
The symbols in this video, the lyrics … I don't even know where to start

One eye symbols, demons, horns, abortion, blood, flesh, lyrics … All in your face at the same time.

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11 months ago

Evil Subliminal Messages!!!
Dojo Cat = İlluminati’s Puppet!!!

11 months ago

Best way to watch? On mute so you don’t hear any of it, and double speed so it’s over quickly.
This is “art” for stupid people.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Or not at all.

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
11 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

I’m with you Rosey, I can’t watch. I’ll be wise as a serpent but stay innocent as a dove.

11 months ago

I wish I was still innocent but it was taken from me pretty early. All I can do now is trust in God and use the experiences and the things I’ve seen of the dark side to help others from going down the wrong path and turn to the Lord

11 months ago


11 months ago

The scariest part is all of the supportive comments on YouTube.

11 months ago
Reply to  jesusislord

Yes. On the slightly bright side though, many of them are fake and/or generated by companies that record labels contract out to. These companies which are sometimes based in Asia have many many phones and employees to send out genuine comments and of course likes and views. I wouldn’t be surprised if AI is involved in the process now too. In short, it’s designed to psychologically influence the popularity and therefore public opinion of a video.

Last edited 11 months ago by Dan
11 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Research “click farms.” That’s what these companies are usually called.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dan

***Research “Chinese Click Farms.” They’ve even been investigated by mainstream news sources. Lots of videos about them on YouTube.***

Last edited 11 months ago by Dan
11 months ago
Reply to  jesusislord

I find the ones that praise the “originality” the most ironic.

11 months ago

I stopped watching when she opened her mouth and the word b**** came out.

11 months ago

Blatant satanism, they know what they made. Its really time to pass laws to stop devil or pro-devil like propaganda. How can this be beneficial to any nation?

Sarah Duhay
Sarah Duhay
11 months ago
Reply to  john

Doubt that will be happening anytime soon. The ‘system itself is increasing satanic. Look at how they allow criminals out of prison due to ‘legal technicalities’

11 months ago
Reply to  john

Those who rule the world are often Satanists hence millions of children go missing every year and the gruesome stories that some survivors tell are worse than any film could be. The goal is Depopulation and has been for hundreds of years it is shocking to discover. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Rothschild & many more including UK and other Royals, known to have satanic interests. I do not know why but apparently blood sacrifice etc gives them long life and power. The current medical systems allow billions of people to be injected with what they fraudulently call ‘vaccines’ and millions are sterilised, badly injured, dead. Bill Gates has been injecting huge numbers in Africa and India etc for decades pretending to be saving people when it is discovered the injections contain sterilisation chemicals and other poisons. Things that normal people would never ever imagine happen amongst the very rich and powerful who see most as ‘Useless Eaters’ (term used by Kissinger who also wanted to Depopulate using many methods he said.. Currently Kissinger’s protege Klaus Schwab of the WEF says he owns us all and that most have to be killed even all animals ‘To Save the Planet’ Schwab and these types are psychopaths but they own most things including all MSM, news, Hollywood, music industry, medical research in Universities and hospitals, Governments and more. Sorry its depressing but best to know I guess.

11 months ago

Her boyfriend is supposedly a groomer been accused of approaching his young twitch fans and trying to start sexual relationships with them. Look it up fam a lam.

11 months ago

She does it for attention she’s even admitted it and its obviously working

11 months ago
Reply to  Greg

This is prevalent throughout the entire music industry. Her saying that is a safeguard, a distraction, a manipulative lie. She does it because 1. She’s a puppet of the industry and 2. She worships the very wickedness on display. It’s a requirement for her fame and fortune. This isn’t new at all.

11 months ago

At this point it’s not shocking and looks tired. All of it : the demonic imagery with horns, the red gown, the meat. It’s all been done so many times. Occultists can not produce original art.

Edit : I’m sorry, but what’s the point of being able to register an account here, if I can’t post comments without approval. Somehow I get less rights when I’m registered?

Last edited 11 months ago by mechanical
11 months ago

My concern is that these videos are literally cursed to attract certain individuals to watch and then become ensnared. Satan works in mysterious ways and most people don’t have a clue. God help us 🙏

hollow logs
hollow logs
11 months ago

Doja Cat is Dorothy Dandridge.. ancient dæ who has been trapped in this realm for millennia. Lilith incarnate.

11 months ago
Reply to  hollow logs

Wow. I believe in things like this. But what makes u think it’s Dorothy D?

hollow logs
hollow logs
11 months ago
Reply to  Jaguar

not my original thought.. someone posted this on here awhile back.. not hard to find supporting evidence.. and the list is loooong. search it, you’d be ᎤᎵᏰᎢᎶᎸ

11 months ago

Walk On By is a lovey song ruined by this ‘artiste’

Annie M
Annie M
11 months ago

The horned beast she rides upon is an image taken directly from a painting she created. The profile of the beast she rides is…interesting…in light of all the recent discussion of who controls Hollywood and the music industry. Is she saying here I am, using the system that is in place and that’s fine with me because in the end I’m getting what I wanted all along? Lots of sold souls for fame and fortune. It is very sad.

11 months ago

doja cat has to be one of the most obvious satanic artisits. like she aint tryna hide anything..this mv absolutely disgusting. people shud completely boycott her, like she even said she hates her fans so why keep on litening to her music

Annie M
Annie M
11 months ago

I wonder what Burt Bacharach (who is deceased) would think about the use of “Walk on By” in this video, and also Dionne Warwick’s thoughts, considering she is a woman of faith and made this song as famous as it is. Maybe someone will ask her.