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1 year ago

Great find. I don’t know why someone downgraded your post except that maybe they’re a fan of Alexandra Bracken.

1 year ago

Or just maybe because he’s a proud pedophile and those of us effected by pedophilic creeps auto recoil when we are reminded of such things like seeing his name. Maybe because we don’t care to flip him off at every post we just down vote anything from him in disgust for his choices and how he’s chosen to defined himself with them. Freedom of choice; he chose, we chose, you can choose too.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

And he’s a tourist to the spiritual realm, which is like being a tourist to Cuba. Of course he sees all the pretty houses and beautiful people. The ugliness is hidden from him because he’s a useful idiot.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

I don’t see ill intent everywhere. Perhaps you do by casting such an aspersion upon me? If I see many people engaging in harm WITH ill intent and I call it out, do I then have ill intent? Do you see how stupid that sounds?

My concern is that you are ignorant of what you see and are influencing others to engage in harmful practices that you don’t realize are harmful. You claim to be wise, but you are a fool. The spiritual entities know you’re a fool, and show you the tourist side of the spiritual realm, just like the communist party of Cuba shows the tourists the nice parts of Cuba while hiding the criminal underworld and absolute poverty. Sure, you can clearly see the beautiful buildings and beaches, but you cannot see the suffering that is being hidden from you.

Also, you said you see no problem with having relations with minors. People have legitimate concerns with you. It’s not without evidence. You encourage people to take DMT and visit the spiritual realm, though you only see what the entities want you to see.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie


1 year ago
Reply to  marie

so why is he allowed to publish then ?
im genuinly asking

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

If that is true, get screenshots etc we got to tell VC to ban him from here

1 year ago

I downvoted it because of the guy who posted it. Now you know.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

We downvoted you because you have said many times that you are attracted to underage girls and defended pedo behavior. The nature of reality is you are f****d in the head for thinking this way Steven.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

You didn’t say 17.999, you were saying more like 14 last we argued about this. I only talk about this when you pop up on here, as much of this site is about calling out pedo behaviors, it makes sense to talk about here. As I’ve said before, you should find a dmt spirit molecule forum or something to post in, they would agree much more with what you have to say. And as always, although your mind is messed up we will pray for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

If you are attracted to someone under 18, common society would call you a pedo, especially in the USA, where we both live, not much to argue there, you are a pedo, plain and simple. But if you want my opinion, even if the girl is 18, someone like you who is at least 30 being attracted to them is f****d up. If you are truly attracted to girls that much younger than you, it shows an extreme sexual and emotional immaturity. I hope you are able grow and learn to have meaningful relationships. Do you really think you could have a meaningful relationship with someone that young, or are you only concerned with sex? You are either immature, or only concerned with sex and see young women as easy prey. Either way, you have a lot of growth left my guy.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Actually just celebrated my third wedding anniversary in August. We have been together ten years total and it has been the best ten years of my life. If you really want college babes the rest of your life, you are just proving my point that you don’t have the maturity for a real relationship. As I have said before, I hope you are able to grow and someday sustain meaningful relationships in your life, it really is incredible and worth growing towards, God loves even you Steven. And the AI thing gave me a good chuckle, thanks for that

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Name one woman who would read that sentence and be impressed.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

I didn’t realize that women were just bodies. I thought they were also minds and souls that take time to mature.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

stevencasteel: “ There are a handful of fundamentalists on this site who have yet to be honest about the nature of reality.”

(Translation: I don’t want anything to do with the Bible because I am my own god. I refuse to submit to God as it will impinge on my paganism and drug use.)

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

I’m not catholic so I don’t take part in that. Nor was that a commandment by Jesus to do. Strike one.
Steven on Irish news site endorsing drug use in 2015:

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

If this were true, you would think psychedelics would have helped you work through your perverse attraction to underage girls. Maybe next time you trip, try to work through that, it may help you have healthy relationships with people your own age in the future

1 year ago

Steven, i have often wondered if you are AI or if you may be on the spectrum. You are a little too honest for your own good and lack a filter. You make connections that others dont, and sometimes run into a wall trying to comprehend the connections others make. Plus its clear that you are an outsider. I will pray for you no matter what

1 year ago

no thanks