
Worm In The Apple

I set off a small firestorm amongst several die hard fans last time I posted about this, so I’m fully expecting the pushback again, it’s all good. But like so many things in these times of revealing, hindsight lends perspective. Yesterday, I decided to listen to this song again (it’s a fun, upbeat-sounding song and he’s such a geek-cutie) and I played the official music video accompanying. Funny how you see things you missed the first time that seem so obvious now.

The video starts out with Mraz in this green tee with only the word TEAM. Team….what? Green, of course! Osiris, environmentalism, Pale Horse.

Mraz pops out briefly in an isolated shot wearing an “I (heart)…” button, but I can’t make out what he hearts.

Immediately following Mraz is wearing white bunny slippers…follow the white rabbit. In mind control this is a signal for those under control that programming is upcoming, pay attention and follow. It’s disarming in this context as it just reinforces his goofy, innocent, sweet boyishness.

This guy, Mraz points to as he sings “you were born on the 4th of July, freedom rings” – this is working class, patriotic Americans – “but something on the surface, it stings” (toxic “vaccines”..?) – (at least the lyrics online read “stings” but I hear very clearly “stinks” – remember Ricky Gervais publicly divulging Sandra Bullock’s comment about how poor people are gross and smell bad..?) then for the first time says, “but if you gots the poison, I gots the remedy”.

Next, he walks past this older, rural man and snatches his keys from his hand (recall the significance of keys in the Monkeys series) and the man looks on suspiciously but barely moves as Mraz pets his dog, steals his car — but wait, is that car really his anyway…?  We’re supposed to be repulsed by this stupid, empty shell of a charicatured man and his nasty, food-dripped clothes and to not care what is taken from him, because in the Laird’s eyes, this man is lower than a pig.

He’s singing here “I says, the comedy is that it’s serious
Which is a strange enough new play on words
I say the tragedy is how you’re gonna spend
The rest of your nights with the light on
So shine the light on all of your friends
When it all amounts to nothing in the end” — ILLumination and he’s telling you how they tell us the truth, but disguised so we brush it off.

Whoops! Nope! Silly slaves it’s clearly his, it’s got his name on it. Mraz gets in and starts her up, then loads up both men’s chickens (cloaka – what pedos call little kids) who were following the Pied Piper merrily along – this is showing how they steal our children who willingly follow them anywhere (it’s also showing how they believe that, as they own us, then everything in our immediate possession is inherently theirs and may be taken with as little fuss and protest as this). And how we so often let them, even if we have suspicions (like the older man in the rocking chair) because Mraz looks so All American and innocuous. He’s just a good kid.

Second verse starts with a woman carrying a huge load of eggs in an unwieldy fashion – odd, until you realize this, especially juxtaposed with her ample cleavage, symbolizes her own fertility. This is where Mraz starts to sing about listening to the news about a catastrophe and the “unavoidable kiss”…

“Well, I heard two men talking on the radio
In a cross fire kind of new reality show
Uncovering the ways to plan the next big attack
While they were counting down
The ways to stab the brother in the be right back after this
The unavoidable kiss
Where the minty fresh death breath is sure to outlast this catastrophe
Dance with me
‘Cause if you’ve gots the poison, I’ve gots the remedy”

Uh oh! Her eggs have all been shattered as she kept her eyes focused in glowing admiration on him instead of minding her treasure. This is symbolic of destroyed fertility via their many methods (abortion, gender interference, sterilizing drugs, etc).

Oh, but look, all’s well, she’s still enamoured. Just like the people who fall for this today…

…like this guy, big, strong man, tough soldier, but Mraz plugged up his barrel (from which the “live fire” i.e. sperm is ejected – how many times do elites refer to guns as an “extension of a man’s p***s” and claim he’s “compensating for something”?) and turns him into a flower girl without firing a single shot. This also destroys fertility from the seed end.

This is the image that shows up as Mraz sings “When I fall in love, I take my time, no need to worry (hurry? they don’t seem to have a care in the world what they disclose anymore) when I’m making up my mind”. Two little twin boys. Just following this scene, Mraz hoists himself up to sit, implausibly, on the top of an awkward fire hydrant, which is about the height of these boys’ heads, subtly thrusting his hips forward in that process. If it isn’t intentional, what was it placed in this scene for?

There’s a fair bit of graffiti throughout which I’m sure is meaningful and I may revisit this all again another day, depending on how this is received. 

I suppose the biggest warning in this, for me, is that everything is tainted if it’s not independently released. How much of this was Mraz aware of himself? Who knows except him and Father, he might be more of a tool than a perpetrator. This is comparatively happy, upbeat, etc, but the worm in the apple is just as nasty if not moreso as it slides in under our radar. The young, goofyish, innocent-seeming sweetie is grinning right in our faces along with the rest of them. I don’t dislike him, that’s the rub – he’s charming, I find myself bopping along to the upbeat and singing with. That’s the point. 

Here’s the video, see for yourself.

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1 year ago

Always expect a firestorm when calling out the devil and his demonic possessions…

or you can be like Jason, ignore the consequences and follow the satanic tattoo his has on his arm. BE LOVE.. although lust seems to to be the word he really pushes..

ba ba da be da come worship the devil with Mraz as he sells poison in candy shaped noise.. ba de ba de bop de

1 year ago

God is love for some. Love is god to many.

1 year ago

Who they?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Why are you playing this game?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’ll rephrase. By “Who they?” I mean – who is this person/artist? I’ve never heard of them.

Please explain to me what you mean by this comment? I was simply asking you who this was

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I do apologise. “Who they?” Is simply a playful way to ask it. Had I known it would have caused such confusion I would of course have avoided it. That said I’m not sure exactly how you interpreted what I meant considering the sheer mouthful I got from you for no apparent reason. Or was the reason for it based on former comments I have made you didn’t like? Seems unreasonable.

Just to be clear – as despite my previous clarification that I am not acting in bad faith, it is exactly what I meant and no more. Am I the only person who hasn’t heard of this person/band?😆

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You know what I think maybe you were having a bad day. See other comments.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’m sorry you feel the need to lay this at my door.

You spent a lot of time on this article clearly and I’m sorry this ridiculous aside prevented others from commenting.

Olive branch.🌿

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Genuinely no idea why I have drawn this long form additional comment from you Igag. I just didn’t know who the artist was. You said you had not been popular posting something about them before and I was interested in who they were – never heard of them.

I’m not in the slightest bit offended that you have driven past this – just bemused really. I’m a subscriber – I subscribe because I’m interested – not to engage in bad faith.

I get some of you spend a lot of time looking at the symbolism of certain things and put a lot of time into it – I can see it sometimes and don’t always agree but that is okay. We do agree on the worship of musicians as idolatry. 😉 I find it interesting that some of them don’t seem to last long with this intense focus whilst others feed from it.

Love from Luciferian Central my friend.😆

I need to sleep
I need to sleep
1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Hey Rosey, the artist is Jason Mraz. His song “I’m yours” was very popular when it came out in 2008 (I think). I don’t know this song, I’m not a fan, but the author added the link at the bottom of the article, it’s “The Remedy (I Won’t Worry)”.

lgageharleya, I believe it was just a misunderstanding, Rosey was not provoking, she is simply not familiar with Jason Mraz and was genuinely just asking the name of the artist, I believe. She probably missed the link you posted. 🙂

Have a blessed day everyone 🙂

1 year ago

I didn’t see the link to be fair I don’t usually click every link to be honest – but I was asking to generate discussion as sometimes ppl who do know an artist etc…can offer extra insight from their perspective. Thank you I need to sleep. You too.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’m feeling like people are waking up at varying times and sequences. When I’m being defensive, I realise it is because somewhere in my life I’ve had another rude awakening and have not yet dealt with it completely and honestly. I do not try to predict another’s motive or behaviour. I do still try to understand it but do it quietly, as I’m aware that EVERYONE is going through a pretty heavy psychological experience this decade and some of us had more tools ready than others x

1 year ago
Reply to  Cherie

That’s v well put Cherie.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I short formed it because I couldn’t be arsed to write the whole thing – apologies as I can see how this reads as “I gag” and that was absolutely NOT my intention. I’m just lazy.

I’m sorry I don’t understand what you mean. It is absolutely the purpose of this site and is why I hang out. As previously advised I don’t agree you are all right all of the time – you aren’t – as I’m not.

Again you are ascribing an opinion to me that is simply not correct in claiming something being “beyond the pale” to me.

I just didn’t know who it was. Somehow you allowed INTS to explain and accepted this – but didn’t accept my explanation – in fact doubted it.

Let’s be friends. 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


1 year ago

I appreciate you sharing your insights. Thank you!

1 year ago

I just went back and watched the whole video and think your analysis is spot on. He pets the ‘guard’ dog.. and takes the chickens..grrrrrr

1 year ago

In answer to Rosey’s question, he’s an American singer songwriter named Jason Mraz who’s had a bunch of albums out. He’s not one of the super uber popular artists or a huge household name, but he did get high on the billboard charts in the early 2000’s.
His Youtube has 3.5mill subscribers, which seems like a lot but is pretty darn low in terms of someone you’d think of as famous or even Youtube influencers. Like his most recent post has only 550 likes. So it makes sense that people wouldn’t have heard of him.

But unfortunately he’s no longer “little” enough to not have a ton of handlers.
(Is there no escape!?!? Like I always say “Friends don’t let friends seek fame!”)
It’s worth noting that he does admit in the comment under the video, to basically selling out this song to the studio. And when you’re letting a bunch of suits decide things, it’s about to come out inauthentic at best…(and downright satanic at worst, as we’ve seen happen to a lot of artists in a lot of VC examples! Which, is very sad.)

Anyway, I can’t post a screen shot in the comment section so I’ll copy and paste the words. Take of them what you will:


7 months ago
This song made me nervous. I was a coffee shop kid and I considered myself to be a little bit of a punk. I wanted to be weird and unpredictable. Then along came this collaboration with the Matrix, a songwriting team from LA that I enjoyed working with, but denounced upon hearing the formulaic pop result of our musings. I was in an acoustic trio, yet the demo of this song came out sounding like a massive radio wundersong, one which I didn’t think I’d ever be able to perform or live up to. (For example, the chorus launches before the verse lyric is even finished. I was confused by it initially and said no thank you to the idea.) Fast forward a year and I was recording the album. On the last day of tracking the drums, I came into the studio to find everyone listening to the demo of “The Remedy.” The record label had sent it and asked that we make an attempt to record it. I didn’t want to! I didn’t want to blast my friend’s inspiring story into the pop cosmos. In my early 20s this felt like “selling out,” but everyone in the studio felt differently. Bassist Stewart Myers said, “This is gonna get you on Cribs!” Someone else said, “Do one thing for the label and they’ll let you do everything else.” But it was my manager who said, “Drink your own medicine. Listen to the lyrics. Don’t worry. This is a beautiful tribute to your friend.” And they were all correct. “The Remedy” changed my life forever and taught me how to give in ways I hadn’t previously experienced or imagined. I never did get on Cribs, though.

1 year ago

Whether pregnancy is a “treasure” or not – that is for the pregnant to decide. Not PAWP.

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

This is a brilliant analysis. All of your points are right on. I am baffled as to why there is so much negativity in the comments and why the overall vote is in the minus as I type this! Well, it could be AI. The bots are getting more sophisticated as their programmers find out how well we are exposing the death-cult agenda!

I wanted to add one interesting note to your video analysis.

At 3:36, there is a quick cut to a woman in the audience. She is very lean, blond, smiling boldly, and bathed in red lighting. This is in stark contrast to the first woman who was visibly enamored with Mraz and dropped her eggs: She was softer in appearance and wearing white, symbolizing innocence, or, in Luciferian terms, she was The Neophyte. I think this first woman gets hypnotized and then converted into the woman who appears later, bathed in red, the color of The Initiate. She has been ritualistically converted through dark occult ritual into Lilith, the Dark Mother. The other name that came to my mind was Jezebel. Also, I think “she” is actually male but made to appear as a woman (a common theme in these Luciferian vision-spells).

1 year ago

Try not to go down too deep into the rabbit hole or you’ll come out crazier than the truth.

Also, don’t perceive everything as subliminal. You’ll go insane. Live dammit, live!