, they are “descendants of Cain” hence their darkness, “they bear the sins of their forefathers on their skin”, the holocaust, etc, and beyond), and would ask him for comparisons with passages from the New Testament, it is simply logical!

so, show us why we should be afraid, very afraid .  show us the way Mr. Miyagi. Wax On, Wax Off!
i miss them campfire creepy, freaky stories

you go tiger! “Chop chop”

10 months ago

Don’t spread false information; and Dajjal/Antichrist is not a one-eyed person.

“They believe that the last 12th Imam did not die, but withdrew into concealment. He will appear to people again at the end of time. This will be the beginning of the rise of the Shia world.

Then Christ will appear, who together with the Mahdi will fight with Dajjal and defeat him, establishing a just spiritual order for a short period of time – just before the end of the world.
― Alexander Dugin

10 months ago
Reply to  Delts

@Delts i don’t see the difference between what i wrote and Alexander Dugin,.
The only point i disagree with you is that Dajjaal is in fact The one-eyed Antichrist, please check out more about Dajjal in Islamic theology.

10 months ago

Abrahamic religions are all scams. If nobody would have indoctrinated you, you’d have never heard let alone believed in any of these fairy tales.
It’s like a mind virus passed in society.

While there are divine beings and numerous realms above and below in frequency, this whole One God choosing people and being jealous is just insanity of a schizo people.

At least there are passages of truth in all that schizo desert trilogy such as “the kingdom of heaven is within you”. Everything else is just propaganda.

If some messiah does come it will be yet another psyop, he will be some lab grown GMO human that’s been educated and enhanced in the CIAs military facilities.

Last edited 10 months ago by Acer
10 months ago
Reply to  Acer

@Acer i couldn’t agree more, Abrahamic religions are the bloodiest ideologies in human history, a cancer that destroyed billions of lives!
Your comment should be written in a monument!

why judah?
why judah?
10 months ago
Reply to  Kinda

is that like one answering onself ?

Thats extreme-right that is a cancer that destroyed billions of lives (ww1, ww2)

ur best to live in atheist china, or north korea, they’ll surely love you

extreme-right, marxists, tyrants, career crooks, are known to be anti-religious.

and what happens when used so much nicknames, on vigiliant links and VC?

10 months ago

Anti-Christ rising? Iran, shame on you!