
Watch Lana Del Rey crowd get knocked to the ground by huge energy wave at Mexico gig (

New video clips have emerged of a recent Lana Del Rey concert in Mexico which shows the crowd being knocked to the ground by an energy wave.

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1 year ago

I’m going to get more people to come to this site.

1 year ago

New videos emerged.

Ppl there who were concentrating more on holding a phone than where they were standing.

1 year ago

The article says the song playing was about a tunnel under Ocean Blvd. In magickal kabbalah, practiced by the likes of Aleister Crowley, there is a gateway in the Abyss, a spiritual ocean, that leads from the sephirot/tree of life to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – the tree of the fall, called the qliphoth. It is the realm of demons. Black magicians access it for power.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

There’s a tree on her stage !!! Look at one of the videos out. Creepy ! Had no idea of this. Thanks for sharing . My daughter just went to see her in Chicago. I hate that she likes her, she’s her favorite. N my daughter has suffered from depression- that might explain

1 year ago
Reply to  Jaguar

Pop culture references the Crowleyan kabbalah material over and over. Noticing that was one of the first things that made me start taking the “conspiracy theories” seriously. And the popularized, “New Age” version of the kabbalah never shows the shadow side of the tree, only the front, in order to deceive the unwary. It’s like showing a map of the globe with only one hemisphere, it’s incomplete. The whole picture of sephirot and qliphoth together are a map of the fallen world.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I had a friend in 2017 who practiced the dark side of the Kabbalah. The dark side is called the Tree of the Qliphoth or death. We got stuck in L.A. for a month and met a lot of people with the same black magic book that he had, and talked about how magical Hollywood is. After a week I started noticed demonic activity which my friend confirmed and it ramped up over the next few weeks and even after we got back to AZ. After my experiences (too complex to list in a comment) in Hollywood I definitely believe in God and Satan. There is a spiritual battle and we are called to choose a side

1 year ago

There is no way that was caused by momentum.

1 year ago
Reply to  terf2001

It looked like the directed sound weapons in Dune.

1 year ago

Lana “A**l Portal Who Seeks to Replace the Sun” Del Rey is a demonically possessed man who portrays a woman. Could the demons inside “Lana” move energetic fields? Especially if the demons are being worshipped by thousands of mind-controlled, souled-out fans?

1 year ago

Go back and watch her Born to Die video. She is sitting on a throne in a temple wearing a crown of flowers, flanked by a tiger on each side. That is iconography found in ancient worship of the Great Goddess, specifically Cybele, who is the feminine aspect of Satan. A human figure flanked by two animals or plants represents the two streams of kundalini, the Lucifian false light life force that is at the root of mystery religion teachings. Lana means shining or light and Del Rey means royal or of the Queen. That’s a very Luciferian stage name for a very Satanic performer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Rey actually means “King” which is interesting considering she’s possibly another trans hidden in plain sight

1 year ago

You guys know the conspiracy about her right? The original Lana couldn’t sing, then all of a sudden she came back looking different and sounding extremely different. Look it up some stuff has been erased. She was always surrounded by creepy old men

1 year ago
Reply to  Jaguar

Hey do you know roughly what year the transition happened? I want to look more into this. I always found the Lizzy Grant to Lana Del Rey era a bit strange, I’m wondering if it was around that time when she changed her name and suddenly found fame, or if that was just a coincidence. Thanks!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jaguar

Her programming-presidential model

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago

One clip shows them falling from right to left but then the next zoomed out clip, they are falling the opposite way…

How can this be?
Two different concerts?
Two different times they fell, at the same concert?