
Is it a gaffe if she said it on purpose? ; Kamala Harris says US must ‘reduce population’ to fight climate change in latest gaffe (

Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday called on the US to “reduce population” in an effort to combat climate change, but she meant to say “reduce pollution,” according to the White House. …

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1 year ago

What a mistaka to maka.

That isn’t a slip. That is someone used to using that term period.

We are living under a globalist, eugenicist coup – that took place some time ago after its operatives were brought into action in most government worldwide.

1 year ago

i suppose she could start with herself?

1 year ago

Gaffe. What gaffe? She meant what she said. The Evil SheClown…

1 year ago

The border is wide open, we could just close it up reducing population easy. When people come here from poor countries they tend to procreate like rabbits. Many reasons present themselves but in the end it’s obvious they want to reduce current population, replacing with less demanding population all while human trafficking the newbs.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Sort of like the white pioneers who had large families and “procreated like rabbits” and pushed out the people with brown skin who were here before us? And the border is not “wide open”, otherwise all these desperate folks would not be huddled at the border hoping to come in.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Oh Lord Jesus, careful with the wording. The immigration problem was a problem created by globalists to slowly erase each nations identity.

Look into the school of the Americas, aka, dictator school!

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
1 year ago

The W***e of Babble-On can start with herself.

1 year ago

Oh yeah she said it, loud and clear. They really are pushing these sissy EV cars with our crappy electrical grid. Not to mention that they do emit some kind of radiation. There is a new successor to oil, lithium!

1 year ago

It’s for for children.😔

1 year ago

In Greece we have an ancient Greek saying that we still use to this day. It is “γλώσσα λανθάνουσα, τα αληθή λέγει”. Literally translated it means that when the tongue makes a mistake, it tells the truth. That is to say, although the globalist agenda, which she serves is in favor of actually reducing the population, she definitely didn’t want to openly say so because only a psychopath would dare. But her tongue slipped and told the truth she is actually trying to hide…for now.