
Nice Enki Hat….

And of course they are pushing the trans agenda. Did some reading today about this fish symbolism and it just unfolds to more and more corrupt nonsense.

I – Iota, Iesous, Jesus

X – Chi, Christos, Christ

Θ – Theta, Theou, God

Υ – Upsilon, Yios*, Son

Σ – Sigma, Soter, Saviour

The “X” is now Elon’s new symbol for his phoenix app…..This guy has a Christ complex if ever there was one. 

I was also thinking how the Sigma symbol looks a tad like OM just turned the other way (corrupted?) or the so-called egyptian gate to paradise. 

What do you think?

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1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

..the wands they carry… I can’t remember what was the egg thing? It looks like it was a key to open some other realm?

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Wands = Magic Control!!! (Evil Dark Magic)

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

The supposed pineal gland pine cone thing looks more like a non human object than something in our brains. I’m not ruling it out it just looks a lot like the star wrist watches/bracelets and man purses they have been equipped with- physical thingamajigs..
As for the arch bishop, he looks like he’s wearing a cheap costume from a child’s play. Yeah I know it’s expensive but it looks cheap, I could make something more impressive on a lunch break. Those cultists love their hats and head coverings. Not sure why people are impressed with that and so needy to have someone else stand between themselves and their creator, as it’s really too sacred a thing for fishy middle men-my opinion of course I am bitter towards maybe all cults/religions. Why would this loving creator make it impossible to talk to him unless you visit certain buildings, follow man made codes/stuff and talk to some strangers wearing Halloween outfits with magical wands that are so far useless in helping or healing people? Is this some kind of installed programming or something deeper like a genetic programming? I really think we all need to storm the Vatican and take the real histories back so we can truly get down to the bottom of it all.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

The Vatican is about power and money – these are the root of all evil.

They use religion to control and feed off the masses – the hats, robes, opulence, etc., are all part of the ‘psych job’ – Many people are easily enamored by such things.

ARTICLE 3 of the Treaty of Verona (1822), between the Vatican and several European countries including Austria, France, and Russia, states that the “principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their rulers”.  

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Not sure why people are impressed with that and so needy to have someone else stand between themselves and their creator”

Yeah it’s sad that the majority don’t realize that you can communicate with our Lord God the Father Almighty by just talking to him. If He answers my prayers and requests (which he’s done for many years), He will do it for anybody else that commits to Him.

hollow logs
hollow logs
1 year ago
Reply to  marie

find that chronovisor if ya get in there.. an actual pensieve

1 year ago
Reply to  hollow logs

Chronovisors to all.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Globus cruciger?
Elon Musk keeps a varja on his beside table.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

The man pictured is the Archbishop of Canterbury, which is Church of England.

1 year ago

The MITRE, to eMIT-RAys, is the crown of the authority of the representative of ba’al-Hammon, or equally any Solar Luciferian Deity on Earth. They are all Sun worshippers. Many of the major early gentile churches are built upon underground temples of “Mithras,” of first Persia and then brought to Rome, as a Solar mystery kult. Even the symbol of the Chai Rho is well documented predating Solar worshipping Constantine on coins (the Charagma) of Mithras-Daates, Da’at meaning “knowledge,” in Hebrew, literally “The Knowledge of The Solar Mysteries (of Ra)”

The Archbishop of Canterbury changed his form of MITRE, from the Cattle Dagon fish hat elongated pentagon, to a regular pentagon, which encodes the pentagram (no explanation needed), and the golden ratio, and then dressed himself in Solar gold of Sol-Amon.

Their English “holy bibles” (Helios Biblos = Sun Book) were made by King James, a notorious pedophilic boy lover very fond of necromancy, and equally infamous for killing his own mother and personally burning 10,000 “witches.” Constantine founded the cattle church and serial murdered his whole family in the next year, boiling his wife alive. King James started the Church of England beheaded his mother and then tortured and murdered 10,000. It is quite the pattern.

The entire thing is a Luciferians Solar cargo kult to amass the goyim, the cattle, into the hands of Lucifer to harvest their souls. It is the antiXristos.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

and according to torah goyim should be treated as cattle, lets not even get into abominable things written in torah, judaism – radical fascist sect masquerading as religion, run by radical arien yehudis, lol.
yes, the church has been infiltrated, because earthly power belongs to you know who, it would be foolish to think otherwise. What did you expect, honest people to lead a billion people religion? They are all bad, including the top dog rabbis, as well as muslim and hindu leaders, but they all contain core truths enough to save a soul. But the New Testament commandments, Jesus Christs message still stands, anybody who obeys them and walks with God will be saved, Jesus Christs flock need not worry about that. And about witches, I dont know man, America would be cleansed so much if 10 000 bad boys are neutralised in hollywood, frs and media, the son of anglo saxon is under yoke which is only temporary, gods plan, dont worry my brothers

1 year ago


You seem to have a lot of confusion around the term Goyim. The way you appear to understand it, is as applied in the abominable Talmud, and from the period of the Hasmoneans, aka Pharisee’s under Persian and then Roman Rule, and not The Torah. The Pharisees, The Saturn Hexahedron (Sanhedrin), are what is called Tannaim, imposters, with a no uncertain reference to Tanninu, Sea Beasts.

We are warned in the scriptures to beware of the bread of the Pharisees and all of the Luciferian priests; which yes, include the gentile antiXristos cargo cults that have deceived the MASSES, and even the elect of possible; just as the prophecies foretold.

Now the term “Goy” and it’s plural “Goyim.” This term as it appear in the scriptures, and not the dogmas of the Pharisees, literally means masses or unified group of people.

It appears in Berashit 12:2 where it states that unto Abraham, YHWH will make his descendants a גוי גדול a “Goy Gadol,” or a great unified mass of people. In exodus 19:6 they are again called גוי קדוש “Goy Qadosh,” a holy nation. Strange that the Torah would be calling Abrahams descendants Goy, considering the Pharisees dogma from the 100s CE… Now isn’t it?

In fact the term as you know it, pointing to “non-Jews” developed under the gentile church, and their murderous agent of influence: Saul of Tarshish.

As an agent of Vespasian and the flavians, a Pharisee, and a man who proudly bore the title “Solar Seeker of the Six,” Saul of Tarshish worked hard to popularise and codify the distinction of Jews and Gentiles using this term, It is a classic tactic of divide and conquer. I used the term here, with a sense of irony, in the way that these abominable priests/Pharisees themselves use it to refer to people.

It is not wise to apply the works of the Pharisees to the scriptures. Yeshua was clear: that those whom the Pharisees and wolves dressed as sheep, such as the abominable priests in their hats of Solar Worship, deceive into committing αμαρτία “Amartia,” meaning an error by deception, shall be forgiven, but they will not.

Many blessings my friend, as you walk your path towards Truth with Yeshua Kavvanah.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Seen lots of dupes like u, little brother, you are in a prison of your own mind, and you are in it cause u love it. Feels good to be from chosen heh? Like u on a substance? Felt superior in those jew classes mocking other religions while eating kosher food? lol. You will inherit the earth hahaha. Newsflash, u are being used like a patsy, like oswald they will use u then throw out like a used condom. Lets not even talk about talmud, we all know its worse than meinkampf. And we all know how the torah, the bloodthirsty, cruel book was “translated” leaving out some key words. But hey, how about this: As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war, their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow – but a Gentile is not thy fellow. Pretty sure u will come up with some kind of senseless retort, but it doesnt matter, whole jewish scholarly tradition is pretty much supremacist, aryen or no aryen jew, u can save b-crap for better day.
I feel like you have a lot of knowledge, you may even be a rabbi, but you feel undervalued in your community, might be from one of the relatively youngler lots, thats why you have been talking here, exposing some of the truths that judaism possesses, for which your brethren hate you, but hey u got some online fans. Last supper, New Covenant, out with the old, finito, too much jews didnt get this message. Dont take my prodding too seriously lil bro, I only have love for you, Jesus Christ loves you too

1 year ago


You haven’t read/understood a single word I wrote; All of humanity is the most precious creation of YHWH; I don’t distinguish anyone by race, creed, gender, ethnicity, place of birth, or anything else of such human invention designed to divide, but rather, only see people by the merits of their heart. Yeshua Kavvanah my friend.

It is written:

“Corrupt justice your shall NOT. Favor NOT the great nor be partial to the poor. Show your neighbour fairness in judgement.”

You clearly do not afford me the same openness, writhing with insults and backhanded slaps, as you make some seriously false accusations, and erroneous and racist assumptions about me, based on the actions of Pharisees and their brainwashed Zionist followers, who you rightly denounce as wicked, but whom you falsely associate me with. Anger and fear are the path to oblivion.

1) A rabbi? I wouldn’t dare set foot in a synagogue of the wicked Pharisees and their abominable Conahim. It is much a factory of mind Kontrol as the Cattle Church, it’s offshoots, the Tibetan Buddhist power structure etc. All of the luciferiab Re’s Legions. The last Rabbi was Jon the Baptist my friend; all following are impostering priests of Ba’al, toting their vile Talmud of abomination and Zohar of corrupt Luciferianism.

2) A patsy? Do you know how many times they’ve tried to kill me, throw me in jail on false pretences, and ruin me at the length of my life, once I no longer hid in the shadows? You would tremble… And yet they have failed thus far. Patsies like Oswald, Manson, Ted Kazinski etc. always spent long periods of their lives in government programs being MK Ultra-Ed and prepared as Manchurian candidates.

I have turned down offers of fame, fortune, power, pleasure, immediate 33rd degree initiations, and glory more times than you might count, if only I would bend the knee to Lucifer, across the world. I have always refused, and paid quite dearly for it.

3) Your understanding of the Torah is clearly painted by extraordinary misconceptions and dogmatic readings installed by the priests of Lucifer. If you wish to seek The Truth, then show me the exact passages where you perceive it says we should be wicked to non-Aryeh Yehudah, and we may discuss to reach a better understanding

I’m sorry that it might be hard to except your Anglo Church is of the antiXristos and you have been deceived by Satan himself. The Truth is not convenient.

Yet I say this with compassion, that the children of YHWH may come out the harlotte of Babylon BEFORE the troubling times to come. I tell the same to Isis-Ra-Eli’s deceived by the Pharisees, the Hindus deceived by the Rishis, the new agers deceived by the Dalai Llama, on and on.

It is your choice: you may choose the path towards oblivion, following Ba-Ra-Abban the lord of light, and attack me, or you can open your eyes and ears, and cast away all prejudice and set upon the search for Truth for yourself.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You got emotional lil bro, take it easy, I am not trying to demonize u. I understand you r a human, u wrote all these show words for people who will read it, but on the real – we know whats what brother, lets not kid ourselves here, if u had balls u would admit what the original torah says about goyim (not the polished politically correct translation of torah), its okay to lie to goyim, God will forgive u for that too, Jesus’s message is about forgiveness, but dont get too carried. I am seeing progress too, u didnt try to say this time that original covenant is still intact, and didnt mention that u r “aryen jew” – thats progress lol.
“If u only bend the knee to Lucifer across the world” – what can I say, delusions of grandeur, the same delusion when u say u worked out the mystery of the world/creation/whatever in monkey series, LOL, said it seriously too, lol, that was funny bro, and some of these folks took it! But dont be arrogant, there a lots of stupid people among jews too. Take it easy lil broski, get right with God, team Jesus wins in the end, its inevitable, strike the hatred for Christianity, Jesus Christ and New Testament from your heart and get away from that terrorist cult that u call ur religion right now

1 year ago


Again read what I wrote; the only emotions there are calm sincerity.

Based on your statements, I don’t know “what’s, what.” I do know that racism, and tainted in-group vs out-group biased thinking and false self-superiority abounds among the ignorance of the peoples of the world; ignorance isn’t partial to any single ethnicity.

Indeed, there are ignorant, petty, and racist Pharisees and Isis-Ra-elis. Just the same as there are ignorant, petty and racist Anglo Saxons. Just as there are ignorant petty and racist African Americans. Just as there are ignorant petty and racist Han Chinese…. When did I claim otherwise? It is the plague of the world.

Now I’ve invited you to show me specific passages and quotes which support your statement that the Torah condones hating and mistreating non-Aryeh Yehudah. Now, show me these statements to back up your claims; show me where in the Torah you claim supports this fervent assertion of yours and let us discuss in a forthright and intelligent manner to search for The Truth.

I already have shown you two specific passages, one in Berashit and one in Exodus, where the word Goyim is used specifically in reference to the descendants of Abraham and the Aryeh Yehudah and Isis-Ra-Eli’s, and also offered sources showing this distinction of Goy being separate from “jews” was only made in the late 1st century and really the 2nd century CE under Pharisees, and not before. Undeniably, now the Ashkenazi-Yiddish Isis-Ra-Eli’s use this term as a derogatory slur, but this is 2023 CE, and has nothing to do with texts from the 2nd millenia BCE.

Now prove me wrong with evidence.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

So you call Isral Is is rael, I guess you would agree that ugly apartheid regime thats being purported on arabs should end immediately and Israel should be submitted into true democracy immediately. US should stop funding zionist elite of israel immediately too. Millions of jewish girls need to marry arabs, that would solve the problem, lol, love is the answer lol

1 year ago

Isis = Moon
Ra = Sun
El = Saturn

Since when have I ever supported astrotheological Luciferianism? It is a reference to the Luciferians trinity, just like IHS in the cattle church, that the slaves of Kemet never truly gave up. The Beni Israel are not the Aryeh Yehudah, nor Beni Adam the Sons of Man.

You may not understand that the US puppet government is also run by Nasis, whom are mostly anglos and Phoenicians that are subservient to the NW0; something much bigger and more sinister lurks under the surface.

Equally, I do not support democracy. Which is mob rule in anything larger than a city state; it’s how the Luciferians run “free” military dictatorships like the US, which is owned and ruled t by the military industrial complex, and runs a massive slave state through prison slave populations, and police tyranny. Terrible idea.

The only way is through true Republics, in which the peoples are inspired in Truth, and to overcome the darkness and baser nature instilled in them by the Luciferian Oligarchy.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

“I do not support democracy”, and then “the only way is republic”, lol

1 year ago

Do you know the difference between a True republic and democracy?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem: “All of humanity is the most precious creation of YHWH; I don’t distinguish anyone by race, creed, gender, ethnicity, place of birth, or anything else of such human invention designed to divide, but rather, only see people by the merits of their heart.”


Also 444Gem: >”this isn’t an all white suburban American middle school, so I would appreciate if you’d provide something of substance if we are to continue.”

Less so.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


The irony of moral shaming from a guy whose first statements here are: “Protestants are parasites,” and “Protestants can’t read.” Trying to twist my words horribly… Below a screenshot where you even proudly agree these are your statements.

The quote you’ve posted here from me, comes during a discussion about how the Catulus Church and Ishtarian Orthodox Church engage in the ritual practice of kissing and blowing incense to statues and golden icons, and yet claim that this kissing and bowing incense and worshipping statues and pictures made of wood and gold, is not a violation of the second commandment of Moshe. Criss openly claimed the commandments were supposedly canceled by G-Zues; so I provided the statement from revelations (New Testament) which hasn’t been “canceled” in Criss’ eyes in which the same practice of worshipping human images of wood and gold is denounced… That fell into the void.

With you, I went to a lot of effort to provide you direct scriptural evidence, primary sources from ancient texts of Hebrew, and cross cultural references to the Hebrew word used in the second commandment banning idol worship, “Temunah,” which is strongly verified to mean the image and/or likeness of humans or other beings. You took issue with this, and so I asked you to provide some primary sources to back your statements up. You then refused to provide a single primary ancient source of your own (not even a single scriptural passage…) regarding the Hebrew language or scriptures, and instead resorted to randomly throwing out backhanded insults, then followed by a litany of basic debate club latin logic terms like “ad Hominem,” “tautaology” etc. (using them incorrectly as well…) and finally then went so far as to declare a grade like a middle school teacher, declaring “Fs IN THE CLASSROOM ALL AROUND!”

So ya, I asked you to knock off the middle school antics and to provide something deeper, to make the conversation worthwhile, or I would have to be done with it. That was clearly a problem for you…

As I told Crisspf, I’m also not playing this tiresome game of hit and run forum commentary full of lies and deceptions with you again. Though technically you haven’t put words in my mouth, the intellectual and public dishonesty of trying to twist my words to defame me, is equivalent enough that I’m writing off the conversation with you as well. It’s a waste of time.

I wish you peace upon your path, that you may find The Truth. Yeshua Kavvanah.

chud hates protestants.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem Protestant theology is parasitic. That’s why they define themselves as PROTESTants against the Catholic Church. Your point? Did you think I’d change my mind?

I don’t care if you want to make racist remarks. I do care if you want to make racist remark while playing holier-than-thou.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Was Saul ever redeemed, as in, after his change in direction? Or was his “seeing the light & being blinded” a ploy? I think it is the former because he attributed his change to Yeshua. He glorified YHWH.

1 year ago

-> “ and according to torah goyim should be treated as cattle, lets not even get into abominable things written in torah, judaism – radical fascist sect masquerading as religion, run by radical arien yehudis, lol.”

that struck me also! …the “goyim” and “the cattle”, the disdain, and the mockery.

One would expect an “aryeh yehudah” to be honest, brave and respectful. Noble in all possible ways. Jesus was also humble.
Christ was humble and His teachings simple. Open. Available to all. There is nothing occult in his words. Both illiterate and highly educated can understand His messages.

I will say it again since 444gem seems to persist in his errors. And there are many, many, many! It is now obvious he is deliberately twisting things to fit his Dan Brown novels here.
He once admitted it was an error saying Constantine murdered his entire family. Now he is back again, persisting in his errors, ignoring the correction. There are at least a few members that survived his “ murderous hobby”. A few sons, a mother, a sister, but gem will go on and say he was a psycopath and a “mass serial murderer” that killed his entire family. He fails to mention that he was in civil wars with some of them (yes! people do die in civil wars. Rivals, too. Plotters, too). Crispus and Fausta? issue also addressed. Both of them highly honoured by him and yet killed. The early sources (that meaning close to contemporary) mentioned rumors of treason and/ or incest. More recent scholars suggest Crispus might have poisoned himself while in exile and Fausta in an attempt to provoke an abortion (carrying Crispus’ baby). Nobody knows 100% sure, but gem does. He knows! Constantine was a serial mass murderer, a psycopath and killed his wife and his son for fun!

…from an earlier episode:
“ A solar worshipping Luciferian that murdered all of his close family members (Constantine, who even strangled his wife for fun), installed the antiXristos as prophecies foretold ” (no honesty and no truth here). …

Oh, yes, “solar worshiper” as well. Already a few times addressed this also, but doesn’t fit his novels either. Here is why: “ Roman opinion expected of its emperors not innovation but the preservation of traditional ways; Roman propaganda and political communication were conditioned, by statement, allusion, and symbol, to express these expectations. It is significant, for instance, not that the pagan gods and their legends survived for a few years on Constantine’s coinage but that they disappeared so quickly: the last of them, the relatively inoffensive “Unconquered Sun,” was eliminated just over a decade after the defeat of Maxentius. Some of the ambiguities in Constantine’s public policies were therefore exacted by the respect due to established practice and by the difficulties of expressing, as well as of making, total changes suddenly. …”)

The only antiXristos here (maybe unknowingly, although I highly doubt that) and I am not talking about those hideous abusers of people and pedophiles and murderers that are everywhere, in every nation regardless of the religion they “claim” to have ( these are the obvious antiXristos) are those who twist and mock and those who call Jesus G-zeus, a Mythras, or a Horus or a Tammuz, his cross a pile and his true followers cattle, worshipers of satan and so on…

The good news is God knows our thoughts and our intentions. We all stand naked before Him- rich or poor, white, black, aryeh yehudah or not.

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


You have stated in writing that “god wanted Constantine to boil his wife,” after first denying that he murdered anyone. You have touted the cross of Ivan the Terrible, as biblical!! A man who skinned alive, boiled, froze, and cut thousands of human to pieces for sport in the name of Jesus!! It pains me to see how you have been deceived by these terrible Luciferians.

Let’s recall that Constantine didn’t kill his ENTIRe family, he spared his dear old genocidal mother. He only boiled his wife alive like a crab at the behest of dear old Mom, after she got really upset that Constantine had murdered his son, nephew, and sister in law, all within a year of the council of Nicaea. Then he serial murdered almost all of his friends and confidants too. What a saint!!

Likewise you have made racist comments, and defended idolatry as holy. I have wept to read this.

You may not like that I tell you The Truth, but I do so to offer you the chance to come out from the Queen of Heaven’s church of deception. Yeshua Kavvanah my friend.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Equally you assertions of his serial murdering as a result of civil war in the genocidal spree, are completely utterly false. You make excuses for serial murder, after denying it, so biased are you to this abomination of desolation the Chirch of the antiXristos.

You seem to quote onky those later empirial sources doctored in the 5th century for political purposes to make the implications to discredit Fausta and Crispus and justify Constantine the serial murderers sainthood; what honor that his wife and son were give. Memoria Damneatia; erasure from the written record.

In fact I have given you direct, exactingly contemporary sources which are extremely matter of fact (without the biased editorialising and justifications) which contradict y this false narrative of the “civil wars,” yet you continue with the lies and fabrications.

In Epitome of Caesiribus we find:

“But Constantine, having obtained rule over the whole Roman Empire by remarkable success in wars, ordered his son Crispus to be put to death, at the behest (so people think) of his wife Fausta. Later he locked his wife Fausta in overheated baths and killed her, because his mother Helena blamed him out of excessive grief for her grandson.”

It states that having already obtained file over the whole empire, he started his murder spree!! Yet you seem want to trust 16th century sources more than the contemporary ones that were part of much larger works without the political and church religious motivations.

It is unequivocal that:

After all civil wars had ended, beginning in 324 CE, a decade post dating when all power had been consolidated in Constantine’s hands, and directly and immediately following his establishment of the Catulus church, Constantine is directly implicated by contemporary sources involved in the cold blooded murders of:

1) His Son
2) His Wife
3) His Wife’s Father
4) His Wife’s Brother
5) His Sister’s Husband
6) His Son’s Wife
7) His Second Sister’s Husband
8) Another two dozen friends and close confidants

The church that sanctifies Mass Murderers and worships statues which you defend…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Waste of breath, how about u guys talk about aryen jews in federal reserve system?

1 year ago

These are Pheonician imposters, not Aryeh Yehudah, so in a sense you are absolutely correct they are traditionally Aryan power brokers, dealers of death.

Just like H1tl3r, and every other major genocidal and power lusting cadre throughout human history: from the Brahmans and their abominable cast system of oppression.

to the Romans and their mass slavery and plundering by the sword.

To the Babylonians-Akkadians and the mass human sacrifices and brutality,

To the British and their giant empire of Death, exploitation and destruction that spread opium around the world.

Just like the Belgians in the Congo.

Just as the Spanish in Central/South America and their mass murder and subsequent enslavement .

Just as the Mayas and their tremendous blood lust to sacrifice to the great mother Venus.

Just as the US and it’s endless wars of plundering the world in the name of “freedom.”

Wherever the Aryan Luciferian Empires go: slavery, mass murder, and exploitation follows. The serpent bites the heel.

Let us be United against this abomination of desolation.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Phoenician imposters or not, zionist elite is the real threat to the world and need to be dealt with, and its not a novel thing either, if you want to talk about history, how many times they have been expelled from countries, hundreds

1 year ago


The zionists are very evil, we agree. Do you know the Haavara agreement?

H1tl3r a Fanaxian, (Fuhrer literally means “Fire Bearer”) was funded almost entirely by Grandpappy George Bush, and started the modern day Isis-Ra-Eli government by selecting rich Phoenician imposters to transfer to Haifa from 1933-1939. Their descendants are the most powerful ruling families of the modern state of genocidal psychopathy of Isis-Ra-El. The blue and white stripes are the symbol of Phoenicia, and I will never support them.

Churchill and H1tl3r where good friends, and a part of the eugenics club running the early 20th century in the build up to their “great work,” in shaping the world in Lucifer’s image.

Equally the Phoenicians run the British government as the Queen Mother, and her offspring like Charles, are purely Dragon Phoenician bloodlines. That’s right, those “great Anglo Saxon successes,” you speak of, which were just a pillaging of the world and a massive drug dealing and slavery operation, were ordered by Phoenicians and only carried out by the blood thirsty and greedy Anglo sun-commanders and soldiers. The same Phoenicians that became Venicians who became the city of London.

The problem goes far deeper than the anti-Zionist propaganda you’re clearly versed in; that stuff barely scratches the surface, limiting your understanding of how profound and sinister the problem truly is.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

still u keep deflecting, protecting ur brethren lol. Follow the money, charles is nobody, he is a postal boy for rotchild, bush too – peanuts. zionists, who controll all the banks are the head of the dragon, cut it off, finito. Regarding anglo saxons – there was no other way, that was the age of empires, and Anglo saxons were the greatest, it had positives too in terms of progress, and I specifically gave u that example so that u realize that your boasting of aryen jews pails in comparison to what other nations did, u were being and still hyper nationalistic, get down brother, u want to measure sticks, ours is longer than yours, and if u keep aggravating patient sons of anglo saxons, it might get all kinds of unpleasant for zionists

1 year ago

And who do you think owns the Rothschilds? The Red Child?

The word Phoinos = Red

As Wine was originally Foinoia and became Woinos. Phoenicians= Red ChikdZ

You think I consider these monsters “my brethren?”

You clearly have a whole lot of hate in your heart. Never mind the excuses for the genocidal ways of the Hanas the serpents that seems to be wrapped up in pure pride, by calling yourself “the greatest.” Who is it that has a dangerous superiority complex? It belies a superficial narcissism festering to hide a deeper seeded inferiority complex. I wish better for you and all of the human family.

I’ve tried to be honest, to show you things that go beyond the propaganda you’ve been infected with. There is no boasting involved on my part, we give things away for free and walk away. No Guns, no Money, no religions and dogmas, no power, no control.

I’ll grin and bear the insults and lies, but I draw a line when you keep shoving awful, negative words and ideas in my mouth I’ve never spoken nor thought, based on your own blind hatred and prejudice. Until you can desist, I have nothing left to say.

Yeshua Kavvanah, may you find The Truth in your Heart.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

U miseunderstood me brother. By keep aggravating I meant ppl like soros and his lot, mess around and they will find out. But u also, calling christians cattle, demeaning the name of Jesus Christ, pretty sure u wouldnt dare say those things in public, a punk, a keyboard warrior would do that kind of thing, a real man wouldnt do that, be worthy my friend, watch your mouth be respectful, we got what u r about, tone down your radical zionist rhetoric, u just stopped short of saying that Jesus would boil in excrements upon return like some talmudists would say, but you are being very disrespectful

1 year ago

Just more insults, false accusations, and more fabricated words. It is horrifying to see this deteriorated state in a human soul, the most precious creation of YHWH. I have empathy for your pain that causes you such great hatred to cloud your heart; however do not call me a Zionist; as they are abominable, wicked Luciferians of the worst kind.

When asked to provide evidence of your assertions that the Torah mandates hatred towards non-Jews, no response ever comes… silence says it all. You would rather hate in ignorance than face The Truth and find healing.

Likewise, indeed the word Jesus is a corruption of HaShem my friend. It is as all of the Luciferian corruptions used to deceive the masses: a reference to Zeus and other titles of the Illuminator.

The name of Yeshua in Greek, which I doubt you have ever read, but which is as the septaguint to the original Aryeh Yehudah Gospel in many respects, Hashem of Yeshua is written as;


The name appears in the scriptures its Greek form without an added ending as “Yeshu” and then, we also have the n and s endings which are verbal casings that don’t exist in English. Kind of like if we took the name Corey, saw sometimes the name is written Corey’s and then we started calling him Koreans… and getting angry when people called him Corey. I

You could, by the logic that justifies this insane obsession with the English corruption “jesus” be calling him “Jason.” Or “Joshua.” Or “Yessi”. Or “Yessus.”

But the one chosen by the Luciferian priests to indoctrinate the masses was, as always, a reference to the Illuminator said just as his abominable title “Gee Zeus.” Big G is gad. Just as they did the same with “god.” See Isiah 65:11. The same pattern repeats with Deus/dios in Romance and Cyrillic languages which is, undeniably Zeus, even scholars and the church itself admits this. Quite the pattern by the deceivers to make you call upon Lucifer when you pray, rather than Yeshua.

It is not my problem you find The Truth inconvenient and difficult to swallow, although I understand the difficulty it presents. Prove me wrong, and see what you find.

Likewise here you continue desecrating yourself and inventing absolutely horrible words to falsely put in my mouth; I would never, ever say about Yeshua what you have written above. How can you even write these things?!

Now go find a way to release your anger and hate. Yeshua Kavvanah.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

->” You have stated in writing that “god wanted Constantine to boil his wife,” after first denying that he murdered anyone. “

No, I did not! You say that on my behalf. Nice try! You want me to reproduce the whole discussion? Try not extract words out of context. It doesn’t do you any good. It is a shame you use this cheap tactic.

You don’t like Constantine? Fine! Try to imagine a pagan world that never heard about Jesus. Hide under the carpet the apostles and their works, the martyrs that died with the name of Christ on their lips. And think about all the mothers and the fathers that would be now sacrificing their children to Baal or to who knows what other god, practice sorcery and who knows what other abomination at an incredibly large scale (that is anyone, anytime, anywhere).

The pagan world needed to end. God allowed that. The world before the Flood needed to end. God allowed that. The same way our world needs to end. Guess what! God will allow this as well, eventually. God keeps it alive at the moment for the few that love and forgive their enemies too, pray hard, work hard… the real Christ-likes, the ones that ARE who they CLAIM they are.

->” Likewise you have made racist comments, and defended idolatry as holy.”
Racist comments? This is pretty rich coming from an “aryeh yehudah” calling the rest of the mortals who are not jews, nor highly trained in the occult like you and who happen to have other perspectives on some issues – goyim, cattle, cattle licks, magical cracker eaters, idolaters, worshipers of G-zeus and/ or satan.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I’m sorry Criss I can’t do this with you again. The lies you tell yourself… I will offer you a final message, as I draw the line at having words put in my mouth I haven’t spoken, despite the empathy I have towards you.

Indeed you first denied Constantine murdered anyone in his family. Then when I presented contemporary evidence he did indeed murder people in his family, you changed you story and said it was early life mistakes and then he became a reformed Christian saint like Moses. Then when I presented you with contemporary sources showing it was in the year directly following the council of Nicaea, 324-25 CE that Constantine went on his familial mass murder spree, you claimed it was because of civil war (a fantasy you now repeated here), then when I showed you sources that the civil wars had ended 10 years prior to his family killing spree, you set about all manner of justifying why it was okay to be a murderer based on rumours of infidelity made many centuries after the fact… and yes, then you said that god allowed Constantine to boil his wife like a crab for the greater good. Right.

This is cult mindset, and I know you don’t consciously realise it, but you have a deep seeded problem with The Truth whenever it contradicts the Cult/church narrative. In our brief conversations, you have lied over and over and over, and gone to great lengths to avoid confronting any difficult realities I present you with by ever shifting stories that excuse your murderous cult masters.

Your fielty is not to Yeshua, nor to YHWH, but to an organisation owned and operated by corrupt, murderous, pedophilic men kissing statues and pictures. Idolatry and paganism didn’t end… they just rebranded and joined forces. Human sacrifice didn’t end, they just rebranded the sacrifices as “heretics,” and “witches.” The church even admits it subsumed and continued worship of local pagan deities as it’s “saints,” and that it intentionally placed its celebration of the birth of G-Zeus on December 25th, the day of Horus risen and other “sun’s return” pagan holidays for 1000s of years prior. Yeshua was born in Springtime…

Kissing statues/pictures of pagan deities (“saints”), and worshipping the birth of your saviour on the day of the sun’s return, while you burn human sacrifices (“witches”) for public spectacle… Solar worshipping paganry didn’t end Criss.

The last time I will tell you this:

I don’t call you cattle; THEY DO! I don’t call Yeshua, “G-Zeus” the Luciferian priests do!! I don’t call YHWH, “god” or “dues/Zeus” the names for the illuminator, the Luciferians do…. They are truly that wicked and they have deceived the masses, just as Yeshua foretold.

Consider that:

1) The name of the church Catolica comes directly from the Ancient Umbrian word “Catolus,” meaning Cattle.
2) The name Vatican comes, without controversy, from the solar cow goddess Vatika of Etruscan and Bat/Vat of Egyptian Luciferianism.
3) There above another user quoted the treaty whereby the Vatican and state governments openly admit that their religion is useful for controlling the minds of the masses towards obedience of the Luciferian oligarchy.

No, It’s not pleasant to realise one has been duped, but you’re “shooting the messenger,” and defending the wolves. As Yeshua commanded, I’m shouting from the rooftops what they whisper in the inner courts.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


You’ve got some patience for these types. How do you be so kind to these people who are so rude and ignorant?

Thanks for showing what it is to be a real Christian. Yeshua/Jesus bless your heart.

@crisspf @anglo-saxon-soldier @chud

Honestly, you three just come across like cult crazies with issues. Anyone with half a brain readin this can tell. Love your priests, hate the Bible, pointing fingers and never looked in a mirror.

Ya just keep lying and insulting the guy, don’t even provide a shred of proof of anything you say, call people parasites and make up stuff. Gem doesn’t pull punches and you threaten him.

This is why people don’t like false “Christians.” It ain’t Jesus theyre against, it’s your bad attitude and hypocrisy.

Its obvious you’re all full of hate. Jesus is love you should learn that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jesusislove

>Someone named @Jesusislove defending anti-white racism because he thinks chud is a jerk.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jesusislove

For your info, your idol, 444ger, is stating Jesus is G-zeus. The cross a pile and Mary, mother of Jesus – Ishtar or some other pagan goddess. You should also know gem is not a christian as he himself declares that. Not being a christian but constantly mocking the cross and Jesus… well, you get the picture! What is the name for it?
You are part of the “cattle” he mocks so often just like me and chud and anglo- saxon. Unless you call Jesus some Tammuz or Horus or G-zeus and sellect and twist letters to create novels you are just another one from the “cattle”.
Wanna team up with 444ger (yes, I can be good with letters, too!). It feeds your ego? be my guest! I hope you possess this special skill of chopping and twisting words otherwise your interpretations won’t fit the dialogue. Hurry up! Don’t miss your lessons.

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I have asked you to stop fabricating my words, yet you continue with the insanity of lies.

1) The name “Jesus” is said, undoubtedly “G-Zues.” Likewise there is an undeniable pattern across the age of Pisces, in which the hierarchical, wealthy, and extraordinarily corrupted luciferian priesthoods, have exchanged the name YHWH and Elohim, for Luciferian corruptions which cause all those deceived to call YHWH by various names of Zues/the illuminator, such as “Deus” or “Bog” or “Gad,” all names of Lucifer in antiquity, and to call Yeshua, by again phonetic names referring to Zeus, like “G-Zues.” The name of Yeshua is “Ye-Shu-Ah.” There isn’t even a J sound in Greek, where the name is phonetically “Ye-Shou”

2) There is not one single mention of the two beamed cross in scriptures. This is a fact. Look it up. You have already cited the triple beam cross, the actual mark of the beast, of Ivan the terrible as a form of biblical proof. This symbol was never used before the middle ages, and it was instituted by another mass murder!

Equally, there is not a single piece of evidence of the two beamed cross as a symbol in connection with Yeshua or “christianity,” before the 4th Century CE under Constantine with the Chai Rho. There are however, many thousands of uses for it in Luciferian Solar worship prior; the Chai Rho appearing on Babylonian bowls of solar demonology, and on coins of Mithras-Da’ates, long before Yeshua was ever born.

3) The mother of Yeshua is not Ishtar. However, the wicked priests, just as they have replaced YHWH with Zeus, have replaced Yeshua’s mother with the fabricated title “Queen of Heaven.” There is not a single scriptural reference in regards to this term. Except by the prophet Jeremiah, where he strongly condemns this practice.

It is written in Jeremiah:

‘Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known,  and then come and stand before me in this house, which bears my Name, and say, “We are safe”—safe to do all these detestable things? Has this house, which bears my Name, become a den of robbers to you? But I have been watching! declares the Lord…

The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods to arouse my anger. But am I the one they are provoking? declares the Lord. Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame?

 “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: My anger and my wrath will be poured out on this place—on man and beast, on the trees of the field and on the crops of your land—and it will burn and not be quenched…

As for the word you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you! nstead, we will do everything we vowed to do: We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and offer drink offerings to her…

Because you burned incense and sinned against the LORD, and did not obey the voice of the LORD or walk in His instruction, His statutes, and His testimonies, this disaster has befallen you, as you see today….”

You are participating, 2500 years on, in exactly what Jeremiah warned against to the Aryeh Yehudah who fell into practice and worship of the Queen of Heaven. There is no controversy among anyone that the title “Queen of Heaven,” is a title for the female deity of human sacrifices throughout the ancient world, predating Popery (what you call “christianity”) by thousands of year. It is a title for the lunar goddesses, such as Isis, Ishtar, Innana, and Tannit. To this day Popery depicts the “Queen of Heaven,” standing on the moon and pour out drink offerings to her and pray to her and blow her statues incense.

4) I am not mocking you. I have been telling you The Truth about Popery, and its offshoots, such as the ISHTARian Orthodoxy, out of respect. I do not call you cattle, but yes, your pedophilic popery masters do.

5) I do not use the title “Christian,” because I am a follower of Yeshua, of YHWH, and of The Way. It is a fact that the first followers of Yeshua, including his disciples and all of whom were Aryeh Yehudah, called themselves “The Way,” τῆς ὁδοῦ, in greek, not Christian or “Cristos.” That term comes from the Greek word for “annointed with oil,” and was first used as a derogatory slander by gentiles against the followers of Yeshua essentially calling them essentially “goody two shoes.” The first recorded instance of the use of this title of “Xristianismo” is some 70-100 years after Yeshua. I choose to continue in the path of the disciples of Yeshua, The Way, over a later invention from power brokers and solar worshippers.

The term is now used to hide the name of “Chresht” and “Chreshtian” which was a sect of followers of Krishna, the Hindu avatar of Vishnu (the presever) that came to the Greek world through Babylon. This is a form of the antiXristos now baked into the church from the Babylonian priests of Rome. There is overwhelming primary source evidence of this.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

So your are Christian, he is believing in the same dude but with the original other name he is known by. He was saying the church is corrupt, do you believe it isn’t? Do you truly believe that? Have you seen all the people coming forward whistleblowing? Have you seen the paintings of Lucifer and a hole in the floor for blood sacrifices in the Vatican? The giant snake they preach with upside down crosses. How far have you delved into the history of the religion and church?
I’m not attacking I’m asking because when I went on investigations I was quite disgusted but glad to know the truth.
I agree with you most Jewish are very anti European races and the religion itself promotes slavery to the extreme, they are genociding us and most people don’t care but 444 no matter how racist he is, he always had love for Yeshua Yehushua or who you call Jesus, the dude who died for everyone to be healed and forgiven and saved. We are all in disgust of Baal worship, the sacrifices of people and animals and all the horrible things in the Jewish religion and secret Zionist churches that the elitists control. You’re upset because you love your church, but your beliefs in the creator of the person you call Jesus doesn’t have to change just because you see the corruption of churches of even your own. We are being lied to about our history, our people are being wiped out and you feel like doing something and are upset, I get it. It’s wrong. But we have to step back and think about how to improve things. We have a common enemy. . The thing we are fighting against takes over people’s souls, deadens them and pushed them into doing disgusting things, it happens everywhere and it’s deliberate and controlled and being spread into every part of the world.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I agree with almost everything except calling Gem racist (if that was what you intended). I see no evidence of that, he is defending his people by clarifying who they are (NOT Jewish) just as you are defending yours, and just speaking factually about history and current events. He has even said before that some of his people went the way of the Jews, so he’s not blinded by tribal loyalty. Insofar as the animal sacrifice, I can’t attest to it yet as I haven’t read the Greek version yet, but if the Creator told them to do so, He had a good reason.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I don’t know if he’s racist or not, that didn’t matter, I mean it doesn’t effect his belief in the redeemer and arguing over a name we can all run through a search engine and find origination to seems to lack a degree of argumentive weight. From what I’ve seen gem wasn’t saying the true mother of the redeemer is Ishtar only the pushed images took over the true mother’s place. The only thing I see is the church as an institution being corrupt as an argumentative point but every church I’ve ever seen has corruption and uses the good against themselves. Like pedophile priests and innocent children. It just takes a little research. Most people do not research against their churches or people they believe in because they love them. I look at it this way, it’s a big deal to lay your lifes foundations on these beliefs so the best we can do is to go into deep research about anything we are serious about, especially we should invest in reading the negative reviews. When you buy a house, you research that house, you see if the foundation is crap, you see if there are rats, if the place has leaky pipes, asbestos, or even if someone killed people there or it is on a graveyard, even if you love the house you should investigate the negatives from an outside source besides the sales agent and home owner will most likely forget to put avoid telling you the dirt. I was trying to ask him to look into this from another window for any cockroaches.
As for 444Gem, there’s some truth to how he is a bit of a “idol” . Was that on purpose? Maybe maybe not. From my view it’s mainly his articles and him replying directly to people making him more interesting, but he seems to help people with their struggles, like a friend, so they trust him, enjoy his company, and want to learn, how to learn or to know so much as he does.
I only know what I’ve seen from some of his posts, some I don’t agree with. Some did not add up. Some has pissed me off. but whatever, I get pissed off at myself. Some things have made me feel confused and some things he says make me think he’s bat s**t crazy (no offense, I think I am sometimes too). He’s also exposed things that need exposing, took a lot of time explaining and exhibited some form of care for his, club friends members of learning or whatever you want to call it. As humans we all want to group naturally, and just like deer it doesn’t have to be nefarious, but just like ants it can turn into something taking down large animals. Often times spiritual religious groups turn sour so I can see why there are people who respond with suspicion, really I’m suspicious of everything myself which I try to not go overboard with. We do need to be careful. We don’t get second chances, the world will be done this time they are using mind control technology and the clock is ticking before they group everyone and won’t allow traveling. We need to group together before this, without a head somehow and without a religion or anything that can be used. I’m not sure how we can yet. I was watching/waiting to see how 444gem goes about things with people in the end, maybe he has a solution, I can see he seems to give a lot of time and effort into his writings, but I’m not sure about the agenda behind them yet. He deliberately cloaked himself, for good reason or not, there’s a wall there, so I naturally have a degree of paranoia and anyone who senses that with past issues will question everything and find cracks (where in a normal person there are cracks but to us those cracks can look bigger if we are too full of suspicion), it’s best to be neutral until we see the origin. Is he one person? Is he a group? Does he answer to a leader or is he alone? It’s he simply a brilliant insane person? Does he have some plan in mind or is it simply to spread the knowledge? How is he able to live when it takes this much time? How can he work? Why haven’t they killed him if he’s a threat? Do we look at simple things to figure this all out, like past statements? For instance..How come Einstein and Tesla look nothing alike, one with a Jewish line and the other claims no such line…and why do they not glow? Judae lions he said, glow. Certainly if they walked around glowing it would be a big deal but this was not captured. He says he glows, why is his head still on his neck? Does he wear sunglasses and a hoodie everywhere in the heat? If he looks angelic he’d be too noticable to stay undercover, everyone recognizes you and you can’t go anywhere without people staring, imagine being undercover in the middle of a pit of vipers looking like an angel and them not killing you even though they wiped your people all out.. Next gem spent time in the USA and all over the world but that takes money, how do you get money if you don’t use money since it’s evil and wouldn’t Lucifer prohibit him from gaining money and with traveling you have no time to study, where did he have all the time to learn all these languages and all this information and work a job, that is what I meant when I said some of what he said isn’t adding up since he’s around 30 years old give or take, for reasons I cannot say here as there is a Jewish cabal “disinformation” league who patrols everywhere, buying up websites, search engines and editing everything that isn’t adding up, getting paid for every post and reply no matter if it’s negative in message boards… and I rather they stay as ignorant as possible since you know they hate everyone and want to genocide us all. I cannot debate things a lot of times because once you do it goes into their knowledge bank and they can fabricate things, then use new bs against our manipulate the people better next time. I also do not like authority figures or cults so I was waiting to see how this all planned out. Maybe he’s innocent, maybe not but I can’t say since he’s not so open and I deal with opening people to be able to trust them as it’s hard for me to trust anyone. I always stand back to get a better view. Is he racist? Probably subconsciously, even if he doesn’t want to be. Really though I think everyone is racist to some degree (some against their own race) subconsciously you’re attracted to people you have things in common with and a lot of that stuff can be cultural, it doesn’t mean you cannot stretch the elastic and be friends with someone else, enjoy times together but you don’t want them gather people less like you to live with you either. That’s racist to a lot of people, to me pedophilia and torturing killing innocent are much worse than preferring living with people you are more like. Genetically it’s implanted that we keep our own races alive but socially we are implanted to kill off our race vs the other races who can keep theirs, so far. He was upset they genocided his race to almost non-existence, but I doubt he will care so much about all of ours because he simply cannot, he can empathize if he wants. Is that racist? I don’t know. Maybe depends on an opinion. Probably to liberals it’s really racist. Is slight racism truly evil? Is pride? Everything has a good and bad. It’s how things get balanced. If you lack pride in yourself you end up being walked on and not standing up for yourself, feeling worthless, if it’s in your race, you won’t care to continue your people forward, you will be less interested in your history not care to preserve anything, fall to the controllers who in the end after eliminating us will want everyone to be raceless, historyless(even edited bs history) ignorant slaves who don’t know of any time they stood up and stopped the whip. Who don’t know all the ups and downs that came before them in the struggles and what they learned. You will be more likely to bow your head to slavery because you are told your race is no race but you are made and bred to be nothing, their breeding project, an empty animal for slavery. You won’t know of things your ancestors and race people created, the things that gives you a push that it’s possible you can do great and/or terrible things too. All you will know is, those people, the ones who all look alike and got to keep their race, and do not like you, or look like you, they created you, because that’s all they tell you and everything has been covered up or destroyed that could say otherwise so scan your wrist or head and kneel to the cabal. No religion but what they tell you now bow to the masters. Every race has strengths and weaknesses. They are all for a purpose, maybe to restore some kind of control over the evil assholes. And if the creator has a chosen race he would be somewhat racist so why create different ones? From what I read “we created man in our image” maybe the elohim had several different images. Maybe it’s fine we can look different and be different, genetically, mentally, physically and maybe we shouldn’t push to erase the natural advantages each race has spent thousands of years perfecting over nature and death by being lead to breed into one flavour. Anyways, I don’t think people need to hate each other for being different races but we should all love our own peoples enough to keep them existing and play on our strengths and be aware of our weaknesses. I read in some India scripture that there were 10 races in the ancient days that fought each other in India. That was just in India. I’m guessing some were completely wiped out. Maybe they were giant assholes but more likely we lost many great races and histories of people who we could have all enjoyed loved hated or whatever. Maybe they were blue or purple skinned and breathed behind their ears under water, I don’t know. But, we did lose something there and they want us to lose the rest of us. How to stop these people plotting to put an end to everyone.. love them? I doubt they will be kind enough to give up their billions after selling their souls. Why do they get to control when the creator or redeemer came? Who are they to be so full of themselves?
Maybe if we look at their weaknesses. I think they’re hiding something in Antarctica that is really big that would spill the beans to this whole thing. The problem is, they guard it better than the Vatican. Also I’ve found some very interesting mistake they made, look for what is missing in the last 200 years. Idiots.
Oh I forgot to respond to the sacrificing humans and animals thing, I think it’s wrong. It doesn’t make sense to kill someone that doesn’t truly belong to you to get something. Attaboys from a creator or whatever, it’s not logical. A loving creator creates why would it ask for fear destruction and pain death and everything associated?
I originally was talking about the chickens and humans the cabal are torturing and ritually sacrificing (and giving their sins to so they can dodge hell because yes they think our creator is that stupid). There. I think I covered everything and hopefully we can argue more, in depth. We could name call but that usually ends with someone taping out and not much is gained but a win which doesn’t feel like a real win so I rather go this route.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I agree with a lot and disagree with some, but as always I appreciate your thought processes and find that quite healthy. I apologize, as my past two weeks have been ridiculously busy and stressful, but I will think on all you’ve said and see if I have anything to add. I entirely agree that name calling is far worse than pointless. Thank you for such a considered response and for clarifying your stance.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie


I am just seeing this now.

There is a lot to unpack here, but I will try to provide you with a few answer to clarify your concerns. I greatly value how much you question everything, myself included. Without asking, we shall never receive.

1) I’m not a racist. By modern standards of “race,” another form of social division and kontrol, I would be considered multi, multi-racial. It would be very hard for me to define with a race, and you might have trouble knowing which race I am). The comment about asking the other user to provide something of substance. I was referring to a middle american homogenously European descended white school (I sayEuropean Descended because the origin of “white” is not on the European continent, but Central Asian and Caucases) because the user had made the coment “Fs in the classroom,” and the only place Fs are used as failing grades in the world is in the United States. Likewise, the user had constantly stated things that directly off of report cards, which are typical of midwestern and middle American schools in primarily middle class homogenous european classrooms, such as “fails to stay on task.” I was asking this person to go above the petty childhood training which belied a very narrow geographical and cultural scope, and stop playing immature games.

As I’ve said before: all people are the most precious creation of YHWH.

2) You have asked how I have time for learning, responding, travels etc. I am incredibly fast and dedicated to everything I do. I do not halfway through things, and luckily I have been blessed with an abundance of intellectual capacity, speed, and energy by the creator. Equally, I began from a very young age in my studies and search.

This has allowed me to learn languages simultaneously since I was young, as well as become totally free from the ties that bind of society. You would be amazed and the amount of time we have, and freedom, once we learn to live completely free from the mental and spiritual ties they use to keep use hooked into their system. I am not rich, but I do not go hungry. Yeshua has told us that as the ravens do not fear what they will eat tomorrow, so should we be. So I have listened.

Equally in my responses, I am able to be through as I type about 150 words per minute; and generally speaking this knowledge is stuff that I assimilated a long time ago, so it doesn’t require as much time as it may seem to respond.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

It wasn’t so much the typing as the setting up all the info and researching it then bringing it all together while juggling life. If you don’t work or need to find food but can still travel the world I can see why you have time, like a raven, a raven is an interesting bird to use I wonder how many meanings there are in that. I’m not saying you’re evil or wrong or that what you say isn’t valuable but it just seems a bit too good to be true sometimes. I don’t care about your race (besides my usual curiosity of race origins, their advantages disadvantages and features) as much as I couldn’t see Einstein or Tesla glowing and they’re supposed to be from your same family but they’re from very different areas and don’t look alike act alike or think alike, I guess it’s possible. One was generous, possibly a genius if it was truly all from him but the other a bit of a fraud with a nice wife. I looked at them but no glowing. You said you literally glowed so I thought you literally glowed and wondered how anyone could walk around having a normal life looking angelic glowing dodging cabalists who killed everyone they thought was one of you. Why they didn’t kill you yet when they’re trying to kill babies is interesting to me but since I’ve seen strange things happen in life concerning my own self it could all be possible. I didn’t lie or exaggerate when I said the closed door opened by itself and the light flicked on by itself. I didn’t say I was alone either, I have a witness. I didn’t exaggerate about having lightning hit either. S**t happens. I’ll continue to read what you have to say, it’s always interesting to see your research. I don’t hold anything against you, I mean you’re not lying about these controlling POS so far we may have different opinions on the details and anyone standing above a crowd I will look at with a bit of skepticism, it’s just something I naturally do, but so far we are on the same team. I think. You’re either one of them/or several/or double agent or not. Maybe it’s too get a group. I’m not joining religions or groups, I’m better off being my loner self looking in from the window at a safe distance from being engulfed in anything that could lead to a religion cult or whatever but of course I would join in battle with whatever religions or groups that battled the cabalists or anyone hurting the innocent. So far I’m just trying to figure out the head of the cabal to cut it off. I know they’re cabalists, the Jews religion is what the others filter into (not all Jews are in on it of course I had a best friend who was Jewish but Catholic) but they really seem fixated on wearing those caps and kissing the wall for since reason they hide their faith and reveal it when in Israel. Maybe it’s because that’s where they branch from. They’re hiding something else though, something that could crush their whole game, there’s something they built their foundation on that if we pull it out their whole game will collapse. And they’re also hiding something big in Antarctica besides the people, animals, fresh water and green stuff. I see a lot of bs fake photographs people are generating but they are right that there is something there. Besides the air balloon satellites. I have too many dramas to bring into focus their pieces to pull on but that’s by design, still in my free time I’m going to dig and claw at the piles of s**t they cover their tracks with, they wouldn’t cover them if it wasn’t a threat to their organization.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie


1 year ago
Reply to  marie


continuing on:

3) On glowing and not being recognized. Trust me, I do get recognized a fair bit. Unsolicited handshakes from restaurant owners, offers of help from illuminists, sometimes when I go into a new area, many of the lower level ones start coming to have conversations with me and visit in public places. It requires a lot of tact to deal with this and not arouse suspcion.

However, this “glowing,” is more akin to what is described in many ancient texts, or in the depictions of the Catulus false “saints.” It is a spiritual “light.” They are shown as emitting a form of light, which is spiritual light. This ssme phenomena is described in many forms of spiritual traditions, although it has become a bit of an obsession amongst the Luciferians, due to their light worship..

I would direct you to the “transfiguration,” which while not exactly as translated, does involve Yeshua showing his ability to emit light. Yeshua did not however, emit light as he walked around.

Indeed, we all have this capacity.

4) You seem overly focused on Israel and the “jews.” This is another form of psy-op to control the people who realize that the entire system is rigged, so as to divert their attention into perceiving race in everything, and towards hating a physically, genetically identifiable group, eventhough it is tremendously mislabeled. Indeed there is a large contingent of Isis-Ra-Elis that work for the Pheonician Pharisees related to the modern day Isis-Ra-El.

Yet do you know who started this country? It was H1tL3R, the anglo-saxon champion, who is actually a pheonician, as all high ranking Nasis. The governance and control of Isis-Ra-El by the pheonicians was guaranteed through the Haavara agreement between 1933-1939, in which Haifa, formerly a small arabic outpost, was turned into a knights templar stronghold in only a few decades, and now serves as the seat of their pheonician government.

If you want to herd the cattle, what better way than to convince them to herd themselves into a single pen “specially just for them.” This is another issue in some of your suppositions:

The word Goy/Goyim (the im is just plural, like s in English) is used in the scriptures to reference the descendants of Abraham! The meaning in reference to gentiles or “cattle,” really only appeared much more modernly. Yes in the highly incestual Isis-Ra-Eli communities in New York have been tricked into using the title for the descendants of Abraham to refer to those that are not, as if it were derrogatory. This is how indoctrination works; phonetic encoding that stirs division, and sullies a word, a vibrational frequency to be tinged with luciferianism.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I think the “glow” is the light/goodness/pure intent emitted from a good spirit which is whole – we can sense this in everything about a person. I’m not sure as I haven’t seen auras, but perhaps the “glow” is this spiritual manifestation some are trained to see?
But everyone can also see it in facial expressions, body language, and interactions with others. I don’t think it is something hidden/mysterious, nor overt. It is an emitting outward of positive energy and intent and people feel drawn to it in ways that physical appearance cannot account for.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Okay so this spiritual light is something you can control. Well that makes it easier to hide. I would think of you really glowed literally you wouldn’t need lights or flashlights or anything. I’ve practiced not using lights but never had such ability to turn myself into one so it was quite a thought.
The reason I am fixed on Israel and Jews is because every string I pull leads me back there. I don’t have an issue with unreligious Jews who have nothing to do with enslaving the planet. Religious Jews who see me and anyone not Jewish as a slave or believe it’s okay to rape babies I do have an issue with. If you notice every single “Christian” politician or leader hides their Jewish religion you start to wonder why, so you look into it. My hitlure awakening was because it didn’t make sense to me a whole group of people would just kill people for their race so I dug into that and found lie after lie and all about him creating Israel for his people, his Jewish underage lover, Jewish wife, mother, ties to all the world leaders and Stalin and Mao meetings before they put the world through hell, and killing millions of innocent people and lying about camps and numbers and deaths of Jews being the same in both wars but less than even existing there.. the cover up, no schools talking about Mao or Stalin.. It was pretty upsetting. So when I see trump saying how Christian he is then kissing the wall with his kippa, his daughter changing her name to a Hebrew “deer” and “becoming” Jewish.. All of Biden children Jewish. I mean every single one of these leaders going Jewish but hiding it.. Why.? Why hide? and they are supposed to be such a small percentage of people but owning so much, controlling everything, there are too many trails leading back to their sin o gog and magog religion.
What about the Goyim? It was a very widely used word among those speaking Yiddish, I have a friend who speaks Yiddish and stated it was Yiddish word and not very nice so I’ll let them know you said it’s not but in advance I will ask to know which version date of Torah that you’re reading this from if it’s not too much trouble? I heard there are several versions and knowing them they’ll want to look it up in some very old book they were given.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie


The word Goy is used in the scriptures in reference to the descendants of Abraham, A-Brahman, “Not an Illuminist.” Not what today is called gentiles

The term is גּוֹיִֽם׃ “Goyim” and is found in Berashit 17, where Elohim tells Abraham that his descendants will be a great Multitude, or Nations. This is where knowledge of the scriptures is so important to untangle the spider web you are working through. Why are the yiddish speaking ashkenazis (so, really don’t understand Aryeh Yehudah…) and hassids and Isis-Ra-Elis and Pheonicians, calling others “goyim?”

Because they are NOT descendants of Abraham. They get told they are, and then tricked into calling others what they wish they were, or imposter to be… Look at the line of where Ashkenazer is found, its not in the Line of Abraham.

As you have found, indeed there is an incredible attempt at total control of Isis-Ra-El, for very specific reasons regarding placement with respect to the geomagnetic lines of Earth, and even more specifically, that Yershalem is located exactly at the crossroads of the X of the lines that are drawn from NE -> SW and SE->NW on the Eurasian and African Land masses, which are connected. You find the devil and his mignions at the crossroads of the world.

If you can advance beyond seeing all of these peoples as “jews,” you will find a lot more clarity on this topic; such as the less than very smart Isis-Ra-Elis are dressed as slaves, following a bunch of laws instituted by the Hasmoneans under Persian Rule in order to bind them, and take away their freedom.

You may reach the level of an understanding and nuance to see that H1tl3r is a PHEONICIAN. Hence why he wa called a Fuhrer, which means the fire bird, the PHEONIX, the RED CHILD… These are the children of Kain, which run across the world deceiving the masses to do the bidding of Luci-ferrus, to ensure his embodiment as a Ba Ba’al. They wear many masks, and many faces, which are incredibly difficult to rip off; and the last and most difficult of them, is to realize the idea of a “jew” is a false construction, whereby the worshippers of Saturn, decided it fitting to call their slaves, the Ju’s, being for Ju-pater or Deus Pater, because they see their kings as the Sun Seed Man, the Horus Risen, and thus their slaves are worshipping them.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

How anyone can call Gem a racist is totally shocking to me – the last thing he is is racist are you even listening to what he says @maria??

As I recall when you showed up here you were practically a pagan ( I was still a new ager in practice so there is no judgement there) Now look at us we found our Faith which is probably the most valuable thing one could have in this world.

I thought you were grasping more of his teachings Where is the gratitude? Sad

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I hear you, kwon, but I think she is saying it doesn’t matter to her, his message is more important and she is still processing it at her own speed. I notice a huge difference in her. Gem, himself, always says to not take him at his word, investigate!
Also, I believe she is correct in that we don’t want to live closely with people unlike us, but I believe it is less a racial factor to some extent than a nurture/environmental factor, although there is an element of both. I know many people I would never wish to live with, but it doesn’t mean we have to hate each other. I don’t want to live with people okay with and promoting communism and other evils. Crabs in a bucket is all too true and insidious arguments are used to make that evil appear to be “fair and equitable”. That is not racism to me, it seems normal to a species which is a bit small and narrow in perception, to me. Accord brings peace and who doesn’t want that inside their own home?
And I get her cynicism as I have huge trust issues as well. The other factor I see is that she has said she comes from a Luciferian bloodline. To me, it is remarkable how she has rejected them and all the material benefits they could have provided her with from the start. I also believe she understands their manipulative abuses more than most of us, and as so, no wonder she is extremely cautious! Lucifer appears as an angel of light, speaking fine words and deceives even the elect, were it possible.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Nurture is historically tied to racial/tribal beliefs. I believe these beliefs are what divides us moreso than just skin color, and I don’t believe that is inherently evil.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Wanting to live among people we have a lot in common with and being racist aren’t even in the same ballpark though. To call a deeply devoted man of YHWH racist is to say that man isn’t Holy in the least because he would be breaking one the most basic tenets of Faith – which is people are only to be evaluated by their fruits AND NO OTHER WAY. He must have said this hundreds of times by now and yet she still doesn’t get it.

After nearly 2 years and countless hours spent pointing out the fruits of these different groups – her conclusion is Gem is racist. To me this is a clear lack of understanding (and grace for that matter)

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

What did I say, kwon, that conflicts with this?

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


It is good to hear from you my friend. How have you been?

I generally agree with the sentiment by @lgageharleya here. I don’t perceive marie as attacking me; she is questioning and learning, which she is right to do. I’ve seen over time that she has learned much, eventhough in some things she is still struggling to comprehend the scope of the problem (the “its the jews” propaganda is quite the snag; its actually the children of Kain, which come in just about every race on the planet now…) nevertheless, she is walking along her path and seeking Truth, and this is the most important.

Because she is sincere in her heart, Yeshua Kavvanah, I greatly appreciate her questioning; we are commanded to ask, seek, and knock.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I may be well off the mark as I still am reading @444gem, but I now wonder if the Tower of Babel (Babylon, totems, stacked demons in images, etc) story was akin to what we see now, a seemingly ephemeral but very real structure that was dismantled and confused with disparate languages because our Creator responded to the remnant who stood fast and refused the evil, so He confounded the masses? They became ineffectual and unable to communicate effectively?
Several former Luciferians state that the Luciferian intent is to open a gate to Heaven to attack our Creator. If they succeed in opening some portal, we will be rid of them in an eye blink.
Racism, to me, is silly in one aspect, as we all derive from the same source. Perhaps we were divided not because of our differences, but to learn how we are all so alike?
I am beginning to understand that His timeframes are extensive, so perhaps this was an elongated process of sorts..? This is where I begin to feel well out of my depth. We are taught fables, a mockery of parables in a way.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Man of all races adapted to his environment in ways most beneficial to health, longevity and resistance. Our appearances are superficial. Plants do not grow the same in different parts of the world, and even when relocated, they manifest differently. But it’s all still good. What is learned amongst groups is what can be damaging.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Trying to save this edit, but the site doesn’t like it: “But it’s all still good. What is learned amongst groups to the exclusion of others who don’t correlate and can’t understand that Father has placed all we all need closely within our grasp, perfectly, is what can be damaging.”
We buy into “superfoods” from across the planet yet Father designed all so every region has the best resources required to sustain us if only people would stop killing much of it off. Poisoning it.
Forgive me, I am physically and mentally exhausted.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


You very much understand. The Ba Ba’al is constructed one brick at a time.

“All in all, you’re just another brick in the wall.”

I put this concept in Chapter X, where you find the reference to Qarat from revelations, also referring to the walled cities, and the people serving as metaphorical bricks, being formed into uniform ways of being and thinking by the culture. This is why Luciferianism is so extensively infused into mass media, and the value of by his sight. It helps people see how they are being made into uniform bricks to serve building Lucifer’s tower of Ba Ba’al:

His avian spirit body that is made only by harvesting humanity.

You have shared a profound insight here.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I really need to go back and read that chapter @444gem. I couldn’t see the tiles very well on my old laptop and I don’t like my new one as well, and then I got tied up in chasing down other info and keep forgetting.

But that’s why the elites wanted English as the universal language. Also because it’s dumbed down, confusing and it grows more senseless and asinine daily. Words which used to have several meanings contextually now don’t even have those – we are so conditioned to only hear the modern connotations and most of those have been bastardized into some urban slang which is almost inevitably sick with innuendo. The language is now full of vulgar landmines people immediately snicker at and that makes us lose track of the intended message entirely.

It strikes me that no one has much of their own cultures left either, it’s all Disney and the same style music, tv, magazines, etc. Complete monoculture.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Complete monoculture, as you said.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Centralization and homogenization of the world. As they have spread the tentacles of the Ba Ba’al, the IN-TERra-NET (Earth Net) across the planet, they have always planned to create an ever more subtle, yet ever more interlocked methodology for synchronizing and harvesting the people’s ki.

No more is it swords on horseback carrying out the ruler of a small domain’s fiefdom weeks after the fact, nor rhetorical speeches only those in the capitol can hear; it is now instantaneous real-time and perfectly individualized electromagnetic message bombardment through a monitoring device called a phone designed to harvest and perpetuate perfectly synchronized little cows. Remember that PHONE refers to a sound, a vibration of a word, like Phonology. They know the power of the word.

What happened just as the first mass tea time communications of telegraph and radio became available? WWII and the rise of international zealots like H1tl3r and Churchill and Stalin. Equally, the war of the worlds radio broadcast of alien invasion; an early shock test of humanity’s reactions.

If you read the Technotronic Era, written by Carter’s national security advisor in 1969, you’re going to find he describes their plans to use social media and the earth net exactly for this purpose. Long before either were supposedly ever thought of.

Ba Ba’al: “the bird is free.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

That’s why they call it the world wide web, because it functions exactly like a spider’s. @444gem

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hi Gem I’m doing well thank you for asking. I followed up a little bit with what you’ve said here above. Basically calling you racist is showing a clear lack of understanding in that pointing out the fruits of these different groups is what we are supposed to be doing and shouting it from the rooftops.

Calling anyone racist for doing that is just not comprehending things imo.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


It’s ridiculous, and designed to be manipulative and to discredit me by false accusation. This is how they work; they use false labels to poison the well.

I was trying to show this guy he was demonstrating a very specific, and very immature attitude that relates to his school period. When we have former traumas from eras, we often remain stuck in a loop, and the only way to break the cycle, is to affront these things and integrate them, thus overcoming the power they hold over our subconscious.

We can show them the door, but only they have The Key.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I’m no maria. I would usually hit you with a misspelling back but it would end with you being pissed off and your dog would feel bad that you felt bad, and he’s a good boy.

1 day ago
Reply to lgageharleya
I don’t know if he’s racist or not, that didn’t matter”

You misunderstood me. I’ll reply later in depth but whether he’s racist or not racist is not my concern. . I had one religion and “God” it was simply love. That’s all I felt was worth life so I decided that will be my religion. I had already been in a cult worshiping and eating “Jesus”and drinking his blood bothered me so as soon as I could pretend to go to church and not actually go there (12, 13) I went outside and played Tetris hiding by a tool closet or drawing in the bathroom in the couch area, that’s what I did to get out of the repetitions and brainwashing. I got threatened to be kicked out on the street for not attending so I just left my parents house. I don’t like churches but I also saw how my grandmother loved her church and it was such a big deal to her I could see why the other guy felt offended, she would too, I offended her all the time she told me once of I didn’t believe her beliefs I would be sent to hell and crows would pick at my bones and eat my eyes, I told her if I were dead it wouldn’t matter and I don’t think I did anything warranting me going to hell… She hung up on me. The anger she had whenever we debated religion, it was kind of like an old song, and it makes sense. They defend what they hold close. I just ask they look deeper into it without having to give up the creator or redeemer, look into the origins of his this all came about. No one wants to because they feel it is a threat and smack in the face to their creator but I think opposite, I would hope everyone would investigate if I were the creator. So this person was upset and I could also see that maybe there wasn’t a need for offense as both him and 444gem are loving the same redeemer, are praying to who is the creator so it seemed we could move on after a little research on to finding how to counter these inhuman humans who are destroying the world (personally me without having to do the turning the other cheek with them) while they’re torturing people standing idle by..I guess it’s my serpent blood but when I see innocent people being sacrificed I feel like hacking heads off and doing away with the entire group that’s cheering it on. Maybe you find me offensive because I cannot trust anyone but I have my reasons and it’s not personal I grew up in a cult with freemasonry everywhere I’m always on guard looking for the newest cult and am a loner, I grew up too far from people I guess my friends besides cats, animals plants insects were people I saw at school. I admit I did kill ant piles for fun but I felt really bad and tried to make up for that. It took maybe hundred of years for some of those ants to create those piles.. Anyways pagan is a bit off, I didn’t know what the light ball was, I didn’t exchange bodies with it for unlimited powers it tried to give me so it didn’t matter so much, I was really just curious 444 take on that since it was bizarre and he seemed to have different views on supernatural things. Just last night my light flipped on while I was laying on my bed. Last week the door unlocked itself and opened while I was playing with the cat. Weird stuff happens to some people, not to others. It’s not something you really discuss with people normally so here’s my chance I took it to see a different view. I don’t dislike him, he’s likeable, sometimes pisses me off but it’s normal, I don’t trust him but I don’t trust only maybe 3 people so it’s not like anyone needs to feel offended though I always say what people are thinking but too afraid to say so I do offend people. Sometimes I’m guilty of I really feel irritated and want the other person irritated but I try to overcome that when I realize it. And I do strike back of someone tries striking me, for self respect since I once was shy and didn’t fight back enough, I cannot do that again. Week I guess that was in depth, I’m late or of respond to everything and one else but you seemed upset so I responded to you first.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I realized I called you by the wrong name too late and more than once – it was not intentional and I am sorry marie. I have always appreciated your input here and don’t know how I got your name wrong.
Also, I promise I am not upset at anything you said – just challenging you on the ‘racist’ accusation.
At some point you will have to learn to trust someone. Everyone in my life growing up were far from trustworthy too (my dad was reliable for sustenance and shelter but not for important ‘fatherly duties’ – and the rest of my immediate family were getting wasted all the time) so I understand being suspicious.
It just seems patently obvious to me that Gem is anything but a racist.
I hope there are no hard feelings like I said I appreciate your presence here marie

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

It sounds like you’re having some demonic activity with the lights and doors and such.
This and much much more happened in the house we lived in for 10 years where my mom died. I blocked out huge parts of it I’m sure of that but I remember many paranormal type occurrences.
More than ever what Gem is offering is the way out of all that.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I am wondering if these things happen because of our own emotional distress? I know I have an intense magnetism, I can literally feel it in real time and it impacts my daily life and that of others and I am only recently learning to contol it. When I am self-focused (default) I am like an emotional black hole, I drag in everything and everyone. This is reality for me for as long as I can remember. But when I push outward I can effect a lot of good in a calm way. Hard to explain and likely harder to believe, yet it is true.
We have authoritative power over our own household. We must exercise it.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

What do you mean by self-focused (default)? And pushing outward, can you elaborate at all?

In my case all the activity started with my mother who had unresolved trauma that nobody knew for sure what it was. Her sisters were salt of the earth very kind hearted people (so was my mom before her addiction steam rolled out of control) All the alcohol and extremely high states of emotionality seemed to have a lot to do with it.

Eventually the dark spirits were free floating. One of the most intense memories was laying in bed in the middle of the night everyone was asleep the house was quite as a church. Then the kitchen cabinets down stairs started to open and close. Quietly at first, got progressively louder and louder until they were banging and then I started hearing hissing and whispering and indecipherable horrible voices and foot steps coming up the stairs. I remember being completely frozen in terror just waiting for my door to open and whatever it was to come in. But that never happened. In all the times this occurred the door never opened.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I am so sorry to read this, kwon, it must have been absolutely terrifying! Especially for a child, in his own home, which was supposed to be safe.

I will try as best as I can to explain my experiences more clearly.

The only thing I really recall as a child was an almost out-of-body experience, but I got scared and jarred myself back down. That, and I always killed watch batteries, I’m talking in days, sometimes hours. My dad always wanted me to wear a watch and he got so angry with me initially, as if I was doing something deliberately.

I used to read a lot of horror stories and watch scary movies and I was always afraid of my foot dangling off the side of the bed, I could almost feel something creeping towards me and I’d yank it back in (as if the covers protected me). Afraid of the closet door cracked open.

My home, after dad married my mom (I was two) was always a hostile place. I was about that same age when dad came upstairs into our playroom, sat down at a small table and told my older brother and I that he and mom were getting a divorce and it was all our fault. I remember not understanding what he was even talking about. Most of my life at home was spent avoiding my dad entirely, a good day was when he forgot I existed, because it was a day I didn’t get my butt beat.

After I’d moved out, one day a friend found a Ouija board and, not taking it seriously, we played it. I made whatever spirit it was mad and it refused to answer anything from me; I can’t recall what I said, but I mocked it and laughed, so it insulted me then would just go to “goodbye” anytime I spoke after that. I was still laughing until my friend started to make the planchette move by herself. The thing loved her. It wasn’t long after that I woke one night (my friend lived with me a short while after she broke up with her boyfriend) to see a person kneeling down beside me, staring at me. I could tell he wasn’t fully formed, but it was intensely creepy. He wore one of those old caps from the 20’s, I think of them as “street urchin” caps. Later, Lisa asked the board who that was, and it gave the name Zeke and said he’d died there.

It’s interesting you mention alcohol, because I started drinking wine coolers at age 15 and drank for a long time, mostly wine or beer, but things got way worse once I married my first and discovered liquor. Wine is deceitful, strong drink is raging. Proverbs 20:1. I knew that verse, but either didn’t take it seriously or thought I could overcome it or control it. lol.

I tell you all that to establish a background conducive to drawing spirits towards me I really didn’t want or intend to. I drank because I was trying to escape my pain, numbness, lack of self worth. In a different time, I might have taken drugs instead, who knows?

I didn’t realize about the magnetism thing for awhile because of the default setting with me (always drawing in). I think I was stuck in a state of trying to shrink (escape notice). I used to sometimes hide in closets as a kid. After long enough, objects would move a little around me. I thought initially I was just a klutz.

One day, when my now ex was acting like a bigger tyrant than usual (I was getting close to leaving him for his abuse and was getting closer to Yeshua/Jesus – I called him Jesus still back then) – the kids were little and sitting at the table waiting to eat, they both looked wide-eyed and the tension was building and I wanted to protect them as Larry kept on ranting and raving. Suddenly the salt shaker slammed over on it’s side and our bulldog, who’d been at my daughter’s feet beneath the table (in anticipation of dropped food) jerked his butt inward like he’d been goosed (spanked) and came skittering out from underneath in the clumsy way English’s do. It startled everyone, we all looked at each other in shock, then started laughing, tension dissipated.

Another time, my ex was screaming at our kids, mostly my daughter, because her room was messy. I told him to just stop it! and went in to clean it up, it was a mess, but she was very young and both of us worked, so I hadn’t had time and it was overwhelming for her. I started to pack all her Barbies and whatnot into her plastic case and it was so full I couldn’t close it. I was so frustrated! I said, “Lord PLEASE give me grace with this thing!” and it went pop, pop, pop without me putting any pressure on it at all. All three connectors just closed on their own.

When he got out of the USMC, he moved us into a tiny place temporarily while he relocated and found us a house. The toilet got backed up and I couldn’t get it to flush no matter how hard I tried. I said, “You have to listen to me, now FLUSH” and it literally did. I started to laugh.

I guess those were moments when I finally started to push outward a little instead of always sucking in. I don’t think I’m explaining very well. But there were many little instances like this. I had started to see angels during this time and someone visited me for three days and I believe to this day it was Yeshua. He sent others to visit me as well, to teach me and comfort me. I had had one other big spiritual experience years earlier, an epiphany in which for the first time I realized profoundly that I could actually love myself – I went into a state of being taught some profound truths and my mind was so blown that when Larry got home he took me straight to the hospital so they could lock me up, drug me and shock my brain.

When I remarried, my old dryer died, it was one with a dial and my husband now replaced it with a digital touchscreen. I have such a hard time with it! Sometimes I touch it over and over and it won’t turn on and I sigh and remember I’m doing the drawing in thing again, I have to flex it somehow, like a muscle and change the flow and it turns right on for me.

It happens even now with my patient; she has very long, baby fine, wavy hair and sometimes I can see it drawing upwards into worse tangles when I brush or comb it. When I reverse my flow, it brushes out simply.

You may recall the last time I went through a big spiritual epiphany and I was asking you for help re: my energy? I had met a woman who was in terrible spiritual distress – she was mired in some truly awful mess and I was trying to help her. She called me one evening and I was trying to guide her and she was resisting everything I told her and being repetitive, etc. I finally told her there is nothing else I can do if you won’t do the simple things I’m telling you. A demonic, male voice literally spoke through her, it sounded nothing like her at all, it said, “F you”, then she said it too, in her own voice, and immediately said whoops and apologized. This occurred not long after I had been sleeping in my husband’s recliner because my energy was so extreme I felt on the verge of a constant panic. I kept praying for help and I had been feeling the balls of energy I described to you before, leaving me, but I couldn’t make them all go and there was one horrible voice that kept cursing the Lord – it wasn’t me and I hated it. I woke and froze, because something was standing, bent over slightly, right in front of me. It was a dark figure in the form of a man. I thought, “I’m afraid” and heard, in my mind, “You should be”. The figure disappeared, but I asked for it’s name anyway, thinking “You have to tell me”. It responded “Belial”. Once I had that info and looked it up, I was able to banish it from me and I haven’t had another experience like that since and the voice is gone. People say demons can’t read your mind, but I think maybe they can if they are inside of you.

Sometimes my dogs are drawn to me and I didn’t call them, they just come and stick to me like glue, kind of nervously staring at me. When I change my energy to push outward, they can relax and go lay down. I can say, “Go lay down” but they won’t until I reverse the flow.

Sorry for the book, but I thought it all tied together and might help you to understand, since I can’t really describe the inner “flex” very clearly. Sometimes it takes more focus than others to reverse the flow, but I’m getting better at releasing it. Best I can describe is, it’s like sucking in your breath and holding it inward constantly, so constantly you don’t even realize you’re doing it. Once you realize it, you can deliberately breathe out and that pulling in relaxes. But it’s some internal mechanism I can’t describe. We know that evil spirits feed on our darker emotions, so when we indulge in them, especially when it’s out of control because we are impaired by alcohol or drugs, we draw them to us. That must be why they didn’t bother you, they were going to your mom.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I guess sometimes it feels like a form of bracing against impact, if that makes sense? Like you’re about to be struck, hard, by something, except I would stay in that mode because I was always expecting the worst to hit me. I have to relax it. It’s not precisely that, but close I think. My muscles used to always be in terrible knots from all that tension.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

This all sounds very familiar and how demons work their way into our lives. All the muscle tension.
I have wondered too if what I described in the previous experience were demons in the house or demons inside me. No one else seemed to hear, see or feel these things though it was very clear they were being overshadowed. This occurred after my mother’s death and what I described after trying to wake her up while shaking in a coma on the couch. After that I felt like a thousand pounds and couldn’t hear anything or see clearly for several hours. And there was a profound sadness that was always attributed to her death but now realize there was so much sadness for what passed into me.
We have a lot more power to deal with this stuff than most realize. Many times we bring it upon ourselves in ignorance or being tricked or messing around in the occult. 
Being a vigilant observer of the details happening around us all the time, the way you have described doing, is also an important skill in keeping healthy. 

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon I wonder if this is how backmasking works in practicality? The words and the spirit are so hypocritically at odds that the spirit overrides the lie and speaks the truth? Or the languages are different – but I have been able to communicate via gestures and body language/facial expressions with people whose own family couldn’t speak with them at all. What is hidden WILL be revealed? A man on this site once gave me some detail as to backmasking and told me the story of his preverbal nephew who babbled back when he told the baby, “I love you” and upon playing in reverse, the babble cleared into an “I love you” of the baby’s own speaking. This is part of the Tower of Babel, I think – babies are close to our Creator as they’ve so recently left, but they babble to confound the “wise” who see their wonder and open love-soaked understanding as gibberish. We are told we must approach our Creator as a child.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I saw recently somewhere how this guy had taught himself to speak all backward. It was remarkable. So much is encoded into our world and into us through words frontwards, backwards and many others ways too we have hardly considered.
Humans are highly telepathic – you’re seeing that.
“What is hidden will be revealed” – agree with that
Completely agree about the baby stuff – they can speak backward too it comes natural to babies. There is more in their communication than meets the eye so agree. Thanks for the comments. @AE

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’ve seen so many songs full of evil things when played backwards that I just listen to instrumentals now

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I feel you. I can’t listen to modern music much at all anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Oh well I guess I was reading you wrong I apologize. I can’t know a person’s real feelings in race because many people don’t even know their own feelings. I see Caucasian light/euro hating “white” people claiming they aren’t racist when it’s obvious they’re racist, how can a person be this blind?. Is one racist if they hate a certain thing from the culture of another person’s and not their skin? Is it racist to hate the way new yorkers sound vs southern peeps? But if they were colored different colors and identified that way would it be racist? Hm. I really think racism can be anything you want it to be. People can view anything racist. I have my opinion, sure you guys have yours. I’m not sure what the guy meant about racism, if he meant that gem cared more for his own race or didn’t care about Caucasians existing or what and there’s no way for me to know so I skipped that. Now from what I saw gem is holding the creator and redeemer in his heart. Is he concerned about European genocide? Not that I know. Is he racist for that? I don’t know, he could not care because he’s worried about something else, maybe he doesn’t care about race since his people were all killed off and now they’re spread through every race he doesn’t feel much about those things besides he may be overly sensitive to not care like a lot of people are. I’m not going to pin the racist tag or not pin it when no one really agrees what that is and most people are unaware of their own small biased thoughts against their own races and I’m not saying he is or isn’t. Is it racist to think most Chinese people like Kung Fu? Is it racist to think “white” people like cheese? Most of us do. What if one group are meat eating and the other were vegetarian until their bodies changed to only accept those foods, would it be racism if we noticed that? What if they didn’t like each other because of that? Is that racism? But if they would define each other by skin since it’s the most apparent difference then is it?. People are really sensitive. I think races and cultures and by culture I don’t mean Luciferian music, but maybe some folk, but I’m meaning more like food and how people treat other- the way they joke and physical differences- it shouldn’t vanish and it’s a big loss when it happens. I think we are all very different, yes we are related just like plants but races can be very different physically and mentally and it’s nothing bad or horrible, it’s good, it’s how we survive. They want us blended for a reason and it isn’t for our own good. We need to be different. Maybe using our differences to our advantages is how we overcome these creeps who knows. I used to play strategy games. Quite a few I first picked different races, I based that on where I was playing and the advantages, I had different types of people, they had different advantages and disadvantages, it was good to know both and play on those things to get ahead. Now for us suppose you have a great big desert, you will send a Saharan Afrikaan or Arab to get around without dying of heat stroke or stamina depletion, if you need a swimmer you grab a Caucasian, if you need someone who can do cold and also no veggies, grab the Eskimo. Did you know there is an old gene in some of us Scandinavians that we can survive swimming freezing for hours? If we breed into non-existence it will be even less occurring. Say we had to send someone to swim to cut the head of leviathan or whatever it’s name is in the freezing waters, you would want someone with that gene. If you need someone who can turn off lights or play with things close, maybe pick a lock use AE here. Need a storm? Loose your directions? Need to find something? Hi. Need someone to mess with herbal purifications? You can step there. I think each race is like it’s own person in a way. Sure if you are mixed you can retain both good but you can also retain both bad and mixing everyone will not end up with stronger everyone, it will dampen all the hard earned advantages up unless you’re really lucky and get all the good stuff but most people don’t. You won’t have those cultures, the food, the ways they treat a hungry traveler, you won’t have those old people sayings, the old stories and recipes. Is it racist to not care about that stuff? Maybe, maybe not. Depends on points of views.

About the lights and the door, it was very random. I was talking about my dead mouse when the night flicked on. Of course this freaked out the person I was speaking to. I wasn’t scared, I thought it might be my dead grandma so I told her hi just in case. The other time I was playing with the cats who were abandoned outside and I foster failed, I was sitting at my desk with one on my lap and the door just twisted and opened and no one was there. I asked everyone and no one know what I was talking about. This happened within the last week give or take a few days. I get visits usually before or after someone dies or for when someone almost dies but I guess she can come to help out for other reasons I don’t know. It was rather strange. I told all the evil entities that used to stand over me while I slept to get the hell out and they did. I haven’t had any trouble with shadow figures and ghosts trying to kill me since and that was years ago. It’s crazy you went through what you did. I’d probably do the same with the covers until I got pissed off from no sleep. There was ones thing that happened kind of cupboard slammingish. I had a friend in love with me who died, I was dating this other guy who was cheating on me. I didn’t know it but I guess my ghost friend got mad and decided to scare the hell out of him, apparently my ex had to get some people to get him out of his house because he was pounding cabinets and throwing chairs turning off and on the TV and misc things. It happened right after he died and my ex drove to his funeral so I guess he tagged along and found him screwing another chic do he thought he’d give him a scare. He also visited me with his brother after he died so he seemed to get around on the other side. I hope they’re all doing okay on the other side of this, place. I really don’t know if there’s degrees or levels or what.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I am quick to get angry quick to forgive though I wasn’t angry at you just wondering if I should be so I had to test it out

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Weird stuff definitely happens. It becomes hard, sometimes, to discern reality when you’re living this. It is your reality.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I’m Scandinavian. Mostly Norwegian with Swedish Danish and Scottish Irish. Let me show you what they are doing

She is the culture minister of Sweden.

Melting away history

Not to mention nonstop raping and killing of my people they are erasing our historic objects besides our races (Saami too) so we won’t exist. Poof. Genocide. Every euro race.

This woman! She admits everything. 3-4 million dollars given to her to do this.

This man!
Wants to diversity us then calls us racist that we don’t want it and push back. We went from 3 percent crime to one of the most dangerous in Europe within 3 years. There were several votes in Europe and Europe majority voted against it, did not want all these immigrants, no one cared. Now what will be left? Ashes. If they truly cared about these immigrants, they would try to fix the country but this was all done on purpose. The cabal NATO/mossad/isis the world leaders are united to genocide us all into one slave race.

I understand your anger. They are truly evil bastards but our hands are tied, we cannot slice heads unless we suicide ourselves and take a world leader out in our death. We could immigrate to Antarctica but they kill anyone who goes that direction. They have us trapped these leeches. But we can use them against themselves. Make them diversify, get our own Thee Village (Jews only community in USA,).

1 year ago
Reply to  Jesusislove


May YHWH bless you on your path to The Truth. Yeshua Kavvanah my friend.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

הדרך “HaDerackh” = The Way

Yeshua Said:

“I Am The Way”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I thought he was ‘the truth’

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. This page gives the verse with the Greek and each word you can click on for them to flesh out the meanings further.

1 year ago

You both are right. You got it mixed with the Talmud. I’ve done that before too. The Talmud is the hardcore Jews book for older adults. You have to be 30 or 40 to read it so you won’t rat the out the cabal and their hatred of us all accidently.
They call us all Goyim behind closed doors. It’s a Yiddish word and they don’t call us this nicely. They’ve stated several times they want to exterminate Europeans and their actions including massacring millions torturing them causing war after war etc then playing the victim card mixed with how they own everything including the slaves and slave ships then blaming it on all the white races is enough I need to look at them sideways to see who is in the club and who is a lower level pawn. Yes we should all go against the cabal, but we should not have a leader as the leader is always controlled even when they don’t want to be.

1 year ago

Nancy Pelosi kisses a foreign Dictator’s Ring, the master of pedophiles and murderers, while her other Luciferian masters look on with great joy.