
Call Of Duty using AI to listen out for hate speech during online matches (

The tool, which will monitor voice chat for any bullying and harassment, will be part of Modern Warfare III – the next game in the series – when it launches in November.

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1 year ago

If I play online and someone is cursing my mommy then I can just mute that player. It takes like two or three extra clicks in every game. This AI implementation looks like some slippery slope to implement something else soon. What’s next, biometrics in games?

1 year ago
Reply to  Yxxy

Freedom of speech = gone.

1 year ago

An “AI tool” being used to “monitor” voice chat for “bullying and harassment”… I can’t stop laughing. Are “THEY” actually spying on EVERY SINGLE PERSON ALIVE through ANY MEANS POSSIBLE using ANY and EVERY reason and excuse they can invent, OR do they just need us to BELIEVE THEY ARE? Does all of this anti-freedom, anti-privacy, spy technology actually exist or is the End Game the exact same if it is just another Psy-op as long as our belief in it is sound? Could things like doorbell cams at every residence along with the programming of every “Global Citizen” to believe they are under constant and chronic surveillance thru the lies and propaganda spewed at us 24/7/365 by law enforcement and the mainstream media shape the general behavior of a Global Society within a matter of 3-4 years? You bet your a*s it would.