
Things that make you go hmmmmm…..

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1 year ago

Why doesn’t he lead by example? Oh, he thinks were beneath him? Time for a new French revolution, get your guillotines ready!

1 year ago

yeap he’s gonna have a lot of fun in hell. it’s inevitable ♡

1 year ago

Do as I say, not as I do.

1 year ago

This is the thing I love that demonstrates the very best that

– these people are eugenicists and wish to either reduce the world population or enslave and limit it

– these people consider themselves to be the new gods. That we need to bend to their will and honour and serve them because they are smarter and they have surpassed to become new humans

The Nazis never went away. They did what these powerful psychopaths always do – they shape shift. Not in the literal sense (although would it surprise me at this point?) But they truly believe they are better, stronger, more intelligent and more powerful than us. Can you imagine what it must be like growing up like that? How contemptible others would be to you? How you would see the common man?

“Yet for all their trappings of wealth, the Rockefellers worked hard to downplay their vast fortune, even within the family. The Rockefellers didn’t buy yachts or sports cars or fly on private jets. They had nice homes and artwork, but some of that had been in the family for generations. They preferred giving to spending and frugality to flash.”

It’s always fascinated me that the philanthropaths spend a lifetime nickel and diming everyone they can buy fair means but mostly foul. They then have more money than they know what to do with that’s been sitting in investments for decades and then THEY decide to whom it is bequeathed and the conditions. That money could still be out there doing good if they or someone like them hadn’t have squirreled it away building their dynastys.

Disgusting individuals.