
UN Says Minors Can Consent to Sex (

The United Nations is working to mainstream sex with minors, stating in a report that relations with underage individuals can be considered consensual despite worldwide prohibitions on such acts.

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1 year ago


1 year ago

New World Order!!!
United Nation = One World State Government!!!

1 year ago

I think parents ought to spare money nowadays for private detectives, bodyguards and even take justice into their own hands when it comes down to their own children. And where there is a sick educational system that is pushing this sick grooming lgbtq agenda they should better consider homeschooling. Thinking of everything that happens now in the world I strongly believe today’s children won’t get to go to a college or follow their dream career. We live in a jungle. And in this jungle we, as parents, should do the hunting, not these animals that run free after our children.

NAMBLA: “until he’s eight or it’s too late”

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

You said it.

Andrew Barnett
Andrew Barnett
1 year ago

The real question is do we individually ‘consent’ to this ‘reality’? I for one live in a parallel universe where fear, greed and wrong assumptions primarily about my identity; I recently came out as a black heterosexual man, are an illusion sequenced by the delusional. I wish everyone well, I am signing off to release you all from my ignorance. Everyone’s much more intelligent than I am 😊

1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Barnett

@Andrew Barnett Everyone who wants to has something to contribute. Don’t go unless you just don’t want to be here.
I did wish to ask you, please, what you mean by this? “I recently came out as a black heterosexual man, are an illusion sequenced by the delusional.”

Just a name
Just a name
1 year ago

Fact checking websites say this is false.