
Why Led Zeppelin was accused of Satanism for ‘Stairway to Heaven’ (

Why Led Zeppelin was accused of Satanism for ‘Stairway to Heaven’

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1 year ago

I don’t know about the backmasking, but I do know the lyrics to that song are deeply Satanic. They are about the “great goddess” that is the female aspect of Lucifer, who “shines white light,” and the coming of the Antichrist age, the “Golden Dawn.” Such poetic lyrics with such a terrible meaning.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold…

The Queen of Heaven shines brightly and glitters everything in gold.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The symbol of page as “Zoso”

Zayin ז = the number 7
Samek = ס = the number 6

The “o” shape in English is Samek and the S mark in the middle is the Greek ξ making 666 the mark of the beast.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Where is the 7 fitting in here? 766 s/6 6

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’ve never heard of this queen of heaven and her relationship with gold..

Suddenly I thought of Sonne by Rammstein

1 year ago


The Queen of Heaven, The Great Mother, is the transgender form of Lucifer, and has been worshipped by Luciferian priests for 10,000+ years under various names through the ages:

Innana: Sumeria
Ishtar: Babylon
Isis: Egypt
Pavarti: India
Venus: Rome
Cybele: Anatolia and later Rome as the Magna Mater
Athena: Athena
Hestia: Greece and Levant (the name for Phillistines in the biblical scriptures is “Fili Hestia,” the children of the east)

It is the female representation of the beast out of the sea: Solar worship, the illuminator; and particularly the morning star that harkens the sun rise. It continues in an innumerable thinly veiled forms today: from the order of the Eastern Star of Masonry (Easter-Ishtar), and as Mar-Yam in Catulisism (Mar = Sea and Yam is also the Ugarit deity of the sea), etc.

Her priests are always involved in preaching sexual purity to the masses while practicing tremendous deviance in secret, and are always in search of feeding the great mothers need for blood sacrifice, her blood lust is is quenchable.

The trans movement of today is heavily infused with Kult of Ishtar symbolism.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Well said. I’d say its most thinly veiled modern form is the Starbucks mermaid, aka Typhon, Tiamat, and Melusine (the latter of which supposedly granted worldly powers to the Plantagenet kings). In its male form the same entity is the Quinotaur that supposedly granted powers to the Merovingian royal bloodline. That thing is like a coin with two heads, one male, one female, the Scarlet Woman and the Beast, and thus duality is part of its cult.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

PS – I have said this here before but will repeat it for the benefit of SphereofSerenity and anyone else interested. One lineage of that entity can be traced from Greece back through Anatolia to India to one of its most primal manifestations. It was the serpent spirit behind the Sybil oracles at Delphi, a temple dedicated to the sun god Apollo (Apollyon from the Book of Revelation) and his darker shadow twin Dionysos. The original Sybil prophetess at Delphi was supposedly born of sea serpents. The name Sybil was imported into Greece via Anatolia, where the Great Goddess was named Cybele and worshipped as a stone. Cybele shares some iconography with the male Dionysos, and both are on a sliding scale regarding gender. (The pagan gods are often described as pairs of male or female, or a combination of both like Hermaphroditus. In reality they are this two sided entity.) Cybele was imported into Phrygia at some point in antiquity by conquerors from India, where her name was originally Seebali or Sri Bali, who is a form of Kali, worshipped as a black stone. Kali is the heart of the matter, the ancient deity who is the twin and wife of Shiva. Kali is the red goddess, associated with blood, women’s fertility, lunar cycles, time and death. She is the personified kundalini, the fire snake that is said in the East to be the primordial life force, but which I have experienced is Satan, the serpent in Eden. God warned us in the Bible against worshipping the sun and moon, and kundalini has two streams, red solar and white lunar, the symbolic expression of the dualistic male and female energies of this creature. The kundalini is the secret of secret societies and mystery religions, tantra, and alchemy: the energies of Kali and Shiva.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


Thank you for writing this. Most have a very difficult time connecting the cargo kultery of Astro theological worship with the aspect of ILL lumination and sexual rites for opening the third eye. It is the first of the secret societies “secrets,” but only the first.

The connection to the South Asian subcontinent runs very very deep, which can be well understood by deciphering the Indus Valley Script… the extent of this is so far widespread it boggles most people’s comprehension of scale and scope.

Most Christians unfortunately have fallen to the AntiXristos, and bow at her feet.

Most of Islam does not understand that Quran means “The Shining,” and equally “Horns.” And subject themselves to bowing before Shiva/Saturns black kube five times a day (the ancient 5-7 = 12 combination of the planets) Shiva means 7, Saturn the 7th body, the number of turns around the Ka-Ba of Allah… spirit body of Baal.

Most Buddhists do not see how Ganesha, still called the Buddhi, meaning the ILL luminated, is Wodhi and Wodhen, born of a white elephant… nor that the Shakraments are again a reference to the planets, originally a reference to the laws of energy radiation in gravitational fields.

The great mother has been spread far and wide, from Pacha Mama (Solar Pashas, the ties that bind…) to Kiaing Mu, Queen Mother of the West, of China, to Hespaña, from Hesperus the dualist transgender identity of Venus as the evening star.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

It goes as far as the farthest reaches of the world, because the whole world is fallen. That’s why it’s so hard to see, the problem is so big. The biggest secret of all, truly hidden in plain sight. What a time I had when I finally looked into that funhouse mirror. I cannot even image the mental state of the people who know what that thing is like, and worship it anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Gem, if you know more secrets of these cults, are you willing to share them here? Knowledge of their iniquities might help someone get saved.

1 year ago

Jimmy Page has been open about being a Satanist. He tpurchased Aleister Crowleys home in Scotland. It has now been opened to the public.
Boleskine House, which is on the banks of the notorious Loch Ness, was bought by occultist Aleister Crowley in 1889. He used the manor for multiple rituals, including the infamously lengthy and intense Abramelin ritual. As legend has it, Crowley completed the early part of the ritual that involved summoning the 12 dukes and kings of Hell – but was then called to Paris before dispelling the demons, leaving the house haunted and invoking a number of unpleasant happenings.

It was then purchased by the Led Zeppelin guitarist in 1971, five years after a previous owner shot himself in what had been Crowley’s bedroom.

1 year ago
Reply to  fairy

“Notorious” Loch Ness? 😆😆😆

1 year ago
Reply to  fairy

it burned down, i thought. a massive fire

1 year ago
Reply to  fairy

They were also having sexual contact with children as young as 11 I believe, at least 13 for sure. As full grown adults. Most of that time were. What’s worse is to hear “normal” people dismiss it saying “it was different times back then”.

1 year ago

It’s so easy to play music backwards now unlike my time we had to do it mechanically. There is no denying that lots of music when played backwards do have satanic messages. But Christian music played backwards is still praising God and the Lord Jesus! This really convinced me that Godly music retains it’s message even played backwards

1 year ago
Reply to  John

Any notable examples of the Christian music? I’d be curious to compare some of your examples to, say, Bethel or Hillsong music.

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
1 year ago
Reply to  paul

The group Petra deliberately placed a backward message at the beginning of Judas Kiss. The message: “Why are you looking for the devil, when you should be looking for the Lord?”

1 year ago

Because Zozo. Jimmy page liked to play the ouija!

1 year ago

sounds like silly non-sense to me.

1 year ago
Reply to  PugMom

The Led Zep logo is Lucifer Falling. And they wrote Houses of the Holy, one of the most Satanic hard rock songs ever.