
Celebrity barber "Richie the Barber" talks about Russel Brand and Katy Perry inviting him to a demonic elitist party years ago

Celebrity barber “Richie the Barber” talks about Russel Brand and Katy Perry inviting him to a demonic elitist party years ago

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11 months ago

Richie seems like a Kanye West or Marilyn Manson figure…mimicking redepemption but secretly blurring/confusing/mocking Christianity in his conflicting presentation?

Russel Brand is a dubious soul. Pumped up to 6 million subs on youtube with a 33 tattood on his arm, again you just cant make this stuff up.

11 months ago
Reply to  simon

This guy is a literal clown with a collar on that is clear indication he is being controlled. He seems highly untrustworthy and most likely being used as a grunt releasing information they want put out there and blurring lines and mocking Christians like you said.

It is hard to get over Russel Brand being married to Katy Perry I get it. He played the game no question and got pretty high up in hellyweird. But if you have ever listened to his podcast he talks about real issues that are relevant and exposes the global plan on a regular basis. He is pumping out a lot of content and reaching a lot of people.

It’s hard to believe he could come back from where he was but I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. The info I’ve heard from his podcast is legit.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Agree! I feel like he violently backtracked and is doing amazing and ethical work now.

11 months ago
Reply to  Tyriantiger

Has Russell ever spoken about his hellish escapades?

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Possibly true on Brand, I do like his content but am amazed he is allowed to channel it to such success on You Tube. I remain very much on the fence with him but suspect a Freemasonic connection in all honesty.

11 months ago
Reply to  simon

Yes his YT Channel not podcast. It seems there are a handful of subjects that will be given strikes if addressed on YT. I think Russell just avoids these subjects that’s my impression why he isn’t booted off. But I also watch him closely wondering if he’s fronting but so far I don’t see it. I don’t watch that much of his stuff but now and then I will watch a whole video – he puts out good material and it’s been around 10 years too. Been a good stretch of time with a consistently strong message.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Just his political talk and interviews I’m referring to not his ‘spiritual’ videos from years ago. He is new age as far as I remember. But moving in the right direction from what I’m sure Katy was into. People can change I think we can agree on that.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Oh and his mates George Monbiot and Yuval Harari. I’ll judge him on the company he keeps.

11 months ago
Reply to  simon

Yes this was a red flag for me. He was allowed to grow 6M followers through COVID. Please.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

A quick investigation into Russel brand, and there is no doubt he’s part of the satan club. Once you sell your soul, the deal is done.—The-Hidden-Hand-Freemasonry.-33-Is-the-Public-Brainwash.-360-is-the-Top:8

11 months ago
Reply to  quietrebel

I was not aware of the children’s books he wrote and the talk show interview with him and the 2 children – this was very cringeworthy. He was in deep I will not argue that. Can someone come out from that deep? Yes, I believe it happens with frequency. Is he one of those people? – undecided. Thanks for the post it was a good watch.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

After thinking about it a bit longer the talk show interview he does with the 2 children is absolutely heartbreaking really. Those children look very traumatized and they do not like him one bit. There is no doubt in my mind he abused those poor children. It makes me want to hate him. But if he has truly repented and is in the process of atonement – we are commanded to forgive him. It’s a tall order.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I gave him the benefit of the doubt until I realised he was just pedalling the fear narratives. I also noticed for a Brit living in Britain he’s unusually US centric. I mean every single thing…

Best case he’s a shill worst case – he’s a demon …I don’t like new age idol worship of self – that is a clue right there to stay away from him. You can tell in his podcasts when “Russell’s using big words again” that it is his ego that is in control.

11 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

I will absolutely admit living in the same country as him gives you a fuller perspective of him for sure. My evaluation of him is the level of his current information and the changes I’ve seen him go through on video.
Plus if what Gem said is true, about him showing up pleading and sobbing for help and forgiveness that means something to me. I don’t know much about the company he keeps – but the fruits of his show are pretty good. I’m going to continue to watch I’m still undecided.

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Do you remember which post/comment it was that Gem told this story? I vaguely recall it but would like to read it again.

11 months ago
Reply to  stillrunning

That was quite a while I don’t know sorry

11 months ago
Reply to  stillrunning

I recall it, @stillrunning. It was very early on. I’ve gone back to some old posts and many comments have been deleted. But I recall @444gem stating what @thekwon has already said, and he said that he doesn’t really trust him, and that Russell was given sort of a simple, front-task to gauge him and give them all time to see how he would actually manifest. Russell is doing a sort of initial door-opening for those who feel something’s wrong, but are barely recognizing it yet. I don’t recall discussion beyond that. Tagged all to allow any additions or corrections.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Your recollection is accurate. This was the intel I was passed, not my personal experience. Kati Perri has the name which is the word for the “fruit” in Berashid מפרי “MiPERI,” which also means womb, a reference to the great mother’s womb and consuming the fruit after temptation by Lucifer. Apparently she’s highly involved in child blood rituals, and Brand lost his nerve when he was supposed to kill, eat and “mate” with a baby on a boat.

I nor any of the others, have any trust in him beyond telling him to prattle on in the media and do good. He constantly uses their symbols, although that can be as much him playing the part, as it is an actual sign. Either way, watch anything by him with discernment.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Oh wow. So Hava fell due to the lying influence to consume her own self and offspring. How could it take me this long to finally see that??

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya @444gem Did she literally eat of flesh that wasn’t “literal fruit”? As in, literal cannibalism? This is a question I ask with sincerity. I ask it because I realize how layered these messages can be- I am in particular wondering if she ate flesh (in the literal sense) so that I can better understand the world around me (make connections between other rituals of this nature). Thank you in advance.

11 months ago
Reply to  Channah


The hardcore industry slaves and Luciferian higher ups all consume human “biologics.” They usually stair step it: from urine, to blood/bile, to full on organ and body part eating. One of the first more serious rituals post 33 (the first actual initiation into true Luciferianism after the 32 Byers degrees) is drinking blood from a skull; I believe Altiyan Childs actually talked about this in his video.

This is why the Catulus church loves to play cannibal, insisting their cattle openly profess they are actually eating skin and bone. As the new age gurus encourage urine drinking…

10 months ago
Reply to  Channah

@channah @lgageharleya maybe the placenta?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

What is preventing one of his former ‘bosses’ from whacking him for changing sides @444gem?

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


I don’t think that they think he’s changed sides. My viewpoint is that likely he is just self-interested and self-loyal; which they use to great effect to manipulate people.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


For clarity: it has long appeared that he was tabbed to play the role of a false leader; the wolf who plays shepherd and leads then to sheep into their den.

That he showed up with the story he did, when he did and how he did, doesn’t mean he has changed sides; it just as likely could be a ploy, or that he was truly scared and then went back.

This is why he is sent packing and told to do sincerely what he was likely already supposed to be doing with insincere motives. I have no confidence in him nor trust his motives.

11 months ago
Reply to  simon

If you listen closely to his interview, he says “I am saved from Jesus“. That is not the claim of a Christian. A Christian would say “I am saved BY Jesus“. Also, if you look at his shirt, it’s a very mocking, effeminate image of Jesus. Hard to believe that anyone who has had a true, sincere, conversion to walking with Jesus Christ would want to continue to have an image that glorifies such ugliness and darkness.

“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;” Ephesians 4:22

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

I don’t buy he’s a Christian just because he says so. I can claim to be a college graduate, but I don’t have a diploma! Incidentally, if you ever want to really know if someone’s truly a Christian, just simply ask them to share their testimony when they accepted Jesus as their personal savior. If they can’t tell you about their experience, they never had one.

11 months ago
Reply to  LostCoin

Totally agree on this, thanks for the additional insight.

11 months ago
Reply to  LostCoin

He isn’t a Christian – he believes in the oneness rubbish and has false idols in tattoo form all over him.

11 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

He isn’t a Christian – he believes in the oneness rubbish and has false idols in tattoo form all over him.

He did a video where he explained his “religion” and it is pick your own, internet constructed, “my” religion.

He is NOT a Christian. In saying he picks and mixes – he tells you this.

11 months ago
Reply to  simon

Yeah Russell’s humiliation rite will be interesting. Must be due soon.

11 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

He had it a while back him and a z list celebrity called Jonathan Ross thought it would be funny to ring up an old man Andrew Sachs and tell him what they would like to do to his grand daughter. Think Brand had a thing with her or wanted to. He is a grade A creep

11 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Rumble played his podcast after the video i was watching and he had a denim shirt with a bunch of symbols and a pink 33 on his breast. I feel that he is part of that whole karma thing those societies believe in, they have to tell us exactly whats going on so that the plan can move ahead unhitched

11 months ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

Russel brand i mean

11 months ago

i totally believe it, i don’t think he’s a Christian tho smth’s off

p well
p well
11 months ago

when you want to believe Russ is on side – revisit
his Saville interview.

11 months ago

They go to these parties for the RITUALS. That’s how they still relevant in the media.

11 months ago

You’re gonna take a clown’s word for truth? The guy mocks Christ. He exemplifies self destruction. Satanists love to mock openly especially by pretending to love when in reality its hate. Veiled mock is what it is.

What is interesting here is that Russell Brand has been outed as being an agent of the elite.

11 months ago

Interesting that people like this will discuss these parties. However there is never mention of the obvious Elite child sex trafficking that occurs at these parties. Isn’t it convenient that they leave that part out?

10 months ago
Reply to  Sarah

For the record, i have heard richie say there were young people, when asked how young, he repeated with widened eyes “YOUNG”
And to be honest after living in california for a bit, i see that he is just another californian that is trying to maneuver being a christian in a mostly atheistic society. I think the “from jesus” speak is just because a whole lot of people speak imperfect english out there. All i know is he looks ridiculous and its easy to roll your eyes, but not once does he glorify himself, he always gives it back to God, and to be honest its inspired me to be less lukewarm and afraid of offending people. Plus we all forget that the apostles all came from different backgrounds, from doctors to fishermen. You wanna tell me fishermen spoke perfectly and didnt tell crude jokes sometimes? Only God can judge the heart, our job is to see the humanity of people, understa d that we are all a skip, hop, and a jump from seeing ourselves in similar positions, and pray from redemption for our enemies and all. We wouldnt like to be condemned to hell by others as a lost cause, but most importantly, we wouldnt want our loved ones to be condemned. Richie has inspired me to be more vocal and loving as a christian. Be what it may, we are all Gods intruments. God bless and love you all