
Google Chrome Icon and Simular Symbolism – by lenseoftruth

Everyone has seen this icon.  You have probably used it today.  Many people see this as an interlocking 666 (and you are probably not wrong), but I offer another view.

Have you ever seen a “triskelion?”

I recently came across them on the feed from my telegram account. Then I started to wonder “hm, let’s see.. well Google Chrome icon looks alot like that. I wonder what other alternatives there would be when they were developing their concept for the icon.”

Wow, that’s a lot of trisekels wait a second.. that looks like this.

Washington DC my old home. 

Wow, if things haven’t gotten more occult we can add this symbolism to the list of Moloch bird at the capitol building, the Pieces symbol at the foot at the Washington monument obelisk, and pyramid that looks like an All-Seeing eye leading down towards the Potomac.

So, I gotta ask you, why are we using this as a symbol we click on every day?  Its symbolism is one of motion, so where are we motioning to? 

What do you think?

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10 months ago

Here’s another one. This is on my husband’s gaming mouse.

images (92).jpeg
10 months ago
Reply to  lenseoftruth

@Gem444 I also see a pyramid and the three lines making the ‘E’ is something with the Egyptians? Correct?

10 months ago

Yup, the triskelion has ancient roots, and is seen in Egyptian symbolism and elsewhere from that region, then pops up again later in Celtic art.

However, there’s another modern meaning – today, it is commonly used to signify someone who is into BDSM. This is because of the 3 “branches” of the symbol, which are purported to represent the 3 “subsets” of the BDSM community:
(1) “B&D” bondage & domination, aka bondage play,
(2) “D&S” domination and submission, aka power play,
(3) “S&M” sadomasochism, aka pain play.

I read all about this because I have a triskelion pendant necklace I wear sometimes, as part of my traditional Irish/Scottish family ancestry, and one day someone pointed out to me the symbol’s more “modern” meaning, so I read more about it online. Rather strange, but there you have it.

the third eye
the third eye
10 months ago

The triskelion was the emblem of the Nazis, it represented perpetual motion forward, that is to say always in motion, progression towards the Enlightenment (science and technology). after WWII it was discontinued, BMW has a similar symbol, it’s an airplane propeller yes, homage to their manufacturing of airplanes before the end of WWII when Germany was banned from manufacturing weapons, so they turned to civilian vehicles. but it’s a double meaning, it’s a tribute to their aeronautical past yes, but also to the triskelion, which was used by the Germans before Nazism, then adapted by the Nazis to encompass the German spirit; “always in motion-progress”, so even though it predates the pre-Christian era, it has not been used by any nation or group since World War II, it parallels the same history and story of the swastika.

so to answer your question, which one is it (triskelion or triple 6) for google chrome?
Simple, look at the founders and owners of Google (who also owners, but not founders of YouTube, was bought by Google), the same tribe as the founder of Facebook!

I doubted they would use a known N**i symbol to represent them, it’s like using the cross to represent the Maccabees and the Pharisees!

the third eye
the third eye
10 months ago
Reply to  the third eye

I also like to add the Mercedes emblem, the three-pointed star, also a double meaning.

Of course, the three-pointed star of Mercedes-Benz has an interesting history. Originally, each point was supposed to represent a different type of mobility: land, sea and air.
The beginnings of the Mercedes-Benz logo began on August 6, 1909 by Benz & Cie. The logo prominently features a laurel wreath considered a symbol of victory dating back to ancient Greece. so yes, they’re familiar, and borrow from ancient times, 

Over the years, the design evolved, to finally settling on the three-pointed star in a circle, the iconatic Mercedes logo as we know it today in 1921, the date says it all!

when you look at it, it looks a lot like the triskelion. Mercedes was the Nazis’ favorite car brand.

Additionally, the triple 6 logo is not limited to one company, there are several out there!

seek, search and you’ll find, but that’s a rabbit hole..

“neo, do you want the red or blue pill?”

the third eye
the third eye
10 months ago
Reply to  the third eye

and speaking of Google as the same tribe as the founder of Facebook, Zuckerberg! some of you may have forgotten that moment, the moment when Zuckerberg was sweating profusely, when the host of a public meeting to interview him, she discovered a hidden symbol in the inside of his jacket when he took it off. She didn’t mince words, she got straight to the point;

” is this some sort of illuminati symbol “.

 but then again, this could be staged on his part, otherwise why would he wear this jacket to a public meeting?
now, what is this symbol?

hmmm… things that make you go hmmm…

there was a scene in the movie Bourne (2016), where the cia director played by Tommy Lee Jones as Robert Dewey, the director of the CIA and leader of the Iron Hand program who intends to take down Bourne after the exposure of Blackbriar.

in one scene, Dewey is scheduled to attend a public debate with Aaron Kalloor, CEO of social media giant Deep Dream. Kalloor is the public face of corporate social responsibility in the Internet age, but was secretly funded by Dewey in the startup stage. Dewey intends to use Deep Dream for real-time mass surveillance alongside the latest incarnation of the CIA’s targeted assassination “Beta” program, a more ruthless version of Blackbriar in which the assassin can murder anyone to get to the target. 

in this scene, it obviously alludes to CIA funding of Facebook.

lest we forget, that Bourne concerns the mk ultra program, without calling it by its original name

in another telling moment, I can’t remember which host it was for which news channel (fox or cnn), it was some time ago, during the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal, she said something along the lines of; “Facebook is a wet dream for security services, it does all the work for them, without breaking a sweat, and gives more than they can ask for, and all this done willingly.”

This is the only clip I could find, most of the original clip is gone.

The Story Behind The Facebook Hoodie – YouTube

in a funny moment from the amazing Stephen Colbert

Facebook Employees Have So Many Great Nicknames For Mark Zuckerberg – YouTube

and by fluke, i fell on this, thought it might be interesting

Katy Perry goes viral for mid-concert eye ‘glitch’ | USA TODAY #Shorts – YouTube

the third eye
the third eye
10 months ago
Reply to  the third eye

(the follow up from above)

neo, blue or red pill ? 

blue pill. 

what ? 

whats the point ? i have foreseen the future, it doesn’t end well for me. ignorance is bliss, as they say. besides, im on ritalin pills.
tell trinity i love her.
look, we’re all going to die anyway, one way or another. and there is always someone, something sacrificed. For the best or for the worst, for good or for bad. besides whats right or wrong ? who decides ?
i was enjoying this juicy piece of steak, thay i know is virtual, but nonetheless i was enjoying it. Isn’t that what matters? what we feel ?

life is short anyhow Morpheus

wow, they really did a number on you, didn’t they? 

It’s not them, it’s the whole matrix, Morpheus. 

but they build the matrix, neo. 

they did , but who gave them the power morpheus ?

who delivered us to them, Morpheus?

is’nt it our corruption, our greed, our selfishness?

everything we touch, we corrupt? are we so different now?

who can say, after saving the world, like an exterminator doing his job, that things will never go back to the way they were?

look in history, morpheus, each empire, civilization ends up destroying itself.

yes, but theres re-birth neo, a renaissance, that’s the beauty of it, humanity is given a new chance.

how many chances morpheous ? a cat has 9 lives, how many chances do we have left? and for what? to go back to the old ways?

its a constant struggle neo.

a constant struggle to rinse and repeat?

you are an idealistic morph, a romantic, who sees the best in us, forgetting that the best in us does not last long. I have become a realist, a pragmatist, i see us as we are, for what we are… that we are s**t!
a stain on this world, so good riddance, let us begone for good.

now, let me sleep trough my miserable life please. and let me have the illusion that I am living.

don’t we pay for magic and illusions, for “dog and pony shows”
smoke and mirrors, and yet we love it!
you can’t change our nature morpheous, we’re wicked, evil and stupid.
and you want to save this morpheous?
Join the pack morpheous, you’ve done well, but you’re the exception.

now take the blue pill morpheous…………..and join us!

-_1.5 billion $ profit, for…….barbie!??

” Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion.

The world is violent and mercurial — it will have its way with you. We are saved only by love — love for each other and the love that we pour into the art we feel compelled to share: being a parent; being a writer; being a painter; being a friend. We live in a perpetually burning building, and what we must save from it, all the time, is love.

Snatching the eternal out of the desperately fleeting is the great magic trick of human existence.

I don’t ask for your pity, but just for your understanding—not even that—no. Just for your recognition of me in you, and the enemy, time, in us all.

A Prayer for the Wild at Heart That Are Kept in Cages

Orpheus Descending (1957)

We’re all of us sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life. ”

Tennessee Williams

Last edited 10 months ago by the third eye
10 months ago


You have hit upon a very important Truth regarding the connection between 666 and the triskell. These symbols are representative of the flow of time in a cyclical and reciprocal nature. Consider the following:

1) 666 is the number of total and annular solar eclipses per 325 year Sar eclipse cycle.

The word צר “Tsar” in Hebrew means BEAST. Indeed it is a reference to the eclipse cycles; whereby the Dragon is the lunar draconitic nodes; where the moon crosses the solar ECLIPTIC. The north and south nodes are the head and tail of the dragon “and the dragon have the beast its power…” it is also Draco the dragon that sits at the celestial North Pole around which the cosmos turn in the procession of the equinoxes.

This is why SOL Amon (Sol = Sun) the sun king bas 666 talents of gold in 1 Kings 10. It is the number of a man, Sol AMAN…

This is why so many rulers of luciferian orders take the name of SAR:

From the Russian tsars, to the German KaiSARs to Julius CeaSAR whose name was said “KA-SAR” the Ka being the spiritual essence in ancient egptian. Hence why July or JULIUS is the month of the suns highest strength.

Here below I’ve attached some murals from Teotihuacan of the Mayans, dating about 0-200 CE. Note the dragon with the feet of a bear and mouth of a lion spitting the triskell. It is Draco, Leo Menoris, Leopardis, and Ursa (The dipper) in a Chinera, representing the celestial North Pole.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Dragon spits the triskell

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The man with the water pitcher (Aquarius on the ecliptic) releases the spiral motion of earth (6 shape) orbiting around the sun, which causes the 666 solar eclipses

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The dragon spits the “holy grail,” the pitcher from which the waters do space and time flow forth in cyclical motion.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now consider that in Luke 22:21 when Yeshua is discussing how he will be betrayed by one of his disciples he says “The hand of the one who will betray me is at the table.”

Hand = χειρ “Cheir,” which refers directly to Chirality ( which is Spiraling motion,
Or objects which cannot be superimposed upon their reflection) and which in Hebrew is the same as KHERes meaning The Sun. The Greek Scripture is absolutely full of phonetic cross references to the Hebree, hence why John urges the reader to read aloud Revelations.

Table = τράπεζες “TRA – PEZES” which quite literally means “Three Feet.” Obviously this relates to the triskell.

The wording and quote seem out of place for anybody simply reading the story; but Yeshua was specifically speaking of how the chirality of time (spirals only forward as we perceive it) will deliver him into the hands of the Sun worshippers, the Luciferians.

Even the word “betray” is παραδίδοντας PAra DIDOntos. Dido is the mythical serpent/dragon mother of the Phoenicians, who are the Fanacians:Enochians, the children of Kain who murder the Truth.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Just to show you the extent of this, look below at the exactly contemporary Kushan empire (Between Persia and India) coin issued by its ruler Huvishka. Kushan is a hreco-Bactrian and is the same as the term Yeshua uses for dog on the Greek scriptures κυσιν “Kushin,” to refer to the dogs who we are not to throw what is holy: they are the Kushites… those of the Dog Star Sirius.

The coin is made of gold (the Solar medal) with the king pictures with the golden aura or halo of The Sun. On it is written on Bacteian SARo-e-Oro literally “The Golden Sar Cycle,” or “The Golden Beast.”

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


So, in one sense of the fractal; Solomon bought and paid for some of humanity from the Queen is that what I’m hearing?
The golden aura is mysterious to me because it is described in so many different people. Jesus (G-Zeus), some ‘pious’ popes (ha,ha,ha) and also in Aryeh Yehuda among others. What is this golden aura?

10 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

One of the most interesting books I read when I was in my young 20’s was called “The Bad Popes”. I was very naive then, was coming out of the cult I was raised in, and was just searching. What an eye opener it was.

10 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup

Intense and radical religious indoctrination practiced in cults are especially difficult experiences and relationships to break free from. Nicely done on your part and for finding The Way I appreciate you

10 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


These are good questions. I will respond to this in full soon, just need to finish a few things first.

9 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


Thank you for the patience on the replies to your questions.

There is a fundamental concept to understand regarding all of the symbolism and concepts which are now used as Luciferian throughout society: they are originally ARYEH YEHUDAH.

What is now seen and used in their media, religions, political schemes etc. are perversions, total corruptions of The Truth. It is designed to poison the fig with corn syrup: it won’t kill your immediately, but pretty soon you’ll be addicted, obese and easily controllable.

The AURa is of course taken from the Aryeh Yehudah word אור “AUR,” which is the same as where the name of the cities of UR and URuk got their name (why it says Abraham came from UR), and from where the word ORder comes from. Or is of course golden in marine languages still found as Ore in mining language in English: because metals like gold are conductive forms of ordered matter.

The word in Aryeh Yehudah first appears in Berashid under the phrase now translated as “Let there be Light.” The word “Light” would be better translated as “The Order of the Cosmos.” However, this does include light, which plays a fundamental role in defining our universe, as is found in Ain Steins (Eye Stone) theory of relativity. In fact the word אור tells us exactly how it relates to fold:

א = 1
ו = 6
ר = 2

1.62 is the three decimal approximation of the GOLDEN RATIO, now called Phi. The word itself begins at letter 137 of the scriptures, and the fine structure constant, which controls the strength of the electromagnetic force, and thus the speed of light and the formation of matter, is 1/137.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

So yes, as you full well know, Auras, electromagnetic emanations from humans, are real. Where the corruption lays, is that with their coins that are stamped with a CHARAGMA (the word used for the mark), is designed to use this knowledge to obtain Satans temptations for the Luciferians, as found in the story of Yeshua in the dessert: Earthlt Comfort, Ego Glorification, and Earthly Power.

They are claiming that by having taken, hoarded and corrupted this profound knowledge of the cosmos, the Luciferians (who worship the אור the light, electromagnetism, which is Lucifer) are given the rite to rule the earth, and harvest the peoples ki in return for his temptations.

Yeshua and the Aryeh Yehudah, do not seek these things. You see the acts of Yeshua parallel the temptations, as he chooses upon awakening to serve humanity: instead of bread from stones for his own belly (earthly comfort), he multiplies the bread and fish (gives spiritual sustenance to the people), instead of flying atop the temple (ego glorification), he walks on water to show his disciples the power of True Faith. Instead of gaining earthly power as emperor, he gives away even his material body to become a king for all ages.

Do you understand?

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I think so. What are the luciferians saying when they have so many of their people depicted in their art work with the golden aura? Does it mean they are illumined in the way of the luciferians? Where a devoted one in the ways of YHWH would have an aura too but it’s different?
Don’t quite see what pie has to do with ‘seeing the light’. Mathematics and His Word are inter-related that is clear I just don’t see it yet.

9 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


9 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


The golden ratio, phi,
1.618034 has significant implications for the physical structure of the universe and it’s geometry. There’s plenty of material on this, and I included it to a certain extent on chapter IX: from flowers to rams horns to our galaxy; the material order is heavily influenced by the golden ratio within a scalar fracfalS

I the golden ratio also appears significantly in relationship to the fine structure constant, based on a specific triangle’s geometry and hyperbolic trig functions. This of course governs electromagnetism; which every molecule in your body relies upon.

The Luciferians creating and displaying statues, coins and depictions (such as church windows) of illumined golden haloed humans is designed for POWER,
And specifically designs the iconography to appear as THE SUN. They claim they are the sun seed man… that is ILL lumination.

That is, they are claiming themselves the illumined authority of the sun manifest on earth; Horus (aka AURus) Risen.

We do not make graven images, called “Temunah” in Aryeh Yehudah. The second commandment specifically forbids making any images like this for glorification for this very purpose… it leads to deification of mortals and ki harvesting in religions. It is a corruption.

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

As the golden ratio or AUR (1.62 rounded to 3 decimal places) controls the strength of electromagnetism, it thus controls the speed of light. Look up maxwells equations.

The Speed of Light = 1 / square root of electric permitivity of a vacuum * magnetic permeability of a vacuum.

Phi relates due to a intersection point of a specific triangle, is high governs the fine structure constant (which determines magnetic and electric constants)

9 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Is there a particular way these coins, as objects, interact with a human’s electromagnetic field? In a way unseen, and not connected to our idea of a coin’s value (if it’s possible to separate our concept of a coin’s value, from its “physical” form). Is there a “science” behind the charagma? Does it interact with us in a way unknown to most of us?

9 months ago
Reply to  Channah

I know this isn’t what you’re asking, @channah, but all money only truly has the value society attributes to it.

All money is nothing but a token – a stand-in representing resource potential, but otherwise largely useless unless coins are pure enough to use for their metals.

I understand why these tokens became important and accepted in times of expanding trade (traveling merchants, broader travel for the populace) but we are now on the cusp of all societies moving towards nothing but a series of numbers in a bank account to have and to be able to aquire any-and-everything. In return for our hard work and/or good behavior. Staying “in line”.

I would like to know how this is any different whatsoever from basic slavery, aside from the illusion of the masters’ tokens we get to spend if they allow us to have them?

So, in that sense, they are the mark, no? We’ve just been weaned, like with everything else, from tokens with some real value, to junk metals and paper, to now a system that only exists in our minds and on our screens which we forfeit our entire lives to work for and pursue to enrich others, even compromising ourselves in many ways to protect.

9 months ago
Reply to  Channah


I will give you a more in depth response soon but consider the words of Yeshua in Mark 12:

Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Yeshua to trap him in his words. They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know that you are a man of TRUTH. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach The Way of YHWH in keeping with The Truth. Is it lawful to pay the imperial tax to KaSAR or not? Should we pay or shouldn’t we?”

But Yeshua knew their hypocrisy. “Why are you trying to trap me?” he asked. “Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” A They brought the coin, and he asked them, “Whose IMAGE is this? And whose inscription?”

“KaSARos,” they replied.

Then Yeshua said to them, “Give back to KaSaroa what is of KaSARoa and to YHWH what is of YHWH.”

And they were amazed at him.”

The word translated as image is εικον which is literally ICON; referencing golden images for worship…

10 months ago

What will you do then?

Uninstalling Chrome?

10 months ago
Reply to  aaa

Once you see the trick, the rabbit, then they have no power over you unless you ALLOW them to. We all see it.

Jay P
Jay P
10 months ago
Reply to  aaa

Absolutely! There are many alternatives- I personally use Duck Duck Go. Do not use anything from any of these demonic companies, I understand it’s everywhere (two more examples- Monster Energy Drinks- which feature ‘666’ in Hebrew, as well as their logo – “unleash the Beast.” Also, even Oreo cookies contain Lucifer’s sigil on the cookie. Like I said, everywhere). Pay special attention to what you put in your body & mind.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jay P

You really think Duckduckgo, Brave, Tor… are out of reach for them?
In fact there are no safe alternatives! You start every website with www which means 666!

rosemary's baby
rosemary's baby
10 months ago
Reply to  Jumpsuit

i even suspect they’re controlled opposition.

10 months ago

HI, i’m Stella from Italy. I live in the Isle of Sicily. If you know Sicily, you know that it has a triangle shape. Its ancient symbol is the triskelion, which represents the three points of the island. Nothing esoteric. And the Isle of Man has a flag very similar to that of Sicily, and it’s no coincidence but I actually read that their flag was inspired by the flag of Sicily.

10 months ago
Reply to  Stella


You’ve been fed the exoteric version of this as the three points of the island. The three legs are much, much older than modern Sicilian culture. Look below at the three legged solar crow of China, much older than its use in Sicily. It dates at least to 5000 BCE: the Solar Bird of Three legs. The Phoenix…

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Below is a coin from Greece; representing the illuminator reading “Tan Pa Normi,” which reads “Zues Father of Laws.” Zeus is the illuminator, LUCIFER.

Sicily’s symbol is Lucifer; you’ve been fed a nice exoteric lie to keep you in line from the esoteric truth.

Kind of like the “protection,” the cosa nostra sells to businesses from all those other bad guys. If you really think your paying from protection, and not being extorted by organised crime; then weell, you’re the town fool.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Lucifer wrapped in serpents. DIDO the serpent mother… on Sicily.
