
Hollywood Is Dead: Here's Why No One Cares – This article is SPOT ON (

In the past, the film industry was perhaps the only industry (besides politics) in which abject failure has been met with consumer empathy and largesse.  Ever since the days of the Great Depression, the American public has wanted Hollywood to succeed; to continue to entertain us with tales of adventure and drama.  For if Hollywood survived, so did people’s hopes for American culture.  

There was an era when Hollywood celebrities and film creators were treated as a kind of modern royalty, a representation of the heights to which the average person could strive and “make it big.”  The glitz and the glamour were viewed as the culmination of the American dream.  But as with all fantasies, the story must end and reality must return.  Was the movie business always a farce?  Yes.  However, it was a farce that the public held up even in the worst of times as something of value; something more that frivolity.  

In the spans of around 7 years Hollywood has lost every ounce of social capital they had gained in the past century.  That takes an epic level of ignorance and arrogance.  It takes criminal levels of malicious intent and an unprecedented display of stupidity.  The populace was willing to put up with almost any level of degeneracy from Tinsel Town as long as they could make compelling movies, and yet, they couldn’t even do that.

Today, the consequences of their hubris are punching them right in the nether regions as the business collapses in on itself.  And this time, no one seems to care.  In fact, many people are cheering their inevitable demise.

In the past 4 years alone theaters across the country have seen a 50% plunge in box office attendance.  Meaning, the industry somehow lost half its consumer base from 2019 to 2023.  The media attempted to play down the crash as a symptom of the covid pandemic, but the fact is that the decline started well before the lockdowns, the closures in red states ended quickly, and some movies (such as Spider-Man: No Way Home and Top Gun: Maverick) had explosive success while most other films lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the midst of the covid hype.

It should be noted that a large percentage of celebrities and Hollywood corporate interests supported and promoted the covid lockdowns.  They also joined the online lynch mobs seeking to shame and destroy anyone who defied the mandates.  Now they’re pretending like none of that ever happened, but the public has not forgotten.    

In the past few months Hollywood has been dealing with the WGA and SAG worker strikes and there’s no doubt they will attempt to blame the labor conflict for the continuing decay of profits just as they blamed covid.  Already, multiple major studio productions have been pushed back two years or canceled altogether, and most premier release dates have been moved to 2024 – 2025.  A number of television productions have been shut down and late night talk shows are on the verge of extinction.  But you don’t hear the public complain much, at least not as much as during the last major strikes in 2008.    

No one cares about the writers, no one cares about the actors, and certainly no one cares about the studios for good reason.  Though writers and actors might garner more sympathy than producers and CEOs due to concerns over AI, the threat of AI formulated screenplays is greatly overblown and AI generated proxies of famous actors are not going to bring back audiences in sufficient numbers to save the film industry anyway.

Personal Note: I also think more people are waking up to the evil satanic underbelly of of the entertainment industry and turning away from all the garbage that is being pumped out.

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11 months ago

Absolutely agree. I think the perversion and degeneracy of Hollywood has taken a toll on the population. It is too difficult to hide and it is no longer conspiracy or rumor. It is fact. It is undeniable what has happened and continues to happen.

Maybe it is a controlled demolition. Maybe it is to remove the old Hollywood and make way for a new one. Who knows.

Last edited 11 months ago by rick
11 months ago

I have a feeling they’re creating a dearth of entertainment choices to drive people into the metaverse as their escape.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

What a genius remark, brilliant as always @lgageharleya , last week you didn’t show up, everything OK?

11 months ago
Reply to  wildeer

Yes, thank you, there was a site issue which appears now to have been fixed. I had been temporarily blocked due to a nonce issue. Thank you for your kind and very generous words.

11 months ago

Hollywood’s collapse is planned, so all of this disinterested with the strike is just another move on the board. Jacques Attali’s book – a Brief History of the Future talks about this. Hollywood dies and streamers rise.

11 months ago
Reply to  JSB738

Makes sense. I mostly watch YouTube for info and also wholesome folks….but dang…I’m still following the plan! 🤣

Steve McIntyre
Steve McIntyre
11 months ago
Reply to  JSB738

Except with the exception of Netflix and maybe Amazon, all streaming platforms are losing money, Disney + alone since it began in 2019 has lost $13 Billion. Steaming will not produce the revenues expected unless they become Ad supported and you want to pay a premium for no Ads.

one of the sticking point in the strike is residuals and there are no residuals unless there is ad resume to make it possible.

11 months ago
Reply to  Steve McIntyre

You can forget streaming too because there’s already a bunch a free streaming boxes out there. Pay $300-500 one time and you get like 1400 channels, including all PPV and VOD

11 months ago

If Hollywood would produce what people want to see, it would make money. Maybe Democrats can make going to lousy movies a required activity for citizenship.

11 months ago

It would appear that consumers have decided it’s time to put the garbage where it belongs – In the dustbin.

Consumer is derived from Con meaning negative and Sumer meaning land of civilized kings. Negative land of civilized kings. It’s an insult

11 months ago
Reply to  BibleAnon

Sounds about right. Although they lied again about the king part. Most people today are just modern day peasants and don’t realise it.

10 months ago
Reply to  BibleAnon

Not sure your etymology is entirely correct there.

11 months ago

Not sure I agree with the premise. In the past, people relied more on Hollywood for their entertainment. Today there are a lot more choices. No one talks about the Fall Kickoff that never happened. No one cares about the new shows that did not launch or the continuation of the ‘stories’ they enjoy at night. The fact is that a lot of people were not watching these anyway. Many were enjoying the best television ever produced — in syndication. That entertainment is not impacted by work interruptions. When Hollywood went on strike, America simply changed the channel.

Henri Aeiou
Henri Aeiou
11 months ago

No one asked for reboots, political agendas, or advertisements. No one pays money for that.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
11 months ago

Great article indeed!!

11 months ago

Goodbye Hollywood, and good riddance! I find old movies on more enjoyable.