
Trilateral Commission calls 2023 'Year One' of new world order (

Members discuss China, middle powers and ChatGPT at meeting in India

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1 year ago

I used to think 2024 is Year One when astrologic mivements start to physically happen. I wonder why is it 2023 actually?

1 year ago
Reply to  Julieni

What does astrological movements have to do with it?

1 year ago
Reply to  VetteR

What does astrological movements have to do with it?”


Note: I’m not sure if the poster was referring to Matthew 24, or not.


Yeshua said in Matthew 24 that there would be signs in the sun, moon, and stars.
Practically every believer today believes that He was speaking of these bodies as being literal.

This is not so!

To understand what He was referring to requires that you understand how YHWH used these very same heavenly bodies as a type of “imagery language” in the OT.

It has nothing to do with the literal sun, moon, and stars.

This is another case of where we are to let the Bible interpret Itself !

Unfortunately, today there are countless believers literally “looking into space” for signs to take place in the sun, moon and stars. 

This is because of their lack of knowledge of the OT and of the Biblical image-language that YHWH often used in it.

At the end of the tribulation Yeshua said that “the universe was going to collapse”, so to speak – sun and moon no longer shine, stars fall, powers of heaven shaken.

Sun, Moon, and Stars (the powers of heaven) – The basis for their understanding begins in Genesis 1:14-16 where the sun, moon, and stars are spoken of as “signs” that “govern” the world.

Later, these heavenly bodies are used to speak of “earthly authorities” – people and/or governments in power.

Jacob understood this when he interpreted Joseph’s dream in Genesis – keep in mind that Joseph had eleven brothers:

“9 And [Joseph] dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the SUN and the MOON and the eleven STARS made obesiance to me.”

10 And he told it to his father [Jacob], and to his (eleven) brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I (Sun) and thy mother (Moon) and thy brethren (Stars) indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?”

You could say that, Jacob, his wife, and his sons were the beginnings of “Israel” and therefore they represented the “government/authority” of it’s early stage.

When YHWH threatens to come against earthy authorities in JUDGEMENT then He uses the same “collapsing universe” type of language.

The disciples were raised on the OT and understood what Yeshua was referring to.
They understood that Yeshua was prophesying the fall of a nation when He said there would be signs in the sun, moon, and stars.

The disciples knew that:

– Isaiah used the same imagery language when he prophesied the fall of Babylon.

“9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

10 For the STARS of heaven and the CONSTELLATIONS thereof shall not give their light: the SUN shall be darkened in his going forth, and the MOON shall not cause her light to shine.”

– Isaiah later used the same language when he prophesied the fall of Edom.

“4 And all the HOST OF HEAVEN shall be dissolved, and the HEAVENS shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their HOST shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.”

– Amos used the same language when he prophesied the fall of Samaria.

“9 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the SUN to go down at noon, and I will DARKEN THE EARTH in the clear day:”

– Ezekiel used the same language when he prophesied the fall of Egypt.

“7 And when I shall PUT THEE OUT, I will COVER THE HEAVEN, and make the STARS thereof DARK; I will COVER the SUN with a cloud, and the MOON shall not give her light.

8 All the BRIGHT LIGHTS OF HEAVEN will I MAKE DARK over thee, and set DARKNESS upon thy land, saith the Lord God.

9 I will also vex the hearts of many people, when I SHALL BRING THY DESTRUCTION AMONG THE NATIONS, into the countries which thou hast not known.”

It MUST be understood that none of these heavenly-body events LITERALLY happened! 

YHWH didn’t intend for His followers to view these events as literally happening – it’s SYMBOLIC speech prophesying the destruction of these nations and their governments.

It did happen SYMBOLICALLY – symbolically, you could say “the lights went out” in these nations.

Thanks to the Jesuits Matthew 24 is highly misunderstood! – this is just one example.


1 year ago
Reply to  branch


Your discussion of this branch of interpretation of the fractal within the scriptures is very perceptive. Indeed the discussion of the darkening of the sun, the moon and the stars is often used regarding the falls of nations. Yet in discovering an important aspect of scripture, you have chucked the rest, including the entirety of the celestial aspects into the wind!

These passages are quite literally discussing full and annular Solar ECLIPSES and the Sar-Os cycle relative the ZODIAC. Indeed it was a huge facet of scriptures and all the ancients mindset.

Consider that:

1) the word “Sar” of the eclipse cycles is צר “Tsar” in Aryeh Yehudah, and means Beast; as the two beasts of revelations. It is the name of every Luciferian Ruler of the Piscean age: from Julius Ka-SAR (spirit of the beast), to the Tsar of Russia to the Kaiser of Germany…
2) The number of the beast 666 isexactly the number of total and annular Solar eclipses in one 325 year Sar cycle
3) The twelve brothers, twelve tribes, and twelve apostles are identical to the twelve signs of the zodiac, the decimal system of Egypt (base-12), and are the 12 and 13 lunar months of the metonic cycle. These zodiacal animals of the equinoxes and solstices are referred to as the “living beasts,” in revelations (ζωή)
4) The number 666 appears in the Hebrew Scriptures attached to a man, who is SOL-Amon; the Sun King, as his number of talents of gold. It appears alongside many other numbers in a celestial matrix on a Senet board.

Where you are astute in ascribing these There are countless examples of how the terms of the heavens were inscribed into the Luciferian ancient governments, which is where this connection, which you have made accurately is drawn:

The Roman government was run by a Senate and Counsels. The terms come from the much more ancient story of Khonsu said “Counsu” playing a game of Sener said “Senate,” with Thoth, and thus bargaining for 5 more days in the calendar (from 360-365) so that Osiris and his siblings could be born.

The name is Osiris is more accurately U-Sar-us; again referencing the eclipse cycle once again. This is where the names such as USAr and USSaR have come from; as Hamaruca comes from Ha-Maru, a references to the war deity of Babylona (also called Amurru) now known as Mars, and who was the plumed serpent of death for the Mayas.

And so you have correctly discovered and cited upon the governmental aspects of these stars, but have not yet realized that this has to do with time keeping, eclipse tracking and the procession of the equinoxes (1 degree every 71.6 years, hence the 72 names of Osiris in the book of the dead); which was considered (and still is esoterically) what gives luciferian governments their “divine rite.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

As clarification here:

Khonsu was the moon deity of Egypt, and Thoth the name of the deity of wisdom, where the word “Thought,” in English comes from today. Sener was a board game of 30 squares, as the 30 day calendar month. The story is a telling of how 12, 30 day months (360 degrees of a circle) became 365 through the gravitational tug of the moon.

Thoth then eventually became the moon over time, represented as a baboon. Nevertheless both names have been coded into the later languages and English, referencing how the moon is said to give wisdom (because it is the celestial body which can be used as a standard candle for using trigonometry to measure the solar system.)

Khonsu => Council
Thoth => Thought

Those 5 extra days wagered to create u-Sar-us; the eclipse cycle which is controlled by the lunar DRACONITIC nodes.

Note that this also explains how a Lunar year is 355 days and a Solar year 365 days. 5 days was won from Khonsu the moon in a Senet game, and given to the solar year; this of course relates to the idea of how thoughtful the creation of the dynamics of our solar system is; and references how consciousness was imbued into (and led to) creation.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Matthew 24 => 24 hours in a day, a system which is thousands upon thousands of years old. => 24 degrees of axial tilt of the Earth relative it’s orbital plane with the sun at its maximum => 24 is the only number which can form a square based pyramid in three dimensions from equivalent cannonballs (leads to atomic theory, as even the Greeks, among the last to the trained, discussed.)

It’s a fractal

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

“In a short span of 7 years, North America experiences two total solar eclipses and two annular eclipses! This map highlights the paths of the total solar eclipses of 2017 and 2024 and the annular solar eclipses of 2021 and 2023 ..”

I watched the solar eclipse in 2017 and the day, literally, turned into night for a brief period. It was eerie.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

This is the map

Paul A.
Paul A.
1 year ago
Reply to  branch

To Branch. Through our personal contact you have taught me so much in recent times more than a lifetime in church. I truly appreciate you, my friend. I really wish that you would write your full commentary on Matthew 24 and Daniel 9 I know it’s very lenghty but you can bring a clarity that is just phenominal and show the real deceptions that many are believing to be the truth. It needs to be heard

1 year ago
Reply to  Paul A.

Hi Paul,

Yes – very lengthy, as you already know.

But that’s not the real reason why I won’t post the entirety of those chapters publicly – only privately.

Just sent you an email, explaining.

1 year ago
Reply to  branch

Why would you hide the light of wisdom you have received, @branch?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Once there is a fear of speaking forth, the battle is lost. That is how many organizations such as masonry, formed many thousands of years ago and bedame corrupted: fear of sharing in front of the profane, fear of speaking forth what we have learned because of reprisal or difficulty.

Yeshua commanded:

“What you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms shall be proclaimed from the rooftops.”


When one is presented with significant self-verifiable evidence that potentially contradicts/expands their present understandings, and the conversation is entirely ignored and secrecy then implored, it is not The Way.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@ lgageharleya

The short answer:

“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” 

– Matthew 24:3

1 year ago
Reply to  branch


I’ve read a lot of your posted material, and enjoy how deeply you consider scripture. From your exoteric writings, I find you have developed a deeper sense of the scriptures 2nd level symbolisms. What I do not find much in discussion of the original text.

My other question is why what I have offered here has gone ignored?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Not hiding anything – over the years I have shared those two chapters with many on various sites.

However, many times my comments don’t get posted on here – don’t understand why, my comments are Biblical and historical based, solid.

I’ve also presented some deeper insights of the Bible that were also not posted – again, don’t know why – it was easily verifiable – It seems like I’m kept on a leash, here, nowhere else – my comments have to be approved – couple of friends comment without need of approval.

It requires many, many thousands of words to go through those chapters and I don’t want to chance it not getting posted.

I don’t mind sharing, at all – the truth of these chapters should be understood and expose Jesuit lies. You can contact me.

Last edited 1 year ago by branch
1 year ago
Reply to  branch

I have to have approval for every comment on VC, not so much here unless I post active links or flagged words. But I’ve submitted many articles they’ve refused.
Doesn’t stop me from trying.
I’d imagine you saved your remarks in context somewhere if it’s an involved topic you’ve spoken on many times, no?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Not sure if I entirely understand your last question, so let me say this – VC allows 10k words, and I guess that it might take as many as ten (+-) separate posts to cover Daniel 9 and Matthew 24.

There’s remains the possibility that not all would be posted and, the possibility that they would not post in the intended order – I’ve ran into this before – it’s a nightmare to sort out.

1 year ago
Reply to  Julieni


223 is the number Skull and Bones, the infamous Luciferian secret society of Yale which , when read right to left.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, thank you.
Why is this organization so powerful?
I used to think the most powerful ones are t€mplars and je$uites, but when i analyse logos i see them everywhere, even in Ru$$ia with wagn€r logo!
I try to understand the transormation process world is going through and what they want to achieve? Where are we heading?
I am so happy to see your comments back, i am one of your loyal readers and lately i started to worry for you not showing up.
1 year ago
Reply to  Julieni


This organization holds tremendous power because of its constituents. It is the exoteric face of a very occult, and very old ancient luciferian order. It’s members have included many US presidents (Bush Jr. Bush Sr., Taft), Supreme Court Justices, and Billionaire business moguls. They all hail from ancient Nasi luciferian bloodlines.

If you want to deep dive on this organisation and it’s extraordinary power the book The Order by Anthony Sutton is a good, albeit somewhat dated, exposition. Entrance into The Order requires lying in a coffin with a ribbon tied around the genitals while you must tell your deepest, most lurid secrets and perform acts that if exposed to the public, could destroy the initiate’s life forever.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


To give you an example:

During the presidential race of 2004, both candidates, John Kerry and George Bush Jr. were “Bones men.” In fact, they spent two years together in this occult organization, as Kerry was only two years older than Bush Jr.

Think about how this wildly affords them power: the supposed highest office authority (let’s call it “lead puppet”) was guaranteed to be in their hands in an election. The viral video of the kid saying “don’t raise me bro!” From back then was caused simply because a student, who was at a town hall meeting and had the floor to ask the question; inquired of Me Kerry about his membership in the society.

The student, exercising the guaranteed constitutional right of the first amendment; asking a question of a public official, was dragged away, beaten tased, and mocked full scale for so much as mentioning the name of The Order.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

“Don’t tase* me bro”

Dalton Metcalf
Dalton Metcalf
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Exactly, one needs to think in terms of inversion. That is how these psychos hide things in plain sight. 2023 reversed is 3202. Now take out the ‘0,’ and you’ve got….322. I’ve figured that they were going to make rapid & drastic advances with their “new world order” this year for that reason alone, especially in regard to death (skull/bones). The Khazarian Mafia’s goal for population is – under 65 million people in the United States by 2025, and under one billion world population by 2030. That’s ALOT of dead human beings…

1 year ago

Interesting that it’s in India. I think India is going to be a very important player within the next few decades.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

Apple tried to open a megafactory to close those in China but it didn’t work.
At least in this generation all talents are leaving, and the country seriously struggles to find skilled tech workers.
I don’t see what role will India play in the futur?

1 year ago
Reply to  Julieni


1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

Middle East is wealthier

1 year ago
Reply to  Julieni

The I in BRICS is India. Just those 5 countries consist of 40% of the world population and 1/4 of the world GDP. Plus India has nukes.

Dalton Metcalf
Dalton Metcalf
1 year ago
Reply to  Laz

One thing that everyone needs to realize is this- EVERYONE- every single world leader (in the major countries anyway) – is on the same team. They may play war on TV, they may speak ill of each other, they may act like mortal enemies for the mainstream media…but behind closed doors they’re all in bed. Putin, Xi, Biden, Trudeau, Lula, Saudi Crown Prince…all swear fealty to Satan, the Pope (Black Pope of the Jesuits, not Bergoglio/White Pope). I used to think countries suck as Russia & China were in direct opposition to the U.S., against the coming “WEF/NWO.” Like I used to believe DJT was truly for us & also against the NWO. Nothing could be further from the truth. Wake up, and know that JESUS CHRIST is our ONLY hope now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

My friend is currently in a class at USF with 50 other students, 46 of which are Indians studying under student visas.

1 year ago
Reply to  checkers

99% of these students will stay in the US, and India will never profite from them, except being proud that Google Ceo is Indian for example

1 year ago
Reply to  checkers

99% of these students will stay in the US, and India will never profite from them, except being proud that g00gle boss is Indian for example

1 year ago
