
Fury as children are showered with TAMPONS at Drag Queen event (

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: EXCLUSIVE: Fury as children were showered with tampons by a non-binary ‘alien’ during Pride event in Norwich.

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1 year ago

What saddens me is the fact some parents are happy to take their children to these ‘events’ if everyone stopped going this sick movement would die. You can’t cure stupid!!!

1 year ago

Are these people okay? I just have no words. They seem so opposed to the idea of letting the kids be kids. Kids will learn all this stuff about female biology on their own when they grow up, no need to literally shove it in their faces and make them have awkward conversations with their parents. Why are drag shows even allowed to be presented to literal children? It’s clearly sexually charged adult content.

1 year ago
Reply to  mechanical

I agree, the kids would learn all about reproductive organs in biology class anyway. I guess the purpose of this would be to desensitize them to sexual content while they’re still young and maybe traumatize them too.

While we’re at it, I’d like to add that it seems like literally anything can be passed as art or an artistic performance nowdays.

1 year ago
Reply to  mechanical

The “performer’s” name is Mx Slaybia and is covered in bloody pads and lobbing tampons. This seems to me to be a crass way to make the natural female seem “alien” and grotesque. 25yrs ago I knew some gay men who even then said plainly they were gay because they were “grossed out” by women’s bodies. Easier to push agendas which lead to lowered procreation when women are portrayed as “nasty”. Covid made people look at others as vectors-in-wait; HIV/AIDS makes the blood and body fluids appear to be a crapshoot. The more we can be repulsed by our own biology/natural state, the less we will be healthy enough to even consider bringing healthy offspring into the world.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

What happens when a little girl who’s been exposed to this propaganda her whole life begins to menstruate? Girls menstruate earlier and earlier, too, and are often not prepared for these changes. How much more likely will she be to want to join the trans train to make these “ugly” changes cease?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

That’s a good question. These things have serious consequences.

I do feel sorry for trans people, they really need help. But the surgeries don’t change your DNA and chromosomes – that’s what really determines your gender. You can’t change your DNA.

At best, the surgeries can make you look like the opposite gender, but that’s it.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Tbh you can’t be prepared for these changes. You learn to cope with this side of your body functionality, but it’s never something you like or enjoy. I don’t know one woman who is happy to have her cycle and would not “turn it off” if there was a non-destructive option to do that. It’s painful and embarrassing and there’s nothing you can do about it.

So what you’re saying is true. It’s very possible that if girls are conditioned enough against accepting this side of womanhood, they’d be likely to seek ways to eliminate it. Very likely.

1 year ago
Reply to  mechanical

It’s one of the ways they sold the pill to us, then the depo provera shot. And we are now beginning to realize the longterm side effects of those things. This is taking that hidden damage to overt.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

When I say “not prepared” I’m talking about the girls whose mothers neglected to prepare them for whatever reason. I bought my daughter pads about two years before she might need them and taught her how to use them and let her practice. She kept some in her bookbag for school and was able to help other girls who were just starting but really weren’t prepared and was able to not only comfort them but to spare them shame and embarrassment by giving them a pad and showing them, confidently, what to do. I also gave her a “special stash” of M&Ms for “comfort” when she started, and it was the only time she was allowed to keep food in her room and hide it (because her brother would have snarfed it all up had he known) – it was our little secret and it made it a little bit more of a friend for her than a foe. Obviously candy isn’t a great choice, but I didn’t realize then how bad it was, and it served the purpose.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You’re a good mom. My mom expecting me to –just know- from people at school didn’t tell me so I thought I was bleeding to death and silently said goodbye to everyone without saying goodbye. I waited but didn’t die and she found out and explained things. I much rather learn that way than having tampons thrown on me though.

1 year ago

Time to rain down our fury on them! No more trans, no more drag, no meddling with our kids! Time to be hostile to abusers!

Jason kidd
Jason kidd
1 year ago

Well shouldnt have had your kids there morons, sadist, these folks are mentally retarded.

1 year ago

mentally unstable “ppl” everywhere it’s wild