
Black Magic in Saudi Royal Family

So I fell down a rabbit hole while trying to decide if MBS is Mabus, the Antichrist, both or neither. I’m laughing at myself while typing this.

While reading about his penchant for domestic violence and killing his own son (from a black slave) because evidently being black in Saudi Arabia is a capital crime, I stumbled across this paragraph. 

I thought it might tie into our discussions on the elites and the things they get up to.

What do you think?

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11 months ago

Its old as hell, but checkout this article if you havent.

Occult and the Saudi throne (

11 months ago

ObaMABUSh is said to usher in the antichrist is not?

11 months ago

We prove that MBS is the beast with our films here:

Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of
Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of
11 months ago
Reply to  Marco

haven’t right-wing extremists called Obama the beast, the antichrist, the devil in disguise? because he is half Muslim.
even portrayed him in that mini-show “Son of God”, a show created by Trump TV series producer Mark Burnett (The Apprentice), as that?

Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ? |

“If you want to sow fear, uncertainty, and doubt (or simply yank people’s chains), simply claim that some prominent person or recent event corresponds to descriptions that presage the end of the world, as elaborated by Revelation or Nostradamus. After all, comparatively few people have read either of those works; most people just have some vague idea that they describe, in detail, a coming apocalypse and the signs that will herald its imminent arrival. So pick your target, make up a list of reasons to explain how it supposedly matches up with end-of-the-world predictions, and watch the process of bewilderment begin. (We saw this happen in spades with bogus Nostradamus prophecies immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.) ”

Obama the Anti-Christ? | America Magazine

” Hal Lindsay, an evangelical writer argued in the WorldNetDaily that “Obama’s world tour provided a foretaste of the reception he [the Antichrist] can expect to receive…it seems the world is now ready to make his acquaintance.” Lindsay was not saying Obama was the Antichrist, but he certainly was blurring the lines. The idea that Obama is somehow a precursor to the Antichrist is not very soothing either. “

with this mentality, my noisy neighbor is the antichrist, add my ex-boss too, hell, add my ex’s, why not that damn raccoon keeps tearing up trash bags, hmmm… who else can think of?
help me out here … the tax man ?

a lot of antichrist in our lives..

10 months ago

Obama is a beast decoy. He is not from a line of royalty. The beast has to be the 7th king of Revelation 17 and MBS fits it PERFECTLY.

Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of
Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of
10 months ago
Reply to  Marco


10 months ago

You lol all you want. My understanding given me of my Father will soon be proven perfect.

spread the truth
spread the truth
11 months ago

nowhere have I seen a credible article about racism in Saudi Arabia, or any other Middle Eastern or Muslim country. quite the opposite.

and this link does not seem credible, at the bottom of the relayed article was a link to another article which said that MBS had destroyed the sacred black stone, which if was true, would cause an uproar in the Muslim world, since its very sacred, yet no article from any credible News articles, mentions it, nor on the Blackstone Wikipedia page.

furthermore, no other articles found also supported this article .

we can therefore conclude that it is un-credible.

11 months ago

Good to know. Although, you would be a fool to say that:

A.) there exists absolutely NO racism in the middle east

B.) The “royals” absolutely do NOT practice so called black magic to maintain power like the rest of the so called ruling powers

Though at 2nd glance, the article does appear as you say. I paid more attention to the parts of the article on the Occult, more then the entire webpage.

spread the truth
spread the truth
11 months ago
Reply to  tamahu_occisor

“Though at 2nd glance, the article does appear as you say.”

good, which proves this author reported un-credible source. and therefore everything in the article is bogus.


11 months ago

There are many Sudanese and other blacks in Saudi. It is definitely not a capital crime to be black in Saudi.

vigilant reader
vigilant reader
11 months ago
Reply to  Zorsik

yeah, I came across a trailer for an animated film on YouTube, it was an advertisement, I didn’t understand it at first glance, after being repeated several times on different occasions, the voice of the narrator seemed familiar to me as I watched. after searching, my hunch was right, it was the great irish actor Ian McShane narrating the story.
It showed up later on my streaming platform , it was Dubai’s first animated feature film, it had A-list Hollywood stars lending their voices, so I gave it a shot. It was a pretty decent animation and movie. it tells the story of the first caller to prayer, who is black.

it’s called “Bilal: a new breed of heroes”,
About Bilal ibn Rabah, it is said about him:

“was one of the most trusted and faithful Sahabah (companions) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was born in Mecca and is considered the first mu’azzin in history, chosen by Muhammad himself. He was known for his voice with which he called people to their prayers.”

“Muhammad chose Bilal as the first mu’azzin (reciter of the Adhan).”

One of the most respected Muslim figures of modern times is also the champion, the man, the legend, who “flies like a butterfly and stings like a bee”, the great boxer Mohamed Ali.

was loved, trusted and respected around the world. One of the initiators, instigators and catalysts of the peace movement in the United States, against the Vietnam War, and one of the rare ones not to have been killed for it! probably because he was so admired, even by his opponents.

To this day, he is an idol and role model for many black communities across generations, even more so than Nelson Mandela.

so racism in the Muslim world? Kareem Abd el Jabbaar would beg to differ.
Dubai is also a multicultural hub.

The Lebanese diaspora, one of the largest after the Jewish and Italians diaspora, lives all over the world and is respected and admired wherever they live. and this goes for both faiths (Christian and Muslim), they are known for their sensibility, diplomacy, entrepreneurship and workmanship
In South America, a big lebanese dispora, most respected and admired left-wing leaders are of Lebanese descent.

“Arif Mardin (March 15, 1932 – June 25, 2006) was a Turkish-American music producer, who worked with hundreds of artists across many different styles of music, including jazz, rock, soul, disco and country. He worked at Atlantic Records for over 30 years, as producer, arranger, studio manager, and vice president, before moving to EMI and serving as vice president and general manager of Manhattan Records.

Mardin’s collaborations include working with The Rascals, Queen, John Prine, the Bee Gees, Hall & Oates, Anita Baker, Aretha Franklin, Dionne Warwick, Donny Hathaway, Roberta Flack, Bette Midler, Michael Crawford, Chaka Khan, Laura Nyro, Ringo Starr, Carly Simon, Phil Collins, Daniel Rodriguez, and Norah Jones. Mardin was awarded eleven Grammy Awards and has eighteen nominations.

there’s also, Sadiq Aman Khan, British politician serving as Mayor of London since 2016. He was previously Member of Parliament (MP) for Tooting from 2005 until 2016. A member of the Labour Party, Khan is on the party’s soft left and has been ideologically characterised as a social democrat.”

“Naheed Nenshi mayor of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. from 2010 to 2021.”

and I’m sure I can find many more. If I can do it, how come this author couldn’t do it?

therefore this article is reductive and full of prejudices.

11 months ago

I’ve been looking down that same rabbit hole..specifically at him and musk since they seem to be teaming up