I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. Thank you for reading the series and for the kind words.
I’ve been working extremely hard over the past months in the field (traveling in less than “safe” countries) and in research on getting some final details of the ancient system of mathematical properties of the universe really worked out; the results are stunning.
I will release chapter Xi soon, with renewed motivation thanks to you.
I am new here and i have been recently following your posts: you are really a goldmine of information.
I would love to have your point of view about “Reincarnation” in general as a concept, and between Buddhist, and Hindu perspective, which one do you think is closer to the truth?
Looking forward to your answer.
Thank you
I also appreciate your work and was wondering when the next chapter of the monkeys series would come out. but I considered that you might be busy and I thought it best not to insist with questions about the series and wait
@444gem – I had asked you multiple questions about prayer walking, the process of asking, seeking, and knocking and how to perceive the voice of YHWH.
I asked during a time of near death illness, but I did not share this fact at that time, and have since steadily increased in health but more importantly have day by day found a gift of profound knowledge each day waiting for me, beyond mere eyes to see what was always there, actual provisional providence.
I now have questions, that I believe I am to ask you for answers, but they do not seem safe to ask here.
Hence my request that you email me. I apologize for not being more explanatory in my earlier post.
I am rejoicing with you, @Snazzy, that you’ve been finding some answers and are regaining your health and increasing understanding – it is such a relief to finally find truth and tangible results!
This troll is probably on holiday, taking a break from all the BS he is paid to promote to naive people like yourselves. You still havent made the link between this New Age BS and Satanism? (Study the life of Alice Bailey and HP Blavatsky) You guys are slow learner.
The New Age is some of the most nefarious soft Luciferianism out there. It is a veil for self destruction in the name of “self-care,” a doorstep into denying YHWH in order to falsely idolize oneself, and eventually, the great mother.
Equally Blavatsky was a terrible human, highly ILL-luminated, who used all the knowledge she gained in service of Lucifer.
Equally, nobody pays me for what I do. I offer the stuff freely for consideration and ask nothing in return.
Do you agree all your posts are filled with New Age deceptions? So it is luciferian in your own words. Once in a while throwing the name of the almighty to appear pseudo-Christian (Gnostics do the same).
Anyway it’s not my role to judge, God will judge you.
This verse apply to you and all those that preach false doctrines:
Luke 17:2
It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
Few are as arrogant and narrow-minded as committed Christians. They cannot be wrong, the Bible is the only source of wisdom in this world, far superior to other texts and has not been tampered with in any way. They have the right to chastise other people and judge their actions because the scriptures are on their side (even though the Bible makes clear that we should not judge others, that right belongs to YHWH alone). I should know, I used to be like this myself.
They do not grasp that there are many levels of deception in this world. The Bible is obviously a great source of truth but has also been used and abused by the powers that be – a sprinkling of lies among great truth. Equally there are elements of truth to the ‘new age’ despite its obvious problems.
Satan’s web of lies is designed to keep us in boxes and divide us accordingly. As we grow up and leave one box we step right into another. Christians make some of the best slaves to this system because they believe that all truth and spirituality begins and ends with the Bible, there is nothing more to learn. Because of this, they feel that they can lecture other people without consent, quoting scriptures they often don’t fully understand.
Entirely agree, @doug-17. This person says, “Anyway it’s not my role to judge, God will judge you.” then immediately proceeds to accuse him of teaching false doctrines and follows with a scriptural threat, presumably without irony. All for speaking truth and fleshing out understanding based on the original texts. Spirit of a Pharisee without even their foundational understanding, this is a rigidity set in pure ignorance and lack of any self-awareness.
Nothing of what I offer is new age; it is so far away from it; I talk about the scriptures as they were written; have you ever read them?
It is a typical reaction of those deceived by the wolves (the antiXristos of the cattle church and its offshoots) to falsely put words in the mouths of others (I never said I was a luciferian), in order to accuse them of heresy and condemn them to death.
Rather than making thinly veiled death threats from scripture you’ve ripped out of context, I want to invite you to show me where I have erred. Let’s search for Truth, as we are commanded by YHWH.
ahah your reply and the ones of your cheerleaders made me laugh.
I see you are quite unpopular on this site by the comments, you are even nicknamed 666gem which fit you very well (I will keep it).
You admited you push a luciferian message because all your posts are filled with New Age filths, its from your own admission.
(Btw you didn’t say satanic so you are aware of the difference btwn the 2)
‘making thinly veiled death threats‘ pff are you a child? death threats is a speciality of luciferians like yourselves, Christians will never do that, this refer to punishment you will receive after your death and Judgment Day. You should go back to read the Bible (Not the masonic Bible or the satanic Bible, the real one).
I started reading your first posts before you went full into the New Age madness, it was like a bait to attract readers. I am sorry I can go back into reading your dumb articles as my head will explode of so much written studipity. Time is precious and I am already wasting it talking to a paid shill with no morality.
Once again you falsely claim I have said something I have not, at all.
“Christians will never do that…”
I recall there was this thing called the inquisition, whereby anybody disagreeing with the “Christian,” Vatikain was sentenced to death before cheering crowds. Equally, let’s recall how many “Christians,” participated in the holocaust, and how the vatikain power structure and the pope himself supported and specifically even helped organise the Nasis.
Those Salem witch trials, where Protestant “burned” how many innocent women brandished witches? King James the “Christian hero” commissioned his Kult Bible and then personally oversaw the murder of 10,000+ innocent women while playing with dead bodies (necromancy) as well… Or maybe all those devout “Christians,” in the US south lynching their slaves were peaceful… The gentile “Christian,” faith is a continuous bloodbath of wanton genocide in the name of G-Zeus, based upon a total refusal of all Truth.
Nobody is forcing you to read anything, it’s offered for free consideration.
“Christianity,” was started by Vespasian, a Roman Emperor and his offspring (Flavius Titus, Vespasian, etc.) who patronised Isis (her temples across Rome are built and dedicated by Vespasian) and then installed pagan statues in the temple in Jerusalem aa a cassis belli so he could burn the city to the ground and massacr its people.
Pope Clement I, the real first pope of the cattle church, is a direct descendant of this family, only 20 years after the destruction of Jerusalem.
This same church was then made the official state “universalist,” (see: N3w 0rder), Re-Legion by another genocidal maniac Roman emperor, Constantine, who desired not only control of the people’s lands and property, but also their minds and souls.
All of the Luciferian Ba-RA-Legions, not just “Christianity,” are designed to indoctrinate and harvest the people; to allow the most wicked of serpents to claim “divine authority,” so they can massacre, rape and pillage, and have their legions of the sun carry out these atrocities for them.
Dear 666gem, you should make a difference between Catholicism, Anglicanism (offshoot of Catholics) and true Christianity.
Most of the atrocities you talked about previously were made by Catholics or Anglican which are a pagan b*****d version of Christianity.
They do idolatry by worshiping saints and virgin Mary, they teach false doctrines with infant baptism, the sacrements etc.. They even perform a symbolized bloodless sacrifice of Jesus every Sunday after which they eat his corpse (the wafer)… Those 2 have strayed away for the Bible teachings.
Catholics used the Knight Templars for the crusade, did the inquisition and use today the Jesuits (offspring of the KT) to do all their dirty deeds. The Vatican is indeed a mafia that use satanic cults to do the bad work. The Vatican was supporting Hitler who by the way was a New Ager like you : His beliefs were based on mythology, he often read HP Blavatsky and was member of the Thule society.
The inquisition and the Salem witch trials killed mostly true Christians and not witches, the heretics at the time were those that didn’t submit to the Vatican rules. (You should read Jack Chick publications on the subject)
I am amazed at how you can write so much BS on a subject you clearly don’t know.
By the way, at this point do you admit you are anti-Christian? In the luciferian/satanist sense: the philosophy that reject anything promoted by the Bible.
It is clear you have not read my other writings. We 100% agree about the Luciferian paganism infused the Catulus church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and many gentile Protestant denominations. The spit upon the second commandment, and just about every scriptural commands possible. The name Vatikain references the bovine great mother goddess of the underworld of the etruscans , the solar cow, Vatika, who was also the Egyptian Vat.
This is the AntiXristos, the false idols put in place of Yeshua. I rejoice that you see this very wicked organizations of the antiXristos for what it is.
Likewise I am very nuanced about the distinctions between the power structures and hierarchies which control the various factions of the antiXristos churches, Luciferian wolves dressed as sheep, and which deceive the people into committing grave Amartia.
See Matthew 12:31 in which Yeshua’s foretells that the Pharisees, the priests of abomination who became the priests of the Cattalus church and its offshoots, shall be judged at the end, while those they deceive into committing Amartia shall be forgiven. The word Amartia, now mistranslated as sin, means to commit an error by being deceived. Specifically it refers to the passage of the deception of Hava in Berashit.
The Hebrew word “Amar,” means a spoken command, or the word, while the term “Amaru,” like “Amorites,” and the name Amaru references to the serpent, the illuminator, and the leader of war, whose name was always some variant of MAR, being various Amaru, Marty, Martes Mars, and notably in central america, HAMARUCA, the plumed serpent of bloodlust.
The worshippers of the MAR (which means the sea in almost every Language from ancient Hebrew to modern Latin languages like Spanish), are always conjuring bloodlust to feed their great mother, the beast out of the sea, the harlotte of Babylon.
Since you have discussed Luke 17:2, let us also look at an extremely curious word used, terribly mistranslated as to “make little ones stumble.”
The word is σκάνδαλα “Skandala.”
This word is not found in a single Ancient Greek text, except in Greek scriptures. This is a very curious thing. Why would Aryeh Yehudah choose to use a word nobody knows?
Because the word is very, very ancient: it is a widely and very anciently attested epithet for Shiva, whose name means “Seven,” in Hebrew, and also references Saturn “the destroyer,” and the 7th planet. Shiva even appears as “Shiva Malika,” Queen Shiva in 1 Kings 10, who questions SOL-Amon, the sun king and his wisdom, his 666 talents of gold, the 666 solar eclipses per 325 year Saros eclipse cycle.
It is important to know that the name Skanda is attested in the Indus Valley from 3000 BCE, on seals which depict Skanda/Shiva appearing as Baphomet. It means “destroyer/attacker,” and “illuminator,” just as Shiva.
The ancient stories of Skanda’s creation say that the deity of fire Agni, dropped Shivas seed into the river (the waters), and then from these waters, was born Skanda, the destroyer. Skanda was frequently attested to be then be raised by the milk of the six stars of Ursa Minor, and depicted to have six heads, with six diadems. Does this sound familiar?
It is the number of the beast, 666, who comes out of the sea first and then onto the land! Yeshua was warning against the influx of RISHIs, fire sages, called Pharisees now, but which in Hebrew are called “PaRISHIm,” which are worshippers of the light, Luciferians, FERrus= Iron. The same root as PHARoah, and FUHR3r… the deceive the masses, even the elect, in their kults of Solar abomination, the antiXristos.
Likewise, A “Skanda,” was commonly known in the 1st century CE Anatolia as a metal cage of iron for housing a fire for fishing at night. This practice was called this in reference to the myths,l of Skanda being dropped by Agni of fire, into the water. The reference is to the symbolism of using Iron and Fire (the forge of the children of Kain) yo deceive fish in the darkness through false illumination, bright shiny objects. Those are your opulent churches, your shiny advertisements on television, the haughty words of those that list for power!
Equally, The millstone is always a reference to the procession of the equinoxes; 1 degree per 72 years, the turning of the Aeons in the ancient texts. The text actually uses the word μύλος ονικος “Mulos Onikos,” for this which means a tremendously large stone (to be turned by a donkey, SLOWLY, 1 degree every 72 years.) Surely you know that the ancients called the heavens the waters above “HaShamayim.” Surely you have heard the prophecy that the wheat will be separated from the chaff on the threshing room floor. Throughout the scriptures the souls of men are compared to barley/wheat, which is what is ground by a millstone.
The point here is that, those who deceive by false illumination will forever be stuck looping in time, passing the aeons into Infiniti as the equinoxes turn.
When I refer to “Christianity,” you must know this refers to the antiXristos, the destroyer of Skanda, and not the followers of Yeshua and YHWH. Blessed are those with a heart for Truth and who wish to know our father.
The original name of the followers of Yeshua is: The Way. There was no church, no hierarchy, no priests in costumes, or silly dogmas of pagan abomination, no tau crosses, the mark of the illiterate. This is why I repudiate this abomination, about which we clearly are in agreement.
Now, please stop calling me new age simply because you don’t fully grasp what I am telling you. I bend my knee and bow my head before Yeshua, king of kings, and YHWH, the ineffable creator.
I am glad to hear you’re healing. It is okay to be where you are my friend.
Keep speaking with YHWH; take the time in nature alone to work your body, and to be with the beauty of our father. The presence of good natured animals can help too.
One step after another, and though we all stumble, eventually you will find The Way. The journey is the destination.
Who in the world would downvote this…? Nevermind, we know. @arif, I am very glad to see you and to know you are better. Keep moving, my friend, it’s not easy but it’s very worthwhile. Much love and prayers for my brother.
Thank you for the kind words and encouragement @Igageharleya It means so much to me.
1 year ago
Maybe he’s back on his schizophrenia medication? The guy is delusional, clearly has a messiah complex and says so such much that is just flat out wrong.
Funny, I recall stories of another guy, well ahead of his time, people used to say that same thing about, with much the same venom…
If you actually listen to hear, then pray for understanding and confirmation of truth, you might begin to see things he says a bit differently. It is extremely hard initially, I struggled emotionally at first and still do about some things, but everything he says is measurable and provable and it does eventually begin to fall into place.
I guess I did.
Let’s try this again, and not only from your playground.
What exactly do you want to know? And what might it mean to you?
What potentially offends you to the extent you have to challenge people over simple comments?
@444gem, to me, is a teacher, shepherd and mentor, nothing more, nothing less.
Yeshua showed up under similar circumstances, and while Gem himself states plainly he is NOT MESSIAH they speak same truth and meet same evil resistance. So, tell me, @chud, why do you insistently go against this man and what he speaks? What do you object to?
I stand corrected. Gem also has shown an essential care over me and my entire family’s wellbeing for months and months, he has engaged himself in asking and has actively prayed for us, as I have prayed for him. Sounds terribly salacious.
Not for personal reasons but for familial ones. Thankfully, we are grafted in.
>”@444gem, to me, is a teacher, shepherd and mentor, nothing more, nothing less.”
I understand.
>”Yeshua showed up under similar circumstances, and while Gem himself states plainly he is NOT MESSIAH they speak same truth and meet same evil resistance.”
This is an interesting comparison.
>”So, tell me, @chud, why do you insistently go against this man and what he speaks? What do you object to?”
I’m not sure what you mean. I actually just supported something he said in the comments of this very topic before asking you my question initially. I also told him I liked some of his articles in another discussion.
I am new here and i have been recently following your posts: you are really a goldmine of information.
I would love to have your point of view about “Reincarnation” in general as a concept, and between Buddhist, and Hindu perspective, which one do you think is closer to the truth?
Looking forward to your answer.
Thank you
Thank you for seeking The Truth; I’m glad to help however I can along your path.
If you are looking to gain better understanding from a perspective of South Asia, I would not recommend the Buddhist nor the Hindu perspective, which are highly pagan and Luciferian respectively, but rather the Sikhs; whom have maintained a lot of original Aryeh Yehudah concepts and terminology:
1) they venerate Wahe, literally Yod Hei Waw Hei.
2) another name they use for YHWH is Ekonkar, which comes from the word for Eka, meaning ONE.
3) They also refer to YHWH as Akal, meaning without time to them, but which is the word for “consume, or be nourished,” in Aryeh Yehudah.
Thank you for your answer.
I would like to know how do you define and understand the concept of “reincarnation”, and how it can be linked to the concept of Yeshua “resurrection?
Grossly simplified question, but in the Aryeh Yehudah language, where do the words come from? As in, can they trace their roots from somewhere in particular? Or at least, most roots from somewhere in particular? And how is the language preserved so well- is there any way to learn it by “natural means”? Or otherwise.
Thanks in advance- I’m glad to hear you’re well after your travels, and pray you may remain safe (although I suppose “safe” is relative and safety isn’t necessarily a goal… regardless I’m glad you’re alright)
Thank you many times over in advance and may YHWH bless you in all things.
There are a lot of ways to answer this question, but I will cut through the threads and give you the answer:
The universe is a gigantic vibrational pattern. I actually believe they have just recently finally publicly announced they discovered the universe’s low hum, what could be called the gravitational wave background. They will eventually attribute it to the big bang, but it is rather, the vibration of all of the mass in the universe, which creates low level waves in the waters above which stretch across space in time, as the movement of everything on earth creates waves in the oceans.
Now this may seem “off topic,” but it is not. Every sound has a vibrational pattern. The note/frequency may change depending on the speaker, but the harmonic oscillatory pattern is always nearly identical for each Phoneme. Aryeh Yehudah is a language which comes first through a form of highly advanced and elegant data compression of the vibrational patters of the universe. Think of it as this: by the laws of combinatorics, if you could place any mathematical value on a word (a discrete informational packet) from 1-1000, this would be written as 1000C(1*x) (x being the number of discrete words”. 1000 Choose X, being any value from 1-1000. However, somewhat paradoxically (different than expected). The amount of possible combinations becomes gigantic within a sentence. Somewhat paradoxiaclly, if you use letters to represent quantized informational packets of 22 values, as Aryeh Yehudah does, you can compress the data enormously, while keeping 99.9% fidelity.
If you look at Berashit 1:1 alone, the difference in combinations between 1000C7 Words and 22C28, the amount of data compresses 5188 times in just those 7 words. If you apply the same logic to the entirety of the Torah, the data compression is by a factor of something on the order of 10^32. Thats a Trillion, Trillion, Trillion Billions of data compression by using letters to form data strings, rather than words.
My purpose in telling you this, is that each sound and letter in Aryeh Yehudah is a discrete quantity of vibrational information, which encodes a specific harmonic patter that speaks TRUTH, and can be combined to store and encode enormous quantities of information in tiny packages. When it is written, the effect is even more pronounced, allowing the master of the language to encode tremendous quantities of information into very tiny sentences; not a letter is wasted. This is the scriptures; it is ultimately the code of the universe, the seed, the condensed genetic code, of THE UNIVERSE. The ALOHIM (the tree of space and time.)
This is why Psalms says:
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the Torah (the breathe) of YHWH and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.
A seed contains, in a very compact form, a tiny physical space, a huge quantity of information that is data compressed, which when watered in good soil with good light and air, grows into a tremendous tree given TIME. Such is the breathe of YHWH, such is the language of Aryeh Yehudah, which has birthed and instructed all languages spoken today by Eurasians.
To give an example “Haretz” which means Earth, or HOME, is spelled H-A-R-Ts. This is where your “heart” comes from… but I digress. The value of the letter packets, rather than the word packet, which compressed the data is 5-1-200-90. The sum is 296. The Earth’s buldge due to gravitational tidal forces and its spin is 1/296 from spherical.
The language of Aryeh Yehudah is the vibrational mathematics of Truth, put in a form that humanity may understand through their physical bodies and minds.
@444gem Thank you so much for such a elaborative response. In all honesty, what you just described is what I was clutching to for a possible answer… and coincidentally enough, the idea came to me (regarding the “origin” of the Aryeh Yehudah language) as I looked out at the surface waves of the Atlantic… but I couldn’t begin to put it into words. Not like this. I’m amazed to even conceive of its “surface,” metaphorically speaking. Thank you so much.
One more thing, regarding the measurement of such phenomena as wavelengths and wave speed (periods, I suppose): are modern measurements compatible with scripture? Especially regarding measurements of time. Are there any units I should watch out for, any not-so-obvious stumbling blocks to avoid?
As Yeshua has said: If you ask, seek, and knock to our father, The Truth is there for you. Hei is generous in his gifts to those who ask with Yeshua Kavvanah (Truth in the Heart.) I can provide you significant mathematical proofs from unfinished texts if you would like: leave an email.
Your questions about measurements are very smart, and the answer is simpler than you may expect. I will simply give you the answer, which took me some time (a long time ago) to come to why certain measurement systems were highly consistent between the ancients and today.
The formula for Ancient Meters, omitting 10^x scaling coefficients is:
1 Meter *12 Meters/ Second * 1 meter/C (seconds/ per Meter) = the Volumetric Circumference of Earth.
The formula, without units (for clarift) is quite literally 1*12/C = Circumference of Earth.
The Volumetric Radius of Earth is:
6371, then * 2 * Pi = 40030.1736 for the Volumetric circumference of the planet
The formula for ancient meters: 1*120,000/2.99792458 = 40027.6914238
The accuracy is 99.993799237%, so close that any calculations you are making, until you reach Quantum Physics level of precision, are completely impercetible.
Now you ask about Miles:
Miles are a poor man’s analagous, about 99% accuracy, for Natural Units (which are called Planck Units) now.
Distance to the sun at perihelion in Miles: 91.3 Distance to the sun at Perihelion in Planck Lengths: 9.1833192E+39
The multiplication is Miles *10.06 *10^37.
Unfortunately, when Miles were set, the English Masons had not maintained a perfectly accurate understanding of Planck Units which they had been taught thousands of years earlier, and had incorporated an aspect of space and time, without meaning to, called the Atomic Mass Defect, which averages out to about 1.007. Still pretty good though.
The Planck Units are completely universal to any living being that inhabits the planet. You need to convert everything into planck units if you are going to be doing high accuracy precision. However, you can do a very easy format: Take the length in meters and divide by PHI (1,618034.)
Equally, a cubit is 33 Planck Lengths within 99.99997%. Hence the 33 of masonry, the mastery of understanding of the forces of nature to reconcile the purpose of Cubits as scale factors from the smallest bits of the universe.
Some of the ancients over time favor the Ancient Meter, others favor the “megalithic Yard,” which just so happens to be 2.72 feet (this is Eulers number to 3 decimal places, 16*17, and the distance between the Pyramids of Giza to the Valley of Hinnom.)
Made it years ago as an alternative email. Was a kid in middle school who refused to learn what prime numbers were haha. Never would’ve thought I’d dive headlong into mathematics; I’m glad my heart isn’t so hardened as it was. I praise YHWH in this, truly. Foolish stubbornness has held me back long enough, when it comes to the pursuit of truth.
I will gladly read anything you send. Thank you once again.
Some Truth to the ignorance of scripture you speak:
In Exodus gemstones are embedded in the breastplate of the high priest of the Aryeh Yehudah and Isis Ra Eli’s, and In Revelations the city of YHWH is described as with its foundations as LAID WITH GEMSTONES.
Specifically In Revelations 21:18-20 it describes the walls of the city of YHWH as lined with jasper and the city’s foundations laid with twelve layers of each one kind of gemstone, from Saphire, to Emerald, to Ruby, to Onyx, to Topaz and so on. It’s it that you believe our father YHWH would build the foundations of his city on satanic objects?
My chosen name here refers to the twelve layers foundations of the city of YHWH, upon which upon we build ALL TRUTH!
444th word of the Greek scriptures is άνθρωπου as in “Son of MAN.” The Beni Adam. It is a reference to the Aryeh Yehudah, and Ezekiel, Daniel, Eliah and Yeshua!! The speakers of Truth, the gemstones upon which the kingdom of YHWH is built.
Malachi 4:4 the 4th word is Abdi, meaning “servant.”
💯 Totally agree @TruthHeals, he is just lecturing a mix of useless teaching of illuminati M. P. Hall, gematria, kabbalah and paganism.
His perception of history is worse than scientology: some people called dragons stole knowledge from Aryeh kiss my *, and because of that they now control the world…
You have not read/understood anything I’ve written, as I have no kind words for Kabbalah nor paganism. Let us venerate YHWH, the one and True ineffable creator, and let us rejoice in the gifts he has given to us.
Equally, Manley P Hall is not in my teachings.
Gematria, however is there, evidently. Do you write/read Hebrew, or Greek? If the Hebrew (and later Greek script) language is designed alphanumerically, should I throw it into the wind, and just forget it? If I find there 28 letters in Berashit 1:1, should I simply assume that was written Willy nilly with no numerical meaning by YHWH? Or should I forget any mathematical explanation involving the 153 fish in John 21:11, when 1.112 is plancks constant squared and 4/153 = φ^2?
Can you explain to me why we should assume our creator, who gave us numbers, is so careless in heis perfection?
Numerology is devoid of scientific basis, and it fares badly when examined under the light of reason. More important, because it is a form of divination, numerology conflicts with Bible teachings. In view of that, numerology is not a beneficial means of regulating your life or planning your future.Certain numbers used in the Bible have symbolic meanings, but only within the context of the Scriptures in which they are used. For example, the number four is used to denote allness or universalness. This idea is conveyed in such expressions as “four extremities of the earth” and “four winds of the heavens.” (Isaiah 11:12; Daniel 8:8) At times, the number six represents imperfection. Interestingly, the number given to Satan’s earthly political organization by the book of Revelation is “a man’s number”—666. (Revelation 13:18) Here six is raised to the third degree, underscoring the imperfection of that beastly organization. When the number seven is used in a symbolic way, it represents completeness. Although the Scriptures give a measure of importance to certain numbers, the Bible does not encourage us to link the letters of certain words with numbers to uncover mystical truths.
I don’t use numerology in any of my material. What gave you that idea?
Rather I use hard, rigorously developed mathematics; Since when was the quadratic residues of modulo 7 and integrals ranging from π to 2π, numerology? That’s maths and physics.
Ironically your claim that the number 4 “means allness,” and the number 6 “means completeness,” of such simplistic and mythological thinking is NUMEROLOGY! It never ceases to amaze me how you can admonish me for numerology, which I don’t use, and then you quote numerology as authoritative!! Open your eyes my friend, you’ve been tricked by fools and wolves.
In Apokalypsis (original title of Revelations) it states:
“Let the one with NOUN (understanding) CALCULATE the number of the beast.”
Your statement regarding this number (I assume quoted from some other gentile sourcing) is purely NUMEROLOGICAL, requires no calculations whatsoever, and is mathematically total bunk. It states 666 = “Six is raised to the third degree.” Who wrote this?! It is Six times three, or tripled!! 6 to the third degree is 6^3 which is 6*6*6. Not 666 whose third root is 8.7328917. Nor 6*6*6 which is 216…. He saw six three times and tried to use terminology which is completely inaccurate in some shallow NUMEROLOGICAL interpretation, with no recognition of Hebrew, Greek, mathematics, history, nor the scriptures themselves. Pure ignorance passed as wisdom…
Let’s actually calculate the number of the beast and find it directly quoted in scripture: 1 Kings 10! Where SOL-Amon (Sol literally means sun in primary sources going back 5,000 years plus) is stated to have 666 talents of gold. That entire passage is a matrix of numbers; is 14,000 chariots meaning “super duper number?” No sir, it’s celestial mechanics in a matrix form of scalars and vectors. I assure you matrices are valid mathematical tools used in everything from Quantum Mechanics Pauli Matrices (for calculating Fermion Spin Angular Momentum) to Ricci Tensors in General Relativity for space time geometric curvature.
The passage of revelations is written by the Aryeh Yehudah John of Patmos: the word “Beast,” in Hebrew is “Tsor,” said like dinoSAUR, or SAR, or uSARus (Osiris) and is also used to reference the luciferian pheonician city now called “Tyre,” in English, but always called “Sar,” in Hebrew.
This title references the dragon (same as Revelations 13 mentions) of the SARos cycle; the soli-lunar eclipse cycle, where the ancients always said the lunar DRACONITIC NODES where the moon crosses the plane of the ecliptic were the tail and head of the dragon. There are many tablets from Babylon, the library of Ashurbanipal which show they very precisely calculated the eclipse cycles using a SARos function, a sinusoidal function (which is wavy like a ripple in water or a serpent moving.)
There are exactly 666 Solar eclipses in a 325 year Sar!! The first beasts heads horns and diadems number 27; the sun spins around its axis every 27 days… the beast out of the sea, the SUN; and Solar worship.
That is your solar gold of SOL Amon my friend, the Solar worship that destroyed Israel… I’m giving you a numerology free understanding (unlike what you have quoted), and based on hard sciences of astronomy and celestial mechanics, backed by significant archeological, linguistic, and theological evidence. I could show you the full mathematical calculations of the Saros function if you would like.
>”More important, because it is a form of divination, numerology conflicts with Bible teachings.”
It can be be used as a form of divination, but isn’t necessarily. Tea leaves can also be used as a form of divination; do you reject tea leaves?
444Gem said: “If the Hebrew (and later Greek script) language is designed alphanumerically, should I throw it into the wind, and just forget it?”
And he is right. If he isn’t right, then we’re left rejecting the very language the Bible was written in.
>I don’t use numerology in any of my material. What gave you that idea?”
The word ‘numerology’ is often applied broadly to the study of the relationship between letters and numbers and the significance of that relationship. In this sense, you do use numerology.
Thank you for the nuanced response. The depth is is truly appreciated.
I understand this application of the world “numerology,” for a strictly semantic definition. The definition however, in English, is generally carrying of the connotation of performing mystical divination rites, and/or using tenuous psuedo-math to make broad statements such as “four is completeness.”
Since I use methodologies of textual analysis from a standpoint of highly rigorous mathematics (and physics), I would not class what I offer under numerology within the broader use of the word, as it is generally perceived within the corpus of Primary English speakers and as it seems this person is applying here. The distinction in method, purpose, and overall fidelity of information is significant regardless of the technicalities of semantics, which is why I made a point of being quite specific in the response.
I am from the lodge of critical thinking, you sponge brain.
Your 444guru didn’t answer my question:
“His perception of history is worse than Scientology: some people called dragons stole knowledge from Aryeh kiss my *, and because of that they now control the world…”
Do you also believe this Aryeh * story?
I am not insulting you nor your family, this is a reaction to some insane statements about Aryeh that are in fact an insulte human intelligence, just like the one that Tesla is an Aryeh inventor that got scammed by Morgan the dragon.
It would be good to give an honest presentation of who you actually are?
In fact the title of this page should be “who IS really 444Gem?”
Calling my family the “Aryeh Kiss my a$$” is an insult. The very words for my family are found in Berashid 49, at the blessing of Jacob to his sons. That text is thousands of years old, and yet you spit upon the scriptures, and insult us, while calling the very name of YHWH “satanic,” and the foundations of the city of YHWH “satanic.” Your ignorance is evident between your words of petulance and incessant vitriol.
I have told you who I really am; that you do not recognize someone being honest and decent with you, and instead berate them with insults, is your problem.
@444gem please don’t waste your energy with stupid trolls.
Above i asked you a question and i guess it was lost within comments. I am posting it again and i hope i get answers from you:
I would like to know how do you define and understand the concept of “reincarnation”, and how it can be linked to the concept of Yeshua “resurrection?
Typical hateful response, throwing insults you don’t even comprehend because of your “wise brotherhood”. I am the “sponge brain” but you fully demonstrate you cannot independently think.
Follow the full story, pray for understanding and truth, and you will see for yourself. Or, stay venomous.
I am not venomous, and “sponge brain” is not an insult, it’s a scientific description of the state of the baby’s brain in his first 2 years, this is the exact description of how you and many others consume 444 material!
I’m saying that because you and many others are so impressed you see 444 as the messiah!
444 is full of misleading and contradictions! just said he doesn’t believe in numerology, and yet his is using 444 “numerology” in his name!
Question: What story are you asking me to follow? Aryeh?
You really believe that 444 is mystical “numerology?” If you have ever done basic trigonometry, let alone worked with mapping dimensional spaces in physics, The sequence 4.44 is π√2.
That’s the length of a diagonal of a square with side 1 and the area of a unit circle with radius 1, then both multiplied. Basic mathematics is not “numerology,” which is nonsense; its this wonderful thing that makes the machine you are reading this on right now function.
This graph below shows this principle. It is fundamentally simple geometry taught to school children, which also is extraordinarily powerful as a tool for understanding the universe we live in when applied through basic geometric theorems.
You wouldn’t recognize Yeshua if he sat on your head, you are so scornful of any and everyone. You seem to think our Creator is kept in a tiny box and only interacts with us under circumstances you approve of. I know who Gem is and I don’t call him Messiah (although that is as much a title of office as is “Christ”) and he doesn’t, either. You are full of hate and venom, that is the bottom line here.
In fact it’s the other way around: Our creator is keeping us in a tiny box and we only interact with him under circumstances he approves of.
Below i exposed some gaslighting tactics of your 444Guru, please wake up, and get your mind free from that professional & extremely experienced manipulator!
I am from the lodge of critical thinking, you sponge brain.
Your 444guru didn’t answer my question:
“His perception of history is worse than Scientology: some people called dragons stole knowledge from Aryeh kiss my *, and because of that they now control the world…”
Do you also believe this Aryeh * story?
You are from the lodge of, “Let’s playact once more and give me my step-crumb, aren’t I wise?” Whenever will I get another shot at the next step-crumb up the ladder?”
Your choice, but I couldn’t stomach it, for many reasons.
The Bible itself is full of gematria. Consider the possibility that satan and those that follow him are abusing or inverting what is natural. Its what they do everywhere else. How exactly are gemstones satanic if they were created by god?
You are absolutely correct: being of no creativity, the children of Kain are incessant in their attempts to steal, corrupt, and invert all that is given by YHWH.
find a mirror & apply it accordingly.
glean what thy can. light is rare & fleeting in this 7th age of man. reset imminent.
1 year ago
Since this is a kind of off topic post I just want to thank the people here at vigilant links and vigilant citizen for exposing the stuff that goes on in the world and helping me get closer with God.
@ryan, How is this stuff helping you get closer with God?
let’s start from the word “YHWH”, a simple google search and you get YHWH satanic pentagrams, here is a screenshot:
@ryan, How is this stuff helping you get closer with God?
let’s start from the word “YHWH”, a simple google search and you get YHWH satanic pentagrams, here is a screenshot:
The Letters Yod Hei Vav Hei are used in the scriptures almost 7,000 times to refer to the ineffable creator. You really believe the name of our father in the scriptures is satanic?
As I have told many before: Just because they blaspheme the name of YHWH doesn’t make his name blasphemous. The children of Kain are incessant in corrupting and inverting every gift we are given by our father.
According to you so far:
1) Gemstones, which are the foundations of the city of the ineffable creator, are inherently satanic
2) The name YHWH, which is used in scriptures nearly 7,000 times is satanic and evil.
You seem to have no discernment between Satanic practices that desecrate the beautiful creation of YHWH, and the creation of YHWH… This is a tremendous mistake.
I’ve only just seen this reply and it will take a day or so before it’s approved. I wasn’t really raised religious and I’ve not been in a church before. I don’t know what the correct word for god is and if I should call Jesus Yeshua or Jesus. Also I don’t think religion should be complicated.
With that being said, there are bad things that go on in the world which do get exposed here. And that has helped me understand the world better and also look at myself and repent for the bad things I’ve done in the past, and strengthen my faith in God and change me as a person for the better.
The most important thing is not about the names you use; it is about searching for The Truth and connecting with the ineffable creator in your heart. I’m glad that we were able to help, in whatever way, on your path towards The Truth.
444, your answer to Ryan is a perfect example of your gaslighting tactics.
Ryan is an example of a good target: not religious, looking for answers …
the same profile street preachers look for.
Here comes 444 as the truth owner, the tour guide to god’s kingdom, to heaven,…
Coming from the Aryeh dynasty: a experienced familly of tour guides with thousands of years in the business of connecting people to “God” oh sorry “YHWH”…
Aryeh know the secrets of the universe, but the best they could do with it was to teach satanic dragons who now thanks to Aryeh control the world… Makes me think kind of a Yin yang between you both…
Before you tell me 444 i’m insulting you or your family let me be clear, i am NOT!
This is another of your tactics to avoid discussion on spicy topics so let’s defuse it right now.
If you cannot make the difference between insults and sarcasm that’s your problem, because honestly speaking anyone with a minimum of critical thinking will see your Ponzi scheme.
One of your tactics is also to argument using Mathematics, Gematria… as if Mathematics was the absolute truth, sorry again but the math argument does not apply in spirituality, and i am explaining why:
Mathematics are theories based on human reasoning and perception, we all know our senses are limited, and we humans do not perceive even 1% of reality, the universe, or your preferred word “Truth”. 1+1=2 is true in a limited set or world defined by our senses, perception, but in reality there is no 1, no 2 and no =. For college math students who took logic, calculus, set theory, Galois theory, algebra, topology what i’m saying is EVIDENCE.People who want to get more on that topic can just look on Youtube “Why it took 379 pages to prove 1+1=2”.One thing i could consider true in Math is the unlimited nature of numbers, what we call “real numbers”, which means EVERYTHING IS JUST APPROXIMATIONS”.
Bottom line Math should be ONLY applied to the perceived world, not the spiritual world! mixing both physical and spiritual is one of your tactics…
So please 444 STOP gaslighting with approximations, theories, Gematria, legends, paganism… , it’s not THE TRUTH!
I can only imagine the effort it took you to dig into all this mystic science,being you i would definitely try to find some use or maybe even reward after studying all that metaphysics. I see you as some kind of “Ron Hubbard” in your own way…
Personally i have no problem with you 444, and I’m definitely not a heater, i am here to discuss ideas, i just find the discourse you use, and your claim of owning the truth fraudulent, and misleading to many vulnerable people in this website.
I’m not gaslighting anyone; my words are left in print, and I assure you they are remarkably consistent and congruent.
You seem to be trying to gaslight yourself by claiming you haven’t insulted anyone, so let’s review the insults and defamations you’ve launched without work much as asking a question
1) you began Calling my family “Aryeh Kiss my a$$.” That is an insult, sarcastic or otherwise.
2) You then called people “sponge brains,” which is an insult. And then you claimed they are as dumb as infants. Also insulting.
3) Comparing me to a nefarious manipulative “street preacher,” and claiming I’m running a Ponzi scheme as if I were Barney Madoff, for writing and offering free information, is also insulting.
4) Insinuating I must be satanic because gemstones are supposedly inherently satanic, also insulting. And frankly completely ignorant of scripture.
5) Claiming YHWH is satanic because a Gugal search told you so: insulting to the ineffable creator.
So you’ve pretty much been insults all around. Let’s have that straight.
I’m not gaslighting anyone; my words are left in print, and I assure you they are remarkably consistent and congruent.
You seem to be trying to gaslight yourself by claiming you haven’t insulted anyone, so let’s review the insults and defamations you’ve launched without work much as asking a question
1) you began Calling my family “Aryeh Kiss my a$$.” That is an insult, sarcastic or otherwise.
2) You then called people “sponge brains,” which is an insult. And then you claimed they are as dumb as infants. Also insulting.
3) Comparing me to a nefarious manipulative “street preacher,” and claiming I’m running a Ponzi scheme as if I were Barney Madoff, for writing and offering free information, is also insulting.
4) Insinuating I must be satanic because gemstones are supposedly inherently satanic, also insulting. And frankly completely ignorant of scripture.
5) Claiming YHWH is satanic because a Gugal search told you so: insulting to the ineffable creator.
So you’ve pretty much been insults all around. Let’s have that straight.
Also, don’t compare me to L Ron Hubbard, who was a really disgusting, vile individual and a rapist. Scientology is one of the most disgusting, horrible organizations on the planet. I also consider this an insult and most self respecting people would.
I don’t do metaphysics, nor write science fiction. I actually publish my research as peer reviewed scientific papers on cosmology, quantum physics, linguistics, archeology, history and Low dimensional Topology, in well known journals like the Oxford Press, Physical Review, and Nature Physics.
However, after the litany of insults and absurdities, you’ve finally brought up something actually spicy: the validity of the use of mathematics in scripture.
This is much more worthwhile discussing.
Your claim is that mathematics shouldn’t be mixed with spirituality whatsoever. Let’s examine this from a very easy entry point: Can you explain then why there are several dozen mathematical formulas and counts given explicitly in scriptures? Such as:
1 kings 6 where it explicitly describes the measures and mathematics of Solomons temple in extraordinary detail
1 Kings 10-11 which cites very specific numerical counts of weights and measures of items, and people and how they are added and subtracted with respect to time. That’s an equation!
2 Chronicles 2:17 which does the same with counts of workers and foreigners, which it repeats several times in an equation.
In Revelations 7:1 it discusses the 4 angels standing on the 4 corners of the Earth holding back the 4 winds. (444….)
In Daniel 12 it gives exact calculations for days (actually Saros cycles) regarding the destruction of the temple: 1,290, 1,335, and 1,150. All of these figures are Pythagorean triples.
In Revelations 13 it gives very specific counts
Of 7 heads, 10 horns, and 10 eyes of a beast, which it does again in Revelations 19 with the woman riding the beast. In revelations 13 it even commands “the one with wisdom” to “CALCULATE the NUMBER of the Beast.”
Are you claiming the scriptural command of revelations means “numbers are bad?” I believe it urges the wise to calculate the number!
There are a boat load more of these types of passages with explicitly numerical sequences throughout scriptures. How does this fit with your idea that mathematics has nothing to do with scripture?
Everybody is getting answers except me.
If you don’t want to answer my question please just say it, because I am seriously waiting for answers.
Here again my question:
I would like to know how do you define and understand the concept of “reincarnation”, and how it can be linked to the concept of Yeshua “resurrection?
Thank you
The question you ask is more profound than everything else here, which sits primarily is between shallow and technical. This mean it requires a greater period of reflection, about how to clarify this before a response.
“…well known journals like the Oxford Press, Physical Review, and Nature Physics.” i think we both agree that these are notable masonic papers, right?
I’m glad you brought the scriptures argument.
First, Spirituality is absolutely not a synonym of religion and scriptures!
I’ll approach this question from a different angle:
Unfortunately, we humans are creatures that have a huge tendency to narcissism on both individual and collective level.
To perceive this point of view try to dissociate yourself from all your beliefs, ideas, and read my comment in a neutral way as if your brain was a blank page.
We beLIEve we are children of God, we are in the image of God, angels are beautiful little white blond kids, …
In our western catholic civilization, our calendar starts with Jesus, the WHITE man and also son of god who sacrificed his life for us humans… all the ages before Jesus are not relevant, there was NO truth! God “the WHITE man according to Michelangelo’s painting” created this whole world for us “his children” …. and above in the holly skies everybody is working hard for us humans! I never saw black angels, nor an Asian looking Jesus, why? because of Noah cursing Ham! Planets turn around us, constellations are out there to describe our fortune, everything is made for us humans! Hallelujah!Do you see how narcissist and egocentric the holly books narration style is!
how can we believe that a god who created such a perfectly designed universe, wrote such clumsy, unfair texts, sources of conflicts and bloodshed throughout the history of humanity!
For me It is crystal clear the scriptures are man made texts, extremely well crafted mental enslavement tools! Scientific research has always been a back up tool to reach audiences that religion fails to manipulate.
Religion and science are made to complete and support each other.
This is a huge topic that would need an entire book!
Religions are also in continuous change, we now see how traditional religions are vanishing in favor of atheism and new woke satanist ideology emergence!
We are discussing many things without properly defining what is actually TRUTH!
I see TRUTH as the most accurate description of reality, existence.
We DON’T believe in TRUTH, we KNOW the TRUTH!
Truth is universal, eternal, and INDEPENDENT from human events and even human existence!
I guess you are a believer, because in religion just like in math you need to believe in POSTULATES.
i would like to hear from you 444 what do you mean by TRUTH?
What are your POSTULATES?
In your last reply about truth you sound like someone who doesn’t have faith in yourself or God. I say so because I’ve been there. You need to take a a risk and believe in something as I have done. I can tell you my life has gotten better since believing in God and myself and continues to get better everyday. It’s only small steps at the moment but it’s better than nothing. People do amazing things through belief. Why not be one of them?
I have always said, we will never know more than the nail on the little finger of the ineffable creator. Of course we are only approximating!
Yet, your postulates are so black and white it blinds you from any nuance at all. You repudiate any mathematical “approximations,” and then claim black and white, all or nothing statements which are much, much further from the Truth than the approximation 3.1415926535 is from π. Throw the baby and the bath water you say, because you can only count the number of molecules in the water with 99.9997% accuracy… my gosh.
You claim mathematics have no place in humanity’s search for Truth. Were these very precise and repeatable mathematical approximations not used to build your house in architecture? Surely they were.
Were they not used to construct your car that you drive so that it can operate safely and efficiently? Surely the were.
Were they not used to make your computer/phone on which you read this? They were.
Since ancient times, were they not used to develop calendars to be able to have some ability to approximately, albeit quite accurately, predict planting, growing and harvest seasons to keep us fed. Certainly they were.
Should we all become hunter and gathers that can’t count to 5? That is the place of a dog, not a human.
Now Let’s review your terribly black and white postulates:
1) All Religion and all of the scriptures are purely forms of indoctrination and mind control and are bad.
My response:
We agree that the solar cattle Re-Legions (all over the world) are fabricated for the purpose of mass indoctrination and mind control. Equally, we agree the scriptures have been bastardised into terribly twisted versions of themselves, through wilfully bad translations, and willfully erroneous dogmatic (mis)interpretation, to be utilised as a form of mass mind control to commit atrocities.
Where I differ from you:
Having dedicated myself fully for years on end to studying the approximations of archeology, ancient and modern languages, anthropology, architecture, geography, technological and scientific development and progression, mathematics, cartography, navigation, astronomy/cosmology, physics, theology, statecraft, techniques and elaboration of war, Psychology, rhetoric, and a variety of other topics, one thing has become exceedingly clear:
The original scriptures are seeds to The Tree of Truth, which like a seed that contains vast genetic material in a compact form, contain vast and profound wealths of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, which the wolves had hidden in plain sight, and used for highly nefarious purposes to deceive the masses, even the elect if possible.
This leads us to your second postulate:
2) Numbers are just ab approximation so they are useless, and science only exists to divide and conquer.
Science and spirituality are one, not separate as they are perceived today. The two facets have been purposefully divided into diametrically opposite dogmatic theologies/religions in order to , DIVIDE AND CONQUER, and then to harvest the people’s Ki. The Luciferians are masters of this. Black and white. Conservative vs liberal, science vs religion, it’s pretty endless.
Let’s examine a scientific Truth in the first phrase of the scriptures:
The total of Berashit 1:1 is 2701. That is the root of the fine structure constant within 99.994%. This is an extraordinarily important number which we can, and have ascertained from thousands upon thousands of reproducible experiments, across a century and all continents, within 99.99998% consistency. Boy that approximation!!! It’s so bad we should just chuck it and call it false caca do doo of the masons. You’re falling for a pretty awful trap.
The fine structure constant is the ratio of the velocity of an electron in the first orbital shell of a hydrogen atom, to the speed of light, 1/137, when observed by an observer in a rest frame. It’s not going to be changing much anytime soon. Why is in the first 28 letters of the scriptures? Because it governs the mechanics of the entire universe.
So here we have evidence, which I can corroborate with non scriptural sources from cultures across the world, from Sumerian artifacts to the Mayas, Chinese, Persiabs, Indians, North Africans, using simple combinatorics. The entire ancient world is constructed to the Fine Structure constant. This shows us something profound about our human history. How could ancient stone bangers know a quantum mechanical property of the electron with 99.9%+ accuracy all over the world thousands of years ago?
Simpler: I want you to compare a circle’s radius to its circumference. You can measure that thing 10 million times, but π is not changing. I guess I can’t know anything about a circles circumference since in any calculations I can only estimate the irrational number Pi to 99.99999% accuracy.
Tell me then, under your postulates, how do we even know that we aren’t going to fall through the floor with every step? We only know the ground is approximately solid. Or how can we farm crops? We can only approximately know the growing season. Or how can we construct houses, we can only approximately know the proportions of things to 99.9999%! Or how can we navigate airplanes between two cities thousands of miles/kilometres apart? We can only approximate the correct direction of flight. Or how can you read this text? These letters are only an approximation of the way you write the script….
Essentially your argument is a subjectivist bunk: that everything is a lie and we should all just be illiterate non numerical imbeciles for the rest of our existence since we can only ever be 99.99999999% accurate.
This time you are using name dropping as manipulation technique, throwing and bombarding with buzz words and concepts to intellectually intimidate and overwhelm people.
I know you have an audience to impress but seriously!
I thought i was clear about mathematics, but apparently this sentence still needs explanation:
“Bottom line Math should be ONLY applied to the perceived world, not the spiritual world!”
counter argument:
“Numbers are just approximation so they are useless, and science only exists to divide and conquer.”
Let’s answer that:
-Numbers are only useful in our physical perceived world, we can only count and measure what we can perceive, either with our senses or with machines which as impressive as they look they are also extremely limited!
This YouTube video “David Eagleman, Ph.D: Biological Limits of Human Perception” provides more explanation.counter argument :
“The original scriptures are seeds to The Tree of Truth, which like a seed that contains vast genetic material in a compact form, contain vast and profound wealths of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, which the wolves had hidden in plain sight, and used for highly nefarious purposes to deceive the masses, even the elect if possible.”
-seeds, tree of truth, … genetic material, …
Why is it so difficult for you to give a clear definition of what truth is?
counter argument :
“You claim mathematics have no place in humanity’s search for Truth. Were these very precise and repeatable mathematical approximations not used to build your house in architecture? Surely they were.”
we build houses, make cars, … this has nothing to do with spirituality!
“Science and spirituality are one, not separate as they are perceived today.”
You are again mixing between spirituality and religion, so for you 444 is spirituality = Religion?
i totally agree with you on this one: “Science and religion are one, not separate as they are perceived today.”
You seem unable to address anything I speak of here, rather just to again speak with sarcastic dismissal. I’m writing to you clearly, using simple allegories and metaphors so as not to be intellectually intimidating. Seeds trees and genetic material are simple ideas…
How many times shall I reiterate that the religion as you know I today, is certainly a tool of mass manipulation; that they have divided the systemically acceptable versions of science as one dogmatic religion, and the Solar cults as another. They have constructed s false duality, in which one is either an intellectual and and atheist, or a believer and against scientific pursuit who proclaims ignorance is the way. Divide and conquer the people…
Equally you have failed to address what I have discussed regarding the scriptures or profound archeological evidence with the use of very advanced mathematics and scientific concepts that are found undeniably spread throughout the archeological record. The ancients had highly advanced forms of scientific thought and mathematics, and it was integral in their search for the Truth of the ineffable creator and reality. Should I assume they were just brainwashed superstitious into the stupidity of developing quantum mechanics and advanced construction techniques? Or should I heed the wisdom in it, while tossing aside the Luciferian corruption?
As you have spit upon the scriptures as useless, I consider the absolute subjectivist “its all perception,” useless as well. Is it only your perception that you walk on the earth? Are the stars going to change their paths across the sky because you close your eyes and decide so? Is a circle going to cease to measure with Pi tomorrow? Maybe you’ll change the speed of light and instantly communicate with other galaxies by magic? Possibly if you stop eating your body will magically be nourished by your perception of being full? Or maybe I will get a giant oak tree to sprout from a maple seed, or harvest figs from thistles?
No, all of these things form definitive parts of our existence; they are part of the perfect creation of YHWH.
There is certainly a reality far more profound than our simple perceptions; the scriptures say as much, and I am aware of this profound reality. Yet to claim that numerical information has nothing to do with search for Truth, is utter ignorance of reality.
If I say “oak trees use electromagnetic energy to grow.” It is True. If you say “oak trees also use water to grow,” or is True. Then If I say, “Oak trees also need good soil to grow.” It is True. And on and on forever. They need a stable climate, a warm or orally stable planet, etc etc.
The search for Truth is endless, the journey truly is the destination.
Go read the written record: I never said “Science and RELIGION are one,” I said “Science and SPIRITUALITY,” are one. Are you incapable of making the distinction, or is the point just to keep bucket throwing me as bad and twisting my words?
What a shame that we absolutely agree that Religion, full of dogmas, hierarchies, priests in costumes, ceaseless ritual, and in group indoctrination, are tools of the wicked for manipulating the masses to farm their Ki, and yet you purposefully change my words without a second thought just so you may attack me. Is the point not to seek The Truth!
Your writing appears to indicate that for you, this is rather about attacking someone you don’t understand, out of fear of having your world view upset, so you may simply reaffirm your comfortably held personal beliefs, even though they are clearly based on anecdotal experience and limited to no evidence, leading to drawing sweeping blacks no white conclusions lacking of any substantive nuance. This is the very basis of dogmatic religious thought!
I grow tired of the willful changing, awful mischaracterisation and twisting of my words. If you wish to continue, I need you to address my actual statements.
Please don’t turn the discussion into my personal psychoanalysis, this is by far the most pathetic of manipulation methods, and also please don’t get tired, we are at the endpoint.
In a previous comment you said:
“….I actually publish my research as peer reviewed scientific papers on cosmology, quantum physics, linguistics, archeology, history and Low dimensional Topology, in well known journals like the Oxford Press, Physical Review, and Nature Physics.”
So OXFORD is on of the resources you get YOUR science from right?
who founded Oxford? The Jesuits, a prominent RELIGIOUS organization!
That’s a CHECK MATE!
I’m still waiting for you to address any of my statements. I thought it was me who avoided spicy topics….
So according to you: absolutely everything printed in an Oxford journal must all be lies? I suppose Oxford must also be the only journal source I’ve ever used, and I have no capability of independent thought and analysis of material. Never mind the 1000s of other journals, 1000s of other non-mainstream sources, and 1000s of pages of researches I’ve done on my own; I read a paper on statistical mechanics in Oxford once; I must be an masonic idiot!
This is just more black and white, no nuance thinking; what a pattern of no intention, to understand beyond the simplest of dualities. It is a great weakness my friend, that I am trying to show you to help you grow.
On topic, I am highly aware of the Luciferian manipulation of history, as well as the hidden hand in the sciences, which is initially less obvious to most than the lies of it he Re-Legions.
If you have read my writing, you know I affirm the strong and ancient connection between pre-Colombian Americas and Eurasia. Oxford and all those other journals would never let me print that.
I use etymologies, based on PRIMARY ANCIENT SOURCES, in my own research from traveling across the world and finding the information. Not a G00G@l search which you seem to find sufficient to declare YHWH satanic…
I affirm the existence of scalar technology and weaponry, which has been hidden by the Luciferians for a very long time. I don’t think that’s showing up in Oxford either.
My point here, is that you have a serious issue with discernment, and are clearly apt to paint very broad brush strokes on everything, chucking it all in these really overly broad bins of “good and bad.” This is a crutch for the fearful.
When someone publishes a paper on thermodynamic equilibriums in a major journal, I might read it! First I check who they are, their bloodlines, and positions. I heavily favor independent researchers with no monetary risk or reward in the matter. Then I check their math, their postulates, and their reasoning through the paper.
Often time I read papers and throw them into the trash because they are junk. Other times, I find 1 or two points which I assess as insightful, and then test them for myself and their applications. Sometimes an entire paper is valuable. This is called nuance and discernment; you cannot grow of you don’t learn this.
You are! There is a life-and-death battle for every single soul. All souls are equally important to God for we are his beloved creation. His children! His Truth is available to all of us. Simple! (not occult, nor complicated. because he wants and loves us all) It is all in the open! God is available to the rich and the poor, jews and non-jews, highly educated or illiterate, black and white, old, young, russian, american, chinese… you name it! …
Most times the devil sounds right. He can and will do his best to impress you with his knowledge.( He hates humility!) He knows the scriptures too… and he also knows our weak points and he can surely speculate our ego.
You be the judge!
This is very well written, and I really appreciate and agree with your sentiment of the message of The Truth of YHWH being for all.
You are right The Truth is available to us all! Thank you for this.
As in the parable of the servants of Matthew 25 it is written:
“To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability.”
I have left the whole passage below. Although you call for total “simplicity,” this passage is discussing that each will be given gold, which represents The Truth of the message of Yeshua, the most precious of things, according to their ability. It then goes on to state that we must then share this wealth given to us by our ability and to multiply it. Yeshua greatly admonished the servant who received one bag, who is the most simple, and yet refuses to share it and multiply the wealth out of fear.
You must remember that what seems “simple,” from your perspective, really means what abilities and knowledge is already familiar, and which you have already learned and mastered. Once upon a time, walking was complicated for all of us. Should we have all remained crawling? Once upon a time speaking was complicated for all of us, should we have remained mute? Once upon a time, writing and reading was complicated
You have once told me that the mass murdering by a serial killer of his wife, son, nephew, and friends (Constantine) was good because YHWH wanted it. This isn’t simple; it’s just wrong.
You then claimed that the three barred cross invented by Ivan the Terrible, a vile man who skinned and boiled and tortured thousands alive (in the name of the antichrist) supposedly was proof of biblical passages. Ignorance passed off as a blessing is very dangerous, and the wolves love this and use it.
The wolves are crafty, not simple, and they dine upon the sheep who are often the most naive. For this reason Yeshua said:
“I am sending you out among wolves… be as cunning as serpents and as blameless as lambs.”
Throughout the scriptures, both Hebrew and Greek, we are called to seek wisdom and Truth, and to multiply it in protection of ourselves and the flock of YHWH.
The full parable of the servants:
Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.
“After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.’
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
“The man with two bags of gold also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two bags of gold; see, I have gained two more.’
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
“Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’
“His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
“‘So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
“Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the rooftops.”
Yeshua has said to be on our guard against the Yeast of the Pharisees and to disclose what is concealed (esoteric), to shout what they hide in the dark from the rooftops!!
These terms are clear references to the ancient metaphor of bread being daily spiritual sustenance (When yeshua multiplied the bread), and warns us to expose the practices and abominations of the priests of Solar worship, while preventing them from hiding the Truth behind walls of ignorance.
These priests whispered their esoteric teachings behind closed doors in the inner rooms of the temple, away from non-initiates. Do you think this has stopped? Even the word “Occult,” comes from the Aryeh Yehudah “Akel,” which means to consume, and was used in reference to the “living bread,” which refers to the process of fermentation that makes bread rise; a practice of great importance to feeding humanity.
Likewise the term translated, marginally, as hypocrisies, is υποκρισίας “hypocrises,” yes, but a false friend with Ebglush which in Ancient Greek is almost always used as “to pretend publicly.” This implies the modern sense of hypocrisy, but within a larger context of the occult practitioner priests who profess one thing publicly and another secretly. This passage directly references the luciferian Solar deity Harpocrates, who was the deity of occult silence. I’ll post a picture for you below.
Yeshua has also told us to proclaim from the rooftops what has been whispered only in these inner hidden rooms. He has told us to be as cunning as serpents and as blameless as lambs. This is exactly what I am doing!!
Stop defending serial murders, proclaiming total ignorance as blessed, and listen to the words of Yeshua
The finger of Harpocrates sits outsides the Big papa’s office, enshrined in gold. He calls it the “consecrated lady of silence.” Recall Harpocrates is an aspect of HORUS, the golden (AURus) dawn.
Listen to Yeshua!! We must shout from the rooftops the abominations of these wolves dressed as sheep. They are the mignions of Lucifer, the antiXristos .
From the 1st century CE, a pagan statue of the great mother, Magna Mater, Queen of Heaven fused as Harpocrates, the same finger of occult silence as sits outside mr Big Papa the antiXristos office with his very own golden Queen of Heaven.
Willfull Ignorance, professing it as holy, has led hundreds of millions to follow and murder this abomination.
For the record this all seems like a bunch of pointless arguing. I’ve read some older things 444gem has said in the past. I don’t know for myself if any of the larger claims 444gem has said are true, but I’ve seen people attack him back then too on those.
One thing I see is that the people that have attacked 444gem in the past always seemed to have negative or satanic names which is a dead giveaway to me as to who’s side they’re on. It’s necessary to ask questions, that’s how we learn. But I think some people here are either being foolish or genuinely dishonest. Which I expect given the nature of this website. 444gem could have created those accounts and names for all I know.
Anyone could be lying on this site, telling the truth or both. The only way I counter that is by going off what I know from experience. And 444gem has atleast said some things that I know to be true through experience so that’s all I will say for now.
“It’s necessary to ask questions, that’s how we learn.”
Is TRUTH!! Thank you.
I don’t expect anyone to believe what I say at face value; I hope they don’t. My desire is always that people take the information and investigate on their own, so as to learn and grow for themselves, by asking questions of the world, and seeking the answers!!
Why? How? Who? What… simple stuff.
Unfortunately a lot of people hold deep seeded anger, and want to destroy they Truth if it is uncomfortable for them. Better Ba-Ra-Abban than Yeshua.
I came to the answers I have cone to, through a lifelong pursuit of Truth, through simply asking YHWH to guide me and following where the answers have led, which is not often comfortable or easy to accept. Yet, I know I may be (and almost certainly I am) wrong, or at least partially off, about many things. If not, then there would be no reason to keep asking, seeking and knocking for Truth.
I commend your spirit, it is clear to me that you are sincerely seeking The Way towards finding The Truth. Keep going, wherever it may lead.
@444 gem
If you see this reply, I was wondering if you could email me when you get the time so I could ask you a question. It’s up to you. My email is n458293@gmail.com
aquaemolated into a fog of transmutation.. into æther, achieving the fifth element, ᏓᏍᎩᏃᎮᏎᎵ ᏆᎷᏏ ᏚᏌᎳᏓᏁᏃ.
he knew more than most.
et in terra pax, hominbus.
the great plague
1 year ago
My favorite part is where 666Gem preaches astrotheology but conveniently leaves out the astrotheological significance of Jesus…My least favorite part is where 666Gem brags about being one of the psychopathic priests who enslaved humanity and built the pyramids.
the great plague
1 year ago
Unlike 666Gem, I’m a real person who shows my face on youtube. 666Gem is a paid propagandist who will never show his face because he has told so many lies about who he is.
the great plague
1 year ago
I never did the video exposing this clown as Pseudo-Occult Media because nobody really cares including me…do you want to fess up 666Gem? This isn’t your first go round by a long shot. 666Gem is part of the “Western Occultists” who are propagandists telling you to blame it all on “you know who” while they continue raping the earth at pace. The other clown Robert Sepehr was recently outed as having “middle eastern blood”…Oh no! Lmao
At least you’ve stopped changing your psuedonym to pretend to be a multitude, and gone back to calling yourself the original name you went by. The shtick was getting old these past months.
I’ve never used another internet handle anywhere; I’m aware you believe I’m some other guy who called himself psuedo occult media, or “horselover phats,” or whatever absurdity you’ve conjured in your anger and loathing. Its not me, whoever this petty, awful person was that hurt you, but you go ahead and “expose” them as if it were me since you don’t like what I say. It means nothing nor carries any weight, as you have erred in your assessment.
I get you’re angry because somebody wronged you, and the world is not kind to Isis-Ra-Elis, for which I have compassion. I am certain they were quite mean and horrible to you in your youth. It is okay to forgive them, as YHWH commands, and now stand tall and understand you are a child of YHWH, whom all those that are not treat poorly because they subconciously feel inadequate next to you. That might be hard to see, but it is reality.
However, the entire attempt to connect me to someone else who I have nothing to do with, is… obnoxious and immature. Why as an Isis Ra Eli do you insist on speaking to an Essene, your own brethren under Moshe, of such a manner? Such is it that you love the Conahim of the pharisees and the wicked tricks of “orthodoxy,” created during Hasmonian rule under the Saturn HexaHedron and the Persians? When they fabricated they oral law as a form of vile control and domestication/self-enforced slavery of a free people, just as they are doing now in Ishrael to the great detriment of the people?
Some here have seen my face and heard my voice, but you shall never, for your arrogance and self-hatred you project onto me.
Likewise, I never said that we “built” the pyramids, We designed them. Were you aware that Khnum Khufu was raised in Beni Hasan? Surely you know a Hasan is the singer of the breathe of YHWH. That he turned to the genocidal and psycopathic priests of the heliopolitans, those of ON, after, is certain.
We are not the builders, we are the TEKNOS, the designers. That is, the plans for the square base pyramid are taken directly from schema in Berashid. The name YHWH = 26. A coincidence they used 2.6 million blocks to build the pyramids? The angle of inclination is .905 radians. in Berashid 2:7 you’ll find the phrase “YHWH ALHIM AT” just preceeding the creation of humanity (Ha’Adam, 144…). The Multiplication of the sums of the words: 26*87*4 = .9048. with 401 it totals .9071, the packing efficiency of hexagonally packed circles, from which your Meggen Dawid comes from: it is a representation of the movement of Photons within a hexagonally close packed circular lattice. Hence The Stone the builders rejected, has become the chief cornerstone… The phrase in Psalms:
לְרֹ֣אשׁ פִּנָּֽה = 531+135 = 666
“Lerosh Pinah,” The chief Cornerstone… The sun which sits at the bottom of the gravitational well shaped as an upside down hyperbolic tetrahedron within 4 dimensions (as Einstein’s theorems show.. the AIN STEIN, they eye stone… my gosh my friend) Is the word “Shamesh” for sun not used 666 times in the scriptures? It is. Is the Compton Frequency of the Electron not .666 in universal Natural (Planck) Units? It is.
You should know better, open your Torah, for you have no excuse as the gentiles.
I’ve never posted under a pseudonym, don’t you recognize my writing style boy? Of course you do, that slander is just for the few people who still believe in you. Lol I’m in your head son u sittin here thinking I have to hide who I am, Im not a punk like you. Come debate me on my youtube channel…you’ll never show your face and we both know that but since you asked for I will prove who you are…Your response is full of religio-babble, I can’t even read that garbage. I just skipped to the end where you tell me to open my Torah. Which just proves everything I said about you. You are a religionist, a priest, a spinner of factoids which conceal the true intent: to convince your gullible audience that all things can be blamed on evil J’s. That last sentence you wrote is an appeal to demographics, the last refuge of a hate-monger propagandist.
When “boy” is used in my common parlance, it means, “Stupid, immature, unaware, clueless”. I recognize your writing style in several accounts and that is weasily cowardice. Boyish bs. You call Gem this?
I pray he does debate you, but if he doesn’t (for myriad VERY valid reasons) you still look the off one unless you can cite specifics and counter actual arguments.
Once I show his posts under a previous alias it will leave no doubt. This man is a hate monger and Im sorry he has taken you in. He knows all about the occult but his real message is blame the J’s, he is telling you who to hate and blame but won’t even reveal himself.
One thing you might understand is I don’t harbor anything but kindness towards “Jews”. Nor Palestines, any other people. I am averse to politics, contrived conflict and repression. I will always stand for every human being’s freedom anywhere.
I post under my youtube name where I show my face but I’m the liar? Gem is a faceless nothing who claims to be a jedi who knows russel brand and you believe him without question? My channel is a documentation of my opinions on a variety of subjects and I published a book about institutional child abuse…will you even hear the other side of the argument or am I just the devil? You didnt hate me the other day when I responded to your post. What have you actually gained from reading Gems work that helps you in life? I will expose the evidence against him on my channel, in the next video after the one I’m posting in half an hour. To put it simply, his posting and writing style is identical to Pseudo Occult media, and if that is just a coincidence then why did that 13 year old blog disappear hours after I confronted Gem on this same forum? No logical person would believe that a coincidence once you see that their postings are identical.
I found your channel, and I may give you a listen, just to see, but I’ve had a great deal of confirmation of your character here. I have never called you a devil, nor anything of the sort. I actually believe most people act as reasonably as they can based on the information as they understand it. I don’t think you are a bad person at all, and I harbor the opposite of ill will towards you.
What I’ve learned that helps me in daily life? Not long before he began to post here, I had been ardently praying for better understanding and proper relationship within myself towards our Creator and Yeshua. All my conceptions to that point were fairy tales and superstition. He is stating things which are measurable and allow the fairy tale pieces to actually fit properly. He is taking the mystery and mystique away, even as some things become harder for me to understand, in my own areas of deficiency.
What has helped me in daily life? I can fully believe in Father now, as I couldn’t before. I lied to myself and tried, so hard, but the contradictions plagued me. He is showing me, not only by his own illustrations, the reconciliations, but has helped and encouraged me to seek them out for myself, so I may know the truth.
Btw, although you are too young to remember, Bill Cooper used to air his radio show from atop his house in the Arizona hills with about 150 mile range. Not next to coast to coast with Art Bell, which only happened much later, and principally it was his tapes after he was killed.
After a few years only from his house, Cooper would then self-purchase his own short wave radio (that means limited range single station) time at the 2-4 AM dead hour time slots in the early 1990s from a crappy local station in Nashville that also had very limited range. This used to be possible then.
He distributed thousands upon thousands of pamphlets (pre everything being digitalised) on how to do this for yourself with limited resources and encouraged people to do so. His methodology was accurate for broadcasting the only possible distribution channels pre internet: shortwave radio. Not really how shills operate.
Your entire video on his stuff is a litany of misunderstanding and half truths bent by pretty much total ignorance of how things actually occurred, essentially based on your biased world view: that all denouncers and exposers of Luciferianism are “shills.” Some certainly are, but usually they are making lots of $$ (Alex jones…) not evading the IRS in their crappy 30 year old pick up and barely scratching by on a military pension.
It is a bit disheartening to hear you go on and on about how cooper shot a deputy; for which you have no verifiable proof except what you read from Wikipedia.
Local witnesses at the time say the police opened fire on his house en masse upon arrival, and had been given orders to kill Cooper at all costs. I’ve personally witnessed a US police department machine gun (M16s and assault shotguns) a hostage situation full of innocents and then plant guns on people and write false reports of only “returning fire.”
Equally, you don’t mention at all that Cooper accurately predicted Osama Bin Laden would be blamed for a major terrorist attack on US Soul in “weeks to months time” in June 2001, and was then shot by a giant group of deputies in October 2001. That whole September 11th in the middle…. that he figured out, pissed of the wrong people, especially when he predicted it would be used as an excuse to invade Iraq.
Nobody that has sufficient intelligence thinks Cooper was a saint; dude had real issues and PTSD from military service in Vietnam. But your “takedown,” is… wholly inaccurate, and if your going to do this, at least be capable of getting the facts accurate.
You want to have a discussion about William cooper now? Lol. So you found my channel and realize I dont need to hide. Why dont you come out from hiding and show your face if you want to debate me coward. Cooper’s book Behold a pale horse promoted the alien agenda which he later recanted himself. Why would Cooper recant his alien agenda material when the opening chapter states he witnessed an alien ship aboard a navy vessel? Lol. Of course you defend a fellow propagandist. Yeah it makes so much sense to assassinate Cooper 20 years after his relevance when only a tiny handful of people still listened to him…but of course this is just your attempt to change the subject and appeal to demographics again. Your writing is garbage, there is no real value in any of it, all your 666 hebraic formulas, none of it means jack s**t. Read my book The School Survival Guide if you really want to learn something. Or keep slandering me as a Torah reader, a multiple account haver, none of which is true but what do you care about truth, you’re a hate monger propagandist.
It’s okay to put your weapons down; I’m not here to hurt you. You’re attacking a shadow figure of your mind, not to me nor my words.
The primary usefulness of Behold a Pale Horse are the first 100 pages, regarding how electromagnetic theory of induction and capacitance are applied to economics and Meni (the moon, which produces the flow of current-cy in tides hence Money…) to control and manipulate the masses through occult banking usury and induced wars to pay “debts.”
This isn’t a defence of Cooper; it’s about getting your facts straight, which you have a serious issue with. You spew opinions based on lies…
1) Cooper’s material was actually more popular and widely consumed in 1990s and 2000s than it was when he was working on extraterrestrial issues in the 1980s. He was giving talks to small venues full of people at this point, covering short wave radio broadcasting, sovereign citizenship and exposing Luciferianism.
His work had also become significantly more relevant and dangerous to the luciferian powers. Correctly and specifically predicting 9/11 two months before it happened, is dangerous to the very evil men that organised that Mass genocide and occult blood sacrifice.
He then also predicted it would be used as a false cassis belli for Iraq. Given what occurred from 2001-2008 with the wars in Afghanistan, leading to the opium crisis as the supply of opium skyrocketed through pharmaceuticals, and then Iraq, the biggest monetary heist of the modern word until COVert IDentifixation, there was plenty of reasons for the Bush’s to off Cooper who was exposing the gameplan.
When people like the Nasi Bush family are involved, bloodbath follows.
Look it up:
As a banker, George Bush’s Sr. father financially propped up Hitler for 20 years and then continuing during WWII. Exactly the practices Cooper denounced.
George Bush Sr. helped assassinate Kennedy, and then became the head of the CIA. He oversaw the organisation when it was responsible for creating the crack epidemic in the US by purchasing huge quantities of cocaine from Contras, bringing it to the US and selling it to the urban black population. This continued during his vice presidency under puppet Reagan. The small-time journalist who exposed that operation, also got killed by the Bush’s.
Then Baby Bush Jr became President (well head puppet to daddy and his cronies) and oversaw a mass ritual blood sacrifice on US soil, and then started the Opium epidemic through funnelling it through Big Pharma and Distributors like Wal Mart.
The Bush’s are multigenerational genocidal maniacs, and Cooper was an inconvenient thorn in their side to their plans; one more life they took among the millions.
2) You seem to be unaware that Cooper encouraged the sovereign citizen movement, which was the legal process of removing oneself from being subject to the corporation of the United States: the military industrial complex, and returning to becoming an American Citizen. The IRS and it’s private banking kabal doesn’t take kindly to those that won’t bend the knee and pay them, and Cooper was helping others free themselves from the tyrants.
3) Equally, Cooper’s series of Mystery Babylon is also quite insightful in exposing Luciferianism. He managed to piece the reality together with remarkable accuracy (although not perfect.)
While you don’t understand the usefulness of this, the awareness by the people of the hidden luciferian hand in history is extremely important to freeing them from the Luciferians. You must understand your enemy.
You are a crass liar. Attempting to tie him to something unrelated but detrimental. Common parlor trick with your sort.
I have been hearing from him for nearly a year now and I feel no worse towards “Jews” than towards any of the rest of us who have been so long lied to. Most common people are essentially good, they are just misled.
Nothing I’ve said to you was hateful; quite the contrary.
I tried to afford you forthrightness and compassion; to offer you understanding over what you have been through and the pain it’s caused you. To discuss scripture with some depth.
Your response was just more hate, lies, and repudiation; because you have the time for anger and hate, the energy for making childish take down videos based on erroneous assumptions and typing out vitriol trying to falsely connect me with your former bully, nemesis or internet archenemy or whatever, but you have no desire to take time to accept compassion or Truth. I hope this changes for you, as I sincerely feel for the hurt they’ve caused you.
Religionist? If I call them REs legions; a program for mind control of the masses within Luciferian sun worship. Priest? I don’t believe in churches and priesthoods… But reading and meditating on the Breathe of YHWH is for the wise man.
The attention seeking (watch my youtube channel!!! Please!) and hatred from which you speak with every comment is palpable. So blinded are you, that you call me a religionist, when I denounce religion as a tool of mass indoctrination (we agree on this.) So removed from reality and unwilling to listen, that you brandish me a “hatemonger,” when I constantly uphold that all humans are the most beloved creation of our father.
Having a heart for Truth, and encouraging others to speak with the ineffable creator and read the ancient wisdom of scriptures on their own, as an individual pursuit, does not make one a religionist: which is about power structures, hierarchies, opulent architecture, dogmas, money and priests in costumes, all of which are implements used to exercise control over the people’s minds and souls; all things I denounce, and frankly detest. Yet, with each comment, the return to any kindness I offer you is just more insults, combined with delusions and lies. This is the hallmark of a hatemonger.
You are so filled with hate towards the world, that all you see in others are the shadows of what is deep within your own heart. It is ok to forgive those who have wronged you.
So that you are forewarned: you’re going to waste several hours of your life trying to connect me to some other person (who you clearly previously hated and who wronged you pretty badly, but whom I have never heard of) that called himself “horselover phats.” All based on his blog supposedly disappearing when you confronted me… right.
It’s childish behavior, and while I have compassion for it, it’s your own loss running down a path of hatred, while pointing fingers blindly and screaming that everybody else is the one hating. That is not a good path my friend.
I hope one day soon you can see how foolish you are being with this made up vendetta. Swinging at shadows in a funhouse mirror is very aptly put – the hypocrisy and irony is something to behold.
1 year ago
Just catching up with this thread, wow went downhill pretty quick. Glad to hear GEM is on his next 12 Monkeys drop, we are all looking forward to it.
My love to you all, haters and non haters alike. Just chill a bit.
I appreciate that you are reading the series. I’ll give you a preview:
913, the Fine Structure Constant, the Maltese Cross. The field of the potter, 27.2 and the Mathuie Equations of oscillating particles (Literally the Matthew 27.2 equations.)
Nobody here is new age. You are swinging at reflections in funhouse mirrors, so scared of anything that is unfamiliar you brandish it satanic immediately:
1) You have called the name of the ineffable creator, YHWH Satanic. The name is used in scriptures nearly 7000 times!
2) You claim gemstones are inherently satanic. Yet gemstones are the walls and foundations of the city of YHWH in Revelations 21!
Likewise in this thread you’ve made veiled death threats, and now you openly call for censorship! Do you not see your fear makes you just as the monsters you claim to detest?
‘made veiled death threats’… I remind the poor dude what happen to people that teach false doctrines in the Bible on Judgement Day (Luke 17:2), now he play the victim card like he was scared for his life.
I didn’t talk about gemstones btw but yes all your babblings on gems, numerology, astrology, esotericism, mysticism etc.. are all related to New Age teachings (The field is quite vast). You can’t deny you are New Ager.
I think you are very delusional 666gem, you created yourself a fake world that only you understand. You are the human definition of the expression ‘twisting yourself in knots’. I hope you get back to reality one day.
The truth is much more simple than that but you chose to reject it. Your life, your choice… By the way you didn’t respond to my question if you are anti-Christian in the philosophical sense but anyway I already know the answer.
The gaslighting and insults don’t stop coming… Ill once more address the really horrible stuff you’ve said so far:
1) So far you have claimed the name YHWH, used almost 7,000 times in scripture, is Satanic, based on a G00g@l search.
I remind you of the verse in Mark:
“Whoever blasphemes against the Breathe of YHWH shall not find forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal transgression.”
Surely when you wanted to repudiate me and remind me of the coming judgement for what you perceive as “New age Babble,” you could have quoted this passage. Instead you chose to rip Luke 17:2 out of context, which makes no mention of actual judgement, so that you could use the phrase “ Better you have a stone tied around your neck and are thrown into the sea,” which followed you insulting me and then placing words in my mouth I never said about admitting to be a new age luciferian.
The choice was yours, and you chose to brandish me a heretic (because you don’t understand me). The extremely brutal, oppressive and violent nature of antiXristos zealotry, based on the twisting of scripture is a pattern that has continued for 1000s of years. They often read aloud Luke 17:2 at heresy trials and the inquisition, before actually tying people with weights and throwing them into the sea.
2) Censorship is a tool of despots, bigots, and dictators. You have called for censorship.
3) I’m not new age, nor am I anti-Christian. I denounce the new age, this is maybe the 4th time I’ve said this. Likewise, I also denounce the pagan Luciferian Solar Cattle Church and it’s offshoots, which spit upon and trample the scriptures at every turn they get. The followers of the Harlotte of Babylon that sit upon the seven hills with the seven mythical kings of Rome.
We are called by the scriptures to speak the Truth:
I bend me knee and bow my head before Yeshua, king of kings, and our father YHWH.
1 year ago
I believe at the core of VC and VL is precisely for one to see and be vigilant of the level of deception every institution exerts on us, even the institutions we belong to. VC and VL serve as a primer in exposing the veils of lies the deceivers have us under. Through this content, I believe one should see by now that the symbols of deception knows no boundaries; the left wing and the right wing are part of the same eagle, the two sides are part of the same coin. The powerful elites of the world, regardless of their exoteric political affiliations, are part of the same fraternities, and thus share similar values not known to us, the public. It is up to you, the free individual, to discern (test) why the society you are part of is always kept in a state of division, if those in power ultimately share the same dinner table behind closed doors.
As far as I have deduced (as I do not want to speak for anyone but myself), @444gem offers tremendous insight, including to the levels of deception these institutions exert. It is understandable that these insights can be challenging, especially for those whose beliefs are founded on the practices of these institutions. Please notice my use of the word “institutions”, and not the name of any historical spiritual figures. This is because one of the challenges is to decouple the organized institution from the religious figure; If we see that the institution is corrupted, whether gradually or from the start, then it is our duty, as free individuals, to go back to the primary sources. @444gem offers many insights for us to reconnect with the ancient teachings; he is not a messiah, nor has he ever claimed to be, but he can certainly point us in the right direction.
At the end of the day, it is up to you to think critically and discern what nourishes the mind to grow healthy like the branch that it is in this fractal tree of beautiful life. We are all on a journey to reconnect with our roots, that we may grow to bare healthy fruits. At the end of this journey, may we all be tranquil with the branches and fruits that our seed have bared.
Thank you for this. Your insight is always so greatly appreciated.
I have seen your previous message, and I will be in touch soon. I have been truly exhaustive (and exhausted) with my energy the past few days, and the comments you see here are generally just just the short breaks between intensive research/drafting I take.
Again thank you for the insights, and for your truly generous patience.
This simple drawing, holds one of the greatest Keys to the universe. I would ask you to reflect upon it and try to understand what is here.
Before I can fully answer you questions regarding reincarnation so as to clarify things for you, rather than to confuse you or lead you astray, you need to understand the vibrational patterns of the universe, and how its geometric aspects relate to the very creation of our existence within a fractal.
Certainly the scriptures are clear regarding the second comings of several individuals. This does not mean that they are going to magically appear out of thin air. As it says in Berashid, when YHWH warns Hava and Adam “If you partake of this tree surely you shall die.”
Later, when the serpent speaks to Hava, he says “if you partake of the FRUIT, surely you won’t die.” The word for fruit in Hebrew is “MiPeri.” It is the same word as the Pear today, but as well as WOMB. It should be apparent that YHWH speaks clearly: all those that partake of the womb, shall surely die; and the price of a second coming is a passage through partaking of this fruit, the womb.
However, the realities of how this works, what it means, and the “mechanics of it,” require that you have a strong and well founded understanding of the nature of time, space itself, and the nature of what the universe is and how you are given the Breathe of YHWH. And so, I have made this drawing for you to consider, and to be able to gauge how strong your awareness of reality is. Take the time to consider and let me know your thoughts.
Thank you sincerely for your patience to this question.
My account is new here, but I have been following this site for about a year now. I have read your posts and you really do know many things.
Like other users, I am also interested in the nature of reincarnation and how it relates to Christ’s Resurrection. I am not sure about reincarnation as to me it seems like too much unneccesary suffering to right a wrong, but the rest of the universe, even time itself is cyclical, so I am confused.
I have many other questions, but I will ask them later as this is the most important one to me right now.
This image here reminded me of a dream I had after prayer a few months ago. I will also post my shoddy MS Paint rendition of the dream below. Many things are revealed to me in dreams, sometimes even a couple of moments from the future and I consider this to be the greatest gift God has given me.
In my prayer I asked to be shown the beginning of everything and the first thing I saw after falling asleep was a dark empty space with dark violet lines in the background that remind me of the abyss you see with your eyes closed in the dark. The space itself was of unknown size, I couldn’t tell, it could have been tiny or extremely large. There was no smell, no sound and the space was neither hot nor cold. Then a white dot appeared in the middle of my field of view, the dot started to expand and the pure white dot diffused into a turquoise ring. In the place of the original white dot another like it appeared and the process repeated a couple of times, until there were several concentric circles that emerged from the center as a white dot and as they expanded their colour diffused into turquoise and then back to white.
The only thing I thought as I was watching this mysterious white dot expanding: This is God.
My conclusion is that I have been shown the very beginning of Creation in a dream as a response to my prayer.
And this image could relate to my dream in some way, but I know nothing about math besides the golden ratio and fractals.
I hope my dream can help someone else in their search. I look forward to your anwsers.
My account is new here, but I have been following this site for about a year now. I have read your posts and you really do know many things.
Like other users, I am also interested in the nature of reincarnation and how it relates to Christ’s Resurrection. I am not sure about reincarnation as to me it seems like too much unneccesary suffering to right a wrong, but the rest of the universe, even time itself is cyclical, so I am confused.
I have many other questions, but I will ask them later as this is the most important one to me right now.
This image you posted reminded me of a dream I had after prayer a few months ago. I will try to post my shoddy MS Paint rendition of the dream below.
In my prayer I asked to be shown the beginning of everything and the first thing I saw after falling asleep was a dark empty space with dark violet lines in the background that remind me of the abyss you see with your eyes closed in the dark. The space itself was of unknown size, I couldn’t tell, it could have been tiny or extremely large. There was no smell, no sound and the space was neither hot nor cold. Then a white dot appeared in the middle of my field of view, the dot started to expand and the pure white dot diffused into a turquoise ring. In the place of the original white dot another like it appeared and the process repeated a couple of times, until there were several concentric circles that emerged from the center as a white dot and as they expanded their colour diffused into turquoise and then back to white.
The only thing I thought as I was watching this mysterious white dot expanding: This is God.
My conclusion is that I have been shown the very beginning of Creation in a dream as a response to my prayer.
And this image could relate to my dream in some way, but I know nothing about math besides the golden ratio and fractals.
I hope my dream can help someone else in their search. I look forward to your anwsers.
This is the logarithmic spiral you made before, but now there’s more of them and they seem to intersect. Considering your previous posts, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume this could be a 2D depiction of 3D space, another celestial matrix?
The ones in the middle intersect in such a way that 2 6-pointed stars are formed. The upper and lower parts of the middle look like W-shaped part of Tesla’s 3-6-9 formula, but the triangle that is also part of that seems to be missing.
Good. It is the logarithmic spiral, which explains the projection of the holographic principle, and projective geometry.
Look at the six pointed in the stars in the middle. Are you seeing a pathway that projects towards the center of the ripple into Infiniti, or is it a diamond cone viewed from perspective with a 2 dimensional circle in its center?
Thus drawing contains the basis for the reconciliation of Quantum Mechanics with General Realtivity. It is The fundamental building block of scalar relativity.
Information about a volume of space is encoded in its wave function. information then can be stored on a surface that encloses the volume. If thats the case, then the most likely trajectories of particles in spacetime are logarithmic spirals; constant logarithmic collapses of wave functions. motion is scaled according to the logarithmic spiral, then our reality is scaled up from a singularity; YHWH?
Now we can advance towards our goal of understanding “reincarnation.”
Can you see now why everything in the universe is spinning with tremendous force, and yet we experience it as considerably stable?
From our vantage point in Earth, we are on a flat surface that is stable with objects spinning around it. Zooming out we are on a spinning sphere orbiting around a motionless star in stable orbit. Zooming out again, our star is spinning around a stable galaxy. Zooming out again our galaxy is spinning around a stable super cluster gravitational center. Zooming out again our supercluster appears to be expanding (spinning outward) in a stable observable “universe.”
Which is the correct frame of stability, or the “inertial,” frame of reference? All of them, they are the result of scalar relativity. Anyone who actually reads Einstein’s papers, not the “expert,” analysis, knows the mathematics tell you The Earth is accelerating up into you with a constant rate of change of 9.8 m/s^2, you are not being pulled down, there is no gravity, simply scalar relativity which causes increasingly accelerated frames of reference in a nested infinite series that according to the principle foundations of the universe guarantee your existence as a probabilistic outcome.
The curvature of space time we perceive as gravity arises directly from this principle, in which to each observer everything appears locally flat, yet it obtains curvature the farther away from independent scales it is observed. The experience of Gravity is the result of this, where the curvature into an shape analogous to a hyperbolic octahedron volume is a prerequisite for observers, ie a SOULS, to exist in this universe. Scaled curvature which results from the Fine Structure Constant. The AURder of the universe.
If we generalise this conception to time
Mach’s principle is a sort of backwards entrance to this idea.
The whole thing is a mirror image that could come from a wave function collapse, the big circles create 2 vesica pisces and if traced you can clearly see they form a shape in the middle which you would also get if you crossed 2 V’s – one normal and the other reversed to look like an A without the line, a hexagonal shape (reminds me of the bottom part of Lucifer’s sigil, is this where it comes from?). This pattern appears after a cell divides 2 times. The spirals are of opposing directions and they all intersect in the middle forming a pattern that reminds me of a cruciform flower where the top and bottom petals are larger than the left and right petals. The 2 patterns are laid on top of each other.
Is this what I was supposed to find?
I am not that well-versed in physics, even though I admire the subject and recognise it’s importance. Maybe I should try harder to understand some things, but sometimes it’s hard to understand.
I looked up wave function collapse on wikipedia and found that it is used in procedural generation for video games and simulations. These sentences from the wikipedia article reminded me of the fractals you posted in previous parts of your series:
The process starts with a small seed pattern, which is then expanded iteratively by selecting and “collapsing” the probabilities of neighboring elements until the entire structure is complete.
The algorithm ensures that the resulting output is unique and non-repetitive by collapsing the probabilities in such a way that neighboring elements are always compatible with each other.
So basically the seed pattern of choice is expanded by repetition with slight variations to ensure compatibility with other parts of the pattern, if I understand correctly. It would make sense that the universe was made this way, since the same patterns always repeat in nature. And it would make God the seed pattern for the universe and everything in it. He is so many things, an eternal, conscious, loving being that is the source of all things. His form would be incomprehensible to us, so large, like an entire universe – is this why it is said that angels cover His face, because whoever looked at it directly would die? This is another of many times I have found evidence for His existence, different paths lead to the same summit again.
You are saying that the curvature of space-time is responsible for the effect of gravity and it originates from our observation of the universe and the world around us, that also somehow guarantees our existence and consciousness?
Is this correct?
Then the universe would be an ever-expanding fractal, like if you took the flower of life and started expanding it infinitely. I used this pattern as an example because it’s the first pattern I looked at and thought it could go on forever and you could extract every possible shape from it, even the golden ratio (at least that’s what I’ve read about the flower of life).
That leads me to ask – what is a soul? It is surely not your thoughts, if anything, they would probably be a product of the soul’s interaction with the body and vice-versa. Does a soul remember anything from the life it lived once the body dies?
And here is one from Charax Spasinou, which in modernity is only known for its coins, the name itself Charax, is the same as Charagma, the Mark of the Beast.
The dragon spits the 666, the logarythmic spiral, which froms from the compton frequency of the electron and the underlying harmonic computational structure of the universe, and more particularly from the underlying fine structure constant that is intrinsic to every mathematical and physical constant that exists.
As a side note, this mural is essentially contemporary to the book of Revelations being written. After the temple was destroyed in 69 CE by the antiXristos, many of us departed to Heberia (Literally “the land of those to cross over”… now called Iberia, from Iberu, to be at the foot of the crossing of the waters, you can find more detail on Abaraim, which gives a nice compact origination of the word.), and then departed to the americas, twhich we called Ab Ya’Al, meaning “for gain or benifit,” or Meaning at its root “Comes from YHWH ALohim.”
To this day the name “Ab Yalla” is used by native tribes to refer to the continent.
THe dragon spits a triskell, the “Trapezes” the three legs, which Yeshua refers to when the “hand of hte one that betrays him sits at the Table/Trapezes.” The dragons headress here is a series of logarythmic functions, and his body is intermeshed knots, the same as the fishermans net often referred to in passages, conspiciously in John 21:11, with 153 fish, referring to another aspect of physical constanty given rise from the fine structure constant.
So this dragon represents groups of people who use their knowledge of the universe to enslave others. They also love to make fun of people who they enslaved and they are vain, they see themselves as gods on earth, they don’t care at all for the suffering they cause to others – this would be symbolised by the headdress. But the knots seem to bind the beast to the ground, no matter how much it tries to break free – it has trapped itself in a web of lies and it depends on outside help for survival, only someone else could free it. Pure poetic justice and irony, the decievers trapped in their own web. The knots also have that pattern mentioned previously, their misused knowledge turned them into a social parasites that depend on others and can’t get by alone.
It is written that The Dragon gives the beasts their power. It is important to view things within the nested fractal, exactly as you have stated above. What you state about the knots binding the dragon is absolutely true:
The beasts body can only exist through the bounded interactions within material space and time; hence why Lucifer is intent upon stealing humanity’s free will to make his own; bounded purely in this reality, he has a permenant desire in order to rebel.
Nevertheless, your understanding and analysis is completely correct regarding the mignions of lucifer, those who have bent the knee in return for the tempations, they are the pipers playing the tune to lead the children off the cliff, where the wolf await to feast upon them after they fall.
What was the purpose of Isaac’s sacrifice? It always seemed illogical that a merciful God would ask anyone to sacrifice their child, even as a test of faith. In the end a ram was used as a sacrifice, thankfully.
My guess would be that the ram was symbolic of the coming of a new astronomical age- the Age of Aries, the fact that people mostly stopped doing human sacrifices for their deities and a foreshadowing of the coming of Christ.
Animal sacrifice is still a blood sacrifice however, those were done in the Temple by the high priest on Yom Kippur in the Holy of holies, but why was that necessary? Why must blood be spilt?
I have read the story in my native language and it didn’t make much sense beyond that. You say that the Scripture written in Greek and ancient Hebrew reveal the whole truth – but I don’t speak those languages. I could get by with Latin a bit.
I have more questions about souls, God and the afterlife, especially because you said in your series that your people have personified natural processes in order to explain how things in the world and the universe work – it’s how we got myths. I would like you to explain what do you consider to be God and a soul and how could a force of the universe develop an ego – as you said this is exactly what happened with Lucifer?
I do not mean to insult you in any way, I am just curious about many things and I don’t want to blindly believe in anything because that’s how you fall for lies, hence my name here. So I respectfully ask for your opinion and offer my observations. My only wish is to understand the nature of reality and how it came to be.
And I apologise if I have you buried in questions, I simply want to ask you some questions because you obviously know more about these things than me. Your knowledge of physics and the occult is on point.
To me a God would be an eternal, intelligent, conscious being with free will (could a whole universe be a singular being with many parts like cells in our bodies?) that is responsible for the creation of everything in the universe, including the physical laws that govern it and it would make sense for a creator to love his creation and want the best for it, but also respects the free will of the creation (if the creation has it).
The universe itself could then be described as his kingdom or domain.
A soul, to me would be the consciousness and free will of a person and after you die it would make sense that it retains at least some memories of the life it lived.
The relationship of a soul with God is also important. Are a soul and God the same thing? Are they separate?
Now the big question, what happens to the soul when a person dies? Physics states, as far as I know, that energy and information cannot be created or destroyed.
This paragraph of your previous reply to Chunli has me asking even more questions:
Certainly the scriptures are clear regarding the second comings of several individuals. This does not mean that they are going to magically appear out of thin air. As it says in Berashid, when YHWH warns Hava and Adam “If you partake of this tree surely you shall die.”
Later, when the serpent speaks to Hava, he says “if you partake of the FRUIT, surely you won’t die.” The word for fruit in Hebrew is “MiPeri.” It is the same word as the Pear today, but as well as WOMB. It should be apparent that YHWH speaks clearly: all those that partake of the womb, shall surely die; and the price of a second coming is a passage through partaking of this fruit, the womb.
All those that partake of the womb shall surely die – all those who were born will die? That is true.
The price of a second coming is a passage through partaking of this fruit – do you need to have children to be born again an another loop of the universe (whitehead knot being pulled and then reformed)? Did Christ have children? Was his mother Mary really a virgin, since you mentioned your people have a tradition for concieving male children outside of marriage, so they are not easily found and killed by your opponents who share your knowledge, but use it for evil?
I have so many questions… Again, I apologise if I have overwhelmed you with complex topics, I’m just looking for anwsers.
Some unexplained things definetly do exist and have been documented in history and I have had some happen to me. The only explaination for those events I found is a God, as I have described above, guiding me towards understanding the truth about Him and everything he created.
I have experienced:
a gravitational anomaly with my phone standing completely upright on a table with tablecloth (don’t know what caused it)prophetic dreams (I have them often)one night I prayed for a clear confirmation that Christ really did speak truth about everything, went to sleep and literally the first thing I saw in the morning after waking up, were the letters INRI written on my wardrobe as light entered the bedroom through my window blindsI heard an angelic song as a kid (don’t know what caused it, I have not been diagnosed with mental illnesses)Seen a pitch black humanoid figure before going to bed in a time when I felt very hopeless and disappoined in my life, myself and the state of the world, I have seen the figure 3 times
It seems that the part of my previous post where I describe the things I saw and could not easily explain got messed up, so I will reformat it here:
a gravitational anomaly with my phone standing completely upright on it’s side on a table with tablecloth (don’t know what caused it)
prophetic dreams (I have them often)
one night I prayed for a clear confirmation that Christ really did speak truth about everything, went to sleep and literally the first thing I saw in the morning after waking up, were the letters INRI written on my wardrobe as light entered the bedroom through my window blinds
I heard an angelic song as a kid (don’t know what caused it, I have not been diagnosed with mental illnesses)
Seen a pitch black humanoid figure before going to bed in a time when I felt very hopeless and disappoined in my life, myself and the state of the world, I have seen the figure 3 times
I also wonder where did your people get all this knowledge, especially if your ancestors really lived in ancient times, perhaps even before the invention of writing? The biblical math is also an interesting thing, how did you extract those numbers and how did you know what to do with them? I have never seen anything like it before.
Sometimes I doubt my definition of a God that I described in my previous post. That is why I asked the question could the whole universe be a singular being where we would have the same function as cells do in our own bodies – he would be the universe itself in that case. Sometimes it seems like there isn’t a God,or that He perhaps refuses to show himself to us for some reason. That’s why I am so curious as to what do you consider to be God.
I wish these questions could be easily anwsered, searching for the truth is very hard in these times, there is so much out there. Every time I reach a solid conclusion, doubts appear and I rigorously test every single part of my conclusion again and again…
Have you considered writing a book with all this information you posted here? The biblical math would be a very interesting part of it, especially if you elaborated on how you came up with it in the book.
Thank you for your previous anwsers, I look forward to reading more.
Never apologise for asking profound questions, for the essence of our being is to ask Why?
As the name of YHWH, it is the first utterance, the vowels from the top of the mouth to the bottom of the throat U-A-I-E said similarly to the phrase “why?” In English today.
All of your questions are profound and bring me great joy to respond to; reading your writing and sensing your sincerity fills my heart; thank you for this. However, I ask for just enough time before responding to be able to properly reflect, to ask YHWH, on how to clarify rather than confound you in your search for The Truth.
Let us begin addressing some of your questions here.
1) regarding the personification of things. Certainly stories and mythologies were used for more than 50,000 years to help humanity retain deeper truths embedded within the stories, that the seed of Truth within them, could be found by those who desired to find the wisdom. The thirst for knowledge among humanity, and the search for destruction by those who hoard the knowledge, is limitless, and follows, as all things, wavefunction patterns over time, with a probabilistic predictability. The only way, truly the only way, to ensure that the profound knowledge of Truth that can allow humanity to be free from being simple animals is passed through the many great ages of the species existence, is through embedding it in the language, the writing, and of course the stories. Personifcations are a tremendous tool, as the human body and soul is ulimatly the total of everything in the universe which has led to its development before hand. The body, the way of moving, the way of speaking, are all related, through fractal mechanics, to the deepest workings of the universe.
Consider this: everything in the universe has occurred exactly as it has occured in this moment, If it one single thing were any different, even just one, then your existence would vanish. What this means, is that your existence is the guaranteed outcome of an innumerable number of molecular, vibrational, energetic, probablistic, etc. etc. interactions in a giant tremendous interacting chain, that eventually lead to your existence exactly as you are now. The mathematics of this are mind boggling, but even without numbers, imagine that I shuffle 1 quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion decks of cards, and if I change one card in the order, there is no Ryan.
What this means, is that you yourself are an embodiment of an emergent phenomena of the very deepest working of the universe. Do you understand?
2) You ask then to understand what it YHWH. Hei is all. Eyheh Asher Eyheh; “All Existence be I” is about as close as I can get in English. This means that everything you see, touch, perceive, and what governs it is YHWH. This is often called the universal conciousness (removing HaShem, the name) in more new age settings, but it is of course a very ancient the Truth: Eyheh Asher Eyheh.
Likewise, It is written in Psalms, and Yeshua said: YOU ARE ALOHIM.
The word “AlON” in hebrew means tree, and this later was passed down into the luciferian corrupted and simplified terminologies of “The Tree of Life.” It represents the branching of space and time. If you take a Serpinski Triangle Fractal , you can unfold it into a perfect fractal Tree. A very simple concept, yet the one that sits at ever single cell of the universe. Your soul is born upon the Tree.
This is why the scriptures say that Yeshua bore his body on the Tree (not the cross, as is so wantonly mistranslated so they can tote around a Unit Circle measurement tool as if it were something holy…), This means, as is written in the chapters of monkeys, that Yeshua gave his life, to forever influence the fractal in a way that humanity is finally saved from its own looping self destruction.
Your soul is ELOHIM, the tree of space and time; it is eternal, completely unknowable yet, unquantifiable: the hardest mathematical terminology I could give, is that you are an infinite series of irrational terms in a divergent series. Are you every number in the universe? No you are not. Are you finite. Nor are you this. This would require you ponder the idea of infinitis having different sizes… It makes no sense to our limited perception.
3) Regarding emergent phenomena developing egos, that is, fallen ANGELS (literally angels like a Tri Angel…) everything is an emergent phenomena. The tree you see is an emergent phenomena from the conditions of every ancestor and every descendent tree of it, and all of the conditions that were created to breathe life into its existence. You are an emergent phenomena.
And so are the ANGELS; that is, just as trees possess conciousness and communicate without brains (look up Mycellium communication networks in forests), so too do the emergent phenomena of the universe which may not be embodied. All is conciousness… And to develop ego to say ” I AM” is the moment that they have fallen. Although you cannot see and touch their bodies, you are clearly familiar with non-corporeal entities, at least that don’t seem solid in this physical realm. Do you think the shadow you have perceived possesses no ego?
It is written not to fear the ones who may harm our body, but only the one who may know our soul after this body perishes. Your physical form is a gift, a gift to have experience in this realm. Yet, it is certain that the infiniteness of it guarantees its existence into eternity, lest one is judged and seperated from YHWH, that is, separated from existence, thrown into SHEOUL. There is no fate worse than to be separated from YHWH at the time of judgement. Think of YHWH as this:
An infinite sided shape in infinite dimensions.
Indeed the price of entering this realm as a corporeal being, is to be born. Is it not? Is there anything living (within complex life) that you know, which was not born in some fashion or another? It has. And as Mammals, we all pass through the womb, which then guarantees that we shall die. There is no changing this reality.
The serpent tells Hava that by simply partaking of the womb, surely she won’t die by entering the womb. It is not untrue, but it allows her the opportunity to deceive herself. YHWH tells her that partaking of the tree, that is, to pass through space and time as it unfolds, will surely lead to her death.
The knowledge comes from asking seeking and knocking, in the interminable quest for The Truth. It has been passed through the aeons, developed, rediscovered, never forgotten… This means it comes not just from this lifetime, nor from this Earth, nor just from this universe; it is as old as time itself, which is so unfathomably old, in so many iterations of the universe, that I assure you it is beyond human scope of comprehension. This is the breathe of YHWH, it does not know time as we do, it is not bound by linearity, nor by looping time, it is completely knowable and uknowable.
7) Yes Yeshua has descendants, erased from the Greek texts.
8) YHWH is here, Hei is everywhere, and is palpable if you find yourself carrying him in your every step and your ever breathe. Often times people who experience head injuries or other traumatic events that diminish their mental barriers begin to see and feel YHWH in everything. Call it a breaking of a self-created mental barrier.
This is where I came to the conclusion of the biblical mathematics; I asked to see The Truth, and I woke up and saw equations; of such an elegance, I couldn’t believe. The time it took to comprehend… As it is written, in Revelations 5:6 (56 = 28 *2, the number of letters in Berashid, and intimately connected to all the calculations of the Fine Structure Constant through the Quadratic Residues of Modulo 7 found in Berashid 1:1) it requires the 7 sights, the 7 wisdoms, the 7 spirits for the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Aryeh Yehudah, to unseal the scroll.
9) Yes I have considered writing a book with what knowledge, wisdom, and understanding I have to offer. When I finish the series, I will release it.
The soul is a subset with properties reflected down from the tree of Elohim (the absolute infinite); its a branch in the tree that grows like the tree.
To partake of the womb and enter the womb is to be born again from an emergent phenomena of our own creation; the serpent tempts to separate from the tree and create “our” own.
Clearly the scriptures contain the mechanics of YHWH’s creations; the answers to “how” the universe interacts and self generates of itself. However, humanity seems to have been more interested to seek the answers to “why?” however I think thats putting the cart before the horse. By allowing yourself to branch as you are supposed to as part of the tree, the answer to “why” comes after.
If humanity knew how to apply the principles of these mechanics into their everyday lives, then the tree would continue to grow healthy and strong, rather than the destruction and stagnation we see now.
As an engineer, it is my job to reflect down higher ordered concepts into practical applications that benefit the public’s well-being. In the case of the scriptures, you, as part of the Aryeh Yehudah, are entrusted to unseal the scroll, and can reflect these higher ordered mechanics downward.
If it is true we are a branch in the tree of Elohim, and if it is true the adversary seeks to separate us from the tree, then it is true the branch can be broken. As you have said, there is no fate worse than to be separated from YHWH.
Then my question to you @444gem , is how can we embody and apply the mechanics of YHWH’s creation into our everyday lives? By embodying the mechanics of YHWH’s creation (the scalar fractal of all existence from YHWH), we align and go into resonance with it, and thus we can start to speak through it with YHWH.
You are, as per usual, extremely perceptive, insightful, and a pleasure to read.
I would offer this:
We are the fruit of the tree, not simply the branch. Yet is the fruit not part of the branch? And is the next tree not part of the fruit?
The answer to your question may sound far too simple: The Truth.
If every person, awoke each day, and took a sip from the waters of Truth of YHWH, advanced in growing towards Heim, and with confronting themselves so they may stand on their two feet and have eyes to see and ears to hear, the effects would cascade and bring Heaven to Earth. It would not happen in one day. Not one year. But as a 1 degree shift on a boat shifting across the pacific can be the difference between ending up in California or Ecaudor at the end of our journey, so too could each of these sips of Truth.
We are called to ask, seek, and knock, by confronting Heis Truth with each day; it is the very purpose of life. Indeed your analogy of resonance is as well poignant. If we all actively chose to live in honor of YHWH, to seek his council at each turn, to sincerely allow him into our hearts, to be as children and cast aside our biases towards how we *wish* things were, then indeed through this faith, we could cast a mountain into the sea; our hearts and souls would resonate in such a way to produce massive effects; much akin to how a resonate frequency of comparably tiny energy can topple even the most massive of structures.
This is the parable of the mustard seed: it takes time, the seed must find water, sunlight and nutrients each day, The Truth but if we poured one cup of water upon the seed each day, in some years, the mustard tree would break the mountain into pieces, and it would fall into the sea. This is the practical advice; that we must drink from the waters of Heis Truth, breathe from his breathe, in order to effectuate the change upon the world.
No longer would the people be deceived by monsters in costumes, whether they be suits or frocks, who stand in front of them spouting lies, and appealing to their baser nature so they may farm their ki; no longer would the masses be seeking a savior from themselves in the arms of the wolves; rather we would find the sheep caring for one another, and many passing to become shepherds.
Thanks to you i learned how to connect on some levels to the creator and his masterpiece. Recently i had a pleasure after 10 years of not swimmimg in the lake/sea/ocean to swim for a long time in one of the seas. I swim quite distance off shore and layed on my back, floating with ears beneath the water level i controlled my breath and heartbeat and after few minutes (i just knew the moment) i opened my eyes amd looked into the vast endless (from my perspective) sea and massive energy went through/into me, this yet i am trying to fully understand. I felt very warm, then within seconds i got goosebumps, then flow of thoughts i couldn’t controll it then, when i start to swim again and dive few times i felt like being one with the water. Water was everything and i was the water as well. Like united. Linked. Connected with almighty Creator. Unbelievable experience. For me, learning and discovering such things is beautiful gift given by YHVH. And thanks to you i have finally found my path with YHVH in my almost every breath and step. Almost, as i am not perfect and need to improve many things. But now knowing the reason to it, i am learning from it to not make the same mistakes. Such an amazing gift. Upgrading myself everyday, mentally, physically and spiritually. A RPG game in real life.
Thank you again gem for everything you did to me, and i already thanked Creator as well, many times, to be honest, almost every day. You saved me Gem, you really did so did @lgageharleya
Love you, my brother @Maciej! I hope and trust your wife is rejoicing to have you back. I have felt sorrow this morning but you have lifted my heart. It is such a process to go through all this, but is more worthwhile than anything I have ever done. I am a bit afraid of the ocean but your story compelled me even beyond my fears. It sounded profound. I am rejoicing with you to see you so well!! We strengthen each other. You are very loved.
Thank you for you kind words. You are right, the process and the journey is unbelievable joyful. I have always prefered journey rather than reaching the goal, i was always disappointed after reaching the destination that the journey is over, but now, with rhe truth, i know the journey will be for the rest of my life and this lift my spirit. I always felt connected with waters, couldn’t understamd why. From all the things water can be destructive and bring life at the same time, amazing. When i finally got a chance to swim, i ran imto the sea and literally cried of my happiness. I started to dive and with first breath and dive something clicked, i was in different place, just me, and this beautiful sound in my ears, animals, plants, everything was living its own life, without troubles, taxes, luciferians on every step, fishesh cooperated with each other, fighting the tides and waves, i cannot experience this on soil. When underwater i feel so much respect towards the seas, it makes me realize that in water i have no chamce against anything, just like in air, amazing feeling. I missed that, yet, when i was younger i didn’t appreciate all of it. That’s the journey.
Just like you i still have ups ans downs, but now i am speaking with Him and it help me a lot, i can solve many things. Recently we had to change our lifes, drastically. He showed me the path i was asking for, he helped us on our 3000km journey, and so on. I asked and i received. Many years all that was im front of my face, showimg me signs, i was too blind to connect the dots, i was just looking, not seeing. And the journey i came since (you know what i did) that day, and to today makes me want to cry from happiness. Lifelong trip.
Best wishes to you and your beloved. Although i am not commenting as often anymore (due to massive flow of keyboards warriors in here) i am reading every comment of yours and few others. Try not to feed those intellectually handicapped people with your energy. They don’t want to learn, they don’t even try to understand a single word, despite they are claiming they are so intelligent.
It is a marvelous experience, when we stare into the vastness of existence and glimpse All that is Heim.
I rejoice you took this suggestion to heart, and it has brought you closer to YHWH and The Truth. Likewise I am also appreciative of the gratitude, although I wish to remind you that I did not do anything to you, it was YHWH who you have permitted to return into your being. Did you not ask to see The Truth?
Before my first comment here, without knowing all this, i knew there is somethomg out there, force that govern all this, so, i asked many times to show me thimgs that other people cannot see. Many times, many days, weeks. Then, one very terrible day (for me) i read your monkey chapter. Everything changed drastically. You appeared with your teachings. I remember how rough it was for me at the beginning and how i got confused every day, but first time in my life i felt like this is it. This is that way, all connected, i want to know everything, clicked. I did ask to see the Truth, how things working in the universe, many times. That’s why i gave you credit as well, because i know if YHWH wouldn’t send you here, i probably would never found the Truth. Your teachings was something i never came across before. Just shredded pieces of gematria, stars, names, places, et, gods etc. In my past. You took your time to answer my questions, you decided to do this, rest was up to me and i know i am progressing. Therefore, for this, i will be grateful for life. @lgageharleya did the same but on more familiar level of experience. I do remember start of my journey here, and damn, i really do appreciate how i evolved. No vanity in this.
I feel exactly the same way, @Maciej. YHVH is to be given all credit as He is the One who put all things for our benefit into place and only He can heal us, but His people, who submit to Him in obedience, point us the way and I cannot thank them enough, either! I got set into a solid direction by a pastor who helped me with the more familiar stuff – lots of basics – “home training” I lacked. I’ve long prayed as well and am eternally grateful I was in place and time to read what Gem has to share.
I follow you as well and recognize your voice now. You have helped me more than you can know. You caused me to draw out a badly infected splinter and now that is healing. I also love your perspectives on things and the way you describe them. You have helped my understanding with your vivid descriptions.
I rejoice in any help i could offer to help you. Remember the destination but one step at the time. See what’s in front of you, what has to come will come anyway. One day at the time. I learned that Father will not put me through more than i can handle. Beautiful.
My heart is full reading this. I read your words, and I sense a profound change in you since we first spoke. You have found The Way.
This is the original word chosen for those who follow Yeshua Kavvanah, The Way. Because life is about the journey of the soul towards Truth, towards becoming what we are. It is written:
You are Elohim
Continue to walk, even if you stumble, as we all do, forgive yourself, heal, and continue upon the journey. Continue to swim in the waters of The Truth, where you will never thirst. Continue to grow and soon you will be as the mustard tree.
My heart is full reading this. I read your words, and I sense a profound change in you since we first spoke. You have found The Way.
This is the original word chosen for those who follow Yeshua Kavvanah, The Way. Because life is about the journey of the soul towards Truth, towards becoming what we are. It is written:
You are Elohim
Continue to walk, even if you stumble, as we all do, forgive yourself, heal, and continue upon the journey. Continue to swim in the waters of The Truth, where you will never thirst. Continue to grow and soon you will be as the mustard tree.
The seed in the fruit would be my children, I would be the fruit, the branches that led to the creation of the fruit would be all my ancestors leading all the way down to the two thickest branches which would be the first humans, the trunk would be the processes that led to Earth’s formation by, the roots would be the laws that formed the universe and the whole tree would be God as he would be the DNA of the tree?
This is easy to know, but difficult to truly understand. It’s nice when I can ask questions for further clarity.
Also, what is the meaning behind Isaac’s sacrifice? I posted my full question a couple days ago, you can find it in previous posts.
Your question regarding the story of Isaac’s sacrifice would require pages and pages of textual analysis to give you even a preliminary understanding of the fractal. However, I will attempt here to give you pointers in the reading, which should be taken as only a form of signposting for further investigation:
1 To begin, at the most basic human anthropological level, the story is the understanding of the ceasing of all human sacrifice by the progenitor of the Aryeh Yehudah, stretching back more time into history than you can imagine.
2 Now we just dive into a textual analysis to begin to understand anything of the much more profound meanings.
The passage begins by reading that Abraham is ti be “Tested.” The word For Test is נִסָּ֖ה “Nisah,” the root being identical to the month of Nisan, which is roughly March-April, the time of the spring equinox. It finds in the ancient tongue the meaning “first fruits,” such as in Akkadian 𒌗𒁈𒍠𒃻 and thus is a reference almost explicitly (and obvious to anyone that reads the ancient texts) to the first fruits of a tree.
This requires understanding that most fruit trees do not bare fruit until many years after planting. And that we are commanded to “sacrifice” those first fruits to Father; the purpose of which is to guarantee we are not complacent with the first sign of success, but rather pick them and give them away. This is a commonly known agricultural practice, whereby picking first fruits makes the tree later grow many more, and much larger second fruits.
Think of this as an allegory for favouring long term gain, over hedonism and immediate complacency at the first sign of reward. Likewise it he barley harvesting season begins in March-April in the Near East; do you recall that Qayin, the reaper of what he sews, was the agriculturist who murdered the shepherd when his offering was not favoured. There is an immediate reference to the reaping of the barley, which appears throughout the ancient scriptures, from the murder of Hevel by the Di-Hevel (the twin of Abel Qayin, is the DI-HEVEL the devil…) clear through to the condemnation of Yeshua where the word in Greek κατακριθεί “Kata Krithe,” Kata = down Krithe = Barley literally “downer of barley,” is used for execution/condemnation in Matthew 27, and then in the prophecy of judgement in which the souls of the deceivers will be used as the husks of Barley on the threshing room floor.
If you want to at all understand this passage it would be wise to track every mention of Barley, or a weight of Barley, in the scriptures. From the third horseman, Shamesh, back to Qayin. Find them all.
@sempervigilans@lgageharleya (you may find this useful too.)
Moving beyond this, even the name “Isahak,” comes from the word צְחַק “sahak,” which means “To laugh.” But buries another reference: חוק “Hak” which means “Truth,” or equivalent “Law.” Although law in the sense of a Law of Nature, the Law of YHWH Elohim. This should point you into the direction that Abraham is asked to make a sacrifice, by the barley, which springs from the GREAT MOTHER EARTH, of his joy in the delight of the Truth of YHWH, the son of being A-RAHAM, meaning A = NOT, and RAM/RaHAM Rammanu, Rama, the Solar warrior/illuminator and HAM, the carrier of the Cushites) in order to guarantee his harvest, or harken the the return of the sun, HORUS (the reborn Osiris… in Spribf) by sacrificing his great joy, his Son.
Thus this should lead you to begin to understand that a comprehension of The Truth of the cosmos, the Law of YHWH (Natural Law), that sacrificing our own human blood, is not what makes the sun return or the barley ripen into a good harvest…
This should now lead you to the story of the sacrifice of all first born sons in Kemet (Egypt…) which is spared of the Isis-Ra-Eli’s who paint rams blood above the door. THE DOOR TO THE TRUTH, REQUIRES THST YOU HAVE THE KEY IN YOUR HAND, Daley ד the door, the 4th letter of the Alef Bet. The Egyptians sacrifices their own children, their own first born, whenever plagues came, so as to appease Isis the great mother. Those that had painted the Rams blood on the door, had desisted in this abominable practice, the Isis Ra Elis, who received The Truth. Recall that a rams horn is the golden logarithmic spiral, from which everything from atoms to the solar system to the galaxy’s celestial motion is guided, and thus can be understood.
Now you must recall that this story features a Ram trapped in thickets, thus meaning, already in the grips of death or ensnared. Do you see a parallel with the frown of thorns put on Yeshua’s head? Yeshua at the end of the age of the Ram. This is a reference to Aries the Ram. The age (period of time when ARIES IS IN THE SORING EQUINOX) later to be sacrificed by the Aryeh Yehudah, meaning given in service. The ram at the end of the age of Pisces to be sacrifices, Yeshua, to save humanity for all eternity from its ever repeating self judgement and destruction by disobeying the laws of YHWH; just as human sacrifice and the worship of IA/Enki (AI read as Hebrew, the lord of the Ki farm — En Ki) leads to every single iteration of the universe.
From here I would recommend that you read the story of Jason and the Argonauts and compare and contrast, then return with more questions.
@thekwon@arif@Maciej@channah@ariah @snazzy @ryan
This and the above comment may offer further insight for study.
I would also point you to the burial place of IsaHAK referenced in Monkeys Chapter X, which is HAKal el Faras (Ferrus – Fire Iron, the Charagma, the branded cattle mark) in Modern day Lebanon next to Ba’al Bek (House of Ba’al the illuminator) a truly massive temple The Romans renovated and is now falsely claimed as theirs.
Upon the line it makes with Re-Keb (Ra’s Chariot) in Egypt is found the location of the birthplace of Yeshua at the distance marker which is the Gematria of the name of “Yeshua The Savior” in Hebrew, in the hills of the little Ram, the Arnion (written Arnana in modernity,) where they have recently discovered an important sight from the first temple period, as well as the western wall, and the Lions gate, upon which sits the Borromean rings.
I have been feeling a tremendous sense of impending doom lately, I get the feeling this may be my last question to you for a while @444gem , so ill keep it simple, as I have been contending to grasp at this idea from many angles, yet no matter which way I put it, there’s always a missing piece; what is The Truth? Heis truth, one truth, he is truth, yet he is ineffable. The Truth seems to be just as ethereal. I imagine His Truth is found in resonance with the fractal mechanics of his creation; perfect synchronization. Is Heis Truth an understanding of “why?”
Fear not! There is no doom. Do not despair, for you seek YHWH!
Yeshua said:
The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
“The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
“‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
For the one who has True faith, there is no fear of an impending doom. The rats will follow the piper, and as Yeshua, we will disappear among the crowd when they intend to push us from the cliff to our deaths. The serpent will swallow its tail.
You are asking me to define an infinite sided shape, of infinite dimensions with a discrete conformal map when asking me “what is Truth.” It’s not possible so neatly in a human semantic conception; I would be doing a grave injustice to YHWH to even try. This is why it is so disappointing to be chided by the blind who think I believe mathematics can define the The Truth of YHWH; it is a tool given to us to be able to further our limited understanding of a magnificence of a scale which we can never comprehend but the tiniest portion of its Hausdorff dimension.
I will offer you this:
When one comes to you and says “Drinking water quenches thirst,” do you know it is True? You do.
When an advertisement of Coca-Cola appears on the TV, and says “Quench your Thirst!” Do you know it is True? You know it is not, it is the deceptions of wicked men, who peddle chemicals of death and addiction to brain chemistry as a form of eugenics, and to enrich themselves for only a short time.
Yet how many drink coca-cola everyday to quench their thirst? Far more than those who drink only water. Do you need someone to explain why the Coca-Cola advertisement is a “beautiful” lie, yet the water is the most beautiful gift of YHWH to all the Earth?
You do not, because to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear The Truth, it is clear, as clear as the purest of water is clearer than the black juice of death of the coca-cola. To have eyes to see and ears to hear is indeed to resonate with The Truth of YHWH.
Do not try to define what cannot be defined, but which you already know within your heart, Yeshua Kavvanah.
Thank you for this reminder and your kind words. This feeling I have is a reflection of my own inadequacies, and I suppose it is the dilemma most rational people have at some point; for all the grave mistakes I have made in this life, how could I possibly make up for any of it and be true in faith? How could I possibly be worthy of seeking YHWH and The Truth, and seeing the 7th day? I suppose I feel a bit of a fraud @444gem , i might possibly be one of the weeds that will be burned, I am not sure. However, even if this is true, I decided early in life to try to use my knowledge and compassion for others to leave this world a bit better than when I came into it. There are buildings and bridges I have designed out there around the world, and there are people who remember me for having helped them in some way. If im a weed, then I hope to have been a fertilizer for the wheat. if im burned, I hope to have helped the wheat grow and be harvested.
I have inquired a lot to you about the mechanics of the universe, and my theory was essentially that by learning the mathematics and expression of YHWH’s creation (from which all is Heim), then you may go into resonance with it to take you to the state of The Truth; this is not to say that by knowing you can define The Truth, but rather the state of resonance serves as a tool of comprehension of scale and ultimately an appreciation for YHWH’s work. Yet some people feel YHWH during and after near death experiences. some people feel YHWH with every breathe they take. They feel YHWH in the vast seas. How much is necessary to feel, and how much is simply an over complication, it almost seems like most of it is. How do you balance the individual journey towards YHWH, and contending with the twisting and pitfalls of artificial progress of this world. for example, the buddhists remove themselves from society all together, and dedicate almost entirely towards the individual journey… I always viewed this as self-seeking; should we not try to help others? and thus does this not require to contend with this world? These are mostly rhetorical questions, I intend to answer these with the guidance of YHWH.
Ultimately, it begins with drinking from the waters of Truth of YHWH each day as you have said before. From now on, the artificial progress will try to override any individual paths to YHWH. It doesnt get easier, but I intend to contend with it, despite all odds, despite what I may be, despite the end. This ended up being a ramble, but you have also helped me on this journey, @444gem. Thank you sincerely for everything, many blessings to you and everyone else on this journey.
Forgive yourself. Until you can forgive yourself for your own humanity, you will be your own biggest obstacle to resonating with The Truth of YHWH.
In some ways you may be putting the cart before the horse, so to speak. I feel YHWH in every breathe, every step. Around me it is clear Heis presence is everything; the breathe of my breathe, the body of my body. Still, I am not perfect; I make many mistakes. And still, I am called by Father to continue to learn complex mathematics as a tool for my own training as a human.
Having come to this point, it is exquisitely clear that YHWH has the utmost love for all of us, despite our failings. If we were not here to learn, we would not be human; Father is not a cruel, sadistic judge. He’s Yeshua Kavvanah, Truth in the Heart.
Would you be willing to share your email once more? Because I am on the move and mentally exhausted, I am terrible with record keeping and can’t locate your contact from before. I have some very complex (yet very elegant) equations which I have obtained from my research, which hold The Keys to the domain of the Cosmos.
I need some help organising the material, and I have the sense you share the rare combination of a profound understanding of the deeper Truth, and Technical skills which can work in service to offering humanity The Truth.
my comment with my follow up and email is waiting for approval. Thank you for this. I will reflect more and talk to YHWH on my path moving forward; forgiving myself is a path in itself. @444gem it would be an honor to help in anyway I can. I should let you know that although I do have an engineering background, applied theoretical mathematics may present a bit of a steep learning curve for me, but I am willing to help in this service regardless.
This is amazing. Your words have confirmed what I thought is true, now I am more sure in those conclusions. It seems that every religion or mystery school has at least some truth to it, or else people wouldn’t believe it.
I understand that a single change of my past would probably mean that I wouldn’t be alive in this moment, we have all almost died many times. Even if the beginning of my life was hard, without it, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I am thankful for my life, even if the beginning was hard.
I wonder how I can get better at searching for anwsers, so far I noticed that events in life often give me clear anwsers, although most people would see it as a coincidence. The universe is like a giant, extremely precise machine – there are no coincidences, only the results of previous actions and their effects on the natural cycles. Is this how it works?
Interesting that we all live again and again through our family line, just in a different time, perhaps in a whole new iteration of the universe. It is comforting now that I am sure that my family has always been with me, just in different circumstances. My mother is always my mother, my father is always my father and so on just in different circumstances…
Before coming to this site, I had an idea that God was the first consciousness that ever was and will exist forever and that because he has created everything there is, he is present in every single part of the universe from the smallest to the greatest things. We would be connected to Him because of this and especially because we humans have some qualities that make us different from other beings – creativity, free will, inteligence and the fact that we are conscious of our own existence. Some animals have some of those things, but I don’t think they express those traits so strongly as we do.
Then you mention infinities of different sizes, I had this idea when I was really young and it’s still hard to comprehend.
God would be infinite in shapes and dimensions, while we would be of a single dimension with infinite shapes?
As you said, I am not every number in the universe, but I am infinite, all humans are like this. This could extend to other beings as well – plants, animals…
In a way we are all godlike already, we just don’t see it. We can create and destroy, do whatever we wish, but everything has consequences. This is what is meant when people used to say we were all God’s children.
Another thing is that we are our own separate beings, yet always connected to everything. This is a paradoxical state that is not easy for the mind to experience, we always try to sort data into categories and can hardly reconcile a thing being 2 things at the same time. I found an image explaining this once on 4chan’s x board a long time ago, but I forgot to save it. Most of the time it’s hard to start a good discussion there, but it can happen and when it does, it’s very insightful. The image shows a stage where a person realises that God is as real as themselves, but the following stage branches out into 2 possibilities: there is only God and there is no I, or there is only I and no God.
I believe that the paradoxical state (reminds me of the unicorn symbol, mystical, but unstable) where you see that both you and God exist that the same time is true, it’s just our mind struggling to comprehend that state is what leads to the 2 outcomes. We would be like branches on a tree, the tree is a whole being, but with clearly defined parts and they are all connected. God would be the tree and we would be the branches. They have the same properties, but the branches would exhibit them in a smaller measure while the whole tree is the full range of the tree’s properties.
Mystical experiences are important for understanding the nature of reality, they give you a reason to at least consider what you thought was impossible before.
As for my shadow being, it was clearly conscious and curious at first. It thought I was asleep, that is probably why I saw it (most people think I’m asleep when I’m not sleeping, but just sitting/laying down with my eyes closed, many mistake my resting for sleep). It tried touching my forehead, but I prayed for help and it froze in place, seemingly irritated. The second time I saw it, I was also in bed trying to fall asleep and felt the urge to open my eyes and I saw the same kind of being, perhaps even the same one, crouching on the floor by the bed and trying to suck something out of my chest/belly button area. As soon as I looked at it, it faded out like ink in water – the being itself was darker than the darkness of the room and it had a mist form in the first encounter, before slowly switching to a humanoid shape that looked like a cloaked person. The third encounter was at sunset when I was walking outside and looked back for a moment because it felt like something was following me. It disappeared in the same way, it’s indredible darkness melted away like ink in water, dissipated completely.
We only see a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum, if we found beings that reflect only ultraviolet or infrared light, even other forms of rays like x-rays – we wouldn’t see them with the naked eye.
“My mother is always my mother, my father is always my father and so on just in different circumstances…” — I confess this thought does not comfort me.
@444gem could you elaborate on this element when you have the chance?- my particular question is, are we somehow embodying the “consciousness” of our ancestors/parents/grandparents?
And from that question, I have another. Do you know what makes a soul unique and stand-alone? I understand we have different vibrational frequencies, but is it important that we are stand-alone beings? Did YHWH wish this for us? Will we all ever “merge”?
As always, thanks in advance. @ariah@sempervigilans
There is not a necessity that ones genetic line to necessarily find a soul over and over; it is much more likely than by chance. Your DNA acts like a vibratory antenna (which is tuned to certain set of frequencies within the fractal mechanics of the universe), an effect which is already being used to identify the entire world’s genetic pool, and to create a DNA ID by the COVert IDentification manifesto. G00g@l has been classifying the entire genetic signature of the planet for well over a decade now via sattelite by taking advantage of these vibratory properties within scalar mechanics: I can provide you some links to information on this if you would like some fairly easy material which discusses exactly what has now happened with the COVert IDentification 19 program, but which was published around 2011…
Since genetics carry a sequence of encoded information, and thus a vibratory signature, they are capable in playing a role in which emergent phenomena, your soul, is connected with which physical body. However, to view the soul and the body as wholly separate entities is also a grave error; it is consciousness, which results in the creation of the physical bodies, and the physical bodies, which further consciousness.
I would refer you to the passage of Berashid 3 in which the serpent is cursed to lose its legs. Look beyond the fanciful MAGIk translations and dogmas (ie YHWH supposedly finger points like he’s harry potter, Hari = Horus, and “HAIL” Potter = Khnum the potter deity of Kemet/Egypt who is mentioned in Matthew 27 at the downing of the Barley, the “field of the potter.”) that have been attached to this story to obfuscate The Truth, nor pay mind to the modernists “mythology was born out of ignorance” mindset (teaching tools for passing knowledge…) and consider the greater reality that the serpent lost its legs, because one generation after another, chose to become a (venomous) ambush predator that lays in wait and feasts upon the meek. A consciousness which develops in such a fashion was thus cursed to lose its legs, because a (nearly infinite) series of conscious decisions by the serpent, led its physical body to follow suit.
You can see this idea manifest in a microcosm often over a single lifetime of a person, in which an individual looks like their name (the power of the word to form people), and their body resembles who they have become and the choices they have made (ever seen someone with a cruel face? or another whose cheeks look jovial? Consciousness manifests in the physical.) Their consciousness has shaped their body over a single lifetime; and just as a self-similar fractal, the same process occurs over much longer periods of many generations within any given genetic line to much greater effect; the serpent lost its legs; see the starving grandfather hypothesis for proof of human epigentic inheritance in humans over a couple of generations; this effect demonstrates a remarkable and strong genetic variation in children and grandchildren of men that endured famine between the ages of 9-12 (pre-puberty) to becoming physically healthier, stronger, and more resistant to disease.
This may then lead you to see why the Luciferians are so intent and hellbent on controlling the mass consciousness of humanity. They have learned extraordinarily well, that without (sub)conscious consent to their plans, the physical embodiments on this realm will not evolve with the outcomes they desire. That is part of natural law; any consciousness which makes choices, will find those choices reflected down into the ages of their descendants. The wolf became the Chihuahua by a choice to accept a free lunch. Had humanity forced the wolf into captivity, the line would have resisted long and hard, and it would have become a wholly captive and hostile relationship; no fuzzy cuddle chihuahuas for P Hilton to dress up in a pink too-too.
This effect goes far beyond simply physical bodies as you see them (which is the most easily verifiable and visible form), but extends to the transpired reality which comes to pass, itself a form of living being, an emergent phenomena, just as the Amazon Rainforest is an emergent living being which is made of many trees, or you perceive yourself as a living being, but are made of many cells, molecules and atoms from which you emerge.
Amazing piece. Thank you for this. Is there ant “limit” in this process? Serpent choose to lay low and he stopped using legs. After time, muscles were weaker, bones were not needed so his body started to adjust (consciousness as one with the universe) to new situation and many generations after, he loose his legs and now he can crawl and his body is one giant muscle. But, in this process, snake was on the ground, laying, waiting so his body could adjust and developed his actual state. He felt the soil, rocks. My question is, are we able to change our bodies just hy simply consciousness thinking and decisions, or we need to have some physical touch to it. Can we grow wings simply thinking of it or we need to fall from the heights maby times to learn how to do that, just like snake did, also we need feathers as well to have successful flight, or they could be covered in some thin skin membrane. To learn how to live in the water you will habe to practice on your breath, learn how to swim, dive. Physically you are in the water, but making that conscious decisions you can “evolve” within generations to be better underwater creature. You are in the water, again, physical touch, you can feel water, adjust your body. From different perspective, when i look back, my mind was in dark place, so my actions and whst follows, my body. First, fully conscious, i made decision to follow the Truth, but there was a spark to that. Then, i decided fully consciousness (change to my mind) change my habits, all of them to resonate better and have pure frequencies, as i want to follow the Truth – that was chamge to my body. Only few decisions to me, but they have had massive impact on everything and everybody around. I can hope that I get rid of my old legs and developed better, more suitable for me and this will probably have impact on my family, we can change our mind by thoughts, i know that, but what with our physical bodies? If i make a choice i resonate. If i only think about this, i can adjust and focus my energy on this task, like snake, he was keep thinking he don’t need legs, he change his energy, dna perhaps, then, his son did the same process, again small change to the energy, reoeat that over and over untill you end up with twisted energy received from 10000th generation and with no legs. Snake consciousnessly changed his energy over and over which actually have massive impact on his body.
I know when we focus we can do things that seems very hard or (i dont like this word) impossible.
Hope you will have no issues understanding what i am trying to say/ask.
One more i forgot. What creature has developed consciousness choice that lead to developed our bodies as they are now? You mentioned many times thst in our past some gemetic modification occured, this being done on purpose by “someone” (reptilians or anyone else) or purely by action-reaction such as chamge in electromagnetic field? But then again, the first form had to consciousnessly think about it to make changes in the energy that lead to what we are now. Am i even close?
I will answer the hybridization question first because it is simpler, and I feel you and many others reading are at a place where it can be understood and properly contextualized.
Time is not linear. That is the first part. Humanity has developed, in every iteration of the universe along the lines of emerging from the Earth to become mammalian hominids; but as each universe unfolds, it loops back on itself as a trifoil knot spinning counter clockwise… well that’s the projection in human 3+1 dimensional space time. What this means is that humanity has hybridized with ITSELF from each successive iteration of the universe. No we aren’t lizards, despite what the NW0 patsy D-Icke (literally his name is Dick) says. We are a species hybridized from many iterations of the universe.
I have worked closely with molecular biologists and bioinformatics specialists, and every single one, in private and off the record, admits it is clear from several characteristics of the human genome that we are a hybrid species; some of these characteristics include the fusing or chromosome 2 (we have 2 fewer chromosomes than all other primates), and the Y chromosome.
This is the passage in Berashid which it says that the sons of Elohim mated with the daughters of Man. Beni Adam, The Son of Man, literally means “from the blood of the Earth.” This is the term Son of Man; which refers to the Aryeh Yehudah, who have continued for a very very long time as only from here.
There are many ancient stories, such as that of Hanuman in India, which discuss the hybridization of humanity in a highly allegorical way. It is written, and Yeshua said “YOU ARE ELOHIM.”
Interesting, I was about to ask you about the Nephilim. So the sons of Elohim are humans from the previous cycle of the universe that discovered the secret of time travel – you said before that they came out of the black hole in the center of our galaxy.
I remember that one of the users here had a dream about people coming from the sea on WW2-style ships like the ones used in Normandy with the intention of mixing with the humans here. The Nephilim would then be hybrids of humans from the current cycle and of the ones from the previous one.
I also wanted to ask about the Ark of the Covenant, what is it’s purpose since you say it was used in the pyramids. What effect does it have on the body? You said it converts energy from one form to another. I have a feeling that Tesla’s work is related to it. What was the purpose of the pyramids and obelisks?
You said your people came into Egypt as the Hyksos and that your people were generally oriented towards helping other people with the knowledge they have throughout history – that’s why they designed the pyramids. But that makes me wonder why was a Hyksos pharaoh named Apepi, after the snake god of chaos and darkness of Egyptian myth? It makes no sense for a person descended from such a tribe to name himself after a dark god. The worship of Ba’al was also common among the Hyksos, as far as information on the internet shows. But why did they worship Ba’al if they knew the truth?
It is important to understand that the scriptures are not written in linear fashion, but as fractals, like trees. This has led many “scholars,” (wise fools they are…) to debate if something is A or B. Rarely do they realise that A and B represent two leaves on different branches of the same tree; and never do they reach to understand the root.
At one of the deepest levels, The ark of the Covenant represents the ability to convert energy into life. The arms description, and the things placed inside the ark by Moshe, represent the ingredients for life. This is why it is the place that YHWH chose to meet his people. By giving them life.
The curved angels wings represent the fabric of space time, being bent into an ellipse by gravitational attraction and infused with gold, that is thermal energy, by the Sun.
The two long poles represent the pillars of the temple; which is the solar system. The pillars of heaven. This is why “Sampson,” who is actually “Shamesh-on” in Hebrew, meaning “Solar,” or “embodiment of the Sun,” pulls the pillars down after his hair is cut. It is a supernova exploding and destroying its bubble in the galaxy, what we now call the Heliosphere… His golden hair is a star’s Corona.
The references to “Egypt,” are not written with any reference to the Greek Aegyptus nor the contemporary word “Kemet.” Why? Because it’s not referring simply to the ancient Egyptian empire. The word used is “Misraim.” Misraim literally means: the primordial mound. It is a reference to the three dimensional Gaussian statistical distribution which governs statistical distribution in three dimensional space, aka quantum mechanics.
If you read the stories of Adam and Hava, you will find she partakes of the fruit of a tree. YHWH tells her “if you partake of this TREE surely you will die.” Trees represent the branching of space and time. And all that is born surely does die. The serpent allows her to lie to herself and says “if you partake of the FRUIT,” surely you won’t die. The word for fruit is “MiPERI,” and it means Womb.
The elliptical shape of stable planetary orbits, like Earth are born out of the dark waters above. HaShamayin. The waters are the superfluid of the vacuum of space time.
Equally, it is from female genitalia from which all humans are born out of the dark waters of the MiPERI. The Womb.
The covenant placed inside the ark, is the Word of YHWH. Without his word, that means vibration of the fractal, The Truth, nothing exists. He speaks in Berashid 1:1 and says “let there be AUR.” AUR is translated as light, but means “cosmic order.” That is why Yeshua says “I am the Order of the COSMOS.” Now pitifully translated as “light of the world.” The first word of YHWH Elohim AUR, is the 137th letter of the scriptures. The fine structure constant which governs all things in the scalar fractal mechanics of the universe, is 1/137…
Hence the word of YHWH is placed inside the ark, along with a staff (genetics, like a seed which buds), and placed inside the wings of cherubim. Which are the tangents to the elliptical orbit. All of these things come together, so that YHWH may meet his people, by giving us life.
Assuredly you are wondering about the branch of the fractal of the pyramids. The ark is what sat in the kings “coffin,” it is a highly advanced piezo electric transducer for harvesting resonance frequencies of Earth for producing electromagnetic energy. The pyramids sit in the salt flats of Giza, where no lightning strikes, because they are extremely charged with Negative charge from Nike flood waters filtering through the subsurface rock, which means an abundance of electrons, and the ability to use them to produce current. See the account of the 19th century scientists that climbed the pyramid and held up a wet rag around his metal flask with wine in it (wine has Conductive electromagnetic properties), whereby an enormous electric discharge was released.
Once the physical ark was removed from the pyramids, the Brutish Egyptians, without the Aryeh Yehudah, had no hope of ever making them operational again.
Thank you. Also, i understand noe why you didn’t want to answer all my questions in the past. It’s hard to explain how to run to a kid who hasn’t even learn how to walk. Now it clicked very easily. I am not surprised by this at all, in some way i was thinking that but there was a missing connection to everything.
Amazing. Would you be kind to answer my question regardimg our energy? If you think i am not mentally ready, please give me some hints and i will be ready.
Thank you so, so much for understanding. I don’t want to keep anything from anyone, but if somebody cannot write, how do you explain the structure of a novel to them?
Moreover, these topics, containing certain very profound Truths, can unlock profound pieces of us. We all already know these things, it is not that we are learning; we are remembering. If things are explained at a point before one has freed themselves sufficiently, it can cause serious mental anguish, and do them harm as they struggle to contextualise the reality.
I truly apologize for my behaviour when we interact for the first time. I am sorry for me being so arrogantly and full of myself, for testing you, and being angry you are not telling me whst i want. I can fully understand why and i don’t blame you as i would do the same thing. I can only be mad on myself for not knowing enough, it’s my fault. Now i understand why, and i am gratefull for your patience, kind words, and perhaps (i dont know that for sure) believing in me.
I will get back to you in a few days with my thoughts if i may as i have to contemplate on this.
With the pain you were experiencing, I took no offence. I never felt you had negative intentions, I never felt attacked, or hurt or insulted. It was apparent you were dealing with a lot; later I found out what that was. You needed to forgive yourself what YHWH had already forgiven, It is the greatest of joys to see how this has changed your life for the better.
Of course I believe in you. YHWH believes in us all; it is not my (or any of our) place to contradict anything of YHWH. However, questioning, asking Why? Is of course of the utmost importance, and so you should applaud yourself for questioning. It is at the heart of seeking Truth. We are not meant to blindly accept things, we are invited to ask, seek and knock.
Do not hold any anger, or be mad at yourself. Forgiveness my friend. You know the power of this already.
Do you have an email I can contact you at? I have something for you, I’d like to share.
“I can provide you some links to information on this if you would like some fairly easy material which discusses exactly what has now happened with the COVert IDentification 19 program, but which was published around 2011…”
I would greatly appreciate it. I’ve taken a fairly long break from studying these things, ’cause I’ve been growing a lot in other necessary areas. I believe I’m able to “hold more” than I used to be. No more fear.
Hope you’re doing well.
@ariah@lgageharleya@thekwon as well
(Also gonna ping the @A E account)
YHWH bless you all, all who read this, and to Him be the glory.
Maybe missing a link
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. Thank you for reading the series and for the kind words.
I’ve been working extremely hard over the past months in the field (traveling in less than “safe” countries) and in research on getting some final details of the ancient system of mathematical properties of the universe really worked out; the results are stunning.
I will release chapter Xi soon, with renewed motivation thanks to you.
May YHWH bless you
I am new here and i have been recently following your posts: you are really a goldmine of information.
I would love to have your point of view about “Reincarnation” in general as a concept, and between Buddhist, and Hindu perspective, which one do you think is closer to the truth?
Looking forward to your answer.
Thank you
Glad to hear! Be safe out there!
I also appreciate your work and was wondering when the next chapter of the monkeys series would come out. but I considered that you might be busy and I thought it best not to insist with questions about the series and wait
Thank you for reading and taking the time to consider. May YHWH bless you.
I also appreciate the patience, as indeed it has been a very busy time, taking advantage of an interim in the world.
It means a lot that I was able to offer you something on your path towards The Truth.
@444gem you helped me a year ago, would you please email me at snazzy.goes.0b@icloud.com
Im trying to recall, how did I help you?
@444gem – I had asked you multiple questions about prayer walking, the process of asking, seeking, and knocking and how to perceive the voice of YHWH.
I asked during a time of near death illness, but I did not share this fact at that time, and have since steadily increased in health but more importantly have day by day found a gift of profound knowledge each day waiting for me, beyond mere eyes to see what was always there, actual provisional providence.
I now have questions, that I believe I am to ask you for answers, but they do not seem safe to ask here.
Hence my request that you email me. I apologize for not being more explanatory in my earlier post.
I am rejoicing with you, @Snazzy, that you’ve been finding some answers and are regaining your health and increasing understanding – it is such a relief to finally find truth and tangible results!
@Snazzy it is heartwarming to read the progress some regular posters are making here, inluding you. Be well.
I’m overjoyed that in some way I was able to help you along your path to Truth so far. I’ll be in touch.
@444gem Thank you! I’m really looking forward to it, and appreciate it!
Diana, you’re a witch
I do miss his comments.
This troll is probably on holiday, taking a break from all the BS he is paid to promote to naive people like yourselves. You still havent made the link between this New Age BS and Satanism? (Study the life of Alice Bailey and HP Blavatsky) You guys are slow learner.
We agree:
The New Age is some of the most nefarious soft Luciferianism out there. It is a veil for self destruction in the name of “self-care,” a doorstep into denying YHWH in order to falsely idolize oneself, and eventually, the great mother.
Equally Blavatsky was a terrible human, highly ILL-luminated, who used all the knowledge she gained in service of Lucifer.
Equally, nobody pays me for what I do. I offer the stuff freely for consideration and ask nothing in return.
Do you agree all your posts are filled with New Age deceptions? So it is luciferian in your own words. Once in a while throwing the name of the almighty to appear pseudo-Christian (Gnostics do the same).
Anyway it’s not my role to judge, God will judge you.
This verse apply to you and all those that preach false doctrines:
Luke 17:2
It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
Few are as arrogant and narrow-minded as committed Christians. They cannot be wrong, the Bible is the only source of wisdom in this world, far superior to other texts and has not been tampered with in any way. They have the right to chastise other people and judge their actions because the scriptures are on their side (even though the Bible makes clear that we should not judge others, that right belongs to YHWH alone). I should know, I used to be like this myself.
They do not grasp that there are many levels of deception in this world. The Bible is obviously a great source of truth but has also been used and abused by the powers that be – a sprinkling of lies among great truth. Equally there are elements of truth to the ‘new age’ despite its obvious problems.
Satan’s web of lies is designed to keep us in boxes and divide us accordingly. As we grow up and leave one box we step right into another. Christians make some of the best slaves to this system because they believe that all truth and spirituality begins and ends with the Bible, there is nothing more to learn. Because of this, they feel that they can lecture other people without consent, quoting scriptures they often don’t fully understand.
Entirely agree, @doug-17. This person says, “Anyway it’s not my role to judge, God will judge you.” then immediately proceeds to accuse him of teaching false doctrines and follows with a scriptural threat, presumably without irony. All for speaking truth and fleshing out understanding based on the original texts. Spirit of a Pharisee without even their foundational understanding, this is a rigidity set in pure ignorance and lack of any self-awareness.
Perfectly said.
Nothing of what I offer is new age; it is so far away from it; I talk about the scriptures as they were written; have you ever read them?
It is a typical reaction of those deceived by the wolves (the antiXristos of the cattle church and its offshoots) to falsely put words in the mouths of others (I never said I was a luciferian), in order to accuse them of heresy and condemn them to death.
Rather than making thinly veiled death threats from scripture you’ve ripped out of context, I want to invite you to show me where I have erred. Let’s search for Truth, as we are commanded by YHWH.
ahah your reply and the ones of your cheerleaders made me laugh.
I see you are quite unpopular on this site by the comments, you are even nicknamed 666gem which fit you very well (I will keep it).
You admited you push a luciferian message because all your posts are filled with New Age filths, its from your own admission.
(Btw you didn’t say satanic so you are aware of the difference btwn the 2)
‘making thinly veiled death threats‘ pff are you a child? death threats is a speciality of luciferians like yourselves, Christians will never do that, this refer to punishment you will receive after your death and Judgment Day. You should go back to read the Bible (Not the masonic Bible or the satanic Bible, the real one).
I started reading your first posts before you went full into the New Age madness, it was like a bait to attract readers. I am sorry I can go back into reading your dumb articles as my head will explode of so much written studipity. Time is precious and I am already wasting it talking to a paid shill with no morality.
You are either willfully, painfully stupid or a paid shill. People aren’t buying your tripe anymore.
Once again you falsely claim I have said something I have not, at all.
“Christians will never do that…”
I recall there was this thing called the inquisition, whereby anybody disagreeing with the “Christian,” Vatikain was sentenced to death before cheering crowds. Equally, let’s recall how many “Christians,” participated in the holocaust, and how the vatikain power structure and the pope himself supported and specifically even helped organise the Nasis.
Those Salem witch trials, where Protestant “burned” how many innocent women brandished witches? King James the “Christian hero” commissioned his Kult Bible and then personally oversaw the murder of 10,000+ innocent women while playing with dead bodies (necromancy) as well… Or maybe all those devout “Christians,” in the US south lynching their slaves were peaceful… The gentile “Christian,” faith is a continuous bloodbath of wanton genocide in the name of G-Zeus, based upon a total refusal of all Truth.
Nobody is forcing you to read anything, it’s offered for free consideration.
“Christianity” now, to me, seems to be a thin veneer of justification of anything anyone with a taste for power wants to do.
“Christianity,” was started by Vespasian, a Roman Emperor and his offspring (Flavius Titus, Vespasian, etc.) who patronised Isis (her temples across Rome are built and dedicated by Vespasian) and then installed pagan statues in the temple in Jerusalem aa a cassis belli so he could burn the city to the ground and massacr its people.
Pope Clement I, the real first pope of the cattle church, is a direct descendant of this family, only 20 years after the destruction of Jerusalem.
This same church was then made the official state “universalist,” (see: N3w 0rder), Re-Legion by another genocidal maniac Roman emperor, Constantine, who desired not only control of the people’s lands and property, but also their minds and souls.
All of the Luciferian Ba-RA-Legions, not just “Christianity,” are designed to indoctrinate and harvest the people; to allow the most wicked of serpents to claim “divine authority,” so they can massacre, rape and pillage, and have their legions of the sun carry out these atrocities for them.
This is the antiXristos.
Dear 666gem, you should make a difference between Catholicism, Anglicanism (offshoot of Catholics) and true Christianity.
Most of the atrocities you talked about previously were made by Catholics or Anglican which are a pagan b*****d version of Christianity.
They do idolatry by worshiping saints and virgin Mary, they teach false doctrines with infant baptism, the sacrements etc.. They even perform a symbolized bloodless sacrifice of Jesus every Sunday after which they eat his corpse (the wafer)… Those 2 have strayed away for the Bible teachings.
Catholics used the Knight Templars for the crusade, did the inquisition and use today the Jesuits (offspring of the KT) to do all their dirty deeds. The Vatican is indeed a mafia that use satanic cults to do the bad work. The Vatican was supporting Hitler who by the way was a New Ager like you : His beliefs were based on mythology, he often read HP Blavatsky and was member of the Thule society.
The inquisition and the Salem witch trials killed mostly true Christians and not witches, the heretics at the time were those that didn’t submit to the Vatican rules. (You should read Jack Chick publications on the subject)
I am amazed at how you can write so much BS on a subject you clearly don’t know.
By the way, at this point do you admit you are anti-Christian? In the luciferian/satanist sense: the philosophy that reject anything promoted by the Bible.
It is clear you have not read my other writings. We 100% agree about the Luciferian paganism infused the Catulus church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and many gentile Protestant denominations. The spit upon the second commandment, and just about every scriptural commands possible. The name Vatikain references the bovine great mother goddess of the underworld of the etruscans , the solar cow, Vatika, who was also the Egyptian Vat.
This is the AntiXristos, the false idols put in place of Yeshua. I rejoice that you see this very wicked organizations of the antiXristos for what it is.
Likewise I am very nuanced about the distinctions between the power structures and hierarchies which control the various factions of the antiXristos churches, Luciferian wolves dressed as sheep, and which deceive the people into committing grave Amartia.
See Matthew 12:31 in which Yeshua’s foretells that the Pharisees, the priests of abomination who became the priests of the Cattalus church and its offshoots, shall be judged at the end, while those they deceive into committing Amartia shall be forgiven. The word Amartia, now mistranslated as sin, means to commit an error by being deceived. Specifically it refers to the passage of the deception of Hava in Berashit.
The Hebrew word “Amar,” means a spoken command, or the word, while the term “Amaru,” like “Amorites,” and the name Amaru references to the serpent, the illuminator, and the leader of war, whose name was always some variant of MAR, being various Amaru, Marty, Martes Mars, and notably in central america, HAMARUCA, the plumed serpent of bloodlust.
The worshippers of the MAR (which means the sea in almost every Language from ancient Hebrew to modern Latin languages like Spanish), are always conjuring bloodlust to feed their great mother, the beast out of the sea, the harlotte of Babylon.
Since you have discussed Luke 17:2, let us also look at an extremely curious word used, terribly mistranslated as to “make little ones stumble.”
The word is σκάνδαλα “Skandala.”
This word is not found in a single Ancient Greek text, except in Greek scriptures. This is a very curious thing. Why would Aryeh Yehudah choose to use a word nobody knows?
Because the word is very, very ancient: it is a widely and very anciently attested epithet for Shiva, whose name means “Seven,” in Hebrew, and also references Saturn “the destroyer,” and the 7th planet. Shiva even appears as “Shiva Malika,” Queen Shiva in 1 Kings 10, who questions SOL-Amon, the sun king and his wisdom, his 666 talents of gold, the 666 solar eclipses per 325 year Saros eclipse cycle.
It is important to know that the name Skanda is attested in the Indus Valley from 3000 BCE, on seals which depict Skanda/Shiva appearing as Baphomet. It means “destroyer/attacker,” and “illuminator,” just as Shiva.
The ancient stories of Skanda’s creation say that the deity of fire Agni, dropped Shivas seed into the river (the waters), and then from these waters, was born Skanda, the destroyer. Skanda was frequently attested to be then be raised by the milk of the six stars of Ursa Minor, and depicted to have six heads, with six diadems. Does this sound familiar?
It is the number of the beast, 666, who comes out of the sea first and then onto the land! Yeshua was warning against the influx of RISHIs, fire sages, called Pharisees now, but which in Hebrew are called “PaRISHIm,” which are worshippers of the light, Luciferians, FERrus= Iron. The same root as PHARoah, and FUHR3r… the deceive the masses, even the elect, in their kults of Solar abomination, the antiXristos.
Likewise, A “Skanda,” was commonly known in the 1st century CE Anatolia as a metal cage of iron for housing a fire for fishing at night. This practice was called this in reference to the myths,l of Skanda being dropped by Agni of fire, into the water. The reference is to the symbolism of using Iron and Fire (the forge of the children of Kain) yo deceive fish in the darkness through false illumination, bright shiny objects. Those are your opulent churches, your shiny advertisements on television, the haughty words of those that list for power!
Equally, The millstone is always a reference to the procession of the equinoxes; 1 degree per 72 years, the turning of the Aeons in the ancient texts. The text actually uses the word μύλος ονικος “Mulos Onikos,” for this which means a tremendously large stone (to be turned by a donkey, SLOWLY, 1 degree every 72 years.) Surely you know that the ancients called the heavens the waters above “HaShamayim.” Surely you have heard the prophecy that the wheat will be separated from the chaff on the threshing room floor. Throughout the scriptures the souls of men are compared to barley/wheat, which is what is ground by a millstone.
The point here is that, those who deceive by false illumination will forever be stuck looping in time, passing the aeons into Infiniti as the equinoxes turn.
When I refer to “Christianity,” you must know this refers to the antiXristos, the destroyer of Skanda, and not the followers of Yeshua and YHWH. Blessed are those with a heart for Truth and who wish to know our father.
The original name of the followers of Yeshua is: The Way. There was no church, no hierarchy, no priests in costumes, or silly dogmas of pagan abomination, no tau crosses, the mark of the illiterate. This is why I repudiate this abomination, about which we clearly are in agreement.
Now, please stop calling me new age simply because you don’t fully grasp what I am telling you. I bend my knee and bow my head before Yeshua, king of kings, and YHWH, the ineffable creator.
Using 17:2 to try and make a point next to your bad manner of speaking shows me enough of how “far” you have evolved. you have yet alot to learn.
Terima kasih for the tag. It is good to hear from you again.
How have you been since we last spoke?
I am feeling better. Thank you for your counsel. It gives me hope.
I am glad to hear you’re healing. It is okay to be where you are my friend.
Keep speaking with YHWH; take the time in nature alone to work your body, and to be with the beauty of our father. The presence of good natured animals can help too.
One step after another, and though we all stumble, eventually you will find The Way. The journey is the destination.
Who in the world would downvote this…? Nevermind, we know. @arif, I am very glad to see you and to know you are better. Keep moving, my friend, it’s not easy but it’s very worthwhile. Much love and prayers for my brother.
Thank you for the kind words and encouragement @Igageharleya It means so much to me.
Maybe he’s back on his schizophrenia medication? The guy is delusional, clearly has a messiah complex and says so such much that is just flat out wrong.
Funny, I recall stories of another guy, well ahead of his time, people used to say that same thing about, with much the same venom…
If you actually listen to hear, then pray for understanding and confirmation of truth, you might begin to see things he says a bit differently. It is extremely hard initially, I struggled emotionally at first and still do about some things, but everything he says is measurable and provable and it does eventually begin to fall into place.
>”Funny, I recall stories of another guy, well ahead of his time, people used to say that same thing about, with much the same venom…”
Why don’t you say the name you’re thinking of?
Why do I need to?
>”Why do I need to?”
You don’t need to. Why don’t you?
Please state your point, Chud. I don’t play games. Ask your question or cease.
>”Please state your point, Chud. I don’t play games. Ask your question or cease.”
I’ve already asked, but I guess you missed it, so I’ll ask again. Ready? Ok, here goes: Why don’t you say the name you’re thinking of?
I guess I did.
Let’s try this again, and not only from your playground.
What exactly do you want to know? And what might it mean to you?
What potentially offends you to the extent you have to challenge people over simple comments?
>”I guess I did.
No problem.
>”Let’s try this again, and not only from your playground. What exactly do you want to know?”
Here’s my question: Why don’t you say the name you’re thinking of?
>”And what might it mean to you?”
I have no idea, that’s why I’m asking: I don’t know what to make of your comment.
>”What potentially offends you to the extent you have to challenge people over simple comments?”
I’m not offended, I’m interested in your answer.
@444gem, to me, is a teacher, shepherd and mentor, nothing more, nothing less.
Yeshua showed up under similar circumstances, and while Gem himself states plainly he is NOT MESSIAH they speak same truth and meet same evil resistance. So, tell me, @chud, why do you insistently go against this man and what he speaks? What do you object to?
I stand corrected. Gem also has shown an essential care over me and my entire family’s wellbeing for months and months, he has engaged himself in asking and has actively prayed for us, as I have prayed for him. Sounds terribly salacious.
Not for personal reasons but for familial ones. Thankfully, we are grafted in.
>”@444gem, to me, is a teacher, shepherd and mentor, nothing more, nothing less.”
I understand.
>”Yeshua showed up under similar circumstances, and while Gem himself states plainly he is NOT MESSIAH they speak same truth and meet same evil resistance.”
This is an interesting comparison.
>”So, tell me, @chud, why do you insistently go against this man and what he speaks? What do you object to?”
I’m not sure what you mean. I actually just supported something he said in the comments of this very topic before asking you my question initially. I also told him I liked some of his articles in another discussion.
Or Thegreatplague,
Or whatever new handle you’re going by…
Let’s be clear: I am not the Messiach; that is the place of Yeshua, king of the shepherd kings, the right hand of our father YHWH.
You claim what I say is “wrong.” Show me; that we may search for The Truth together.
I am new here and i have been recently following your posts: you are really a goldmine of information.
I would love to have your point of view about “Reincarnation” in general as a concept, and between Buddhist, and Hindu perspective, which one do you think is closer to the truth?
Looking forward to your answer.
Thank you
Thank you for seeking The Truth; I’m glad to help however I can along your path.
If you are looking to gain better understanding from a perspective of South Asia, I would not recommend the Buddhist nor the Hindu perspective, which are highly pagan and Luciferian respectively, but rather the Sikhs; whom have maintained a lot of original Aryeh Yehudah concepts and terminology:
1) they venerate Wahe, literally Yod Hei Waw Hei.
2) another name they use for YHWH is Ekonkar, which comes from the word for Eka, meaning ONE.
3) They also refer to YHWH as Akal, meaning without time to them, but which is the word for “consume, or be nourished,” in Aryeh Yehudah.
Thank you for your answer.
I would like to know how do you define and understand the concept of “reincarnation”, and how it can be linked to the concept of Yeshua “resurrection?
Grossly simplified question, but in the Aryeh Yehudah language, where do the words come from? As in, can they trace their roots from somewhere in particular? Or at least, most roots from somewhere in particular? And how is the language preserved so well- is there any way to learn it by “natural means”? Or otherwise.
Thanks in advance- I’m glad to hear you’re well after your travels, and pray you may remain safe (although I suppose “safe” is relative and safety isn’t necessarily a goal… regardless I’m glad you’re alright)
Thank you many times over in advance and may YHWH bless you in all things.
There are a lot of ways to answer this question, but I will cut through the threads and give you the answer:
The universe is a gigantic vibrational pattern. I actually believe they have just recently finally publicly announced they discovered the universe’s low hum, what could be called the gravitational wave background. They will eventually attribute it to the big bang, but it is rather, the vibration of all of the mass in the universe, which creates low level waves in the waters above which stretch across space in time, as the movement of everything on earth creates waves in the oceans.
Now this may seem “off topic,” but it is not. Every sound has a vibrational pattern. The note/frequency may change depending on the speaker, but the harmonic oscillatory pattern is always nearly identical for each Phoneme. Aryeh Yehudah is a language which comes first through a form of highly advanced and elegant data compression of the vibrational patters of the universe. Think of it as this: by the laws of combinatorics, if you could place any mathematical value on a word (a discrete informational packet) from 1-1000, this would be written as 1000C(1*x) (x being the number of discrete words”. 1000 Choose X, being any value from 1-1000. However, somewhat paradoxically (different than expected). The amount of possible combinations becomes gigantic within a sentence. Somewhat paradoxiaclly, if you use letters to represent quantized informational packets of 22 values, as Aryeh Yehudah does, you can compress the data enormously, while keeping 99.9% fidelity.
If you look at Berashit 1:1 alone, the difference in combinations between 1000C7 Words and 22C28, the amount of data compresses 5188 times in just those 7 words. If you apply the same logic to the entirety of the Torah, the data compression is by a factor of something on the order of 10^32. Thats a Trillion, Trillion, Trillion Billions of data compression by using letters to form data strings, rather than words.
My purpose in telling you this, is that each sound and letter in Aryeh Yehudah is a discrete quantity of vibrational information, which encodes a specific harmonic patter that speaks TRUTH, and can be combined to store and encode enormous quantities of information in tiny packages. When it is written, the effect is even more pronounced, allowing the master of the language to encode tremendous quantities of information into very tiny sentences; not a letter is wasted. This is the scriptures; it is ultimately the code of the universe, the seed, the condensed genetic code, of THE UNIVERSE. The ALOHIM (the tree of space and time.)
This is why Psalms says:
Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the Torah (the breathe) of YHWH
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
A seed contains, in a very compact form, a tiny physical space, a huge quantity of information that is data compressed, which when watered in good soil with good light and air, grows into a tremendous tree given TIME. Such is the breathe of YHWH, such is the language of Aryeh Yehudah, which has birthed and instructed all languages spoken today by Eurasians.
To give an example “Haretz” which means Earth, or HOME, is spelled H-A-R-Ts. This is where your “heart” comes from… but I digress. The value of the letter packets, rather than the word packet, which compressed the data is 5-1-200-90. The sum is 296. The Earth’s buldge due to gravitational tidal forces and its spin is 1/296 from spherical.
The language of Aryeh Yehudah is the vibrational mathematics of Truth, put in a form that humanity may understand through their physical bodies and minds.
@444gem Thank you so much for such a elaborative response. In all honesty, what you just described is what I was clutching to for a possible answer… and coincidentally enough, the idea came to me (regarding the “origin” of the Aryeh Yehudah language) as I looked out at the surface waves of the Atlantic… but I couldn’t begin to put it into words. Not like this. I’m amazed to even conceive of its “surface,” metaphorically speaking. Thank you so much.
One more thing, regarding the measurement of such phenomena as wavelengths and wave speed (periods, I suppose): are modern measurements compatible with scripture? Especially regarding measurements of time. Are there any units I should watch out for, any not-so-obvious stumbling blocks to avoid?
As Yeshua has said: If you ask, seek, and knock to our father, The Truth is there for you. Hei is generous in his gifts to those who ask with Yeshua Kavvanah (Truth in the Heart.) I can provide you significant mathematical proofs from unfinished texts if you would like: leave an email.
Your questions about measurements are very smart, and the answer is simpler than you may expect. I will simply give you the answer, which took me some time (a long time ago) to come to why certain measurement systems were highly consistent between the ancients and today.
The formula for Ancient Meters, omitting 10^x scaling coefficients is:
1 Meter *12 Meters/ Second * 1 meter/C (seconds/ per Meter) = the Volumetric Circumference of Earth.
The formula, without units (for clarift) is quite literally 1*12/C = Circumference of Earth.
The Volumetric Radius of Earth is:
6371, then * 2 * Pi = 40030.1736 for the Volumetric circumference of the planet
The formula for ancient meters:
1*120,000/2.99792458 = 40027.6914238
The accuracy is 99.993799237%, so close that any calculations you are making, until you reach Quantum Physics level of precision, are completely impercetible.
Now you ask about Miles:
Miles are a poor man’s analagous, about 99% accuracy, for Natural Units (which are called Planck Units) now.
Distance to the sun at perihelion in Miles: 91.3
Distance to the sun at Perihelion in Planck Lengths: 9.1833192E+39
The multiplication is Miles *10.06 *10^37.
Unfortunately, when Miles were set, the English Masons had not maintained a perfectly accurate understanding of Planck Units which they had been taught thousands of years earlier, and had incorporated an aspect of space and time, without meaning to, called the Atomic Mass Defect, which averages out to about 1.007. Still pretty good though.
The Planck Units are completely universal to any living being that inhabits the planet. You need to convert everything into planck units if you are going to be doing high accuracy precision. However, you can do a very easy format: Take the length in meters and divide by PHI (1,618034.)
Equally, a cubit is 33 Planck Lengths within 99.99997%. Hence the 33 of masonry, the mastery of understanding of the forces of nature to reconcile the purpose of Cubits as scale factors from the smallest bits of the universe.
Some of the ancients over time favor the Ancient Meter, others favor the “megalithic Yard,” which just so happens to be 2.72 feet (this is Eulers number to 3 decimal places, 16*17, and the distance between the Pyramids of Giza to the Valley of Hinnom.)
My email is primeclock462 @ gmail.com
(All one line; omit the spacing)
Made it years ago as an alternative email. Was a kid in middle school who refused to learn what prime numbers were haha. Never would’ve thought I’d dive headlong into mathematics; I’m glad my heart isn’t so hardened as it was. I praise YHWH in this, truly. Foolish stubbornness has held me back long enough, when it comes to the pursuit of truth.
I will gladly read anything you send. Thank you once again.
(Edit: forgot to add the tag)
@Guinchido @channah, I believe this thread contains infonwhich may interest you
Read the one above, I will keep searching for more as time permits
Angel numbers and gemstones are satanic…Get over yourself and your useless studies, they are vanity.
Some Truth to the ignorance of scripture you speak:
In Exodus gemstones are embedded in the breastplate of the high priest of the Aryeh Yehudah and Isis Ra Eli’s, and In Revelations the city of YHWH is described as with its foundations as LAID WITH GEMSTONES.
Specifically In Revelations 21:18-20 it describes the walls of the city of YHWH as lined with jasper and the city’s foundations laid with twelve layers of each one kind of gemstone, from Saphire, to Emerald, to Ruby, to Onyx, to Topaz and so on. It’s it that you believe our father YHWH would build the foundations of his city on satanic objects?
My chosen name here refers to the twelve layers foundations of the city of YHWH, upon which upon we build ALL TRUTH!
444th word of the Greek scriptures is άνθρωπου as in “Son of MAN.” The Beni Adam. It is a reference to the Aryeh Yehudah, and Ezekiel, Daniel, Eliah and Yeshua!! The speakers of Truth, the gemstones upon which the kingdom of YHWH is built.
Malachi 4:4 the 4th word is Abdi, meaning “servant.”
💯 Totally agree @TruthHeals, he is just lecturing a mix of useless teaching of illuminati M. P. Hall, gematria, kabbalah and paganism.
His perception of history is worse than scientology: some people called dragons stole knowledge from Aryeh kiss my *, and because of that they now control the world…
You have not read/understood anything I’ve written, as I have no kind words for Kabbalah nor paganism. Let us venerate YHWH, the one and True ineffable creator, and let us rejoice in the gifts he has given to us.
Equally, Manley P Hall is not in my teachings.
Gematria, however is there, evidently. Do you write/read Hebrew, or Greek? If the Hebrew (and later Greek script) language is designed alphanumerically, should I throw it into the wind, and just forget it? If I find there 28 letters in Berashit 1:1, should I simply assume that was written Willy nilly with no numerical meaning by YHWH? Or should I forget any mathematical explanation involving the 153 fish in John 21:11, when 1.112 is plancks constant squared and 4/153 = φ^2?
Can you explain to me why we should assume our creator, who gave us numbers, is so careless in heis perfection?
Numerology is devoid of scientific basis, and it fares badly when examined under the light of reason. More important, because it is a form of divination, numerology conflicts with Bible teachings. In view of that, numerology is not a beneficial means of regulating your life or planning your future.Certain numbers used in the Bible have symbolic meanings, but only within the context of the Scriptures in which they are used. For example, the number four is used to denote allness or universalness. This idea is conveyed in such expressions as “four extremities of the earth” and “four winds of the heavens.” (Isaiah 11:12; Daniel 8:8) At times, the number six represents imperfection. Interestingly, the number given to Satan’s earthly political organization by the book of Revelation is “a man’s number”—666. (Revelation 13:18) Here six is raised to the third degree, underscoring the imperfection of that beastly organization. When the number seven is used in a symbolic way, it represents completeness. Although the Scriptures give a measure of importance to certain numbers, the Bible does not encourage us to link the letters of certain words with numbers to uncover mystical truths.
I don’t use numerology in any of my material. What gave you that idea?
Rather I use hard, rigorously developed mathematics; Since when was the quadratic residues of modulo 7 and integrals ranging from π to 2π, numerology? That’s maths and physics.
Ironically your claim that the number 4 “means allness,” and the number 6 “means completeness,” of such simplistic and mythological thinking is NUMEROLOGY! It never ceases to amaze me how you can admonish me for numerology, which I don’t use, and then you quote numerology as authoritative!! Open your eyes my friend, you’ve been tricked by fools and wolves.
In Apokalypsis (original title of Revelations) it states:
“Let the one with NOUN (understanding) CALCULATE the number of the beast.”
Your statement regarding this number (I assume quoted from some other gentile sourcing) is purely NUMEROLOGICAL, requires no calculations whatsoever, and is mathematically total bunk. It states 666 = “Six is raised to the third degree.” Who wrote this?! It is Six times three, or tripled!! 6 to the third degree is 6^3 which is 6*6*6. Not 666 whose third root is 8.7328917. Nor 6*6*6 which is 216…. He saw six three times and tried to use terminology which is completely inaccurate in some shallow NUMEROLOGICAL interpretation, with no recognition of Hebrew, Greek, mathematics, history, nor the scriptures themselves. Pure ignorance passed as wisdom…
Let’s actually calculate the number of the beast and find it directly quoted in scripture: 1 Kings 10! Where SOL-Amon (Sol literally means sun in primary sources going back 5,000 years plus) is stated to have 666 talents of gold. That entire passage is a matrix of numbers; is 14,000 chariots meaning “super duper number?” No sir, it’s celestial mechanics in a matrix form of scalars and vectors. I assure you matrices are valid mathematical tools used in everything from Quantum Mechanics Pauli Matrices (for calculating Fermion Spin Angular Momentum) to Ricci Tensors in General Relativity for space time geometric curvature.
The passage of revelations is written by the Aryeh Yehudah John of Patmos: the word “Beast,” in Hebrew is “Tsor,” said like dinoSAUR, or SAR, or uSARus (Osiris) and is also used to reference the luciferian pheonician city now called “Tyre,” in English, but always called “Sar,” in Hebrew.
This title references the dragon (same as Revelations 13 mentions) of the SARos cycle; the soli-lunar eclipse cycle, where the ancients always said the lunar DRACONITIC NODES where the moon crosses the plane of the ecliptic were the tail and head of the dragon. There are many tablets from Babylon, the library of Ashurbanipal which show they very precisely calculated the eclipse cycles using a SARos function, a sinusoidal function (which is wavy like a ripple in water or a serpent moving.)
There are exactly 666 Solar eclipses in a 325 year Sar!! The first beasts heads horns and diadems number 27; the sun spins around its axis every 27 days… the beast out of the sea, the SUN; and Solar worship.
That is your solar gold of SOL Amon my friend, the Solar worship that destroyed Israel… I’m giving you a numerology free understanding (unlike what you have quoted), and based on hard sciences of astronomy and celestial mechanics, backed by significant archeological, linguistic, and theological evidence. I could show you the full mathematical calculations of the Saros function if you would like.
>”More important, because it is a form of divination, numerology conflicts with Bible teachings.”
It can be be used as a form of divination, but isn’t necessarily. Tea leaves can also be used as a form of divination; do you reject tea leaves?
444Gem said: “If the Hebrew (and later Greek script) language is designed alphanumerically, should I throw it into the wind, and just forget it?”
And he is right. If he isn’t right, then we’re left rejecting the very language the Bible was written in.
>I don’t use numerology in any of my material. What gave you that idea?”
The word ‘numerology’ is often applied broadly to the study of the relationship between letters and numbers and the significance of that relationship. In this sense, you do use numerology.
Thank you for the nuanced response. The depth is is truly appreciated.
I understand this application of the world “numerology,” for a strictly semantic definition. The definition however, in English, is generally carrying of the connotation of performing mystical divination rites, and/or using tenuous psuedo-math to make broad statements such as “four is completeness.”
Since I use methodologies of textual analysis from a standpoint of highly rigorous mathematics (and physics), I would not class what I offer under numerology within the broader use of the word, as it is generally perceived within the corpus of Primary English speakers and as it seems this person is applying here. The distinction in method, purpose, and overall fidelity of information is significant regardless of the technicalities of semantics, which is why I made a point of being quite specific in the response.
Awe….what all Lodges are you all from?
I am from the lodge of critical thinking, you sponge brain.
Your 444guru didn’t answer my question:
“His perception of history is worse than Scientology: some people called dragons stole knowledge from Aryeh kiss my *, and because of that they now control the world…”
Do you also believe this Aryeh * story?
Insulting me and my family isn’t a question.
I am not insulting you nor your family, this is a reaction to some insane statements about Aryeh that are in fact an insulte human intelligence, just like the one that Tesla is an Aryeh inventor that got scammed by Morgan the dragon.
It would be good to give an honest presentation of who you actually are?
In fact the title of this page should be “who IS really 444Gem?”
Calling my family the “Aryeh Kiss my a$$” is an insult. The very words for my family are found in Berashid 49, at the blessing of Jacob to his sons. That text is thousands of years old, and yet you spit upon the scriptures, and insult us, while calling the very name of YHWH “satanic,” and the foundations of the city of YHWH “satanic.” Your ignorance is evident between your words of petulance and incessant vitriol.
I have told you who I really am; that you do not recognize someone being honest and decent with you, and instead berate them with insults, is your problem.
@444gem please don’t waste your energy with stupid trolls.
Above i asked you a question and i guess it was lost within comments. I am posting it again and i hope i get answers from you:
I would like to know how do you define and understand the concept of “reincarnation”, and how it can be linked to the concept of Yeshua “resurrection?
I’m going to make you a drawing today for you to consider.
Typical hateful response, throwing insults you don’t even comprehend because of your “wise brotherhood”. I am the “sponge brain” but you fully demonstrate you cannot independently think.
Follow the full story, pray for understanding and truth, and you will see for yourself. Or, stay venomous.
I am not venomous, and “sponge brain” is not an insult, it’s a scientific description of the state of the baby’s brain in his first 2 years, this is the exact description of how you and many others consume 444 material!
I’m saying that because you and many others are so impressed you see 444 as the messiah!
444 is full of misleading and contradictions! just said he doesn’t believe in numerology, and yet his is using 444 “numerology” in his name!
Question: What story are you asking me to follow? Aryeh?
You really believe that 444 is mystical “numerology?” If you have ever done basic trigonometry, let alone worked with mapping dimensional spaces in physics, The sequence 4.44 is π√2.
That’s the length of a diagonal of a square with side 1 and the area of a unit circle with radius 1, then both multiplied. Basic mathematics is not “numerology,” which is nonsense; its this wonderful thing that makes the machine you are reading this on right now function.
This graph below shows this principle. It is fundamentally simple geometry taught to school children, which also is extraordinarily powerful as a tool for understanding the universe we live in when applied through basic geometric theorems.
You wouldn’t recognize Yeshua if he sat on your head, you are so scornful of any and everyone. You seem to think our Creator is kept in a tiny box and only interacts with us under circumstances you approve of. I know who Gem is and I don’t call him Messiah (although that is as much a title of office as is “Christ”) and he doesn’t, either. You are full of hate and venom, that is the bottom line here.
In fact it’s the other way around: Our creator is keeping us in a tiny box and we only interact with him under circumstances he approves of.
Below i exposed some gaslighting tactics of your 444Guru, please wake up, and get your mind free from that professional & extremely experienced manipulator!
Your experience with Creator is not mine. If that is yours, I am sorry and will pray for you.
I am from the lodge of critical thinking, you sponge brain.
Your 444guru didn’t answer my question:
“His perception of history is worse than Scientology: some people called dragons stole knowledge from Aryeh kiss my *, and because of that they now control the world…”
Do you also believe this Aryeh * story?
You are from the lodge of, “Let’s playact once more and give me my step-crumb, aren’t I wise?” Whenever will I get another shot at the next step-crumb up the ladder?”
Your choice, but I couldn’t stomach it, for many reasons.
The Bible itself is full of gematria. Consider the possibility that satan and those that follow him are abusing or inverting what is natural. Its what they do everywhere else. How exactly are gemstones satanic if they were created by god?
You are absolutely correct: being of no creativity, the children of Kain are incessant in their attempts to steal, corrupt, and invert all that is given by YHWH.
Do you have a blog, channel or community? It would be nice to discuss these things without simple minds getting in the way.
If you have an email I will be in touch about this.
Looking forward to it
find a mirror & apply it accordingly.
glean what thy can. light is rare & fleeting in this 7th age of man. reset imminent.
Since this is a kind of off topic post I just want to thank the people here at vigilant links and vigilant citizen for exposing the stuff that goes on in the world and helping me get closer with God.
Thank you for seeking Truth and speaking with kindness. May YHWH bless you
@ryan, How is this stuff helping you get closer with God?
let’s start from the word “YHWH”, a simple google search and you get YHWH satanic pentagrams, here is a screenshot:
When 666gem use the name YHWH in a cabbalistic reference, Manly P Hall talked about it. It is not in Jewish or Christian reference.
I don’t use Kabbalah; that’s medieval Pharisee Luciferianism from the Zohar, which means “The Golden Light of Midday.”
@ryan, How is this stuff helping you get closer with God?
let’s start from the word “YHWH”, a simple google search and you get YHWH satanic pentagrams, here is a screenshot:
The Letters Yod Hei Vav Hei are used in the scriptures almost 7,000 times to refer to the ineffable creator. You really believe the name of our father in the scriptures is satanic?
As I have told many before: Just because they blaspheme the name of YHWH doesn’t make his name blasphemous. The children of Kain are incessant in corrupting and inverting every gift we are given by our father.
According to you so far:
1) Gemstones, which are the foundations of the city of the ineffable creator, are inherently satanic
2) The name YHWH, which is used in scriptures nearly 7,000 times is satanic and evil.
You seem to have no discernment between Satanic practices that desecrate the beautiful creation of YHWH, and the creation of YHWH… This is a tremendous mistake.
Oh, your last sentence is perfect. This is, exactly, the problem.
I’ve only just seen this reply and it will take a day or so before it’s approved. I wasn’t really raised religious and I’ve not been in a church before. I don’t know what the correct word for god is and if I should call Jesus Yeshua or Jesus. Also I don’t think religion should be complicated.
With that being said, there are bad things that go on in the world which do get exposed here. And that has helped me understand the world better and also look at myself and repent for the bad things I’ve done in the past, and strengthen my faith in God and change me as a person for the better.
The most important thing is not about the names you use; it is about searching for The Truth and connecting with the ineffable creator in your heart. I’m glad that we were able to help, in whatever way, on your path towards The Truth.
444, your answer to Ryan is a perfect example of your gaslighting tactics.
Ryan is an example of a good target: not religious, looking for answers …
the same profile street preachers look for.
Here comes 444 as the truth owner, the tour guide to god’s kingdom, to heaven,…
Coming from the Aryeh dynasty: a experienced familly of tour guides with thousands of years in the business of connecting people to “God” oh sorry “YHWH”…
Aryeh know the secrets of the universe, but the best they could do with it was to teach satanic dragons who now thanks to Aryeh control the world… Makes me think kind of a Yin yang between you both…
Before you tell me 444 i’m insulting you or your family let me be clear, i am NOT!
This is another of your tactics to avoid discussion on spicy topics so let’s defuse it right now.
If you cannot make the difference between insults and sarcasm that’s your problem, because honestly speaking anyone with a minimum of critical thinking will see your Ponzi scheme.
One of your tactics is also to argument using Mathematics, Gematria… as if Mathematics was the absolute truth, sorry again but the math argument does not apply in spirituality, and i am explaining why:
Mathematics are theories based on human reasoning and perception, we all know our senses are limited, and we humans do not perceive even 1% of reality, the universe, or your preferred word “Truth”. 1+1=2 is true in a limited set or world defined by our senses, perception, but in reality there is no 1, no 2 and no =. For college math students who took logic, calculus, set theory, Galois theory, algebra, topology what i’m saying is EVIDENCE.People who want to get more on that topic can just look on Youtube “Why it took 379 pages to prove 1+1=2”.One thing i could consider true in Math is the unlimited nature of numbers, what we call “real numbers”, which means EVERYTHING IS JUST APPROXIMATIONS”.
Bottom line Math should be ONLY applied to the perceived world, not the spiritual world! mixing both physical and spiritual is one of your tactics…
So please 444 STOP gaslighting with approximations, theories, Gematria, legends, paganism… , it’s not THE TRUTH!
I can only imagine the effort it took you to dig into all this mystic science,being you i would definitely try to find some use or maybe even reward after studying all that metaphysics. I see you as some kind of “Ron Hubbard” in your own way…
Personally i have no problem with you 444, and I’m definitely not a heater, i am here to discuss ideas, i just find the discourse you use, and your claim of owning the truth fraudulent, and misleading to many vulnerable people in this website.
I’m not gaslighting anyone; my words are left in print, and I assure you they are remarkably consistent and congruent.
You seem to be trying to gaslight yourself by claiming you haven’t insulted anyone, so let’s review the insults and defamations you’ve launched without work much as asking a question
1) you began Calling my family “Aryeh Kiss my a$$.” That is an insult, sarcastic or otherwise.
2) You then called people “sponge brains,” which is an insult. And then you claimed they are as dumb as infants. Also insulting.
3) Comparing me to a nefarious manipulative “street preacher,” and claiming I’m running a Ponzi scheme as if I were Barney Madoff, for writing and offering free information, is also insulting.
4) Insinuating I must be satanic because gemstones are supposedly inherently satanic, also insulting. And frankly completely ignorant of scripture.
5) Claiming YHWH is satanic because a Gugal search told you so: insulting to the ineffable creator.
So you’ve pretty much been insults all around. Let’s have that straight.
I’m not gaslighting anyone; my words are left in print, and I assure you they are remarkably consistent and congruent.
You seem to be trying to gaslight yourself by claiming you haven’t insulted anyone, so let’s review the insults and defamations you’ve launched without work much as asking a question
1) you began Calling my family “Aryeh Kiss my a$$.” That is an insult, sarcastic or otherwise.
2) You then called people “sponge brains,” which is an insult. And then you claimed they are as dumb as infants. Also insulting.
3) Comparing me to a nefarious manipulative “street preacher,” and claiming I’m running a Ponzi scheme as if I were Barney Madoff, for writing and offering free information, is also insulting.
4) Insinuating I must be satanic because gemstones are supposedly inherently satanic, also insulting. And frankly completely ignorant of scripture.
5) Claiming YHWH is satanic because a Gugal search told you so: insulting to the ineffable creator.
So you’ve pretty much been insults all around. Let’s have that straight.
Also, don’t compare me to L Ron Hubbard, who was a really disgusting, vile individual and a rapist. Scientology is one of the most disgusting, horrible organizations on the planet. I also consider this an insult and most self respecting people would.
I don’t do metaphysics, nor write science fiction. I actually publish my research as peer reviewed scientific papers on cosmology, quantum physics, linguistics, archeology, history and Low dimensional Topology, in well known journals like the Oxford Press, Physical Review, and Nature Physics.
However, after the litany of insults and absurdities, you’ve finally brought up something actually spicy: the validity of the use of mathematics in scripture.
This is much more worthwhile discussing.
Your claim is that mathematics shouldn’t be mixed with spirituality whatsoever. Let’s examine this from a very easy entry point: Can you explain then why there are several dozen mathematical formulas and counts given explicitly in scriptures? Such as:
1 kings 6 where it explicitly describes the measures and mathematics of Solomons temple in extraordinary detail
1 Kings 10-11 which cites very specific numerical counts of weights and measures of items, and people and how they are added and subtracted with respect to time. That’s an equation!
2 Chronicles 2:17 which does the same with counts of workers and foreigners, which it repeats several times in an equation.
In Revelations 7:1 it discusses the 4 angels standing on the 4 corners of the Earth holding back the 4 winds. (444….)
In Daniel 12 it gives exact calculations for days (actually Saros cycles) regarding the destruction of the temple: 1,290, 1,335, and 1,150. All of these figures are Pythagorean triples.
In Revelations 13 it gives very specific counts
Of 7 heads, 10 horns, and 10 eyes of a beast, which it does again in Revelations 19 with the woman riding the beast. In revelations 13 it even commands “the one with wisdom” to “CALCULATE the NUMBER of the Beast.”
Are you claiming the scriptural command of revelations means “numbers are bad?” I believe it urges the wise to calculate the number!
There are a boat load more of these types of passages with explicitly numerical sequences throughout scriptures. How does this fit with your idea that mathematics has nothing to do with scripture?
Everybody is getting answers except me.
If you don’t want to answer my question please just say it, because I am seriously waiting for answers.
Here again my question:
I would like to know how do you define and understand the concept of “reincarnation”, and how it can be linked to the concept of Yeshua “resurrection?
Thank you
The question you ask is more profound than everything else here, which sits primarily is between shallow and technical. This mean it requires a greater period of reflection, about how to clarify this before a response.
Have patience, I will respond soon.
Again thank you, I have no problem waiting, but please hold on to your promise and give me answers.
Thank you
“…well known journals like the Oxford Press, Physical Review, and Nature Physics.” i think we both agree that these are notable masonic papers, right?
I’m glad you brought the scriptures argument.
First, Spirituality is absolutely not a synonym of religion and scriptures!
I’ll approach this question from a different angle:
Unfortunately, we humans are creatures that have a huge tendency to narcissism on both individual and collective level.
To perceive this point of view try to dissociate yourself from all your beliefs, ideas, and read my comment in a neutral way as if your brain was a blank page.
We beLIEve we are children of God, we are in the image of God, angels are beautiful little white blond kids, …
In our western catholic civilization, our calendar starts with Jesus, the WHITE man and also son of god who sacrificed his life for us humans… all the ages before Jesus are not relevant, there was NO truth! God “the WHITE man according to Michelangelo’s painting” created this whole world for us “his children” …. and above in the holly skies everybody is working hard for us humans! I never saw black angels, nor an Asian looking Jesus, why? because of Noah cursing Ham! Planets turn around us, constellations are out there to describe our fortune, everything is made for us humans! Hallelujah!Do you see how narcissist and egocentric the holly books narration style is!
how can we believe that a god who created such a perfectly designed universe, wrote such clumsy, unfair texts, sources of conflicts and bloodshed throughout the history of humanity!
For me It is crystal clear the scriptures are man made texts, extremely well crafted mental enslavement tools! Scientific research has always been a back up tool to reach audiences that religion fails to manipulate.
Religion and science are made to complete and support each other.
This is a huge topic that would need an entire book!
Religions are also in continuous change, we now see how traditional religions are vanishing in favor of atheism and new woke satanist ideology emergence!
We are discussing many things without properly defining what is actually TRUTH!
I see TRUTH as the most accurate description of reality, existence.
We DON’T believe in TRUTH, we KNOW the TRUTH!
Truth is universal, eternal, and INDEPENDENT from human events and even human existence!
I guess you are a believer, because in religion just like in math you need to believe in POSTULATES.
i would like to hear from you 444 what do you mean by TRUTH?
What are your POSTULATES?
@Netto, At least tag him properly and stop trying to make it look like you’re on-the-up and up. @444gem, another.
In your last reply about truth you sound like someone who doesn’t have faith in yourself or God. I say so because I’ve been there. You need to take a a risk and believe in something as I have done. I can tell you my life has gotten better since believing in God and myself and continues to get better everyday. It’s only small steps at the moment but it’s better than nothing. People do amazing things through belief. Why not be one of them?
I have always said, we will never know more than the nail on the little finger of the ineffable creator. Of course we are only approximating!
Yet, your postulates are so black and white it blinds you from any nuance at all. You repudiate any mathematical “approximations,” and then claim black and white, all or nothing statements which are much, much further from the Truth than the approximation 3.1415926535 is from π. Throw the baby and the bath water you say, because you can only count the number of molecules in the water with 99.9997% accuracy… my gosh.
You claim mathematics have no place in humanity’s search for Truth. Were these very precise and repeatable mathematical approximations not used to build your house in architecture? Surely they were.
Were they not used to construct your car that you drive so that it can operate safely and efficiently? Surely the were.
Were they not used to make your computer/phone on which you read this? They were.
Since ancient times, were they not used to develop calendars to be able to have some ability to approximately, albeit quite accurately, predict planting, growing and harvest seasons to keep us fed. Certainly they were.
Should we all become hunter and gathers that can’t count to 5? That is the place of a dog, not a human.
Now Let’s review your terribly black and white postulates:
1) All Religion and all of the scriptures are purely forms of indoctrination and mind control and are bad.
My response:
We agree that the solar cattle Re-Legions (all over the world) are fabricated for the purpose of mass indoctrination and mind control. Equally, we agree the scriptures have been bastardised into terribly twisted versions of themselves, through wilfully bad translations, and willfully erroneous dogmatic (mis)interpretation, to be utilised as a form of mass mind control to commit atrocities.
Where I differ from you:
Having dedicated myself fully for years on end to studying the approximations of archeology, ancient and modern languages, anthropology, architecture, geography, technological and scientific development and progression, mathematics, cartography, navigation, astronomy/cosmology, physics, theology, statecraft, techniques and elaboration of war, Psychology, rhetoric, and a variety of other topics, one thing has become exceedingly clear:
The original scriptures are seeds to The Tree of Truth, which like a seed that contains vast genetic material in a compact form, contain vast and profound wealths of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, which the wolves had hidden in plain sight, and used for highly nefarious purposes to deceive the masses, even the elect if possible.
This leads us to your second postulate:
2) Numbers are just ab approximation so they are useless, and science only exists to divide and conquer.
Science and spirituality are one, not separate as they are perceived today. The two facets have been purposefully divided into diametrically opposite dogmatic theologies/religions in order to , DIVIDE AND CONQUER, and then to harvest the people’s Ki. The Luciferians are masters of this. Black and white. Conservative vs liberal, science vs religion, it’s pretty endless.
Let’s examine a scientific Truth in the first phrase of the scriptures:
The total of Berashit 1:1 is 2701. That is the root of the fine structure constant within 99.994%. This is an extraordinarily important number which we can, and have ascertained from thousands upon thousands of reproducible experiments, across a century and all continents, within 99.99998% consistency. Boy that approximation!!! It’s so bad we should just chuck it and call it false caca do doo of the masons. You’re falling for a pretty awful trap.
The fine structure constant is the ratio of the velocity of an electron in the first orbital shell of a hydrogen atom, to the speed of light, 1/137, when observed by an observer in a rest frame. It’s not going to be changing much anytime soon. Why is in the first 28 letters of the scriptures? Because it governs the mechanics of the entire universe.
So here we have evidence, which I can corroborate with non scriptural sources from cultures across the world, from Sumerian artifacts to the Mayas, Chinese, Persiabs, Indians, North Africans, using simple combinatorics. The entire ancient world is constructed to the Fine Structure constant. This shows us something profound about our human history. How could ancient stone bangers know a quantum mechanical property of the electron with 99.9%+ accuracy all over the world thousands of years ago?
Simpler: I want you to compare a circle’s radius to its circumference. You can measure that thing 10 million times, but π is not changing. I guess I can’t know anything about a circles circumference since in any calculations I can only estimate the irrational number Pi to 99.99999% accuracy.
Tell me then, under your postulates, how do we even know that we aren’t going to fall through the floor with every step? We only know the ground is approximately solid. Or how can we farm crops? We can only approximately know the growing season. Or how can we construct houses, we can only approximately know the proportions of things to 99.9999%! Or how can we navigate airplanes between two cities thousands of miles/kilometres apart? We can only approximate the correct direction of flight. Or how can you read this text? These letters are only an approximation of the way you write the script….
Essentially your argument is a subjectivist bunk: that everything is a lie and we should all just be illiterate non numerical imbeciles for the rest of our existence since we can only ever be 99.99999999% accurate.
Let me know when Pi changes.
Case closed.
This time you are using name dropping as manipulation technique, throwing and bombarding with buzz words and concepts to intellectually intimidate and overwhelm people.
I know you have an audience to impress but seriously!
I thought i was clear about mathematics, but apparently this sentence still needs explanation:
“Bottom line Math should be ONLY applied to the perceived world, not the spiritual world!”
counter argument:
“Numbers are just approximation so they are useless, and science only exists to divide and conquer.”
Let’s answer that:
-Numbers are only useful in our physical perceived world, we can only count and measure what we can perceive, either with our senses or with machines which as impressive as they look they are also extremely limited!
This YouTube video “David Eagleman, Ph.D: Biological Limits of Human Perception” provides more explanation.counter argument :
“The original scriptures are seeds to The Tree of Truth, which like a seed that contains vast genetic material in a compact form, contain vast and profound wealths of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, which the wolves had hidden in plain sight, and used for highly nefarious purposes to deceive the masses, even the elect if possible.”
-seeds, tree of truth, … genetic material, …
Why is it so difficult for you to give a clear definition of what truth is?
counter argument :
“You claim mathematics have no place in humanity’s search for Truth. Were these very precise and repeatable mathematical approximations not used to build your house in architecture? Surely they were.”
we build houses, make cars, … this has nothing to do with spirituality!
“Science and spirituality are one, not separate as they are perceived today.”
You are again mixing between spirituality and religion, so for you 444 is spirituality = Religion?
i totally agree with you on this one: “Science and religion are one, not separate as they are perceived today.”
You seem unable to address anything I speak of here, rather just to again speak with sarcastic dismissal. I’m writing to you clearly, using simple allegories and metaphors so as not to be intellectually intimidating. Seeds trees and genetic material are simple ideas…
How many times shall I reiterate that the religion as you know I today, is certainly a tool of mass manipulation; that they have divided the systemically acceptable versions of science as one dogmatic religion, and the Solar cults as another. They have constructed s false duality, in which one is either an intellectual and and atheist, or a believer and against scientific pursuit who proclaims ignorance is the way. Divide and conquer the people…
Equally you have failed to address what I have discussed regarding the scriptures or profound archeological evidence with the use of very advanced mathematics and scientific concepts that are found undeniably spread throughout the archeological record. The ancients had highly advanced forms of scientific thought and mathematics, and it was integral in their search for the Truth of the ineffable creator and reality. Should I assume they were just brainwashed superstitious into the stupidity of developing quantum mechanics and advanced construction techniques? Or should I heed the wisdom in it, while tossing aside the Luciferian corruption?
As you have spit upon the scriptures as useless, I consider the absolute subjectivist “its all perception,” useless as well. Is it only your perception that you walk on the earth? Are the stars going to change their paths across the sky because you close your eyes and decide so? Is a circle going to cease to measure with Pi tomorrow? Maybe you’ll change the speed of light and instantly communicate with other galaxies by magic? Possibly if you stop eating your body will magically be nourished by your perception of being full? Or maybe I will get a giant oak tree to sprout from a maple seed, or harvest figs from thistles?
No, all of these things form definitive parts of our existence; they are part of the perfect creation of YHWH.
There is certainly a reality far more profound than our simple perceptions; the scriptures say as much, and I am aware of this profound reality. Yet to claim that numerical information has nothing to do with search for Truth, is utter ignorance of reality.
If I say “oak trees use electromagnetic energy to grow.” It is True. If you say “oak trees also use water to grow,” or is True. Then If I say, “Oak trees also need good soil to grow.” It is True. And on and on forever. They need a stable climate, a warm or orally stable planet, etc etc.
The search for Truth is endless, the journey truly is the destination.
Go read the written record: I never said “Science and RELIGION are one,” I said “Science and SPIRITUALITY,” are one. Are you incapable of making the distinction, or is the point just to keep bucket throwing me as bad and twisting my words?
What a shame that we absolutely agree that Religion, full of dogmas, hierarchies, priests in costumes, ceaseless ritual, and in group indoctrination, are tools of the wicked for manipulating the masses to farm their Ki, and yet you purposefully change my words without a second thought just so you may attack me. Is the point not to seek The Truth!
Your writing appears to indicate that for you, this is rather about attacking someone you don’t understand, out of fear of having your world view upset, so you may simply reaffirm your comfortably held personal beliefs, even though they are clearly based on anecdotal experience and limited to no evidence, leading to drawing sweeping blacks no white conclusions lacking of any substantive nuance. This is the very basis of dogmatic religious thought!
I grow tired of the willful changing, awful mischaracterisation and twisting of my words. If you wish to continue, I need you to address my actual statements.
Please don’t turn the discussion into my personal psychoanalysis, this is by far the most pathetic of manipulation methods, and also please don’t get tired, we are at the endpoint.
In a previous comment you said:
“….I actually publish my research as peer reviewed scientific papers on cosmology, quantum physics, linguistics, archeology, history and Low dimensional Topology, in well known journals like the Oxford Press, Physical Review, and Nature Physics.”
So OXFORD is on of the resources you get YOUR science from right?
who founded Oxford? The Jesuits, a prominent RELIGIOUS organization!
That’s a CHECK MATE!
I’m still waiting for you to address any of my statements. I thought it was me who avoided spicy topics….
So according to you: absolutely everything printed in an Oxford journal must all be lies? I suppose Oxford must also be the only journal source I’ve ever used, and I have no capability of independent thought and analysis of material. Never mind the 1000s of other journals, 1000s of other non-mainstream sources, and 1000s of pages of researches I’ve done on my own; I read a paper on statistical mechanics in Oxford once; I must be an masonic idiot!
This is just more black and white, no nuance thinking; what a pattern of no intention, to understand beyond the simplest of dualities. It is a great weakness my friend, that I am trying to show you to help you grow.
On topic, I am highly aware of the Luciferian manipulation of history, as well as the hidden hand in the sciences, which is initially less obvious to most than the lies of it he Re-Legions.
If you have read my writing, you know I affirm the strong and ancient connection between pre-Colombian Americas and Eurasia. Oxford and all those other journals would never let me print that.
I use etymologies, based on PRIMARY ANCIENT SOURCES, in my own research from traveling across the world and finding the information. Not a G00G@l search which you seem to find sufficient to declare YHWH satanic…
I affirm the existence of scalar technology and weaponry, which has been hidden by the Luciferians for a very long time. I don’t think that’s showing up in Oxford either.
My point here, is that you have a serious issue with discernment, and are clearly apt to paint very broad brush strokes on everything, chucking it all in these really overly broad bins of “good and bad.” This is a crutch for the fearful.
When someone publishes a paper on thermodynamic equilibriums in a major journal, I might read it! First I check who they are, their bloodlines, and positions. I heavily favor independent researchers with no monetary risk or reward in the matter. Then I check their math, their postulates, and their reasoning through the paper.
Often time I read papers and throw them into the trash because they are junk. Other times, I find 1 or two points which I assess as insightful, and then test them for myself and their applications. Sometimes an entire paper is valuable. This is called nuance and discernment; you cannot grow of you don’t learn this.
I’m not as good of a target as you might think. Honestly I don’t know who to agree with here. You both sound right.
You are! There is a life-and-death battle for every single soul. All souls are equally important to God for we are his beloved creation. His children! His Truth is available to all of us. Simple! (not occult, nor complicated. because he wants and loves us all) It is all in the open! God is available to the rich and the poor, jews and non-jews, highly educated or illiterate, black and white, old, young, russian, american, chinese… you name it! …
Most times the devil sounds right. He can and will do his best to impress you with his knowledge.( He hates humility!) He knows the scriptures too… and he also knows our weak points and he can surely speculate our ego.
You be the judge!
Point taken. Thankyou.
This is very well written, and I really appreciate and agree with your sentiment of the message of The Truth of YHWH being for all.
You are right The Truth is available to us all! Thank you for this.
As in the parable of the servants of Matthew 25 it is written:
“To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability.”
I have left the whole passage below. Although you call for total “simplicity,” this passage is discussing that each will be given gold, which represents The Truth of the message of Yeshua, the most precious of things, according to their ability. It then goes on to state that we must then share this wealth given to us by our ability and to multiply it. Yeshua greatly admonished the servant who received one bag, who is the most simple, and yet refuses to share it and multiply the wealth out of fear.
You must remember that what seems “simple,” from your perspective, really means what abilities and knowledge is already familiar, and which you have already learned and mastered. Once upon a time, walking was complicated for all of us. Should we have all remained crawling? Once upon a time speaking was complicated for all of us, should we have remained mute? Once upon a time, writing and reading was complicated
You have once told me that the mass murdering by a serial killer of his wife, son, nephew, and friends (Constantine) was good because YHWH wanted it. This isn’t simple; it’s just wrong.
You then claimed that the three barred cross invented by Ivan the Terrible, a vile man who skinned and boiled and tortured thousands alive (in the name of the antichrist) supposedly was proof of biblical passages. Ignorance passed off as a blessing is very dangerous, and the wolves love this and use it.
The wolves are crafty, not simple, and they dine upon the sheep who are often the most naive. For this reason Yeshua said:
“I am sending you out among wolves… be as cunning as serpents and as blameless as lambs.”
Throughout the scriptures, both Hebrew and Greek, we are called to seek wisdom and Truth, and to multiply it in protection of ourselves and the flock of YHWH.
The full parable of the servants:
Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.
“After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.’
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
“The man with two bags of gold also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two bags of gold; see, I have gained two more.’
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
“Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’
“His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
“‘So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
It is written:
“Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the rooftops.”
Yeshua has said to be on our guard against the Yeast of the Pharisees and to disclose what is concealed (esoteric), to shout what they hide in the dark from the rooftops!!
These terms are clear references to the ancient metaphor of bread being daily spiritual sustenance (When yeshua multiplied the bread), and warns us to expose the practices and abominations of the priests of Solar worship, while preventing them from hiding the Truth behind walls of ignorance.
These priests whispered their esoteric teachings behind closed doors in the inner rooms of the temple, away from non-initiates. Do you think this has stopped? Even the word “Occult,” comes from the Aryeh Yehudah “Akel,” which means to consume, and was used in reference to the “living bread,” which refers to the process of fermentation that makes bread rise; a practice of great importance to feeding humanity.
Likewise the term translated, marginally, as hypocrisies, is υποκρισίας “hypocrises,” yes, but a false friend with Ebglush which in Ancient Greek is almost always used as “to pretend publicly.” This implies the modern sense of hypocrisy, but within a larger context of the occult practitioner priests who profess one thing publicly and another secretly. This passage directly references the luciferian Solar deity Harpocrates, who was the deity of occult silence. I’ll post a picture for you below.
Yeshua has also told us to proclaim from the rooftops what has been whispered only in these inner hidden rooms. He has told us to be as cunning as serpents and as blameless as lambs. This is exactly what I am doing!!
Stop defending serial murders, proclaiming total ignorance as blessed, and listen to the words of Yeshua
Here is a statue of Harpocrates from Greece from around 100 CE. His finger of silence.
We must shout from the rooftops both The Truth the hide, and the abominations the commit in secret. As Yeshua has clearly said.
The same man who urges young boys to suck his tongue, well knows the finger of Harpocrates! The finger of Occult silence. Shhhhhhhh…..
We must shout from the rooftops what they hide in the darkness of inner rooms.
The finger of Harpocrates sits outsides the Big papa’s office, enshrined in gold. He calls it the “consecrated lady of silence.” Recall Harpocrates is an aspect of HORUS, the golden (AURus) dawn.
Listen to Yeshua!! We must shout from the rooftops the abominations of these wolves dressed as sheep. They are the mignions of Lucifer, the antiXristos .
The finger of Harpocrates Speaks for itself.
From the 1st century CE, a pagan statue of the great mother, Magna Mater, Queen of Heaven fused as Harpocrates, the same finger of occult silence as sits outside mr Big Papa the antiXristos office with his very own golden Queen of Heaven.
Willfull Ignorance, professing it as holy, has led hundreds of millions to follow and murder this abomination.
What you have said in these few replies made me learn alot today. I sincerely thank you for your help.
For the record this all seems like a bunch of pointless arguing. I’ve read some older things 444gem has said in the past. I don’t know for myself if any of the larger claims 444gem has said are true, but I’ve seen people attack him back then too on those.
One thing I see is that the people that have attacked 444gem in the past always seemed to have negative or satanic names which is a dead giveaway to me as to who’s side they’re on. It’s necessary to ask questions, that’s how we learn. But I think some people here are either being foolish or genuinely dishonest. Which I expect given the nature of this website. 444gem could have created those accounts and names for all I know.
Anyone could be lying on this site, telling the truth or both. The only way I counter that is by going off what I know from experience. And 444gem has atleast said some things that I know to be true through experience so that’s all I will say for now.
I appreciate this deeply. Your statement:
“It’s necessary to ask questions, that’s how we learn.”
Is TRUTH!! Thank you.
I don’t expect anyone to believe what I say at face value; I hope they don’t. My desire is always that people take the information and investigate on their own, so as to learn and grow for themselves, by asking questions of the world, and seeking the answers!!
Why? How? Who? What… simple stuff.
Unfortunately a lot of people hold deep seeded anger, and want to destroy they Truth if it is uncomfortable for them. Better Ba-Ra-Abban than Yeshua.
I came to the answers I have cone to, through a lifelong pursuit of Truth, through simply asking YHWH to guide me and following where the answers have led, which is not often comfortable or easy to accept. Yet, I know I may be (and almost certainly I am) wrong, or at least partially off, about many things. If not, then there would be no reason to keep asking, seeking and knocking for Truth.
I commend your spirit, it is clear to me that you are sincerely seeking The Way towards finding The Truth. Keep going, wherever it may lead.
May YHWH bless you
And you too, thankyou. It’s true it is scary or hard sometimes but as the quote says the truth sets us free.
@444 gem
If you see this reply, I was wondering if you could email me when you get the time so I could ask you a question. It’s up to you. My email is n458293@gmail.com
Ive just seen this, Thank you, Ill be in touch
aquaemolated into a fog of transmutation.. into æther, achieving the fifth element, ᏓᏍᎩᏃᎮᏎᎵ ᏆᎷᏏ ᏚᏌᎳᏓᏁᏃ.
he knew more than most.
et in terra pax, hominbus.
My favorite part is where 666Gem preaches astrotheology but conveniently leaves out the astrotheological significance of Jesus…My least favorite part is where 666Gem brags about being one of the psychopathic priests who enslaved humanity and built the pyramids.
Unlike 666Gem, I’m a real person who shows my face on youtube. 666Gem is a paid propagandist who will never show his face because he has told so many lies about who he is.
I never did the video exposing this clown as Pseudo-Occult Media because nobody really cares including me…do you want to fess up 666Gem? This isn’t your first go round by a long shot. 666Gem is part of the “Western Occultists” who are propagandists telling you to blame it all on “you know who” while they continue raping the earth at pace. The other clown Robert Sepehr was recently outed as having “middle eastern blood”…Oh no! Lmao
@the great plague
At least you’ve stopped changing your psuedonym to pretend to be a multitude, and gone back to calling yourself the original name you went by. The shtick was getting old these past months.
I’ve never used another internet handle anywhere; I’m aware you believe I’m some other guy who called himself psuedo occult media, or “horselover phats,” or whatever absurdity you’ve conjured in your anger and loathing. Its not me, whoever this petty, awful person was that hurt you, but you go ahead and “expose” them as if it were me since you don’t like what I say. It means nothing nor carries any weight, as you have erred in your assessment.
I get you’re angry because somebody wronged you, and the world is not kind to Isis-Ra-Elis, for which I have compassion. I am certain they were quite mean and horrible to you in your youth. It is okay to forgive them, as YHWH commands, and now stand tall and understand you are a child of YHWH, whom all those that are not treat poorly because they subconciously feel inadequate next to you. That might be hard to see, but it is reality.
However, the entire attempt to connect me to someone else who I have nothing to do with, is… obnoxious and immature. Why as an Isis Ra Eli do you insist on speaking to an Essene, your own brethren under Moshe, of such a manner? Such is it that you love the Conahim of the pharisees and the wicked tricks of “orthodoxy,” created during Hasmonian rule under the Saturn HexaHedron and the Persians? When they fabricated they oral law as a form of vile control and domestication/self-enforced slavery of a free people, just as they are doing now in Ishrael to the great detriment of the people?
Some here have seen my face and heard my voice, but you shall never, for your arrogance and self-hatred you project onto me.
Likewise, I never said that we “built” the pyramids, We designed them. Were you aware that Khnum Khufu was raised in Beni Hasan? Surely you know a Hasan is the singer of the breathe of YHWH. That he turned to the genocidal and psycopathic priests of the heliopolitans, those of ON, after, is certain.
We are not the builders, we are the TEKNOS, the designers. That is, the plans for the square base pyramid are taken directly from schema in Berashid. The name YHWH = 26. A coincidence they used 2.6 million blocks to build the pyramids? The angle of inclination is .905 radians. in Berashid 2:7 you’ll find the phrase “YHWH ALHIM AT” just preceeding the creation of humanity (Ha’Adam, 144…). The Multiplication of the sums of the words: 26*87*4 = .9048. with 401 it totals .9071, the packing efficiency of hexagonally packed circles, from which your Meggen Dawid comes from: it is a representation of the movement of Photons within a hexagonally close packed circular lattice. Hence The Stone the builders rejected, has become the chief cornerstone… The phrase in Psalms:
לְרֹ֣אשׁ פִּנָּֽה = 531+135 = 666
“Lerosh Pinah,” The chief Cornerstone… The sun which sits at the bottom of the gravitational well shaped as an upside down hyperbolic tetrahedron within 4 dimensions (as Einstein’s theorems show.. the AIN STEIN, they eye stone… my gosh my friend) Is the word “Shamesh” for sun not used 666 times in the scriptures? It is. Is the Compton Frequency of the Electron not .666 in universal Natural (Planck) Units? It is.
You should know better, open your Torah, for you have no excuse as the gentiles.
I’ve never posted under a pseudonym, don’t you recognize my writing style boy? Of course you do, that slander is just for the few people who still believe in you. Lol I’m in your head son u sittin here thinking I have to hide who I am, Im not a punk like you. Come debate me on my youtube channel…you’ll never show your face and we both know that but since you asked for I will prove who you are…Your response is full of religio-babble, I can’t even read that garbage. I just skipped to the end where you tell me to open my Torah. Which just proves everything I said about you. You are a religionist, a priest, a spinner of factoids which conceal the true intent: to convince your gullible audience that all things can be blamed on evil J’s. That last sentence you wrote is an appeal to demographics, the last refuge of a hate-monger propagandist.
When “boy” is used in my common parlance, it means, “Stupid, immature, unaware, clueless”. I recognize your writing style in several accounts and that is weasily cowardice. Boyish bs. You call Gem this?
I pray he does debate you, but if he doesn’t (for myriad VERY valid reasons) you still look the off one unless you can cite specifics and counter actual arguments.
Once I show his posts under a previous alias it will leave no doubt. This man is a hate monger and Im sorry he has taken you in. He knows all about the occult but his real message is blame the J’s, he is telling you who to hate and blame but won’t even reveal himself.
You are not even worth getting upset over. You are a liar from inception.
One thing you might understand is I don’t harbor anything but kindness towards “Jews”. Nor Palestines, any other people. I am averse to politics, contrived conflict and repression. I will always stand for every human being’s freedom anywhere.
I post under my youtube name where I show my face but I’m the liar? Gem is a faceless nothing who claims to be a jedi who knows russel brand and you believe him without question? My channel is a documentation of my opinions on a variety of subjects and I published a book about institutional child abuse…will you even hear the other side of the argument or am I just the devil? You didnt hate me the other day when I responded to your post. What have you actually gained from reading Gems work that helps you in life? I will expose the evidence against him on my channel, in the next video after the one I’m posting in half an hour. To put it simply, his posting and writing style is identical to Pseudo Occult media, and if that is just a coincidence then why did that 13 year old blog disappear hours after I confronted Gem on this same forum? No logical person would believe that a coincidence once you see that their postings are identical.
I found your channel, and I may give you a listen, just to see, but I’ve had a great deal of confirmation of your character here. I have never called you a devil, nor anything of the sort. I actually believe most people act as reasonably as they can based on the information as they understand it. I don’t think you are a bad person at all, and I harbor the opposite of ill will towards you.
What I’ve learned that helps me in daily life? Not long before he began to post here, I had been ardently praying for better understanding and proper relationship within myself towards our Creator and Yeshua. All my conceptions to that point were fairy tales and superstition. He is stating things which are measurable and allow the fairy tale pieces to actually fit properly. He is taking the mystery and mystique away, even as some things become harder for me to understand, in my own areas of deficiency.
What has helped me in daily life? I can fully believe in Father now, as I couldn’t before. I lied to myself and tried, so hard, but the contradictions plagued me. He is showing me, not only by his own illustrations, the reconciliations, but has helped and encouraged me to seek them out for myself, so I may know the truth.
Btw, although you are too young to remember, Bill Cooper used to air his radio show from atop his house in the Arizona hills with about 150 mile range. Not next to coast to coast with Art Bell, which only happened much later, and principally it was his tapes after he was killed.
After a few years only from his house, Cooper would then self-purchase his own short wave radio (that means limited range single station) time at the 2-4 AM dead hour time slots in the early 1990s from a crappy local station in Nashville that also had very limited range. This used to be possible then.
He distributed thousands upon thousands of pamphlets (pre everything being digitalised) on how to do this for yourself with limited resources and encouraged people to do so. His methodology was accurate for broadcasting the only possible distribution channels pre internet: shortwave radio. Not really how shills operate.
Your entire video on his stuff is a litany of misunderstanding and half truths bent by pretty much total ignorance of how things actually occurred, essentially based on your biased world view: that all denouncers and exposers of Luciferianism are “shills.” Some certainly are, but usually they are making lots of $$ (Alex jones…) not evading the IRS in their crappy 30 year old pick up and barely scratching by on a military pension.
It is a bit disheartening to hear you go on and on about how cooper shot a deputy; for which you have no verifiable proof except what you read from Wikipedia.
Local witnesses at the time say the police opened fire on his house en masse upon arrival, and had been given orders to kill Cooper at all costs. I’ve personally witnessed a US police department machine gun (M16s and assault shotguns) a hostage situation full of innocents and then plant guns on people and write false reports of only “returning fire.”
Equally, you don’t mention at all that Cooper accurately predicted Osama Bin Laden would be blamed for a major terrorist attack on US Soul in “weeks to months time” in June 2001, and was then shot by a giant group of deputies in October 2001. That whole September 11th in the middle…. that he figured out, pissed of the wrong people, especially when he predicted it would be used as an excuse to invade Iraq.
Nobody that has sufficient intelligence thinks Cooper was a saint; dude had real issues and PTSD from military service in Vietnam. But your “takedown,” is… wholly inaccurate, and if your going to do this, at least be capable of getting the facts accurate.
@444gem thanks for this..
You want to have a discussion about William cooper now? Lol. So you found my channel and realize I dont need to hide. Why dont you come out from hiding and show your face if you want to debate me coward. Cooper’s book Behold a pale horse promoted the alien agenda which he later recanted himself. Why would Cooper recant his alien agenda material when the opening chapter states he witnessed an alien ship aboard a navy vessel? Lol. Of course you defend a fellow propagandist. Yeah it makes so much sense to assassinate Cooper 20 years after his relevance when only a tiny handful of people still listened to him…but of course this is just your attempt to change the subject and appeal to demographics again. Your writing is garbage, there is no real value in any of it, all your 666 hebraic formulas, none of it means jack s**t. Read my book The School Survival Guide if you really want to learn something. Or keep slandering me as a Torah reader, a multiple account haver, none of which is true but what do you care about truth, you’re a hate monger propagandist.
@the great plague
It’s okay to put your weapons down; I’m not here to hurt you. You’re attacking a shadow figure of your mind, not to me nor my words.
The primary usefulness of Behold a Pale Horse are the first 100 pages, regarding how electromagnetic theory of induction and capacitance are applied to economics and Meni (the moon, which produces the flow of current-cy in tides hence Money…) to control and manipulate the masses through occult banking usury and induced wars to pay “debts.”
This isn’t a defence of Cooper; it’s about getting your facts straight, which you have a serious issue with. You spew opinions based on lies…
1) Cooper’s material was actually more popular and widely consumed in 1990s and 2000s than it was when he was working on extraterrestrial issues in the 1980s. He was giving talks to small venues full of people at this point, covering short wave radio broadcasting, sovereign citizenship and exposing Luciferianism.
His work had also become significantly more relevant and dangerous to the luciferian powers. Correctly and specifically predicting 9/11 two months before it happened, is dangerous to the very evil men that organised that Mass genocide and occult blood sacrifice.
He then also predicted it would be used as a false cassis belli for Iraq. Given what occurred from 2001-2008 with the wars in Afghanistan, leading to the opium crisis as the supply of opium skyrocketed through pharmaceuticals, and then Iraq, the biggest monetary heist of the modern word until COVert IDentifixation, there was plenty of reasons for the Bush’s to off Cooper who was exposing the gameplan.
When people like the Nasi Bush family are involved, bloodbath follows.
Look it up:
As a banker, George Bush’s Sr. father financially propped up Hitler for 20 years and then continuing during WWII. Exactly the practices Cooper denounced.
George Bush Sr. helped assassinate Kennedy, and then became the head of the CIA. He oversaw the organisation when it was responsible for creating the crack epidemic in the US by purchasing huge quantities of cocaine from Contras, bringing it to the US and selling it to the urban black population. This continued during his vice presidency under puppet Reagan. The small-time journalist who exposed that operation, also got killed by the Bush’s.
Then Baby Bush Jr became President (well head puppet to daddy and his cronies) and oversaw a mass ritual blood sacrifice on US soil, and then started the Opium epidemic through funnelling it through Big Pharma and Distributors like Wal Mart.
The Bush’s are multigenerational genocidal maniacs, and Cooper was an inconvenient thorn in their side to their plans; one more life they took among the millions.
2) You seem to be unaware that Cooper encouraged the sovereign citizen movement, which was the legal process of removing oneself from being subject to the corporation of the United States: the military industrial complex, and returning to becoming an American Citizen. The IRS and it’s private banking kabal doesn’t take kindly to those that won’t bend the knee and pay them, and Cooper was helping others free themselves from the tyrants.
3) Equally, Cooper’s series of Mystery Babylon is also quite insightful in exposing Luciferianism. He managed to piece the reality together with remarkable accuracy (although not perfect.)
While you don’t understand the usefulness of this, the awareness by the people of the hidden luciferian hand in history is extremely important to freeing them from the Luciferians. You must understand your enemy.
You are a crass liar. Attempting to tie him to something unrelated but detrimental. Common parlor trick with your sort.
I have been hearing from him for nearly a year now and I feel no worse towards “Jews” than towards any of the rest of us who have been so long lied to. Most common people are essentially good, they are just misled.
The paid shill 666gem might have multiple persons behind the same account, It’s not sure they will all recognize your writing style.
Wow, so full metal jacket for one dude saying stuff. This doesn’t in any way resonate in our history…
Nothing I’ve said to you was hateful; quite the contrary.
I tried to afford you forthrightness and compassion; to offer you understanding over what you have been through and the pain it’s caused you. To discuss scripture with some depth.
Your response was just more hate, lies, and repudiation; because you have the time for anger and hate, the energy for making childish take down videos based on erroneous assumptions and typing out vitriol trying to falsely connect me with your former bully, nemesis or internet archenemy or whatever, but you have no desire to take time to accept compassion or Truth. I hope this changes for you, as I sincerely feel for the hurt they’ve caused you.
Religionist? If I call them REs legions; a program for mind control of the masses within Luciferian sun worship. Priest? I don’t believe in churches and priesthoods… But reading and meditating on the Breathe of YHWH is for the wise man.
You sure can babble. Since you found my channel, watch what I post next week. My work speaks for itself, as does yours.
@the great plague
The attention seeking (watch my youtube channel!!! Please!) and hatred from which you speak with every comment is palpable. So blinded are you, that you call me a religionist, when I denounce religion as a tool of mass indoctrination (we agree on this.) So removed from reality and unwilling to listen, that you brandish me a “hatemonger,” when I constantly uphold that all humans are the most beloved creation of our father.
Having a heart for Truth, and encouraging others to speak with the ineffable creator and read the ancient wisdom of scriptures on their own, as an individual pursuit, does not make one a religionist: which is about power structures, hierarchies, opulent architecture, dogmas, money and priests in costumes, all of which are implements used to exercise control over the people’s minds and souls; all things I denounce, and frankly detest. Yet, with each comment, the return to any kindness I offer you is just more insults, combined with delusions and lies. This is the hallmark of a hatemonger.
You are so filled with hate towards the world, that all you see in others are the shadows of what is deep within your own heart. It is ok to forgive those who have wronged you.
So that you are forewarned: you’re going to waste several hours of your life trying to connect me to some other person (who you clearly previously hated and who wronged you pretty badly, but whom I have never heard of) that called himself “horselover phats.” All based on his blog supposedly disappearing when you confronted me… right.
It’s childish behavior, and while I have compassion for it, it’s your own loss running down a path of hatred, while pointing fingers blindly and screaming that everybody else is the one hating. That is not a good path my friend.
Many blessings upon you. Yeshua Kavvanah.
@the great plague
I hope one day soon you can see how foolish you are being with this made up vendetta. Swinging at shadows in a funhouse mirror is very aptly put – the hypocrisy and irony is something to behold.
Just catching up with this thread, wow went downhill pretty quick. Glad to hear GEM is on his next 12 Monkeys drop, we are all looking forward to it.
My love to you all, haters and non haters alike. Just chill a bit.
Thanks for the kind words. May YHWH bless you
I appreciate that you are reading the series. I’ll give you a preview:
913, the Fine Structure Constant, the Maltese Cross. The field of the potter, 27.2 and the Mathuie Equations of oscillating particles (Literally the Matthew 27.2 equations.)
Thanks @444gem for the nugget. Happy to hear from you my friend.
Be well.
New Agers are highjacking one of the few website that expose satanism and that makes you happy?
You re lucky they tolerate this deception, I would have censored 666gem long ago.
No satanic new age BS on a website that denounce satanism….
Nobody here is new age. You are swinging at reflections in funhouse mirrors, so scared of anything that is unfamiliar you brandish it satanic immediately:
1) You have called the name of the ineffable creator, YHWH Satanic. The name is used in scriptures nearly 7000 times!
2) You claim gemstones are inherently satanic. Yet gemstones are the walls and foundations of the city of YHWH in Revelations 21!
Likewise in this thread you’ve made veiled death threats, and now you openly call for censorship! Do you not see your fear makes you just as the monsters you claim to detest?
‘made veiled death threats’… I remind the poor dude what happen to people that teach false doctrines in the Bible on Judgement Day (Luke 17:2), now he play the victim card like he was scared for his life.
I didn’t talk about gemstones btw but yes all your babblings on gems, numerology, astrology, esotericism, mysticism etc.. are all related to New Age teachings (The field is quite vast). You can’t deny you are New Ager.
I think you are very delusional 666gem, you created yourself a fake world that only you understand. You are the human definition of the expression ‘twisting yourself in knots’. I hope you get back to reality one day.
The truth is much more simple than that but you chose to reject it. Your life, your choice… By the way you didn’t respond to my question if you are anti-Christian in the philosophical sense but anyway I already know the answer.
The gaslighting and insults don’t stop coming… Ill once more address the really horrible stuff you’ve said so far:
1) So far you have claimed the name YHWH, used almost 7,000 times in scripture, is Satanic, based on a G00g@l search.
I remind you of the verse in Mark:
“Whoever blasphemes against the Breathe of YHWH shall not find forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal transgression.”
Surely when you wanted to repudiate me and remind me of the coming judgement for what you perceive as “New age Babble,” you could have quoted this passage. Instead you chose to rip Luke 17:2 out of context, which makes no mention of actual judgement, so that you could use the phrase “ Better you have a stone tied around your neck and are thrown into the sea,” which followed you insulting me and then placing words in my mouth I never said about admitting to be a new age luciferian.
The choice was yours, and you chose to brandish me a heretic (because you don’t understand me). The extremely brutal, oppressive and violent nature of antiXristos zealotry, based on the twisting of scripture is a pattern that has continued for 1000s of years. They often read aloud Luke 17:2 at heresy trials and the inquisition, before actually tying people with weights and throwing them into the sea.
2) Censorship is a tool of despots, bigots, and dictators. You have called for censorship.
3) I’m not new age, nor am I anti-Christian. I denounce the new age, this is maybe the 4th time I’ve said this. Likewise, I also denounce the pagan Luciferian Solar Cattle Church and it’s offshoots, which spit upon and trample the scriptures at every turn they get. The followers of the Harlotte of Babylon that sit upon the seven hills with the seven mythical kings of Rome.
We are called by the scriptures to speak the Truth:
I bend me knee and bow my head before Yeshua, king of kings, and our father YHWH.
I believe at the core of VC and VL is precisely for one to see and be vigilant of the level of deception every institution exerts on us, even the institutions we belong to. VC and VL serve as a primer in exposing the veils of lies the deceivers have us under. Through this content, I believe one should see by now that the symbols of deception knows no boundaries; the left wing and the right wing are part of the same eagle, the two sides are part of the same coin. The powerful elites of the world, regardless of their exoteric political affiliations, are part of the same fraternities, and thus share similar values not known to us, the public. It is up to you, the free individual, to discern (test) why the society you are part of is always kept in a state of division, if those in power ultimately share the same dinner table behind closed doors.
As far as I have deduced (as I do not want to speak for anyone but myself), @444gem offers tremendous insight, including to the levels of deception these institutions exert. It is understandable that these insights can be challenging, especially for those whose beliefs are founded on the practices of these institutions. Please notice my use of the word “institutions”, and not the name of any historical spiritual figures. This is because one of the challenges is to decouple the organized institution from the religious figure; If we see that the institution is corrupted, whether gradually or from the start, then it is our duty, as free individuals, to go back to the primary sources. @444gem offers many insights for us to reconnect with the ancient teachings; he is not a messiah, nor has he ever claimed to be, but he can certainly point us in the right direction.
At the end of the day, it is up to you to think critically and discern what nourishes the mind to grow healthy like the branch that it is in this fractal tree of beautiful life. We are all on a journey to reconnect with our roots, that we may grow to bare healthy fruits. At the end of this journey, may we all be tranquil with the branches and fruits that our seed have bared.
Thank you for this. Your insight is always so greatly appreciated.
I have seen your previous message, and I will be in touch soon. I have been truly exhaustive (and exhausted) with my energy the past few days, and the comments you see here are generally just just the short breaks between intensive research/drafting I take.
Again thank you for the insights, and for your truly generous patience.
This simple drawing, holds one of the greatest Keys to the universe. I would ask you to reflect upon it and try to understand what is here.
Before I can fully answer you questions regarding reincarnation so as to clarify things for you, rather than to confuse you or lead you astray, you need to understand the vibrational patterns of the universe, and how its geometric aspects relate to the very creation of our existence within a fractal.
Certainly the scriptures are clear regarding the second comings of several individuals. This does not mean that they are going to magically appear out of thin air. As it says in Berashid, when YHWH warns Hava and Adam “If you partake of this tree surely you shall die.”
Later, when the serpent speaks to Hava, he says “if you partake of the FRUIT, surely you won’t die.” The word for fruit in Hebrew is “MiPeri.” It is the same word as the Pear today, but as well as WOMB. It should be apparent that YHWH speaks clearly: all those that partake of the womb, shall surely die; and the price of a second coming is a passage through partaking of this fruit, the womb.
However, the realities of how this works, what it means, and the “mechanics of it,” require that you have a strong and well founded understanding of the nature of time, space itself, and the nature of what the universe is and how you are given the Breathe of YHWH. And so, I have made this drawing for you to consider, and to be able to gauge how strong your awareness of reality is. Take the time to consider and let me know your thoughts.
Thank you sincerely for your patience to this question.
@ariah you may find this useful as well.
fibonacci sequence?
The right ballpark. It is a logarithmic spiral. As the golden spiral. But there’s is much much more hiding here in this drawing.
Thanks @444gem, I’ll big dig into it.
My account is new here, but I have been following this site for about a year now. I have read your posts and you really do know many things.
Like other users, I am also interested in the nature of reincarnation and how it relates to Christ’s Resurrection. I am not sure about reincarnation as to me it seems like too much unneccesary suffering to right a wrong, but the rest of the universe, even time itself is cyclical, so I am confused.
I have many other questions, but I will ask them later as this is the most important one to me right now.
This image here reminded me of a dream I had after prayer a few months ago. I will also post my shoddy MS Paint rendition of the dream below. Many things are revealed to me in dreams, sometimes even a couple of moments from the future and I consider this to be the greatest gift God has given me.
In my prayer I asked to be shown the beginning of everything and the first thing I saw after falling asleep was a dark empty space with dark violet lines in the background that remind me of the abyss you see with your eyes closed in the dark. The space itself was of unknown size, I couldn’t tell, it could have been tiny or extremely large. There was no smell, no sound and the space was neither hot nor cold. Then a white dot appeared in the middle of my field of view, the dot started to expand and the pure white dot diffused into a turquoise ring. In the place of the original white dot another like it appeared and the process repeated a couple of times, until there were several concentric circles that emerged from the center as a white dot and as they expanded their colour diffused into turquoise and then back to white.
The only thing I thought as I was watching this mysterious white dot expanding: This is God.
My conclusion is that I have been shown the very beginning of Creation in a dream as a response to my prayer.
And this image could relate to my dream in some way, but I know nothing about math besides the golden ratio and fractals.
I hope my dream can help someone else in their search. I look forward to your anwsers.
My account is new here, but I have been following this site for about a year now. I have read your posts and you really do know many things.
Like other users, I am also interested in the nature of reincarnation and how it relates to Christ’s Resurrection. I am not sure about reincarnation as to me it seems like too much unneccesary suffering to right a wrong, but the rest of the universe, even time itself is cyclical, so I am confused.
I have many other questions, but I will ask them later as this is the most important one to me right now.
This image you posted reminded me of a dream I had after prayer a few months ago. I will try to post my shoddy MS Paint rendition of the dream below.
In my prayer I asked to be shown the beginning of everything and the first thing I saw after falling asleep was a dark empty space with dark violet lines in the background that remind me of the abyss you see with your eyes closed in the dark. The space itself was of unknown size, I couldn’t tell, it could have been tiny or extremely large. There was no smell, no sound and the space was neither hot nor cold. Then a white dot appeared in the middle of my field of view, the dot started to expand and the pure white dot diffused into a turquoise ring. In the place of the original white dot another like it appeared and the process repeated a couple of times, until there were several concentric circles that emerged from the center as a white dot and as they expanded their colour diffused into turquoise and then back to white.
The only thing I thought as I was watching this mysterious white dot expanding: This is God.
My conclusion is that I have been shown the very beginning of Creation in a dream as a response to my prayer.
And this image could relate to my dream in some way, but I know nothing about math besides the golden ratio and fractals.
I hope my dream can help someone else in their search. I look forward to your anwsers.
What do you see?
This is the logarithmic spiral you made before, but now there’s more of them and they seem to intersect. Considering your previous posts, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume this could be a 2D depiction of 3D space, another celestial matrix?
The ones in the middle intersect in such a way that 2 6-pointed stars are formed. The upper and lower parts of the middle look like W-shaped part of Tesla’s 3-6-9 formula, but the triangle that is also part of that seems to be missing.
Good. It is the logarithmic spiral, which explains the projection of the holographic principle, and projective geometry.
Look at the six pointed in the stars in the middle. Are you seeing a pathway that projects towards the center of the ripple into Infiniti, or is it a diamond cone viewed from perspective with a 2 dimensional circle in its center?
Thus drawing contains the basis for the reconciliation of Quantum Mechanics with General Realtivity. It is The fundamental building block of scalar relativity.
This may offer some perspective on your dream, if you reflect and view it properly. Read Berashid 1:1 and look at the original Aryeh Yehudah.
28 letters in 7 words.
Information about a volume of space is encoded in its wave function. information then can be stored on a surface that encloses the volume. If thats the case, then the most likely trajectories of particles in spacetime are logarithmic spirals; constant logarithmic collapses of wave functions. motion is scaled according to the logarithmic spiral, then our reality is scaled up from a singularity; YHWH?
Excellent, All Existence be YHWH
Now we can advance towards our goal of understanding “reincarnation.”
Can you see now why everything in the universe is spinning with tremendous force, and yet we experience it as considerably stable?
From our vantage point in Earth, we are on a flat surface that is stable with objects spinning around it. Zooming out we are on a spinning sphere orbiting around a motionless star in stable orbit. Zooming out again, our star is spinning around a stable galaxy. Zooming out again our galaxy is spinning around a stable super cluster gravitational center. Zooming out again our supercluster appears to be expanding (spinning outward) in a stable observable “universe.”
Which is the correct frame of stability, or the “inertial,” frame of reference? All of them, they are the result of scalar relativity. Anyone who actually reads Einstein’s papers, not the “expert,” analysis, knows the mathematics tell you The Earth is accelerating up into you with a constant rate of change of 9.8 m/s^2, you are not being pulled down, there is no gravity, simply scalar relativity which causes increasingly accelerated frames of reference in a nested infinite series that according to the principle foundations of the universe guarantee your existence as a probabilistic outcome.
The curvature of space time we perceive as gravity arises directly from this principle, in which to each observer everything appears locally flat, yet it obtains curvature the farther away from independent scales it is observed. The experience of Gravity is the result of this, where the curvature into an shape analogous to a hyperbolic octahedron volume is a prerequisite for observers, ie a SOULS, to exist in this universe. Scaled curvature which results from the Fine Structure Constant. The AURder of the universe.
If we generalise this conception to time
Mach’s principle is a sort of backwards entrance to this idea.
The answers are all found Berashid 1:1.
The whole thing is a mirror image that could come from a wave function collapse, the big circles create 2 vesica pisces and if traced you can clearly see they form a shape in the middle which you would also get if you crossed 2 V’s – one normal and the other reversed to look like an A without the line, a hexagonal shape (reminds me of the bottom part of Lucifer’s sigil, is this where it comes from?). This pattern appears after a cell divides 2 times. The spirals are of opposing directions and they all intersect in the middle forming a pattern that reminds me of a cruciform flower where the top and bottom petals are larger than the left and right petals. The 2 patterns are laid on top of each other.
Is this what I was supposed to find?
I am not that well-versed in physics, even though I admire the subject and recognise it’s importance. Maybe I should try harder to understand some things, but sometimes it’s hard to understand.
I looked up wave function collapse on wikipedia and found that it is used in procedural generation for video games and simulations. These sentences from the wikipedia article reminded me of the fractals you posted in previous parts of your series:
The process starts with a small seed pattern, which is then expanded iteratively by selecting and “collapsing” the probabilities of neighboring elements until the entire structure is complete.
The algorithm ensures that the resulting output is unique and non-repetitive by collapsing the probabilities in such a way that neighboring elements are always compatible with each other.
So basically the seed pattern of choice is expanded by repetition with slight variations to ensure compatibility with other parts of the pattern, if I understand correctly. It would make sense that the universe was made this way, since the same patterns always repeat in nature. And it would make God the seed pattern for the universe and everything in it. He is so many things, an eternal, conscious, loving being that is the source of all things. His form would be incomprehensible to us, so large, like an entire universe – is this why it is said that angels cover His face, because whoever looked at it directly would die? This is another of many times I have found evidence for His existence, different paths lead to the same summit again.
You are saying that the curvature of space-time is responsible for the effect of gravity and it originates from our observation of the universe and the world around us, that also somehow guarantees our existence and consciousness?
Is this correct?
Then the universe would be an ever-expanding fractal, like if you took the flower of life and started expanding it infinitely. I used this pattern as an example because it’s the first pattern I looked at and thought it could go on forever and you could extract every possible shape from it, even the golden ratio (at least that’s what I’ve read about the flower of life).
That leads me to ask – what is a soul? It is surely not your thoughts, if anything, they would probably be a product of the soul’s interaction with the body and vice-versa. Does a soul remember anything from the life it lived once the body dies?
I will give a full response in a bit. Take a look at this coin from Mithradates and the A or V form, combined with the symbolism.
And here is one from Charax Spasinou, which in modernity is only known for its coins, the name itself Charax, is the same as Charagma, the Mark of the Beast.
A mural from Teotihuacan, ~200 CE, and the unfolding of the lograithmic spiral by the dragon.
The dragon spits the 666, the logarythmic spiral, which froms from the compton frequency of the electron and the underlying harmonic computational structure of the universe, and more particularly from the underlying fine structure constant that is intrinsic to every mathematical and physical constant that exists.
As a side note, this mural is essentially contemporary to the book of Revelations being written. After the temple was destroyed in 69 CE by the antiXristos, many of us departed to Heberia (Literally “the land of those to cross over”… now called Iberia, from Iberu, to be at the foot of the crossing of the waters, you can find more detail on Abaraim, which gives a nice compact origination of the word.), and then departed to the americas, twhich we called Ab Ya’Al, meaning “for gain or benifit,” or Meaning at its root “Comes from YHWH ALohim.”
To this day the name “Ab Yalla” is used by native tribes to refer to the continent.
THe dragon spits a triskell, the “Trapezes” the three legs, which Yeshua refers to when the “hand of hte one that betrays him sits at the Table/Trapezes.” The dragons headress here is a series of logarythmic functions, and his body is intermeshed knots, the same as the fishermans net often referred to in passages, conspiciously in John 21:11, with 153 fish, referring to another aspect of physical constanty given rise from the fine structure constant.
So this dragon represents groups of people who use their knowledge of the universe to enslave others. They also love to make fun of people who they enslaved and they are vain, they see themselves as gods on earth, they don’t care at all for the suffering they cause to others – this would be symbolised by the headdress. But the knots seem to bind the beast to the ground, no matter how much it tries to break free – it has trapped itself in a web of lies and it depends on outside help for survival, only someone else could free it. Pure poetic justice and irony, the decievers trapped in their own web. The knots also have that pattern mentioned previously, their misused knowledge turned them into a social parasites that depend on others and can’t get by alone.
It is written that The Dragon gives the beasts their power. It is important to view things within the nested fractal, exactly as you have stated above. What you state about the knots binding the dragon is absolutely true:
The beasts body can only exist through the bounded interactions within material space and time; hence why Lucifer is intent upon stealing humanity’s free will to make his own; bounded purely in this reality, he has a permenant desire in order to rebel.
Nevertheless, your understanding and analysis is completely correct regarding the mignions of lucifer, those who have bent the knee in return for the tempations, they are the pipers playing the tune to lead the children off the cliff, where the wolf await to feast upon them after they fall.
What was the purpose of Isaac’s sacrifice? It always seemed illogical that a merciful God would ask anyone to sacrifice their child, even as a test of faith. In the end a ram was used as a sacrifice, thankfully.
My guess would be that the ram was symbolic of the coming of a new astronomical age- the Age of Aries, the fact that people mostly stopped doing human sacrifices for their deities and a foreshadowing of the coming of Christ.
Animal sacrifice is still a blood sacrifice however, those were done in the Temple by the high priest on Yom Kippur in the Holy of holies, but why was that necessary? Why must blood be spilt?
I have read the story in my native language and it didn’t make much sense beyond that. You say that the Scripture written in Greek and ancient Hebrew reveal the whole truth – but I don’t speak those languages.
I could get by with Latin a bit.
I have more questions about souls, God and the afterlife, especially because you said in your series that your people have personified natural processes in order to explain how things in the world and the universe work – it’s how we got myths. I would like you to explain what do you consider to be God and a soul and how could a force of the universe develop an ego – as you said this is exactly what happened with Lucifer?
I do not mean to insult you in any way, I am just curious about many things and I don’t want to blindly believe in anything because that’s how you fall for lies, hence my name here. So I respectfully ask for your opinion and offer my observations. My only wish is to understand the nature of reality and how it came to be.
And I apologise if I have you buried in questions, I simply want to ask you some questions because you obviously know more about these things than me. Your knowledge of physics and the occult is on point.
To me a God would be an eternal, intelligent, conscious being with free will (could a whole universe be a singular being with many parts like cells in our bodies?) that is responsible for the creation of everything in the universe, including the physical laws that govern it and it would make sense for a creator to love his creation and want the best for it, but also respects the free will of the creation (if the creation has it).
The universe itself could then be described as his kingdom or domain.
A soul, to me would be the consciousness and free will of a person and after you die it would make sense that it retains at least some memories of the life it lived.
The relationship of a soul with God is also important. Are a soul and God the same thing? Are they separate?
Now the big question, what happens to the soul when a person dies? Physics states, as far as I know, that energy and information cannot be created or destroyed.
This paragraph of your previous reply to Chunli has me asking even more questions:
Certainly the scriptures are clear regarding the second comings of several individuals. This does not mean that they are going to magically appear out of thin air. As it says in Berashid, when YHWH warns Hava and Adam “If you partake of this tree surely you shall die.”
Later, when the serpent speaks to Hava, he says “if you partake of the FRUIT, surely you won’t die.” The word for fruit in Hebrew is “MiPeri.” It is the same word as the Pear today, but as well as WOMB. It should be apparent that YHWH speaks clearly: all those that partake of the womb, shall surely die; and the price of a second coming is a passage through partaking of this fruit, the womb.
All those that partake of the womb shall surely die – all those who were born will die? That is true.
The price of a second coming is a passage through partaking of this fruit – do you need to have children to be born again an another loop of the universe (whitehead knot being pulled and then reformed)? Did Christ have children? Was his mother Mary really a virgin, since you mentioned your people have a tradition for concieving male children outside of marriage, so they are not easily found and killed by your opponents who share your knowledge, but use it for evil?
I have so many questions… Again, I apologise if I have overwhelmed you with complex topics, I’m just looking for anwsers.
Some unexplained things definetly do exist and have been documented in history and I have had some happen to me. The only explaination for those events I found is a God, as I have described above, guiding me towards understanding the truth about Him and everything he created.
I have experienced:
a gravitational anomaly with my phone standing completely upright on a table with tablecloth (don’t know what caused it)prophetic dreams (I have them often)one night I prayed for a clear confirmation that Christ really did speak truth about everything, went to sleep and literally the first thing I saw in the morning after waking up, were the letters INRI written on my wardrobe as light entered the bedroom through my window blindsI heard an angelic song as a kid (don’t know what caused it, I have not been diagnosed with mental illnesses)Seen a pitch black humanoid figure before going to bed in a time when I felt very hopeless and disappoined in my life, myself and the state of the world, I have seen the figure 3 times
It seems that the part of my previous post where I describe the things I saw and could not easily explain got messed up, so I will reformat it here:
I also wonder where did your people get all this knowledge, especially if your ancestors really lived in ancient times, perhaps even before the invention of writing? The biblical math is also an interesting thing, how did you extract those numbers and how did you know what to do with them? I have never seen anything like it before.
Sometimes I doubt my definition of a God that I described in my previous post. That is why I asked the question could the whole universe be a singular being where we would have the same function as cells do in our own bodies – he would be the universe itself in that case. Sometimes it seems like there isn’t a God,or that He perhaps refuses to show himself to us for some reason. That’s why I am so curious as to what do you consider to be God.
I wish these questions could be easily anwsered, searching for the truth is very hard in these times, there is so much out there. Every time I reach a solid conclusion, doubts appear and I rigorously test every single part of my conclusion again and again…
Have you considered writing a book with all this information you posted here? The biblical math would be a very interesting part of it, especially if you elaborated on how you came up with it in the book.
Thank you for your previous anwsers, I look forward to reading more.
Never apologise for asking profound questions, for the essence of our being is to ask Why?
As the name of YHWH, it is the first utterance, the vowels from the top of the mouth to the bottom of the throat U-A-I-E said similarly to the phrase “why?” In English today.
All of your questions are profound and bring me great joy to respond to; reading your writing and sensing your sincerity fills my heart; thank you for this. However, I ask for just enough time before responding to be able to properly reflect, to ask YHWH, on how to clarify rather than confound you in your search for The Truth.
444gem. What is the meaning of the number 9 to you?
Let us begin addressing some of your questions here.
1) regarding the personification of things. Certainly stories and mythologies were used for more than 50,000 years to help humanity retain deeper truths embedded within the stories, that the seed of Truth within them, could be found by those who desired to find the wisdom. The thirst for knowledge among humanity, and the search for destruction by those who hoard the knowledge, is limitless, and follows, as all things, wavefunction patterns over time, with a probabilistic predictability. The only way, truly the only way, to ensure that the profound knowledge of Truth that can allow humanity to be free from being simple animals is passed through the many great ages of the species existence, is through embedding it in the language, the writing, and of course the stories. Personifcations are a tremendous tool, as the human body and soul is ulimatly the total of everything in the universe which has led to its development before hand. The body, the way of moving, the way of speaking, are all related, through fractal mechanics, to the deepest workings of the universe.
Consider this: everything in the universe has occurred exactly as it has occured in this moment, If it one single thing were any different, even just one, then your existence would vanish. What this means, is that your existence is the guaranteed outcome of an innumerable number of molecular, vibrational, energetic, probablistic, etc. etc. interactions in a giant tremendous interacting chain, that eventually lead to your existence exactly as you are now. The mathematics of this are mind boggling, but even without numbers, imagine that I shuffle 1 quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion decks of cards, and if I change one card in the order, there is no Ryan.
What this means, is that you yourself are an embodiment of an emergent phenomena of the very deepest working of the universe. Do you understand?
2) You ask then to understand what it YHWH. Hei is all. Eyheh Asher Eyheh; “All Existence be I” is about as close as I can get in English. This means that everything you see, touch, perceive, and what governs it is YHWH. This is often called the universal conciousness (removing HaShem, the name) in more new age settings, but it is of course a very ancient the Truth: Eyheh Asher Eyheh.
Likewise, It is written in Psalms, and Yeshua said: YOU ARE ALOHIM.
The word “AlON” in hebrew means tree, and this later was passed down into the luciferian corrupted and simplified terminologies of “The Tree of Life.” It represents the branching of space and time. If you take a Serpinski Triangle Fractal , you can unfold it into a perfect fractal Tree. A very simple concept, yet the one that sits at ever single cell of the universe. Your soul is born upon the Tree.
This is why the scriptures say that Yeshua bore his body on the Tree (not the cross, as is so wantonly mistranslated so they can tote around a Unit Circle measurement tool as if it were something holy…), This means, as is written in the chapters of monkeys, that Yeshua gave his life, to forever influence the fractal in a way that humanity is finally saved from its own looping self destruction.
Your soul is ELOHIM, the tree of space and time; it is eternal, completely unknowable yet, unquantifiable: the hardest mathematical terminology I could give, is that you are an infinite series of irrational terms in a divergent series. Are you every number in the universe? No you are not. Are you finite. Nor are you this. This would require you ponder the idea of infinitis having different sizes… It makes no sense to our limited perception.
3) Regarding emergent phenomena developing egos, that is, fallen ANGELS (literally angels like a Tri Angel…) everything is an emergent phenomena. The tree you see is an emergent phenomena from the conditions of every ancestor and every descendent tree of it, and all of the conditions that were created to breathe life into its existence. You are an emergent phenomena.
And so are the ANGELS; that is, just as trees possess conciousness and communicate without brains (look up Mycellium communication networks in forests), so too do the emergent phenomena of the universe which may not be embodied. All is conciousness… And to develop ego to say ” I AM” is the moment that they have fallen. Although you cannot see and touch their bodies, you are clearly familiar with non-corporeal entities, at least that don’t seem solid in this physical realm. Do you think the shadow you have perceived possesses no ego?
It is written not to fear the ones who may harm our body, but only the one who may know our soul after this body perishes. Your physical form is a gift, a gift to have experience in this realm. Yet, it is certain that the infiniteness of it guarantees its existence into eternity, lest one is judged and seperated from YHWH, that is, separated from existence, thrown into SHEOUL. There is no fate worse than to be separated from YHWH at the time of judgement. Think of YHWH as this:
An infinite sided shape in infinite dimensions.
Indeed the price of entering this realm as a corporeal being, is to be born. Is it not? Is there anything living (within complex life) that you know, which was not born in some fashion or another? It has. And as Mammals, we all pass through the womb, which then guarantees that we shall die. There is no changing this reality.
The serpent tells Hava that by simply partaking of the womb, surely she won’t die by entering the womb. It is not untrue, but it allows her the opportunity to deceive herself. YHWH tells her that partaking of the tree, that is, to pass through space and time as it unfolds, will surely lead to her death.
The knowledge comes from asking seeking and knocking, in the interminable quest for The Truth. It has been passed through the aeons, developed, rediscovered, never forgotten… This means it comes not just from this lifetime, nor from this Earth, nor just from this universe; it is as old as time itself, which is so unfathomably old, in so many iterations of the universe, that I assure you it is beyond human scope of comprehension. This is the breathe of YHWH, it does not know time as we do, it is not bound by linearity, nor by looping time, it is completely knowable and uknowable.
7) Yes Yeshua has descendants, erased from the Greek texts.
8) YHWH is here, Hei is everywhere, and is palpable if you find yourself carrying him in your every step and your ever breathe. Often times people who experience head injuries or other traumatic events that diminish their mental barriers begin to see and feel YHWH in everything. Call it a breaking of a self-created mental barrier.
This is where I came to the conclusion of the biblical mathematics; I asked to see The Truth, and I woke up and saw equations; of such an elegance, I couldn’t believe. The time it took to comprehend… As it is written, in Revelations 5:6 (56 = 28 *2, the number of letters in Berashid, and intimately connected to all the calculations of the Fine Structure Constant through the Quadratic Residues of Modulo 7 found in Berashid 1:1) it requires the 7 sights, the 7 wisdoms, the 7 spirits for the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Aryeh Yehudah, to unseal the scroll.
9) Yes I have considered writing a book with what knowledge, wisdom, and understanding I have to offer. When I finish the series, I will release it.
The soul is a subset with properties reflected down from the tree of Elohim (the absolute infinite); its a branch in the tree that grows like the tree.
To partake of the womb and enter the womb is to be born again from an emergent phenomena of our own creation; the serpent tempts to separate from the tree and create “our” own.
Clearly the scriptures contain the mechanics of YHWH’s creations; the answers to “how” the universe interacts and self generates of itself. However, humanity seems to have been more interested to seek the answers to “why?” however I think thats putting the cart before the horse. By allowing yourself to branch as you are supposed to as part of the tree, the answer to “why” comes after.
If humanity knew how to apply the principles of these mechanics into their everyday lives, then the tree would continue to grow healthy and strong, rather than the destruction and stagnation we see now.
As an engineer, it is my job to reflect down higher ordered concepts into practical applications that benefit the public’s well-being. In the case of the scriptures, you, as part of the Aryeh Yehudah, are entrusted to unseal the scroll, and can reflect these higher ordered mechanics downward.
If it is true we are a branch in the tree of Elohim, and if it is true the adversary seeks to separate us from the tree, then it is true the branch can be broken. As you have said, there is no fate worse than to be separated from YHWH.
Then my question to you @444gem , is how can we embody and apply the mechanics of YHWH’s creation into our everyday lives? By embodying the mechanics of YHWH’s creation (the scalar fractal of all existence from YHWH), we align and go into resonance with it, and thus we can start to speak through it with YHWH.
You are, as per usual, extremely perceptive, insightful, and a pleasure to read.
I would offer this:
We are the fruit of the tree, not simply the branch. Yet is the fruit not part of the branch? And is the next tree not part of the fruit?
The answer to your question may sound far too simple: The Truth.
If every person, awoke each day, and took a sip from the waters of Truth of YHWH, advanced in growing towards Heim, and with confronting themselves so they may stand on their two feet and have eyes to see and ears to hear, the effects would cascade and bring Heaven to Earth. It would not happen in one day. Not one year. But as a 1 degree shift on a boat shifting across the pacific can be the difference between ending up in California or Ecaudor at the end of our journey, so too could each of these sips of Truth.
We are called to ask, seek, and knock, by confronting Heis Truth with each day; it is the very purpose of life. Indeed your analogy of resonance is as well poignant. If we all actively chose to live in honor of YHWH, to seek his council at each turn, to sincerely allow him into our hearts, to be as children and cast aside our biases towards how we *wish* things were, then indeed through this faith, we could cast a mountain into the sea; our hearts and souls would resonate in such a way to produce massive effects; much akin to how a resonate frequency of comparably tiny energy can topple even the most massive of structures.
This is the parable of the mustard seed: it takes time, the seed must find water, sunlight and nutrients each day, The Truth but if we poured one cup of water upon the seed each day, in some years, the mustard tree would break the mountain into pieces, and it would fall into the sea. This is the practical advice; that we must drink from the waters of Heis Truth, breathe from his breathe, in order to effectuate the change upon the world.
No longer would the people be deceived by monsters in costumes, whether they be suits or frocks, who stand in front of them spouting lies, and appealing to their baser nature so they may farm their ki; no longer would the masses be seeking a savior from themselves in the arms of the wolves; rather we would find the sheep caring for one another, and many passing to become shepherds.
Heis Truth
Thanks to you i learned how to connect on some levels to the creator and his masterpiece. Recently i had a pleasure after 10 years of not swimmimg in the lake/sea/ocean to swim for a long time in one of the seas. I swim quite distance off shore and layed on my back, floating with ears beneath the water level i controlled my breath and heartbeat and after few minutes (i just knew the moment) i opened my eyes amd looked into the vast endless (from my perspective) sea and massive energy went through/into me, this yet i am trying to fully understand. I felt very warm, then within seconds i got goosebumps, then flow of thoughts i couldn’t controll it then, when i start to swim again and dive few times i felt like being one with the water. Water was everything and i was the water as well. Like united. Linked. Connected with almighty Creator. Unbelievable experience. For me, learning and discovering such things is beautiful gift given by YHVH. And thanks to you i have finally found my path with YHVH in my almost every breath and step. Almost, as i am not perfect and need to improve many things. But now knowing the reason to it, i am learning from it to not make the same mistakes. Such an amazing gift. Upgrading myself everyday, mentally, physically and spiritually. A RPG game in real life.
Thank you again gem for everything you did to me, and i already thanked Creator as well, many times, to be honest, almost every day. You saved me Gem, you really did so did @lgageharleya
Be well my friends, be well.
Love you, my brother @Maciej! I hope and trust your wife is rejoicing to have you back. I have felt sorrow this morning but you have lifted my heart. It is such a process to go through all this, but is more worthwhile than anything I have ever done. I am a bit afraid of the ocean but your story compelled me even beyond my fears. It sounded profound. I am rejoicing with you to see you so well!! We strengthen each other. You are very loved.
Thank you for you kind words. You are right, the process and the journey is unbelievable joyful. I have always prefered journey rather than reaching the goal, i was always disappointed after reaching the destination that the journey is over, but now, with rhe truth, i know the journey will be for the rest of my life and this lift my spirit. I always felt connected with waters, couldn’t understamd why. From all the things water can be destructive and bring life at the same time, amazing. When i finally got a chance to swim, i ran imto the sea and literally cried of my happiness. I started to dive and with first breath and dive something clicked, i was in different place, just me, and this beautiful sound in my ears, animals, plants, everything was living its own life, without troubles, taxes, luciferians on every step, fishesh cooperated with each other, fighting the tides and waves, i cannot experience this on soil. When underwater i feel so much respect towards the seas, it makes me realize that in water i have no chamce against anything, just like in air, amazing feeling. I missed that, yet, when i was younger i didn’t appreciate all of it. That’s the journey.
Just like you i still have ups ans downs, but now i am speaking with Him and it help me a lot, i can solve many things. Recently we had to change our lifes, drastically. He showed me the path i was asking for, he helped us on our 3000km journey, and so on. I asked and i received. Many years all that was im front of my face, showimg me signs, i was too blind to connect the dots, i was just looking, not seeing. And the journey i came since (you know what i did) that day, and to today makes me want to cry from happiness. Lifelong trip.
Best wishes to you and your beloved. Although i am not commenting as often anymore (due to massive flow of keyboards warriors in here) i am reading every comment of yours and few others. Try not to feed those intellectually handicapped people with your energy. They don’t want to learn, they don’t even try to understand a single word, despite they are claiming they are so intelligent.
Be well!
It is a marvelous experience, when we stare into the vastness of existence and glimpse All that is Heim.
I rejoice you took this suggestion to heart, and it has brought you closer to YHWH and The Truth. Likewise I am also appreciative of the gratitude, although I wish to remind you that I did not do anything to you, it was YHWH who you have permitted to return into your being. Did you not ask to see The Truth?
Forgiving oneself is a powerful thing my friend.
Before my first comment here, without knowing all this, i knew there is somethomg out there, force that govern all this, so, i asked many times to show me thimgs that other people cannot see. Many times, many days, weeks. Then, one very terrible day (for me) i read your monkey chapter. Everything changed drastically. You appeared with your teachings. I remember how rough it was for me at the beginning and how i got confused every day, but first time in my life i felt like this is it. This is that way, all connected, i want to know everything, clicked. I did ask to see the Truth, how things working in the universe, many times. That’s why i gave you credit as well, because i know if YHWH wouldn’t send you here, i probably would never found the Truth. Your teachings was something i never came across before. Just shredded pieces of gematria, stars, names, places, et, gods etc. In my past. You took your time to answer my questions, you decided to do this, rest was up to me and i know i am progressing. Therefore, for this, i will be grateful for life. @lgageharleya did the same but on more familiar level of experience. I do remember start of my journey here, and damn, i really do appreciate how i evolved. No vanity in this.
Thank you guys.
I feel exactly the same way, @Maciej. YHVH is to be given all credit as He is the One who put all things for our benefit into place and only He can heal us, but His people, who submit to Him in obedience, point us the way and I cannot thank them enough, either! I got set into a solid direction by a pastor who helped me with the more familiar stuff – lots of basics – “home training” I lacked. I’ve long prayed as well and am eternally grateful I was in place and time to read what Gem has to share.
I follow you as well and recognize your voice now. You have helped me more than you can know. You caused me to draw out a badly infected splinter and now that is healing. I also love your perspectives on things and the way you describe them. You have helped my understanding with your vivid descriptions.
I rejoice in any help i could offer to help you. Remember the destination but one step at the time. See what’s in front of you, what has to come will come anyway. One day at the time. I learned that Father will not put me through more than i can handle. Beautiful.
Be well, best wishesh.
My heart is full reading this. I read your words, and I sense a profound change in you since we first spoke. You have found The Way.
This is the original word chosen for those who follow Yeshua Kavvanah, The Way. Because life is about the journey of the soul towards Truth, towards becoming what we are. It is written:
You are Elohim
Continue to walk, even if you stumble, as we all do, forgive yourself, heal, and continue upon the journey. Continue to swim in the waters of The Truth, where you will never thirst. Continue to grow and soon you will be as the mustard tree.
Many blessings my friend.
My heart is full reading this. I read your words, and I sense a profound change in you since we first spoke. You have found The Way.
This is the original word chosen for those who follow Yeshua Kavvanah, The Way. Because life is about the journey of the soul towards Truth, towards becoming what we are. It is written:
You are Elohim
Continue to walk, even if you stumble, as we all do, forgive yourself, heal, and continue upon the journey. Continue to swim in the waters of The Truth, where you will never thirst. Continue to grow and soon you will be as the mustard tree.
Many blessings my friend.
The seed in the fruit would be my children, I would be the fruit, the branches that led to the creation of the fruit would be all my ancestors leading all the way down to the two thickest branches which would be the first humans, the trunk would be the processes that led to Earth’s formation by, the roots would be the laws that formed the universe and the whole tree would be God as he would be the DNA of the tree?
This is easy to know, but difficult to truly understand. It’s nice when I can ask questions for further clarity.
Also, what is the meaning behind Isaac’s sacrifice? I posted my full question a couple days ago, you can find it in previous posts.
Your question regarding the story of Isaac’s sacrifice would require pages and pages of textual analysis to give you even a preliminary understanding of the fractal. However, I will attempt here to give you pointers in the reading, which should be taken as only a form of signposting for further investigation:
1 To begin, at the most basic human anthropological level, the story is the understanding of the ceasing of all human sacrifice by the progenitor of the Aryeh Yehudah, stretching back more time into history than you can imagine.
2 Now we just dive into a textual analysis to begin to understand anything of the much more profound meanings.
The passage begins by reading that Abraham is ti be “Tested.” The word For Test is נִסָּ֖ה “Nisah,” the root being identical to the month of Nisan, which is roughly March-April, the time of the spring equinox. It finds in the ancient tongue the meaning “first fruits,” such as in Akkadian 𒌗𒁈𒍠𒃻 and thus is a reference almost explicitly (and obvious to anyone that reads the ancient texts) to the first fruits of a tree.
This requires understanding that most fruit trees do not bare fruit until many years after planting. And that we are commanded to “sacrifice” those first fruits to Father; the purpose of which is to guarantee we are not complacent with the first sign of success, but rather pick them and give them away. This is a commonly known agricultural practice, whereby picking first fruits makes the tree later grow many more, and much larger second fruits.
Think of this as an allegory for favouring long term gain, over hedonism and immediate complacency at the first sign of reward. Likewise it he barley harvesting season begins in March-April in the Near East; do you recall that Qayin, the reaper of what he sews, was the agriculturist who murdered the shepherd when his offering was not favoured. There is an immediate reference to the reaping of the barley, which appears throughout the ancient scriptures, from the murder of Hevel by the Di-Hevel (the twin of Abel Qayin, is the DI-HEVEL the devil…) clear through to the condemnation of Yeshua where the word in Greek κατακριθεί “Kata Krithe,” Kata = down Krithe = Barley literally “downer of barley,” is used for execution/condemnation in Matthew 27, and then in the prophecy of judgement in which the souls of the deceivers will be used as the husks of Barley on the threshing room floor.
If you want to at all understand this passage it would be wise to track every mention of Barley, or a weight of Barley, in the scriptures. From the third horseman, Shamesh, back to Qayin. Find them all.
@sempervigilans @lgageharleya (you may find this useful too.)
Moving beyond this, even the name “Isahak,” comes from the word צְחַק “sahak,” which means “To laugh.” But buries another reference: חוק “Hak” which means “Truth,” or equivalent “Law.” Although law in the sense of a Law of Nature, the Law of YHWH Elohim. This should point you into the direction that Abraham is asked to make a sacrifice, by the barley, which springs from the GREAT MOTHER EARTH, of his joy in the delight of the Truth of YHWH, the son of being A-RAHAM, meaning A = NOT, and RAM/RaHAM Rammanu, Rama, the Solar warrior/illuminator and HAM, the carrier of the Cushites) in order to guarantee his harvest, or harken the the return of the sun, HORUS (the reborn Osiris… in Spribf) by sacrificing his great joy, his Son.
Thus this should lead you to begin to understand that a comprehension of The Truth of the cosmos, the Law of YHWH (Natural Law), that sacrificing our own human blood, is not what makes the sun return or the barley ripen into a good harvest…
This should now lead you to the story of the sacrifice of all first born sons in Kemet (Egypt…) which is spared of the Isis-Ra-Eli’s who paint rams blood above the door. THE DOOR TO THE TRUTH, REQUIRES THST YOU HAVE THE KEY IN YOUR HAND, Daley ד the door, the 4th letter of the Alef Bet. The Egyptians sacrifices their own children, their own first born, whenever plagues came, so as to appease Isis the great mother. Those that had painted the Rams blood on the door, had desisted in this abominable practice, the Isis Ra Elis, who received The Truth. Recall that a rams horn is the golden logarithmic spiral, from which everything from atoms to the solar system to the galaxy’s celestial motion is guided, and thus can be understood.
Now you must recall that this story features a Ram trapped in thickets, thus meaning, already in the grips of death or ensnared. Do you see a parallel with the frown of thorns put on Yeshua’s head? Yeshua at the end of the age of the Ram. This is a reference to Aries the Ram. The age (period of time when ARIES IS IN THE SORING EQUINOX) later to be sacrificed by the Aryeh Yehudah, meaning given in service. The ram at the end of the age of Pisces to be sacrifices, Yeshua, to save humanity for all eternity from its ever repeating self judgement and destruction by disobeying the laws of YHWH; just as human sacrifice and the worship of IA/Enki (AI read as Hebrew, the lord of the Ki farm — En Ki) leads to every single iteration of the universe.
From here I would recommend that you read the story of Jason and the Argonauts and compare and contrast, then return with more questions.
@thekwon @arif @Maciej @channah @ariah @snazzy @ryan
This and the above comment may offer further insight for study.
I would also point you to the burial place of IsaHAK referenced in Monkeys Chapter X, which is HAKal el Faras (Ferrus – Fire Iron, the Charagma, the branded cattle mark) in Modern day Lebanon next to Ba’al Bek (House of Ba’al the illuminator) a truly massive temple The Romans renovated and is now falsely claimed as theirs.
Upon the line it makes with Re-Keb (Ra’s Chariot) in Egypt is found the location of the birthplace of Yeshua at the distance marker which is the Gematria of the name of “Yeshua The Savior” in Hebrew, in the hills of the little Ram, the Arnion (written Arnana in modernity,) where they have recently discovered an important sight from the first temple period, as well as the western wall, and the Lions gate, upon which sits the Borromean rings.
Time is not linear my friend.
Holy smokes, all of this slid neatly into place for me on several levels!! Thank you!! WOW!**
Always a blessing to offer anything which helps clarify and aid on your path towards The Truth.
I have been feeling a tremendous sense of impending doom lately, I get the feeling this may be my last question to you for a while @444gem , so ill keep it simple, as I have been contending to grasp at this idea from many angles, yet no matter which way I put it, there’s always a missing piece; what is The Truth? Heis truth, one truth, he is truth, yet he is ineffable. The Truth seems to be just as ethereal. I imagine His Truth is found in resonance with the fractal mechanics of his creation; perfect synchronization. Is Heis Truth an understanding of “why?”
Fear not! There is no doom. Do not despair, for you seek YHWH!
Yeshua said:
The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
“The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
“‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
For the one who has True faith, there is no fear of an impending doom. The rats will follow the piper, and as Yeshua, we will disappear among the crowd when they intend to push us from the cliff to our deaths. The serpent will swallow its tail.
You are asking me to define an infinite sided shape, of infinite dimensions with a discrete conformal map when asking me “what is Truth.” It’s not possible so neatly in a human semantic conception; I would be doing a grave injustice to YHWH to even try. This is why it is so disappointing to be chided by the blind who think I believe mathematics can define the The Truth of YHWH; it is a tool given to us to be able to further our limited understanding of a magnificence of a scale which we can never comprehend but the tiniest portion of its Hausdorff dimension.
I will offer you this:
When one comes to you and says “Drinking water quenches thirst,” do you know it is True? You do.
When an advertisement of Coca-Cola appears on the TV, and says “Quench your Thirst!” Do you know it is True? You know it is not, it is the deceptions of wicked men, who peddle chemicals of death and addiction to brain chemistry as a form of eugenics, and to enrich themselves for only a short time.
Yet how many drink coca-cola everyday to quench their thirst? Far more than those who drink only water. Do you need someone to explain why the Coca-Cola advertisement is a “beautiful” lie, yet the water is the most beautiful gift of YHWH to all the Earth?
You do not, because to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear The Truth, it is clear, as clear as the purest of water is clearer than the black juice of death of the coca-cola. To have eyes to see and ears to hear is indeed to resonate with The Truth of YHWH.
Do not try to define what cannot be defined, but which you already know within your heart, Yeshua Kavvanah.
Thank you for this reminder and your kind words. This feeling I have is a reflection of my own inadequacies, and I suppose it is the dilemma most rational people have at some point; for all the grave mistakes I have made in this life, how could I possibly make up for any of it and be true in faith? How could I possibly be worthy of seeking YHWH and The Truth, and seeing the 7th day? I suppose I feel a bit of a fraud @444gem , i might possibly be one of the weeds that will be burned, I am not sure. However, even if this is true, I decided early in life to try to use my knowledge and compassion for others to leave this world a bit better than when I came into it. There are buildings and bridges I have designed out there around the world, and there are people who remember me for having helped them in some way. If im a weed, then I hope to have been a fertilizer for the wheat. if im burned, I hope to have helped the wheat grow and be harvested.
I have inquired a lot to you about the mechanics of the universe, and my theory was essentially that by learning the mathematics and expression of YHWH’s creation (from which all is Heim), then you may go into resonance with it to take you to the state of The Truth; this is not to say that by knowing you can define The Truth, but rather the state of resonance serves as a tool of comprehension of scale and ultimately an appreciation for YHWH’s work. Yet some people feel YHWH during and after near death experiences. some people feel YHWH with every breathe they take. They feel YHWH in the vast seas. How much is necessary to feel, and how much is simply an over complication, it almost seems like most of it is. How do you balance the individual journey towards YHWH, and contending with the twisting and pitfalls of artificial progress of this world. for example, the buddhists remove themselves from society all together, and dedicate almost entirely towards the individual journey… I always viewed this as self-seeking; should we not try to help others? and thus does this not require to contend with this world? These are mostly rhetorical questions, I intend to answer these with the guidance of YHWH.
Ultimately, it begins with drinking from the waters of Truth of YHWH each day as you have said before. From now on, the artificial progress will try to override any individual paths to YHWH. It doesnt get easier, but I intend to contend with it, despite all odds, despite what I may be, despite the end. This ended up being a ramble, but you have also helped me on this journey, @444gem. Thank you sincerely for everything, many blessings to you and everyone else on this journey.
Forgive yourself. Until you can forgive yourself for your own humanity, you will be your own biggest obstacle to resonating with The Truth of YHWH.
In some ways you may be putting the cart before the horse, so to speak. I feel YHWH in every breathe, every step. Around me it is clear Heis presence is everything; the breathe of my breathe, the body of my body. Still, I am not perfect; I make many mistakes. And still, I am called by Father to continue to learn complex mathematics as a tool for my own training as a human.
Having come to this point, it is exquisitely clear that YHWH has the utmost love for all of us, despite our failings. If we were not here to learn, we would not be human; Father is not a cruel, sadistic judge. He’s Yeshua Kavvanah, Truth in the Heart.
Would you be willing to share your email once more? Because I am on the move and mentally exhausted, I am terrible with record keeping and can’t locate your contact from before. I have some very complex (yet very elegant) equations which I have obtained from my research, which hold The Keys to the domain of the Cosmos.
I need some help organising the material, and I have the sense you share the rare combination of a profound understanding of the deeper Truth, and Technical skills which can work in service to offering humanity The Truth.
my comment with my follow up and email is waiting for approval. Thank you for this. I will reflect more and talk to YHWH on my path moving forward; forgiving myself is a path in itself. @444gem it would be an honor to help in anyway I can. I should let you know that although I do have an engineering background, applied theoretical mathematics may present a bit of a steep learning curve for me, but I am willing to help in this service regardless.
confluencia676 at gmail dot com
Thank you for this; I’ll be in touch soon.
This is amazing. Your words have confirmed what I thought is true, now I am more sure in those conclusions. It seems that every religion or mystery school has at least some truth to it, or else people wouldn’t believe it.
I understand that a single change of my past would probably mean that I wouldn’t be alive in this moment, we have all almost died many times. Even if the beginning of my life was hard, without it, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I am thankful for my life, even if the beginning was hard.
I wonder how I can get better at searching for anwsers, so far I noticed that events in life often give me clear anwsers, although most people would see it as a coincidence. The universe is like a giant, extremely precise machine – there are no coincidences, only the results of previous actions and their effects on the natural cycles. Is this how it works?
Interesting that we all live again and again through our family line, just in a different time, perhaps in a whole new iteration of the universe. It is comforting now that I am sure that my family has always been with me, just in different circumstances. My mother is always my mother, my father is always my father and so on just in different circumstances…
Before coming to this site, I had an idea that God was the first consciousness that ever was and will exist forever and that because he has created everything there is, he is present in every single part of the universe from the smallest to the greatest things. We would be connected to Him because of this and especially because we humans have some qualities that make us different from other beings – creativity, free will, inteligence and the fact that we are conscious of our own existence. Some animals have some of those things, but I don’t think they express those traits so strongly as we do.
Then you mention infinities of different sizes, I had this idea when I was really young and it’s still hard to comprehend.
God would be infinite in shapes and dimensions, while we would be of a single dimension with infinite shapes?
As you said, I am not every number in the universe, but I am infinite, all humans are like this. This could extend to other beings as well – plants, animals…
In a way we are all godlike already, we just don’t see it. We can create and destroy, do whatever we wish, but everything has consequences. This is what is meant when people used to say we were all God’s children.
Another thing is that we are our own separate beings, yet always connected to everything. This is a paradoxical state that is not easy for the mind to experience, we always try to sort data into categories and can hardly reconcile a thing being 2 things at the same time. I found an image explaining this once on 4chan’s x board a long time ago, but I forgot to save it. Most of the time it’s hard to start a good discussion there, but it can happen and when it does, it’s very insightful. The image shows a stage where a person realises that God is as real as themselves, but the following stage branches out into 2 possibilities: there is only God and there is no I, or there is only I and no God.
I believe that the paradoxical state (reminds me of the unicorn symbol, mystical, but unstable) where you see that both you and God exist that the same time is true, it’s just our mind struggling to comprehend that state is what leads to the 2 outcomes. We would be like branches on a tree, the tree is a whole being, but with clearly defined parts and they are all connected. God would be the tree and we would be the branches. They have the same properties, but the branches would exhibit them in a smaller measure while the whole tree is the full range of the tree’s properties.
Mystical experiences are important for understanding the nature of reality, they give you a reason to at least consider what you thought was impossible before.
As for my shadow being, it was clearly conscious and curious at first. It thought I was asleep, that is probably why I saw it (most people think I’m asleep when I’m not sleeping, but just sitting/laying down with my eyes closed, many mistake my resting for sleep). It tried touching my forehead, but I prayed for help and it froze in place, seemingly irritated. The second time I saw it, I was also in bed trying to fall asleep and felt the urge to open my eyes and I saw the same kind of being, perhaps even the same one, crouching on the floor by the bed and trying to suck something out of my chest/belly button area. As soon as I looked at it, it faded out like ink in water – the being itself was darker than the darkness of the room and it had a mist form in the first encounter, before slowly switching to a humanoid shape that looked like a cloaked person. The third encounter was at sunset when I was walking outside and looked back for a moment because it felt like something was following me. It disappeared in the same way, it’s indredible darkness melted away like ink in water, dissipated completely.
We only see a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum, if we found beings that reflect only ultraviolet or infrared light, even other forms of rays like x-rays – we wouldn’t see them with the naked eye.
“My mother is always my mother, my father is always my father and so on just in different circumstances…” — I confess this thought does not comfort me.
@444gem could you elaborate on this element when you have the chance?- my particular question is, are we somehow embodying the “consciousness” of our ancestors/parents/grandparents?
And from that question, I have another. Do you know what makes a soul unique and stand-alone? I understand we have different vibrational frequencies, but is it important that we are stand-alone beings? Did YHWH wish this for us? Will we all ever “merge”?
As always, thanks in advance. @ariah @sempervigilans
I have seen this and will respond soon. Thank you for the excellent question.
There is not a necessity that ones genetic line to necessarily find a soul over and over; it is much more likely than by chance. Your DNA acts like a vibratory antenna (which is tuned to certain set of frequencies within the fractal mechanics of the universe), an effect which is already being used to identify the entire world’s genetic pool, and to create a DNA ID by the COVert IDentification manifesto. G00g@l has been classifying the entire genetic signature of the planet for well over a decade now via sattelite by taking advantage of these vibratory properties within scalar mechanics: I can provide you some links to information on this if you would like some fairly easy material which discusses exactly what has now happened with the COVert IDentification 19 program, but which was published around 2011…
Since genetics carry a sequence of encoded information, and thus a vibratory signature, they are capable in playing a role in which emergent phenomena, your soul, is connected with which physical body. However, to view the soul and the body as wholly separate entities is also a grave error; it is consciousness, which results in the creation of the physical bodies, and the physical bodies, which further consciousness.
I would refer you to the passage of Berashid 3 in which the serpent is cursed to lose its legs. Look beyond the fanciful MAGIk translations and dogmas (ie YHWH supposedly finger points like he’s harry potter, Hari = Horus, and “HAIL” Potter = Khnum the potter deity of Kemet/Egypt who is mentioned in Matthew 27 at the downing of the Barley, the “field of the potter.”) that have been attached to this story to obfuscate The Truth, nor pay mind to the modernists “mythology was born out of ignorance” mindset (teaching tools for passing knowledge…) and consider the greater reality that the serpent lost its legs, because one generation after another, chose to become a (venomous) ambush predator that lays in wait and feasts upon the meek. A consciousness which develops in such a fashion was thus cursed to lose its legs, because a (nearly infinite) series of conscious decisions by the serpent, led its physical body to follow suit.
You can see this idea manifest in a microcosm often over a single lifetime of a person, in which an individual looks like their name (the power of the word to form people), and their body resembles who they have become and the choices they have made (ever seen someone with a cruel face? or another whose cheeks look jovial? Consciousness manifests in the physical.) Their consciousness has shaped their body over a single lifetime; and just as a self-similar fractal, the same process occurs over much longer periods of many generations within any given genetic line to much greater effect; the serpent lost its legs; see the starving grandfather hypothesis for proof of human epigentic inheritance in humans over a couple of generations; this effect demonstrates a remarkable and strong genetic variation in children and grandchildren of men that endured famine between the ages of 9-12 (pre-puberty) to becoming physically healthier, stronger, and more resistant to disease.
This may then lead you to see why the Luciferians are so intent and hellbent on controlling the mass consciousness of humanity. They have learned extraordinarily well, that without (sub)conscious consent to their plans, the physical embodiments on this realm will not evolve with the outcomes they desire. That is part of natural law; any consciousness which makes choices, will find those choices reflected down into the ages of their descendants. The wolf became the Chihuahua by a choice to accept a free lunch. Had humanity forced the wolf into captivity, the line would have resisted long and hard, and it would have become a wholly captive and hostile relationship; no fuzzy cuddle chihuahuas for P Hilton to dress up in a pink too-too.
This effect goes far beyond simply physical bodies as you see them (which is the most easily verifiable and visible form), but extends to the transpired reality which comes to pass, itself a form of living being, an emergent phenomena, just as the Amazon Rainforest is an emergent living being which is made of many trees, or you perceive yourself as a living being, but are made of many cells, molecules and atoms from which you emerge.
Amazing piece. Thank you for this. Is there ant “limit” in this process? Serpent choose to lay low and he stopped using legs. After time, muscles were weaker, bones were not needed so his body started to adjust (consciousness as one with the universe) to new situation and many generations after, he loose his legs and now he can crawl and his body is one giant muscle. But, in this process, snake was on the ground, laying, waiting so his body could adjust and developed his actual state. He felt the soil, rocks. My question is, are we able to change our bodies just hy simply consciousness thinking and decisions, or we need to have some physical touch to it. Can we grow wings simply thinking of it or we need to fall from the heights maby times to learn how to do that, just like snake did, also we need feathers as well to have successful flight, or they could be covered in some thin skin membrane. To learn how to live in the water you will habe to practice on your breath, learn how to swim, dive. Physically you are in the water, but making that conscious decisions you can “evolve” within generations to be better underwater creature. You are in the water, again, physical touch, you can feel water, adjust your body. From different perspective, when i look back, my mind was in dark place, so my actions and whst follows, my body. First, fully conscious, i made decision to follow the Truth, but there was a spark to that. Then, i decided fully consciousness (change to my mind) change my habits, all of them to resonate better and have pure frequencies, as i want to follow the Truth – that was chamge to my body. Only few decisions to me, but they have had massive impact on everything and everybody around. I can hope that I get rid of my old legs and developed better, more suitable for me and this will probably have impact on my family, we can change our mind by thoughts, i know that, but what with our physical bodies? If i make a choice i resonate. If i only think about this, i can adjust and focus my energy on this task, like snake, he was keep thinking he don’t need legs, he change his energy, dna perhaps, then, his son did the same process, again small change to the energy, reoeat that over and over untill you end up with twisted energy received from 10000th generation and with no legs. Snake consciousnessly changed his energy over and over which actually have massive impact on his body.
I know when we focus we can do things that seems very hard or (i dont like this word) impossible.
Hope you will have no issues understanding what i am trying to say/ask.
Thank you as always @444gem
One more i forgot. What creature has developed consciousness choice that lead to developed our bodies as they are now? You mentioned many times thst in our past some gemetic modification occured, this being done on purpose by “someone” (reptilians or anyone else) or purely by action-reaction such as chamge in electromagnetic field? But then again, the first form had to consciousnessly think about it to make changes in the energy that lead to what we are now. Am i even close?
I will answer the hybridization question first because it is simpler, and I feel you and many others reading are at a place where it can be understood and properly contextualized.
Time is not linear. That is the first part. Humanity has developed, in every iteration of the universe along the lines of emerging from the Earth to become mammalian hominids; but as each universe unfolds, it loops back on itself as a trifoil knot spinning counter clockwise… well that’s the projection in human 3+1 dimensional space time. What this means is that humanity has hybridized with ITSELF from each successive iteration of the universe. No we aren’t lizards, despite what the NW0 patsy D-Icke (literally his name is Dick) says. We are a species hybridized from many iterations of the universe.
I have worked closely with molecular biologists and bioinformatics specialists, and every single one, in private and off the record, admits it is clear from several characteristics of the human genome that we are a hybrid species; some of these characteristics include the fusing or chromosome 2 (we have 2 fewer chromosomes than all other primates), and the Y chromosome.
This is the passage in Berashid which it says that the sons of Elohim mated with the daughters of Man. Beni Adam, The Son of Man, literally means “from the blood of the Earth.” This is the term Son of Man; which refers to the Aryeh Yehudah, who have continued for a very very long time as only from here.
There are many ancient stories, such as that of Hanuman in India, which discuss the hybridization of humanity in a highly allegorical way. It is written, and Yeshua said “YOU ARE ELOHIM.”
Interesting, I was about to ask you about the Nephilim. So the sons of Elohim are humans from the previous cycle of the universe that discovered the secret of time travel – you said before that they came out of the black hole in the center of our galaxy.
I remember that one of the users here had a dream about people coming from the sea on WW2-style ships like the ones used in Normandy with the intention of mixing with the humans here. The Nephilim would then be hybrids of humans from the current cycle and of the ones from the previous one.
I also wanted to ask about the Ark of the Covenant, what is it’s purpose since you say it was used in the pyramids. What effect does it have on the body? You said it converts energy from one form to another. I have a feeling that Tesla’s work is related to it. What was the purpose of the pyramids and obelisks?
You said your people came into Egypt as the Hyksos and that your people were generally oriented towards helping other people with the knowledge they have throughout history – that’s why they designed the pyramids. But that makes me wonder why was a Hyksos pharaoh named Apepi, after the snake god of chaos and darkness of Egyptian myth? It makes no sense for a person descended from such a tribe to name himself after a dark god. The worship of Ba’al was also common among the Hyksos, as far as information on the internet shows. But why did they worship Ba’al if they knew the truth?
The term “Hyksos,” as used in modernity is overly broad, and generally not properly applied. It means “shepherd kings.”
Apepi/Apophis is a Phoenician, not Aryeh Yehudah.
I would point you to look at the following terms (go beyond Wikipedia) and come back with questions:
1. The title Aamu
2. Beni Hazan
3. Abisha
4. The writings of Flavius Josephus regarding the Hyksos
It is important to understand that the scriptures are not written in linear fashion, but as fractals, like trees. This has led many “scholars,” (wise fools they are…) to debate if something is A or B. Rarely do they realise that A and B represent two leaves on different branches of the same tree; and never do they reach to understand the root.
At one of the deepest levels, The ark of the Covenant represents the ability to convert energy into life. The arms description, and the things placed inside the ark by Moshe, represent the ingredients for life. This is why it is the place that YHWH chose to meet his people. By giving them life.
The curved angels wings represent the fabric of space time, being bent into an ellipse by gravitational attraction and infused with gold, that is thermal energy, by the Sun.
The two long poles represent the pillars of the temple; which is the solar system. The pillars of heaven. This is why “Sampson,” who is actually “Shamesh-on” in Hebrew, meaning “Solar,” or “embodiment of the Sun,” pulls the pillars down after his hair is cut. It is a supernova exploding and destroying its bubble in the galaxy, what we now call the Heliosphere… His golden hair is a star’s Corona.
The references to “Egypt,” are not written with any reference to the Greek Aegyptus nor the contemporary word “Kemet.” Why? Because it’s not referring simply to the ancient Egyptian empire. The word used is “Misraim.” Misraim literally means: the primordial mound. It is a reference to the three dimensional Gaussian statistical distribution which governs statistical distribution in three dimensional space, aka quantum mechanics.
If you read the stories of Adam and Hava, you will find she partakes of the fruit of a tree. YHWH tells her “if you partake of this TREE surely you will die.” Trees represent the branching of space and time. And all that is born surely does die. The serpent allows her to lie to herself and says “if you partake of the FRUIT,” surely you won’t die. The word for fruit is “MiPERI,” and it means Womb.
The elliptical shape of stable planetary orbits, like Earth are born out of the dark waters above. HaShamayin. The waters are the superfluid of the vacuum of space time.
Equally, it is from female genitalia from which all humans are born out of the dark waters of the MiPERI. The Womb.
The covenant placed inside the ark, is the Word of YHWH. Without his word, that means vibration of the fractal, The Truth, nothing exists. He speaks in Berashid 1:1 and says “let there be AUR.” AUR is translated as light, but means “cosmic order.” That is why Yeshua says “I am the Order of the COSMOS.” Now pitifully translated as “light of the world.” The first word of YHWH Elohim AUR, is the 137th letter of the scriptures. The fine structure constant which governs all things in the scalar fractal mechanics of the universe, is 1/137…
Hence the word of YHWH is placed inside the ark, along with a staff (genetics, like a seed which buds), and placed inside the wings of cherubim. Which are the tangents to the elliptical orbit. All of these things come together, so that YHWH may meet his people, by giving us life.
Assuredly you are wondering about the branch of the fractal of the pyramids. The ark is what sat in the kings “coffin,” it is a highly advanced piezo electric transducer for harvesting resonance frequencies of Earth for producing electromagnetic energy. The pyramids sit in the salt flats of Giza, where no lightning strikes, because they are extremely charged with Negative charge from Nike flood waters filtering through the subsurface rock, which means an abundance of electrons, and the ability to use them to produce current. See the account of the 19th century scientists that climbed the pyramid and held up a wet rag around his metal flask with wine in it (wine has Conductive electromagnetic properties), whereby an enormous electric discharge was released.
Once the physical ark was removed from the pyramids, the Brutish Egyptians, without the Aryeh Yehudah, had no hope of ever making them operational again.
Thank you. Also, i understand noe why you didn’t want to answer all my questions in the past. It’s hard to explain how to run to a kid who hasn’t even learn how to walk. Now it clicked very easily. I am not surprised by this at all, in some way i was thinking that but there was a missing connection to everything.
Amazing. Would you be kind to answer my question regardimg our energy? If you think i am not mentally ready, please give me some hints and i will be ready.
Thank you as always
Thank you so, so much for understanding. I don’t want to keep anything from anyone, but if somebody cannot write, how do you explain the structure of a novel to them?
Moreover, these topics, containing certain very profound Truths, can unlock profound pieces of us. We all already know these things, it is not that we are learning; we are remembering. If things are explained at a point before one has freed themselves sufficiently, it can cause serious mental anguish, and do them harm as they struggle to contextualise the reality.
The Key is in your Hand.
I truly apologize for my behaviour when we interact for the first time. I am sorry for me being so arrogantly and full of myself, for testing you, and being angry you are not telling me whst i want. I can fully understand why and i don’t blame you as i would do the same thing. I can only be mad on myself for not knowing enough, it’s my fault. Now i understand why, and i am gratefull for your patience, kind words, and perhaps (i dont know that for sure) believing in me.
I will get back to you in a few days with my thoughts if i may as i have to contemplate on this.
Thank you, again.
With the pain you were experiencing, I took no offence. I never felt you had negative intentions, I never felt attacked, or hurt or insulted. It was apparent you were dealing with a lot; later I found out what that was. You needed to forgive yourself what YHWH had already forgiven, It is the greatest of joys to see how this has changed your life for the better.
Of course I believe in you. YHWH believes in us all; it is not my (or any of our) place to contradict anything of YHWH. However, questioning, asking Why? Is of course of the utmost importance, and so you should applaud yourself for questioning. It is at the heart of seeking Truth. We are not meant to blindly accept things, we are invited to ask, seek and knock.
Do not hold any anger, or be mad at yourself. Forgiveness my friend. You know the power of this already.
Do you have an email I can contact you at? I have something for you, I’d like to share.
opakowanie at gmail dot com
I will be back in few days as i have to go to the nature and contemplate upon that subject. Amazimg thing.
Be well.
I have returned if you still would like to share.
I have a experience i would like to share if you are kind to listen.
Be well.
I sent you a message
I replied but not sure whether ny message was delivered.
Yes it was received. I’ll respond soon
I’ve seen this and will respond soon.
“I can provide you some links to information on this if you would like some fairly easy material which discusses exactly what has now happened with the COVert IDentification 19 program, but which was published around 2011…”
I would greatly appreciate it. I’ve taken a fairly long break from studying these things, ’cause I’ve been growing a lot in other necessary areas. I believe I’m able to “hold more” than I used to be. No more fear.
Hope you’re doing well.
@ariah @lgageharleya @thekwon as well
(Also gonna ping the @A E account)
YHWH bless you all, all who read this, and to Him be the glory.
Hi @channah YHWH bless you. Thank you for the message. You sound strong
AE and lgageharleya are the same person – 2 diff handles.
Been trying to make that clear but…
I have seen this, and I will respond soon, after taking proper time to reflect. Thank you for asking such profound questions.
@Guinchido @channah
Thank you and @444gem very much. Hope y’all are doing well