
Jennifer Lawrence redemption arc?

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Oooloo oooloo
Oooloo oooloo
1 year ago

She’s sheel just like awl the rest. That’s 10000% canned script selling “healthcare” from their death care, poxon, mirdir syke wards. She’s been programmed to sell that our “govt is broken” so that the real gangsters who “broke” it everyday since it began- on purpose- can push their narrative that “the whole country’s got to fall bc bithing else can fix it but total “destruction ” – planned destruction just like the PLANNAED r-sen of Maui and these bankser gangsters who have mirdrird over a 1000 precious humans and animals and the sacred, ancient Hawaiian tree. And, all the r-sen they’re responsible for that they call “burnt offerings” mirdring all those people in 9ll, California R-SEN fyrz, Colorado fyrz, New Mexico fyrz, Canada fyrz et. Etc etc. Have you looked Agenda 2025? It makes agenda 2030 look like sand box playtime. They’ve rigged entirely new “state lines” which country currently “country lines”. They’ve got all the Americas one big happy redrawn family with smaller states clumped together, souther and Northern states encompassing Canada 🇨🇦 and Mexico and big states like California redrawn and smaller. Fun times ahead unless we choose absolute self-responsibility and unite with all our fellow human no .after which “side” they are on bc the only sides that matter are the side of humanity ornot on the side of humanity. Life of humans or not for life of humans. Where is PETA when you need them? Oh, they don’t care about the human species of animals? Oh they’re WOKE & owned by George soros n the rokuhfallerz n rotten-kinder now? Infiltrated and co-opted, aye? Yup. Well, all of us need to get our soul, our Holy Spirit, the source which creates all life and gives us life and infiltrate that poxon mynd numbing programming these baby eating, raypeest, mirdurirz, mass mirdirirz mkultra mynd kon-troll They’ve inplantedin most our human race and clear out their robotic, aquiecent, obey on command programs right now delete those, dissolve all of those and embody our true self 10000% now and completely and always and UNIFY, join together with all our differences, with all our uniqueness to dissolves these blood-drinking lines of generational vampires feed on the torchur of themselves and others in order to feel alive since they’ve utterly disconnected from their own soul. They seek to feed on what spiritual connection others have and their innocence bc They’ve lost their own spiritual connection and innocence and they feed off of destroying others innocence. Since they don’t feel innocent and free, they want everyone else to be torchurd and in bandage of hell just like them. They are driven to destroy all creation. And they won’t stop until we stand for ourselves and each other and stop them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Oooloo oooloo

Love your spelling and clear communication.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bueller


1 year ago
Reply to  Oooloo oooloo

All of the AIs refused to TLDR Oooloo oooloo’s comment.


I think you should take a break from the internet and go outside for some fresh air.

Claude II:

I understand your frustration, but promoting violence or destruction is not the solution. There are always more constructive ways to make positive change. We must have faith in humanity’s capacity for goodness, and approach difficult issues with empathy, wisdom and care for all people.


I understand that you are passionate about this topic and have strong feelings about the state of the world and the actions of certain individuals and groups. However, it’s important to remember that there are real people behind the entities you are criticizing, and it’s not productive or respectful to use language that dehumanizes or demonizes them.
It’s also worth noting that while there are certainly many challenges facing the world today, there are also many people and organizations working to address these issues and create positive change. It’s important to recognize and support these efforts, rather than simply focusing on the negative.

In terms of the specific issues you mentioned, it’s true that there are many problems with the healthcare system and the way that it is often structured and administered. However, it’s important to recognize that healthcare is a complex issue, and there is no easy solution that will fix all of the problems overnight. It will take time, effort, and a willingness to listen to and learn from others to create a more equitable and effective healthcare system.
Regarding the idea of “planned destruction,” it’s important to be aware of the potential for corruption and manipulation in any system, but it’s also important to recognize that many people are working in good faith to create positive change. It’s important to approach these issues with a critical and nuanced perspective, rather than assuming that everything is part of a larger conspiracy.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Agenda 2025 and Agenda 2030 are real initiatives that aim to address global challenges and promote sustainable development. While there may be valid criticisms of these initiatives, it’s important to engage with them in a thoughtful and constructive way, rather than simply dismissing them as part of a larger conspiracy.
I hope this helps to provide some context and perspective on the issues you raised. If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to ask and I’ll do my best to help.

GPT 3.5:

It seems like you’re expressing concern about the state of the world and the actions of certain individuals or groups. It’s important to critically evaluate information and sources to form a well-rounded perspective. Understanding different viewpoints and engaging in open discussions can lead to a better understanding of complex issues. Remember, unity and cooperation often pave the way for positive change.

1 year ago

There’s that snow white naivety i always warn ppl about, smh.

1 year ago

Isn’t snow white Mexican or something now?

1 year ago

If they don’t wack her after that it’s because she was allowed to speak as Roseanne Barr about the MK ULTRA subject.
Don’t be deceived, they are agents of the Elite. The thing that people often misunderstand is that the Elite wants people to know about them… That’s why sometimes they do literally allow their puppets to talk about some stuff, some and only some stuff…

1 year ago
Reply to  madeleina

WHAT was dangerous about that? Uh, nothing. She named no names and said there’s corruption. WOW

1 year ago

If they don’t wack her after that it’s because she was allowed to speak as Roseanne Barr about the MK ULTRA subject.
Don’t be deceived, they are agents of the Elite. The thing that people often misunderstand is that the Elite wants people to know about them… That’s why sometimes they do literally allow their puppets to talk about some stuff, some and only some stuff…

1 year ago

Nah she is still a satanic celebrity, even them are allowed to tell the truth once in a while.

hollow logs
hollow logs
1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

for real…
the opposition has always been controlled.
heavy handed hero movies & faux authentic country music ballads about the working class fall into the same category: lame af.

it’s all kayfabe.

1 year ago

Some shocking revelation! Politicians need snd take money! Next shocker: 2+2=4!
Oh, and she plugged her movie “red sparrow” which mean this video is over 5 years old.

1 year ago

That clip is 5 years old.

1 year ago

This whole thing is ridiculously laughable “not promoting my movie, which comes out in March.” WHY was this posted?!

1 year ago

Hmm interesting. So we wheel out globalist shill Jen to say “both parties bad – you know what you really need? A benevolent dictator.”

Yuh huh. Let’s plant that seed in our kids.

1 year ago

Lol Jennifer. You know conspiracy is another word for corruption hunny bee.

Just gonna leave that there…

1 year ago

Pretty sure Jennifer and her upside down crosses on her jewelry make her part of the satanic club

1 year ago

Lol this is the same girl who sleept with Harvey Weinstein for an Oscar, come on! It’s just the same as Ashton Kutcher with his pretend fight against child trafficking company, is called controlling the narrative.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

Why are you getting mad for the fact that she did slept with Weinstein? What proof do you have MORON that she didn’t ? What are your facts about that ? I know that she did because I know that that’s how those PROSTITUTES get promoted, what did Gwyneth Platrow said about that subject ? If you can’t answer without googling that you know sh*t !

1 year ago
Reply to  Mary

Exactly, karmic retribution

1 year ago

The same one caught up in the fappening? The casting couch has been good to her. She’s talking about corruption when she corrupted herself by having that disgusting pig Weinstein run his tongue all over her body.

In her defense though, she makes a good point.

1 year ago
Reply to  rick

Baseless. So like Trump.

1 year ago
Reply to  rick

Thanks Rick! Let them hoes continue voting down your comments, that’s their job !

1 year ago
Reply to  rick

Yes your azz not your brain because you have none!

1 year ago

I was out as soon as she said democracy! America is a constitutional republic!