
Ashton Kutcher on Human Trafficking Before Congress | BRILLIANT SPEECH

A guy in high places doing something objectively good. God bless this man.

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Sad but not broken
Sad but not broken
10 months ago

He be a mason man…controlled opposition

10 months ago

And how do you know that? I made friends with him at tapings of his Netflix series “The Ranch” which was a show with a huge conservative audience (my best friend worked on the show so i got to go to the post taping hangouts).
the series regularly mocked Obama and Democrats, had a major prolife subplot for an entire season and centered around conservative ranchers in a Colorado small town.
Kutcher also gave a highly praised speech at the Kids Choice Awards several years ago in which he stressed hard work and education over vapidity to millions of kids and teens on Nickelodeon.
Yeah, what a scumbag. What have YOU done to fight child trafficking?

10 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

Well, for starters, he wears a hat with the masonic emblem to sporting events where he knows he’ll be photographed. Nothing like wearing a flashing neon sign that tells the world you’re a mason.I’m sure that plenty of non-masons wear these in public all the time.

10 months ago

You are aware that only high level Freemasons are part of the occult side of Freemasonry? The lower echelons are not even aware of the inner esoteric teachings of Freemasonry. If they did, this will lead to the collapse of Freemasonry. They are standing on the backs and hard work of the common members, in short, Freemasonry is using people who are ignorant of what it really is. It even recruits good, genuinely service to mankind oriented people like Ashton here for the PR! Get to know the low level members of a chapter near you. Most of them are upstanding citizens, exactly what they look for, to exploit. I’ve made friends with some, and I’ve shared what Freemasonry is really about. They said I was crazy. But after a year, they quit coz they saw and witnessed strange rituals which freaked them out. Not all of them though. They seem to select just a few for further initiation. The rest are just sheep

10 months ago

He is a free mason, absolutely, and part of the problem. controlled opposition 100% repeating Sad but not broken

10 months ago

he’s one of them, dummy

10 months ago

never trust a free mason no matter what

10 months ago

This guy killed a girl to get promoted in the ranks . Google it

10 months ago
Reply to  Mtstery

Any real proof he did it?

10 months ago

But these liberals always support the people who are buying the slaves and support the politicians bringing in the slaves. I still believe we could wipe out all the cartels in a week if we sent in our seals. We should do that and demand it.