
BEYONCÉ: Is Sasha Fierce a Demon?

BEYONCÉ: Is Sasha Fierce a Demon?

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1 year ago

Orixás (Or-e-sha) are from Candomble and actually possess the practicers during rituals. It is by some claimed to be a folk Catholicism but is essentially Voodoo/Santeria.

1 year ago

I don’t like this guy. Can’t tell you why.

But yes she probably is.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

He’s a good guy as far as I know. I started following him earlier this year. He’s a Minister.

1 year ago

Been reading a lot about channeling lately and many psychologists claim this phenomena is merely a result of one who is getting in touch with their higher faculties. Yet they can’t explain why many channels have been provided information from spirits who have recently died who the channel had never met before in other parts of the world. Some have been military personnel who described downed aircraft they were in. These details would be often verified by the military branch in which they served. Do I believe a spirit of a deceased person can speak to us beyond the grave? Absolutely not. This is demonic activity and there are only two destinations of the soul after death. Neither of which has it floating around confused and trying to come to terms with its death. As for Beyoncé, there are many in the entertainment industry who have claimed to do what she is doing. Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman, and Nicki Minaj as her Roman persona. But never forget: Channeling can be taught. It does at times come upon an individual spontaneously in some cases. Especially those who are dabbling heavily in occult practices.