
.. a parasite.

Well…it makes sense now? Right?  I mean, this could have all ended with Ivermectin. 

Instead, we have half of the worldwide population allegedly injected with body snatcher calamari clot shots juice.  

What do you think?

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10 months ago

There was no thing to end. No new sickness, no virus (they don’t exist) and no treatment needed. Ivermectin is a poisonous synthetic drug with consequences on the body just like all the others pumped out by big pharma. You can get rid of parasites many other ways. The entire scamdemic was a lie, there was no new sickness or more people getting sick than normal

The big g himself.
The big g himself.
10 months ago
Reply to  Rocks

Hello there I’ve seen a few people on this site say viruses don’t exist can you please show me where you find this information. I’m a student nurse and I’m studying viruses and how they affect the body so I’d like to know how a fair majority of my course work is a lie and how you disprove such viruses. I mean this with no aggression I’m just curious.


10 months ago

They probably hold to something called “terrain theory”. Dr Sam Bailey has some videos on yt… probably many other people do too.

I’m undecided on it. But certainly the answer is not vaccines and harsh medication.

10 months ago

There’s really no point in going after that “theory”, as all their claims have been proven wrong.
Dr Kaufmann, which is nowadays imo the most prominent proponent of the “no-virus-theory” , manipulated information to fit his narrative and there’s video proof of it.
Dr Lanka, another prominent proponent from germany is a dishonest liar and coward, which showed his true colours during the german measles-trial. Everything is documented meticulously.

The whole theory in a nutshell:
There are no viruses, illnesses are caused by exosomes.
And this is a fact, because the “science” viruses are based on is (allegedly) fraudulent.
It is fraudulent because:
louis pasteur was a fraud.
There are (allegedly) no controlgroups during virus isolation, therefore the cytopathic effects could be caused by “anything” (in fact they think the bovine serum, antibiotics, antifungal are causing the effects…).
The socalled “virus” was only “computer generated” and therefore does not exist in real live.
As I said, all of the above have been proven wrong.

The takeway is:
Viruses do exist. SARS CoV-2 does imho NOT exist. But the spikeprotein DOES exist and was synthezied in 2016 by Ralph Baric and Shi “batwoman” Zenghli. The whole point of this plandemic was to condition the masses, rapidly advance the agenda and kill some millions off with a biological weapon. Some shots may even contain self-assembling 3-dimensional EM-receivers, which can be used to influence the innoculated via EMF, a technology that exists at least since 7 years already in the public domain.

If anybody really wants a serious debate I can go into more details on each topic.

The big g himself.
The big g himself.
10 months ago
Reply to  whatever

Thank you for this information and I’ll research the people you have posted about. How haven’t any viruses been isolated tho? I feel I can say being around aids patients that a virus is destroying their T cells. Having written a big report on Ebola I feel I could say it does exist and has been isolated. If no viruses exist could you comfortably tell my patients on ventilators because of Pneumonia that what they’re going through doesn’t exist? I’m just curious as to how these can be denied when I’m surrounded by them on a daily basis.

10 months ago

As I told you, these people need to manipulate the data, to be able to prove their point. And they need to ignore existing scientific evidence to maintain their hoax.
You already observed correctly that viruses do in fact exist. No point in looking any further as it will only waste your energy and attention.
Only one worth researching is ralph baric as he is a keyfigure in producing this biological weapon called “spike protein”.
Check out his 2015 study
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence”
where he conveniently “forgot” to add the genome of his newly synthezied “virus” to the GenBank, which is btw. requiered by law.
The genome has been added at the end of may, months after the “new” virus was already sequenced.

He also received a dubious package labeled “Corona mRNA-vaccine” (or something along the lines…) from ModRNA in late 2019, which is documented and publicly available.

And he has connections to some powerful people.

I should have some sources to back my claims but I can’t access them, as I’m on mobile right now.

10 months ago

Concerning the self-assembling EM-receiver I would recommend to check out Dr pablo Campra. Last time I looked he had published like 8 papers about this topic.
Don’t forget to check the fact checkers as they try to “debunk” Campras findings.

The big g himself.
The big g himself.
10 months ago
Reply to  whatever

Thank you.

10 months ago

The people who were falling ill (and didn’t have a cold or the flu) were poisoned. It wasn’t a parasite and it wasn’t a virus.

10 months ago

VERY good thread, please keep it going!?