
Poland's bus 666 to Hel drops 'satanic' number (

Bus 666, which has been operating on the touristy Hel Peninsula in northern Poland since 2006, became bus 669 this summer. In 2018, a publication close to the far right called on officials to put an end to the ‘diabolical’ vehicle and finally went into effect.

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1 year ago

“9” is just an upside down “6.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

Also 69 is sexually explicit

1 year ago

It is noteworthy how anything that concerns Christians is automatically relegated by the media to the “far right.” I am a moderate progressive and a latecomer Christian convert, and I don’t want to get on a bus with the number of the beast.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Religious fundamentalists are by normal standards “far right”

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That’s the whole point, not all Christians are fundamentalists.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Disagree. The Luciferians are far more represented, at least publicly, by the far left and they are more devotedly religious than almost any other group I have ever seen. In every branch of manifestation. If any of the “Abrahamic” religions had one smidge of their conviction, this world might look a bit different.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I think the left has lost its mind lately, and as I have matured and seen the effects of political polarization on society, I have moved more to the middle. But I am still a moderate progressive because to me that aligns with the values Jesus preached: tolerance, love and helping the vulnerable. The polarization in America started on the right, in the 1980’s, with reactionary measures against the civil rights gains of the 1960’s and 70s. I would like to ask you to turn and take a long hard look at the right.. if you do so while asking What Would Jesus Do, there is a lot there that He would NOT do. Some of what the right does is so awful it actively drives many people AWAY from Christianity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I misspoke, it is both sides of the extremes of polarities. I just see the far left as far more in power and supported by power structures, again, at least publicly and with more support from the public at large. Perhaps that is a mirage.
The true conservatives (fiscal responsibility, law and order, etc) were usurped just like most movements are and they were tarred as extremists.
At least people collectively call out the far right, whomever they may be. I’ve also seen the gaslighting by feds pretending to be far right, as that is their new boogabear to paint the average person who sees what’s happening and doesn’t like it and wishes to stand against it as being tarred with the same brush. I could be wrong. I don’t pay a huge amount of attention to politics, just enough to see what farce they’re up to now.
I am somewhat similar to you, except that I am a little more to the right, as I believe in those things I cited above as conservative values. I also don’t believe that charity is anything to be filtered through the State for them to dispense as they will. I think most people more right-leaning would agree. I prefer to give directly to those in need so I know they actually receive it. I think Yeshua was entirely apolitical – this is a human divide, much like organized religions. I don’t believe that love is permissiveness. I don’t believe that creating weak individuals who believe they need handouts and a bell curve to succeed is love.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Whats even funny is that Satanists can’t seem to explore their religion without bringing Christianity to their madness.

I wonder if it wouldn’t be tagged insensitive if it was Muslim belief they were messing with

1 year ago

This country has been “baptized” in 966. The beast of many faces was rooted in for a very long time. Check out Licheń church. Completely covered in gold. Let’s not forget massive sculpture of jesus with osiris pose, prime minister who assassinated his own brother and his wife, head of the church in Poland – Rydzyk. Almost every day there is a scandal with priest and little children. Sick people with sick mentality, but it’s not all their fault.