
RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Chinsese and Jews (

Kennedy — a longtime aficionado of conspiracy theories — floated the idea during a question and answer portion of a raucous booze and fart filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on the Upper East …

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1 year ago

I’m skeptical because Democrats always use racism as propaganda in their campaigns. Will democrats offer reparations to everyone but Jews and Chinese? will those reparations come with strings attached that will enslave you to the NWO? I have seen videos that allegedly show Chinese people dropping dead on camera after receiving the vaccines. Does anyone know of any Jews or Chinese that have been murdered by the vaccines?

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

They have you properly dived and distracted don’t they?
Neither side of the government cares about you, besides holding power over brainwashed minds, and making money off of you.

Where are these videos of people dropping dead?

The people on this site are more looney then ever before.

A lot has changed on this site the past few years, drastically. I suppose when a perverted hitler figure mind washes eager sheep… the stench of it drifts to all corners of the globe, both cyber and real life

1 year ago

RFK is part of the psyop of convid. It doesn’t exist. He’s one of those set up to lead astray the people questioning the narrative because the most important thing for people to believe is that it’s real, hence why “they” let all these “conspiracy theories” get so widely spread. The truth is that contagion theory has already been disproven over 100 years ago, but they need people to believe in it so they can keep control of the world population.

1 year ago
Reply to  groceries

Do you mean germ theory? Contagion theory is something unrelated to physical illness, it’s a psychological phenomenon. Also are you trying to say you don’t believe humans can’t pass diseases to each other?

Dragons Dogma
Dragons Dogma
1 year ago
Reply to  RainMachine

I never got covid at least yet. My mom is a mexican decedent and a quarter Chinese so I do have Chinese blood in me. And since I was vaccinated at the end of 2021 I haven’t caught a cold yet in almost 2 years and I’m around children who always have colds.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dragons Dogma

I have Chinese genes. I got Covid twice but it didn’t affect my family much. My late brother died of an extremely rare Cancer after the vaccine. Make what you will of it.

1 year ago

RFK supports abortion.

That’s all I have to say about the man.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

You are a perfect example of why abortions should be not only legal but free. Your mother should have had one. Trumpie. Evil, evil Trumpie.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

You are sick and need serious help. You just said that you wish the OP was dead because Rosey disagrees with your opinion on abortion. Please do us all a favor and never come back here again.

The big g himself.
The big g himself.
1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

Honestly man like wtf, get help.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

Dude you are funny. I’m not from the USA btw and I have absolutely no interest in Trump. I just wanted to remind folks that just because someone follows one path – it doesn’t mean all your political views line up.

I’m sorry that you feel others opinions aren’t valid. I guarantee you there are some things you and I will politically agree on.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

Abortion = The deliberate termination of a human being. If you abort, you kill.

Last edited 1 year ago by username
1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

I liked some of what he had to say, then I looked up his abortion stance. That’s my number 1 deciding factor.

1 year ago

So now he’s acknowledging that Covid19 is really deadly? that contradicts his anti mask stance, anti social distancing beliefs etc. BTW if it was so simple to target or spare “races” don’t you think the powers at top would’ve wiped out those races they don’t like? “Races” is not even fully accurate term. scientifically. We are all one species that’s why what makes one color sick also affects the other. The genetic markers that can identify color don’t actually make a difference in immunity.

1 year ago
Reply to  john

They are wiping out the races they dislike just look at Europe, look at Japan, look at Tibet, -and they have done it before. We are not ‘the same except skin color’ at all, explain why one race can live completely on meat and fat while the others cannot. How is it possible we are different physically but not mentally? Eating certain foods to be healthy is a big deal. That is a completely huge physical difference. Why is it that one race has an ability to be in the cold longer without getting frost bite while another can be in the heat longer and even the sun without burning? The physical differences are not just skin color, skeletal and even brain patterns are different. Why is it sometimes harder for one race to breed with another race? If it’s just skin then why is it some are exceedingly tall while others very short with smaller bone structure? Some races are prone to different diseases or condition. Why is it o negative blood so different? Females are different from males and that isn’t a bad thing unless you get the media involved and it’s the same situation with them teaching that we are all the same. Ask yourself what is so wrong with us all being different and why would they play down differences until finally eliminating the thought that we are. We would be much more at peace understanding each other’s differences and needs and irritations than closing our eyes for fear of the obvious. We do all have one thing that is the same and it’s the Jesuit cult in every country trying to enslave us all and melt us into the same color for many reasons.

1 year ago

I’d never trust anything a Kennedy says

1 year ago
Reply to  PugMom

Or a Trump. Big. Fat. Liar.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

Oh Lee be nice. 😆

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

What do you have against Trump ? Why don’t you hate the Obamas, the Clintons or the Bushes ? The REAL criminals ?

1 year ago
Reply to  PugMom

Does it really matter if it’s the truth where the truth came from? Not saying it is but really COVID was definitely made to kill people just like the vaccine which was patented before the virus

Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago

It didn’t exist at all. No viruses do.

The big g himself.
The big g himself.
1 year ago
Reply to  doug-17

May I ask how no viruses exist? I’m genuinely curious as a nurse I feel I couldn’t walk up to someone dying on a ventilator because of say pneumonia and tell them that virus doesn’t exist, the person dying of aids because a virus is destroying their T cells how do you explain that doesn’t exist to someone who sees this and how it impacts bodies. I’ve studied Ebola extensively for a paper I had to write and I feel I could safely that it does exist! I do not mean any of this is an offensive way I’m curious of where you get this information and I’d like to read it for myself. I respect anyone on this site as we’re all here searching for truth and answers.

1 year ago

He is possibly referencing this paper from 2020:

Since this is site devoted to symbols, you may also want to compare Pfizer’s logo rotated 90 degrees to the Israeli Shekel sign:

Pfizer logo (unrotated):

Is any of this meaningful? That is up to you and your discernment.

1 year ago

Chinsese? You may want to edit the title.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cherie

Unnecessary, you understood so please, read on!

1 year ago

What is funny is when people keep calling things “cospiracy theories” when they actually are facts. Open y’all eyes…

1 year ago

Crikey what is wrong with everyone today? Take a deep breath y’all.😆

1 year ago


1 year ago

Anyone suprised this guy is being pushed by Steve Bannon the fashy alcoholic and Roger Stone the Nixon Administration’s second favorite conman??

1 year ago

i don’t want to get in the middle of anything here, but i’ve lived long enough to know when it comes to Kennedy’s, proceed with caution. you never really know what their true intentions are, & who they are owned by, ie: lobbying groups, etc.

1 year ago

RFK Jr. Is a hit or miss. Proceed with caution when listening to what he has to say.