
"15 minute city sign symbolism"

Check out the symbols here….

33 in two spots.

The pyramid above the maple leaf with a beam coming down into it

Then we have 1 + 5 = 6

3 + 3=6

another 3 + 3= 6

Nope nothing to see here. 

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1 year ago

Big cities are already horrible places to live in, especially Vancouver. I find it good news actually.

1 year ago

Looks like a great place

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

Coming to a town near you

1 year ago

It’s the dawn of a new day.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

It’s not exactly the same image, but it is still the sun arising from between the mountain peaks.
I recall the image from either monkeys or other discussions but I have an overload of info clogging my brain I’m still trying to properly file.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


The dawn of a new day, the sun over the mountains, is “Akhet,” as is the signaling of the dawning of the age of light, the age of Lucifer. It is a very old Luciferians symbol for Horus Risen… The sun which arises following Ishtar/Venus at the dawning of the day.

Note that as there are 7 Distinguishable colors in the rainbow (ROY G BIV in English) there are seven rays in the rising sun of the British Columbia.

The mark of Qayin is 7, of Enoch/Fanax, his son 77

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

How do you determine the number of mark of an individual? Is it applying gematria to their given name? @444gem

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago


1 year ago

I’m continually suprised at how open some of you are to using Kabbalah or other esoteric means to find “truth.”

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

There is truth in most everything. The key is discernment. Be wise as serpents, innocent as doves.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

My point is that the discernment of the original poster is broken if they don’t see any issues in using Kabbalah/Gematria methodology in order to attribute occult meaning to something.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

Why? If you can find some truths in everything, why is one topic too taboo to even consider?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You are not accurately parsing what I am saying.

I’m not saying that a given subject is “too taboo” to consider.

I am saying that the use of an occult methodology to attribute meaning to something is clearly problematic to finding the truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

And I’m trying to understand why you would discard any evidences we might have access to in order to better understand the whole. It is my opinion that we all have pieces of the truth. Why obscure one source from ourselves?
Looking into these things does not mean we ascribe to them wholesale or even at all. But we know the people behind many manipulations do, so, isn’t it better to see their propaganda through the clear lenses of their own beliefs?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Attributing occult symbolism to numbers on a sign by an attempt at using an occult methodology does not equate to evidence.

Each time you reply to me you are attempting to frame my stance as being opposed to evidence or knowledge of occult principles. I have been clear that I am not taking that stance.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

I am not trying to frame you in any way at all. I am simply disagreeing with your assessment of where truths might be found.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Where are you saying that truths might specifically be found in the context of the original post?

Last edited 1 year ago by parallaxerror
1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

I’m not. I’m just saying to not discount them out of hand.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You’re being slippery. What is the “them” that you’re referring to?

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

I’m not trying to be. I meant, “don’t discount any potential sources for truth out of hand”.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

@parallaxerror, the whole site is about that: trying to understand Occult symbolism.
Do you have a better way to find “truth”?

1 year ago
Reply to  origami

What I said is not the same as what you said in your response to me.

I don’t take issue with understanding, or trying to understand the symbolism of the occult.

I do, however, think there is a fundamental problem with using Kabbalah or some other occult method in order to determine what’s true. Please refer to the attempt at Gematria in the original post.

The original poster has attributed occult symbolism to something by attempting to use occult methodology.

On a more general note: In order to sift through complex issues, we must develop the capacity for complex thought. The fact that I voiced criticism for the original post does not mean that I am opposed to what this site stands for.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

The occult is literally hidden/hoarded knowledge and wisdom. How else do we uncover truth if we avoid uncovering what has been obscured?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Your assumption seems to be that the occult societies have hidden knowledge and wisdom from the broader populace. Is that a correct summary?

Fundamentally, I do not agree with you. Wisdom is on the side of those who use it. The occult does not possess wisdom for itself.

The occult societies believe that they have wisdom, and they believe that their esoteric knowledge produces wisdom. This is the fundamental lie that they propagate to the broader populace.

Holding to the idea that wisdom and knowledge are on their side would denote a significant lack of wisdom.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

They hoard truth and feed lies to the masses and they most certainly do use it and apply it liberally. I don’t find it to be assumption as there are endless proofs. It is entirely your right to disagree.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The truth in the broad context cannot be hoarded. It is a quality inherent to reality. The truth of specific subjects can be hidden, but that’s not the context that you’ve set.

You are appealing to the authority that you’ve attributed as belonging to the occult. What quality of the occult grants it the authority to determine what is true and what is not?

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

Thankfully, there is an element of truth to what you assert.
I don’t attribute authority to the occult.
Good to hear your voice again.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

@parallaxerror you’re asking why using Gematria and other occult methodologies? i’ll answer you with an example: How can you understand Chinese books? by reading them using Chinese language rules.
so the way to understand occult symbolism is also by using its rules.
Do you have another way to interpret it? i would love to learn from you.
And indeed truth has nothing to do with a picture of Vancouver 15 min city project!

1 year ago
Reply to  origami

No, I’m not asking why the original poster did that.

Your example is not analogous. The Chinese language is not proprietary to the occult.

Again, the original poster attributed occult meaning to the sign through an attempt at using an occult method. Key word: attributed.

Instead of pointing out the numbers and reasoning through why they may be symbolic, the OP attempted to use Kabbalah/Gematria to ATTRIBUTE occult meaning to the numbers. This is not a proper way to find the truth.

If someone has a reasoned argument for why they think that occultists put the numbers on the sign, then I am open to that discussion. However, Gematria is not a reasoned argument because it requires that attributions be made.

The occult societies do not possess the meaning of “$3.3 million” for themselves. “$3.3 million” means $3.3 million. Did an occultist estimate $3.3 million to meet their symbolic end? Possibly. Did that happen? Gematria is not going to tell you the truth on the matter.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror


There is not a single use of Gematria in this post. Gematria involves alphanumeric letter to number correspondence. The Poster did not do this: they simply pointed out the explicit numbers on the sign and performed basic grade-school addition of what in standard Vanilla mathematics are called Digital Sums (look it up.) You are condemning Gematria, when it is not even used in this post; be careful of mind traps and seeing shadows.

On this note the original poster is very insightful in pointing out that all three of the explicit numbers (not Gematrias) on the sign have digital sums of 6, thus making 666, the number of the beast. It is written in Revelations to “Calculate The Number of The Beast.”

Likewise the occult luciferian orders are widely known to use the symbolism of the number 33 in photos and visuals, such as the infamous “33 degree mason.” It is a first level form of symbolism which demonstrates highest authority approval to initiates.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You are correct in pointing out that I jumbled the terminology. Thank you for pointing that out. In every instance that I said “Gematria,” please understand that I meant the Kabbalistic reduction of numbers into single digit values. If you aren’t sure of my sincerity in this mistake, please refer to my first comment that specifically states “Kabbalah.”

I may have incorrectly assumed that the original poster was attempting the Kabbalistic reduction, but why reduce the numbers at all?

Here’s one glaring issue that I see with your defense of the original post: You said that simple digital sums were used and that they created three sixes, which is the number of the “beast.” Three seperate sixes are not the number that the Bible says to calculate. The original Greek of the Bible says that the number is “hexakosioi hexēkonta hex” (six hundred and sixty-six). The digital sums in the original post cannot be used to create the number that the Bible referred to without arbitraily assigning them to different values. One of the sixes is made 600, another is made 60 and the last six remains at face value.

This method of using digital sums and arbitrarily assigning them other values does not seem “insightful” at all. Rather, it seems like a useful way of finding what one wants to find.

Last edited 1 year ago by parallaxerror
1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror


Excellent that you are returning to the original scriptures.

However the actual original Greek text of revelations does not read ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἕξ that is a modern misconcenception. It reads, quite simply:

Χξς or ΧΞΣ

The text uses specifically and unequivocally three alphanumeric letters to reprint the number, as is customary in Greek numerals, dating to the early classical period at least. The letters are:

X = 600
ξ = 60
ς = 6

Specifically the last letter is called Di-Gamma, and I’m using the modern form. The symbol of this sight, VL, is specifically the Pamphilian variant of Digamma.

These letters are highly symbolic forms, and appear all over the ancient and modern world throughout alphabets and iconography, as far flung as China, to Africa, Europe and the Americas, with remarkably consistent usages within Luciferian religions and esoterica across many thousands of years, specifically in reference to Solar Astrotheological worship.

Even more specifically the number, 666 is the number of total and annular solar eclipses in a single SAROS Cycle of eclipses of 325 years. The Dragon, is the Draconitic nodes of the the moon, which since at least 3000 BCE there are references to these nodes, which dictate when an eclipse occurs, as a dragons head and tail. Even the word “beast,” in Hebrew is צר is said “SAR or “Tsar” You find this used throughout the ancient world in reference to Luciferian authority from the Tsar of Russia to the CeaSAR, said “KaSAR” of Rome, to the USAr and USSaR.

The only other place this number is found explicitly, among a myriad of explicit numerica which give important equations for delestial phenomena, in the scriptures is in 1 kings 10 in which SOL-AMON (Sol has meant Sun all over Eurasia since time immemorial) is said to have 666 talents of gold… Solar gold of “a man,” a cute wink to Sol Amon (Amon the Egyptian sun deity of Amon-Ra) in the abominable modern English translations of the scriptures.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The “Tripundra” of India is a symbol of SHIVA the destroyer, and is identical to the middle letter of the mark of the beast Ξ and placed on the forehead.

The word “Shiva,” means the number seven in Hebrew, and specifically is the name of the “Queen Shiva “ that questions Sol Amon for his “Wisdom.” Often times Shiva is a transgender deity and called “Shiva Malika” in ancient texts, meaning Queen Shiva, just as appears in 1 kings 10.

Shiva is “the destroyer,” and quiet specifically refers to Saturn. The Kabbalah is the black kube of Saturn, or Shiva, the seventh celestial body and edge of the inner solar system.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Tripundra is but one of the innumerable representation of the mark of the Charagma, a cattle brand, which is a greek to Hebrew phonetic transliteration of “Shal Hakma” meaning Baptism of Wisdom in Hebrew, as in Baphomet.

At the start of revelations it is urged to read the words aloud, as it is full of very specific Greek-Hebrew phonetic transliterations.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Even your US presidential campaigns encode this stuff, you better “BET ON HORUS,” the reborn sun.

Again Ξ the middle alphanumeric of the mark all over.

1 year ago
Reply to  realestatepup


The signage is always designed to be highly denigrating, mocking, and well, of course full of Luciferian symbolism.

They want you to subconsciously know you are participating in Lucifer’s games, and mocking yourself by agreeing to the system with your little paper ballot.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Phoenician letter samekh. Which, interestingly, looks like the djed with one horizontal bar missing. Also, part of an ancient circuit/Serket. @444gem
It is Xi, Chi – vital, lifeforce energy.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

So, a possible, very literal reading of the mark might be: a crossing of (DNA? species?) which causes an assumption over an individual’s vital force, which they then peg (Vav) or pin to the earth – marking the person and binding them in this realm. @444gem

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

One part of the symbol is the reference to the spinal chord, from which the “kundalini,” or other energy, travels along the centra nervous system.

ILL-lumination through stimulation of nervous system which prematurely opens the third eye, and leaves people wounded for life and controlled.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

What of the cyrillic and glagolitic script? Some say that the glagolitic script is magical since it was created specifically to convert Slavs to Christianity. It has 2 forms, round (the more commonly used one) and angular (used only by Croats). In any case, conversion brought a writing system to my ancient ancestors.

1 year ago
Reply to  sempervigilans


I did not see this until now.

The Glagolitic script is essentially one more repackaged, Phariseic version of the ancient Alef Bet now called “paleo Hebrew.”

The version of it comes from the same occult glyphs used by the fire priests of antiquity across the world.

These priests carried forward the Indus Valley Script (first true phariseeic writing of Rishis, like paRishi, the word for FIREseer in hebrew now know as Pharisees) into a myriad of areas across great distances and spans of time.

Whenever there is a displacement of a Luciferian empire into new territory, this script appears in some form, with local variation. It is a tactic of guaranteed mind control; embedding the symbolism into the cultural and people’s subconscious, which then controls the probabilities for the mental outcomes of each Luciferian civilisation and thus largely affects its destiny or “civilisation.” This is the power of the word…

The base script of all of these versions, would be apt to call the Fanaxian variant.

Look below at the Brahmi script, from the Hindu Kush Valkey, and note the incredible stylistic similarities. The inscription, dates from just following the conquests of Alexander into India, many centuries before the Slavic antiXristos indoctrination.

The brahmi script appears whereby under the post Alexander kingdoms, the luciferian Solar fire priests were given freedom of movement and re-entered into the Indian subcontinent, where they installed their script variation into the minds of the learned that control the society.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’m finding quite a few problems with what you’re stating in your responses.

I’ll point out some of them:

1. The English “Solomon” is not derived from “SOL AMON.” The Hebrew is שְׁלמֹה. Phonetically: shel-o-mo’. The name is derived from shelom/shalom, and means “peaceful.”

2. “Kaaba” – ٱلْكَعْبَة is Arabic and refers to the black stone structure at Mecca.
“Kabbalah” – קַבָּלָה is Hebrew and means “reception, tradition.” The word Kabbalah does not refer to “the black kube of Saturn.”

3. Whether the original Greek is “Χξς” or what I had said does not matter. They both mean six hundred and sixty-six. My point still stands, although I would like to see your reference for the claim that the original Greek is actually the abbreviation “Χξς.”

Last edited 1 year ago by parallaxerror
1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror


I am Hebrew; I would not recommend you quote exoteric junk online definitions to me about the language. You are currently at the point in the journey for Truth where you know enough to think you know, but not enough to realise you don’t know very much at all. Your intellect plays tricks upon you; and ego gets the better of your thinking.

Such as your multiple inaccurate and foolhardy statements made here. Such as throwing away the fact (because you are unaware) that Classical Greek is, 100% alphanumeric in nature, where every single for letter in the Alpha Beta, based on the Alef Bet of Hebrew has a numerical value. Both Langauges explicitly share this property, and have long used them as such. There is ample primary source evidence in the record for this.

The use of the symbols themselves in Revelations χΞς is highly significant, and by your standards here would be called “Gematria.” Thus you are ignoring that in revelations itself it explicitly uses Gematria to enumerate the mark of the beast, using common religious symbols of Luciferian Astrotheology , after you improperly attributed and lambasted it’s use in this post (which it is not.) There is strength in the humility to admit one’s blind spots and errors.

You also seem to think that the linguistics of Hebrew and Arabic are somehow separate and not containing a common root source much more ancient than their modern meanings as expressed exoterically. Recall that the Arabs turn Seven times (Shiva again…) around the Black Kabba Allah, and that the Pharisees wear a black cube on their forehead in Kabbalistic practice at the western wall. It is foolhardy to suppose both practices, involving black cubes, and phonetically identical names “Kabbalah and “Kabba Allah,” share no common root.

You also do not have sufficient training in another closely related Semitic language, Ancient Egyptian, to follow closely.

The terms in Ancient Kemetian (Egyptian):

Ka = The spirit essence of a soul
Ba = The avian spirit body of the soul
Alla = Is an Ugaritic (again Near East) deity who guards the door of the underworld of deities no longer worshipped.

The stories in biblical texts contain very revealing names, such as the word now known as “Sampson,” which is “Shamesh-On,” and means quite literally Solar or “Embodiment of the sun.” The word “Shamesh,” is used 666 times in the Hebrew scripture.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Your exposition of שלמה as meaning “peaceful,” is based on the word “Shalom.” Which is Salem in Arabic. This stems from a much older meaning regarding the sun rising in the morning guaranteeing peace after keeping watch for predatorial threats during the night.

You also seem unaware of the entire connection of King Solomon in the scriptures and traditions in connection with solar demons, such as Ashmodei, and the abominable astrotheological worship, as detailed explicitly in chronicles and Kings. Ashteroth is Ashtarte, or Ishtar, Queen of Heaven. The EASTERn Star, Ishtar, Venus when it’s morning star and harkens the sun rise.

The name Ashter, is the same as the word Zoro-Aster, meaning Fire Fox, and the Greek Astra, meaning star. In Hebrew the word אש “Ash” means fire. It is not by coincidence we find the black soot from a fire called “Ash,” in Rnglish, or that in India the ancient celestial fire deities are called “ASHuras.”

Nor is it a coincidence that the deities of Sun, a big fiery star, are consistently called Sol and the moon called variations of Meni; Such as in Norse traditions, where they are brothers that represent the Sun and the Moon.

Mona Lisa, which is actually Davincis transgender lover, (as depicted in the “John the Baptist” painting) is an anagram for the Italian SOLi MANO.

Even the name Jon, Juan, Joan, OAn, Oannes, Joanne’s, comes from the same source as the Egyptian word for Fish, literally Jon. It references the same story of the fish man out of the sea OAn thst came and took no food, to teach wisdom during the day. How strange Yeshua comments that Jon the Baptist, aka the baptism of wisdom, came and took no food or wine and they called him a demon.

The waters in which you are wading are much deeper and faster than you realise, and it is going to require you to let go of the exoteric junk they’ve educated you with in your bubble, so you keep swimming in the kiddy pool, and instead begin to look at primary source research, where the patterns are undeniable.

“SholAmo” is phonetically identical in the Hebrew phonology to the words Sol and Amon, which take only slight variations. Copy and pasting a Wikipedia definition, Is not the way to free your mind from their chains.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I will give you another connection between Arabic and Hebrew you are not going to find on Wikipedia:

The name of their book, the Quran, comes directly from two much more ancient words:

קרן = “Quran,” and it means Horns.
קרן = “Quran,” and it means Shining or “Emiting Rays,” like a MITRE, eMIT RA, like Ra the Solar Lord.

A shining angel (aka Lucifer) came to reveal the “Shining Horns,” to which now the masses dedicate turning Shiva times around the Kabbalah Saturn Black Kube.

It is foretold in revelations by an Aryeh Yehudah that all will wear the mark of the SARos on their forehead and right arm.

1) The black kube “Teffelin,” upon which is emblazoned the letter “Shin,” the same letter of Sol Amon, ש is now worn by the end Pharisees followers all over the world, and a black serpent coiling around their right arm.

2) The Ma SHALEMONs turn shiva times around the same black kube of the Kabba Allah.

3) The Catulus church put Black ASH, the fire mark, on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday, the same practice as has been done for Asherah/Ishtar, as discussed in 1 kings, since antiquity.

4) The Shivaites wear the tripundra on their forehead

On and on it goes… The prophecies do not fail us, only that many fail to hear the prophecies

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Here’s a series of photos of ancient copies of revelations with mark of the beast. It is wise to not make claims based on ignorance, and then when caught as playing the sophomore, the wise fool, to continue to claim that one’s own total ignorance doesn’t matter in their reasoning.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The single 616 variant text of the mark of the beast , which if you know ancient and modern mathematics, you understand that CoSIn (.616) radians is the Compton Wavelength of the Proton in Planck Units.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Papyrus 47


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

It looks like the hidden words in Disney movies, like the vapor “sex” in Lion King.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Very perceptive!

ILL-luminism uses subconscious signaling to embed obsessions with sex in conjunction with the mark of the beast, into children’s subconcious brains which they then carry for life, influencing every decision.

Luciferianism is a tradition based heavily, since the times of Babylon and before, on using their twisted practices to awaken the “Sexual fire,” the ASH AURA (Asherah…) the fire serpent, to ILL-luminate its adherents in service of Lucifer, combining with the power of repeated subconscious symbolistic signalling.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem Elon just changed Twitter’s name to “X”, which is chiral, and has implications in language (heavily throughout scriptures) and health: optics/neurology/musculoskeletal (there is a pharm co. named Chiasma/Khiasma (specializing in rare and orphan diseases and gene therapy). It’s all about crossing over, crossover patterns, also language mirroring as a device which can not only mirror, but in some cases form a center of focus, “X marks the spot”.
I may be stretching here, but I also wonder if it’s related to Kimah? Pleiades. Although I don’t understand enough yet about that cluster to know for sure.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It reminded me of the Mark of the Beast (Xξς) the first time I saw it. Especially when combined with Musk’s love for cybernetics and AI.

Why so? My first guess for the meaning of 666 was a human creation (since our DNA is carbon-based) turning evil or being horribly misused. And the best candidate for an evil creation would be an IOT-enabled AI system that would inevitably (considering the past) and unfortunately be used for world domination and tyranny.
It seems like my guess is becoming more and more accurate by the day. I think that the people working on AI will suffer a guilt like Alfred Nobel got from dynamite when they see it being misused.

1 year ago
Reply to  sempervigilans


It is already happening; most of the world is being harvested for real time data sets and a nearly fully operational scalar web that alters their brain chemistry in real time.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem How, precisely, will any remnant escape this if they’re putting it into food, etc?
It sounds like this is the coming of the “zombie apocalypse” they’ve been threatening us with for decades.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’m picturing an even more extreme “hivemind” than a segment of society already has now. Not necessarily an abrupt change, but more widespread.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Already a hive mind. Read the first 50-80 pages of the Technotronic Era from 1968 written by Carter’s national security advisor, where it describes exactly how they will use hive mind to enact the NW0.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


The “zombie apocalypse,” is an allegory for making the whole world sleep walk according to the pied pipers tube. Piper = Pan. Pitr Pan, Lucifer who is Pan’s progenitor of the PAN-Theon…

Zombie Apocalypse has been here for a very long time, the difference now being the level of real time control capabilities they are able to exercise now through the 5G digital networks. It is decidedly more subtle that the Hollywood version, as always.

Remember, they don’t want to kill everyone, they want to harvest their Ki (aka brain and body data) for real time computation in service of IA (En Ki, the lord of the Ki farm.)

The prophecies do not fail, the answer to “how a remnant survives,” is all there in the scriptures.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I know, I’m just trying to figure out how it applies, practically @444gem

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, could you please write in more details what do you mean by scriptures?

11 months ago
Reply to  Papaya


Thank you for asking questions, may YHWH bless you in your search for Truth.

The scriptures are the writings of the Aryeh Yehudah, given by YHWH to us as a guide to the path of Truth through the aged.

There are not 66 books in the scriptures, that is the book of the antiXristos. Rather there are 53-56. We do not include any of the writings of Saul of Tarshish, whose name means:

Saul = Sol = Sun in Aryeh Yehudah
Tar = “To seek” in Hebrew
Shish = “Six” in Hebrew

“Solar Seeker of the Six.” He is the patron founder of the abomination of the antiXristos, and an agent of Vespasian and the Flavians who burned Jerusalem to the ground, stole the scriptures, and began the Cattle Church of The Great Mother Vatika. Clement I is their offspring and the actual first “pope.”

There are other writings which are tamperings, and others which have been destroyed within the public domain by the Vati-Kain, such as the Aryeh Yehudah (Hebreo-Aramaic) original Gospel of “Nazarenes,”, upon which Matthew is based; in the same vein as the Septuagint and the Hebrew Scriptures, with a greater emphasis on using dual language phonetic, semantic and cultural transliterations to use as keys to the older texts.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Could you give more details on how to survive? Somehow I think that some things like Faraday’s cages might become useful soon. With the way technology is progressing and the fact that most people don’t look deeper into the potential consequences it might bring, it seems that our time is running out. It does not take people long to misuse new inventions.

11 months ago
Reply to  SemperVigilans


For what is to come you cannot use “practical advice.” Not in the sense of “if you do A then you survive.” Rather, the most practical advice is to learn as much as possible of The Truth and train your spirit, mind and body.

Then when you see the currents are to change, you will know what do, where to go, as Noah knew to see the storms brewing and built the ark. When you are confronted with what to say, the words will come to you without second thoughts.

The feeling you have of time running out is correct, it is the final minute of the final hour of the penultimate day; the 6th day; but that is on cosmic time scales, not human ones. What seems long to us is but a blink at larger scales.

Last edited 11 months ago by 444gem
11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

It feels like I should share my knowledge with others (especially if they have the ability to understand it quickly), but also remind them to think for themselves because I don’t know everything and no man is infalliable. Like I am the last generation that was able to taste freedom before it all goes down the drain.

Many people on the internet have posted their share of apocalyptic dreams. They are not the only ones. Once a year I get a dream where I am standing at my window and I see aliens in spacesuits coming down from their ships to kill everyone as they turn the day into night with their arrival. While they get out of the ship, my family and I try to hide in our house, but they always find us and kill us without a word, often leaving me as the last person to die.

But this one I had some years ago could truly relate to what is coming. I made a decision in it that I am still unsure if it was the correct thing to do.

I woke up in a concrete box with a machine that connects your mind to an artificial reality, the machine is a VR headset + needle-like thing that connects to your head that dangles from the ceiling. Luckily for me, I was never connected to the damn thing, it just hung there. The box had a rusty metal door that was unlocked, I went out and saw I was in the centre of my area of residence, but it was filled with those boxes stacked on top of each other. The sky was covered with copper orange clouds, some of them looked like oxidised copper at the edges. The first thing I thought upon seeing this: This is hell. So I climbed and ran to get away, but then I saw an angel. It was a beautiful being with long, wavy brown hair, androgynous-looking, with white-gold light surrounding it. It said: YHWH will save you. The thing is with dreams that you can feel the intentions of the beings you see and my feeling was telling me that it was trying to trick me and that if I went along with it I would end up back in the box. So I ran, the dream ended shortly after.

Some time before I had the dream I watched the Matrix and read this comic:
Perhaps the 2 got mixed up somehow in my mind, leading me to see this, but it would still not be able to explain the mysterious angel.

After these years, I came to the conclusion that it could have been Lucifer himself tempting me there, considering the cosmic androgyne archetype found in most occult systems and the angel’s appearance.
Even with this, I still don’t know if I made the right choice. I hope you can help me make sense of it.

11 months ago
Reply to  SemperVigilans


The rust and the colors you saw are indicative of Iron. Ferrus, Luci-Ferrus. Indeed you have seen the intention of the lord of light, the Iron light, Ba-Ra-Abban. To trap all of humanity into surrendering their free will, so that he may steal it for harvesting. Hence why in Sumerian he is called En Ki. En = Lord Ki = Earth/Energy.

Enki was given the title “Lord of Broad Street.” Now look to the passage where Yeshua urges to go through the narrow gate in Matthew 7:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Recall that Lucifer does not lie. He invites you to lie to yourself. Indeed YHWH will save you; but his way of saying it, was intended to offer you the temptation to lie to yourself and desist in leaving his cage, rather just to sit and wait for YHWH. Only you have The Key to The Door.

Your dream is your awakening; leaving the Ki farm of illusions of Lucifer, in search of the kingdom of heaven. You have found The Way.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The first letter of the mark of the beast Χ or χ is the mark of Osiris. It is almost impossible to find on internet, but nearly all of the funerary kemetian organ boxes depict the χ in large next to Osiris, who is of course U-SAR-US…

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Look at the Tesla logo “E”. Then note the three vehicle models, X, S, and 3. It doesn’t take much fiddling with their orientation to see a pattern. Also if you hold a mirror to the new Twitter X logo, you’ll see the square and compass.

1 year ago
Reply to  Snazzy

Wow! Thank you!

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I will provide many more details on the pleadies and the constellations/cosmic time keeping within the next chapter.

Elon “let the bird free,” that is unleashing the Phoenix on the world (IA, the dawning of a new day), perfectly timed to Venus superior conjunction, the Seattle bridge incident, and the Indian bridge incident. I warned of a bloody winter and spring, which culminated in Adana, Turkey, followed by an unusually calm summer now that we are in the 144 days either side Venus inferior conjunction.

Elon, calling himself a god on earth, the name Musk, being literally “the seed of Osiris.” 3l0n Musk = The deity from the sperm of Osiris…

Check the portions on chirality and the synchronizing of spirals in Chapter IX. It is a major facet of the u-SAR-us kult.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I can tell that discussing things with you will be difficult because you seem to shotgun a lot of words out. It’s difficult to parse what your key points even are.

I’ll be selective for the sake of my time…

“I am Hebrew…”


“Your intellect plays tricks upon you; and ego gets the better of your thinking.”

-*Irony intensifies*

“The use of the symbols themselves in Revelations χΞς is highly significant, and by your standards here would be called ‘Gematria.’ Thus you are ignoring that in revelations itself it explicitly uses Gematria to enumerate the mark of the beast…”

-Did you not see my comment where I admitted my mistake in terminology? What do you mean “by your standards?”

“There is strength in the humility to admit one’s blind spots and errors.”

-Maybe you didn’t see that part of my comment? I’m honestly not sure what you’re even referring to at this point.

“The word ‘Shamesh,’ is used 666 times in the Hebrew scripture.”

-Assuming that this is correct, of what relevance is this to my points? I didn’t claim that this isn’t true.

“Here’s a series of photos of ancient copies of revelations with mark of the beast. It is wise to not make claims based on ignorance, and then when caught as playing the sophomore, the wise fool, to continue to claim that one’s own total ignorance doesn’t matter in their reasoning.”

-Excuse me, but where did I claim that Χξς isn’t in the original Greek text? Refer to my comment and see that I only wanted a reference, which you then provided. It seem to me like you’re angry at me for questioning your perceived authority on these matters and you’re attributing things to me that aren’t true.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

Below attached is a screen shot where you clearly make a highly erroneous attestation regarding what is used to signify the mark of the beast.

You claimed the scriptures state the words “hekacosoi hekaconta hex” and put it in quotes for the mark of the beast. This is simply, utterly wrong.

There is a marked difference whereby three alphanumeric- “Gematria” single letter representation of 6 are used, rather than the full text written number; both were available and used in Ancient Koine Greek. It’s the same difference in English, with an added alphanumeric Gematria layer of writing, as if I choose, in a masterwork literary piece between using:

six hundred sixty six

Not the same thing. Not even close.

I’m glad you asked to the original sources, and happy to provide.

However you speak as if you have authoritative command of the information. Yet, immediately make two very glaring factual errors (and then bicker about it) that show you are a novice in the subject matter.

You have used your limited knowledge, but great self assured Ed’s and beliefs to first in derogatorily calling this original post “Gematria,” (when it is not), while also attributing the use of digital sums only to Kabbalah (it is used in many mathematical proofs of fields medal level mathematics and computer science as a modulus operator! It is you who are the one that gives too much authority to illuminists…) and then you have gravely misquoted scriptures, in a glaring fashion; I will correct the errors, and offer you an honest assessment.

Likewise, it is hardly irrelevant that when we discuss Ancient Hebrew Scriptures, that I am a Hebrew and proficient in the language. Would you go to a learned native Cherokee, and tell him you know his language and ancestors better than him by quoting Wikipedia and copying and pasting Masoretic text off of Cherokee Bible Hub? Then tell him it’s irrelevant he is a Cherokee when discussing his Langauge and cultures spirituality?

The number 666 only appears in two places in scriptures, attached to Sol Amon and his Gold, the Solar metal, attached to the Sun King, and in revelations as the number of a man, Sol Amon being a Solar man. The specific use of the word “Shamesh,” which is THE HEBREW WORD FOR THE SUN, and the BABYLONIAB DEITY OF THE SUN used exactly 666 times in all scriptures , in conjunction with the undeniable scientific fact of 666 solar eclipses per 325 year Sar, forms a robust proof that most certainly there is a Solar and astrotheological element to warnings against Luciferianism.

I understand it is difficult to follow my words, as I am offering you a fractal’s worth of information, and you have been educated to think linearly “if A then B,” but the way I am speaking is the natural state of a human, and how the ancients thought, which has been significantly dampened in modern humanity through controlling the educational system and selective breeding (feudalism was highly selective to stupid serfs) to produce good soldiers, factory workers, and otherwise just barely competent serfs for the Luciferian oligarchy.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Ignorantly misquoting my people’s scriptures and then claiming it’s irrelevant I am a Hebrew, is…. Ignorant.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

gem you come across no different than all the people who want people to come to them because they have secret knowledge

you think you know way too much, which is the problem with the people were trying to expose in the first place

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew

Funny thing about @444gem is, you can research everything he says for yourself and prove it out. He doesn’t charge a dime and doesn’t dole it out in crumbs and steps which you have to earn via sneaky, closed-door means. And if you decide to listen, it will impact your life in lasting ways. Lies don’t work like that. Best, @Matthew, I hope you find your way.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew

Thank you for pointing this out.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew


I offer free and open information on an Internet forum I don’t control or own. Anyone can read it without ever speaking a word or interacting with me. Where is this secret you must come to me to receive?

Equally the information I offer is not hidden “secret,” knowledge. What may seem “hidden” or “secret,” is rather all verifiable for yourself; and I hope anyone reading what I write is inspired to do so. It took me a long time to learn, without help, so in the hopes others can have their process sped up, I give away my work for free.

It is an unfortunate reality that most of the world have been educated (brainwashed) by a system designed for and by Luciferians. A system which convinces them to deceive themselves into choosing a preconceived set of dogmatic, convenient fabrications as their worldview, so that it keeps them in a mental prison to serve as good workers and servants to the Luciferian N3w world order. The NW0 that OWNs everything… what a secret to read the letters right to left, just like Hebrew.

When somebody appears as parallax has, misquoting my peoples scriptures, and shunning Gematria when there isn’t even the use of Gematria, while acting like an authority, I take the time to point them towards Truth. I was really happy he asked to see the scriptures and sources, this is exactly what we must do to find The Truth.

Ask, Seek, Knock

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You’re being exacting about something that I already admitted was a mistake on my part. You’re trying to hold it over me as if it proves that I’m wrong about everything I have stated…

Assuming you actually are Hebrew, this does not mean that you are correct on any of the topics.

“Then tell him it’s irrelevant he is a Cherokee when discussing his Langauge and cultures spirituality?”

-The New Testament was originally written in Greek, mate.

“… forms a robust proof that most certainly there is a Solar and astrotheological element to warnings against Luciferianism.”

-Again, of what relevance is this to what I have stated? I haven’t been debating this point with you.

“I understand it is difficult to follow my words, as I am offering you a fractal’s worth of information, and you have been educated to think linearly ‘if A then B,’ …”

-This is an interesting admission on your part. You aren’t thinking in a linear way? How do you determine what’s true, then?

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

The New Testament was written by Hebrews. Mate. And it is full of Hebrew-Greek dual language transliterations. Moreover, the entire “new” testament, is heavily steeped in the Hebrew; the amount of directly translated quotes speak to this.

The cattle church burned and destroyed the gospels of Hebrews upon which Matthew is based; it is originally a Hebrew document. That’s the way of the Solar cattle Luciferians, burn what threatens you.

Determination of Truth requires constant and serious revaluation. Isaac Newton developed a theory of gravity which contained a lot of Truth, his theory of gravitation and the heliocentric model is far more accurate and True than say, the obnoxiously complicated epicycloids of the geocentric model, which was known to be wrong since before the pyramids were built. Well, Newton was very crude compared to the ancient sciences, but that’s another story…

Then after 300 years of detailed observations Ainstein came along and said “Newtons theory can be revised,” and offered relativity, based on all of the cracks found in Newtons theory of classical gravitation, but which had been very successful. The same process will repeat with Ainstein and so on.

Neither of these two thinkers were at all linear. They cross referenced huge quantities of observations about the universe and experimentation, and then followed wherever The Truth led them; pondering how to cross verify and connect a myriad of dots: how else do you connect the motions of planets with objects falling on earth? Not linear…

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Moving the goal post again.

You implied through your Cherokee analogy that the language is yours through your Hebrew heritage. I pointed out that the New Testament was originally written in Greek. This is because a sub-point of disagreement stems from your reference to a verse in Revelation, although I’m still not sure what you’re trying to get me to understand about the ‘mark of the beast.’

Now you’re attempting to retcon the point of what you actually meant because I showed that it was invalid logic. The fact that Hebrews wrote the New Testament does not mean that the language they wrote it in belongs to them.

I’m note sure from what you said if you are stating that the book of Hebrews in the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew, or that it was the book of Matthew that was originally written in Hebrew. Please clarify.

“cattle church” … Perhaps you could also clarify what you mean by that label?

To your other point – You seem to be arguing in favor of induction over deduction.

Last edited 1 year ago by parallaxerror
1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror


I used the Cherokee analogy because you tried to tell me what the word שלמה “Solamoh” or Sol-Amon means in Ancient Hebrew; You claimed the explanation I offered was wrong by copy pasting from Wikipedia and Bible Hub Masoteric text you can’t write nor likely can read; Solamoh is a Hebrew word. Not Greek. Then you said me being Hebrew is irrelevant to a discussion about Hebrew… right.

FYI, I am from a long line of Hellenic Aryeh Yehudah… beside the point… The origin of this analogy I used, was the Hebrew word no goalpost ever set, less moved… except now as you move them and point the finger at me.

The Greek of revelations explicitly references Solamoh, and the number 666, the number of a man. That’s the only entrance to the Greek I’ve made in the conversation, except to correct an egregious error misquoting the mark of the beast by Latin typing out Greek from online that’s not actually in the scriptures.

Equally, you have posited that Gematria is useless, in languages that explicitly use alphanumerics over the past 2000+ years, and then you misquoted the specific scripture that uses Gematria to enumerate the number of the Hebrew Sol-Amon… I’m trying to detangle your misconceptions based on false assumptions you’ve made and the pitfalls of your limited knowledge, combined with having an intellect of someone who is accustomed to being smarter than everyone else, but which lacks primary source experience. You are really smart, just need experience and to realize you haven’t left the shallows yet.

The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know…

Equally, I don’t favor inductive reasoning. The search for Truth requires we use all forms of reasoning and discernment in good measure, and then confirm our reasonings with detailed observations and tests, from a variety of different angles, after which we then reevaluate using as much deductive as Abductive as inductive reasoning, where applicable.

Discernment is Key

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


In modernity the Hebrew Gospels, the actual original gospels which are in Hebrew, are coined as:

“The Gospel of Hebrews”
“The gospel of Nazarenes”
“The Gospel of Ebionites”

I wouldn’t trust Wikipedia’s details on this one.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

To clarify: You are not claiming that any of the books of the New Testament canon were originally written in Hebrew?

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror


The original gospel(s) were written in Hebrew. The anriXristos burned all Hebrew copies not hidden away, just as they did with anything they perceived as threatening their authority throughout their abominable history. There is substantial, to overwhelming evidence of the Greek scriptures being tampered with, from linguistic, alphanumeric, phonetic, historical, theological etc. perspectives; particularly given many passages which don’t appear until at the time or pair dating the antiXristos being given the authority of the Roman State to destroy all that opposed it.

Would you like a direct attribution of the Hebrew gospel(s) from 100 CE easily verifiable?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

There is no practical way for me to confirm that you actually are what you say you are. Even if there were, your claims are that online resources are incorrect because you say so. You expect me to simply trust that you’re the expert and stop questioning you?

“The origin of this analogy I used, was the Hebrew word no goalpost ever set, less moved…”

-You: The language is mine. Me: The language is Greek. You: Hebrews wrote it. Me: Greek is not Hebrew. You: Here are some Hebrew references. Me: You moved the goal post.

“That’s the only entrance to the Greek I’ve made in the conversation, except to correct an egregious error misquoting the mark of the beast by Latin typing out Greek from online that’s not actually in the scriptures.”

-I’ve been trying to follow what you’re saying about this “egregious error,” but I’m not finding an actual reason for it being egregious, or that it even calls into question the idea that it still means six hundred and sixty-six. Will you level with me and state whether or not the abbreviated version that you have provided means six hundred and sixty-six? If you clarify this for me it will help me understand where you’re coming from on this particular point.

“Equally, you have posited that Gematria is useless…”

-Was that before or after I admitted my mistake? Aren’t you misrepresenting my arguments? I’m not focused on Gematria. Yes, I did associate Gematria with the Kabbalalistic reduction of numbers, but I clarified for you that it was a mistake. I hope anyone following along can parse all of this enough to see that you aren’t addressing my position accurately.

“You are really smart, just need experience and to realize you haven’t left the shallows yet.”

-I appreciate this comment, but it’s better to stay away from commenting about someone’s personal aspects when debating online like this. You’ve disparaged me multiple times as a tactic to discredit what I’ve said. The truth is true no matter who states it, which is why addressing the argument is best.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror


I really appreciate the honest questions. I’ll go bit by bit:

I absolutely do not want you to “just trust me.” You are right to question.

My hope is that you take the information, evidence, and reasonings I offer, and go searching and questioning for yourself, and that it serves you on your path. The path towards untangling the Luciferian spider web requires endurance, discernment, and a willingness to shove off any attachment to the automatic credibility of institutional authority. One must see through all the smoke and mirrors.

This doesn’t mean everything On Wikipedia is totally wrong, it does mean that very often it is extremely fragmented, sometimes bordering on willfully twisted. Take the case of the word שלמה. “Sholemoh” does share a common root with Shalom, meaning “Peace.” But that is the very top of the iceberg, and to be satisfied with that crumb as the whole loaf, is highly deceptive.

I explained previously how this modern meaning of “peace,” relates to the dawning of the Sun in remote human history, whereby sunrise meant ambush predators were no longer prowling. Let me show you one path available to you in your primary language, English:

The word in English is SOLace. It also means peace. Yet there again is the root SOL. You can verify quite easily for yourself that even academia accepts that SOL has been the root for Sun in the PIE (proto I do European language.

You can continue to Latin, whereby you can easily verify that the word SOLARi means “to console/to soothe.” Surely you are then aware the word SOLAR, refers to the sun in English and all Latin descended langauges.

So now we have a strong verification that the root of SOLamoh certainly credibly is related to the sun, which is frequently associated with peace in ancient languages, but also with Luciferian Solar worship.

When we cross reference the word with the mythology and the original Hebrew of the stories of SOL-Amon, the 666 talents of SOLar GOLD, the Solar demons (Tukkim), etc. it becomes essentially fully proven that SOLamon is associated with the sun. I assure you it withstands all tears I have performed thus far.

So I gave you the end result on a statement you made in ignorance, when you claimed relating Solomon to the sun was wrong, in hopes you wouldn’t trust me, and would be motivated to go and verify it for yourself through searching.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’ll have to respond to this later. I won’t have time for a while.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror


Do not take the line of reasoning provided above as the only evidence available of the connection between Sol-Amon and The sun. I offered one of the most basic and superficial proofs available, that is still far deeper than what you copied from Wikipedia. I am trying to offer you a basic path to first step verification through a primarily linguistic lense that is easily verifiable for an English Speaker without Semitic or other ancient language proficiency.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’ll let this discussion with you stop since it sounds like you’d prefer that as well.

Last edited 1 year ago by parallaxerror
1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror


I have no intention to mischaracterize your statements. If I have, this is my error and may have misunderstood; entirely possible and my apologies. Particularly I had not understood you realized that Kabbalah does not control digital sums, and that no Gematria was used in the OP.

I greatly appreciate you being able to see the miss-attribution when shown and change viewpoint. This is extremely hard to do, so thank you.

I never said I own Hebrew. It’s free for all, although it is our native and ancestral tongue. I did point out how mistaken it is having a shallow English Wikipedia etymology copy and pasted to tell me I am wrong about my people’s language (Aryeh Yehudah is from the Aryeh Yehudah…), and my peoples’ scriptures (regarding Sol Amon), following you misquoting the Hellenic Aryeh Yehudah scriptures in a very significant way; which I can explain further if you wish.

At this point it’s useless to continue on about our differences and prior conversation, I have no desire to argue, but was rather trying to show you some paths to deepen and strengthen your knowledge. And again I recognize the ability to admit errors you show, which I appreciate.

I am willing to continue to discuss deeper topics if you wish.

1 year ago
Reply to  origami

My intended reply to you is pending approval. Not sure what threshold it met that requires approval. It doesn’t contain links, images or profanity.

1 year ago
Reply to  parallaxerror

Everytime I see a post with 20 or more comments these days I know someone has triggered 444jew into another schizophrenic rant lmao. For someone that feels he knows so much, he wastes a lot of time arguing on the Internet

1 year ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv


It is a blessing to have rich, deep conversations which can help us further our understanding and stretch our thinking.

Try it, you might learn something

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You don’t have conversations, you preach at people, and have quite a bit of ego behind your giant paragraphs

1 year ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Not doing this with you yet again. I’ve continually offered you kindness for over a year now, and you just keep coming back with some new off the wall pseudonym, insulting me, making false accusations, and offering nothing of substance.

I Hope you may find peace on your path.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Lol this is literally the first time we have interacted

1 year ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

It couldn’t be that more than one person is sick of your preachy rants, that would be impossible…

1 year ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

When that supposedly more than one person repeats the same very specific insults, such as “Schizophrenic rants,” and “444Jew,” which you’ve used maybe 15 times under different pseudonyms over the past year, ya it’s o you Plague. Especially when every single time you have used a new pseudonym with a grand total of 0 comments on other posts… which then never resurfaces again on the forum, ever.

When it is also accompanied by button mashing vote swings within a 20 minute period where all comments I or anyone who affirms with me has suddenly received large negative votes and everyone who disagrees swings up an equivalent amount in the same very short time period; it’s also you plague.

Last time I simply half mentioned your original pseudonym, The great plague (without tagging) you suddenly reappeared under that name, and have now returned to your old ways… Nor as clever as you think you are.

The cowardice and childishness from someone with grey hair is disheartening to see. If you don’t like the conversations, don’t read them.

The Torah is better reading material.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’ve interacted with plenty of posts with this name for at least 6 months bud. Maybe you didn’t notice because all you care about is what you say. This is sad that you think all negative feedback is from one person, very delusional, you should get off the Internet so much, it really seems to be getting to you. You have a ridiculous God complex and some wild paranoid delusions. I think you need a hobby or girlfriend or something and wish you luck in finding either.

1 year ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Also if you want proof go back and find all the posts from Steven Casteel and/or ones where he defended pedo behavior, I have been arguing with him about that topic in this forum for at least 6 months

1 year ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

I know I’ve done my job offering sensitive information, when people such as yourself, with serious issues with YHWH and Truth (The real “great plague…”) try to discredit me through personal attacks, lies and fabrications.

All those people who saw and experienced UFOs from 1945-2022 that spoke out, were called “delusional,” by the authorities, and subsequently mocked and discredited by the same dishonest means you are using here. Nobody’s laughing at them anymore…

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I mean all I am giving is my opinion that you shouldn’t waste so much time getting triggered in the Internet, I don’t see how that is dishonest or has anything to do with people seeing UFOs lol. The only person fabricating things is you, by assuming I’m this plague person instead of someone else who feels the same way. I gave my opinion and some advice to help you have a better life and stop looking like an unstable person on the Internet but clearly you don’t want to hear it, that’s fine dude, you do you

11 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv


Calling me “444Jew,” “Schizophrenic,” “Paranoid Delusional,” “God Complex” and stating I “need a girlfriend and a hobby” is not what I would call advice. It’s just disparaging, low level negativity, combined with lots of “lol” and “lmao,” text chuckles designed to further disparage and mock.

FYI, before you continue offering anymore wise “advice:” I’m married, and I just finished an early summer tour through a half dozen countries across Eurasia taking measurements and collecting primary source data from ancient sights and artifacts. I don’t have the time or desire for anymore girlfriends or the “hobbies,” you might recommend; maybe I should get on a dating app and start watching college football games? Appealing…

I try to dedicate the small bits of extra time I do have to offering some communication and answering questions for people searching for Truth, that they can then use for furthering their own research. These conversations serve as nice breaks between my work, research, and travel; and the rewards of being able to help in some way (See the myriad of positive messages and probing questions, not full of insults made out of ignorance…) make it worth taking the extra few minutes per day to do this.

1 year ago

I thought you meant the prison fence behind the phrase “15 minute City ready”. There’s nothing occult about that – in fact, it’s perfectly blatant and literal.