
Crossed arms, X, Osiris

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11 months ago

It represents the kundalini in the body, the fire serpent of Eastern religion, as it traverses the vagus nerve which forms an X pattern in the torso. There is a red and a white stream, hot solar and cold lunar. They are referenced in alchemy as the red and white rose, and in Egyptian art as both the crook and flail of the pharoah and the red and white double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. The practice of raising the kundalini is called tantra, originating from India in the worship of Kali and Shiva, and it culminates in raising the energy up the spine to the brain where it causes the pituitary and pineal glands to interact, awakening the third eye. That is what is referred to as Illumination, the secret of all mystery cults, and it is also represented in Egyptian art as the snake crown, the uraeus. It is said to be the uniting of the practitioner with the divine, but it’s the god of this world, the false god Lucifer, that one unites with if one pursues this. It is the fallen, false religion that leads one away from the real one. And for those who might still think tantra and kundalini are positive, as they are portrayed in the New Age, ask yourself, if Satanists value something enough to make it a sacrament, how can it possibly be good?

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I see some having the right arm first, others the left arm, does it matterwhich hand comes first?
i also noticed some cover the right eye, and some the left one, what the difference?

11 months ago
Reply to  starly

I have read that eyes of the hawk god Horus, the son of Osiris and an antichrist figure in occultism, represent the sun (left eye) and the moon (right eye). Beyond that I have no idea.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


Your correct about the two eyes as sun and moon; however they both both to Horus, as there is the added layer of the lunar phases:

It is the story of Khonsu, healing the eye of Horus as the moon waxes, becoming the United eye, and then the waning eye. This also relates to the Arga Noah, which represents fertile clay which brings life; and the crescent moon as the boat traveling along the upper waters.


I would read THE COMPUTATION OF 666, which I provided a link for at the end of Thirteen Monkeys part IX.

Flyer, You are also missing the reflective property of the X, having eight fold symmetry, representing a reflection of the waters, as above so below.

Appreciate the expository on the spinal energy of the red and white rose.

11 months ago
Reply to  starly

I’ve read that the right eye is the eye of Ra and the left eye is the eye of Horus, which correlates with Fleur’s mention of the sun and the moon, although my understanding is reversed from hers – Ra is the sun. I’m starting to think that it has something to do with sided brain functioning, as in, which side are they submitting, the creative or the logical (put overly broadly). But I also think that it has to do with signaling, because they use these things to let other Luciferians know what’s next/what to do.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

This is an excellent tie-in to my understanding, thank you, Fleur! Lancasters vs Yorks, etc and on and on. I didn’t relate this to the crook and flail, that is so intriguing. Is this also the Yin-Yang?
If so, to me, it is not inherently bad, but it is if the awareness opens in one unprepared. This happened to me, and likely @thekwon, and, speaking for myself, it nearly destroyed me, yes. But it didn’t. Because I persisted through the craziness of overwhelming understandings and held on to Father with everything I had.
Satanists valued it enough to make it a sacrament because dragons hoard truth and in doing so, store up earthly treasure for themselves. Truth is truth, no matter who speaks it.
Thank you, this is very

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

…this is very helpful to my overall understanding and especially practical application.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I differ with 444Gem’s position on kundalini. I don’t think it’s some powerful spiritual secret, bad only if the practitioner is unprepared or somehow unworthy. I think it’s bad through and through. I think if you awaken your kundalini, you have completed the Fall, become possessed by Satan, and are separated from the Father forever.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Forever maybe not but you have become demon-possessed yes.
A demon made the link between yourself and your spirit which is how you can use your spirit, open your 3rd eye etc…

New agers and white witches will tell you it can be used for good but the means you use are evil and demons will slowly change your mind to use it for evil. Kundalini and most Eastern practices should be avoided at all cost.

X also refer to Nimrod apparently
The legendary symbol for Nimrod is “X.”
From =>
Nimrod and his wife were probably the forefathers of modern satanism.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Forever maybe not but you have become demon-possessed yes.
A demon made the link between yourself and your spirit which is how you can use your spirit, open your 3rd eye etc…

New agers and white witches will tell you it can be used for good but the means you use are evil and demons will slowly change your mind to use it for evil. Kundalini and most Eastern practices should be avoided at all cost.

X also refer to Nimrod apparently
The legendary symbol for Nimrod is “X.”
From website (Cant post link in this site..)
Nimrod and his wife were probably the forefathers of modern satanism.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

This is simply untrue. You are essentially stating that Eastern beliefs are fully evil? There is truth in everyone’s understanding, this is why the beliefs are so firmly held. I am no new ager, nor a witch of any kind. It was opened within me against my knowledge or consent, I was in no way prepared and yes, it almost destroyed me because it is potent – the first time I saw Dr. Strange Metaverse and the “guru” smacked him in his third eye and he was flung through worlds is an apt comparison. But I held on to my Father with all I had and now all the confusion is gone. Am I evil, in your eyes?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I have read some Guru master can open someone else 3rd eye indeed. How it truly happen is they transfer one of their demons to someone else. They break a law in the Bible which give demons legal rights to enter the ones with hands being layed on :

1 Timothy 5:22 : “Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.”

Witches do the same to give demons to Christians when they go to their church and lay hands on people. And yes in this world, demons can be transfered to innocent victims that didn’t consent to sin. Those are the rules of this world and they are all stated in the Bible.

It is not because you have demons you will necessarly be bad, they are here to tempt you to sin and if you have a strong will you can reject their will and not sin which is quite admirable as they are inside you.

I have read you and your friend 666gem a few times and you are clearly leaning on the New Age side which is soft Satanism. You might not consider yourself evil but promoting New Age deceptions is evil according to the Bible.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I did not submit to any laying on of hands, it was an energetic happenstance. And, because of other things I actually have submitted to in my life, I know what demonic inner influence feels like firsthand. I am cleaned of it. Entirely. So, continue to call me evil and let’s let our Father be the judge.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The only way that demons can enter a person without their overt consent is through ignorance and assumed/implied consent. These people submitting to the laying on of hands by gurus, witches, whatever, give consent. Demons cannot forcibly enter a person without their consent, and others cannot give consent for us unless we passively accept it. An exception may be with bloodline families because of the contract of their ancestors, but even they are able to reject it if they will.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Sometimes demonic manifestation is simply a result of a person not tending to the garden of their heart. For instance, if anger enters and is allowed to grow unchecked, it can begin to bear fruit of hatred, which eventually leads to murder. Lust can grow into fornication, later, adultery, then rape. Find the roots and pull them entirely up.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

No, you dont understand how it works.

Consent is not required, what matter is if it break a law in the Bible that give the demons legal rights to possess someone.

Go tell that to the MK Ultra victims who have been given numerous demons trought satanic ritual abuses. They couldn’t consent to this at all.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Yes, they did, either via bloodline contract or through desiring the fruits of worldy temptations moreso than the Word.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Why would a just Creator lay such traps for His children? How could such a one be called “righteous”?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Would you lay horrible, demonic traps and trick your own child, then say, “Oh, well”…? This is what you accuse our Father of.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Also, I spoke already of how breaking Heis laws allows an opening and gave you practical examples.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The entity in charge of this world at the moment is Lucifer. And yes, it’s an awful trickster. The clock has not fully run out yet on the Father’s plan. I honestly believe He and Satan have some kind of legal agreement, with a deadline. The Bible itself says no jot or tittle will be ignored in the unfolding of the divine plan, which sounds like the legalese of a contract to me. Every letter of it will be observed. And I think the contract period has to do with the time of sorting the wheat from the chaff, and seeing which of His children will turn back to Him, and which will go with the other.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I agree with this. But Lucifer had no hand in creating us, and I don’t believe Father set us up, boobytrapped.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


11 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

And, as such, if you believe we have some built in demonic trap we have no control over, but must live in cringing, cowrdy fear of accidenally “setting off” you inherently believe our Creator is sadistic.
How can He say He makes us free, yet this is the fear and landmine walk we must make throughout our lives?
I think there is more to this story and that is for Fleur to disclose or to chose not to.
But we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Wait are you saying mkultrad people agreed to be tortured into this and killed as children?

11 months ago
Reply to  marie

Of course not! Where did I say that?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya the post from guaco was “Go tell that to the MK Ultra victims who have been given numerous demons trought satanic ritual abuses. They couldn’t consent to this at all.”
Your post below it was “Yes, they did, either via bloodline contract or through desiring the fruits of worldy temptations moreso than the Word.”
Like Britney for example, she is definitely MKd, I don’t know if she is/was possesed. Do you think she consented in any way? She was groomed at a very young age with the mouseclub.

11 months ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

@Vesica_Pisces @marie Oh, okay, I see how that was taken that way, thank you for showing me, I’ve been back to 4 12h shifts/wk and my husband just went through a reminiscent rebout of covid, so it’s been hectic and I wasn’t entirely clear on my meaning.
When I spoke of that, I was thinking that most of them are bloodline family members, so that old family covenant is their “consent” although individual members are able to revoke it if they choose to. I don’t know whether Brittney is bloodline or no, but children fall under the authority of their parents until they’re of age, so, unfortunately, evil parents have spiritual authority to sell their children into this horror. Recall that, in the scriptures, every person brought before Yeshua for healing either did so on his/her own accord or was spoken for by someone in authority over them, even in the case of the Centurian (because that soldier had voluntarily submitted himself to the Centurian’s authority). Brittney has always seemed to fight it and I believe the Creator knows full well the extent of each heart. It doesn’t in any way excuse the horrors she’s gone through, but He is good and can and will restore according to His judgments. Obviously the adults entering in make the choice themselves in order to gain wealth, fame, etc.
@SoAnnoyed (name changed but I cannot recall to what, soul-something – good change 🙂 apologies, I read the comment late last night and was exhausted) also asked, I believe, what “trap” I was speaking of. Fleur speaks of kundalini as an entirely evil serpent lurking within us, waiting to spring up and overtake us. I dispute this based on my own experience, the cited testimonies of others and the fact that I don’t believe our excellent Father would embed within us a horrible potential for us to fall prey to which we have no control over and have to live in fear of. That is not being made free. I will go so far as to state that if you believe this is so, you call Him a liar. Because He tells us if we believe and follow Yeshua, we are made free. Free men and women do not walk about in constant wariness of something within their own persons.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Some monster within their own persons.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you, I appreciate your time/reply. Hope your husband is doing better.

11 months ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

Thank you, I appreciate that! He actually woke this morning without fever and his other symptoms are improving. Had I known before what I know now, perhaps he needent have gotten so ill the first course.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Give me Ivermectin, it cured my Covid in 1 day

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Give him Ivermectin, it cured my Covid in 1 day (Impossible to correct comment on this site)

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Pleaae do not presume to address me with care now. Glad you are well, but I don’t sppreciate your games.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I do care, you don’t seem a paid shill like 666gem. You are just a lost soul like many who have been deceived. I have been a bit too upfront but my goal always has been to try to help in a way.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


If you (or anyone else) are interested:

11 months ago
Reply to  chud

Thanks, Chud.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


***embed within us a horrible potential for us to fall prey to which we have no control over and have to live in fear of***

Thank you for elaborating. I understand your point if indeed it were embedded in us.

Yet, what if if it is not? What if, if this experience of kundalini is actually the consequence of our choice to let the door opened for “possession”?

In this case, G-d cannot be held responsible for our conscious choice.

It is just like when one chooses to dabble with, or rely on, that which is not of our dimension (call it spirit, angel of light, magic, astrology, drug intoxication, hypnosis or even mantra as mentionned by @fleurdamour)?

I do believe that any of the altered state of consciousness is an open door to an encounter with that is not from our world nor from G-d.

This explains also why the brain activity is not the same when in such states or in meditation/prayer state.

11 months ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

As I said, I had no knowledge of any of this in any way when my first event occurred, so I could not be said to have sought it. It happened to me. I had no idea what had happened for a very long time.
Did I open some door, unawares? Anything is possible, but I know of none. We lived on a military installation at the time. @thekwon states he was on a Warner Brothers set.
Personally, I had 3 distinct experiences, with a 4th in which I was visited in an extremely comforting manner. The 3 were overwhelming at points, but only the last was at all frightening, yet I was never abandoned to it, I was seen through it. Ever since, I have gained a clearer understanding in many ways. I am not crazy, nor possessed, I am more stable than I have ever been. Unafraid now.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

BIg chances you are still possessed… demons are clever, they can hide for years. As long as your soul is damned, they wont torment you. They can suggest you unwanted thought like the one to reject Jesus Christ.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I in no way reject Yeshua. You have no idea what you blabber about.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


One doesnt need to specifically seek for it: today’s mainstream lifestyle is enough for it. Our entertainments, narcissism, materialism, sexuality and even our life purpose are all open doors.

Also, one may have his doors forced opened: this is why spells, curses and magic works are done. One only needs to leave hairs, nails, body fluids or a picture unattended for an ill intended friend/ex-partners/relative to hit him with dark attacks.

For example, I know people who proudly said they resorted to “love spells” to have a loved one come back, or to find a job: this is a spell.

Also, evil doesnt necessarily mean the dark arts: in my close entourage, I have a dear person who innocently and gradually became a witch. A good witch as she calls herself. Yet, there isnt such a thing. She is now addicted to the sense of powerfulness that she has in believing that she can harness energies that heal herself and her family.

One may call for “fairies” or the wind or “positive energies”, it still is calling for forces/spirits/outerworld things.

When I tried to understand what that close person believed in, I came across one witchcraft book. In it, they recalled that many of the modern world rituals were indeed spells such as the innocent birthday cake candle blowing or the “best wishes” cards.. I was flabbergasted.

I dont say you are crazy.

Yet, how would you know for sure you are not possessed?.. Do you think one needs to crawl from a ceiling to be possessed ? It is much more subtil than that 🙂

Many people actually ignore they are “touched” by something. How can the world be as it is if it wasnt the case?

Nobody can say he is immune unless he is protected by a constant aura of sincere faith and practice for only sincere practice can purify our thoughts and intention.

If you ask any witch who does spells/curses, she will tell you that it usually doesnt work well on such people.

If you ask a clairvoyant like I myself did some ignorant time ago, she will not be able to “feel” the spirit of someone who was sincerely religious and practicing. Because the spirit of the dead cannot answer the call of nobody but the call of His Master when Resurrection comes.

All other answers are from evil entities playing tricks with our minds.

11 months ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

You call yourself a clairvoyant, Ralphie, and act as if that is better.
I do NONE of these things and never have. Continue to call me possessed, or try to convince me to doubt.
You. Lose.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


you wrote:

**You call yourself a clairvoyant, Ralphie, and act as if that is better.**

I never said I was one nor “act as if it is better”. I said I had asked one. Big difference.
I have no problem accepting my faults, such as this one.

****Continue to call me possessed,**
I havent. I said how do you know you arent?

My name is not “Ralphie”.

Now, what is it that you constantly bicker me? Just in this page alone, this is the 2nd comment I write you misunderstand.

Same in another thread some weeks ago where I even apologized if you misunderstood, and you kept being agressive with me. Why is that?

11 months ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

Paste your allegation. If I am wrong I will admit to it.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


I wrote: “If you ask a clairvoyant like I myself did”: “Did” refers to the previously used verb which was “ASK”.

Translation is then = “If you ask a clairvoyant like I myself asked a clairvoyant”

Yet, again, you insisted I had said “I WAS” one.

“To ask” isnt a synonym of “to be”.

**Paste your allegation**
You should have pasted it yourself to have a better understanding.

**If I am wrong I will admit to it.**
Please, do so.

So, again, why do you bicker me?

11 months ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

Because you are false. I do not trust you, Ralphie l. You changed your name in pretense. I have had a personal loss you are fully aware of. Add to that that my daughter is suffering cardiac symptoms. So take your ego and try to find a human being in there, because I try to see one and find it hard.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Words are easy indeed..

So much that you dont even keep your word: **If I am wrong I will admit to it.**
You were wrong yet you havent admitted it.

Worse, you only admitted an insult! **find a human being in there, because I try to see one and find it hard**

For the last time, I have never been ralphie.

I do not know of a loss you have had, yet, all my condoleances to you. I have myself lost someone close just 1 month ago.

I am sorry for your daughter too.

But your current suffering is no reason to accuse me of something evil everytime I post in here.

Dont be the one you resent by precisely acting exactly like him.

11 months ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

Stop lying to me and everyone else here. I do not and will never hate you, but I hate your lies. They never stop.
I KNOW you are Ralphie by a fluke of this site and your quirks, and an accidental identical paste you made. Stop. This is gross. Let these lesser dogs lie and twist. Aren’t you better than this base trick?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Perhaps not. You decide

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


I decide you are an unworthy revengeful being who needs to stay away from me.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


You are the one lying by insisting to twist truth to suit your paranoia!
YOu insult me of “quirks”, “dog lies” and of being a “liar” and you thing you are at a place where you ask me “Aren’t you better than this base trick?”?


Now, you pretend to read between the lines? To detect copy pastes or whatever you babble about: please show me then your proof so I laugh a bit.

You come with ridiculous claims when it should have been easy for anyone to see that, whoever that guy is, we dont have the same writing style exactly like 444gem has no other equivalent here.

Just think a minute instead of vomiting your anger here when that same ralphie is having a good laugh at you!

Go through all my posts and see for yourself! When have I called anyone names or even insulted back someone who did insult me? When?

Now YOU STOP it.

You are officially the most aggressive and injust person I have discussed with here. By far.

some weeks ago, when she lost it again against me, you knew how to “address” her. Can you please do so again?

11 months ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

If I need to stay away from you, then simply cease to address me. Gem is not my daddy.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


I havent called for your dad, but for Gem.

This is a public forum and you freely decide to post on it. Hence, you accept that anyone, including me, react to your comments.

As a well mannered person, I will address you if I wish to react to your comments so in turn, you may decide or not to react to mine.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

We know you hate God, no need to write multiple comments like this.

First, He was not the one puting the demons there, Satanists did it out of their own free will. They are the ones that will the pay the price when times come.

And I had told you before, even if you are demon possessed, you can still be saved. From the many testimonies I read, God is helping a lot the innocent victims that got demons without their consent like victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

For you to even state that of me shows you are of no good character nor discernment. Also, you clearly cannot read with comprehension as I have already stated several things on my own, yet you persist in calling me evil. My Father and Yeshua are literally in everything I do. My life is one unending prayer. Don’t expect me to answer your other question. I had intended to, but you are not approaching anything with any decent intent.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Coward. “Don’t expect me to answer your other question as you have hurt my feelings.” Allright then keep your secrets

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

One thing I believe I can predict of you with certainty is that “coward” won’t be the last vile accusation against me you make. And my feelings are just fine. I just reject your venom.

Matthew 10:14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. It is not cowardice to refuse to share knowledge or personal experience with someone so scornful and plainly of ill intent. I will pray for you, but I owe you absolutely nothing.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

She’s the last person here that is a coward.

11 months ago
Reply to  marie

Thank you, Marie <3. But you're pretty fearless, imo. 🙂

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I didn’t become demon possessed. You’re very set on an opinion of something you haven’t experienced. You do not have to accept any demon unless you want one or are tricked into it.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Can you explain in details how it happened? I am curious about it. Also what powers did that give you.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Can I explain what?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

How your 3rd eye opened? or was it a kundalini awakening?
You talk about an energetic happenstance but it is very vague.

Also what kind of ‘powers’ doesit give you.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Oh, I see. Give me some time and I will go over it as best I can for you. I have explained a lot before but I understand better now because of speaking with Father. I am preparing my husband for the day, so it may be an hour or so.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Ok no prob,

I will probably read it tmrw so no more response from my part today.

When you write ‘speaking with Father’ is it in the form of talking to a Spirit guide trought meditation ?

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

No, it is my Father. Our Creator. The one that scriptures literally tell us to call “Father”.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Do you call our Creator evil now, too? Do you think He plays semantic tricks on His creation as well? If I say, “Father”, He allows some other entity to usurp His place to trick me? What manner of god do you serve? We already know he is an accuser, because that is nearly all you do.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

What is the name of “Father”?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I would posit this person, based on his identification of Gem as “666gem” is maybe someone we have heard from before under a different name. Pay him no mind, he seemingly just wants to argue.

11 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup

He is, he uses several different handles, like a fair few others around here. Trying to deligitimize as he hopes for his big “takedown”. He’s not troubling me 😊. Thank you.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I don’t think you are evil, I think we are all in the fallen world and it’s very dangerous around here. I HIGHLY recommend doing your own research on tantra. And my awakening around what it and kundalini really are was so shocking that yes, I now agree with the Bible that ALL pagan religions are bad.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Just to clarify, that message was intended for the guacamole guy, not you. You’ve never been hateful to anyone that I have witnessed and that is appreciated.

I have absolutely nil to do with tantra. I’m not even sure what it’s all about besides believing you can gain some spiritual insights and/or power through reaching the edge of orga$m and then controlling that impulse. That makes zero sense to me and belittles the spiritual, imo. That is a practice and, as I’ve tried to explain, my experience hit me from sideways, totally unaware. The first time it happened to me I wouldn’t even have read a horoscope, nevermind some practice such as that. But I can imagine that, if that was your exposure, it could have been harrowing. It was rough enough for me, but Father helped me through it in a series of events, so it was extreme, but bearable. Many who’ve done spiritual groundwork say it’s not even much of a noticeable change for them. I think that is how it is intended to be.

I don’t disagree that all pagan religions are to be avoided in practice, but I do know that many of the Biblical figures we admire and respect were pagans until they met YHVH. It was the solid religious leaders of the time whom Yeshua chided and who were constantly at odds with him and trying to trip him up.

What I do disagree with is the insinuation that those religions don’t contain any shred of truth. I entirely uphold that truth is truth no matter who says it. What religion would be so believable as to compel millions in faith if there was no truth in them? So, I will accept the truths, just not their cited sources for that truth, nor their rites and rituals, nor their fairytales.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Can you please name the prophets who were pagans ?

Side note: this is “soannoyed” commenting here 🙂
I didn’t like that old pseudo. This is my new one.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Tried to reply, Fleur, but it is waiting for approval. Dunno why, no links or anything.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I agree. Anyone who hasn’t had it happen to them should probably refrain from such a judgment. You can choose what you want you don’t become demon possessed if you don’t want to

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I know you differ and I respect your feelings on the matter, but my reality shows otherwise. Am I demon-possessed? I have read many accounts of people who’s experiences were quite sane and natural because they had laid the spiritual foundation first. Again, I disagree fully that Father would lay such a trap within our very persons, designed to destroy us, because kundalini can be opened using various external physical methods without our consent. Why would our Creator put something inside of us that we, though ignorance, have no control over, for the sole purpose of destroying us? Is He so cruel?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It’s not from the Father.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

We agree to disagree.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Which trap are you referring to?

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


I don’t think it’s some powerful spiritual secret; that’s the position of illuminists.

I’m aware that the use and abuse of kundalini and the worship of its illumination is only the very first step of a real initiation in Illuminism; not the ultimate, final grand master secret they hold. It is their doorway into the mysteries, not it’s end goal. I’ve tried to explain this to you, but I am also aware you have had some very marked personal experiences directly relating to this.

Where we differ, is in that I’m aware that the energy and awakening within the Ki of the body is not an inherently terrible negative thing, if it comes from a natural process of long, hard spiritual work in which one experiences a process of awakening over a long period of time.

Where we do absolutely agree is that the illuminist practices and worship associated with Kundalini are abominable; they lead to ILL-lumination, a terrible spiritual sickness, as you are aware first hand. This is the manipulation of people, particularly children and the unwitting, and the worship and subsequent abuse of it, where harm is found. If you were not meant to be able to wake up, why would YHWH place within your physical and spiritual being this capacity?

Yeshua said:

The illumination of the body is the Eye. Thus if your eye is wholly clear, (or is SINGLE AND UNIFIED), so too will your body be full of light.

What you experienced is a dualistic form of awakening, forced from the base up the spine and into the “third eye.” This is the Red and white you speak of. But Yeshua was very clear of having a non-dualistic, fully unified, fully clear spiritual eye. There is a cavernous difference in the width of a hair.

Shall we not listen to Yeshua?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@thekwon @lgageharleya

This above may answer some of your questions and offer some further insight.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I don’t interpret that quote about the eye being the lamp of the body as being in any way, about kundalini. Kundalini is the false light of Lucifer, installed in us at the time of the Fall. It’s not life force and it’s not from God. And regarding your position that its awakening is only the first of the “mysteries,” when you said that on another page on this site, I asked you if you would share more about those further mysteries and I never saw a reply. If I missed it I am sorry. I do know I don’t trust spiritual “mysteries” any more. Jesus speaks very plainly and that’s good enough for me. I didn’t mean to drag you into this conversation in any impolite manner, either, when I mentioned you in reply to lgageharleya, I just wanted to contextualize our debate for solarsaviour, who posted this article and who I felt deserved a thorough response. I think you know a great deal, but I disagree with you on this fundamental point of kundalini.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


I didn’t feel dragged in negatively, but simply as though there is a misunderstanding about what what I have stated previously.

The passage in Matthew 6, is again, a very direct reference to Luciferian corruptions. This pattern is somewhat frequent in the teachings of Yeshua, and even more so in the “old” testament. I’ll delve deeper into the Greek because the English and other vernacular translations are pretty horrible, for obvious reasons.

The common modern translation is:

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

There is a very clear, non-ambiguous reference to the illuminist concept of “ex tenebris lux” (out of darkness comes the light) which is unequivocally a reference to the serpents illumination and the duality of divinity; what is taught to 32nd degree masons (the last degree before real Luciferian initiation) about the black and white eagle head out of the top of the pyramid; one the gad of heaven and the other the gad of the underworld, equally powerful. Hence the reference to “two masters” Black and White. Sun and Moon. This is why they use the name “Bog” to replace YHWH in Eastern Europe; bog is the white sky deity.

If you wish I will show you murals and paintings stretching thousands of years with variations of this phrase ex teneberis Lux which connect the saying “from darkness comes the light” and the emergence of the serpent in a myriad of languages and cultures. Even today it is frequently used in illuminist graffiti signaling.

Moreover, simply the use in English of god and money in the same sentence, is a clever and devious wink by the translators to Isiah 65:11, which decries in Hebrew exactly phonetically worshiping “god” and “meni.” Names for ba’al Gad and Meni; the sun and the moon. The translations are incredibly revealing about the Intentional corruptions, and what they hide in plain sight.

@lgageharleya @arif @thekwon @Maciej @ariah @snazzy

This may be helpful for you studies as well as the following comment.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now let’s look at another passage which in no uncertain terms references Luciferian corruptions, and no so subtly denounces them even mentioning the deceivers!!

Yeshua said (I will use the common modern English translation):

“Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.”

Illuminist swear upon their heads, upon the earth (Geb) and the heavens (Uranos), while standing on a black and white floor. It is an extremely specific reference to the oath they take, which leads them to go through 32 degrees until they discover what is hiding is the dualistic black and white eagle deity, of the underworld (the earth) and the heavens (uranos).

Yeshua was extremely clear, and to interpret these passages as having nothing to do with these corrupt illuminist practices is… simply wrong. The specificity is very, very high. I’m aware you experienced the luciferian corruption of Duality, shiva and kali, the splitting of your energies in an abusive practice, and thus have become fearful, and rightfully so. I am not discussing kundalini, this dualistic practice which is quite abominable and which has harmed you, but the original, unified practice of worship much older and greater than the Luciferians and their darkness which they have used to trap souls and do harm.


This and the above will also be helpful to you.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now let us look back at some of the words in Matthew 6:22-24 and get a stronger understanding, and then finish a passage where Yeshua openly and clearly commands we develop, pure unified spiritual light.

1) The word “Lamp” is λύχνος. “LUXnos”To translate this as lamp is… dubious and incomplete. Better would be “luminary.”

2) The word “Body” is σώματός “SOMAtos.” This is not a reference simply to our corporeal body; but rather to the greater “body” representing our spiritual and corporeal being unified. Better would be “Being.” Or “Spiritual Essence.”

3) the word “healthy” is ἁπλοῦς. “haploid.” To use the translation healthy is just plain wrong. It means “unified” or “single.” And there is no ambiguity in this.

4) Then there is the word ὅλον “holon,” which isn’t even translated anymore but just disregarded. it means “complete” or “entirely.”

So now even just getting a first translation Matthew 6:22 reads:

“The Eye is the Luminary of your Spiritual Essence (and Body.) This is your Eye is Fully Unified, then your spiritual essence will be full of light.”

What else could Yeshua be referring to?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Continuing on:

5) The word “darkness” is σκοτεινὸν “SCOTeinon.” Indeed this is where the name “SCOTs or Scottish” come from, referencing not o my the extreme darkness of the geographic location, but also the dark practices of the scors, stretching back to the Egyptians. The Luciferian Colbrin, a modern luciferian compilation and te-editing of older Luciferians texts speaks ad nauseum about this; and indeed the Queen “Skotia” obsessed with human sacrifice in Ancient Rggpt. The term darkness is not really wrong, but it loses all reference found in the Greek.

6) the word for “evil” is πονηρὸς “PONeros” which is exactly the name used by the worshippers of the Phoenix, the PONim, and the man of many faces the PANim… again the translation isn’t wrong, but it is extremely misleading and loses all reference to the fanaxians . It directly references the worshippers of shiva and kali you righteously denounce.

Thus the full translation much more accurate to the original is:

“The Eye is the Luminary of your Spiritual Essence (and Body.) Thus if your Eye is Fully Unified, then your spiritual essence will be full of light. Yet, if your Eye is filled with PAN (or dualistic worship), so too will your entire spiritual essence (or body) be filled with darkness. If then, the light within you comes from darkness, how great that darkness will be.”

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Moving on we find yet an even more compelling reference to DUALism in the word terribly translated as “masters” and “to serve.”

7) “Masters” is κυρίοις “kurious” which is the term for LORD in Greek.

8) “to serve” is δουλεύειν “DUALeyein” it doesn’t require explanation. A DUAL LORD. The two headed eagle….

Thus the whole passage is

“The Eye is the Luminary of your Spiritual Essence (and Body.) Thus if your Eye is Fully Unified, then your spiritual essence will be full of light. Yet, if your Eye is filled with PAN (or dualistic worship), so too will your entire spiritual essence (or body) be filled with darkness. If then, the light within you comes from darkness, how great that darkness will be.

No one has the ability to follow two dualistic lords…”

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


When one will have the Truth in the heart, it is impossible to follow the dark path anymore. When your heart will fill with light and Truth, all those “bad” things doesn’t make sense anymore, it brings laugh to one. If one follow the path of YHWH he won’t even think about doing such terrible things, not mention doing it as one know this isn’t the Truth. Then, if one’s light come from darkness then indeed it will be great and strong but having a light coming from the one that lives with truth will be much greater and stronger. If there is a darkness inside us, we can only see darkness around us, deeds become dark, thoughts will be dark. But if we have Truth in our heart, all one can see is magnificent creation of YHWH and this dualistic idea of everything makes it to have no sense at all and it’s so obvious that after a while it became a very bad bad joke. Ying and yang, black and white, good or bad, pretty and ugly, evil and good. Like or dislike. Let our yes be yes and no, be no. So simple and elegant.

11 months ago
Reply to  Maciej


When one will have the Truth in the heart, it is impossible to follow the dark path anymore. When your heart will fill with light and Truth, all those “bad” things doesn’t make sense anymore, it brings laugh to one. If one follow the path of YHWH he won’t even think about doing such terrible things, not mention doing it as one know this isn’t the Truth. Then, if one’s light come from darkness then indeed it will be great and strong but having a light coming from the one that lives with truth will be much greater and stronger. If there is a darkness inside us, we can only see darkness around us, deeds become dark, thoughts will be dark. But if we have Truth in our heart, all one can see is magnificent creation of YHWH and this dualistic idea of everything makes it to have no sense at all and it’s so obvious that after a while it became a very bad bad joke. Ying and yang, black and white, good or bad, pretty and ugly, evil and good. Like or dislike. Let our yes be yes and no, be no. So simple and elegant. No one can follow two dualistic lords, as this is inpossible. You cannot be full and starving at the same time, this is very understandable that following the Truth, we realize that we don’t need this rat race, we don’t need another promotion in the corporation, yes yes we all need to take care of our families and we need to pay bills taxes etc, I’ve been there, no brainiac. To understand the truth, one must fully reject this system that has been created as a mind trap. WHEN one live with truth, he doesn’t need to worry about taking care of his family because he know exactly what to do. All those excuses above about moneyz promotion, needs, comes from the dualistic thinking, people like they comfortable life that’s why they are so afraid to reject so many things. we cannot live fully with the truth and follow this system anymore, but, we are exist in this realm, so there is no harm in using buses, planes, phones, just don’t be a slave in your mind to it. You cannot be a wolf and sheep at the same time, that’s the dualism. How many people are hiding behind that mask? – oo i will help you but then stabb you in the back heh?

11 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

Exactly @Maciej

These passages are unequivocally addressing the dualisms ever present within the Luciferian traditions around the world.

The Yin and Yang is certainly one of the most visible symbols involving this “Ex Tenebris Lux,” concept. It is likewise evidently present in the dualism of Masonry and their black and white floors, harkening back to the Egyptian religion and it’s duality of Osiris-Set. As well as the duality of Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism, and as Fluerdamour pointed out, the Shiva Khali of Shivaites.

We see the luciferians introduce this same, tremendously dark dualism into their antiXristos church, the kult of death, somewhat gradually beginning in the 4th century CE, culminating in their gothic churches full of demonic gargoyles, disgusting looking statues full of blood they pray too, and the worship of MarYam- GZues as a male female dualistic Luciferian representation.

This same dualism is given in Revelations 13, in which the Dragon gives its power to the two beasts; the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the land.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I would like to see murals and paintings about ex teneberis Lux thank you Gem.

I’m pondering the “original unified practice of worship much older and greater than the luciferians”

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


Masonic Ring Ex Tenebris Lux – “Out of Darkness Comes Light.”

“If then, the light within you comes from darkness, how great that darkness will be”

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem



Ra = The Sun Lord
Amon = The Prince of Power of the Air

Ra-Amon is, the dualistic deity, the black and white headed eagle emerging from the top of the pyramid. One of Earth/Underworld (The Reaper, like Vatika) and one of Sky (The Sewer, Ra…) Kain is the murderer that reaps what he sews.

“The cornerstone the builders rejected, has become the CHIEF CORNERSTONE (or Pyramid Cap), this is marvelous in our EYES”

images (3).jpg
11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Even the release date 131, is a shortenning of 13-31 “AL-LA” There is no YHWH, the passkey into the dark realms of the fallen. Aleister Crowley labeled many of his rituals with the 1331 and 131 for this reason. It is Ka-Ba-Allah “The Spirit and Body of Alohim is NOT!”


I hesitated to answer your question, because you have not been able to see beyond personal experience, albeit a very traumatic one. This is one of the first mysteries after ILL-Lumination they are taught: Methodologies for Contacting (often using mirrors at appointed times with the stars) with Ultra-terrestrial beings in order to gain guidance and technology.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem



There are 7 serpent heads.. as is described of the beast in revelations, or the heads of the Hydra in Grek Mythology, or the heads of the children of Tiamat (the serpent great mother) of Babylon, and around it are the symbols for Jupiter, the Sun, Venus, and… (see if you can figure out the last one)

Ex Tenebris Lux…

ex ten3.jpg
11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


You find this same representation as with the Nagas of Hinduism and Buddhism, the 7 serpents behind the “Boddha” who is Woden. Ganesha, whose name is the same as th ancient word “Hanas” (Hanas = Ganas Na-GAS…) is still called Boddhi quite often. They are just different masks worn by the illuminator, different heads of the hydra.

Below the Nagas of Buddhism… 7 heads, and in the center lies the Sun, but also a Mandala, which is but a cargo kulted version of what are called LIE (Li means LIGHT) groups or Lie Algebras, which are central to quantum physics.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@thekwon @ariah @lgageharleya @Snazzy @arif

All of this may be helpful.

Look here below at this depiction of the serpent people; the Nagas. Look at the form of the tail. In a discussion with JBL a while back I showed that in the catacombs of the Vat i Kain there is clearly a painting of the same form underneath the fact and going around the eye of Saul of Tarshish.

Note that it is again a DUALISTIC Deity. One surrounded by 7 heads of serpents, and the other by 5. 7+5 = 12.

In my Father’s House there are many stations.”

Yes, the stations of the Zodiac, the “living Beasts” the ZOE… As the equinoxes and solstices turn. If you reverse and listen to Elton John’s “Levon” the replaced word for Lion (insted of Aryeh, hence the imposter…) in the show of Naomi which appears in the early chapters, you will hear he says very clearly “It was the Orphan of Zoe” and then keeps saying “Mobiles, They’re watching you…” Zoe is the name of Lillith, essentially… and indeed, the mythos of the watchers is well known. Apparently Elton knew mobile phones were coming in 1970.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@thekwon@ariah@lgageharleya@Snazzy @arif @Maciej

Taking note of the whitehead knot of the tail, here is another example of the dualistic Serpent of Gnosis, the dualistic deity of Luciferianism, but from Kemet (Egypt.)

This is the goddess Wadjet, Male and Female, Dual. Mathew 6:22-24 is is no uncertain terms discussing this abominable dualism, a corruption of the ONE TRUE YHWH and the ability for us to live complete within unity or Oneness (alhough I don’t like the English word very much, as One, comes from Jon/OAN, meaning the fish man…) Better is Eka

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The dualistic serpents. Sun and Moon. and the whitehead knot of time, which repeats.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

And finally, Masonry’s two ball Kain logo, which I placed in Chapter X with regards to sacrifices. Yes its the Fbook logo…

Two balls, are the Sun and the Moon, which are what allow for life to exist on this planet: Gad and Meni….

The thumbs up is the venus sacrifice, the sacrifice to the dualistic deity of the underworld, which as you can see in the middle keeps the looping whitehead knot tied. They are repeaters, tying the knot over and over with their sacrifices and worship of the two balls and Kain.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Sacrifices timed to the astro-theological times of the sun and moon (the 2 balls) can force the planet into repetition (the whitehead knot)??

This will take some explaining to understand

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


There are documents from British-Isisrael-Sectet Society (pheonicians United..) dating as early as the late 1930s signaling Mid-September 2001 as the start date of the NW0.

They use times blood sacrifice to effect change in the course of events. Think as simply as the patriot act, which was only passed in the aftermath of 9/11, effectively establishing a worldwide real time police state within the framework of Us Law.

No sacrifice, no patriot act, no worldwide surveillance state with legal backing…. Do you see how this cascades?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes that makes some sense ty. The huge loss of life makes draconian laws possible that force big changes in how humanity is directed toward it’s demise.

It isn’t the blood itself making changes. It is more the result of the blood shed @444gem

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Except your cheerleaders, nobody read your monologues 666gem.
Sometimes I think you are someone using ChatGPT and making a prank.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


It is called having a discussion; how unfortunate all you can do is name call and make false accusations; mired in negativity.

hollow logs
hollow logs
11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I am no cheerleader & I read @444gem long posts. Lots of readers on here, reddit died years ago & who wants to frequent the chans? not me.. too much sifting.
point being there aren’t many places online anymore that are mostly human, with interesting active discussions.
we all know this by now.

@444gem isn’t making all this up.. these aren’t his personal anecdotes.. but he has helped unravel huge knots of plot holes in our current timeline.

it’s very hard to find long diatribes worth reading or listening to… there is much value in his threads. he might be ex33 or a trapped interdimensional being.. or a guy in Leeds who just loves to read…
& remembers alot.

can you name one other online content creator that offers Gold in their longwinded rants?

there aint many:
MW Cooper(late 90s… old Santos(preMexico era) ..
Jinx crackconnoiseur (circa ’20)..
Tim Dillon(2019 porch)..
Nick Mullen(’17 chinatown)..
Redbar (currently)..
JonLevi (currently)
Quite Frankly ( currently)
Michelle Gibson ( currently)
@444gem ( currently)

umm who else?

cause readers will read.. for awhile at least…

easier to tear down than it is to
when life gives us avacados,
we Make da GuacaMole.

11 months ago
Reply to  hollow logs

You should check out ChatGPT, it can make long monologues like this too if this is what you like.

Ask ChatGPT directly your metaphysical questions and it will save you some time asking 666gem.

Ask something like this :
“As a New Age Guru talking to a naive and confused audience, give me as much useless information you can on the Tubal-cain logo. Throw in few Bible references to please the Christian audience once in a while but do your best to lead them astray from the real God.”

hollow logs
hollow logs
11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

(i should check out basic b* ai from two years ago?!)

well aware… and it’s fully compromised.

ask chatGpt when nick fuentes will be president..

ask chatGpt about the mudfloods & starforts..

ask chatGpt about the who’s who in current controlled opposition media…

ask chatGpt about hiram abiff & jachin & boaz…

see what it says about those subjects…

chatGpt is basic af, fake af.
i prefer coMMon humans.. flaws & all.

11 months ago
Reply to  hollow logs

@hollow logs

I have always appreciated the positivity and kind words. Keep searching for The Truth, and thanks for reading and considering.

There are so few of us left that fight to cast aside the mass manipulation.

hollow logs
hollow logs
11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem ain’t no way you’re ai!;)

i do however think youre Mostly huMan.. brittish.. Male.. Millenial.. definitely well read… & a Good read.

i scan the chat icon when i visit this site..
if it’s ratio’d, chances are there’s a Gem on there.. with a human discussion about human conditions unfolding.

next monkeys gonna be lit.


11 months ago
Reply to  hollow logs

@hollow logs

I’m not sure how my girl would react if she found out I’m an Ai…

Your pretty astute on figuring me out: although I’m not from Leeds 😉

Stay safe out there bro; I’ll have that next Monkeys for you soon.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


If you wish to discuss, show and prove that what I say is wrong. Then we may search for The Truth. How about starting with the two passages above, such as Matthew 6:22-24?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Funny how you always point people following you as positive and people that disagree with you as negative people.

From a New Age standpoint like yours its very important. Some people vibrate on a lower frequency and are negative (Mostly Christian) and others vibrate on the higher frequency spectrum like New Agers.

In the New Age philosophy (Alice Bailey, HP Blavatsky etc..) In the coming end-times, New Agers will genocide the Christians because they keep the world in a low vibrationary state and keep it from evolving to a ‘higher level’ (Which is the New World Order).

You and your cheerleaders can continue to play the love and song message for now, but in a short time you will all reveal your true faces. You are part of the religion of the upcoming satanic NWO.

I have absolutely 0 respect for you 666gem as long as your preach this BS.

Matthew 6:24 is interesting as it destroy what you pretend to be:
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.”

By preaching New Age doctrines you serve satan which automatically make you a fake Christian.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


It’s not that you disagree that makes you come across as highly “negative.”

It is that you:

1) Name Call incessently
2) Mock Others
3) Provide little if any depth in your responses, and no proof of anything you claim
4) Outright lie by calling me “new age,” when I have openly denounced the New Age to you many times before
5) Attempt to slander by claiming I use an AI to write my responses in which I take great care to offer people something of value
6) Make false assumptions without ever asking a question nuetrally

I appreciate disagreement. for instance the user SoAnnoyed has often vigorously disagreed with me; and I have never said nor thought she is negative. Instead, I have invited a deeper conversation and discussions so that we can both grow in our perspectives. What you offer here of Matthew 6:24 is again a low brow attempt to defame and mischaracterize (by using false accusations of “dirty” labels) what you don’t like; as I have only one master:

 Hei who is YHWH

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Indeed, you are right. We do have quite divergent appreciations of facts but we still do agree on many points.

If we all met here, along with @quantguacamole and others, it is because we sensed some things are not quite right in this world as it is today. We may not agree on the why and how, but who knows the Truth except for the One who is in command?

Let’s build upon our willingness to approach Truth, without the need to hate one another because we each take different path to reach it.

@444gem: I have not been able to posts my replies yet on the Ukrainian mom thread, some unplanned things had to be dealt with. I will try to do so this week.

11 months ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

Why do you feel the need to chide Gem for “hatred”? What evidence do you have that he harbours this at all? Yet you let guantguacamole entirely off the hook when he spews little but?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya I tried to send you a mail, its this handle with yahoo point com? I got it back.

11 months ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

It is. I just checked and have nothing from you.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


My comment wasnt directed at him. This is why I specifically mentioned @quantguacamole.

At the end of the day, I believe we have more in common than mere divergences of faith, however important faith is to us.

I dont understand the need for name calling, pseudo twisting or agressivity.

I appreciate @444gem for his capacity to reply with a cold temper, despite all the ambiant agressivity

11 months ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

Where is the venom? Where, from Gem? From me? Be honest. If it’s there, show me.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


which venom are you talking about?

11 months ago
Reply to  hollow logs

I agree completely.
Reddit died when the early internet era ideals of free information and free speech that led to the site’s creation were forgotten. The chans held on for a longer time, but now they are either full of bots and shills like 4Chan, /pol/ and /x/ boards especially and /b/ is actively monitored by feds – this is no secret. Most of the lesser and simmilar sites are either too slow/too little users to form an active discussion (Uboachan, Crystal Cafe, Endchan, Krautchan, etc.) and some sites were just taken down for some reasons known or unknown (8Chan and 16Chan – I don’t know what happened to 16Chan, it just shut down suddenly)
I like the “anonymity” aspect of it, no registration required. I dislike the concept of memeflags on /pol/, they should never have been implemented, but we can’t really do anything about it. Shills post under those most of the time, if not always. I’d say the site now serves only to discourage anons from discussion and real-world actions – like searching for like-minded people in your local community.
Despite this, I still browse the catalog sometimes, but I am seriously considering leaving 4Chan forever because of these reasons and I will switch to this site completely for discussion. 99.9% of the threads are pure sh*t.

I miss the days when /pol/ would actually discover something, or when anons with good information would post, some of them seemingly being real insiders/elites.

I think it might be a good idea to post some saved images from those times here for discussion purposes, if you have any. Some of those images have some truth to them. I have some stuff saved and I am considering posting them in the future.

hollow logs
hollow logs
11 months ago
Reply to  sempervigilans

it’s all garbage.
same goes for kiwilol & the other side of the threads coin.

it’s digital dumpster diving..

sure you can find some foccaicia bread that expired last week..
but it’s under piles of perished produce & broken blue pallets.

feels equally as foolish as diving into your grocery stores’ dumpster..

& sometimes expired M&Ms arent
worth the search.
& we cannot hoard expired foods.

leave the boards, man.
dont walk them planks.
gloWWorm city.

very glad this site exists..
but let’s be frank:
it’s equally coMplicit.. & Most likely a fed opp like all the rest.

11 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I do. I’m not in a group, why don’t you provide insight into these things?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

It’s interesting in vampire lore they were obsessed with knots.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Nagas/Nachash/Nun. And still, there is the splitting of hairs, can mean serpent, but can also mean waters from the Creator (as in how waters cut trails to flow down mountains from Father to man).

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


There is cavernous difference in the width of a hair… it’s not as fine as you think.

Rivers follows the path of least resistance, and flow in serpentine shapes. So too do electrical arcs. So too do orbiting planetary bodies.
And so too does the physical animal the serpent. It’s a natural law of the universe. Can a river choose to flow any other way that the path of least resistance?

The motions and shapes of these things all come from one phenomena, but to WORSHIP this phenomena and seduced by the understanding of this knowledge is then to worship Lucifer… and there you are split; worshipping the creature/creation rather than the CREATOR. Saul of TarShish understood this well…

You can see in this word, nahash how one concept describing the creation of YHWH, was corrupted into a Luciferian concept… from waters flowing into a venomous animal.

It’s not such a small difference.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem do you believe that hell exists ?

11 months ago
Reply to  Guinchudo


What do the scriptures say?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

what I know is about the term “sheol” which was used to define a place where souls go. but no specification about it being a place of eternal suffering

11 months ago
Reply to  Guinchudo


I will take my time to reflect before I may properly respond to this query. FYI, I did respond and tag you in other posts regrading your questions over reincarnation, and looping time. Not sure if you saw that?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

If they didn’t see that, and you have the time, could you tag us both in your previous answers to their question(s) on reincarnation (for reference). Thanks in advance.

11 months ago
Reply to  Channah


I will try and see if I can find these.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I searched yesterday when I had a bit of time, but didn’t find them yet. I’ll look more in a bit, @444gem

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Regardless, I believe I have some saved info I can share on the topic, but I may not be able to get to that until tomorrow at some point, as I work again today and will not have my laptop accessible.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

in which post? I didn’t get a notification. Could you cite some authors that you find interesting so that I can study by myself? this way I would avoid overloading you, since many people here also ask you questions

11 months ago
Reply to  Guinchudo


It was quite a while ago and I don’t recall the names of the posta anymore, but I tagged you in 2-3 different posts, on 3-4 responses for your question. Really strange you didn’t get the notifications

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

there must have been some kind of error. but anyway thanks. I will try to look here

11 months ago
Reply to  Guinchudo


There are so few out there that really understand how this works. Scattered pieces into the wind.

This guy is telling what he experienced:

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem and one of the main goals of the ill-lumend ones is to make sure that the souls can’t go ‘home’, through the use of vaccines, nanobots and chips?

11 months ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces


Certainly that’s part of it. If you don’t “go home,” you will continue to repeat, and repeat, and repeat. The cycle is never broken. The beast continues to feed.

“They stabbed it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the beast.” That’s what is is like in Kali’s oven… Kali Forn ia

What good is earthly power, if there is no-one to have power over?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I wish to show you an anwser I found to a question about God I asked you before to check if I finally got it right:

God is the first consciousness that ever was and will be, He created all that exists from the laws of physics and space-time to dust particles and mosquitoes. He set the laws for this universe to culminate in the creation of bodies for the souls/consciousness of all beings He made in his image – creative and eternal souls with free will and every choice in this unverse has a result. That led to the multitude of living beings we have today. As far as I know humans are the ones who embody His image of creativity and free will the most in all His creation.
He sees everything and knows everything, constantly watching over His creations, but will not interfere unless we ask for help.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem Hello, I thought this was so beautiful, I felt a little renewed in my soul after that. It made me want to hear Gene Wilder’s “pure imagination”. Although this is the song from a movie that not everyone has good vibes about (willy wonka & the chocolate factory, 1971), I have good feelings. Both the song and the film remind me of what I learned as a child growing up in a family with financial problems. I learned that as much as there are problems in life, and they need to be solved, we can’t let these problems make us forget what we already have good in our lives. Even with so many bad things in our world, YHWH invites us to rejoice in the gifts he has given us: our lives, our families, our friends, the beauty of nature, and all the things that make us smile. Ps: I found your posts about reincarnation, they are in a post with the title “where is 444gem” and I will reflect on them

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

This is the cover art for that album. Eye as 12 lashes FYI. And is that a triskellion in the upper left corner?

levon cover.jpg
11 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup

There are 7 planets – the pupil, the ring around the pupil then the eye ball and the 4 tear drops is 7 planets. Is that a stretch?

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

The seven seas

11 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup


The upper left is indeed a trickelion made of three kubes, often called a tri-Kaballion.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The other planet looks like a variation of Saturn. It has an equal armed cross with a sickle like thing on the end. It kind of looks like the hammer and sickle.

What planet was destroyed in our galaxy @444gem?

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I recall reading somewhere the hammer and sickle is one of the oldest symbols known to this planet. Older than luciferianism

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


The HAMAR of HAMARuca. The Hammer of Thor. The Hammer/Axe of Indra. It is the weapon of the illuminator, a representation of what he uses to make sparks (lightning) with a THUNDEROUS roar.

The Sickle, belongs to Saturn, the implement of the murderer Kain; the reaper. Look to the passages in Revelations regarding the reaper holding the sickle/scythe. Think abou the SCYTHians. In fact, it may be a good bit of research for you to look at all of the references in the scriptures regarding sickles and scythes and start drawing parallels.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

It could also be a crescent moon with the equi-distant arms being measurements of time or solstices @444gem ?

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


Some call it Nibiru

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Aka Planet X or Planet 9

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Quick glance reminds me of Cheron, the ferryman

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Also associated with Libra, scales of justice, Ma’at. And with Jupiter, and the autumn equinox. Some believe it is en route for an apocalytic collision with earth. Hmmmmm….the planet that lived, died, and now lives again, threatening all humanity…reminiscent of another timely tail I recall.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Tale. I’m no longer allowed to edit my posts.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


CHAI-RHOn => the ferryman of death at the river Styx. Just as the CHAI-RHO features the X of Osiris/U-SAR-US which is now located in CAIRO…

We are told, but do we listen?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

What did Sitchen have wrong about Nibiru?

You said he was only 20% accurate or 20% wrong I don’t remember which @444gem

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Sitchen did more harm than good in a lot of ways, though it is clear he was sincere. I have a lot of respect for his Sumerian translations, and his autodidactic methods. However he lacked a lot of broader,
Multidisciplinary knowledge and that caused him to misinterpret timeframes and events.

1) his timing is Waaaay too recent. The tales that he is basing his work on from Sumeria, are very, very old. Far older than Sumeria.

2) His space port interpretation and locations are not correct.

3) His cycles of the planet “niburu” are not properly timed. And his purposes are incorrect

4) He fails to understand a lot of aspects of deeper scientific meanings within ancient texts. They weren’t using humans as miners. Why would a highly branded space faring civilization need pix axe miners?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Using broad strokes Niburu is an orbital planet like object that creates havoc every time it shows up in history. Some say it is a space ship. What do you say it is @444gem?

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Some also associate with Annunaki, as I assume you know, @thekwon, as you mention the mining. Recall when Gem said before that Anunaki came to help mankind, then left, saying they’d be back, but they didn’t return?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Reading this now

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Yes precisely. I can’t get a firm read on the Annunaki. Few have any thing good to say about them

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

The story goes the Annunaki enslaved early humanity through the (can’t remember the name of the sub race that was doing the dirty work enforcing the labor) Gem has mentioned them several times before. Then the Annunaki disappeared when one of the cataclysms happened and haven’t been heard from since. Many people associate the Annunaki with demonic type entities.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Another part of the story is the enslaved humans rebelled in a very bloody uprising killing many of the sub race controllers. That is when the Annunaki left in another version of the story.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I asked him if Elohim and Annunaki were the same entities and he said essentially. So I am definitely missing some key understanding somewhere.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I saw a documentary saying they were just regular humans who lived with advanced tech. Some in Japan etc. Still haven’t decided what I think on that matter though

11 months ago
Reply to  marie

I have seen them described as you said all the way to being the Nephilim themselves – the giant sons of god that took human wives that led to the flood.

It is a mystery at this point My gut says they are good – but they have gotten a lot of bad press

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Also seen them described as the tall grey aliens, the real smart ones – just to muddy the water some more

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

tall greys can be characterized as brilliant intellectually and technologically (live extremely long lives with advanced tech) but sadistic in spirit and hostile toward humans.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Definitely confusing.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

This was in a movie. A door to a chamber of secrets. There is now a full size replica in San Francisco. Supposedly it doesn’t open….sure thing.

harry potter door.jpg
11 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup


The chamber of secrets…. Fitting from Hare Potter (Hail Khnum!!)

Notice that it is seven serpent heads (as always) surrounding the symbol of Infiniti. 7 days of creation, the 8th is the loop…

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I really zoomed in and the elongated divots in the compass combine with the two part pyramid in the center remind me of a panda face, except the eyes appear both blinded. @444gem @thekwon

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


The original unified Truth and practice are carried forth by the Aryeh Yehudah. These are the teachings of the scriptures, the teachings of Yeshua. The teachings of Eliah. Eliah led the group called the “Beni Hanavim” Meaning “The children of the Revealers.” (They used the title Nabi in Star Wars…) and is connecting with the “Book of the Seers” written “Hazun.” It is the Teachings of Moshe. The three which appeared with YHWH on the sermen mount. Anyone who denies this knows not the scriptures, but more than a baby knows how to speak.

Luciferianism does not create, it thieves and corrupts. It blasphemes Truth into a Lie… It is a corruption of all of The Truths into their own twisted, sickly versions, designed to manipulate, control, and fragment people.

The writings of Saul of Tarshish, while not scriptures, are indeed heavily expository on these subjects, albeit in a somewhat introductory manner. As a Fire-I-See murderer, Saul of Tarshish, Solar Seeker of the Six, was keenly aware of the luciferian practices, in such a way that reading his writings, albeit with caution, can be useful in understanding what Yeshua was denouncing, within a fairly proximate time and place (only a generation or two between.)

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem By reading the books written by Paul with the KJV translation – would I be able to decipher what you’re saying here?

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


At least use the newer translations.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I have a feeling they’ve done this every cataclysm using it to their advantage. The music art tech was all premade and repackaged, they were not geniuses but playing parts given to them

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

They do, remember pulling the rabbit out of the hat. The start of the trick and when the masses have been fooled. Messaging, they have their own language, but we can see through these deceivers now.

11 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

I’m not sure which comment you’re responding to, @buddhaboy19

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Sorry, about the ‘celebs’ using coded messaging.

11 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19


Exactly. Celeberties are used to keep the sleeping masses sleeping, to direct their energy and harvest their Ki towards the various prunings of the branching of space and time that they desire to make unfold. Keep that rabbit in the hat, and the masses will applaud the MAGI who makes a fool of them and takes their Meni.

Equally they are used as conduits of communication among their vast, highly disjointed network. The Luciferians understand very well that monolithic organizations are very easy to corrupt and destroy, but that a disjointed world ruled by symbolism is far easier to manipulate: if you cut one head off the hydra, another will grow back.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

This reminds me of how much ‘chaos’ seems to be in the world but when you step back and look at the big picture, you realize it’s a form of controlled chaos.

11 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup


A while ago, I posted a video that discusses chaos control. This is how they control the weather, or any other dynamic system. By making small corrections they are capable of reigning in chaos and directing the system to provide much greater statistical likelihood of the desired outcome.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hi @444gem, could you please have a look at the “Barbie Real Map of the World” This movie is insanely creepy and full with symbolism.
How do you interpret this map? Florida, California, Europe are under water!

11 months ago
Reply to  Ninalove

@444gem, Here is another picture i took from a streaming site.

11 months ago
Reply to  Ninalove


I have decidedly not given this awful film much thought. I did see plenty of the “put yourself in a box and be made of plastic marketing,” a typical cognitive dissonance reinforcement where they get people to subconsciously display how they truly act, which completely conflicts with their espoused values. Or a feminist, who pumps their body full of silicone and plastic, and loves Barbie… It’s about reinforcing childhood codings and turning them on their head. This makes people weak and ineffectual, as well as easy to manipulate.

A similar tactic to how the Vat I Kain gets people to publicly espouse love of GZues, and the values Yeshua taught, such as non-judgmental mindsets, and forgiveness, and then gets them to publicly execute “heretics,” while they commit incestual rape at home… this combination of publicly professed values, completely conflicting with actions, then publicly displaying the true actions values in subversive but periodically radical ways ( such as a public execution, or getting into a plastic box) is one of the fundamental strategies for creating kult chihuahas that bark on command.

Otberwise I haven’t been want to give any attention to this piece of mind kontrol. I’ll take a look at the map, but it seems fairly low level at first glance.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, i totally agree with you, it’s a horrible movie, but it’s a huge success among targeted audience: kids, and people are lining up for it, i’m now struggling with my daughter not to go watch it! i tried watching it but i couldn’t, it’s full with contrasting colors, and all sorts of mind control animation, a satanic masterpiece!
Barbie is a programming movie that will impact future generations, just like Scarface did in the 80ies with that suicidal ruthless personality named Tony Montana.
Why i ask about that map, because this is the map they are preparing upcoming generations for. The movie focused on the map for more than 1 minutes and that’s a lot of focus time in a movie. They want it noticed!
Vietnam banned Barbie because of that map.
Maybe other friends can also contribute, @lgageharleya ?

11 months ago
Reply to  Ninalove


I don’t have any idea about your relationship with your daughter, her personality, age etc. so take this only as a generality, that may or may not be right:

Telling Children the immense scope of the problem facing the world, and showing them the evidence while connecting it with the scriptures, is one of the most valuable things you can do to help them understand. Children can and do understand, usually better than adults.

Yeshua said:

“You must come to me as children.”

It is important to use a lot of specificity and details regarding the state of mind kontrol in the mass media. And the attempts of the Luciferians to control society so as to harvest their Ki.

If we try to halfway or protect children, the cause is lost….

As per the Map, it is a depiction of Earth after a major cataclysmic event, with sea levels about 500-1000 meters higher, with a strange caveat that the Isthmus of Panama is actually widened…

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Keep in mind even the name “Barbie” is related to Barbar or barbarian, meaning “foreigner,” and Ba-Ra-Abban.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, i already showed my daughter Vigilantcitizen. the problem is that in her circle of friends everybody got that brainwashing session, social pressure is high and she has already hard time socializing, i’m also teaching her to never tell people what we discuss because it can bring us problems.
The police of thinking is now everywhere.
About the map, it catches my attention because there is a website : that exposes a theory that POLE SHIFT will be soon happening, and the map they posted matches that of Barbie! especially in North America, that’s why i’m asking if you have an idea about POLE SHIFTING event. Do we have something about it in the scriptures?

11 months ago
Reply to  Ninalove

These arrows we see in the Barbie Map are in fact tectonic movements, everything in the Barbie map has a purpose, it’s a realistic predictive map for pole shift. This is the predictive map from zeta and they both match

11 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

Oh! Yes, entirely agree. Sorry, this site does tend to muck up threads quite a bit.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

False gods. Utter hokum.

11 months ago

I want to pose a question to anyone who thinks kundalini might be good: Is it worth risking your soul for? It’s not a Christian doctrine. It’s associated with one of the oldest pagan religions documented on earth, the worship of Shiva and Kali. It’s also associated with tantra, an ancient form of witchcraft, that desecrates blood, body parts, bones and corpses to gain magical powers. Anyone who tries to say it’s referenced in the Bible is flat wrong. It’s pretty much everything the Bible preaches against. I am always astonished by the vehemence with which people on this website, a basically Christian website, defend it when I criticize it. I am not trying to take a special spiritual treat away from anybody, I am trying to steer you all away from an awful, idolatrous spiritual trap. It cost me a lot of time and effort to learn what I know, and I come here and give it away for free, because I care what happens to you. Look at the celebrities making this X sign, in the spiritual company of the likes of Aleister Crowley. Do they look wholesome, gentle or good to you?

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I really don’t know what the truth of the matter is with kundalini. It seems clear raising kundalini has seriously injured many many people that is inarguable.
It has been pretty well demonstrated on here that the luciferians take everything good and Holy and twist it in an evil way then call it theirs. It becomes dangerous and converts people into their camp with their deception and tricks. Kundalini is very likely another example of that, where the luciferians take something good and twist into bad.
Full human capabilities are unquestionably being suppressed by the tptb.
Doing energy work is not bad. Many people fear all energy work because kundalini is used completely improperly for nefarious reasons, the luciferian way which makes one a slave to the dark and particularly to a handler. I’ve been doing meditative energy work type meditation for years that has been entirely responsible for getting out of major levels of chronic pain. Healing is one of many uses for meditative energy work used properly.
My cousin is a pastor – he is convinced meditation is really dangerous and the work of the devil. I learned apparently many churches teach that meditation is the devil’s work because it opens up space in one’s mind for the devil to take up residence. This is patently wrong and frankly dangerous for him that he actually believes such rubbish. So just because some christians think it’s dangerous doesn’t make it so. He really has a beautiful intent and soul but is being completely duped in some ways and remains asleep to the bigger controlling issues.
Seems to me there is the right way and a wrong way to work with the energy of the spine and 3rd eye. I wouldn’t take the luciferian’s advice on how to work with these energies that is for sure.
The key in doing energy work is that our awareness runs through our Father. As long as it is He that opens our blocked energy, and frees it the way it was intended, even Kundalini energy, then we are restored into our more natural state that is being suppressed. 

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

There are a multitude of bible verses regarding meditation, even in the KJV. It simply means to think deeply and carefully on a matter.

Some attribute a mystique when there is none. It is the other side of the dual face of magickal thinking. They believe in the magick, so reject what we are in fact instructed to do out of fear.

Psalms 1:2 – But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

Psalms 19:14 – Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Psalms 119:15 – I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.

Psalms 104:34 – My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.

Philippians 4:8 – Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Psalms 119:97 – MEM. O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.

Psalms 49:3 – My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.

Isaiah 26:3 – Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Psalms 63:6 – When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

There is a form of meditation I am deeply wary of, transcendental meditation. The angels, including the fallen ones, are described as “intelligences.” I think they either are, or use, the archetypal pathways of the unconscious mind which that kind of deep meditation tap into. I think that’s partly how MK Ultra works, opening up a subject to that level, and I think it’s a lot how art works, too. Which is why artists seem so susceptible to spiritual corruption. Carl Jung worked with archetypes, and he is listed as an admired person by the Church of Satan.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

It’s like as with anything else, I think, who/what are you meditating on? What do you seek and what do you intend to do with it, serve self/ego/Lucifer or the Creator and fellow men?
Are you approaching it ritualistically (like a mystery school – submitted under men) or are you seeking Father in spirit and in truth?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I have read several accounts from bloodline members who never submitted to their system despite all the abuses and attempts towards mind control. They, inevitably, have all cited their faith in our Savior and Father as reasons they were able to come out from it sane, not possessed and not sacrificed as “the disobedient”.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Are you an artist?

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

You’re conflating. Of course these celebs signaling is vile. And we are all giving what we have learned away for free here. None of us can possibly know it all, but it is certainly worth our while to speak to our Creator on matters so we gain discernment and understanding. Not to reject out of hand from fear. Yeshua walked and sat amongst the vile in society, why? Because he was not afraid of them or of their beliefs and he wanted to clarify and show them the Way.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Have a look on Youtube, search for: “Pfizer Commercial 2023 Martha Stewart Unwelcome Guest Ad Review”.
It’s all about cutting antennas.
@fleurdamour here an example of what evil is, i hope you can see the hidden messages.

11 months ago
Reply to  Origami

Exactly you see what i mean

11 months ago
Reply to  Origami

@Origami, well, we know who the “unwelcome guests” are to the cabal. I see dual intention without need for thinking – they want to physically cull, but they also want the ones who remain to have a deficit in their prefrontal cortex which makes it impossible to hear from the Creator. It is very akin to the pharoah snake headgear which shows the snake emerging through the “third eye”. You call it antennas, if I understand correctly, and that is a good description. Stephen King called it invisible cords or threads emerging from the heads of human beings, which he could only see once he had Insomnia – was unable to sleep anymore.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

“Antenna” replies receiving only, though, and that is not a whole description, imo. @thekwon, what do you see in this video?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Same thing you did basically. The chopping off of the pineapple head with such vehemence is clear suggestion they can’t wait to cut people off from psychic connection with Creator every chance they get. And probably in giant bulks of people with what they have planned coming up. Diverting all human brain activity (to those unfortunate enough to be so controlled) into the AI grid development.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Kwon, I think yes metaphorically speaking but the intent for actual killing is there as well.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Implies, sorry, was multitasking.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

1 in 36 children are now considered to have some form of autism. These people will grow into compliant, non-questioning adults that can perform menial tasks, eat the food they are given, not complain, and do what they are told. They will be able to breed and not complain if/when their children are taken from them to be raised by the state. This has been happening for a long, long time, they are just not even bothering to try and hide it anymore.

11 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup

Yes, it’s always a long game. The prefrontal cortex is where we make decisions, it’s where the will is able to override emotions and logic, coming from the left and right sides of the brain. The will is part of the spirit of man, which communicates with the Creator if a person decides to ask, seek and knock. People are already marked within their forheads and right hand, which signifies by whose authority a person acts (so-and-so’s “right hand man). So, many methods to reach their goals, to include damaging that area and yes, they have been forcing it more lately as well as letting it be obvious.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I will give you a personal example, very recently, of something I have experienced with this.
A very dear friend of mine passed away three weeks ago. Her husband, although not diagnosed formally (57 yr old) is almost certainly autistic. Her daughter (29) is also non-diagnosed autistic.
When she died, neither of them had much of a response. It was bizarre. He merely texted me to say “I am sorry to say she passed away last night at such and such a time”. That was it. They held no service, no memorial, I don’t even know what they did with her body. The night before she died she was struggling to breathe apparently and yet he sat by and did nothing. She was 64. I don’t think he was or is capable of making any kind of choices. She always ran the show, paid the bills, made sure things were taken care of. He held a janitorial job for about 15 years and then he had back problems and just gave up and went on disability.
This is what they want. We will all be living in some Logan’s Run/Soylent Green/Brave New World nightmare where people are just things to be recycled while we indulge in nothing more than physical pleasure. No mourning. No happiness. Nothing. Just breathing in and out, putting fuel in, crapping waste out. Rut, give birth to another meat sack. Sad? Take a pill. Lonely? Take another pill or go into some virtual reality. Go trudge to your menial job, eat your grilled bug burger, trudge home.

11 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup

I’m very sorry to hear about your friend and even moreso how her family related with her. I can easily imagine it, though.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you. They acted with no evil intent in my opinion. There was just….nothing. I had literally just visited with her three days prior and while her health was bad she wasn’t on death’s door. The whole thing was bizarre.

11 months ago
Reply to  Origami

The pineapple is a symbol of the pineal gland, which when activated is the third eye.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Which begs the question, why would they wish to sever it if it’s inherently evil? Wouldn’t they love us to all be tied up by Lucifer? @fleurdamour

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I agree with you on this. Look at who tried to pull this into modern times and make it palatable to modern masses:
The Beatles
These are obviously used and disturbed individuals

11 months ago

WOW – never paid attention to that one and I’ve been woke since 1994.

hollow logs
hollow logs
11 months ago

dæ posing as human.
it’s embarrassing to know any of these fools’ names or faces.

11 months ago

Don’t feed twitter with traffic. Musk has shown his true colors.