
Not even autistic children are safe

Not even children whom suffer from autism are safe from orwellian hate speech police.

A 16 year gets dragged out of the house and charged with a hate crime for calling a lesbian officer a … lesbian and comparing her to her “nana”.

Lets not kid ourselves, that woman is gay, so the kid called it like it is, but thats beside the point.  This child was arrested for speaking her mind … doesn’t matter if shes autistic.  Who’s next?  A kid with down syndrome protesting drag shows?

Lets see what happens after this … bravo Yorkshire police!  Bravo!

Link to article:

Moment seven officers drag ‘autistic’ girl, 16, kicking and screaming from Leeds home for committing a ‘hate crime’ after she told female cop ‘you look like my lesbian nana’

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1 year ago

So the message we’re sending here is a) police are so sensitive now that they’ll arrest you for making fun of them and b) that we’re treating gay people the same way we treat endangered species from poachers but instead of bullets, from others words.

And for the record, it’s true. Most police women look that way, kid.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

And these idiotic cops probably think they’re teaching her a lesson while she’s young so she’ll have more tolerance as she gets older. I hope somehow this backfires.

1 year ago
Reply to  rick

Why do you hope that? I hope she apologises.

1 year ago

This looks like it was in England. Since Covid they have gone full totalitarian and are in some planned death spiral. Silently praying a block away from an abortion facility gets you jailed there, so Great Britain has decided their future is some form of communism. Of course this is where the elites are trying to take the rest of the world, sorry for them but God has the final say not them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Louie

Agree. And for those of us who have to live here we will not go gentle into that good night. There is revival coming and we can let the Lord work through us whatever form that takes.

1 year ago

But I thought being gay was good, so isn’t it a compliment…?

1 year ago

We presume here she is gay. She might not be but that is beside the point. The girl said that to her because she looked like her gay grandmother. The girl wasn’t lying, or being rude – she was stating a fact.

Slippery slope this. This policewoman is very young and overly sensitive. I honestly can’t believe the other police took part in this.

1 year ago

And we are supposed to believe in the freedom of speech, f**k them devils!

1 year ago

And we are supposed to believe in the freedom of speech…? F**k them devils!