
Fox News matches employee donations to Satanic Temple

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1 year ago

Beyond the obvious wickedness of Planned Parenthood, Satanic Temple, etc, doesn’t it seem odd to anyone that “news” outlets continually post “news” about each other?

Here, we have The Blaze posting about Fox News. In other “news,” Fox News posts about CNN; CNN posts about Fox News. All the while, the public’s attention is continually directed to the “news” organizations.

It seems to me that many people who consider themselves to be ‘awake’ overlook the possibility that their perceptions are still being manipulated. For decades now, the organizations that comprise the ‘intelligence community’ have experimented with methods for exploitation of human psychology. They are also building upon many centuries of knowledge on this subject. Assuming that an actual psychological campaign could be identified from the outside, I am not convinced that the goal of the given campaign could easily be determined.

Many of the pyschological operations that have come to light in the past are multi-layered and obfuscate more than one subject.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

I have the hardest time deciding where to get my news. I usually trust my VigiLinks posters, RaptureReady and other non-mainstream sites.

1 year ago
Reply to  CajunMom

I responded to you, but my reply contains links and is waiting for approval.

1 year ago
Reply to  CajunMom

There’s no indication that my reply exists anymore, unfortunately.

I’m hoping that VC will approve some of my references in the future despite the controversial nature that they tend toward.

I’m not going to retype all of the points in my reply, but just a heads up: Outlets that teach pre-trib usually wear their bias on their sleeve. Keep in mind that an outlet with strong bias is not a good outlet to expect to learn the truth from.

1 year ago
Reply to  CajunMom

Try the will tell you everything that’s to come and not to become obsessed with evil.
Instead acknowledge what you know, and go forth and become a fisher of men.

So many people that have their eyes exposed to the darkness of this world use gaining knowledge to “help” others as an excuse to indulge in that which they claim disgusts them.

Focus of the prize not the enemy and you will see the glory of God, not the stains of satan.

God is out king, we need no government to rule our why worship at the crossroads of Rome? Instead simply go to the cross to find peace, relief, and protection.

But that’s not enough for some people.
They need to know..more..more..vanity..vanity

1 year ago

What is your basis for claiming that others are indulging? Aren’t you trying to have your cake and eat it by using this site?

I’m going to make a prediction: You’ll either tell me that you don’t look at the site’s content, or make some exception for yourself so that you can look at it but aren’t fitting in the category that you put others into.

Come down from the high horse and maybe you’ll see eye-to-eye with someone.

1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by ryan
1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

I completely agree. I think the “dark” side- the elites, kabal, “deep state” and the “light” side-great awakening are all controlled from the top. Satan could be using the dark side and fear of tyranny as the “boogeyman” that satan rises up from the light side to free us from all the dark side threatens. Christian’s stay awake the light side isn’t from the Lord per se Only Jesus can save this world, not the light side coming against the dark.

1 year ago
Reply to  6ei3

Question, what does “jesus” look like?

1 year ago
Reply to  idkguy

A human being in the flesh, the Light of the creation in Spirit.

1 year ago
Reply to  idkguy

His fruits.
“If you have seen me, you have seen The Father.”

What is your real question, here? You’ve asked it many times.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago

Rumor? So no proof?

1 year ago
Reply to  john

be more discerning. investigate. dont believe everything you hear.

1 year ago

You can’t trust anyone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

Of course not, trust God.

Last edited 1 year ago by ryan
1 year ago

This kind of thing is why so many conspiracy theorists say that both sides are rigged. No matter what your personal political inclinatiions are, none of the powers that be are on your side, they are all in the game and we are the ones being played. Of couse they are on both sides, that is the power position. Heads they win, tails you lose.

1 year ago

Reminds me of the anime ads on this site…

Just got one with them facing each other while sweating asking “Should we change positions?”

The vile evilness of this site is obvious.

It’s one thing to be corrupt and demonic as the people these articles point out.
It’s another to hide behind a veil of truth while twisting lies into the truth with your split tongue.

Your perversion of the truth may be ignored by prideful political minded people on this site, but God sees all and knows all..especially see through agendas that blur absolute with obscurity

1 year ago

I would like you to backup what you’re claiming with reasons. So far, all you’re saying is that there is a problem. You aren’t providing reasons for what you’re saying. I’m open to discussing it with you if you’ll level with me first.

1 year ago

You get anime ads because of your internet browsing history, I’ve never gotten an anime ad

1 year ago

You get ads based on your browsing history and internet activity, I have never seen an anime ad

1 year ago

Fox has been sued and found liable for pushing fake news and conspiracy theories and u ppl are worried about charities they donate too??

1 year ago

In my opinion:
CNN: obvious propaganda for people with little to no faith in God.
Fox: propaganda for people with more values or traditional faith in God.

Both cause division and solve nothing. Fox news is more subversive.

Politics is a tool to keep people divided and argue over nothing. The real enemy of the American people is in the capital and prints the money. They have all the power currently. The most sinister site in the world is Washington D.C. The sooner people realise this, the sooner things can change.

Last edited 1 year ago by ryan
1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

There is a ton of information dumped in this interview. I still think Greer and this interviewer are freemasons. It is part of the big information dump on humanity going on that will force people to choose – for the future of their soul.
I’ve been watching Greer for a long time. You don’t float around the corridors of power without being part of some secret society.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Why do you think Shawn is a Freemason? Have you watched his podcast from the beginning like me?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

This is the first I’ve seen of Shawn and don’t presume to know him. I’m guessing he is part of some secret society, not necessarily freemasonry, because I don’t think Greer would have this kind of interview with someone who wasn’t. Shawn strikes me as lower level secret society still not aware of what the upper levels really are. He may have good intentions but being mislead

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I doubt he’s part of any secret society right now. However he was in the CIA which works the same way and is a former Navy seal. So maybe that’s what you’re picking up on. I recommend you watch his podcast episode finding faith.