
World's first baby born from transplanted uterus implanted by a robot (

The youngster, who has not been named, weighed six pounds and 13 ounces when he was born via planned C-section in Sweden last month. Both the child and his 35-year-old mother are doing well.

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1 year ago

robot arms were used but still controlled by human surgeons

1 year ago

Truly incredible stuff, thank you for sharing

1 year ago

*that we know of

1 year ago

can’t stop science.

1 year ago

They tell us the world is overpopulated, then they do this.

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

If this is actually true, it’s disgusting and an abomination of the Divine Creator. Mothers and their babies, first off, who go through C-section as opposed to vaginal birth are severely disconnected. Everything about hospital births is designed to sever the spiritual connection between mother, father, and child, while simultaneously siphoning off the sacred blood of mother and child.

Making it all worse is this inverted, perverted notion of swapping body parts that I just cannot and never could get my head-and-heart around. It’s another sick and twisted aspect of the Luciferian Cosmic Androgyne agenda: They are trying to machinate their religious idea of human beings as self-creating beings (“the two as one”). This is not what our Divine Creator intended.

Articles like this one just send me off the deep end of despair, knowing that millions if not billions of people are cheering on this bullshit.

1 year ago

I had 2 c-sections and I don’t feel disconnected from my children. Yes, there are benefits to having a natural birth (being exposed to beneficial bacteria through the birth canal is one and also not being exposed to the drugs from epidural and pain meds after surgery), but my pelvis was just too small to deliver. My baby got stuck and both she and I would have died without a c-section. It would have been the same for my son. I would never be in favor of an elective c-section, but for some of us, it is a life-saving procedure.

1 year ago

All of these “infertility” treatments are about the ego. There are plenty of children who need homes; you don’t need an implanted womb to become a mother. Giving birth is just a miniscule part of motherhood. All the other moments of nurturing matter more and you don’t have to share DNA to love a child.