
CMT PULLS Jason Aldean’s BLM-Antifa song after left-wing outrage (

“Legendary country music singer Jason Aldean defended himself against the smears on Tuesday.”

I know almost nothing about this singer and yet I wonder about this, is it more controlled op to inflame or is he sincere? I’m not 100% sure it matters in the end as we all have creative or destructive authority and we take things as they come through our own filters of experience and perspective. 

But I do appreciate his message. And, as a southerner (northern by birth, but moved very young) I know how ludicrous the incessant smears of “racism” are. We take care of our OWN…that is ANYONE who becomes a part and supports our community. We don’t care what you look like, who you love, we just want what’s fair. I’ve been back up north since my childhood and my observation is the south lives it and walks it. The north “holds forth” about it in many ways from a generic distance and sneers at others. Most of you are vanilla communities still to this day, especially comparatively. Don’t do this. 

I honestly think this is why southerners are mercilessly cast as inbred mouthbreathing imbeciles by hollywood and media. We’re the largest population who not only rejected LGBT-whatever laws broadly, we reject overlord authority overall and brainwashing and see people as human beings. The accusers here are the racists, IMO.

We don’t hate people who are LGBT, we hate the ideology, the usurpation (trans) and the trajectory. 

Disclaimer: I know there are good and wide awake people in all walks and I am grateful for each and every one. I intend to trash no one. Truth is often uncomfortable. We are the mycelium! 

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1 year ago

I agree, northern people like to think they are not racist, but I’ve seen far more casual unchecked racism up north then I’ve ever seen in the south. The scary thing is they don’t even realize they are racist, and think that doing things like supporting BLM automatically makes them non-racist

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Your being a hypocrite and assuming all people who live in the “north” think that about “southerners”

1 year ago

Again, that’s not what I said. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

1 year ago

NYC is the most diverse city in the world – I have lived there and saw a lot of southerners living there too. Many northern cities are very diverse and have many southerners living there – generally people who are seriously career oriented and want to make money and have higher education.
The south is just now experiencing people moving in for the first time and you all are freaking out.
I have lived in NY more than any other state and this sneering at southerners and now even people from the mid-west is delusional. You’re imagining it.
It’s possible the northerners moving down there are largely difficult but guess what – everyone is going through the ringer right now and ought not be judged too harshly it isn’t your job anyway.

Lumping all northerners into the BLM movement is laughable. You all are judging people the way you don’t want to be judged

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You literally lumped your ideals on all southerners..and your ignorant thoughts of the “north” were lumped together

1 year ago

I never said “all”. That would be patently false. I even stated directly that’s not the case.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’m just saying many southerners have a huge bug up their butt about northerners when northerners hardly think about them at all.
Maybe a couple decades tops the south is having an influx – the north has been diverse for much longer.
I am not extolling the virtues of higher education – it’s just a fact that so many northern schools have attracted people from all over including the south.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

A friend from hs has southern roots. He went to college in the south then moved to NYC and has made a whole lot of money. He recently bought a house in the south and has one in CT. He spends more than 1/2 the time in CT bc he prefers it. It is beautiful and unlike any other state in the country with the zoning laws that keep neighborhoods pristine from commercialism.
Seems to me you have some misconceptions that are very common in the south about the north. The way they are turning the heat up on everyone can cause us to find scapegoats.
People in general behave pretty badly these days and cannot be associated by where they are from
I spent a week in CT recently and it was lovely – the people were friendly and conversational. And food was way cheaper than here. We are getting price gouged on everything in this city it is ridiculous. The cost of living here is absurd and since covid the crime has spiked we lead the country in car thefts.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

CT is a great place to live if you have a lot of money – these people are not moving south. Unfortunately for you it is the poorer more desperate people who have a more slum mentality. And for some inexplicable reason new yorkers in particular can vote only democrat. No matter how screwed over they get by dems they still vote blue it’s head scratching to say the least.
Tons of texans buy 2nd and 3rd homes around here and a gazillion californians have moved here and bought property. Real estate is through the roof here.
You guys are under attack no question. They created the economic situation to pile people into your state. They did it with the west coast same deal here – they made CA, OR and WA so high in taxes and inflation and crime that people have been fleeing here for 20 years in desperation and changing the culture and raising the prices across the board.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya, here is a YT channel entirely dedicated at warning about a planned nuking of GA and SC, proving his point using gematria and symbolism in movies and events, like this one: .
@lgageharleya what are your thoughts? Should we take is seriously? I’m not far from GA.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ninalove

@Ninalove, I’m still very new and unskilled in gematria, so I’m afraid I can’t gauge that very clearly right now. But my instinct is that we can take all of their predictive programming seriously – I think some of the gematria is more helpful in seeing through the obscuring of: where, when, who.
For instance, most of the predictive programming re: nukes has been set in NYC, so would it be more shocking to hit Atlanta, Columbia or Charleston? And harder for people to tie it back to the programming?
I think, my biggest takeaway on this topic of late is that we are all at risk now, we’re open season. Stay in Truth, reject fear, live your life as best you can.
I will take a look at the channel though, and see whether there are any markers I do recognize.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you, he is expecting Halloween to be pretty horrible.
I see this wild fires, and that unprecedented sun covering smog all over east side to be a preparation for a much worse kind of smog.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ninalove

I am still watching your vide, @Ninalove, but I’ve screenshot this, because (in my rudimentary understanding) this particular series of numbers is significant. With the proximal addition of “15 months” you can count a series from 1-10. If I recall correctly, this is a strong “pay attention” signal in news media. So, whatever is intended here is significant.

video will smith.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Trying to get back to this again, we’ve had another loss in the family and so much going on, forgive me @Ninalove. I also notice this: Christ(o) Julius (Caesar) Rock (upon this rock…)

video will smith.1.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

We see that Rock was born in Andrews, SC.

This is the founder: Colonel Andrews was essentially a **builder**, a man of constructive vision, and will long be remembered as one of the most able and influential leaders of his generation in the affairs of the Lowcountry of South Carolina. His name was largely known throughout the south, but it was in Andrews and Georgetown County that his interests and activities centered.

You can skim the article and see he was a reasonably high-level government player and had some military ties. He was also a transplant to the State, involved in the lumber industry, which made this small town one of first, unprecedented growth, then immediate depression once he’d depleted their forestry resources. But not to worry, he signed onto some other schemes and was still seen as their savior.

He organized their only bank and trust co and involved himself in local agriculture and installed a canning plant. “He was a Mason and as a Christian gentleman, served as Senior Warden of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church of Andrews.” His early years state he attended a Methodist Seminary and also Green Mountain Seminary in VT (an article states, “Here, men would be trained to be Baptist priests.”) – odd, you don’t hear of Baptist “pastors” being called “priests” any longer, but it’s telling. Seems the man covered his Protestant bases pretty well.

Super busy man, involved in all manner of things at the highest local levels, all while holding various government offices.

Why does this matter? It seems to tie into Christ(0) Julius Rock’s name in several ways.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

This is tied in because Will won an award for playing Venus and Serena’s father, King Richard just after this incident (earlier slide gives details). Venus Starr is an obvious reference to Ishtar, Inanna, Queen of Heaven and demander of human sacrifice. I’m sure the 7 grand slam titles are meaningful in this context.

video will smith.2.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

G.I. Jane was filmed in this region, which, incidentally (I have lived in this area, for about 9 years) Parris Island Marine Corps Recruit Station is in this area. G.I. Jane was mentioned by Rock and that mention caused Will to slap him.

video will smith.3.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I reached this point and it seemed a random assertion to me (recall I am awful at gematria) so, I went back to see where this came from.

video will smith.4.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

This is something I cannot confirm, but I add it for context, as it is an assertion.

video will smith.5.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’m assuming this is how October came into the prediction.

video will smith..jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I think he took “red” from the color of initiation/sacrifice in the awards show. Again, I cannot confirm this gematria assertion, perhaps @444gem might for us?

video will smith.6.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Not sure why this is included. I see atk, which likely refers to the ATK missile (as well as procreative genitalia – genesis/Ganes Is) but if you look at the map, there are pins in some States, but SC is not one of them, nor is GA.
W was in Sarasota, FL last time I recall the world seeing him inside a classroom.

video will smith.7.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

This also needs a bit more fleshing out, imo. I found: “Harris Neck is a coastal peninsula located 30 miles (48 km) south of Savannah, Georgia in McIntosh County.” But there are necks in VA and in more northern States as well.

The mouth could refer to Charleston Harbor and Ashley River in SC, but again, what is the basis for this specific assertion here? The placement in this slide does not align with the last.

The “shark” placement is weird, but I found this: “Until 2008, scientists believed there were only five species of walking sharks, which are also known as epaulette sharks.” “Walking sharks, also called “epaulette” sharks for their spots that resemble the military decor, “walk” on their muscular fins to forage for small fish along shallow reefs and sea grass.” Interestingly, they are nocturnal.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

For some reason this slide did not attach, this goes with the above comment.

video will smith.8.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

These military sharks hang out near bodies of water, they haven’t seemed to have developed that much yet, but the Mississippi River runs through this area and does contain sharks.
This slide is the first in a series which spells out “evolution” in the hangman’s game.

video will smith.LOVE.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Here is the rest of the word.
The first slide shows “love” read backwards and the second slide shows hearts, silphium, which was an ancient contraceptive. So, is the attack an overtly violent one? Or a passive-aggressive one in which people are allowed to harm themselves through ignorance? Or both?
Notice this also spells TN (Tennessee?)
The letters behind the teacher don’t spell it outright, but imply “illumination”.

video will smith.T N.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Sign of Moloch and a brain split by lightning, the illuminator, electromagnetism, Lucifer.
The grade in the background is -F, negative F. Can’t fail much harder than that.

video will smith.split brain.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Going back slightly, W is definitely telling us something with his eyebrows…I see a digamma. Is that an X in the other eyebrow?

video will smith.W eyebrows.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The next scene is a video showing W drawing his arm across his own throat then his head spins around twice. Decapitation. I interpret this as complete severing from higher consciousness, from the ability to ever know the Creator.
In this scene we can see a house on fire on the chalkboard. House can refer to any group of people, large or small, or to a single human self. I’d certainly say our human house is currently on fire. But I’m not sure why this is included as part of this video “reveal”.
There’s also a quick scene in which the shark fin appears to protrude from W’s forehead, like the mummies with the snake jutting out – again, a severing of the higher consciousness which connects directly to our Creator.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It shows the map slide again, and I’m guessing now that, given the green highlighted Florida and NC, he is saying these resemble an actual shark in the same “standing” position, chirally mirrored from the W video.
SC and GA are where the mouth and neck of the shark might be.
As the chalkboard image has it’s mouth wide open and the man is hanged by the neck, he has recognized these areas as the pins on the map.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Then we see the GA Guidestones and the (former) address: 1031.

video will smith.GG.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Okay, here is a tie back to W, which makes it make more sense. The very bottom of the slide states the stones were demolished on W’s 76th birthday.
Which, incidentally, was 7-6-2022

video will smith.W birthday.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Next, we seemingly revert to Serena (Sirena – sirens of the oceans, Asherah). Jameka seems to be referenced in Hawaiian mythology as Namaka, goddess of the sea. Also came up with Yemaya, who is said to be “Wielding a broad blade, she’s known to “bathe in the blood of her enemies,” or manifest in the form of a tidal wave.”

video will smith.serena.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Given for gematria purposes.
Also, several following slides show highlights of Serena’s career, her first big win on 9/11/1999 and Jimmy Carter attending that match. Carter was Governor and State Senator of GA before becoming President.

video will smith.serena.2.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

A commenter states, “Oscar is the main protagonist of Shark Tale played by Will Smith.”
Also, “…I am not sure if you were also pointing to Chris Rock as symbolic as South Carolina because he was s-m-a-c-k-e-d(A-T-T-C-K-E-D) in the mouth since SC is the mouth of the shark…”

So, in my very humble opinion, I’m guessing they’re planning an oceanic attack that will set off a tidal wave, or something of that nature. It will appear to be another terrible natural event. I hope maybe others can see more than I have, and add their insights.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

As a (possibly) side note, this area is also well known (on the downlow) for hoodoo. The Gullah culture figures as a backcurrent. Gullah Gullah Island was a show for kids from October 24, 1994, to April 7, 1998. I’ve met both the “parents” on the show personally. The “dad” was more known to me through my work (not his) the “mom” glared at me having never spoken to me and I still don’t know why. Never exchanged words with her.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago

Here’s the truth…Jason is a industry puppet who sold his soul to “make it.”

Who cares what his opinion is?

A lot of your southern overlord rejectors worship politicians that are on “their side” and they follow after a corrupt conman who is filled with the Antichrist

Here’s another truth that will hurt you..
Your invisible line separating south from north is another divide and distract tactic

1 year ago

You entirely misunderstand me, seemingly deliberately. I am not a country music fan, in fact I like no modern music at all. I have kong known about the political divides, so your intended wounding of me, happily for me, lacks all sting. I know the divide, even betwen north and south is fabricated and cultivated, that is my point. When we see it, we can reject it.

1 year ago

This circumstance strikes me as a morale crusher. He got shut down, and if you try to say what you think, you get shut down too.

What a stupid thing to say that song is racist. It’s clearly just a message to Antifa that if they want to, they can FA and FO.

1 year ago

WHAT!!!! I read the lyrics, THIS IS MADNESS it was just a good old fashioned country song. It had nothing to do with antifa or BLM in it so why the hype?! AMERICA YOUVE GONE NUTS! Time to separate again guys