
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5

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Longtime Lurker
Longtime Lurker
1 year ago

The boy looks feminine and the girl looks masculine in this ad.

Dalton Metcalf
Dalton Metcalf
1 year ago

The industry loves Baphomet. They want everyone & everything inverted, they want all men to be feminine & all women to be masculine. Anything to be like their horned goat-god, and anything to mock Yah’s creation.

Crystal Fox Boxley
Crystal Fox Boxley
1 year ago
Reply to  Dalton Metcalf

I am Reborn and your comment intrigued me to investigate this more… so sneaky satan is! But! Those of us with OPEN eyes from the Holy Spirit can see the obvious influence of evil in these videos. Lord I pray for all generations that their eyes may be opened to this deceitfulness!