
👁️ Kissed Shara Wheeler

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1 year ago

Seems funny how surface level your “exposure” of the occult is in our world. Posting one eye signs in advertising is just dipping your toe in the water. The problem is that time and time again, you’ve proven yourself to believe the opposite of what we’re about on this site. And no amount of one eye advertisements are going to suddenly change our perception. I’m sorry. You need to ask Jesus to forgive you and repent of the lifestyle you’re in. It’s not about finding the god within, Steven. It’s about a personal relationship with the creator of the universe.

CC Deville
CC Deville
1 year ago
Reply to  hanDover

Repent of your lifestyle is works salvation. You’re going to split hell wide open.

Repent =/= repent of sins

1 year ago
Reply to  CC Deville

where is hell?

1 year ago
Reply to  hanDover

I’m new, what did he do?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ellie

He likes kids and enjoys drugs and pretends he’s some enlightened being instead of submitting to Jesus to save his soul. The founder of VC is a Christian as are many of us here. The bottom line is he is doing the devils work.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ellie

Why didn’t you ask me directly instead of the mob?

I said that bodies doesn’t go from beautiful to disgusting from 18 to 17.9 and that you can keep incrementally going down in age and the human form is still beautiful and not disgusting.

The insecure trolls full of shame don’t phase me. I’ve got truth on my side.

From “The I Ching” (Yijing or Book of Changes):

“The superior man, when he stands alone, is unconcerned, and if he has to renounce the world, he is undaunted.”

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

You didn’t say 17.9 though, it was more like 14.

1 year ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

it was more like ‘the curvey shaped 14 years old’. that alone speaks volumes about the condition of his soul. That together with advocating for beastiality.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

You still haven’t answered my question.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

It’s that you consider them “bodies.” As though their main purpose is for your pleasure, ignoring that they are not emotionally or spiritually mature yet. This is exactly why Satanists target children, so that they can be sexualized before they’re mature. This is incredibly damaging to them.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Interesting how none of this suggests taking drugs. You just embarrass yourself every time you re-emerge. Are you not getting enough attention out there ? 😂

1 year ago
Reply to  Sarah

Interestingly, drug use is specifically banned by the Bible. In ancient times, it was called sorcery. The Greek for it is “pharmakeia.”

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

You advocate wide spread drug use, praise AI, are attracted to minors, and your spiritual beliefs are new age Satanism, should you really be judging the contributions of others?

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

All I’m seeing is twisting of scripture taken out of context. For instance, “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.” The point of this verse, as well as the rest of the Beatitudes, is that it is impossible to achieve. You need a mediator to achieve such a state. Furthermore, “accepting Jesus in your heart” is found nowhere in the Bible. Instead, what you find is Romans 10:4: “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” That means belief and obedience is what grants salvation, because salvation is a free gift from God that was paid by Jesus’ death.

When the serpent said “You will be as gods, knowing good and evil,” he was telling them exactly what you are telling us. THIS, right here, is why so many here oppose you. It is because you are repeating the lies of the serpent. You are trying to achieve by your own effort that which only God can do. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 says “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” Do not try to speed up the process or shortcut the connection to the spiritual. The Bible condemns sorcery, which is what you’re practicing.

I urge you to let the Bible interpret itself and not foist your own ideas upon it. Reading the Bible and letting it speak has changed my life. For years, I put my own lusts before the Bible and let them influence how I understood it, but the more I read, the more I realized I was wrong.

CC Deville
CC Deville
1 year ago
Reply to  paul

That is the issue. The pharisees believe that their virtues count before God, like Cain did.

They see a verse like “be perfect” and they be like “no sweat!”.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Spirituality IS an either/or thing, though. Either there is one true way, or Christianity is absolutely wrong. Christianity is orthogonal to every other faith. Jesus taught “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father but through me.” Every other faith teaches that good works are required or that special knowledge is necessary to achieve enlightenment. “I’m not trying to twist scripture…” but that’s exactly what you’re doing. For instance, you claim that we are all taking your words about sleeping with 14 year olds out of context. What if we are? If so, we are using eisegesis to make you into an evil person based on our faulty interpretation. So what about God? You have your own ideas about spiritual enlightenment, and you press them upon the Bible, despite what the context says. You insert things like “the wine at Cana may have been psychoactive” and “the burning bush may have been DMT” (paraphrasing) without any indication from the context within the Bible.

We as humans were disconnected from the spiritual realm (had our ability to create our own DMT mostly cut off) because we sinned against God, and must be redeemed. We wanted knowledge of good and evil, and we got it good and hard. But with that knowledge, our ability to perceive had to be reduced so that we wouldn’t go crazy. The spiritual world had already gone off the rails at that point with hatred for humanity, so if we were to be able to perceive that, it would be like watching non-stop gore horror. We weren’t able to perceive it before because we didn’t have that knowledge. We weren’t granted access without the forbidden fruit. But you insist on continuing to get all of it, without knowing what you’re actually getting.

I, personally, speak harshly with you because you need to know the evil with which you are playing. Just as a parent absolutely screams bloody murder at their child who is playing in traffic to get out of the street, so I urge you to abandon “enlightenment” and seek salvation. No amount of “knowledge” can save you. Being “nice” doesn’t save the child playing in the street from getting splattered by a semi. A loving parent or friend or neighbor will rip that child out of the street, risking bruises and scrapes on the child to spare them being ripped limb from limb, entrails strewn about.

You also mentioned the wide and narrow gates. Good. So what is the wide gate? You say it is selfishness. That is only part of it. But what sin is chief among all, but pride? It is the source of all sin. Lust: My desires are more important than God’s plan. Greed: My wants are more important than my actual needs. Wrath: My vengeance is more important than justice. And on and on. But also: self-importance: I don’t need God’s help; I can achieve divinity on my own. Jesus is God in the flesh, sent to pay for your sins (John 3:16-17). But you say “No thanks, if I just take the right drugs, commune with the right spirits, and be nice and compassionate, I can achieve enlightenment.” But what of those who can’t? Tough luck? Jesus came to save the least of us, those who were uneducated, lame, sick, criminals, broken. Why? Because any sin is a stain, an imperfection. Good luck offering up an otherwise tasty offering to God with even just 5% feces. But that’s what you’re doing, though the percentage is optimistic. So what is the narrow gate? It is true humility and submission. I’m not talking self-abasement, but understanding who you actually are. I am unworthy, but loved anyways. Jesus loved me enough, that when I was still a sinner, he paid my penalty, and he paid for yours, too. But you can only be saved if you understand that you have a penalty that needs to be paid, and that you cannot pay it. Instead, it has already been paid.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

You use a misguided version of unity. The unity that the Bible teaches is unity to God. Should we be united with evil? With child molestors? With necropheliacs? Absolutely not! And to claim that no one has a monopoly on divinity is to spit in the face of God. God is the only divine one. You, in your pride, believe that you can earn enlightenment. What a stuck-up view! You think you are that important? You believe that you can become equivalent to God based on your own effort? Hah! God laughs in your face. You have already sinned, therefore you deserve to die, just like everyone else.

On entheogens, you are conflating issues. What the Bible bans outright is the use of psychoactives to achieve the ends that you seek: “enlightenment.” I don’t disagree that there are medicinal uses, and I don’t have strong opinions on that. But using them to sidestep God’s spiritual giftings and take those gifts by force when you were not given them is what is banned.

If you are using Christ as your example, you must use all of him. He was empathetic to the broken and the humble. However, he was harsh and corrective to the proud. You are proud. You believe that you don’t need Jesus, and that your effort is good enough. Your effort is less than dirt to God. You need to be torn down and brought low, like a leper. You claim to be humble while believing you can be divine ON YOUR OWN! What a ludicrous statement! You lie to yourself. I don’t see it as helpful to sugarcoat your status before God. As you stand now, you’re going to die, and it’s going to be very painful for you because you ignore the reality of hell, a real place reserved for the angels who disobeyed. I am warning you because I love you as a fellow human being. If I pretend that maybe you have a point, then I do you no favors.

So why does the Bible tell us to do good? Because it’s the right thing to do. Not because we reach enlightenment through it. There is only one path that leads to life, and I have no desire to try any other path, or encourage anyone to pursue those paths. I only desire to unite people to the true path. It’s true, there are many rooms in God’s mansion, but they are for those who are sealed with God’s seal. Why? Because God is Love. If we accept God’s offer of salvation, then we accept his love and are given eternal life. If we reject his offer, then we reject his love. So what is he to do, but to cast us from his presence? Your idea of God is one that erases love in favor of pure merit. Numbers on a spreadsheet. So then, what is the point? There is only a point if God is love.

1 year ago

What this site needs is less theological and conceptual debate and more unity against the evil in the world. I find it utterly silly to be so bothered by another’s theological views. So long as tbey stand for goodness and truth, let others believe what they want.

We seek truth but no matter the truth we find, we will always only know in part, and it isn’t until after we die that we will know the whole. Stop fighting each other.