
What do you make of the logo/patch?

H. Harding was a passenger on the Titan Sub

If Blue Origin is supposed to be about space exploration why does it look like an asteroid raining down on a bunch of people?

Let me know in the comments what this patch look like to you?

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1 year ago

Also so crazy that his head obstructs the letters of his last name to say HANG.

1 year ago

The patch contains the numbers 22. 22/7 is the approximation for pi, and of extraordinary importance in the quantization of the universe.

His name actually blocks out to spell HAPIng,
A reference to the HAPItalisman’s HAPIS bull of Osiris. The sacred cow.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You are the definition of calculated. Where do you get the skill, is it of good and if so TEACH ME EVERYTHING lol. I like the fact it seems you can’t be stumped yet. All jokes aside you are so good at clues!

1 year ago
Reply to  factsrx


It is all directly from the scriptures, and through asking, seeking and knocking.

No, no, notthe baby Cheesus mind control cult, but from reading the actual scriptures, and truly understanding the words of Yeshua.

The Torah (meaning all scriptures the breathe of YHWH) is a hyper advanced form of coding which provides The Keys to the domain of the cosmos.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes. People ask seek and pray yet fail to process the message, answer and delivery of their requests.

Translating is a gift itself. Uplifting though you may not even realize how much of an encouragement it is to see someone in our form, utilizing this blessing with discernment.


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Brother why would do you always have to be emotional when the name Jesus comes up? Name calling and stuff, its childlike behaviour. Usually witches or people like that get uncomfortable in the mention of Jesus name. At the end of the day it is meant to designate the same entity you call Yeshua in jewish language. And please stop calling yourself “Aryah Yehude” – to me this reminds of the germans Aryan claim, are you trying to be superior or what? Calm down and be down to earth my brother. Remember the new testament, love your enemies, please do not mock the name of Jesus Christ

Last edited 1 year ago by anglo-saxon-soldier
1 year ago


I am glad that we both follow Yeshua and the words of Truth. Likewise. I’m not “uncomfortable,” with the name Jesus, but it is unequivocally a luciferian corrupt linguistic coding of the name G-Zeus, to refer to the illuminator, just as the word “god,” comes from the word for Lucifer “god” as found in Isiah 65:11; it’s an epithet for Ba’al god, the sun in the sky, the illuminator. They did the same in Latin and Greek, using Deus/Dios of Zeus and in Russian/Cyrillic using Bog..

That you are using and hold steadfast to this name of G-Zeus/god, is indeed mocking and spitting upon the names of Yeshua and YHWH and that’s the point… The Luciferians are devious in their tricks; even if your intentions mean well.

As the prophecies foretold, the most wicked people have taken The Truth of Yeshua, and the scriptures, and turned it into a lie, an abomination of a cargo cult, the antiXristos used to suck the blood and to farm people’s Ki and control their minds.

They have taken to breathe of YHWH the Ruach and called it the “Helios Bilbos,” the sun book. An abominationZ They have taken Berashit, which means “a gift from YHWH,” and called it GENESIS which comes from the word GANES/HANAS, meaning The Serpent. What an abomination. You have been taught to attach your emotions and faith to these names of abomination by the bloodsuckers that propagated these lies, by the servants of Lucifer, ravenous wolves masquerading as sheep… Yeshua warned us. Listen to him.

Equally, that you suggest I desist using my own people’s name, as is found in the scriptures, is a spit upon us. If you are Cherokee, should I tell you to stop calling yourself that name because the Jeep Grand Cherokee was an awful car and people died in car crashes from it?

H1tl3r and his band of merry murders was a Pheonician, an imposter Taninu; and he full well claimed to be a “Christian,” the Vatican power structure was integral in helping him and his crew escape to South America with the German treasury; the pope even helping to organise genocidal Nasi crews in North Africa. They are the same ones who have taught you to use the names of Lucifer while seeking The Truth of YHWH.

Read Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Moshe all whom discuss the Aryeh Yehudah; May The Truth lead you and guide you to The Way of Yeshua and ours of the house of the wolves.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thanks for the patient words, but I have to disagree brother.
Genesis – isnt this an old testament? Old testament, torah is full of abominations and distortions, for example regarding the treatment of goyim, how are they animals and stuff. And we all know that with the advent of Jesus Christ the covenant of jews with God became invalid. Jews rejected the gift of god – Kingdom of Heaven and instead prayed to Baal for materialistic things, thats why they have been stripped of the benefits of “chosen people”.
Regarding the etymology of Jesus – I am not convinced. Matter of fact the whole world is built on energies of people, our emotions, anger, joy, when we talk, speak, listen to music, watch movies, its all being consumed by unseen entities. “G-Zeus” – thats weak brother, sounds like artificial construction, coincidence to discedit the word Jesus. Witches and Warlocks, bad people, people with demons they all react bad to the name of Jesus and symbol of cross, thats all I need to know.
In the greek if am not mistaken Jesus is something like Iisus? How would it sound in english? It became Hesus in spanish. Yeshua is jewish, should it be Joshua in English? At the end of the day hundreds of millions of people are not gonna stop calling him Jesus and I dont think it will affect their judgement a bit. Follow the commandments of God and walk with God, withstand the trials and tribulations of this mortal life, fight the forces of evil and in the end God will welcome you to a higher plane – thats the meaning and the gist of this short material life.
Aryan in the history is associated with Indian, Iranic tribes, Scythians, it is documented in ancient documents like Avesta, sanskrit texts. Jews – are you guys white? In my experience real jewish guys look like Arabs, Italians, Greeks. Your ancestors werent blonde guys with blue eyes, I hope you are not claiming that? Personally I am uncomfortable with anybody calling themselves aryan. I dont think desciption words make any difference, and calling or not calling jews aryans will not make them any less in my opinion. Sorry to disappoint you brother – world dont belong to aryah yehudeh – aryan jews. You clinging to this word indicates in my opinion a little chink in your armour, trying to uplift yourself in this fake material world, and I understand you, you are just a man too with weaknesses characteristic to any and each of us.
Please dont read my words as an attack on you, I found your writing interesting quite a lot of times when reading this site, there is definitely respect on my side for your work.
I was just curious to interact with you, I want to know if you are for real or maybe you are a collective of CIA writers, or maybe you are just a knowledgable jewish mason, who knows, but as I said, there is definitely respect on my side for your work.

Last edited 1 year ago by anglo-saxon-soldier
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I found your writings interesting quite a lot of times when reading this site so I was curious to interact with you. Whether you are for real, a collective of CIA writers or just a knowledgable jewish mason, there is definitely respect on my side for your work.
Genesis – isnt this an old testament? Old testament, torah is full of abominations and distortions, for example treatment of goyim like animals, and we all know that with the advent of Jesis Christ the old testament became invalid, along with the convenant of God with jews, which also became void.
G-Zeus – I am not convinced, to me it sounds like an artificial construction in order to discredit the word Jesus. Bad people react badly to the word Jesus, to the symbol of cross, thats all I need to know. In the greek if I am not mistaken Jesus is Iisus, in spanish it became Hesus, should it be Joshua in english? I dont think it will happen anytime soon until the end of times, hundreds of millions of people are not gonna stop calling him Jesus and I dont think it will affect their judgement a bit.
Follow the commandments of God, walk with god, withstand the trials and tribulations, fight the forces of evil – and in the end God will welcome you to a higher plane – thats the gist of this short material life in my opinion.
Regarding your clinging to the word Aryan – I think this is a chink in your armour, trying to uplift yourself in this short material life, and I understand you, you are just a man too with weaknesses characteristic to any of us. Personally I am uncomfortable with anybody calling themselves aryan. I dont think description words make any difference, this word or its abscense neither uplifts nor brings down jewish people. In the history its been associated with Iranians, Indians, Avesta, sanskrit texts. And the word Christian should never be put in parentheses, its still a major force which is actively being destroyed by the forces of evil, why would they destroy it if it is their tool? I think you overestimate their control over christianity and the texts. Sure some distortions here and there in the new testament, but overall, good navigation tool to get to Heaven.

1 year ago


Thank you for the kind words regarding the writing. It is given for free consideration for this purpose.

However, The quantity of absolutely wrongful assumptions in here, based on understandable misperceptions baked into your psyche is fairly intense; you are overlaying a tremendous load of preconceptions into me which were wrong:

1) I’m not C1A, nor Jewish, nor a Mason. If you have read your writing you know I spend a lot of effort to unveil these organizations hidden hands of abomination and to shout from the rooftops what they have hidden away. It has almost cost me my life a couple of times.

2) Where in the scriptures does it say the New Testament cancels the Old Testament? It doesn’t, it says the opposite quite literally.

In fact the Greek writings quote at length the Hebrew ones, Yeshua’s final hymn at the last supper is from Psalms!! I guess Yeshua wished to cancel these “abominations,” so badly he sang a passage from them at his last Passover supper… do you see how devious, the Luciferians running your church have twisted your psyche so you blasphemy greatly and call the breathe of YHWH an abomination. You deface his word and mock his name. Call the acts of corrupt humanity an abomination, not the breathe of YHWH… This is the meaning of Amartia. (Look it up, it’s in Yeshua’s words.)

The “New Testament” are offering password keys to the equations within the “Old Testament.” (This terminology doesn’t even appear until you get the Cattle church appearing to “canonise.”) so that they carry forward into the Age of Pisces, and we’re not lost to the wider world.

Do you think the gospel of John begins with a direct quote of Berashit 1:1 (Genesis) because it wants to cancel culture it into oblivion??? I if put the two together (John and Berashit 1:1), using John 1 as a pass key to Berashit 1:1 you are given a perfect calculation of the Fine Structure Constant to 7 decimal places.

Think about it. You have been taught to cancel culture the Hebrew Scriptures so you eye roll and disregard all of them stay away from finding the much deeper wisdom within. Reading the Greek “new” testament without the Hebrew, is to have a maps legend and no map.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

3) Please stop claiming I am calling myself Aryan. I’m not. Nor am I Uplifting myself. Do you tell Africans calling them

Do you tell people of the Cherokee tribe they are calling themselves after a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and then act as if they are just weak humans who want to associate themselves with a popular Jeep? Do you tell a Turk to stop calling themselves a Turk because they are reliving the glory of the ottomans? Or are the Ainu tribe of Japan just trying to uplift themselves as seperate from other Japanese because they are flawed humans?

The ignorance…. In Jeremiah, and all over the scriptures we are directly called the Aryeh Yehudah. Those acriptures are many thousands of years old . That a genocidal maniac of the pheonician imposters stole the name in 1923-1945 CE does not make our tribes name, from many thousands of years ago, a “chink in the armour.”

In fact this story of the Aryans and the Aryeh Yehudah is told directly in Berashid. The children of Kain, the imposters, the Tannaim/Tanninu = Aryans.The Aryeh Yehudah, literally means the lion of the tribe of Judah. the Serpent, the children of Kain, shall bite the heel of the children of the woman. The Aryeh Yehudah, the Sons of Man. Literally Beni Adam.

4) Equally you have failed to address any of the linguisfic patterns of coding the ancient names of Lucifer and Satan as now the names of YHWH. Gad, Bog, Dios, Allah… they are all ancient names of Satan/Zeus/Lucifer.

in Spanish, the name “Hesus” is again the letter G, said “He,” followed by Zeus…. The pattern is pretty consistent.

In fact the name of “Jesus/Hesus,” existed before Christianity ever existed, and was detestable to the Aryeh Yehudah, again associated with Solar worship and very gory sacrifices. It is written in English now as “Esus,” if you wish to look it up.

Ancient sources from 60 CE of Gallo Brittany (France,) attest to brutal and terribly gruesome martyrdoms to Hesus, long before the name “Jesus,” ever existed. They grafted that name on top into a church that is obsessed with making pagan statues of crucifixes in direct spitting upon the second commandment of Moshe. The same church that burned and raped and brutally and gruesomely sacrificed millions of “witches, heretics” and all that opposed its authority. This is the same church full of ravenous wolves that have tricked hundreds of millions, just as Yeshua foretold; they would deceive the masses and even the elect of possible. His words have come True.

Likewise the symbol IHS, still used inside the sun iconography to this day, is taken directly from luciferiab inscriptions as far flung as Tibet to Egypt, and is Isis-Horus-oSiris the same trinity they still to this day claim and worship, without any scriptural basis whatsoever.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

5) You are certainly correct on one point: we are all flawed humans, myself the first of these included.

Yet, you are falsely projecting some view you hold onto me regardinf using the name of my tribe, as has been used for thousands of years, as desire to be “better than others,” or somehow associates with H1tl3r or other Siberian Steppe originated people such as the Avestans/Persians, Germanics, or Brahmans of India. The name of Abraham is quite literally A-BRAHMAn the prefix of “A” meaning “not,” or without. It means WITHOUT, Rama/Ramanu/ROME, the name for the illuminator/solar warrior since time immemorial. Would you tell me to stop saying I am descended from A-BRAHAM since Brahma is used by Hindus that creates the abominable cast system?

My friend, We are all the most precious creation of YHWH! None above the other, nor below. Many blessings

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Of course old testament contains a lot of truth, but as I told, there are lots of abominations, especially regarding the treatment of goyim – non-jews. When I said old testament became invalid, I meant its main points got overturned, for example, covenant of God with jews no longer effective, meaning they were no longer “chosen people” but only one of the nations of the world, Jesus commanded christians to forgive their enemies instead of old “eye for an eye”, and generally New testament preached compassion instead of old cruel practices of old testament.
“Gad, Bog, Dios, Allah… they are all ancient names of Satan/Zeus/Lucifer.” – come on brother, this made me laugh, and you may not repeat your thin “proofs” proving this. This has to be from some radical zionist leaflet from the 19th century, you cant be serious, lol. And how convenient is that only the jewish words Yahweh and Yeshua do not mean Satan, but all the others do? Lol, take it down a notch my brother, gotta play it smarter.
Church burning witches practicing satanic ceremonies? Aint that good sometimes? Sometimes, many times innocent were burned, but guess what, some romans and rabbis killed Jesus Christ, and hunted down his disciples, thats ancient and medievel times for you, the realities.
And regarding the word Aryan. In the bible how many books are there? 66, total 80 maybe? And in couple of them of them “aryeh” is used I guess. Guess what, in 10 seconds I can google 10 other books where jews are called bad words, lol. Never in my life I heard jews being consistently called “Aryans”, or “Lions of Judah”. They are called lots of words by other nations, for example smart, entrepreneurial, but this exact words, no, never heard, so it is not generally accepted term for jews, no. Russians generally regard themselves as a hero nation, Germans consider themselves the best in everything, Japanese got that samurai code, but this is a childrens discussion, whos got the bigger heart, who is Lion? Big, serious nations do not need little adjectives to prove they are great, they are for a fact, jews are great too in a lot of areas. Let me tell you, a lot of warlike nations were there in history, warlike assyrians, how fierce they were, you can feel it reading history pages, Mongols maybe the most successfull, biggest area of the world conquered, Romans, oh Romans, dont get me started on Romans, Arabs in the religious zealotry conquered areas from spain to pakistan. And how can we forget British empire, quarter of the world conquered, sun never set on this empire, noble sons of angles and saxons proudly flying Union Jack in all seas, no serious deed on the planet went by without intervention from my ancestors. As one french general said – I feel myself confident with english on my flanks, thats anglo saxon warriors for you, so whos got the biggest what? Lol, just joking brother. take it easy, relax.

Last edited 1 year ago by anglo-saxon-soldier
1 year ago


Do not take this wrongly; unfortunatly, I must present you with The Truth, as what you say here is a litany of misconception. I am hoping to offer you to see The Truth before you, and to cast aside the lies embedded in your mind by the wicked.

I have never ever used the word Yahweh… That literally means “The Destroyer.” We use is YHWH, Ill teach you how to say it if you actually want to learn. That those who speak no Aryeh Yehudah and are ignorant of the language think this is how it is said means nothing… Is the idea for getting you to call your own destruction.

1) No, the covenant with Aryeh Yehudah was not overturned. Saul of Tarshish, whose name means “Solar Seeker of the Six,” was a Pharisee, not an Aryeh Yehudah., and had not authority. Although you seem unwilling to understand the distinction and just want to bucket throw several distinct peoples into the “Jew” category, the pharisees are Pheonicians, not Aryeh Yehudah. They started the SAturN HEX-HEDRON in 191 BCE, under Persian Rule, and even called themselves “haZUGOT” which means “The imposter/Twin/Double.” We do not associate with them, which is why we do not read the Talmud or any of their works, which are but poor rip offs of the original works by us, the “HaTorah” the “AUTHORS.” AuTORAH… Its attested in the “dead sea scrolls” from the third century BCE.

FYI, the word “Jew” you keep using comes from JU-pater; like the planet and the deity. Literally Deus Pater in Latin. Its a way of spitting upon our name, by likening us to the illuminator. That is not our name, and calling me a “jew,” is literally like calling Abraham a Brahman…

Equally Saul never met Yeshua, despite whatever claims of “apparition,” he may lay. The difference between him and every other madman that claimed a divine vision after murdering and pilaging his life over, was that he worked for the Flavians, the roman emperors to prepare for the burning of Jersualem to the ground. They placed many agents of influence of theirs within the ranks of the society in their lead up to their planned sacking of Jersualem. There is significant primary source evidence for this as well.

The Flavians, Vespasian and Titus the two emperors/generals, are ancient serpent bloodlines, founders of the cattle church, and they really, really hated the Aryeh Yehudah. So the supported Saul as an agent of theirs and then promoted his writings as a way of starting their new religion of Solar Cattle Abomination. There is clear and non-contraversial evidence that the Flavian’s direct descendant Clement I, the first actual pope of the Cattle church, was descended from these emperors, the ones that burned Jersualem to the Ground. Ask yourself, what is the family that burned Jerusalem to the ground and massacred its people, using a cassus belli of installing pagan statues in the temple, suddenly doing 20 years later running a Church of Yeshua, a humble Aryeh Yehudah?

Saul and his writings were useful for the Flavians long term plans to subvert the message of Yeshua and to create the antiXristos for the age of Pisces: the crucifixes and horrific images of the cattle church and its offshoots. Certainly as Yeshua foretold, the ruse worked to deceive the Billions of the Masses, and even the elect if possible.

A murderous pharisee working for the clan of genocidal Roman Empirialists doesn’t count as scripture, and it doesn’t cancel a covenant. How can someone who never was part of the covenenant cancel it cause he just said so?

As such we do not count 66 books in the Torah; that is the canon of the Beast, taking 13 books from Saul of Tarshish (Solar Seeker of the Six) to make the mark of the AntiXristos, 66 books of the Helios Biblos (the Sun Book) the Catulus church (The Solar Cow of VATIKA.) the 666 is the number of solar eclipses per Saros Soli-Lunar eclipse cycles. That’s why SOL-amon (it means sun in sources all over eurasia going back to the 5th millenia BCE), has 666 talents of Solar Gold in 1 kings 10. The word for Beast in Hebrew? TSAR, just like your russian TSARS or like Julius kaSAROS, or like George SAROS; just as the SAROS cycle; just like OSIRIS of Egypt, whose name is actually said u-SAR-us. the USAr was fighting the USSaR for a long time… how strange they both just happened to be named after the beast.

It would be wise to stop projecting the antiXristos and its theologies as if they were facts onto me; they are abominations and lies. We use 53-57 texts, and they are counted as 56 “books.” None of them are from The Murderer the Solar Seeker of the Six, whose texts make 66 books, who is a Pharisee (like a PHARoah, which means “FIRE” like Solar FIRE.”) Even the name “Pa-ULUs” comes from the ancient warrior deity Ninurta, who was always cal “Pa-ULU.” It means “The Solar Demon Ulu.” youll find another variant as far as Hawiia, where they call their version “ka-ULU.” The hawiians have deep mesopotamian roots, thats why they say ALOHAim like ALOHIM, for their greeting. I’ll show you attestations to ancient myths identical to Qayin and Hevel in the sides of Hawiian red clay hills… the blood of iron in the clay.

No Essene would ever fall for such nonsense perpetrate by the Romans and Pa-Ulu. The number 56, our number of books, not the 66 of the beast, is same as the number of Aubrey holes at Stonehenge for tracking celestial motion (not a coincidence.) It is 28 * 2. The first sentence of the Torah, which you have called an “abomination,” in the worst of blasphemy, has 28 letters. Read backwards and forwards it makes 56.

2) The proof of the use of Gad, Bog, Dios, and Allah as names for Lucifer/Satan/The Illuminator for thousands of years prior to their adoption within the gentile christian framework is not thin. Nor from a zionist leaflet.

Zionists are Pheonicians, and sometimes, misled Isis-Ra-Elis. Not Aryeh Yehudah. Zionists are an abomination herding Isis-Ra-Elis in for extinction and American Luciferian Profiteering.

Here are some links for you to read on these names, it’s so freely available you can find it on Wikipedia; although if you wish to discredit that and do some deeper reading I can provide you several dozen primary sources:ēusīs_Pater

I guess wikipedia is zionist leaflet.

I don’t source my ideas from Wikipedia, I actually read ancient texts in their original languages, and spend an inordinate amount of time at archeological sites and in museums and antiquities libraries. But the fact you cannot even type the names in Wikipedia before saying such mockeries, is no excuse for making baseless claims of ignorance that are designed to discredit realities I am presenting you with, but which you find uncomfortable.

3) The word “Aryeh Yehudah” אריה יהודה is first found in scriptures in Berashit 49:9, when Joshua (a variant of Yeshua, but not the same) gives his 4th son the blessing as the shepherd kings.

This text is 3400+ years old. The very same term, in its Greek Variant, is mentioned in Revelations in reference to us.

This text is 2000 years old. And even according to you, Revelations hasn’t been “canceled” as an abomination because a pope for a mass child raping genocidal Sun Kult organization said so.

The passage is Revelations 5:5:

Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe (the Sons) of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.”

You Spit on the scriptures over and over again, because your world view is shaped by the framework of ignorance offered to you by evil men, who have made you live in a lie. Why should I desist using my Tribe’s name, first attested in the scriptures (you claim are a good guide to getting into heaven), many, many thousands of years ago, because a genocidal maniac and other genocidal maniacs used a similar phonology, with a key difference: Ar-Yan, refers to the Jon/Yan/Oan which is the fish beast. Go look up the hieroglyph for fish, its “Yan.”

The name “Anglo,” is from the same root as “Angel…” Yet you don’t seem to understand this parallel.

4) Your boasting of the military conquests of the Japanese, and Germans, and the Russians and English… It means nothing to us. Do you think Essenes care about earthly power? Have you not read the scriptures and the temptations of Yeshua, who refused earthly power rather to serve as a humble man. Should I follow the example of these genocidal fools that sought to have their name inscribed in the books of men through conquests, exploitation, murder, and profiteering? or should I follow the example of the humble shepherd Yeshua?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@anglo-saxon-soldier @lgageharleya (this may be useful to you for study of etymology)

I’m going to quote an extremely well sourced essay on “Bawl God” here for you. Most of the sources it cites are scriptural, and the rest are places like Merriam Webster’s dictionary, and very well sourced and respected Scholars with voluminious works that have stood the test of time.

It is apparent you are completely unaware of any of the original texts of scriptures, nor of any actual etymology, since you believe that it is a “zionist leaflet,” that attest to the use of god as the name of Satan and the Illuminator. The scriptures are exceedingly clear on this matter. It is not as apparent in this text, but in Isiah 65:11 it refers to “god and meni,” which are quite literally said “god” and “money.” this is what people today worship…. Meni, is likewise attested as the moon deity, as far flung as from norse mythology, down to India and inbetween.

“Origin of LORD GOD: Baal Gad is Satanic Jupiter

A prophecy for the end-time is given in Isa. 65:11 wherein our Mighty One warns of the apostasy of His people, “But you are those who forsake YHVH who prepare a table for Gad, and who furnish a drink offering for Meni.”

All commentators agree that Gad is a pagan deity, and so is Meni. Gad is usually interpreted as the well-known Syrian or Canaanite deity of “Good Luck” or “Fortune”, and Meni the deity of “Destiny”. This Gad is written in the Hebrew as GD, but the Massoretes afterwards vowel – pointed it, adding an “a”, to five us “Gad”.

However, we find other references in Scripture to a similar deity, if not the same one, also spelt GD in the Hebrew text but this time vowel – pointed to read “Gawd” or “God“, in Jos. 11:1712:713:5, where we find: “Baal-Gawd” or “Baal-God“, according to the vowel-pointed Masoretic Hebrew text.

This Baal-Gawd or “Lord-God” was obviously a place named after their rebellious deity.The astrologers identified Gad with Jupiter, the Sky-deity or the Sun-deity. Other sources of research also testify of “Gad” being the Sun-deity.

Alexander Hislop wrote, “There is reason to believe that Gad refers to the Sun-god … The name Gad … is applicable to Nimrod, whose general character was that of a Sun-god … Thus then, if Gad was the ‘Sun divinity‘, Meni was very naturally regarded as ‘The Lord Moon.’ ”

Keil and Delitzsch, Commentaries on the Old Testament, comments on Isa. 65:11, “There can be no doubt, therefore, that Gad, the god of good fortune, … is Baal (Bel) as the god of good fortune. … this is the deified planet Jupiter … Gad is Jupiter … Mene is Dea Luna … Rosenmuller very properly traces back the Scriptural rendering to this Egyptian view, according to which Gad is the Sun-god, and Meni the lunar goddess as the power of fate.”
Isa. 65:11 tells us than that YHWH’s people have forsaken Him and in the end-time are found to be serving Gad, the Sun-deity of “Good Luck”, and Meni, the Moon-deity of “Destiny”.

As pointed out above, this Gad (GD with and “a” vowel – pointing) is probably the same deity as we read of in the book of Joshua, GD with a vowel-pointing of “aw” or “o”, Massoretes cannot always be relied on, but we can rely on the Hebrew Scriptures before the vowel-pointing was done. It could well be that the GD of Isa. 65:11 is the same as the “Gawd” or “God” of the book of Joshua. But, let us not try to establish a fact on an assumption. Let us rather do some research on the word “God“.

The word God (or god), like the Greek Theos (or theos) is used in our versions as a title, a generic name, usually. It translates the Hebrew The Mighty One (or The Mighty One), El (or el), and Eloah. However, in quite a few places it is used as a name whenever it is used as a substitute for the Tetragrammaton, the Name of our Father, e.g. Matthew 4:4 etc.

If the word God is then used as a substitute for the Name, it must be accepted that the word God has become a name again. How and when did this title or name become adopted into our modern languages?

Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD – the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship … applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word ‘god‘ on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being ….”

Webster’s Twentieth Century Dictionary, Unabridged, 1st Edition, says, “The word is common to Teutonic tongues … It was applied to heathen deities and later, when the Teutonic peoples were converted to Christianity, the word was elevated to the Christian sense.”

James Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, vol. 6, p. 302, reads,

“After the conversion of the Teutons to Christianity the word came to be applied also to the Christian Deity … Its etymology and its original meaning are obscure, and have been much debated.” J.G.R. Forlong, Encyclopedia of Religions, on “God“, says, “It is remarkable that philologists are unable to decide the origin of this familiar Teutonic word.”
Once again, we are strongly suspicious of the rulers of darkness or the Prince of Darkness, having succeeded, once again, in hiding yet another work of darkness. There is much confusion in the European languages between the words gud (good) and god.

The Scandinavian languages, like the old Anglo-Saxon, called god gud and called gud (good) god. Calling good god and god gud is bad enough to confuse us. Even worse is that the Old Nether lands languages regarded god as an idol and gud as the correct deity! Jacob Grimm recorded this for us, as well as Julius Pokorny and Jan de Vries.

This inconsistency of spelling confuses us, as it must have confused the people in those early centuries who were still completely or partially ignorant of the True Mighty One and His Name. Jacob Grimm asserts that this was done because of fear, “Such a fear may arise from two causes: a holy name must not be abused, or an unholy dreaded name, e.g., that of the devil, has to be softened down by modifying its form”, and then gives examples.
Other modifying its form”, and then gives examples.

Other scholars have explained that the names of national deities were either hid, or modified, in order to prevent their enemies getting hold of these names -enemies who might use it as a magic word against them. Another reason for this changing of spelling of idols’ names was the ritual of abrenuntiatio, i.e. a solemn renouncing of the names of major deities, whenever a pagan became converted to Christianity. One of the three major idols of the Teutonic tribes was called Saxnot. It is well documented how this name was renounced and later on came back in a disguised form, Saxneat. We even found that some idols’ name were spelt 17 different ways.

We found further evidence that “gott” or “god” was not only a title, but used as a name too, amongst the Teutonic tribes. Simrock discovered songs wherein “Gott” was used as a beiname for the deity Odin. In German, beiname means: surname (or epithet, or appellation).

We further found “Goda” as a proper name of an idol. Moreover, the same author relates how Wodan, “the name of the highest god” , also called Wotan and Odan, was also called Godan. The Teutonic masculine deities each had its female consort or counterpart. Thus we read that this deity’s female consort was frau Gode. It is commonly known that our Wednesday was named after Wodan or Wotan. In Westphalian we find this day being called Godenstag.

If the Teutonic pagans called all their idols by the generic name “gott” or “god“, shall we continue to call the One that we love by the same generic name/title/or name? Why do we not translate the title The Mighty One (or El or Eloah) with it proper meaning: Mighty One or Mighty? Also, in those places where “God” has become a substitute name for “YHWH“, shall we continue to invite the wrath of The Mighty One by doing this?

He has commanded us that we should not destroy His Name (Deut. 12:3-4).
He is sorely displeased with those who have forgotten His Name for Baal (Jer. 23:27), remembering that Baal really was the Sun-deity. “Therefore My people shall know My Name,” Isa. 52:6. “YHWH’s voice cries to the city – wisdom shall see Your Name,” YHWH

“For The Mighty One will save Zion … and those who love His Name shall dwell in it,” Ps. 69:35-36. Also read Isa. 56:6-7. If we love Him, we will love His Name. If we love His Name, we will not destroy it (Deut. 12:3-4), we will not forget it (Jer. 23:27), we will not substitute it with a title, a generic name, or a name, which had been used for a pagan deity (Exod. 23:13).

Also, and even more applicable to this present study, we will stop substituting His Name with Baal (Jer. 23:27 and Hos. 2:16) – that great Sun-deity, also known as Bel, who was the primary deity of Babylon – whether “Baal” applies to the name of the Sun-deity, or whether “Baal” became a title. We are to stop substituting His Name with anything that pertains to a Sun-deity, or even only a title with an idolatrous origin, notwithstanding attempts to justify the “changed meaning of the word”.

There is not a single text in all Scripture which prohibits us from calling Him by His Name. They called upon His Name right back in Gen. 12:8 and 13:4, and as Abraham again in Gen. 21:33. Abraham called the place in Moria “YHWH Yirah“, Gen. 22:14. Isaac called upon the Name YHWH , Gen. 26:25. Jacob used the Name, Gen. 28:16. Leah used it, Gen. 29:33 and 35. Moses proclaimed the Name of YHWHDeut. 32:3. David declared YHWH’s name, Ps. 22:22, and so did our Messiah, Heb. 2:12John 17:6 and 17:26. Finally, Yahushúa promised to do it again, John 17:26, which is that which is now happening.”

There is fairly significant sourcing, and if you wish, I will provide you with many primary sources to study about the substitution of the name, and how this practice is admonished as an abomination throughout the scriptures. Do you think such fervency is dedicated in them because the practice is not a longstanding trick of the Luciferians? It is, and the warnings are there to keep us alert for this type of linguistic coding. I would urge you to consider that I do not speak what I say lightly, but rather come to you to present you the unabashed Truth, so that you may choose, or not.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Don’t see the 7 but check the 6 people’s uniform symbols

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

There are 6 people, and as always in the symbolism the 7th is the ship descending in the middle. Think of the seventh candle in the center of the Menorah.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Another example highly typical of the 6 into 7 arrangement is Sheshat, the goddess of gnosis. Her name means 6, the 7th is always the crowning, like the “crown,” chakra.

This is a reference to the construction of the universe at its most fundamental; the 7 days of creation (the 7th being “rest,”) or Shiva the Hindu deity which the word means “seven,” originally and still in modern Hebrew. As Queen Shiva that questions SOL Amon the sun king for his “wisdom.” There is an extraordinary scientific reasoning behind this that explains everything we see and know.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Keep in mind this event occurred on June 18th, which is 6.18, that is the Golden Ratio; a golden day for killing a golden calf in the dragons abyss for the beast out of the Cee (the speed of light is C…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I don’t know if this means anything or not, but I had put on my calendar quite awhile ago that 6/18 Eno Alaric predicted 7 people would fall from the sky. Not sure why I recorded that, but I wrote down several of his predictions just to see, what, if anything, might happen.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


The word for “Sky,” in Hebrew is essentially the same as the Sea: Hamayim and Shamayim.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Sheshat and the descending ship of wisdom.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem Seshat is the goddess of writing (invented it), wisdom, knowledge, sciences, accounting, architecture, astronomy, astrology, mathematics, and surveying. That sure covers a lot of ground. She shat a lot of foul deception upon humanity with her powers (rim shot)
Seshat is the sister, wife or daughter of Thoth the reckoner of time and writing (taught writing to man)
She can be identified by the 7 pointed emblem above her head carrying knotted cords for surveying and also is shown in cheetah or leopard print – whose hide represent the stars being a symbol of eternity the night sky.
It is still unclear to me how to take these tales and apply them to “real life” completely. Some things are obvious but she covers a lot of ground

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


A lot of this will seem abstract or difficult to directly apply immediately. Yet, the increase in knowledge and understanding, will help you learn and see new things they can guide you into paths which you seek. A better map makes a better sailer

I will cover Sheshat and follow this up, along with your other questions.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

And the tiny exo planet “Quaoar” was recently dipped into the news. For no good reason. 😊

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, I always wanted to ask you about this topic of yoga, karma, chakras, 432 Hz zen music, opening of chakras…
My sister is obsessed with this stuff, and she is literally becoming a different person, and unfortunately for the worse: all she thinks about is how to open her third eye, and she’s mentored by creepy gurus that are now selling her drugs.
Personally i have a bad feeling about it and i keep asking myself is it another satanic path leading down to the abyss

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, I always wanted to ask you about this topic of yoga, karma, chakras, 432 Hz zen music, opening of chakras…
My sister is obsessed with this stuff, and she is literally becoming a different person, and unfortunately for the worse: all she thinks about is how to open her third eye, and she’s mentored by creepy gurus that are now selling her drugs.
Personally i have a bad feeling about it and i keep asking myself is it another satanic path leading down to the abyss?

1 year ago
Reply to  Redpanda


This is called the “New Age.” It is a path to ILL-lumination, as it always has been. They have repackaged teachings of BODDHA, which is the same as the one eyed WHODA (Woden/Oden is how its now mispelled in English.) The name Bodhi or Bodha is still to this day, used in relationship to GANESha . THe word Ganes-Janus-Wanus-Benus-Venus-HANAS always refers to the fire serpent of burning illumination; hence why the name of the scripture Berashit(h) has had its name changed to GANES-IS (literally The Serpent is.).

That is, your sister has fallen into a typical trap of young women with a heavy dose of self loathing: using a veil of becoming ILL-lumined, disguised as a search for Truth, but which leads one to avoid all reality so as to not have to deal with being alive. You cannot save her; she has incarnated as such specifically out of this self loathing, and only she can make the choice to desist down the path of self-destruction.

The name CHAKRA, is now used in an abomination by the Cattle Cargo Kults to depict something Holy, literally, HELIOS, in honor of the sun. It is written a a SHAKRA-ment. or CHAKRA-Mento. Sparing overly long explanations, the term “Sha” means “Burning,” and “Akra” means “Sucker” and is a reference to evil spirits, you will find both as far flung as Japan as “Sha Akuryo” 悪霊, where the “sha has taken on the form of Mansion; a representation of the many “mansions” of heaven, or stations of the zodiac. The “Sha-Akra” are the evil spirits which such ones Ki through the search for ILL-Lumination. Yet, originally.

However, originally these are designed as teaching tool references, regarding the candles of the heavens; that is, explaining that each of the planets, which appear as if they were candles burning at a great distance, represent the laws of radiation of gravity and energy within our solar system. The Evil Spirits, the Luciferians as their servants, always corrupt this and turn it into a cargo cults and destructive forces.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

My sister she has always been a caring innocent soul, like millions falling every day into such death traps, and you’re right, i miserably failed to persuade her.
Why is the path of YHVH so hard to find for people?
Why is evil path everywhere and Good path nowhere to be found?

1 year ago
Reply to  Redpanda


I’m sorry for what is happening with your sister. I do not doubt she is caring and innocent; it is always the purest of lambs upon whom the wolves feast first…

Still, remember that even if it is subconsciously, she is choosing this path, and it is hers to choose to continue down, or to abandon. The calls of a righteous brother will only urge her to run away faster. Let it be free.

The path of Truth of YHWH (or YHVH although I use the w in English as it more closely related to the sound of Waw) is always difficult for humanity. They are given a choice, and most prefer the ease of a lie, to the road of The Way.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Mate you blow my mind I just look at the picture and see a dude looking like star trek cosplay. Love your insight

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

And PI is “hanging” from his right and left ear.

1 year ago
Reply to  recap

@Recap @lgageharleya @ariah

HaPI in Aryeh Yehudah means “The Circle.” or often “Multiplication.” As to say “Ha Pi Shalosha,” means “Three Fold.” Or “Multiply by Three.” This then became the HAPIs bull, in the wonders of Cargo Kultery of the Luciferians; where before it was taught that multiplying by the constant PI would give results for angular momentum of Parabolas (which take the form of a bulls horns,) and how this could be used to mark times of year for Feasts (to keep a populace healthy) they started making sacrificial cows out of it and feeding the Great Mother with blood, calling it the HAPIs bull; which in the ancient tongue means “The Multiplication of the Angular momentum of a BALL/The elliptical revolution/orbit of a planet.”

The symbol for Pi is of course that of StoneHenge and Stone circles π which were used to keep celestial time and track and teach these advanced celestial mechanics.

The Luciferians are masters of worldwide cargo kultery of the most abominable kind.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@thekwon @Maciej @channah @marie @factsrx

The above may be helpful in discerning human history and linguistic coding, as shown in the chapters thus far.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

As an example of etymology, we find in English the common phrase “HAPI birthday” or “HaPi Xmas” or whatever other HOLI day. (American “Hapi Holi-Days”)

This is a reference literally to saying “The Orbit has returned to this day.” with the term HOLI or “Holy,” being identical to the Greek word “Helios,” and the Hebrew word “Eliah,” both of which are a reference to the Sun, albeit in reference to the aspect of the sun as that which sheds light, its capacity for revealing that which is hidden or shrowded in darkness.

Thus a “Holi-day” or “holy day” is literally a day, in reference to earth’s position with the sun. This is what they call “holy,” all which worshios the sun, or call their things a CHAKRAment, a literal reference to the vibrational patterns of each of the planets within the framework of the quantization of energy radiation in the universe. See: Titus Bode Law, which is a very crude modern rediscovery of the natural governance of the movement of energy radiation within the framework of the universe.

This is why the cargo kult masters of sun worship and gold hoarding stopped calling the scriptures the “Torah,” meaning the breathe of YHWH (our life and the structure of the universe) and began calling it the “HELIOS BIBLOS.” The sun Book… as APOLLYON the destroyer, Erasing the cosmos, to keep humanity stuckin the MUNDUS (Latin: Hole, now used for world,) meaning trapped dwelling on Earth.

It is written:

Ego eimi o Fos Tou Kosmos: “I am the Order of the COSMOS.”

Translators of abomination: “I am the Light of the Hole” (The gravitational well) the SUN.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The Sun’s MUNDUS…

This may reveal on what is meant by the SEVEN TRUMPETS. And in general the use of trumpets within the scriptures.

Trumpets creates a harmonic sound wave through vibrational energy in the structure of their compositional material and bell shape, projects tonal frequencies. A wind instrument’s range and tone is highly dependent upon its size and the shape of the bell.

Equally, the “gravtiational” interaction of the sun and the planets, each act like a trumpet of different size, making this shape (this is a crude 2+1 dimensional approximation), thus as was said by plato (who was given but the baby formula of knowledge passed to him in drips from third hand sources from babylonian thieves and Egyptian copycats) regarding the “music of the spheres” each of the planets acts like a different wind instrument in accordance with its mass (Which makes the size of the trumpet bell horn shape you see below) and thus each having a difference Pitch range at which it vibrates frequencies within the fabric of space-time/aether superfluid.

Thus as each of the seven interior planets reach different positions in the “song,” of the revolution of the solar system, it creates different vibrations (or chords of music), recognized as highly important probabilities of events here on Earth. It is acting as if it was an ensemble of musicians each playing highly precisely timed notes that create electro-gravitational patterns within the solar system.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The Trumpet of the sun The MUNDUS

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem The phrase Dwelling on Earth has a clarity to it now. We still have to live here but by knowing what is happening with the stars and planets we can take back the power we have given away. How that power translates exactly is still unclear.
Sound is Creation that is clear. So what does Saturn create on Earth? Or any planet for that matter?

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


I understand that not being able to see the connections, can make it hard to fathom; and this makes perfect sense.

It is vital to understand the concept of fractal mechanics. The universe is a giant fractal, and if you ever use a program to make a fractal, you will see that tiny changes to parameters have huge effects on the fractals shape at all scales. It is not a coincidence that the Pyramids of Giza, align by perfect scale factors with the radius and dimensions of Earth, and with the same scale factors to the electron, proton, and atomic constants. The pyramids are a guide to the fractal mechanics of scaling between all levels of reality.

What this means, is that it is important to begin to envision the universe as a projective fractal. Think of the inverse, the effect of tiny changes at tiny scales, which make massive differences in our experience of the universe. Adding a tiny bit of chemical to a substance, say arsenic to water, can make a massive difference in its effects upon the human body: water gives us life, a few parts per milion of arsenic added to water, gives us death. The difference between the two is just a few tiny geometric structures with certain vibrational patterns (all molecules and atoms, and actually everything, vibrates, what is called the De Broglie wavelength.) One small change in the fractal of the vibrational pattern of the water, a few “molecules,” makes an enormous difference, even though it is completely undetectable to our senses until after we drink the water.

Another chemical analogy is the chemicals from plastics leaching into the water all over the world: the quantity is extraordinarily tiny. Yet over time, these plastics (and medications and fertilizers, etc.) have leeched into the water and had a feminizing effect upon humanity. Is it any wonder that 40 years after women starting taking and then urinating estrogen pills (birth control) that fertility has suddenly dropped into 0 and millions of men are running around trying to be women? The effects were impercetible, but this tiny and subtle change to the environment, unseeable at human scale, has had a massive effect upon our reality.

And as above, so below. Tiny changes in the greater solar system, and the universe have cascading effects upon the vibrational patterns of earth; this is one of the primary points of all of the architecture and specific placement of statues and buildings: it directs the vibrational patterns (like the harmonies), in ways that create tiny changes, just like the molecules in the water, but which are imperceptible to our ordinary senses, but which over time make huge changes.

Think of this: where you live, there is a reason you live there. One thing has led to another, since the very start o fthe universe, and has led you to be exactly where you are right now. That is certain. And by learning what I am teaching you can discern these seemingly imperceptible patterns and see their effects; the cognizance makes them lose their power, for the only cage (for now), is in our minds. Skull and Bones, signifies JU-Pater, the illuminator, where Truth dies in the skull.

So as the Luciferians are extremely capable at reading the currents of the world, and the vibratory patterns, thus knowing what kind of person is everywhere (hence the obsession with real-time data tracking), they can and do design vibrational patterns that direct from the cosmos, in a way that interacts with the molecular, here on human scale. Think about it; if you walk by a statue everyday of a creepy church gargolye, how long before it becomes part of your dreams. If you hear a song in some ad on the internet or television, how long before it is baked into associations of yours with life experience? If you walk by a sign every day that is placed at a point strategically to direct the Ki that says “be Happy,” how long before you are misreable?

The structures they place on the earth, the way they build everything, is design to harmonize these vibrational patterns of the fractal, in such a way that it directs the energy ( the potential to affect change) in such a way that it shapes the probabilities into their favor… That is why they are so repetitive; it is the alchemy of the “great work,” to change the world into the image of Lucifer.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Whoa that is heavy @444gem.
And how do we perceive imperceivable patterns?

Last edited 1 year ago by thekwon
1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


Everything in the scriptures is a guide to this. You have glimpsed the patterns, now you must learn to read them. I am offering a legend to the map, The Key.

You asked for what the practical use is to this; think of it like this. As you didn’t see things before in Monkeys chapters, now you see! The more you learn, the more what was once imperceptible becomes clear to you; it is this I am offering.

The more you learn, ask seek and knock for Truth, the more the imperceptible becomes apparent; it is a map.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Ok. A map…like a fractal map? That works on the physical, spiritual and mental?

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


Essentially yes, a guide to the fractal mechanics of the universe.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


let me give you another example:

Why do I try so hard to show the True Name of YHWH and Yeshua to people, other than for the reason it is commanded in scripture? Because every word has a unique harmonic vibrational and frequency pattern. That is a scientific fact.

When we use words that have been encoded, it acts like putting drops of arsenic into the water. In an ocean, it takes a lot of drops, each one seemingly imperceptible. Yet if every person puts a drop of arsenic in the ocean three times a day for 2000 years; eventually the water will be poison, and all the fish will die. Impercetibly, they have doped the waters with the geometric structures (vibrations and waves are geometric structures in the four dimensions of space and time). This is what they are doing with the words; putting drops in the ocean, that create ripples, which combine over time to form huge waves; doping the water with poison slowly and imperceptibly over huge time scales.

This is part of what this sight uncovers; the tiny vibrational patterns they emit (EMIT RA, the eMITRE, the crown of the solar corona…) in an extremely repetitive and constant pattern; it is showing the fish how the water is slowly acidifying through tiny, imperceptible molecules.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

It makes a lot of sense what you are saying. Then we plant our own fractal tree and care for it so it blooms into the future – this is the natural direction you must be going? This book you are putting together is a fractal plant for example. @444gem

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


This is the seed; the parable of the sewer. It encodes the information (genetics), for taking the vibrational patterns around it, the water, air, and sunlight, and coalescing them into a solid three dimensional geometric form in which it produces, from a tiny seed, a huge tree with lots of branches.

This is why Yeshua said we must describe the kingdom of YHWH as a mustard seed that becomes a huge tree.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

This is all very interesting going to follow up with it when there is more time

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

If its 7 dimensions as the longest chord of this space, then what is it that bounds these dimensions in equidistance? what is 22?

1 year ago
Reply to  ariah


It is not necessarily 7 dimensions as would be defined in a classical sense, nor as the topological sense of moder quantum theorists that have led them down massive wastes of time in search of complexity from simplicity. Rule number 1: Never bet against the ancients. I can explain the entirety of human history, from this simple fraction of 22/7.

As a clue: the quantization of space and time is a function of the numbers: 22 17 and 16 in large portion. They are the first three coefficients of the continued fraction expansion of the Logarithmic Integer Function. Berashit 1:1 is 2701 as its sum, with 37*73… Think of these as branches of a primary scalar fractal.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Rule Number 2: Listen to the ancients.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

5) You are certainly correct on one point: we are all flawed humans, myself the first of these included.

Yet, you are falsely projecting some view you hold onto me regardinf using the name of my tribe, as has been used for thousands of years, as desire to be “better than others,” or somehow associates with H1tl3r or other Siberian Steppe originated people such as the Avestans/Persians, Germanics, or Brahmans of India. The name of Abraham is quite literally A-BRAHMAn the prefix of “A” meaning “not,” or without. It means WITHOUT, Rama/Ramanu/ROME, the name for the illuminator/solar warrior since time immemorial. Would you tell me to stop saying I am descended from A-BRAHAM since Brahma is used by Hindus that creates the abominable cast system?

My friend, We are all the most precious creation of YHWH! None above the other, nor below. Many blessings

1 year ago

They sure have a lot of logos. I don’t see that in the closer shot. It appears to be the ppl that went on the rocket.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  jiminycricket

and each one has a different symbol on their chest…are those symbols of the elements? or departments? I see what appears to be an earth symbol, lightning symbol (prince of the air or lucifer), circle, triangle, water:
comment image

1 year ago
Reply to  jiminycricket

also notice the mirror image

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

also “NEW SHEPARD” which could be a misspelling of ‘shepherd’ or could refer to Alan Bartlett Shepard who was the first American in space.

Some conspiracy theories suggest that the Bible doesn’t actually indicate that there will be a rapture before or during the tribulation. Some suggest that all of the propaganda about the rapture will be a deception during which time aliens will abduct a bunch of people via Project Blue Beam. Of course, if that happens and a lot of Christians are left behind, they are going to be upset and feel abandoned by God and will fall away from the faith. Anyway, if Shepard refers to people going to space then perhaps they are signaling that Project Blue Beam or the great deception of a rapture is in play.

1 year ago

I forgot to tell you what I saw after you kindly made this.
I see the two in numerals in the “craft” with a possible eye there in between and next to it a 3 or E in the water
Then the big 2 below the figures with the last two looking like a z
With numeral three in between the two and z/2
Followed by two again below that
Not sure what the double or triple circles are, what the symbols are about (on the uniforms), almost reminiscent of the symbols on a gaming controller which a few stand for things but they are using them like words, I feel their names are spelling something out as well and the design as a whole stands for something, it looks like military aircraft. Maybe because the outer space videos are usually made under water.

Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago

A complete ritual with about a billion plus eyes watching it, giving it life. 😊