
Hidden Symbols in Logos (

The number 666 is on top of the list of the most hidden symbols.

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9 months ago

You should really check the link out

9 months ago

Interesting symbol X for Nimrod (same as twitter now?). No absolute certitude but it all points that it’s origin might be the squatter man figure.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about check for images of this figure and read Anthony Peratt papers “…Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity…” as an introduction.

Although the connection of most of the esoteric symbols are obviously not referenced in his papers it’s relatively easy to find that their origins were most likely based on these incredible and devastating events. The same goes obviously for all the cults which later on developed into complex religions, occult or not.

As a clear example the archaic Ouroboros figure, which Van der Sluijs in collaboration with Peratt wrote and published an extensive paper about it “The Ourobóros as an Auroral Phenomenon”. Other symbols seem to have the same origin as this symbol, as it might be the case for the very well known eye symbol 😉

9 months ago
Reply to  Nimrod

“X” has a definite connection to Nimrod.

If you draw a line diagonally from the star Betelgeuse to the star Rigel, and another line from the star Bellatrix to the star Saiph, you will have created a “cross” that looks like an “X”.

At the intersection of the “X” is the star Alnilam – Alnilam is the center star of Orion’s Belt.

Along with other star formations, these five stars are encoded into the layout of the Vatican and Rome.

The “X” created at the Vatican intersects at the Egyptian pyramid in St. Peter’s Square – this pyramid represents the star Alnilam.

The pyramid represents Nimrod’s male reproductive part.

In the pic I have circled the three structures that represent the three stars of Orion’s Belt – an obelisk and two fountains – the white lines clearly show the “X”, or “cross”, that when extended outward and beyond the Square, point directly to other structures that depict the stars, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Bellatrix , and Saiph (not shown in the pic).

December 25th is Nimrod’s birth/rebirth day – and for that reason Christmas is sometimes written as “Xmas” – a holy day for Nimrod/X.

Last edited 9 months ago by branch
9 months ago
Reply to  Nimrod

 “X” has always had a definite connection to Nimrod.

If you draw a line diagonally from the star Betelgeuse to the star Rigel, and another line from the star Bellatrix to the star Saiph, you will have created a “cross” that looks like an “X”.

At the intersection of the “X” is the star Alnilam – Alnilam is the center star of Orion’s Belt.

Along with other star formations, these five stars are encoded into the layout of the Vatican and Rome.

The “X” created at the Vatican intersects at the Egyptian pyramid in St. Peter’s Square – this pyramid represents the star Alnilam.

The pyramid represents Nimrod’s male reproductive part.

In the pic I have circled the three structures that represent the three stars of Orion’s Belt – an obelisk and two fountains – the white lines clearly show the “X”, or “cross”, that when extended outward point to other structures that depict the stars, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Bellatrix , and Saiph (not shown in the pic).

December 25th is Nimrod’s birth/rebirth day – and for that reason Christmas is sometimes written as ‘Xmas” – a holy day for Nimrod/X.

9 months ago

VC should please do an article on the Statue of Liberty. I’m surprised that he has done several Sinister Sites articles but not that one.

9 months ago

What about the John Deere logo they have got to be illuminati run but doesn’t show really in their logo