
Explaining the Taylor Swift Phenomenon – The Stream (

I’ve been trying to put my finger on the Taylor Swift phenomenon for some time now.  Evidently people pay obscene amounts of money to see her, and she is breaking world records on her latest tour. By all accounts (well, not quite all)  it’s worth seeing, as Miss Swift parades out on the stage in outfit after outfit and dazzles swarms of people with a show like Superbowl halftime on crack.

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11 months ago

She performs spells and rituals over her audience while on stage. The rumour is that she is Anton LaVey’s granddaughter.

Burn Notice
Burn Notice
11 months ago

Richie the barber (Richie Esposito) claims she is satanic and stated he witnessed her drinking blood among other things at Hollywood parties. For whatever that’s worth.

Videos of Richie the barber and Chris camera guy (Christopher Shaibi) discussing this are on youtube.

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
11 months ago

She’s the Disney princess that didn’t go bad. Christina Aguilera, Brittney Spears, bubble gum princess turns into pop star p**n queen on stage, millions of young impressionable girls idolized. Taylor is the edgy sexy good girl with the soul of a succubus. Show just enough, give just enough to draw men into her web and then like a black widow, destroy their mates. The girl with the power over men to run her own show and put men in their places by never committing, which is equal to slavery in the eyes of young up and coming feminists. Sexy enough to attract men and women alike but never losing control by letting a man tie her down. The inspiration for lesbians and straight girls alike that dominate men in a man’s world. She’s not a bull d**e, she’s the lipstick lesbian fantasy girl, the high school cheerleader that calls all the shots and never gets caught in the back seat of a car or finds her naked pictures all over the internet because she s**t on her latest conquest. Be sexy, in control, sleep around with the varsity quarterback and never let it tarnish your snow white image. Be your own boss, flaunt what you’ve got without going full on prostitute.
Every high maintenance princess dream girl wanna be. Have it all and never give in to the evil toxic masculinity of surrender to achieve success.
No kids, no husband, date all the hot guys, have a career, have it all and never surrender to or be victimized by men.
Not the militant femnazi, the succubus that lures men to their knees and leaves them heartbroken and beaten.
The open secret that nobody can prove, the rumors of f*****g the a list Hollywood leading man and leaving no trace or dirty laundry behind that would tarnish her image.

11 months ago

I am always astonished when someone thinks of Swift as a “top quality artist” as this writer calls her. She makes mediocre and forgettable pop music. Even Madonna the OG succubus has more talent.

11 months ago

She’s one of those people who are mostly famous for being famous. Certainly not for any innate talent.