
The Rolling Stones


I was watching an old BBC ‘Pop Quiz” yesterday from the early 1980s. They played a Rollling Stones video, which was a compilation of the stones when they were young, playing concerts, album covers etc. Then shocked at what i thought i saw. I rewinded, put it on pause and took a screenshot. Shocked and disgusted at the many disturbing images. I apologise if this picture causes anyone any upset.

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1 year ago

The child standing in the middle resembles Emma Watson, to me.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

She wasn’t born until 1990 I think.

1 year ago

Yes, I know the timing’s off. I just kind of mindlessly noted that, no point, really, except for that these kids likely were sent from insider families to be playtoys for them.

1 year ago

They work for the big guy, El Satan.

1 year ago

It just reminds me that as psychopathic and disgusting Satans children are at one point in their lives they were one of the scared children in those dungeons.

1 year ago

A modern artist called Guy Peelaert. Bit obsessed with pop art and pop stars like Bowie and Dylan etc. .oh and Nazis and sex.

Another edge lord.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Oh and he’s Belgian.

1 year ago

Does anyone know what album cover this is?was this actually an album or was this just on the BBC’s pop quiz exclusively? Either way it is very disturbing

1 year ago
Reply to  ELFY

Wasn’t an album cover. It was a piece of “artwork” painted by an artist named Guy Peellaert, and featured in a book called ‘Rock Dreams’. Still a seriously disturbed and disgusting image. I have no doubt that the Rolling Stones inspired this artist’s vision as such.

1 year ago

“Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.” I think they are Satanists. The occult Performance film, the Hells Angels nurder at Altamont, the Goats Head Soup album cover with a cloven hoof in a high heeled shoe. And most of all the band logo, which I think represents the lips and tongue of Kali, the female aspect of Satan. She sticks out her tongue because she is kundalini, the Luciferian snake.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I remember watching Performance and having no idea what I just watched. But then again when films are made with deep occult symbolism everyone thinks that. Mick Jagger basically told us though that if you stay at his house then you won’t remember a thing the next day or he has the tools to break you.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

Mick Jagger and David Bowie used to be brown dirt cowboys along with Elton John. They also helped cover up the death of Paul McCartney and helped pick up the slack in the void left in the touring circuit because after Billy Shears took Paul’s place they never played love again because Paul was left handed and Billy couldn’t emulate the fluid left hand playing style of Paul. Plus they had to practice endlessly in the studio just to get everybody in sync and coach him through everything and anything about Paul that any reporter or fan might catch him slipping up. It would be incredibly hard to assume somebody’s life that was as famous as Paul McCartney. Modern facial analysis proves that photos of Paul prior to 1966 don’t match with post 1967 photos of ” Paul”/ Billy . It went way up the chain of command to pull it off just like the sacrifice of Diana in Paris. The Queen was a ghoul and steeped in satanic ritual. England had always been deeply involved with paganism and witchcraft at the highest offices and throne.

1 year ago

Wow. Great find. Sympathy for the devil was an affirmative for me that they are Satanic.

1 year ago

baby groupies.